LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 533 531: Crazy fist

When everyone heard this, they fell into silence.

It was Lin Ran who spoke first, "...can you translate it well?"

It is absolutely impossible for Hongmi to say "The big one is coming". This is definitely a joke that Jiang Chenglu added when he translated it.

Jiang Chenglu laughed slightly awkwardly, and then motioned for Hongmi to continue.

"Let's talk about the changes to heroes first..." Hongmi was very worried. He read all the changes immediately after the changes were launched on the test server. The reality was indeed more serious than he imagined, "I made a Please take a look at the PPT.”

He projected the computer screen in front of all team members.

“The first one to bear the brunt is the new sword girl who shined in the mid-season,” Hongmi said while Jiang Chenglu translated, “Because she is performing very strongly now, the designer team did not hesitate to take action against Irelia. "

Lin Ran took it for granted.

Just kidding, although Chun-Li, the culprit who crazily weakened Sword Girl, has resigned, this concept is like corporate culture and is deeply rooted in the minds of the designer team.

Eating, sleeping and sharpening knives are simply the daily routine of a designer.

All the players are already used to it.

"I took a screenshot of Dao Mei's specific update, you can take a look..."

After Hongmi finished speaking, she clicked the mouse and let the slide jump back one page.

Lin Ran opened the Fanta he took out from the refrigerator, and carbonic acid gas spurted out, making a soft hissing sound.

I stared at the slides twice and realized that Dao Mei’s changes this time were quite large.

The first is the passive [Ionian Zeal]. The current version provides Sword Girl with an AP attribute for additional normal attack damage per layer. After 4 layers are stacked, she will receive a BUFF that increases her attack speed.

In the test server, Dao Mei's passive has been changed to provide attack speed with each layer. After stacking 5 layers, it will provide additional normal attack damage, which is equivalent to inverting the two attributes.

"The key is that the upper limit of passiveness has been increased by one level," Lin Ran frowned, "This is a method that a genius designer came up with..."

Lin Weixiang also echoed from the side, "The paratroopers have been changed. Originally, the three melee soldiers in the first wave line were all reduced to residual health. The three Qs collected the minions and then the Q heroes were fully passive and could cross the line to chase and cut them. After the change, Afterwards, Q goes up and becomes passive, isn’t that disgusting?”

He can also be regarded as a unique skill brother of Dao Mei, and his opinions on this are quite clear-cut.

"It was just that the first level was too strong before, so we had to weaken it," Hongmi said. "At that time, when I went out with the corruption potion, the heavy warriors couldn't beat the sword girl, let alone the mage in the middle."

He used a laser pointer to draw a circle on the changes to W [Dance of Distance Break], "And now the damage reduction of the W skill only applies to physical damage. This is obviously because I don't want Sword Girl to continue to dominate the middle."

Since the mid-season, Irelia's dominance in the mid lane has been obvious to all.

From Zoe to Enchantress and other mage characters, they are no match for Sword Girl.

It's okay for heroes with displacement. As long as you dodge E [Double Blade] and R [Vanguard Blade], you can still save a life. Those traditional mages without displacement ability only need to be controlled once outside the range of the defense tower. You have to flash, and if you are stunned for the second time, you can only wait to die.

Even the mid laner Sword Demon, who was infuriated by Lin Ran, had to be countered by Sword Girl. Once Aatrox faced off against Irelia, he had no chance of winning.

Dao Mei has an overly flexible body and strong early combat power. Apart from Happy Wind Man who can deal with her, she has almost no natural enemies in the middle.

Now that the damage reduction attribute of Dance of Distance has been slashed, the mages at least have a certain ability to fight back when dealing with Irelia.

"But the weakening is too harsh, isn't it?" Lin Ran saw the last change of R [Vanguard Blade], and finally couldn't help it, "This is simply because I don't want the sword girl to play!"

Originally, after the blade hit the enemy hero, the blade wall formed had a disarming effect. As long as the enemy hero passed through it, he would not be able to use normal attacks and special effects skills.

