LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 544 542: The ready-to-go Canyon Pioneer team battle

"This little tiger is losing blood!" Miller glanced at the middle. After the YM midfielder got the first blood, he also took advantage of the situation to clean up the fourth wave of short-term players who rushed to the middle.

Now a large wave of artillery troops are blocked in the RNG middle tower. After being killed in battle, these soldiers will be accepted by the defense tower.

Li Yuanhao has no means to stop losses.

Even if there are artillery soldiers to hold up the defense tower, it is useless. It takes 30 seconds for the plane to arrive from the spring, and the artillery car cannot help him delay for such a long time.

After losing such a large number of troops in the early stage, Miller couldn't help but feel distressed about the cancellation of his account.

Midhu scratched his head helplessly. He had already mastered skills very quickly, but the mid-field combination of YM Qinggang Shadow + Galio was too strong in the early stage. Attacking Camille and teaming up with his teammates could kill everyone in seconds.

In the last game, Lin Ran's Olaf couldn't escape the Gray Lady's fatal leg blade, and there was no reason for the crispy plane to survive.

Mala Xiangguo replaced the entire upper half of YM, crossed the river and rushed to the middle to take the line with tears.

He also thoughtfully waits for the moment when the shelling trajectory of the defense tower appears, and then uses basic attacks or skills to make up for the remaining health of the minions. This can make the defense tower have ineffective shelling and slow down the speed of clearing the soldier line to the maximum extent.

But even so, when Midhu rushed back to the middle, there were only 5 soldiers left.

Xiangguo is really happy. He has two groups of wild monsters in the upper half of his home, which have now been upgraded to level 4.

He did a lot of farming by himself, but he also didn't forget to help his good brother, "Just be a little more steady and replenish your troops. Galio didn't flash. After I finished farming, I went back to the city to buy shoes and then came here to catch him!"

Guanhu also knew that the plane couldn't get up to speed before picking up the explosive packets in 8 minutes, so he had to rely on his teammates to help him, so when he heard Xiangguo's words, he just nodded dully.

He was caught to death after taking two waves of soldiers just now. Including the wages paid by the system, his total deposit was only 300 yuan. He could only buy a pair of straw sandals so that he could get back to the line as soon as possible and avoid Lin Ran's skills.

"Brother Ran went back to the city to buy supplies such as Dolan Rings and Straw Sandals. This will make it easier to use the Predator to roam the side roads later!" Watana said, staring closely at Galio's equipment column.

Lin Ran did not choose Aftershock as his main rune in this game. Firstly, because he and top laner Shen are both in the front row, and there is no lack of frankness in the team. On the contrary, there is a lack of characters who can cooperate with the jungler Qinggang Shadow in roaming - after all, the next Lu Liu Qingsong chose Lulu, who was stuck in the lane, and could not play the wild assistant linkage, so Lin Ran had to make up for the team's shortcomings in this aspect.

The second reason is that the RNG lineup is not very high in instant burst output. The three output points of Dao Mei, Airplane and Xayah are all standard models of continuous output.

In this case, bringing Aftershock to provide Galio with a short-term double resistance increase is not that great.

So Lin Ran chose the main predator type, and also brought out the ultimate hunter, which is also the dominant type, to reduce the cooldown of his ultimate move.

After returning to the middle lane, after Dolan Ring + Dark Seal's Galio reaches level 4, a Q [War Wind] combined with the passive [Colossus Slam] can clear out three long-range minions, and the lane pushing speed is extremely fast.

Moreover, Lin Ran was not only in the middle, he spent 10 seconds pushing the line and then ran to the river to put pressure on the sideline.

After finishing the jungle area, Mala Xiangguo returned to the city and bought a blue jungle knife and straw sandals. He wanted to come over and catch a wave of mid laners, but found that Lin Ran had turned into a loach, giving him no chance to catch them.

The situation was momentarily deadlocked.

Xiangguo was always short-tempered, but now he saw that the other party refused to give him any chance, and even cursed in a low voice.

