LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 539 537: Designers can’t teach you how to play games anymore?

"Congratulations to YM. They defeated RW 2-0 and continue to lead the Western Conference standings!" Ze Yuan said loudly.

In the long LED screen behind the players' seats, black and red lights intertwined and intertwined, finally forming the word "victory". The YM logo above was extremely eye-catching.

The people in the audience were still shouting, and from time to time they would say a few words of support so that these professional players who took off their headphones could hear their own voices.

Lin Ran took off his headphones and reluctantly picked up the paper cups at his hands.

"You won too quickly, brothers," he complained, "I didn't even finish the drink, why did it get bulldozed?"

When Jack heard this, he glanced at it and couldn't help but said, "You are really good at pretending now. You can even hold a cup better than your brothers."

"In ancient times, Guan Yu killed Hua Xiong with warm wine, but now there is Brother Ran's herbal tea slaying team, right?" Xiaoyao made it up on the spot. Apart from the same number of words, it was difficult to find common ground between these two sentences.

"Be careful what you say," Jin Gong had already left the table and walked to them. "Everyone on the other side has taken off their headphones."

After hearing this, everyone in YM fell silent.

Lin Ran drank all the iced black tea in the paper cup, glanced at the output panel, and found that there was not much difference between himself and the Shiba Inu's Syndra output. Then he stood up with satisfaction and went to shake hands with the other party.

"YM's current record is 8 wins and 0 losses, which is two games behind the second-place EDG," I remember still chattering on the commentary desk. "You must know that EDG did not participate in the intercontinental competition this year. They played more games than YM." A BO3."

"If YM can continue this state, it is estimated that they will lock in the first place in the regular season in advance!"

Due to the fact that they competed side by side in the intercontinental competition, the two teams YM and RW now have a pretty good relationship. Lin Ran smiled and shook hands with the prophet, and patted his shoulders to encourage his old teammates.

Kim Tae-sang looks very tired. He usually takes care of training, competitions and live broadcasts, and only rests for five or six hours a day. It is an iron man's schedule, and he did not even take a moment to rest after the intercontinental competition.

Coupled with the fact that the person is already thin, he now looks like he has been drained.

Lin Ran doubted whether Doinb's body could withstand it.

When he walked off the stage with his peripherals in his arms, today's host Xiao Yu stopped him.

"Brother Ran, there will be an interview later!"

Xiao Yu said as he handed over a microphone.

Lin Ran originally wanted to be lazy, but he didn't expect someone to pull him off. He had to hand the mouse pad wrapped with the keyboard and mouse to Xiao Yao, took the microphone himself, and waited with the host at the entrance of the backstage passage.

Xiao Yu, who had finished interviewing Rookie in the last BO3, was now radiant and full of energy. She wrote down the interview content on her hand card and gave it to Lin Ran for a look.

"There's nothing wrong with it, right?"

She was afraid that she would ask questions from the audience on stage.

"...Hmm." Lin Ran took a look and found nothing wrong.

Most LPL hosts are very smart, and they don’t ask questions that have a slightly in-depth understanding of the game. Most of them ask about their feelings after winning, or the psychological activities of making a certain wave of operations at that time, and the players have more room to play freely. It's big, you can talk whatever you want, and the host won't be criticized by the audience.

Xiaoyu felt relieved now. After getting his card back, he stood nearby and chatted and laughed with the Tengjing staff.

Lin Ran could hear the high-pitched and powerful commentary from where he stood.

"The MVP player of this round is still...Ran!"

There was a TV connected to the live broadcast signal at the entrance of the backstage passage, and Lin Ran could see his MVP picture.

Olaf's wild muscles and fierce face, coupled with the sharp ax carried in both hands, make him look very untouchable. However, the makeup photo of himself in front of him looks elegant and elegant, which is in sharp contrast.

"The battle loss ratio is 10/1/3, the output ratio is 34.4%, and the opponent's economic difference is +5500!" Ze Yuan said loudly, "It can be called a perfect Olaf performance!"

He chatted with Remember for a few more words, and Xiao Yu received a notice from the director to prepare to go on stage with Lin Ran.