Irelia has a fragile body, and her output depends on her face. Her teamfighting ability is not very strong in the pub game where coordination and communication are not smooth. In the professional arena, if there is no huge economic advantage, she will face the opponent and cut behind. The platoon is looking for death. The opponent controls the damage and pours it in. The sword girl doesn't even have the ability to resist, and she will melt and die in an instant.

Previously, with the disarming effect of R [Vanguard Blade] and W [Dance of Distance Breaking], I was able to avoid a lot of damage and barely managed to survive in the team battle.

If this change was implemented on the test server, Dao Mei's status in professional competitions would plummet, and Lin Ran became anxious.

Hongmi was quite helpless when he heard the slightly impatient words from his mid laner, "Right now, the fist is a bit crazy. Once the routines we YM have used are effective, we can just cut them off with one blow."

Having said this, he clicked the mouse again and cut the slide one page back.

"For example, the mid laner Pike you used before has been weakened in today's test server changes - the instant release of Q [Bone-piercing Spike] no longer causes area damage, and the HP of the passive [Drowning Luck] The response percentage has also shrunk a lot.”

The water ghost Pike projected on the screen still looked fierce and powerful, but when Lin Ran saw this series of numerical changes, he knew that he had missed the chance to win the unit.

In the picture that Hongmi switched next, the rock bird was also slashed, the movement speed bonus of the passive [Pumice Rush] was cut, and the early cooldown of Q [Stone Penetration] was increased by two seconds.

The Garlic Bastard Little Bear spread his hands with a look of sorrow, anger and injustice on his face, "How are we going to play like this?"

The jungle rock bird was the first time he used it, but since then it has not appeared very frequently in the YM lineup, mainly because the team needs Xiaoyao to bring out the rhythm in the early stage, and wait until level 6 Taliyah to exert her power. It was a little late.

This information cannot be unclear to Fist.

Even so, the designer team still did not let go of the little sparrow flying against the wind. With this cut, she basically bid farewell to the ranks of T1 junglers.

After all, in the professional arena, the two most important early-stage abilities of the jungler - mobility and jungle clearing efficiency have been weakened, so the priority of this hero will naturally decline.

When Lin Ran saw Yanque passively slashed, he immediately had a premonition, "...Won't the Sword Demon also be slashed?"

Hongmi nodded, and Jiang Chenglu started to translate again.

"Congratulations, you guessed it correctly, but there is no reward."

The next slide is the change information for Aatrox.

In addition to the base health being reduced by 30 points, the damage percentage of Q [Darkin Blade] to minions has also been reduced from 65-100% based on level to 50-100%.

"This is cutting the Sword Demon's early push speed," Lin Ran put his hand on his forehead and analyzed calmly, "Fist wants to weaken his strength in the middle."

In the version that has just been reworked, Aatrox's ability to push lanes is extremely abnormal. As long as the three-stage Q skill hits the outer edge of the sword, there is no hero in the entire League of Legends who can push lanes faster than him.

In Summoner's Rift, the middle lane has the highest demand for lane rights among the three lanes.

Because the midline has the strongest influence on the overall situation, whether it can control the line directly affects the speed of support in the jungle, and is also closely related to whether the jungler can develop safely and invade the duel.

The currently unweakened Sword Demon undoubtedly possesses this ability.

In addition, Aatrox's skill passively brings blood-stealing recovery, and he is still a hero without blue bars. Lai in the middle can use his blood to change lanes without pressure.

There is nothing wrong with giving him a knife now.

But when he saw the next change, Lin Ran couldn't keep calm.

"...Cancel the charging mechanism of E [Shadow Rush]? Is it true or false?"

He was full of dirty words and didn't know whether to say them or not.

Hongmi obviously wouldn't, and there was no need to lie to him.

"Now the cooldown time of Shadow Rush has been greatly reduced, but after the charge is cancelled, it will be difficult to use the two displacements of the E skill in Q [Darkborn Blade] in the early stage."

This undoubtedly makes it several levels more difficult to kill the Sword Demon with his early combos.

