LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 563 561: It’s not a solution!

Lin Ran understood what Abu was struggling with.

If the four guarantees and one fail to be effective, then Uzi's role in the Asian Games will be greatly reduced.

Because apart from his mastery of the four-guarantee-one tactic and his top-notch and gorgeous operations, Uzi really has no special skills when facing Jack.

The Shiba Inu doesn't need anyone to protect him. He dies when he dies. Even if he dies suddenly, he can still deal damage, which allows the team's style to change more easily and is compatible with a variety of tactics. Moreover, Uzi does not need to use the popular magic bottom lane now. In the hero There are natural flaws in the pool.

In other words, Uzi now plays as the core of the team. If the economy is full and the equipment is in the lead, he can play an extraordinary role.

But in the training match just now, he was so fat that he was still killed by TheShy, King Ning and Broiler in team battles.

It has nothing to do with Uzi's operation. As Jack said, this version of ADC is just a toy in front of the upper, middle and jungle.

If the maximum strength of a team that plays Four Guarantees and One in the Spring Split can reach 95 points, then in the Summer Split, the upper limit of Four Guarantees and One may only be 80 points.

It's enough to abuse vegetables, but facing a strong team, four guarantees and one are still vulnerable.

Even if Uzi's personal condition is at full level, he still can't withstand the opponent's charge.

The four-guarantee-one tactic has little effect. With a superstar like Lin Ran already in the team, Uzi's space to play is also very limited.

After all, it is enough to have one talker in a team.

But Abu didn't want to give up the Uzi. This submachine gun was too powerful.

He was deep in thought, writing and drawing in his notebook.

"Come on Jack in the next round." Abramovich first arranged the candidates for the training match. "You guys try to play in the middle and field."

The Shiba Inu who had been waiting beside him was very excited and quickly jumped back to his seat, shouting for his teammates to quickly pull him into the custom room to wash away all the frustration caused by the defeat just now.

But the result of the second training game was not satisfactory either.

In the early stage, Xiaoyao wanted to fight against a group of Stone Beetles in the Ueno area of ​​IG, but was caught red-handed by King Ning and TheShy.

He relied on punishment to restore blood and dragged Letme over.

In fact, when playing 2V2 in the jungle, the combination of Shen + Grain Barrel that YM chose at the time was no worse than IG Ryze + Qinggang Shadow in the early stage - because the level and equipment have not been improved, the output of basic attacks in the battle accounted for a very high proportion. , and the sword array comes in handy at this time, and can block all normal attacks.

It can even block the real damage of Camille's Q [Precision Etiquette], making it a great weapon in early battles.

Moreover, Letme was level 4 at the time, one level ahead of TheShy. As long as it could taunt the opponent, paired with the meat, egg, onion, and chicken in the wine barrel, the control chain could be connected to instantly make the enemy lose their combat effectiveness.

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

In this wave of competition between the jungle and the jungle, Xiaoyao wanted to kill TheShy first, while Letme aimed at King Ning who had used E [Hook Rope].

There was a big communication problem between the two.

Although Letme subsequently shifted its attack target to TheShy, it was too late.

The damage and control did not all focus on the same person at the first time, which caused IG to stay very healthy in the jungle. TheShy used Ryze's overload shield, used his movement speed to pull it, and finally let King Ning flash forward and take it away. Xiaoyao head.

The Garlic Bastard gave out a first blood + double BUFF, which even made Lin Ran feel uncomfortable.

The disadvantage appeared too early. Before he had time to roam to help, the snowball rolled to the middle.

IG played very violently on the field, and their fierceness in training matches continued unabated. The Qinggang Shadow operated by Ning Wang was like a mad dog, and Xiaoyao couldn't resist it.

This training match lasted for 15 minutes. From the OB viewing system, the economic difference was already as high as 6K.

There was absolutely no need to continue the fight. The coaching staff immediately called a halt and both sides exited the Summoner's Rift.

Jack was dumbfounded. He had just taunted Uzi and said that it was useless to protect the bottom lane, and the midfielder was the father. However, he was let go in this game, and the outcome remained unchanged.

Xiaoyao slumped on the chair in distress, subconsciously scratched the black hair on the top of his head, and sighed with a depressed expression.

After losing two games in a row, even Lin Ran didn't look good.

