LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 567 565: Miracle performance!

Su Cheng planned to start explaining BP directly, but then remembered that the audience did not know the personnel configuration of the Taipei team, so he quickly spoke:

"The opponent's top laner PK and jungler Baybay are both G-Rex players. Everyone must be familiar with the middle and lower trio, Fengtang + Betty + Snake, and the Lightning Wolf trio."

The barrage filled the screen, and Su Cheng finally found a few normal questions, "Why didn't Hanabi come? Maybe there were enough people from Flash Wolves, so the spots have to be allocated to other teams? This I am not very sure."

"Why didn't Casa play? The Taipei team's starting jungler today is Baybay. They may want to hide their moves."

In fact, for this Asian Games, it is not an easy task to recruit and schedule players who work in other competition areas.

The main reason is that the schedule is difficult to adjust.

Take the LPL as an example. Tengjing gave considerable preferential treatment to the six players participating in the CHN team, helped modify the schedule of their professional teams, and freed up two and a half weeks so that the players could compete with peace of mind.

As for the coaching staff, due to the transfer of the head coaches of WE and RW this time, Tengjing has also postponed the schedules of these two teams.

However, other LPL teams will continue to play normally during this period.

The Taipei team initially wanted to recruit Lao Shan, the former AHQ jungler who played for OMG, to serve as a substitute jungler for the Asian Games, but Planet Light refused to release him at all.

Hey, if you lend our jungler for half a month, how will we play in the OMG league?

Although the team is now on the verge of failing, we can't give you players casually. The contract didn't originally say that Laoshan would be allowed to participate in the Asian Games.

There is no other way, the Taipei team can only find Karsa.

Casa can participate. Like Jin Gong, he has other players in the team participating in the Asian Games. There is no problem with the schedule.

But he didn't want to come over at first because he would be scolded if the CHN team won or lost.

If you win, you will be criticized by the LPL audience, and if you lose, you will be accused by Wanwan netizens of being a traitor and deliberately letting off steam. It can be called a thankless effort.

But the Taipei team really has no choice. With Dou Di's bloodline drying up, they can't find reliable newcomers at all, so they rely on the original old players to come over and serve as thugs. If Lao Shan and Kasa don't participate, the team can already announce its farewell in advance. It’s the final stage.

The LMS division is waning, this is an indisputable fact that everyone knows.

Since the return of S5, every team that competes in the World Championship has been losing ground year after year, and they can't even qualify for the group stage.

As Ximen grew older and star players such as Laoshan and Casa left the local competition area, the situation became more severe.

It can be said that the Asian Games is the final flourish of the Taipei team.

Several Flash Wolves players cherished the opportunity to participate in the Asian Games. They bombarded Casa with phone calls and text messages every day, just shy of recreating the tragic scene of Strawberry.

Kasa really couldn't stand such tough talk, and thought that there was nothing to do in RNG anyway, so he might as well go back and play the last game with his old teammates.

Before looking at the big screen, Su Cheng glanced at the chat channel in the live broadcast room and found a topic that she was very interested in.

"Have you played in the LPL before? Your ID sounds familiar... Yes, you have played in RNG. If you go back further, you were the jungler of EDE in the 2016 Spring Split."

"An old rival!"

Looking back now, in the spring of 2016, the two teams YM and EDE fought hard in the secondary league. It was a competition to break through the dimensional wall.

Su Cheng could recall the desolate scene when Lin Ran played at the Jing'an Sports Center and there were only 30 spectators at first.

Nowadays, Lin Ran’s total global audience for each game is estimated to be 3 million, making him the most popular e-sports player.

She couldn't help but lament the changing times and the changing circumstances.

Baybay, who was sitting on the e-sports chair, saw the familiar IDs across from him, and there was a trace of nostalgia in his eyes.

When he played with YM in the LSPL finals, the opposite bottom lane was not Shiba Inu + Liu Qingsong, but Gao Zhenning and Xiao Ming. Now it has been changed, and only Xiao Nai and Lin Ran are left among the five people participating in the Asian Games. .

"Come on, don't let your opponent underestimate you!" Snake reminded her teammates in her voice.

"Then what do I want?" Fengtang's dark circles were still eye-catching. If she bleached her skin, she could be a giant panda, "Hey, Brother Ran, he just wanted Ike to get five consecutive kills in the last round!"

"Fengtang is so mean!" Betty mocked mercilessly.

Anyway, it's not him who will be beaten later.