"Wait for the artillery carriage line, he will definitely come to eat this artillery carriage soldier!" Guihu signaled Xiang Guo to calm down, "Wait for him to come to the middle lane to eat ice, just do it!"

Xiangguo calmed down and hid in the grass in the river in the lower half of the area, not exposing his position. This way he would not be awarded the experience of the mid laner.

The sixth wave of soldiers was handed over in the middle. As Guanhu said, Lin Ran would definitely come to eat ice.

Moreover, this cannon truck will delay Galio for a lot of time to clear the line, forcing him to be dragged on the line.

There is no doubt that this is a good opportunity to raid the middle.

When Mala Xiangguo went to the middle to prepare for the gank, the director's camera focused on him.

Now all the audience's eyes are on Gragas in Summoner's Rift.

He was motionless.

The large, round wine barrel is hidden in this small wall of grass.

After waiting for seven or eight seconds, no one saw any movement from Gragas.

There was a rustling discussion in the audience.

"He is..." Su Hongmin racked his brains, used his poor League of Legends terminology, and asked his daughter beside him, "Is he hanging up?"

"No, no, he's playing on the field. How can a professional player hang up?" But Su Cheng didn't know how to explain this problem to her father. She said it was too complicated for fear that Su Hongmin wouldn't understand.

She rolled her eyes and thought of a good way, and her tone suddenly became cheerful and lively:

"He is playing a big game of chess!"

"A big game of chess?" Su Hongmin frowned.

He understood, but he didn't seem to understand.

But Gragas finally moved his huge body.

In the middle, Galio has pushed the line of troops across the river, and as a melee hero, his position has also crossed the center line.

The opportunity has come!

"The incense pot activates the predator and goes straight to the middle!"

In the midst of the exciting commentary, Galio passively smashed the cannon cart to pieces with one punch, then fanned the wind and pocketed it together with the long-range soldiers.

Then he turned around and ran down.

From God's perspective, Galio and the barrel seem to be running in both directions!

Xiangguo was overjoyed the moment he discovered Lin Ran's movements.

I was about to arrest you, but I actually showed up at your door?

"Come on, come on, look at me!"

He yelled and was about to move forward, when a gray-haired woman with sharp leg blades walked out from the YM sharp-beak camp!

At the same time, Lin Ran entered the grass below the middle road and happened to meet the incense pot!

Their eyes met, and the atmosphere in Summoner's Rift was a little awkward for a moment.

"Get out, get out!" Mala Xiangguo reacted, turned around and wanted to run away.

Just kidding, how can barrel + airplane fight 2V2 with Galio and Qinggangying?

Lin Ran chased after him.

You are already here, why are you running?

"Gario's E [Righteous Punch] collided forward, and the wine barrel handed over the meat, egg, onion, and chicken to dodge the skill and retreat!"

Xiangguo did not throw out the slowing barrel because his predator state had not been released at this time. If he threw out Q [Rolling Barrel] to delay Lin Ran's pursuit, it would interrupt his own acceleration effect.

"Only cowards run away!"

Qinggangying's cold voice revealed a bit of rage.

The hook rope was placed on the wall of the river, and the second section of the wall was kicked back towards the wine barrel that did not flash!

There was no suspense, the beer man was kicked unconscious on the spot!

Galio puts his wings together, charges up the Durand Shield, taunts and controls!

"Camille AQA made another strong attack, W [tactical sweep] took away the life of the wine barrel!"

YM supporters cheer!

"Originally, Xiangguo wanted to capture a wave of mid laners, but he ended up being the one who was captured!" Wawa couldn't hold back his excitement, "Xiaoyao's Qinggang Shadow got the second kill in this game!"

Lin Ran paused and couldn't help laughing.

He originally wanted to finish pushing the wave of artillery troops, and while the next wave of troops had not yet been pushed back, he and Xiaoyao went to the bottom lane for a circle to put some pressure on Uzi. After all, this was YM's team battle. The output still depends on Jack, and the Shiba Inu cannot be suppressed too miserably.