"Welcome player Ran to accept our interview..." Xiao Yu was interrupted by the screams of the audience before she could finish her words. She had to wait for the fan noise to subside.

After Lin Ran introduced herself as usual, she asked her first question.

"First of all, congratulations to YM for defeating Team RW 2-0 in the first game back from the intercontinental tournament. Brother Ran also won all the MVP awards in the regular season. How do you feel about this?"

"It's quite normal..." Lin Ran and Xiao Yu looked at each other, maintaining the politeness and respect when talking to others, "It's within my expectations."

When he said this, his expression was calm and his tone was calm, as if it was natural.

Xiao Yu tilted her head, looking shocked.

I’ve given you the questions in advance, and you’re just going to answer me like this?

However, the reaction of the fans in the audience was very exciting, not only them, but also the audience watching the online live broadcast, with barrage telling their emotions.

[Niu Niu Niu, very arrogant]

[One thing to say, Brother Ran’s performance in today’s two games was really outrageous]

[I can’t refute him, this is the most annoying thing]

[The main reason is that he had solo kills in both games, and the team battle was cut in like a monster. The visual effect can only be described as 'quite explosive']

"Then the next question, we all saw it today. In the second game, you used Olaf to counterattack and hit two tower-crossing solo kills." Xiao Yu glanced at the card in his hand, "But before these two kills, the opponent The blood volume is quite healthy, what did you think before taking action?"

Lin Ran said without thinking, "At that time, I pushed the troops in... but the opponent didn't return to the city when he was full of health, so I killed him."

In the barbecue shop, Si Jiayan slightly bent her arms around Su Cheng's neck. She also snatched one of her roommate's Bluetooth headsets. When she heard the content of Lin Ran's interview, she immediately blurted out:

"Wow, this sentence is too... domineering, isn't it?"

Si Jiayan originally wanted to say that he was pretending, but he took it back when the words came to his lips.

Although she had just drank another bottle of Qingdao, it was impossible for this amount of beer to make her drunk. At most, she would be a little more excited than normal.

In her opinion, it is not a good thing to complain about someone's boyfriend in front of her best friends.

"You can just say that he is pretending to drink. There is no need to look for such adjectives, because I also think that Lin Ran is pretending... Then can you just let go of your arms first?"

Su Cheng tried to pull Si Jiayan's arm from her neck, but failed several times and had to give up in frustration.

Why is this person always interested in people's necks, just like her idol Jimu Gong?

"Let's take a photo together, come on!" Si Jiayan took out her mobile phone and greeted her two roommates sitting across from the dining table with a red face, "The next time we get together in the dormitory will be the beginning of our senior year!"

There are so many overseas exchange programs at Fudan, and the only question is whether students want to go. As long as their grades are not too low, they can basically get an opportunity to exchange abroad at the undergraduate level.

The other two roommates applied for the exchange program at UCLA in the spring of this year. They will go there at the beginning of their junior year and will not come back until the spring semester. Si Jiayan went to faraway Toronto.

After they came back, Su Cheng was going to the National University of Singapore (NUS) for exchange in the spring, and the four of them happened to miss the time.

The Tianjin girl, who was even taller than Su Cheng, put her long arms around her roommates and was still complaining, "Chengzi, you have so many autumn projects but you don't choose, why do you have to go out in the spring?"

"That's right, I remember there are a lot of places for the NUS autumn exchange program, right?" The Chengdu girl also agreed.

Generally speaking, most schools are open for exchanges in the fall semester, especially American universities. There are very few programs in the spring semester, and only Singapore, Turkey, Australia, and some European universities are available.

Su Cheng also looked helpless when talking about this, "...I have to go to Jakarta in August. I can't come back without a break and go to Southeast Asia again, right?"

"Besides, I didn't do any preparations throughout the summer, so I just went to class directly? It's better not to go."

"Yes, Jakarta!" The Tianjin girl just remembered this and immediately puffed up her chest, "We can have an Asian Games champion in our dormitory!"

"By the way, can this champion get extra points?"

"Can I protect my research?"

