LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 549 547: Use operations to defeat operations! 【1w big chapter】

The time came to 3 minutes and 57 seconds, and the sixth wave of troops came to the middle.

This is a wave of artillery trains.

Since Lin Ran didn't bring a minion kill weapon, Xiao Dongbei's nightmare was unscrupulous. Q [Nightmare Path] combined with several basic attacks wiped out this wave of troops.

During this period, he took a Q and two basic attacks, but it was harmless. He knocked down a bottle of corruption potion to maintain his health.

Led by the artillery truck, the BLG soldiers headed straight for a tower in YM with high spirits.

Lin Ran was uncharacteristic of himself this time and did not retreat to the foot of the tower and wait for the troops to come in.

Instead, he took two steps forward, pressed his body in front of the tower, and used his body to attract the hatred of the soldiers, firmly blocking the wave of soldiers outside the range of the defense tower!

Seeing that the clockwork was still jammed, Xiao Dongbei instinctively wanted to step forward and drive Lin Ran away.

Unfortunately, Nightmare is a melee fighter. After throwing his Q, he can only deal damage close to him. In order to reach Lin Ran, Xiao Dongbei could only spend an extra two seconds.

As a result, Lin Ran used E [Command: Defense] to build a shield for himself, and at the same time drank a bottle of blood medicine to hard-top Xiao Dongbei's output.

The unusual movement in the middle did not escape the attention of the director. The camera switched and everyone saw the confrontation between the two mid laners in front of the YM Tower.

"Brother Ran, is the line stuck like this?" Zeyuan was very surprised, "As long as he puts the line in, he can easily replenish the tower knife. Nightmare has nothing to do with him, so why take these two steps forward! "

Lin Ran was put on E [Silent Fear] by Xiao Dongbei for two seconds, and fell into the fear effect, and was forced to escape away from the nightmare - that is, under the tower.

After Clockwork left, the BLG soldiers finally marched straight in and successfully entered the YM defense tower.

"This time, Brother Ran lost more than 200 points of blood. There is a certain health gap between him and Nightmare." Rita's voice was a little hurried when she saw that the blood bar of the Clockwork Demon Spirit had been reduced to half. , "But the soldiers still entered the tower. I don't think it's necessary..."

Rita couldn't understand.

But Xiao Dongbei frowned, feeling that things were not simple.

In his impression, Lin Ran rarely did anything meaningless on the field.

Will one of the world's top mid laners come up out of nowhere and ask himself to lower his blood volume?

To deliberately block the line, even at the expense of one's own health, there must be something fishy inside!

Push back the line.

This idea came to Xiao Dongbei's mind.

He moved the mouse pointer on the screen, trying to find any clues to support his thoughts.

When he saw that his next short wave had arrived at the Second Tower, he knew that his guess was correct.

The position of the soldier line is symmetrical. At present, YM's short-term line must have reached the second tower.

After a while, these 6 YM creeps will enter the middle tower guarded by Lin Ran, accompany the hero and the defense tower, and attack the enemy creeps under the tower.

Lin Ran had previously forced the line to block, allowing the BLG soldiers to delay for a few seconds before entering the YM middle tower. In this way, the thick-skinned artillery truck could be dragged to death when the next wave of BLG soldiers arrived.

Since all the YM minions are gathered in the Linran Tower, BLG's short-term attack will be unimpeded and they can break into the YM defense tower.

Defense tower + clockwork + minions, under the triple artillery fire, the BLG short-term will be quickly cleared.

By then, the YM short-term stocks that have not been affected will survive.

Going back and forth, Lin Ran was equivalent to receiving the blessing of a wave of soldiers.

When the next short wave reaches the middle, YM will have two waves of minions against BLG's one wave.

There is no suspense in the comparison of the strength of the army lines, and the snowball will only get bigger and bigger.

Lin Ran will have a large number of troops to help him.

Xiao Dongbei's brain was spinning rapidly, trying to figure out the other party's plan.

Why does Clockwork, which was weak in the early stage, create a pushback line?

It's nothing more than creating opportunities to return to the city, or taking advantage of the gap between all the troops to advance into the enemy tower to roam and support.

The former did not pose any threat to BLG, and Xiaodongbei automatically screened out this possibility.

There is only one truth - Clockwork wants to roam for support.

Immediately afterwards, a series of questions came.

Who is Lin Ran's target?

Is Clockwork the only person who supports roaming?

Mole blessed his soul and said, "Chieftain, be careful, the other side may come looking for you!"