Unexpectedly, I actually met Mala Xiangguo on the road!

"I feel comfortable," Garlic Bastard showed a satisfied expression, "This is simply an unexpected surprise!"

With two heads, he continued to clear the jungle, planning to go back and take out a piece of Tiamat.

Most Qinggang Shadow junglers in the professional arena don't like to use this equipment, mainly because it is too slow, and the jungle position itself is not as generous as the solo lane. If Tiamat is forced to use it, , the core three-phase power will be formed very late.

But now, the boy holding two human heads has the capital to spend 1,200 gold coins to take out this piece of equipment, so that he can farm the beaks and stone beetles much faster.

Mala Xiangguo, who lost his life in a daze, could only develop a wave of growth quickly, and at the same time protect the development of Meade Tiger.

Fortunately, Guanghu didn't try to save the jungler just now, otherwise it would be difficult for him to escape without flashing. Now Li Yuanhao only lost the wave of artillery soldiers when he sent first blood, and his development is generally stable.

However, Mala Xiangguo soon discovered that it was his turn to be unlucky.

"Qinggang Ying is looking for traces of the wine barrel everywhere. Xiaoyao doesn't want the incense pot to continue to be brushed smoothly!"

Camille, who had already made Tiamat and the Red Punishment Knife, was running rampant in the jungle. The vision provided by the real eye allowed him to successfully capture the location of the spicy hotpot.

The hook rope is hung on the wall, and the leg blade hits easily!

"Gario is coming in a Predator!"

The scarlet wolf head appeared on the top of the fragrant pot. There was no other way. The Beer Man punished the three wolves. After recovering the blood, he handed the meat, egg and green onion chicken under the tower. He turned around and slowed down the barrel to keep YM Zhongye.

Even so, Lin Ran still charged up and taunted and played a set, Qinggang Shadow AQA Tiamat, the damage directly reduced most of the wine barrel's health to residual health.

If it weren't for the protection of Ta's father and the canceling account, Gragas would probably have to confess again.

"This is the strength of the combination of Qinggangying and Galio!" Miller sighed with emotion, "The aircraft that RNG has are really slowing down the pace!"

Mala Xiangguo took a deep breath and tried to calm down his mood.

"Liu Shiyu, please be more steady," Letme reminded, "How about you come and help me."

When Xiangguo heard this, he returned to the city with residual blood and glanced at the road.

After banning Crocodile, Sword Girl and Jax one after another, Letme, who got Sword Girl, performed well.

His operation is simple and unpretentious, but he also occupies a small advantage over Jin Gong, because if they really want to fight, this version of Shen cannot beat Irelia. The passive [Ionian Zeal] gives The magic damage of Shen is very crucial in the duel, even if Shen uses the soul blade to damage him, it will be useless.

If you want to fight, you must open the W sword formation. After resisting the basic attack, the pressure will be much less.

But the nimble sword girl can just use Q [Blade Impact] to retreat. After Shen's sword array cools down, she can go up and fight again, which is a sure win.

"...Let me take a look. The main reason is that I'm afraid that Galio and Qinggangying will go to the bottom lane for a four-pack and two." Malaxiangguo thought for a moment and said.

He was just found in the Three Wolf Camp in the lower half of his home. YM must know that there are no wild monsters in the lower half. If according to common sense, the opponent will think that he has gone to the upper half to develop, then he is very likely to attack him. Take action on the road.

Letme responded muffledly, and at the same time began to pay attention to the bottom lane, ready to teleport at any time.

"Brother Ran pushed down the middle lane, took the lead in reaching level 6, and went to the bottom lane as soon as possible!"

The four players in the bottom lane, who have been ignored by the director, finally got their first set of official shots of this game.

Although Xia Luo's combination is not low in strength, Big Mouth plus Lulu is not bad at all.

Jack is currently under pressure by 5 dollars in the bottom lane, which is completely acceptable.

