LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 535 533: Insight into the game and kill the rhythm

The audience burst into excited cheers, and the sound was as loud as a wave!

YM fans were so excited that their faces turned red and they waved their cheering sticks in their seats.

【What a stretch! 】

[Why is my sword demon as stiff as a pig's nose, while his looks like it has softener added? 】

【Is it really that silky smooth? 】

[The proficiency is really outrageous, it can actually counterattack! 】

Zeyuan is rarely stuck.

During the BP before the game, he was still saying that it would not be a big problem for Dao Mei to defeat Sword Demon.

Who would have thought that he would be killed alone?

"The sword demon ate the sword girl alone!" I remember the tone was very exaggerated, "Brother Ran killed Irelia's conqueror with force!"

If Sword Girl has a conqueror, relying on the increased attack power and real damage conversion, she might actually be able to win by turning around and fighting back.

But after the 3-second duration was ripped off by Lin Ran, Dao Mei needed to enter the combat state for another 4 seconds if she wanted to trigger the Conqueror.

In a 1v1 life and death battle, these 4 seconds are enough to determine the winner.

"Beautiful!" Guo Hao, who was in the backstage lounge, clenched his fists and stood up, yelling angrily. He performed three consecutive movements in one go, "Did you see 369?"

Bai Jiahao stared at the TV screen with his eyes blank, obviously shocked by Lin Ran's operation, "This pulling... is so strong."

This summer, he successfully joined the rotation of YM youth training. Sometimes the coach would ask him to practice. This time, Guo Hao also brought himself to observe the first team's game. It can be seen that the team is also preparing for the game. The New Force makes plans for the future.

However, Lin Ran Sword Demon's pulling skills far exceeded Bai Jiahao's imagination. He had never seen such a high-level game on the stage of the secondary league, and now he was greatly shocked.

Is this the pulling power of the world's top players?

Lin Ran tilted his lips proudly, and with the unanimous compliments of his four teammates, he turned off his headset, picked up the paper cup and took a sip of iced black tea.

Doinb's expression on the other side was a little sad.

What he saw was the second level, and he only imagined his opponent as the first level. In fact, Lin Ran's failed game on the fifth level had a big psychological impact on him.

Kim Tae-sang usually uses melee heroes to pull others away, but he never thought that one day he would also fall into trouble.

"My, my, sorry..." He apologized to his teammates while continuing to give instructions, "Juncheng, you can come to the middle to catch him later. He can't dodge the big sword demon and has no fighting ability. Let's do whatever we want. kill."

Flawless happily agreed.

But from the perspective of God, Aatrox did not go to the middle after completing the two long swords, but rushed straight down!

"Brother Ran is going to attack the bottom lane!" Naturally, the director would not let go of such an unexpected shot, and specially gave a close-up. Seeing this, Zeyuan couldn't help lowering his voice, "Xiao Yao just captured the bottom lane once, using My own flash has replaced Asura Clockwork's flash, and there seems to be a wave of opportunities!"

Remember to observe carefully and frown slightly, "But the position of the military line is not very good. It is just stuck in front of the RW tower and there is no way to get in!"

Asura returned to the spring once after being captured, relied on the first-blood economy to directly buy the [Lost Chapter], teleported to the bottom lane to continue to replenish troops and develop, and relied on the equipment advantage to regain the lane rights from Jack.

He knew that he did not flash or push the line quickly. Instead, he controlled the line in front of the tower and developed it for a while.

The current position of the military line is quite safe for Clockwork and Luo.

This is also the reason why Xiaofu dared to leave the bottom lane and continue farming.

"Xiaoyao finished his second round of stone beetles, followed the river in a circle, and came to the bottom lane again!"

The four-pack-two net was quietly opened.

After Doinb was resurrected, he wanted to rush to the middle at first, but he frowned slightly and felt that something was not quite right.

Over the past year, he has gradually transformed into a roaming mid laner, and he has a very keen sense of smell for his fellow players.

Because Doinb himself often does this, taking advantage of the gap when the opponent relaxes his vigilance when returning to the city, he goes out to capture him all the way, and he often gets unexpected surprises.

He didn't believe that Lin Ran, who had pioneered the role of roaming mid laner in the professional arena, would give up this opportunity so easily.