"Huh?" The jungler who was looking at the laning situation in the bottom lane was stunned for a moment, "When?"

"Five and a half minutes ago!" Xiao Dongbei said seriously.

If YM waits until five and a half minutes before freezing his hands, he will be upgraded to level 6. The nightmare with the ultimate move and teleportation can quickly rush to the battlefield and start a small-scale team battle. The level and equipment have not been upgraded to a certain level. Tiao Moling is a stinky sister.

From Xiao Dongbei's point of view, YM must launch an offensive before he has learned his ultimate move.

In this way, the time point is reduced to the nearest minute.

Chieftain frowned. Now he was on his way to his stone beetle camp by patting the pig. If YM Nakano really wanted to do something to him...

There is a high probability that it will be when I brush the sharp beak in the second round!

That is the jungle camp closest to the middle lane, which is very suitable for short-legged heroes like Clockwork to support roaming!

"Then I'll let go of this group of F6 and go directly to the three wolves." He was half-baked in Chinese, but fortunately, that's what it meant, and his teammates could understand it.

Xiao Dongbei breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that his jungler would be addicted to F6 and would force him to guard this group of wild monsters.

It would be great if you could let it go.

He continued to focus on the lane.

Just as he expected, Clockwork Demon Spirit successfully amassed a large wave of troops by only repairing the tail knife and preventing the minions from pushing back too quickly.

Lin Ran sacrificed his health and temporarily regained the initiative in the middle lane.

Chongzhang, who has a large wave of troops to protect him, is not afraid of nightmare at all. If Xiao Dongbei dares to come up to take troops, he will be consumed by him.

At 4 minutes and 57 seconds, the eighth short wave arrived.

With the help of a large number of soldiers, Lin Ran easily cleared the BLG soldier line in just a few seconds.

"Xiaoyao returned to the city to replenish equipment and went straight to the BLG Sharp Beak Camp!"

Zeyuan, who watched the game from a god's perspective, immediately realized something was wrong, "Brother Ran pushed away the troops and rushed to F6... They guessed the location of the Chieftain!"

The BLG jungler has just eaten the stone beetles that were spawned in the second round, and they are near the Sharpbill camp.

There is no doubt that YM Nakano has an insight into the position of the opponent's pig girl!

At this moment, the six birds were refreshed again, and the fans in the audience were filled with joy. In their opinion, Pig Girl would definitely come to eat this group of wild monsters. This group of people were ready to celebrate the home team's first blood.

The smile who stayed in the live broadcast room to support YM remotely almost put his head on the monitor, and his tone was very exciting:

"If you catch the pig girl to death this time, it will snowball in the jungle! Kill Brother Ran and Xiaoyao for me..."

The sound stopped suddenly.

Under the spotlight, Sejuani, who was riding a Poro pig, passed through the grass next to the Sharpbill camp, all the way up, to find the Shadow Wolf family of three!

She gave up on this group of six birds!

In the audience, the suppressed excitement on the faces instantly solidified.

"Chieftain is very cautious!" Only Zeyuan's voice echoed in the stadium, "He seems to have learned about YM's goal in the middle and jungle, and decisively abandoned F6 without giving his opponent any chance!"

[Guigui, are you so stable? 】

[He is too steady (makes Xiye’s voice)]

【As expected of you, BLG! 】

[Just get used to it, BLG is like this, ridiculously stable]

There was a lot of barrage, and when he arrived at the opponent's Sharp Beak camp, Xiaoyao, who didn't see the pig girl, didn't know the opponent's pig girl's movements. He thought that the opponent's jungle clearing speed was a little slower, so he waited an extra two seconds.

Still nothing.

"If you can't catch it, he should have released this group of wild monsters. Just brush them." Lin Ran said as he rushed towards the middle.

Different from the perspective of spectators who use the OB system to watch the game, the players on the field have to experience more detailed games. Most of the actions are planned based on known information, and the rhythm is filled up step by step.

When he saw that the BLG jungler did not come to brush this group of F6, he knew that his and Xiaoyao's previous plan had been seen through.

Lin Ran was also very helpless.

The Clockwork Demon is too weak in the early phase of the lane. If you want to forcefully reverse the lane power, you can only use physical jams to create pushback lanes.

Now that I think about it carefully, it is indeed too obvious and deliberate.

Moreover, BLG is famous for its slow pace in the early stage. They are extremely accomplished in defense, and it is not difficult to see through their own plan.

"It's okay," Garlic Bastard used a double wall kick to stun the wild monster, and cooperated with the tactical sweep to lower the bird's HP. "I can grab the 6, and I will go directly to the middle to attack later."