The three girls laughed like old hens.

"First of all, I can't guarantee that I can win the championship before the competition is over; secondly, this competition is not included in the medal list, so there is no need to think about adding credits..." Su Cheng explained one by one.

"Okay, stop talking!"

The roommates quickly blocked Su Cheng's mouth, "Look at the camera, look at the camera!"

The four girls gathered together and smiled sweetly than Scissorhands.

Grand Plaza.

Lin Ran was still being interviewed, and Xiao Yu glanced at the card again.

"My last question is Brother Ran. In today's two games, both sides played mages in the bottom lane. This is a little different from the ADC we are used to in the past. What is the specific reason?"

This question is a bit in-depth and involves the team’s tactics and layout ideas.

It wasn't Xiao Yu who came up with it on the spot. Lin Ran had just seen this content on the card at the entrance to the backstage passage, but he didn't raise any objection.

Because whether it was from the official competition or the training matches a few days ago, Lin Ran found that most teams were using mages to replace the ADC position.

Except RNG.

Uzi has never used mages to play the bottom lane. Even though he had played mid-level units back then and had good proficiency with many mages, after returning to his normal job, he was still used to playing shooters.

The popularity of the legal bottom lane is enough to prove that the coaching staff of professional teams already know the answer to Xiaoyu's question.

In this case, Lin Ran no longer needed to hide it, and simply treated it as an answer to the confusion of some viewers who didn't know what was going on.

"There are many reasons. The main reason is that the ADC's current crit-type equipment is too expensive. It will not have combat effectiveness until the third item is released. Before that, it was just a pendant; and the attack speed of the Sheep Knife Hurricane is special. Flow was weakened again before, and Kai’Sa, Big Mouth, and Varus are not as strong as before.”

"On the contrary, the mage will be much more popular when he goes down the lane. [Luden's Echo] has combat effectiveness once it is made. At most, if you add a ghost book, you can participate in team battles. The equipment formation period is earlier than that of the ADC. "

This was the most talkative Lin Ran had ever done during an on-site interview. He clarified his thoughts and spoke clearly.

"Especially because the current version is very fast-paced. The first wave of large-scale team battles will start near Rift Pioneer in 8 minutes. At this time, it is difficult for the ADC to have any combat effectiveness - except for characters like Lucian and Verus, and mages will not Same."

"Death Song, Syndra, Crow...these are all heroes whose combat effectiveness immediately improves once they have their ultimate move. They can play a much stronger role in team battles than shooters, and may even change the situation of the battle."

"And now it is more and more common for AD warrior heroes such as Sword Demon, Dao Mei, and Yasuo to play in the middle lane. The bottom lane of the magic system can just make up for the missing part of the damage attribute of the team."

Lin Ran finally concluded, “In general, ADC is still too weak, and mages can relatively contribute to the team, at least more useful than shooters, so more and more magic bottom lanes appear. "

As soon as the interview ended, major e-sports forums were filled with Lin Ran’s explanation of the legal bot lane, and netizens began to surf at high intensity 24 hours a day.

[I asked why all of a sudden everyone started not using ADC, that’s why]

[Edici players cry miserably every day (1/1)]

[It’s just hypocritical to play ADC. Why was it that when I played the Incense Burner monster last year, I wasn’t enough to be a father? Four people acted like bullshit for you in the qualifying round, and now you start shouting if you feel aggrieved? 】

[9494, I think that in S6, the junglers only played powerful players like Olaf the Leopard Girl. In S7, they just played the pig girl prince as a tool. I didn’t see many junglers coming out to complain. Why are you the ADC? noble? 】

[No, just any warrior now, with strong output and high tankiness, Sword Girl Yasuo, Sword Demon, three bullshit, they will rush directly into your face in team battles, the ADC can survive for 5 seconds, or you are super ghost and not worth targeting. , or the guy serving the food opposite has no face to look at, is it in the river? You're not allowed to complain, are you? 】

But Blaustoise, who is as far away as Santa Monica, Los Angeles, certainly doesn't see these complaints right now.