Doinb subconsciously cut the screen and took a look at the upper and lower paths. Aguang became much more stable after being forced to flash by Xiaoyao at level 3. He would rather not eat ice to ensure that he would not be killed.

Now mouse's health is guaranteed to be quite good, and he still has a big move in his hands. Moreover, Jin Gong's Gnar has just become smaller, and he obviously has no ability to cooperate with gank.

Since the probability of taking action on the top lane is low, the opponent's target should be in the lower half.

"Juncheng, come to the bottom lane!" Kim Tae-sang placed two markers on his bottom lane, and at the same time issued a reminder to the duo, "You two, retreat quickly!"

He reminded him very early. Lin Ran had not arrived at the battlefield yet, and YM had no plans to close the net yet.

"The prophet and Asura retreated...but Xiaoyao was running very fast and had already appeared from the grass behind the defense tower, blocking their retreat!"

Stone Chuan swung out, and the stones shattered the shields on Clockwork and Luo. The situation in RW's bottom lane was extremely critical!

"I'll TP, I'll TP!" When Doinb saw Yanque's position, he knew he had guessed correctly, and decisively handed over the teleportation he had just saved!

The scarlet swirling light seemed to be trying to persuade the invading YM people to retreat!

"Do I want to come?" Aguang was still asking for his teammates' opinions on the road. He could teleport over. After all, Jin Gong Xiaonar didn't have any means to interrupt.

Doinb answered very quickly, "No need to come, just keep growing!"

When he cut the screen just now, he took a look at the position of the top lane troops and knew that it would be difficult for the top laner to support him.

Since no support instructions were given in advance, Aguang's troops on the road were mainly handled to prevent capture. The minions were stuck in the safe area in front of the tower. If Jin Gong teleported all the troops into the tower, Mouse would suffer losses. Quite a few minions.

Doinb felt that if he paid TP, it would be enough of a deterrent, and Xiaofu was on his way to activate the predator, so there was no need for Aguang to come down.

What if mouse is also transferred and YM retreats directly?

They wasted two teleport + top lane troops?

But Kim Tae-sang still underestimated YM's determination to climb the tower.

"Kill, kill, kill, don't let them live!" Lin Ran saw that mouse was still on the road, and immediately planned to continue killing.

He knew that among the four players in the middle and lower jungle of RW, only Luo still had flash, and the flash of the other three were all on cooldown, and none of them had ultimate moves yet. This was simply the best time to start a battle.

Even if one or two lives are lost, as long as the gain is greater than the loss, YM will make a profit.

As Asura and the Prophet heard Doinb's reminder, they took two steps back, thus giving up their position in the line of troops. Jack decisively began to push the line.

When the sword girl landed, this short wave just entered the RW lower tower!

Mouse found out that YM still wanted to cross the tower. Knowing that Doinb's plan to persuade him to retreat failed, he no longer cared about the military line in front of him. Having worked in EDG, he followed his body's instinct and teleported to the bottom lane.

"Liu Qingsong took the lead, E flashed and taunted and rushed towards Clockwork!"

Asura had no room to move. He was controlled by ridicule without flashing, and the Taliyah W [rock protrusion] sign immediately appeared under his feet, and the stone array was also paved between Yanque and him. !

Just as he was about to be lifted up and killed, the prophet suddenly moved!

E [Dancing in Pairs] first puts a shield on Clockwork, and then immediately turns to W [Grand Appearance] to rush under the Garlic Bastard!

Along the way, stone traps were triggered one after another, and the blood volume dropped a lot.

But in this way, when Clockwork is pushed back by the rock protrusion, the stone array will not be able to cause harm to her!

"Taliyah was knocked into the air... Clockwork is not dead yet, the prophet set a ignition on the rock bird!"

At the same time as the damage exploded, Doinb threw out his twin blades, followed up to control the stun Xiaoyao, and rushed over from the side with Q [Blade Impact]. Although he also stepped on the stone array on the way, the damage was poured into the body of the rock bird, and he took the lead in destroying the tower. Liya was crippled.

In Xiaoyao's heart, ten thousand grass and mud horses were galloping past. He did not expect that doinb would actually list him as the first target of the fire.