Abu quickly said, "Stop for a moment. I'll call IG and wait half an hour before starting the next game."

He knew that the current mood of the team members was a bit negative and that continuing to fight would not have any effect, so he simply paused and solved the current problem first.

IG has no objection. Today they are not only serving as sparring partners for Lin Ran and others, but they are also improving themselves.

After all, there are not many strong teams in the LPL and LCK divisions that can get appointments for training matches.

Players from both teams, YM and RNG, have been transferred over. Although the royal family can still fill the gaps with posture and A monsters, the strength of this lineup is obviously stretched. IG will not even have the ability to fight against this youth version of RNG. How much progress.

The LCK is even more exaggerated. The only well-established team that can be found is the new Griffin, but they are also one of the designated training matches for the Korean Asian Games team. At this time, there is no time and it is impossible to make an appointment with IG. Training match.

After careful calculation, the only suitable opponents that IG can find during this period are domestic Asian Games participating teams.

Sparring is a win-win for both parties.

IG took advantage of the half-hour break to review the game and look for loopholes in the first two games.

Abramovich, who was staying in the training room, set up the borrowed projector and projected the video on the screen.

"Let's talk about the round that just ended." Bai Yueya stood up and pointed a laser pointer at the curtain so that everyone could see clearly. "There was no big problem in the beginning. Xiaoyao opened the field in the lower half. Brush all the way up..."

"If the opponent Ryze dares to push the line, Xiaowu Jiugong can go around and kill him directly. If the opponent puts the line under the tower, Jiugong can also try to jump over the tower." White Crescent Moon paused the replay and showed them the soldiers on the road at that time. "TheShy's handling of the line was really good. He controlled the line in front of the tower, just in a position where the line of soldiers couldn't enter, so Xiaoyao couldn't take action at all."

When White Crescent said this, she looked at Letme and said, "Actually, you are a little too cautious. You could have been more aggressive."

"Ryze is very weak at level 1 and 2, and TheShy still comes out with blue crystal. It's best to position yourself a little further forward in the early stage so that he can't interfere with the minions, and you can gather a wave of minions to enter the tower."

Yan Junze thought for a moment and nodded to indicate that he understood.

At the beginning, they relied on the strength of the first-level team to invade the IG jungle area. Through the eye position, they saw that King Ning also opened the jungle from the lower half, and it was basically impossible to catch the second-level team.

If he can hoard a wave of soldiers and push them into TheShy's defense tower, then both he and the Garlic Bastard will gain a lot of room for maneuver.

It can only be said that he is still too stable in laning this year, especially during the spring split. He often avoids laning for blood.

After the RNG coaching staff intentionally shifted the tactical focus to the upper half, Letme was also practicing to try to make himself more aggressive in the line.

But this concept is deeply ingrained and cannot be changed overnight. He can only do his best.

Abu interjected, "And let me tell you, Xiaoyao can't help push the position of the army..."

"Because the junglers share the army experience, you can't reach level 4."

He hit the nail on the head and pointed out the problem.

The fourth wave of soldiers on the top lane is reached at 3 minutes and 7 seconds. A single player must eat a total of 5 soldiers, 3 near and 2 far, to advance to the fourth level.

Xiaoyao started from the red BUFF in the lower half, worked his way up, and finished five groups of wild monsters and river crabs before reaching the top lane. If he shared the experience of the minions, Letme would not be able to get to level 4 first.

By then, both sides will be level 4 junglers + level 3 top laners, so the advantage in the fight will not be that great.

In order to upgrade Letme, Garlic Bastard deliberately did not help push the line.

The price paid is that TheShy does not have the pressure of the tower's troops, and can easily support King Ning without any burden.

Letme had a different opinion. He pointed to the short wave on the top lane that was still under TheShy tower, "No, I think you can come and forcefully clear the line of troops!"

"The opponent's top laner was unable to support him immediately. With the difference in numbers, the two of us were able to forcefully counter IG's Stone Beetle!"

Xiaoyao opened and closed his mouth to speak, but finally remained silent.

Lin Ran, who had been silent just now, saw this and retorted, "He definitely can't push this line for you."

"After pushing, you are still at level 3, and you can't go directly to the opposite jungle area through the IG tower. You have to go around a corner. The hero doesn't have straw sandals. It takes 7 seconds to get to the stone beetle camp. It takes 7 seconds to push in. There are no artillery soldiers in the short wave, do you mean that TheShy, a level 3 Ryze, and the help of the defense tower, cannot clear this wave of minions in 7 seconds?"