Xiaoyao calculated very carefully.

As a normal jungler, if you don't follow my brother's strategy of killing soldiers, it takes 12 groups of wild monster experience to reach level 6.

It doesn't seem like much, but since the refresh time of the two sets of BUFFs is 5 minutes, the jungler needs to refresh his jungle area for two and a half rounds to level up to 6.

However, now the river crab's experience has been greatly improved, and it is now equivalent to a wild area, which allows the jungler to level up a little faster.

For example, now, Xiaoyao started with six groups of wild animals and added a river crab, leaving him five groups short of reaching level six.

In addition to the double buffs in the YM wild area, there are four groups of wild monsters, plus the river crabs that spawned again in the lower half, there are exactly five groups.

Moreover, the Garlic Bastard also robbed BLG of this group of sharp-beaked birds, so he has more than enough experience.

On the other hand, BLG's life against Wild Boar Girl was not so easy.

Only the first group of river swift crabs is refreshed at the same time. After they are all eaten, there will only be one river crab in the canyon.

By chance, this river crab landed in the lower river near Xiaoyao.

Chieftain gave up F6 and couldn't get any river crabs. The existing BLG wild monsters on the map were simply not enough for him to reach level 6.

The Garlic Bastard's first attempt to attack failed, and he immediately hatched a plan to grab six and launch another attack.

After Lin Ran heard the boy's plan, he remained silent for a while.

"...Gao Tianliang, do you still remember how we are going to play this round?"

Xiaoyao was stunned.

He recalled YM’s arrangements before the game.

This game should be postponed to the later stage, copying the opponent's play style, and competing with BLG.

Then if he works so hard to drive the early rhythm, doesn't it violate the tactics formulated by the coaching staff?

"Then what should we do..." The Garlic Bastard murmured, "How about if I don't catch him later? I'll keep brushing for a while?"

Lin Ran thought for a moment.

The 400-piece bounty for first blood is so tempting.

He still chooses to follow his heart.

"...Forget it, you said so, just catch him once."

The Garlic Bastard responded, brushing off five sharp-beaked birds, and leaving a small bird for the opposite jungler, deliberately disgusting Pig Girl.

Lin Ran waited in front of the tower for the troops to push back again. He was afraid that Chieftain, a vengeful man, would take the opportunity to catch him, so he stood very carefully and cut the screen to the sideline to command his teammates.

"Jack, please control the line. Stop pushing. The Nightmare will immediately go up to 6 to catch you... Jin Gong, please be a little more steady. I saw Pig Girl going up before. She paired with Ryze, and her control and output were fully maxed out. Can kill you."

Xiaodongbei left the middle after level 6 and wanted to cooperate with his teammates to launch a surprise attack on the YM side lane. However, under the command of Lin Ran, the YM machine ran in an orderly manner and seemed to have no flaws.

He could only return to the line and continue to develop, but Xiaotian took decisive action under this situation.

"The green steel shadow hook is placed on the wall, and the second section of the wall is kicked directly towards the nightmare!"

The distance between the two sides was not too far, so the Garlic Bastard simply saved the flash.

But Xiao Dongbei's operational ability is indeed very strong. Although he did not obtain the movement information of the opponent's jungler before, he still successfully activated W [Dark Asylum] just when Camille's sharp leg blade was about to kick him. !

But what Xiao Dongbei didn't expect was that Qinggang Shadow had already reached level 6!

This is too fast!

"Hex's ultimatum covers the nightmare, and Clockwork Demon doesn't even use its ultimate move. It just uses small skills and basic attacks to suppress Xiao Dongbei's health!"

Mole knew that the other party wanted to trick him into flashing, and then used R [Command: Shock Wave] to pull him back.

He simply didn't have any skills, took his fingers off the keyboard, picked up the paper cup and took a sip of the drink, accepting his own death calmly.

"400 yuan!" Zeyuan shouted, "Brother Ran accepted the first blood bounty!"

The sound of the smile was even more deafening.

"Nice!!" His face turned red, "Well done, Xiaoyao!"

"YM, hurry up and win the game, okay? Qiuli Gao!"

[This face makes me laugh]

[So concerned about WE, why don’t you come back and play for another two years? 】

[I think being a coach is pretty good. After Bai Yueya has led WE this year, he will definitely not stay, right? 】

[This is not nonsense, after all, he is also the coach of the World Championship. WE does not give him much money to begin with. The team will be rebuilt next year. Who will take over?]

Xiaoxiao was immersed in the game wholeheartedly and didn't pay attention to the rhythm of the barrage at all.