The one who resisted the tower was obviously Liu Qingsong, why did you kill me first?

Do I have a grudge against you?

Although Asura was not killed by Garlic King in seconds, he was still mocked and left unable to move. Jack condensed the dark magic ball and smashed it with W [Driving Telekinesis], successfully completing the kill.

"I set it on fire for the sword girl!" Liu Qingsong took two steps back as he spoke, getting stuck between RW's lower tower and his teammates behind him.

He would definitely not be able to survive this wave of tower overruns. Instead of escaping in a hurry, he might as well contribute more to his teammates.

Now the lower tower of RW is lighting up the teleportation rotation, and Thane will land soon. He is stuck in this position, and Aguang can only hit himself instead of Syndra and Sword Demon if he activates R [Barbaric Crash] at the first time. Two people.

"Sword Girl's basic attack and sharp blade impact sent away the rock bird, but her body was on fire and she didn't recover much HP!"

Before Xiaoyao died, he played his last Q [Stone Penetration], which lowered Dao Mei's HP a lot.

At this time, a blood-red wolf head appeared above all the YM heroes who were on the battlefield, followed by the sound of predator special effects!

Flawless's barrel is approaching the bottom lane!

And Lin Ran also officially joined the battlefield!

"Sword Demon EW starts and hits Sword Girl with Evil Fire Chain first!"

The prophet had already used his key control skills. Luo, who had not reached level 6, had no value worth targeting. Lin Ran's brain turned quickly and he locked his target in a matter of seconds.

His fingers kept up with the operation, and the Darkin's blade was shot with the first step, and the outer edge of the sword successfully hit Irelia!

This version of E [Shadow Clash] will also provide a certain amount of attack power for Aatrox after it is cast. With the Dolan Sword + two long swords on Lin Ran, Lin Ran can cut down the sword girl without armor. The blood volume has dropped dramatically!

Doinb knew that he could not sit still and wait for death. Although charging W [Dance of Distance Breaking] on the spot could block a lot of damage, Jack Syndra still held E [Retreat of the Weak] in his hand.

If he dares to use the Dance of Distance Break, his opponent will follow up with a set of control + output, and he will still be unable to escape the fate of sudden death.

So he focused his attention on a small soldier with residual health not far away, and Irelia turned into a sharp blade and rushed over!

"The sword girl used the sharp blade to break away from the evil fire chain..." Zeyuan recited the hero skills skillfully as always, and the explanation was very fluent, but the next thing surprised him!

"The Sword Demon's second-stage dark descendant's sharp blade predicted Sword Girl's movements!"

The simple blade of the heavy sword slashed at the YM soldier with residual health, and Irelia rushed forward.

From a God's perspective, it looks like he took the initiative to answer Q!

Jack, the real pick-up guy, saw his opponent being briefly knocked away, and the special effects of the Sword Demon's electrocution rune appeared above his head. Without a second thought, he threw the weakling away and fled!

The dark magic ball that originally killed Clockwork was pushed out by him, and he knocked Dao Mei out before she hit the ground!

Jin Taixiang's heart dropped.

Lin Ran's second Q was not so much a prediction as a careful consideration.

The second section of the Darkin Blade was a long cross-section, and Lin Ran used it to cover both the position where Doinb was standing and YM's remaining health minion.

No matter whether Doinb stays still and accumulates W, or the Q minion moves, he cannot escape the fate of being knocked away.

This operation has been meticulous to the extreme.

A Guang's Sion had just landed, and E [Killer's Roar] wanted to kill Liu Qingsong.

Now no one can protect this sword girl who has less than 30% of her health left!

Doinb knows what will greet him.

After being knocked into the air, he couldn't even activate W [Dance of Distance Break].

The Tyrant Sword Demon soared into the air, and amid the roar of the audience, the third dark sword slashed down heavily. Another fully charged Shadow Clash narrowed the distance between them!

Bright red damage numbers appeared above Irelia's head.

The next moment, a big and thick sharp weapon was thrust into the body, directly piercing the knife girl's delicate body!

Give death sword energy!

"Doinb died in battle, but Shen will not escape death!"

With the help of the auxiliary prophet and defense tower, Aguang successfully sent Liu Qingsong back to the spring.