"Two E plus Q [Overload] can clear the line, right?" Lin Ran pointed at the curtain, "Then IG's two level 4s in the jungle will beat you at level 4+3. Do you think you can run away?"

Yan Junze remained silent.

Lin Ran gestured to Abu to continue playing the video.

Garlic Bastard's wine barrel ran to IG Stone Beetle, and was caught by King Ning.

The Qinggang Shadow controlled by Gao Zhenning was not as fast as the mainstream junglers, and he also ate the lower river crab from the bottom half, which took a little more time to travel. When the wine barrel invaded, he just finished the red buff. Upgrade to level 4.

Next, there was a battle between the top and the jungle that broke the rhythm of the whole game.

On the mini-map, the stone beetle camp is already full of signals. Xiao Yao Roudan Chongji crashes into TheShy, while Letme's Shen taunts to find King Ning.

"You must give priority to finding the jungler?" Letme defended herself first, "If you kill King Ning, he will also lose the stone beetle. Doesn't the jungle have an advantage?"

Xiaoyao's face turned red.

He felt that he should kill TheShy first.

Ryze is very hungry for development in the early stage. If he kills TheShy, the opponent will definitely miss a wave of soldiers.

And since the fifth wave of minions is still short-term, YM Ueno can quickly push the line of troops into the tower, and Ryze even has to teleport over to make up for the line. In this way, TheShy basically announced its farewell to the main battlefield in the early stage.

But Yan Junze was right. If he kills the Green Shadow, he can get the double BUFFs in the opponent's hands and roll the snowball in the jungle at the same time.

In other words, if TheShy is killed first, YM can get the top lane advantage; if King Ning is killed in seconds, YM will gain the advantage in the jungle.

It can only be said that there was a mistake in coordination.

Xiaoyao, on the other hand, has a good temper in the jungle position and is quite introverted by nature. Many times when he encounters mistakes due to different coordination ideas during review, he does not take the initiative to point them out and just keeps silent.

If it were a jungler with a tough attitude like Xiangguo, he would probably start scolding him this time.

Abu knocked on the table to get everyone's attention to him.

"You two are good at it, right?" His voice was as high-pitched as ever, "Why don't you communicate when things like this happen?"

"It's obviously just a matter of words. No matter who the two of them focus fire on, IG will suffer in this wave of top and jungle battles, but you attack different targets, spreading out all the control and damage!"

"Look at IG's communication!" Abu Mouse shook his head on the heroes operated by TheShy and King Ning. "A Chinese and a Korean, the language communication must not be as smooth as yours, right? They can focus on one person at the same time! "

"We all come from different teams. I don't expect your communication to be perfect," he stared at the two of them, "but this kind of low-level mistake must never happen again in the future!"

This time Letme and Xiaoyao both lowered their heads.

Although I felt very unhappy after being criticized, I couldn't find any reason to refute it.

"Rest first, and then start a training match in a quarter of an hour." After finishing these words, Abramovich took the water glass and went out.

The solemn atmosphere in the training room showed no signs of easing.

In the third game, Addisi was still Jack, and his target was mainly in the upper half, but there was another problem with the coordination between the top and the field, and then he was overwhelmed by IG's mercury-like offense.

"No..." Xiaoyao, who had been silent all this time, became anxious, "Why do you like to be the opposite jungler so much?"

"You obviously have the chance to kill TheShy, but you have to go find Prince Ning!"

"You went to him in the last game, and it's still the same this game!"

Does Gao Zhenning owe you money? Do you hate him so much?

Xiaoyao cursed, but he didn't say this sentence.

Yan Junzesheng lay on the chair helplessly. After losing three games in a row, his voice became weak, "I thought you liked this..."

"Wouldn't it make you feel better if you take care of the jungler on the opposite side?"

"I'm so comfortable!" Gao Tianliang rarely broke through the defense, "Why, in this game, if the jungler gets the advantage, the opposite base will explode, right?"

"In this version, the jungler can only establish an early advantage, but in the end, it has to feed back the lane. So if you directly get the top lane advantage, wouldn't you save a link in the middle? I won't be here to help you?"

Letme was made lose temper by Xiaotian who suddenly became angry.