He looked at the skill usage of the ten heroes on both sides and suddenly realized something was wrong.

"Qinggangying has used his ultimate move. How will we fight in the 8-minute vanguard team battle later?"

On BLG's side, Nightmare and Pig Girl will both have ultimate moves, which will undoubtedly deal a serious blow to YM's back row.

After the Garlic Bastard used his ultimate move, only Orn and Clockwork were left, unable to pose much of a threat to the Golden Horn King's Xayah.

If this team fight really takes place, YM's chances of winning are not great.

Smile suddenly panicked.

"No, no, no, YM, don't let go of this vanguard!" He looked at the movement of the five YM people in the Summoner's Rift, and felt even more chilled and excited.

Xiaoyao finished the red BUFF refreshed in 6 minutes and 50 seconds, returned to the city to replenish equipment, and went straight to the lower half of the area, apparently to get blue for Lin Ran.

But it was close to 7 minutes and 40 seconds at this time. After they finished the blue BUFF and then ran to the upper half, although they could catch up with the Rift Herald refresh, you must know that YM has not yet arranged a field of view near the Dalong Pit!

You can't fight in the dark in a team fight, right?

Xiaoxiao seriously doubted that YM didn't want to take on this wave of team battles at all.

"Let go of the Vanguard. What will happen to the First Blood Tower later?" He wailed, "You can't let it go, right?"

Dabuliucha's guess was indeed correct.

YM didn't want to take on this wave of team battles.

They just want to delay this game.

Just drag it hard.

Teams will not fight in team fights that cannot guarantee a sure win.

"Let's eat this wind dragon." Lin Ran finished eating the blue buff and called his teammates to Xiaolong Pit.

"Play now?" Jack asked. The BLG duo had already returned to the city and switched lanes to the middle lane. He was so comfortable growing in the bottom lane that he flew up.

Lin Ran glanced at the time in the upper right corner, "Let's start in 8 minutes. It's not good if it's too early."

Xiaoyao naturally had no objection. Since this game was destined to drag on for a long time, he even made Tiamat, preparing to boost the economy. At this moment, he rushed to the BLG jungle area to kill the opponent's newly refreshed Sharp Beak Bird again. Swallow it into your belly.

With Tiamat, the speed of clearing camps with a large number of wild monsters like F6 is very fast, and Garlic Bastard managed to return to Xiaolong Pit before 8 minutes.

Rita on the commentary desk saw this and said, "Now it seems that YM has made up its mind not to take on this wave of vanguard team battles. BLG never expected that they even moved all five of them to the top half!"

When Road discovered that Jack was still clearing lanes in the bottom lane, he knew that YM had let go of the vanguard.

He was doubly surprised.

Although Road also knows very well in his heart that if YM takes on the Rift Herald in a team fight, the chance of winning is really slim.

But it was unexpected that the opponent gave up the most critical neutral resource in the early stage so easily.

This is YM after all.

A team that never misses any early-game economic advantage.

Now he actually gives up resistance and gives up the vanguard?

Road is full of suspicion.

Why did this team suddenly change their playing style?

The lineup is Ornn + Clockwork + Kai'Sa, and the tactics are delayed.

If he hadn't confirmed that the opponent's group of star players were sitting next to him, Road would have really felt that YM was collectively taken over by the LCK team!

"Jack pushed forward alone in the bottom lane, and Liu Qingsong accompanied his teammates to collect the dragons..." Zeyuan watched the epic wild monsters in the big and small dragon pits being ravaged and tortured by the heroes at the same time, without any fluctuation in his heart.

But immediately his eyes widened in surprise.

"YM stopped all attacks after lowering the blood volume of the wind dragon!"

The Cloud Yalong had 77 drops of blood left. It was on the verge of death and was furious and spat at the crowd in front of it, but Liu Qingsong stopped them all.

The tauren who were responsible for the operation even came to Yaxing and started ringing the bell.

"What are you doing?!" Zeyuan couldn't figure out the situation at the first time.

The smile response in another live broadcast room was very quick, "YM is waiting for BLG to defeat the vanguard first, and then eat the dragon himself. Later, the two neutral resources will be refreshed at the same time."

In this version, Xiaolong’s refresh time is also 6 minutes, exactly the same as Rift Pioneer.

"Do you know there is an advantage to doing this?" Smile talked eloquently, "After 6 minutes, if BLG takes the dragon, then YM will take the vanguard; if BLG takes the vanguard, then YM will take the dragon."