"Qinggangying plans to take action directly..."

Xiaoyao's hooks were all attached to the wall, and he found out that the skill prompt showed that there was an enemy hero in the shadow position!

This is Camille's unique early warning mechanism. Since the two sections of the wall will gain double the displacement distance when rushing towards the enemy, when the hook is used, the system will mark the direction of the enemy hero.

Garlic Bastard found something strange right behind the RNG lower tower.

While he was clinging to the wall, he hurriedly scanned the small map.

The RNG duo was still finishing their kills, the plane that had been canceled in the middle was still dealing with the line of troops that Lin Ran had just advanced, and top laner Letme was still facing off against Jin Gong.

The hero hiding there is about to emerge!

Wine barrel!

"Camille kicked over... Hey, he didn't go to Uzi, but rushed directly to the wine barrel squatting behind him!" The doll was shocked, "How did he know there was someone there?!"

He has invested less and less energy in the game over the years. He can't even understand the mechanism of the ultimate move of skateboard shoes, let alone Qinggang Shadow, which was only released at the end of S6.

The barrage was stunned by Wawa's words.

【real or fake? Qinggangying are both old heroes, brothers]

[I am a Buddha, is this too much? 】

[If you don’t know, you don’t have to say it. If you say it, it will make everyone very embarrassed.]

Miller didn't have time to care about this problem, "Qinggangying kicked the wine barrel with a set of skills, and the output was absolutely amazing!"

The 2/0 Camille's output was extremely high. With the help of the high attack speed granted by the wall return hit, she launched a powerful attack on the barrel in the blink of an eye, and the health of the incense pot was instantly reduced by half!

"It will take a while for the wine barrel flash to turn around, and Xiaoyao is blocking his retreat... Brother Ran, why don't you use your ultimate move?" Miller looked at Galio, who was walking to the battlefield on foot, and couldn't help but feel a little impatient, "As long as Hand over R, this wine barrel is a surefire kill!"

"Letme has retreated to a safe location and is heading to the RNG lower tower to hand over the teleportation!"

It was only when he saw the teleport handed over by Dao Mei on the road that Lin Ran gave up the idea of ​​using the ultimate move.

He knew that as long as he used R [Hard Bear Appearance] to protect Xiaoyao immediately, this wine barrel that did not dodge would definitely die.

But then he won't gain anything.

The three of Xia Luo and Dao Mei stick to the tower, and they will rush to the battlefield after clearing the middle line of troops. Even if they have the long-range help of Shen's ultimate move, they will not be able to successfully cross the tower.

This version of Irelia has not been nerfed, and the disarming effect of the ultimate move is still there. It can be said that as long as the Vanguard Blade covers Big Mouth, YM's continuous output will be abolished by less than half.

If there is no way to get over the tower, it is equivalent to Lin Ran using his ultimate move and only getting a wine barrel head without a bounty.

In Lin Ran's heart, this was simply a loss of blood.

Because there are still two minutes left before the birth of Rift Herald, even if his rune is equipped with [Ultimate Hunter], it is impossible to refresh the ultimate skill at 8 minutes.

If the wine barrel is killed, YM's combat effectiveness in the Canyon Pioneer team battle will drop by one level.

not worth.

He simply walked over and killed if he could. If he couldn't kill, he would pretend to be a knife girl and teleport.

"Xiao Ming danced in pairs and first put a shield on the incense pot, and then made a grand appearance and raised the green steel shadow!"

At the same time, Uzi was also outputting from the side, and WAQE exerted a confinement effect, stopping Lin Ran.

Letme teleported to the ground, Xiaoyao beat the Beer Man to the last bit of health, and the tactics were swept to the end, and he retreated calmly again.

Watching the YM generals go away, Mala Xiangguo was so angry that he wanted to pound the table.

He could guess in advance that YM wanted to attack Uzi. If he used the wine barrel to stick to the edge corner, it would not be detected by Qinggang Shadow's E [Hook Rope].