Lin Ran listened to the argument between Ueno and Ueno and did not express his opinion for the time being.

If such a situation in a training match was still unexpected, after playing this afternoon, he felt that Letme had a mental problem.

The domestic top laners of many teams look like this.

They subconsciously sacrifice themselves. Even if they can gain an advantage for themselves, they will give this opportunity to their teammates.

It can only be said that this is a hidden danger that was planted when blue-collar top laners became popular in the LPL competition area a few years ago.

This kind of top laner style has nothing to do with good or bad. After all, no matter whether it is a blue-collar type or a carry type, the one who can win the game is a good top laner.

But many teams have taken this path astray and created a deformed blue-collar top laner.

The blue-collar top laner also has 957 and Jin Gong.

There has never been a saying that blue-collar workers cannot be top laners.

It's the coaching staff and management of some teams that don't understand the concept of the top lane position.

The top laner in the team is not very good at operations, and there is a gap between him and the world's top level.

But the team positioning they were given has transformed them into a role that unconditionally provides help for the sacrifice of their teammates.

Originally, even if these top orders couldn't operate well, they could more or less develop and be able to withstand the three-piece set before collapsing.

But the team's decision-making often makes them unable to play during the laning phase.

The most classic one is to refuse to take advantage of a bunch of troops in front of the tower, and force teleport to the bottom lane to support and help.

After rescuing the person, he went back on his own and lost three waves of soldiers, and his position was directly destroyed by others.

If you choose a solo character on the opposite side, it would be difficult for the tank front row to face these heroes in the mid-term. The early support will also dig a hole for yourself. After two waves, you can't even stand under the tower.

In the end, he and thousands of spectators could only watch the opponent's single-point push lead all the way, unable to even resist.

Jax who banged the tower, MaRin was two levels ahead of the prehistoric crocodile who chased AJ all the way...

In those years, a Korean top laner who was single-playing all the time was definitely a nightmare for LPL viewers.

To put it bluntly, this abnormal style of play means that the top laner is not treated as a human being.

Or even just as a hard assistant with a slightly stronger frankness.

Letme also seems to be changing in this direction.

Therefore, every time he enters the jungle to fight, his subconscious mind is to kill the opponent's jungler instead of the top laner.

Because killing the jungler can help his teammates build an advantage; killing the top laner gives him the advantage.

Lin Ran was originally a rival to Letme, so he was not very aware of the details in this area, but now that he is a teammate, he can see some things more clearly.

Letme has been forced by the version and the coaching staff to choose a carry-type top laner, and Sword Girl and Sword Demon are also practicing.

But it still stays on the original blue-collar top lane mentality, which is too stable and conservative, and it just stands out as being quite satisfactory.

This kind of thinking is completely contrary to the hero's play style, and the effect is naturally not good.

In the blink of an eye, it was left until night.

The atmosphere in the training room became more and more solemn.

Today's results are recorded on the whiteboard.




In nine training matches, the Asian Games team won a total of two small games.

An expression of restlessness and decadence appeared on everyone's faces.

Several YM players also looked negative.

They haven't been beaten so violently in a training match for a long time. YM has always been the one to beat others up, but they didn't expect the situation to be reversed today.

In the last wave of team battle, Scout's Zoe hit two hypnotic bubbles from the side, directly forcing the team to withdraw from the competition for the ancient dragon.

"Go back, go back, pull first!"

Lin Ran was still giving orders.

The four YM players stood in a regular position, huddled together to protect the core C position, and retreated along the jungle area.

But how does Letme know how YM usually retreats?

As soon as he moved slightly out of sync, EDG immediately seized the opportunity.

Haro's blind monk Tian Yinbo came up with the second Q, touched his eyes to force Letme to flash, and then R flashed to kick him into the EDG formation!

Letme didn't have time to resist, and was taken away by a round of control and damage.

EDG took advantage of the situation to take down the Ancient Dragon. This BUFF, which greatly improved their combat effectiveness, helped them finally defeat the four YM players.

White Crescent modified the training match record on the whiteboard with a marker.

Uzi, who was sitting on the sidelines watching the battle, was very worried.

He does want to compete for the starting spot, but the prerequisite is to win the game.

You can't win with four guarantees and one, and now you can't win by focusing on the top half?

Abu held his forehead and remained silent, his face expressionless.