After Shen E dodged the group, four corpses were lying under the tower. All this happened in just a few breaths.

The red phantom of Flawless came belatedly with the predator behind him, and slammed into Lin Ran with a wine barrel in his arms!

The meaty egg and onion chicken knocked out the sword demon, and Tyrant Zero Thain let out a roar. His huge body turned into a chariot, and with a blue light, he lifted Aatrox who was blocking him. Go to heaven!

"RW Uenosuke and the other three are still going to take action!" I remember taking over the topic and said urgently, "They are trying to take advantage of the sword demon's skill vacuum to kill him!"

Lin Ran originally planned to retreat, but who would have thought that the other party would dare to attack him.

"Fight, fight, kill the wine barrel first!"

He and Jack said in unison.

If Korean Edisi saw this scene, he might just give up and sell out.

But the Shiba Inu didn't even think about retreating, he turned around and started to point at the barrel, and then hit Q [Dark Sphere].

"YM Double C still wants to continue operating! They are not afraid at all!"

Lin Ran was knocked into the air by Sion's Q [Cruel Slam], followed closely by Beer Man's output.

After regaining his freedom, he picked up the heavy sword and struck the wine barrel, and then slowly pulled it back.

Just when he was about to step out of the rolling barrel, Gragas detonated it, reducing his health again.

But even so, he still has more than 30% of his health bar left!

If it was Aatrox who had his stats cut off in the test server, Lin Ran might suffer a lot this time.

However, the version of the Sword Demon that was redone and strengthened twice in the intercontinental competition is still used!

The Level 6 Sword Demon has 960 health in his naked outfit. With Lin Ran's Pupa Transformation, Resolute sub-system and the health bonus of Dolan Sword, the health is as high as 1100!

You know, without Aguang returning to the city, Thain, who is also level 6, only has 900 health points!

Coupled with 50 points of armor and 40 points of magic resistance, as well as the damage reduction effect of bone plating, the sword demon is disgusting!

Now that RW has used up all their jungle auxiliary skills, Lin Ran has nearly 400 remaining health points, which they must use normal attacks to grind away!

"Drag, drag, drag!" Lin Ran was slowed down, and the sword in his hand kept slashing at the barrel again.

The shortcomings of the previous hunger strike gank finally showed up. Xiaofu only had straw sandals and a blue jungle knife on him. Wine barrel looked strong, but in fact he was puffy and couldn't resist beating at all.

The passive effect of Level 1 Shadow Crush provides the Sword Demon with 20% of the physical damage and blood sucking, which means that for every 100 points of damage, Lin Ran can recover 20 points of blood.

"The sword demon is not dead yet," I remember shouting loudly, "the RW three are chasing after me!"

Lin Ran waited for a full 4 seconds, retreating while attacking the wine barrel, and swung the sharp blade to regain some health. Although he was killed by Thain's E [Killer's Roar] after it had cooled down, he forced Xiaofu It became residual blood.

"Jack hit another dark ball accurately and killed Gragas!"

The moment he killed Beer Man, the Shiba Inu who participated in three kills in the team battle was successfully promoted to level 6!

The prophet realized something was wrong and quickly retreated and escaped.

But it's too late.

Although Jack is very slow in flashing and escaping, he has always been very decisive in flashing forward to kill people.

The golden light flashed, and he learned R [Energy Pour] in seconds and threw it out!

The dark spheres around Syndra and on the ground gathered together, and a total of 5 of them were injected into Luo, who had little health!

The YM fans in the audience were very excited. The moment Luo fell to the ground, the cheers reached the highest point!

"3 for 4!" Zeyuan quickly calculated the losses of both sides in this team battle in his mind, "YM made a lot of money!"

"RW handed over two teleports, and the defense tower on the road will be damaged by Jin Gong!"

It seems that RW just lost one life and a bunch of top lane troops, but in fact, the loss was almost explosive.

The mid-top double TP is their most important rhythm point in the early stage. They could have played four packs of two or even five packs of two. They could jump over the tower to kill the YM bottom duo and at the same time push down the first blood tower, which would snowball the attack.

However, Lin Ran led his teammates to take the initiative, leaving RW to fight passively. Not only did they fail to master the skills, but they also ruined their attack plan.