He was slumped in the engineering chair, his whole body sore and weak. The post-game interview of the LPL English stream was live broadcast on the tablet next to him. Jin Gong was still talking, and his voice echoed in the slightly empty room.

Blaustoise's attention was not focused on this.

Half an hour ago, he had just decided to team up with other designers to give Sword Demon another full reboot. He even had a lot of ideas and was going to discuss it with his colleagues on Monday.

Just as he was about to go to sleep, he noticed that Lin Ran took out a new toy, mid laner Olaf.

Blaustoise felt something was wrong at that time.

After watching the game subconsciously for a while, my heart kept falling, heading straight towards the abyss.

Is there anyone who plays games like this?

Crocodile has ultimate moves and flashes, and Shen provides a shield from a distance. He stays under the tower with full health and wants to eat ice.

What's wrong with it?

The cruel executioner Olaf kills without blinking an eye!

In the last wave of team battles, Olaf charged into the battle like a runaway mad dog, which became the straw that broke the camel's back.

Blaustoise leaned back and pressed his body against the back of the chair, looking at the bright electric light on the ceiling.

He felt that if he continued to be tortured like this by Lin Ran and YM, he would probably have to enjoy the blessings of overtime every day, and he would not even be able to survive this year.

However, this feeling of fighting with others aroused the infinite fighting spirit in his heart.

"It's really yours," he murmured to himself, "I still don't believe it today..."

"The designer still can't teach you how to play the game?!"

Before taking action, Blaustoise glanced at the time displayed in the lower right corner of the computer.

Four o'clock in the morning.

It's a pity that there is no Begonia Flower, and the famous local blacksmith in Los Angeles has retired long ago.

Now, how many people can still see the sun at four o'clock in the morning in Los Angeles?

Thinking of this, Blaustoise is quite proud of herself.

There must not be many people in the history of Riot who work as seriously as I do!

Staying up late hurts your body, so just stay up all night and you'll be fine!

He pulled out the document and wrote down all the ideas that came to his mind for future reference.

The night was getting darker outside the window, and the darkness before dawn enveloped the land.

Lin Ran yawned, opened the door and entered the training room.

It was four days ago that they defeated RW. Yesterday they arrived at LGD's home court in Hangzhou. Lin Weixiang served as the starting ADC. There were some twists and turns, but they still won the opponent 2:1.

Hangzhou is only more than two hours' drive from Shanghai. They finished the game and returned to Shanghai the same day.

The YM Training Department who rushed back to the base also used a large screen to watch the World Cup final. France, who are good at raising white flags, did not hesitate on the green field, defeated Croatia 4:2 and won the Hercules Cup.

The game ended around one o'clock in the morning, but because Guo Hao ordered a lot of fried chicken, Lin Ran ate a lot, and it was difficult to go to bed right away, so he had to stay up for an hour before lying down.

So he simply slept in and didn't get up until noon.

The teammates were already sitting in their seats, ready to wait for the keeper to prepare the meal. Jack, Liu Qingsong and Lin Weixiang, the three lazy dogs, claimed that if they started a ranked game now, they would not be able to eat hot meals if it took too long, so they simply started fishing. .

The hard-working Jin Gongze doesn't care about so much, so he will start a game first.

Lin Ran took a bottle of ice water from the small refrigerator, unscrewed the cap and took a sip in his mouth, using the cold air to wake himself up.

Turn on the computer and connect to the accelerator, open the Korean server client and find that it needs to be updated.

"Version 8.14?" He saw the version prompt appearing on the corner of the client.

"Yes, Sword Girl and Sword Demon were both slashed. Brother Ran, you have to adapt quickly." Jack gloated.

There are not many changes to the bottom lane in this version. Mage and Lucian still dominate. Shiba Inu is not low on these heroes. He can get started with a little practice in two games, and the pressure is relatively low.

The three positions that are most affected are the upper, middle and jungle positions.

Lin Ran and Jin Gong not only have to be familiar with the revised Dao Mei and Sword Demon, but also have to follow the new ecological chain of top and mid laners. Since these two heroes have been chopped off, other characters will naturally take their places.