To be honest, he was mentally prepared for the results of today's training match.

The most important thing is the problem of running-in.

Uzi played a total of 3 training sets, and the rest were played by Shiba Inu.

With Jack sent in, YM had four people participating in the battle, but Letme, who was on the unit, could not integrate into the team.

Problems such as being out of touch and not keeping up with the rhythm often occur.

This has nothing to do with Letme.

Replacing any top laner except Jin Gong, the result will not change.

Never underestimate one person's ability to influence a situation.

The tacit understanding of the Xiba people who have been working together for three years is beyond the reach of the new top laner.

From the handling of the troops during the laning phase and the details during the battle, to the positioning and tactical execution of team battles in the middle and late stages, Letme was very uncomfortable.

He is still in the top lane, which is becoming more and more important. Once something goes wrong, it will have a serious negative impact on the entire team.

The opponents in the training match are the top six in the playoffs. In this era of strong LPL teams blowing out, the top six are already pretty good.

Their strong ability to seize opportunities allows them to find Letme who is out of touch immediately and beat him up.

Abramovich had no intention of training this Asian Games team into a world-class team.

This is not realistic either.

How can a temporarily formed team compare in strength with the club's lineup that has been working together for many months?

Just be better than other Asian Games teams.

After winning the championship, everyone is happy.

And White Crescent Moon was still reviewing the problems from the previous game to the team members.

Letme was very dissatisfied with the last wave of team battles. He spread his hands:

"The fight you made was so messy that it messed me up too. You didn't even listen to what I said. You didn't give me any feedback on what I said. I didn't know what to do."

"After a day of fighting and losing, my hands are shaking all the time..."

Jack, Liu Qingsong, and the three idiots didn't say anything. They were probably stunned by today's training match defeat.

"We do have a problem," Lin Ran admitted frankly. "Many times the on-the-spot command makes you unable to react."

His performance today was pretty decent.

The losing games were simply losses. In the two games he won, Zoe had a perfect MVP record.

But overall, it is not said to be an explosive carry.

Mainly because the three mid laners they faced in the training match were all very strong.

Broiler, doinb and Scout, these three Korean mid laners are all world-class in terms of ability.

Lin Ran can perform a small amount of suppression in basic battles, and can sometimes hit solo kills, which is already very good.

But that's all. After these three top mid laners suffered losses, they took the lead in the lane.

No matter how strong Lin Ran was, he couldn't defeat them. In the end, he was dragged down by the situation and was forced to lose the game.

Letme just wanted to vent, but he didn't expect Lin Ran to admit it like this, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Let's do this for today," Han Yi stepped forward to smooth things over. "Everyone is a little tired, let's talk about it tomorrow."

It is already 10 o'clock in the evening, and it will soon be the time to go to bed specified by the person in charge of the sports team.

Without further delay, everyone turned off their computers and rushed to the dormitory area with their bags on their backs.

In Shenzhen in mid-August, the nights are still humid and hot, and the noisy chirping of cicadas echoes endlessly, disturbing people.

Lin Ran patted Letme on the shoulder.

"Let me tell you a few words."

Yan Junze was stunned for a moment and stopped when he reached the downstairs of the dormitory building.

The other ten people hurriedly continued walking forward. Su Cheng turned around with a bit of confusion in his eyes.

Lin Ran waved his hand to indicate that nothing was going on here.

After everyone left, Lin Ran and Letme were left downstairs.

"I don't have much free time, and I won't beat around the bush. I just say what I have to say..."

"As you have seen in these 10 training matches today, there are big problems with coordination."

Letme responded slightly dullly.

"It really has nothing to do with you, but the problem lies in the top lane position."

"From laning to team fighting, you and Jin Gong can't find anything in common."

"Excluding today, we only have nine days of training left. It is unrealistic to ask you or us to suddenly change our playing style."

Yan Junze still recognizes this.

I really want to integrate into a team, but it will take me a month no matter what. Just these 9 days will not work at all.

"So I can only think of a solution that is not a solution..."

Lin Ran paused for a moment when he said this.

"What do you mean?" Letme was confused.

"Take you out of the tactics and let you participate in the team's decision-making as little as possible."

"Is it really possible?"

"Yes, because there is a tactic that meets this requirement." Lin Ran replied.

The big one comes tomorrow.

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