In the next five minutes, RW will have no qualified rhythm starting point!

After watching the team battle, Han Yi in the backstage lounge knew that this round would be very difficult.

RW's dual teleportation has been used, but the first wave of support from YM's Rock Bird and Shen has not yet come out.

Even with the upcoming Rift Pioneer team battle, RW didn't have the capital to take it on.

How to play this?

Hongmi nodded with satisfaction.

This YM team is extremely talented in early offense. Whether it is on-the-spot decision-making or micro-management, they are among the best in the world.

He has a hard time teaching anything in this area.

However, when it comes to choosing the timing to attack, the previous YM still has a lot of room for improvement.

One of the core skills taught by Hongmi is to break the rhythm.

While launching a violent attack, it would be great if it could also destroy the opponent's subsequent rhythm.

If the destruction is really successful, there is no need to worry even if this wave of attacks does not make much money.

Because the opponent's rhythm point is destroyed, it will be difficult to launch a counterattack for a period of time, and they can wait quietly for the next opportunity to attack.

Lin Ran's command undoubtedly achieved this perfectly.

His idea from the beginning was not to win this wave of team battles, but to deceive Thane and Sword Girl into teleporting.

It wasn't until Lin Ran saw that A Guang was still developing on the road that he gave the offensive order and played a wave of 3 for 4.

He has a complete understanding of the game trends, and the help he brings to the team goes far beyond simple kills.

RW's crucial double TP and Thain's ultimate move have been used, and then they can only be forced to defend and let the opponent humiliate them.

In the next 5 minutes, the initiative on Summoner's Rift will be firmly controlled by YM.

"The rock bird's ultimate move sealed the road, and he came to the bottom lane again to gank, aiming at the clockwork that didn't flash!"

The wall curtain blocked Asura's retreat to the lower two towers.

"The prophet can only hand over W [Grand Appearance] and escape alone!"

Although the rock protrusion was hidden, the subsequent stone penetration combined with the output of the stone scattering formation was enough to take away the clockwork demon spirit!

"This is the embarrassing part of the bottom lane of the magic system. This level is too low!" Zeyuan saw the shock wave cast by Chongzhang before he died rolled up the rock bird and knocked it down to only 1/3 of its health. I couldn't help but express my understanding, "Without levels, where does the harm come from?!"

Xiaofu's wine barrel is still determined to catch Lin Ran. Even if he can't kill him, it's still good to force Shen's ultimate move out.

Otherwise Liu Qingsong will have to go to other places to lead the rhythm later.

The moment the wine barrel collided with its belly, a thick white-striped shield appeared above the sword demon's head, making Aatrox fearless!

"Open up the great destruction, Brother Ran, chop all the way forward!"

Only then did Xiaofu realize how much trouble he had caused.

"Gragas used R [Exploding Wine Barrel] to blow the sword demon away... but Brother Ran moved forward with an E, and the wine barrel ultimate move blew the sword demon into his face instead!"

Everyone in Doinb was dumbfounded.

He threw out the R [Vanguard Blade] he had just converted, hoping to use slowdown to retain the sword demon.

Lin Ran is not picky about food. Anyone who dares to keep him will die.

Q1E followed W [Evil Fire Chain] and pointed the finger at the sword girl again!

"Shen landed and was taunted. Doinb's flash didn't improve, so he had to wait for death!"

Lin Ran used Q2 and Death Sword Qi, followed by Q3, and combined with electrocution to deal high damage, sending Dao Mei away directly!

"My, my, my..." The husband's forehead was sweating anxiously.

He is this kind of jungler. He is a bit of a gambling gank in the early stage. Once he has control, he will continue to expand his advantage.

But once the rhythm breaks, he starts to get lost.

This round of arresting Lin Ran and trying to trick Shen Da out of him was really a bit of a brain hemorrhage.

The price is to let doinb die again.

The sword girl who had been killed three times so far was completely destroyed.

"Xiaotian takes over the Canyon Pioneer, puts it in the middle first, and pushes down the first tower guarded by Doinb!"

Although the prophet also rushed over to help defend, Jiugong and Luo might not be able to kill Lin Ran even if they hit him for ten seconds. Without much damage ability, they could not threaten YM at all.