The rock bird that Xiaoyao used before was cut down, and he also had to practice other heroes.

While the Korean server was still being updated, Lin Ran simply clicked on his phone and looked through it.

It happened that his girlfriend sent him a few messages.

It’s an orange, not a tangerine: [I’ve finished moving! 】

【Image] [image】……

[How about it, am I strong? Um? 】

Ignoring Su Cheng's request for credit, Lin Ran clicked on the picture first.

In the first picture, his girlfriend and Si Jiayan looked shabby, as if they had switched careers to do civil engineering. They were lying on the sofa and making V signs to the camera; the next few pictures were much more normal, with the things tidied up. The room is captured on camera.

Coca-Cola Salty Spicy Tofu Brain Sweet Zongzi Sweet Mooncake: [How much does it cost? 】

It’s an orange, not a tangerine: [7K a month, a little smaller than the previous house, two bedrooms and two living rooms, 100 square meters, okay? 】

The rent is indeed not as high as before. Lin Ran thinks the price is quite reasonable.

There seems to be something wrong with the accelerator today. The update speed of the Korean server is not very fast. After running for a while, it only reached 22%.

Lin Ran simply left the training room and made a video call to his girlfriend.

Picked up quickly over there.

"Hey, aren't you playing ranked?" Su Cheng was lying on the soft bed, a pair of slender calves swaying in the air, with a bright smile that was somewhat unexpected.

In her mind, her boyfriend should be fighting in the Summoner's Rift now.

"...I stayed up late yesterday to watch the World Cup with them. I just woke up. The Korean server is still being updated and I have nothing to do." Lin Ran explained the reason clearly, and then asked, "Have you read the contract carefully?"

"Well, no problem. The landlord is a senior from the same school who is more than 20 years ahead of me." Su Cheng couldn't wait to share the news with her boyfriend.

"More than 20 years?" Lin Ran was surprised and calculated the approximate age of the landlord in his mind.

"Yes, she said that she had also met Mr. Su Buqing..." The girlfriend's eyes were bright and filled with longing, "I'm so envious."

Lin Ran was silent.

After a pause, he changed the subject, "Where is your roommate?"

Su Cheng glanced back and confirmed Si Jiayan's position, "She was in the living room making up for your game yesterday. Jin Gong seemed to have performed well?"

"One sword girl and one captain, a total of one death in the two games," Lin Ran replied, "The Que family is quite eye-catching."

Su Cheng got up from the bed in a hurry. Perhaps because of her thin body, her clothes were a little loose. She moved a little wider and her short sleeves tilted, revealing a section of snow-white collarbone and gray shoulder straps. .

She pretended as if nothing had happened, quickly adjusted the position of her clothes, raised her phone and came to the bedside excitedly.

"The house I rent is very close to the original house. Look where it is on the other side."

Lin Ran looked around after hearing this. Through the screen of his mobile phone, he could see the same floor of the building not far away...

It's my rental house in Tongji Beiyuan.

"Hey hey hey..." Su Cheng made a strange sound, "After that I can spy on you with a telescope."

"...It's the wrong person, sister," Lin Ran paused, "Shouldn't I be the one watching you at night?"

"And the curtains in my room are thick and opaque, so you can't see anything."

"Then I'll come back and help you change the curtains." Su Cheng said seriously.

The two chatted for a while, and Su Cheng was called out for dinner by Si Jiayan. Lin Ran hung up the phone and returned to the training room, only to find that the Korean server had not been updated yet.

As a last resort, he could only surf the Internet again.

The post bar was very lively.

Lin Ran took a look and found that the 8.14 version that had just been released on the Korean server had aroused heated discussions among everyone.

In comparison, the amount of discussion on previous changes to the test server was not high.

After all, a lot of content in the test server will not survive in the official server, and there are still a small number of gamers who pay attention to this content.

But when the much-anticipated Korean server officially launches version 8.14, it means that soon, the national server will also implement these updates!

It can be said that one stone stirred up a thousand waves, and hot posts emerged one after another.

[NM is really outrageous, both Dao Mei and Sword Demon were killed? 】

[How can Aatrox perform combos if his Charged E is gone? Is this not allowed to be walked as a dog? 】

[My sword demon wuwuwu, my sword demon...]