"Because at that time, Little Northeastern Nightmare probably had Tiamat + Black Cut, which was very powerful in combat. YM definitely didn't want to take it. If the refresh points of the vanguard and dragon are controlled at the same time, it would be difficult for BLG to get them all."

He has come to accept the reality and started to think about the problem from the perspective of YM operations, "As long as it waits until 30 minutes, YM will be able to fight a balanced team, and the farther back it is, the better it will be!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room flew across a field of 666.

As soon as the prompt that the Canyon Pioneer was killed appeared, Xiaoyao took the wind dragon into his bag with a kick of his leg blade.

"The next still the wind dragon!" Rita couldn't help laughing when she saw the cloud totem emerging on the wall of the small dragon pit, "YM is not very lucky today. The refreshed elemental dragon is not very useful in the battle!"

When everyone in BLG saw the wind dragon logo, they immediately felt relieved.

"If the opponent trades the vanguard for the dragon, just give it to them directly." Road has also played in the country for a long time. His current Chinese level is quite good and he is fully qualified to lead the team. "Let's pull out the defense tower and invade the jungle." district!"

BLG is also quite stable in advantageous games. When they are not sure of victory, they will slowly operate and develop. When they think the time is right, they will start a team battle and end the game in one wave.

After playing the vanguard, the team did not even choose to change lanes, and the duo continued to develop back to the bottom lane.

The pace of the game is extremely slow.

Now all BLG players are full of expectations.

I may not win this BO3, but I will win this game!

In their eyes, YM is extremely arrogant for daring to play Shakespeare style with BLG!

When it comes to fighting, YM is good at it, but when it comes to operations, BLG has never been afraid of anyone in the entire LPL!

The first vanguard, Xiao Dongbei summoned it in the middle, knocking down the health of the first tower in YM by nearly half, but Xiaoyao was guarding nearby. After the vanguard hit the defense tower, punishment cooperated with Lin Ran's skills Just clean it up.

The game came to 14 minutes and 22 seconds in the blink of an eye.

BLG and YM gathered on the upper and lower sides of the Summoner's Rift respectively, and at the same time attacked the neutral resources in the large and small dragon pits.

"YM successfully took over another wind dragon, and the next one to be spawned will be the Infernal Dragon!" Zeyuan focused the topic on BLG, "Now we have to see how BLG uses the Canyon Pioneer to gain a huge advantage!"

After taking the second Rift Herald, BLG finally took the initiative to change lanes.

They moved the duo to the mid lane, AJ went to the bottom lane to solo, while Nightmare went to the top lane to show off his talents.

Just like Xiao Dong said, Xiao Dongbei now has Tiamat + Black Cut in hand, and his combat power is beyond the limit.

He now wanted to seize the opportunity to kill Lin Ran alone.

If he can really complete the nightmare-level challenge, Xiao Dongbei can imagine what kind of applause and cheers the audience will give him!

Thinking of this, Xiao Dongbei felt excited.

He quietly hit the road, planning to wait until Lin Ran left the protection of the defense tower to freeze his hands.

But 7 seconds later, the person who appeared in the field of vision was not the graceful clockwork demon Oriana.

But Ornn with ram's horns on his head!

Where's the clockwork?

Xiao Dongbei had a question mark on his face.

The blacksmith uncle hit the soldiers under the tower with a hammer, and combined with the percentage damage from the bellows breath, the soldier line was quickly cleared.

Just looking at the thickness of the dense health bars above Ornn's head, Xiao Dongbei knew that he couldn't fight hard.

Although there is Black Cut + Conqueror, it is obviously unrealistic to kill a meaty guy like Ornn.

"Clockwork is coming to the bottom lane!" AJ sounded annoyed.

He originally thought he could continue to bully Ornn, but he didn't expect YM's splitting situation to be so weird!

Although Ryze had certain advantages against Clockwork at the single-band end, he only had lane rights. He couldn't forcefully demolish the defense tower in front of Lin Ran.

YM's two solo lanes were originally at a huge disadvantage in the mid-term. After changing lanes and splitting, although they couldn't gain an advantage, they would never be single-killed and pushed the tower, and there would be no problem in developing quietly.

Zeyuan said with excitement, "YM arranged for their opponents. Their two single-lane heroes did not rush to show up. Instead, they waited for AJ and Xiao Dongbei to show up before clarifying the characters they wanted to play against!"

"Ryze and Nightmare both returned to the city after pushing the army line, and exchanged the line!"

"Xiao Dongbei's nightmare better face Brother Ran," Rita answered from the side, "This is BLG's biggest advantage, they can't give up!"