Originally, after the Shadow Charge was charged twice, Q1E+W+Q2+Q3E followed with the passive [Death Sword Qi]. In the early stage, this set of damage could completely kill the fragile ones instantly, but now it doesn't work.

"Good job!" The Shiba Inu was still clapping his hands, "Hurry up and cut off the strength of the middle and upper fields, otherwise Edici won't be able to play anymore!"

Lin Ran poured cold water on him mercilessly, "Just give up on this idea. Do you think that by cutting off these single-lane heroes, the strength of the bottom lane will be restored? What a dream!"

"Ran is right," Hongmi agreed with Lin Ran. "The weakening of these heroes will not affect the focus of the game at all, and the influence of the top half on the overall situation will not be eliminated."

"With Sword Demon and Sword Girl being eliminated, it may be Zoe and Enchantress who gain momentum. Riot's changes to heroes are nothing more than changing the top, middle and jungle food chain and strong characters, and have nothing to do with the bottom lane."

"As long as the two key resources of River Crab and Canyon Pioneer are not changed, the dominance of the top half will not be shaken."

Redmi adjusted her glasses, "Actually, from now on, the general direction of the S8 version has been set - the top half is the top priority, and the shooter is currently just a pendant. Whether he can become a qualified C position again remains to be seen." It remains to be discussed..."

It has to be said that Riot has learned a lot smarter this year after going through last year’s failed version change.

YM used to focus on the linkage between the midfielder and the jungle assistant and the four-pack and two-two in the bottom lane. Now they are trying their best to shift the focus of the situation to the upper half. It is clear that they want to use Jin Gong, who was not very involved in the early rhythm, as a breakthrough.

In addition, they constantly use the knife to weaken the heroes and routines used by YM, and in this way reduce their strength.

This is the safest way to weaken it. The weird blazing incense burner routine of S7 will not interfere with the designer's weakening plan.

"The fists are too aimed at us, slashing all the way to the vital points!" Liu Qingsong was also very unhappy. Now that his auxiliary positioning has changed, it feels awkward for him to play.

The hero changes in the Redmi PPT end here. Everyone present can see that this change test by Riot Games is crazy.

Originally, the designers only made some fine-tuning for YM's tactics, and only heroes whose strength exceeded the standard would receive a weakening package.

Now it is clear that we are heading towards YM. As long as you use any hero well, I will give you a blow.

After this comprehensive weakening, all YM's tactical reserves at the beginning of the summer split have lost their use.

"We practice a tactical system, and it takes many training games to reach the prototype. Riot can easily change a few lines of code, and our hard work for many days will be in vain!"

Even if five Lin Ran came over, they wouldn't be able to withstand it. The speed of practice and analysis will never be as fast as the speed of modification.

This is the biggest problem facing YM.

Thinking of this, everyone in the training room fell into anxious contemplation.

They are thinking about how many tactics and heroes they are good at, and can withstand such a weakening by fists.

Hongmi stood in the center, taking in the reactions of the team members, scratching her head in slight distress.

He and Gou Ba looked at each other, and the panic he felt when he saw the changes to the test server this evening came back to him again.

Although in terms of experience and experience, both of them are much better than the six YM players.

But now this situation is also their knowledge blind spot.

Redmi previously followed Edgar in the S4 season and brought Samsung White to the top podium of the World Championship. However, this short-lived top team was disbanded before the fist could be used. All five players on the team came to the LPL to seek high-paying jobs. , the designer’s targeted changes to SSW were ended in advance before they were released.

In the following years, Hongmi's leadership performance in the LPL was acceptable, and he was outstanding as a coach. However, the teams he chose to join at that time were not considered top teams, and WE, which had the best coaching performance, had never entered the World Championship finals.

This kind of achievement will naturally not lead to repeated weakening of the fist.

The same is true for Gou Ba. The strongest team he has played for over the years is RNG. However, RNG in S7 relies on the hunger strike style of play. It is obviously one of the beneficiaries of the version and has not been targeted at all.