But he took the initiative to take two steps towards where Garlic Bastard was.

The incense pot was not held hostage.

He deliberately let Xiaoyao find out that he was there.

The Beer Man without flash is a target. If he sends himself out, Lin Ran can easily kill him with his ultimate move.

Using the body to deceive Galio's ultimate move, RNG's next vanguard team battle will be much easier to fight. The two heroes Luo + Dao Mei can follow him into the field, and they can win by killing Big Mouth.

He didn't expect that Lin Ran wouldn't be fooled.

Then in this wave of skill exchange, RNG suffered a little loss.

"Letme's teleportation landed this time, giving away the last-minute advantage she had established on the road." Miller began to analyze when he saw that both sides had ceased fighting. "And the incense pot has to return to the city to replenish its status, otherwise the blood volume will be too low. If Qing Gangying catches him later, he may even be killed alone!"

It was a quiet minute on Summoner's Rift.

At 7 minutes and 17 seconds, the bottom lane ushered in a wave of artillery soldiers.

The big mouth began to spit out mucus, and he used W [Biochemical Barrage] to push this wave of minions in as quickly as possible.

Liu Qingsong deliberately left a holy shield to help replenish the artillery troops and speed up the line push.

Uzi and Shi Senming were not vegetarians. They realized the intention of the YM duo and began to clear the line quickly.

Xiao Ming also kept a Holy Shield, and with Xia's feather damage, he quickly cleared the line of soldiers.

At 7 minutes and 30 seconds, the two teams on both sides returned to the city, prepared to supply equipment, and rushed to Dalong Pit to take on this wave of Canyon Pioneer team battles.

At this time, the multi-player shared experience bonus has not been weakened, and the duo that eats all 12 waves of minions can just reach level 6 as usual.

"Xia Luo has big moves, RNG is very eager to take over the team this time!"

After Miller said this, he found that RNG only had four people near Dalong Pit.

Instinctively, he looked at the small map in the lower right corner and found the location of the fifth person.

"Xiaohu's plane has cleared the middle line of troops and is preparing to return to the city for supplies. By the way, it will pick up the refreshed passive explosive package!"

Although the exact location of Meade Tiger has not yet been obtained, Lin Ran knew that he would definitely have to pick up the explosive packets if he canceled his account.

Otherwise, this aircraft without the power of three phases would be no better than the artillery soldiers in the canyon pioneer team battle.

"We robbed the view. There were few people on the other side, so we didn't dare to shoot!"

Lin Ran ordered while following Liu Qingsong's Lulu, protecting him and arranging his surroundings.

As expected, RNG did not dare to engage in the battle. When they encountered Lin Ran, they quickly retreated, fearing that he would directly start a group fight.

YM's five people, five real eyes, plus scattered jewelry eyes, seized the opportunity to completely control the entire grass near Dalongkeng!

At 8 minutes, the Canyon Pioneer and the explosive bag in the spring appeared at the same time.

Midhu took out the Yao Guang and Fa Wear shoes, picked up the explosive pack and rushed to the Dalong Pit!

"YM has started!"

"Big Mouth has a percentage output of biochemical barrages, and the damage is very high!"

Coupled with the increased attack speed of Lulu's W [Fantasy], the Shar-Pei barks and drools, looking a lot like the Fuzhou True Dragon.

Xiaotian's Green Steel Shadow kicked the weak spot on the Canyon Pioneer's back, causing its health to drop rapidly.

Everyone in RNG did not expect that YM would be so decisive, and would take action immediately after the Pioneer was born without even trying to interfere with them.

For a moment, RNG was hesitant and didn't know whether to move forward.

It was dark there, and the vision had been controlled by YM.

"We have to fight!" Mala Xiangguo was very decisive and helped them make the decision, "Give them the vanguard, and our rhythm will be lost!"

RNG's side-band pulling lineup really needs Rift Herald.

As long as you get Pioneer, Letme and Cancel Account, you can replicate YM's line-changing promotion strategy in the previous round.