However, in Summoner's Rift, Clockwork and Ornn also chose to return to the city to resupply after pushing away the minions.

The director suddenly pushed the camera to the second tower of BLG.

In the closed grass, the blue light of visionary transformation suddenly lit up!

"Brother Ran left something behind before he left!"

Zeyuan reacted very quickly, and even his speaking speed increased several notches, "Once BLG's hero walks down the lane, he will enter his field of vision and be informed by YM in advance!"

Xiao Dongbei mended a pair of straw sandals in the spring water and continued walking up the road.

He knew that YM had discovered him and AJ returning to the city.

According to normal thinking, one would think that he would switch lines with Ryze to continue the pressure.

It is very likely that the two players in the YM solo line will change paths after returning to the city.

Therefore, Xiaodongbei did not change anything and continued to go up the road.

This time he was confident.

Clockwork, wait until you die!

The commentary from God's perspective clearly shows that AJ's Ryze was discovered by Vision Transformation when he passed by the second tower!

"YM quickly changed the route situation. Brother Ran, who was standing on the high ground, walked down, while Jin Gong continued to rush up the road!"

Rita couldn't hide the excitement in her voice, "This time, YM caught me changing lanes again!"

“YM is really good at this line switching operation!”

The audience burst into ruthless laughter.

[Isn’t this a tactical crushing? 】

[BLG’s operation was diverted by YM, which I didn’t expect]

[I can only say that the two teams are not at the same level, YM can win casually]

[With all due respect, BLG’s operation is really bad. There is a reason why this team has so few fans]

[Uncle, I am going to lose money again]

When Xiao Dongbei came on the road, he saw Uncle Goat coming to him again with steady steps, and his whole body went numb.


"... Do you still want to change lines?" AJ said calmly.

He was not impatient. After all, BLG was playing in the late game, so this small setback was nothing to him.

But Xiaodongbei wanted to prove himself in this game.

Young people who have just debuted are always a little impetuous.

"Hmm..." Xiao Dongbei thought for a moment.

He can forcefully kill Lin Ran. After all, he has teleportation on him, which can make the nightmare ultimate move become a truly global trend.

But it's really not worth it.

Lin Ran didn't even have a bounty on him, just 300 yuan.

After killing Clockwork, you can push up to one more tower.

He handed over teleportation and ultimate moves just to gain this advantage?

Xiao Dongbei was a little reluctant.

"Forget it, that's it. When the big dragon refreshes, can we just force the group to go?"

He asked the conductor Road.

"Is it too hasty?" Road frowned subconsciously.

Opening the Baron at 20 minutes has never appeared in BLG’s tactics.

Opening the Baron at this time is really a bit risky.

"We are pretending to fight dragons and start a real group. We just need to trick the YM people over!"

Xiao Dongbei expressed his thoughts, "Otherwise, we really have no advantage, and the other side keeps dragging and delaying..."

Road thought about it carefully and felt that it was feasible, "AJ, you will use a bunch of pig girls to get around the back later, and Nightmare will use his ultimate move. The team battle will be won!"

Several team members responded one after another.

In 18 minutes, BLG summoned the Canyon Herald and crashed the first tower of YM.

The economies of both sides are on par and are once again on the same starting line.

"It's almost 20 minutes, and BLG still doesn't have any advantage. If this lineup doesn't work hard, YM Double C will take over the game!"

Zeyuan is worried for BLG.

Fortunately, he didn't have to wait long.

At 21 minutes, after Ryze returned to the city to replenish equipment, he rushed to the Dragon Pit and, together with three other teammates, quickly Rushed Baron Nash!

"Jack's vision transformation successfully detected the movement of BLG, YM is moving towards Dalong Pit!"

Rita took into account the movements of the players on the mini-map, "Brother Ran didn't rush up, he continued to lead the lane in the bottom lane!"

"You know he didn't bring teleportation!"

Speaking of this, Rita couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

A clockwork that has not teleported leads the line in the bottom lane, clearly telling the opponent that YM is facing four against five!

Needless to say, BLG immediately decided to start a group.

"Ryze used the winding path jump to teleport Piggy Girl to the YM red zone, allowing her to complete a perfect circle!"

At the same time, Nightmare also turned on R [Ghost Shadow], turning off the lights to reduce the field of view of everyone in YM!

"YM doesn't know what Pig Girl is doing, they are about to be attacked!"

Sejuani threw out the ice flail with all her strength, and R [Ice Prison] flew towards Kai'Sa!

No suspense, accurate hit!