[The rock bird was also chopped to death, and Pike was treated similarly. I really laughed.]

[Who brought these heroes up first? I guess I don’t need to say more, right? The culprit @YM E-Sports Club, come out and get beaten! 】

[No matter how you cut it, YM can win, box after box...]

[Does it make sense to weaken like this? The proficiency of Brother Ran's three-life sword demon is here. After cutting it down, he will probably still be able to play. What's more, Mad Dog Olaf is here. Do you have the ability to cut it all? 】

Lin Ran suddenly panicked when he saw the last comment.

This feeling is fleeting.

"It's time to eat!" The breeder greeted at the dining table. Lin Ran put aside his thoughts and ran to the rice cooker and scooped himself a large bowl of rice.

"You eat so much?" Xiaotian, who ran over, saw the rice in Lin Ran's bowl rising to the top.

"I didn't eat in the morning. I'm half starved now. I need to take more food."

Lin Ran felt that his theory was fine.

As a result, I ate too much and the blood supply to the brain was insufficient. I started to feel sleepy in the afternoon, and my concentration and reaction ability all declined.

An appointment was made for a BO5 training match with Griffin, who had just emerged in the LCK in the summer. Lin Ran was a little careless and was eaten three times in the middle of the first game by the opposing Super Power Blue Cat with Enchantress.

Chovy was very excited and repeatedly typed the pinyin on the public screen - [Ran ge wo zhen de you zhe me qiang ma? 】(Brother Ran, am I really that strong?)

Lin Ran was puzzled. It didn't matter if the healers could speak Chinese, how could Griffin's people know the same?

He couldn't pretend to be cold. He was so angry after eating the sheets that he could only pronounce two ellipses.

Being single-killed by Chovy one after another, Lin Ran also got into trouble. Aroused by his competitive spirit, he opened a can of Red Bull to replenish his energy. In addition, the food was almost digested, and his reaction returned to its peak state.

In the second set, he and the Super Powerful Blue Cat had a mutual victory. From the beginning of the third set, he had a slight upper hand. In the last two rounds, Lin Ran used his rich and skillful experience to crush and knead his opponent wantonly.

Chovy was stunned by this fierce attack and could only hide under the tower and use the emoticon function to show the French flag.

After the entire BO5 match, Lin Ran had 6 solo kills and narrowly defeated Chovy.

"What do you think of the opposing mid laner?"

Hongmi asked, standing behind Lin Ran.

"'s not bad, the laning is quite strong," Lin Ran squeezed his palms to help himself recover from the high-intensity operation, "I just like to be in jail in the middle."

He felt that his evaluation of Chovy was quite fair.

After playing professionally for three years, Lin Ran has seen players who are strong in the lane. Faker, BDD and Rookie back then were all of this type.

Chovy's talent on the line is really outstanding. Excluding the first game, he also killed himself twice.

This sword is very sharp, but once he is suppressed on the line, he can no longer find the rhythm to counterattack.

And I like to stay in the lane very much. I will bind the spirit in the middle. I usually send signals when the opponent is roaming. If my teammates are caught, I will take care of them.

In one game, Lin Ran gained kills by roaming, then came back to use his economic advantage to replenish his equipment, and then completed a solo kill against Chovy.

"And sometimes we go shopping in groups," Garlic Bastard stretched out, "I think he especially likes to be on the side OB, and you can't figure out what he is doing."

"I think so," Jack said with a smile. "In the last game, I stood in front and used my physical body to start the group. He actually didn't make a move at the first time and let me use flash."

Hongmi unified the opinions of his teammates and wrote them down in his own notebook.

This book records the tactical characteristics and playing styles of many players.

Any team that can become YM's imaginary enemy will be recorded by Redmi. They may meet in the World Championship in the future. These contents will provide a lot of help to YM.

"After I reviewed the BO5 game, everyone started practicing as usual in the rankings. The training match in the evening was temporarily canceled by EDG. We ran the tactics twice to prepare for the RNG match."

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