After expanding the advantage, RNG aircraft + Xayah's dual shooters can dominate the battle.

And YM also likes pioneers. This thing is simply the best partner for their bulldozer lineup.

It is impossible for Lin Ran to give up this key neutral resource to RNG.

"It will take some time for the plane to arrive at the battlefield, but the Vanguard's health is about to drop to the dangerous level!"

The incense pot turns on predators, trying to scare them away.

But the next moment, the wolf head symbol also lit up above his head!

"Brother Ran opened up the Predator...he handed it over directly!"

Standing in the river, Galio's whole body lit up with blue swirling light.

The teleportation location is at the RNG Red BUFF camp, which is less than two thousand yards away in a straight line!

Jin Gong inserted his real eye here before!

From a distance perspective alone, this teleportation is not necessary at all.

But through this method, Lin Ran successfully reached the side of the RNG formation!

"Gario accelerated after landing, Shen has already given his ultimate move!"

A thick white shield appeared above the Colossus of Justice, and Galio charged up the Durand Shield!

The moment they left the grass, the RNG people who had been staring at the Dalong Pit had discovered Lin Ran's specific location.

"Pull back!" Uzi shouted in the team voice.

But it was too late.

Galio, who activated Predator Acceleration, moved at an absurdly high speed and was in front of them in the blink of an eye!

Immediately afterwards, Lin Ran cast Flash and came into the RNG formation!


"Uzi reacted quickly, activated his ultimate move and flew into the air to avoid the control, but others were not so lucky!"

Xiao Ming instantly activated his ultimate move [Shocking Gap], but while he charmed Lin Ran, he could not escape the fate of being ridiculed.

Among the four RNG members, only the Spicy Xiang Guo rushed into the Dalong Pit!

This time, the battlefield was divided into two parts: the upper and lower parts of the Dragon Pit.

"Gragas threw his ultimate move to explode the barrel, intending to blow up the Qinggang Shadow and snatch the vanguard himself...but Xiaotian reacted very quickly!"

Excellent vision control allows Garlic Bastard to have early warning of the entry of wine barrels.

The moment he was about to blow up his barrel with his ultimate move, he hit the wall with his hook!

Although he was knocked away, the hook rope still brought Qinggang Ying over.

Immediately afterwards, Wall Return hit Gragas!

Hex's ultimatum came immediately, trapping Beer Man in the barrier!

"Xiang Guo also wanted to attack the vanguard, but there was no chance!"

Rift Herald only has a thousand drops of blood left. As long as it is given two skills, Punishment can take it away.

But the Shar-Pei's saliva has already drowned him!

"The wine barrel died in battle, Xiaotian easily took over the vanguard, and Shen and Galio on the dragon pit are still being beaten!"

Lin Ran and Jin Gong were repeatedly controlled by Xiao Ming's skills, unable to move.

Letme's twin blades also hit successfully.

Uzi's output was crazy, and Midhu also rushed to the scene using a specially delivered explosive package, blocking YM's retreat path!

"Jack flashed across the flame belt created by the aircraft and came to the top of the dragon pit. His biochemical barrage has already turned!"

Kog'Maw sprayed saliva wildly at RNG, and Lulu was working hard beside him to provide combat power, and the output of his big mouth was full!

Although Jack only sprayed for four seconds, he was immediately killed by the output of the plane and the knife girl.

However, this also bought Lin Ran a little time to survive.

War Gangfeng plus passive heavy attack!

Uzi's health finally bottomed out.

But Shen controlled his taunt, and Kog'Maw's body staggered forward and plunged into the RNG formation!

Surprise from Icacia!

"Big Mouth relied on his passive to blow up all Xia Luo!" Wawa's excited voice was high and powerful, "But Galio and Shen can't run away either!"

Miller shouted loudly, "The two sides fought a wave of 3 for 3, but Xiaoyao got the key Canyon Herald, which may cause a qualitative change in the mid-term situation!"

Congratulations WE!

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