"Jack purified and released the control, but Nightmare flew over with Morgana's shield!"

Two commentators shouted from the stage.

Everything is as usual in the YM team's voice.

"Just kill the pig girl, don't worry about other people."

Lin Ran commanded.

Due to the existence of Nightmare's ultimate move, he couldn't see the team battle situation even if he switched the screen.

He simply turned his head and looked at Jack's monitor, and saw a wave of physical peeks at the screen.

The two referees behind him looked at each other.

They had heard from their former colleagues that Lin Ran had once made a fool of himself by peeking into his teammates' screens when the opponent's nightmare was turned on, but they never expected that one day he would be touched by them.

The key point is that when Lin Ran did this kind of thing, why did he look like he was taking it for granted?

However, Riot has no rules saying that professional players are not allowed to look at their teammates’ screens during games.

This was not considered a violation by Lin Ran, so the two referees would naturally not stop the game.

"The Green Steel Shadow's ultimate move directly covered the pig girl. Kai'Sa used basic attacks and Icathia's heavy rain to hit Sejuani, and then used her ultimate move to activate the fear effect of Nightmare. Ornn used R to persuade BLG to fight back. Everyone, Niutou alone is at the front!"

The four YM team members have a clear division of labor.

Garlic Bastard and Shiba Inu were responsible for dealing with the pig girls on the side, while the two tanks Jin Gong and Liu Qingsong were at the front, using successive controls to stop the other BLG members there.

"Qinggangying A continued to pull up, and the real damage reduced Pig Girl's health bar by a large amount!"

Shiba Inu's Kai'Sa has been developed from the beginning to now, and the equipment is also quite good. After evolving Q, Icacia's heavy rain output is very high. After the plasma effect is exerted, the pig girl's health is in danger!

"Pig Girl couldn't escape Hex's ultimatum, and was killed by a critical hit from Kai'Sa!"

Zeyuan spoke quickly, "On the other side, Aoun and Niutou in front were also killed by the golden horn!"

Smiling and cheering, Seal patted his belly excitedly, "YM's team battle thinking is too clear!"

"Pig Girl exchanges for Ornn + Bull Head. It seems that YM loses a head, but BLG dare not open the Baron!"

After all, Xiaotian's Qinggangying is still alive, and BLGRush Baron may be robbed after losing his jungler.

"Brother Ran will go down the road and knock down a tower, and he can still take down the fire dragon!"

The smile stopped and he said, "YM will make a lot of money now!"

The clockwork demon went to the dragon pit alone. After killing the fire dragon, the cumulative number of dragons in YM has reached 3!

In the BLG team's voice, the atmosphere was rarely a little irritable.

If YM keeps dragging them down like this, the lineup disadvantage will become apparent.

They have repeatedly tried to force the dragon into a group, but the pig girl is always the target of YM's fire, and she never survives to the end.

BLG waited until 29 minutes before reluctantly relying on Nightmare to turn off the lights and rush out Baron Nash.

The price paid is the second tower and an earth dragon.

When YM prevents the opponent from beating the dragon, there is always someone leading the line on the wing to put pressure on them, which makes BLG very uncomfortable.

"BLG is advancing quickly, they don't want to give YM any more chance to delay!"

Rita could tell that BLG was a little impatient, but YM on the other side was still strolling leisurely and had perfect defensive vision.

Lin Ran, who has been developing as a single player so far, has already bought a three-piece set of Luden + Ghost Book + Hat.

Counting the rune's Astral Insight and Transcendence, he also has a 35% cooldown reduction.

Clockwork Demon has entered a period of strength.

At this time, the director suddenly occupied the data panel and played a prompt.

"The storm is gathering!" Zeyuan saw that Kai'Sa and Clockwork's attribute panels were improving again, and couldn't help shouting, "The 30-minute node will provide the hero with 48 ability power or 29 attack power!"

"This is almost equivalent to half a large piece of equipment!"

The gathering storm is simply a blessing for the late lineup.

The longer the game lasts, the more exaggerated the growth attributes will be.

And BLG also has two people with this talent.

Xayah and Ryze.

But in terms of output environment, the later YM Double C is much better.

Clockwork has long arms, and Kai'Sa has invisibility and movement, so she can operate it at will.

"BLG has flattened YM's second middle tower and bottom lane tower, and wants to continue to push higher ground... Brother Ran just pulls the ultimate move!"

The demon distorted the space and sucked in all the bodies of Xia and Zhumei!

In just an instant, the health bars of the two of them dropped a lot!