The eyes behind the Canyon Pioneer lit up, but no one in RW Nosuke dared to move. They could only watch as the Pioneer crashed into the Second Tower again!

After RW's mid-to-upper transmission improved, they tried to launch a counterattack.

However, the economic gap between the two sides has been completely widened, and after the defense towers were destroyed one after another, YM still has a visual advantage.

The eye position could not be set out, and the teleportation point was not ideal. Aguang and doinb tried to catch the YM duo, but they were counter-surrounded by Jin Gong, who was supported by teleportation.

"Nar's big move knocked the sword girl to the wall, and Syndra used her big move!"

The energy poured out and beat Dao Mei to a low level. Although Doinb tried his best to show off his skills, the equipment gap made it all meaningless.

"If Aguang kills Jack, he won't be able to escape," Zeyuan said urgently, "Brother Gongzi keeps chasing, the three-ring damage is very painful!"

Another wave of one-for-two, YM pushed another tower down after completing the kill, expanding the economic advantage to 4k.

The game has lost its suspense.

At 28 minutes, Lin Ran already had a four-piece suit in hand.

Youmeng + Black Cut + Dance of Death + Resurrection Armor, his teammates are fighting the Baron, and he goes up alone to start a team.

The Great Destruction and Youmu's Spirit are all activated, gaining explosive movement speed, and successfully enters the field with Shen's ultimate move!

"The Sword Demon EW takes Q1, and the spearhead is directed at the Clockwork Demon!"

Aguang's Thane and Prophet's Rakan were paired together to control Aatrox in a chain!

"This is too brutal. The sword demon with three lives blocked the back row of RW!"

Clockwork was stuck in position by Lin Ran. Originally, Asura wanted to use Luo or Dao Mei's ultimate move to deal tons of area damage.

But his teammates couldn't stop Lin Ran at all, let alone the taunt control and sword formation provided by Shen after he landed!

This sword demon chased five people and slashed at them!

Asura was forced to hand over the command: Shockwave, which swept Aatrox away.

"It's useless even if you use the ultimate move. This Sword Demon's 40% cooldown is full, which is completely unreasonable!"

In the middle of the five RW people, the Tyrant Sword Demon slashed everywhere!

The exclamations at the scene did not stop for a moment, resounding throughout the venue one after another!

All the spectators looked at Aatrox's killing performance in shock.

A sword demon with a full cooldown almost doesn't need to worry about the CD of Q [Darkborn Blade], just keep pressing it.

In the end, Lin Ran consumed all the opponent's control skills, and the blood pool came back to life and continued to chop!

When his health bottomed out again, he suddenly used Q3 followed by E [Shadow Crush] and Flash.

Aatrox instantly moved 700 yards, and his huge body enveloped the Clockwork Demon who was still trying to escape from the battlefield!

The god-killing blade struck down on the head!

The giant sword cut through the sky, and with just one blow, Asura's screen turned black and white with 1/3 of his health remaining!

At this moment, the mecha's outer body turned into scarlet and the Tyrant Sword Demon was like a demon god coming to the world!

"My old swan!" I remember speaking out in desperation, "What kind of monster is this sword demon?"

The barrage has gone completely crazy, with rows of question marks and 666 flying across the live broadcast room!

[This is too fierce]

[Is he really the God of War? Fighting five with Shenji? 】

【Is there any heavenly principle? How about playing Dynasty Warriors here? 】

[I vomited, didn’t the designer cut it?]

[Don’t be embarrassed, it’s already being chopped! 】

After Lin Ran killed Chongzhang, he used the other four people as his mobile blood bank!

The full level E will provide 25% of the physical blood-sucking effect for the sword demon. Lin Ran is so unscrupulous in this equipment that he can absorb 500 blood for 2,000 blood. It was not until he killed the sword girl that he was given the resurrection armor.

"After Brother Ran got up, Q turned fine again!"

Zeyuan put himself into the perspective of everyone in RW, and felt filled with despair.

"This sword demon can't be killed at all!"

The dragon's dying roar sounded, and four RW corpses fell in the wild area. Only Xiaofu was left to activate the predator by himself and successfully save his life.

The sword demon carried a heavy sword, led his teammates all the way, and successfully dismantled the RW main crystal!

Big chapter tomorrow

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