All in all, although the two members of the YM coaching staff are very capable, this kind of terrifying continuous weakening is unprecedented.

Guo Hao, who had been sitting in the corner since the beginning of the meeting, suddenly cleared his throat.

"Um... let me say a few words."

The YM training room was already very quiet, but now only Guo Hao's voice echoed in it.

"Fists don't target us every day or two." He stood up so that everyone could see him. "This time the intensity is indeed much greater than before."

"We have won two consecutive championships. This road becomes more and more difficult as we go forward. I think everyone knows that every season is like a mountain, and only those who climb to the top can win the Summoner's Trophy."

"In the first two years, YM climbed this mountain very smoothly. In 2016, the audience's attention was focused on SKT and ROX. The team had to play two BO5s to win with difficulty; in 2017, YM started from a very high level. Our personal strength is very strong, and several changes made by Riot failed to stop us. We even won the World Championship with ease..."

Guo Hao's voice is very captivating, and his eloquence is much higher than the average level in the e-sports circle. In the past two years, he has coaxed countless high-priced sponsorship contracts with his sharp tongue.

"We should be prepared. S8 will definitely be the most difficult year for YM to defend the title. We will encounter countless difficulties and obstacles. Now, Fist suddenly places a big stone - it is this collective weakening that blocks our way to the top of the mountain. .”

Guo Hao followed the temptation, "But it's actually nothing. Because of the accumulation in the previous two years, everyone can now climb the mountain quickly enough, and the progress and climbing experience are much ahead of other teams."

"Perhaps our climbing speed this year is not as fast as last year, but there is no need to be too impatient. Climbing to the top of the mountain to win does not require reaching the finish line as quickly as possible." He paused here and looked at the audience as if he was confused. Si’s players said, “As long as you are faster than other teams, YM will win.”

"There are still three months until the World Championships. We have plenty of time to solve this problem."

As soon as these last words came out, Lin Ran himself was also reflecting.

The tone set by the team before was too high, and everything from a complete victory to the championship came.

The players seem to be still immersed in the glory of 15 wins and 0 losses in the S7 World Championship, and the requirements for themselves are becoming more and more stringent.

High demands are not a bad thing, but sometimes, excessive demands can only become a burden.

With the huge pressure exerted by the fist, it is not easy to reach the top of the mountain first. Why insist on being far ahead of all other teams?

The other YM players also reacted, and their slightly shaken hearts instantly became much firmer.

Hongmi, who was listening to Jiang Chenglu's translation, let out a sigh of relief.

During the transfer period at the end of the S7 season, he had experienced Guo Hao's ability. This guy was average in the youth training lottery, but he couldn't bear it and was willing to spend money. He was very courageous and good at talking.

To a certain extent, he and Jack are the same type of people, who are good at beating people up.

"Next we are going to review the intercontinental finals match between YM and SKT." Gou Ba opened the video.

Hongmi took a sip of the strong tea and said, "Let's not talk about the middle and top for now..."

"Mainly talking about the bottom lane."

The crisp ringtone filled every corner of the classroom through the speakers.

"Stop writing, stop writing!" the teacher standing on the podium shouted loudly, "No more questions are allowed!"

There was a constant sound of turning test papers in the classroom, and the invigilator sitting in the back row quickly put away everyone's papers and calculation papers.

Su Cheng closed her Baile pen, glanced at her test paper, and allowed the teacher to take it away.

After the two invigilators finished counting the test papers, they signaled that all candidates could leave the examination room.

"How did you do in the exam, Chengzi?" Si Jiayan ran over immediately.

"It's okay. The last small question in the penultimate big question is a bit uncertain."

Su Cheng's answer seemed ambiguous, but Si Jiayan was overjoyed.

The last time she asked her roommate about their scores, Su Cheng also said that there was only one fill-in-the-blank question that the answer was not sure about.

At that time, Si Jiayan thought Su Cheng did not do well in the exam and comforted her for a long time.

When the results came out, Su Cheng deducted the score for the fill-in-the-blank question.