Moreover, the soldiers were eliminated by Lin Ran.

"BLG is forced to retreat. It's the time for the ancient dragon to be refreshed soon. They and YM must have a head-on battle!"

At this time, YM's arrangement came in handy.

The current version of the ancient dragon provides BUFF, which will cause the hero to deal real damage and increase the attributes of the dragon that have been obtained before.

Among them, the number of real damage is closely related to the elemental dragons captured by the team. The more dragons, the higher the damage.

YM has a total of four little dragons. If they get the ancient dragon BUFF, the situation will be reversed instantly!

BLG can only respond!

"Road is still working on vision, but YM doesn't care, just start fighting!"

Zeyuan noticed something strange in the skill bar of both summoners.

"Brother Gongzi used the unsealed secret book to come up with a new punishment!"

"YM's double punishment is bound to win against the ancient dragon!"

BLG also realized that something was wrong. They wanted to find YM to fight in a team and prevent the other party from taking over the ancient dragon.

To this end, Xiao Dongbei also turned off the lights to interfere with his opponent.

But Liu Qingsong fought alone at the front and pushed the pig girl away!

Immediately afterwards, a sheep's cry echoed through the canyon!

"Ornn activates his ultimate move to persuade him to retreat... BLG doesn't want to give up yet!"

The next moment, Lin Ran's demon doll appeared in front of the BLG formation, full of intimidation!

He directly persuaded everyone on the other side to retreat!

"Pig girls can't go down to the dragon pit, they can only aim at the bull's head!"

Two thunderbolts fell, and the ancient dragon let out a howl!

All the surviving heroes of YM have dragon blood sprinkled on them!

"The Bullhead was killed, but Kai'Sa used the plasma effect to fly in with her ultimate move!"

The basic attack followed Icathia's heavy rain, and the ancient dragon's real damage directly disabled the golden horn!

BLG immediately wanted to keep Crispy Pikasha.

But with a ding, Kaisha turned into a golden statue!

"BLG tried to fight back, and Jack still had a stopwatch on him!"

Behind them, the YM trio sharpened their knives and rushed forward!

"Kasha is starting a group fight in her physical body!"

Zeyuan has never seen this kind of ADC, so he just flies up and forcibly retains people, which is totally unreasonable!

The blue steel shadow hook rope pulls the wall, and the second stage E rushes over to activate the Hex Ultimatum!

Lin Ran followed behind, and R [Command: Shock Wave] forced out two flashes, and at the same time strangled the auxiliary Road, who was close to full health, on the spot!

"Oh my god!" Rita's voice was shrill, "What kind of damage does this clockwork do?!"

The three-piece set of Clockwork uses the bonuses of Gathering Storm, Fire Dragon and Hat to achieve an ability power exceeding 600 points.

There is still a level gap of 5 levels between Road and Lin Ran. He never dreamed that he would die suddenly with this amount of health, without even opening the golden body!

Jinjiao activated R [Storm Feather Blade] to avoid the first wave of output, but was still kicked away by Camille after landing!

Xiaodongbei still wanted to take away Kai'Sa, so Lin Ran used an E to put an E on the Shiba Inu. The high magic power caused the shield to support nearly half of Jack's health bar!

Jack used two basic attacks to track the enemy in the void, and unleashed the Nightmare's Resurrection Armor!

With AJ's Ryze left, Lin Ran played a duet with him!

Ryze ran back, and Lin Ran used the dual acceleration of phase dash and W [Command: Noise] to close the distance.

AJ turned around and wanted to fight back, but Lin Ran immediately took two steps back.

He kept the two of them at an ambiguous distance. Ryze, who had flashed over just now to avoid the shock wave, had nothing to do with this flexible clockwork!

Lin Ran took full advantage of his movement speed!

"AJ turned around twice and found that he couldn't fight back, so he wanted to escape, but QW stuck to him!"

On the other side, the resurrected nightmare was sent away by Jack's three basic attacks!

The real damage given by the ancient dragon made BLG defeated like a mountain!

"Is there no chance? With a resurrection time of up to 45 seconds, YM team destroys the opponent and wants to end the game directly from the bottom lane!"

Bathed in the dragon's blood, everyone in YM marched straight in, with Orn at the front to protect the line of troops, and Kai'Sa transformed into a tower demolition tool!

The defense towers that BLG held for 36 minutes were broken one by one!

The moment the crystal exploded, the time was frozen at 36 minutes and 45 seconds!

The big chapter will continue tomorrow.

Is 10,000 words okay?

Ps: FPX is so fierce, the championship face is back

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