From then on, Si Jiayan had a long memory.

Now Su Cheng said that the answer to only one small question was uncertain, and the subtext was that everything else was fine.

"Check the answer with me!" she asked quickly, her eyes shining.

Whether he can pass the real variable function is very important to Si Jiayan. Once he fails, his grades this year will be very ugly, and his postgraduate qualifications will also be in jeopardy.

Su Cheng went to the front of the podium to get her backpack, stuffed the pencil case and water bottle into it, and looked at the answers with her roommate.

There were people coming and going in the classroom. The students were very excited after the exam week. Several boys were discussing the comparison of the World Cup semi-finals.

"Phew... Steady, steady!" Si Jiayan answered three uncertain questions in succession, feeling that he was on track to pass, with a bright smile on his face.

"Will you sleep in the dormitory tonight?" She held Su Cheng's arm affectionately and extended an invitation to live together for the night.

Su Cheng thought about it and said, "...that's okay. Why don't you accompany me to see the house tomorrow?"

The existing rental contract will expire at the end of July, and Su Cheng wants to find another place to stay in Tongji Beiyuan.

Fortunately, there are many houses in the community, and she easily found three or four options.

Mainly because the houses there are really hard to sell, so many locals who have a few houses in their hands choose to rent them out to students from nearby universities.

"Let's go have a barbecue tonight and let the four of us have a good time together!"

Although the other two roommates have different living habits and preferences and cannot hang out with them, they still have a harmonious relationship and will still participate in necessary dormitory team-building activities.

Su Cheng readily agreed and planned to put her schoolbag back in the dormitory first.

After the four people gathered, they went straight to Central International near Jiangwan Stadium.

The whole journey is only a little over one kilometer, and it takes only twenty minutes to walk there.

Several people were talking and laughing on the way. College life after the exam week was wonderful, relaxing and comfortable.

When passing by the bus stop, Si Jiayan suddenly saw an advertisement for LPL on the advertising board.

"Look, Chengzi, your partner!" She seemed to have discovered a new world.

Su Cheng, who was discussing with two other roommates about changing majors in the fall, was attracted to her.

Looking sideways, Lin Ran's bust in team uniform occupies most of the advertising column. After zooming in several times, he still looks handsome and handsome. The ticket window and viewing address of the LPL league are written below.

Su Cheng trotted over, turned on the camera on her phone, put herself in the same frame as her boyfriend in the advertisement column, and then pressed the shutter button.

She had been studying to prepare for the exam recently when she saw an LPL advertisement and remembered that there was a YM game today.

Arriving at a barbecue restaurant called "A Long Time Ago Mutton Skewers" on the fourth floor of the Central International Building, Su Cheng quickly opened the event live broadcast room after taking a seat.

The time is just right.

"Welcome back to the live broadcast of the 2018 League of Legends Professional League Summer Split!" A familiar voice appeared again, "Hello everyone, I remember!"

"Hello everyone, my name is Zeyuan."

After the two commentators introduced themselves and announced the advertisement, they brought the topic onto the right track.

"Today is also the first appearance of the four LPL teams after the intercontinental competition. Earlier, IG defeated its former rival WE in a nearly crushing way. The current situation of this ancient giant is indeed not optimistic. After several games, After personnel adjustments, their record is still hovering in the middle of the league!"

I have to say that Hongmi is a bit evil.

After leaving VG and WE, the performance of the old clubs in the coming year has plummeted.

Some people say that he can see through the upper limit of a team and will leave immediately if he feels there is no training value.

Some people say that he was just lucky enough to catch up with the career high of that group of players.

The benevolent sees benevolence, the wise see wisdom.

However, the changes Hongmi has brought to the team are obvious to all.

"The upcoming game will be between the RW team, which shines in the intercontinental competition, and the league hegemon YM!"

As soon as Zeyuan finished speaking, the BP panel appeared in front of Su Cheng's eyes!

Big chapter tomorrow

Ps: This chapter is burying the story and is related to the plot trend of the summer game, but it is not a simple version update.

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