This time, the head coach, Steak, stood at the back, moving his extraordinarily bloated body. He looked a bit silly, and his voice had a unique accent:

"Let me tell you, this is a qualifying match, and our tactics will be hidden until the final knockout round..."

Baybay, who has worked in mainland China, made a joke there, "Will Ichizo hide it until the next Asian Games?"

Steak took the notebook and patted him from behind, "Youjun, just perform well. This qualifier will be the most stressful for you and Fengtang!"

Among their two recognized rivals before the Asian Games, the upper unit is relatively weak, while Letme and Jin Gong play very steadily.

As for the bottom lane duo, except for the Uzi submachine gun carried by CHN, the laning strength is not particularly strong. Betty and Snake can hold up the early stage without any problem.

Only the middle and jungle are full of monsters.

The South Korean team is Xiao Peanut/score + Lee Sang Hyuk, while the CHN team is Xiao Yao + Lin Ran.

Once Baybay and Fengtang cannot hold on, the Taipei team may collapse directly.

Steak plans to let baybay play a few more qualifiers. After all, he has two junglers. If Casa is used throughout the whole process, it is possible that his playing style will be studied by the coaching staff of other teams in the group stage and knockout stage. thorough.

Su Cheng, who was in the audience, had already begun to analyze the BP, "We are on the blue side in this round. Let's ban the troll first."

"Then the Taipei team should ban crows," she frowned, putting herself on the field and thinking about BP from the perspective of a steak, "There is no doubt about it..."

Both heroes are version T1, and Troll is very restrained against Swain. If Trundle is banned and Karma is weakened to the point that it cannot be selected, Crow will have no natural enemy in the current professional arena.

"The second ban position of our team was given to Xin Zhao, and two jungle heroes were banned in a row. It should be aimed at baybay's hero pool, not allowing him to have room to link up."

"In this case, the Taipei team cannot ban Qinggang Shadow, because the strong AD jungler outside now still has Camille, and the AP jungler is Keg. If the Taipei team bans another character, then we If the blue side grabs the remaining character first, baybay will have no strong hero to use."

Su Cheng spoke very fast and his thoughts were very clear, "The other party must release these two heroes, and then let us choose first."

She found that Danmaku still had doubts about this choice. Some people thought that Olaf was also a good jungle choice. The early battle was very fierce. Even if the rune was chosen to be a predator, it would not affect the combat effectiveness of the berserker.

"Olav is a special hero," Su Cheng explained. "If we talk about standing, he can't beat the Attack Troll, and other characters are no match for him."

"But the players are not stupid. They will not fight Olaf in the jungle to the end. As long as they choose a character with displacement, they can quickly escape over the wall after encountering Olaf."

"Olav has another shortcoming. In order to ensure the speed of clearing the jungle in the early stage, he has to control his blood. However, his blood volume is too low when clearing the jungle. Once he is caught by the opponent's jungler, he is likely to be killed alone."

"Moreover, now is a world of rhythmic junglers. The junglers need to help the lane heroes establish advantages. Relatively speaking, there is not so much emphasis on jungle invasion. From a gank perspective, Olaf can be bypassed if he does not have the ability to move. Regarding the eye position, the second one does not have stable retention and control skills, so relying solely on the Predator, the success rate of the raid is really not high."

“So Olaf’s priority in the current professional arena is lower than that of the two heroes Grain Barrel and Green Steel Shadow.”

【I understand, I understand! 】

[Rhythm-based jungler, can the blind monk be chosen? 】

[If you think the blind monk can defeat Qinggang Shadow, Troll and Xin Zhao at level 2, then take it boldly]

[In this version, the blind monk is chosen instead of an old patient? I don’t want to play with the skinny little ones anymore. I’m worried about your blind monk. 】

When Su Cheng explained, the first round of BP between the two sides was coming to an end.

As she said, the Taipei team did not ban any jungle hero, but chose to ban Galio and take a strong jungler each from CHN.

And that's exactly what Abu wanted.

His first choice was to grab Qinggang Shadow for Xiaoyao, and he chose Wine Barrel for Steak, and then used grab instead of ban to get Shen, who performed well in Letme's previous game.

"Now that Galio is gone, I think I will choose Enchantress for Lin Ran, and then add a Tauren Chief." Su Cheng held her phone and thought, subconsciously holding her chin with the other hand, "This way the intensity of the midfielder is very high. Moreover, the bot lane support has hard control and openness, making it very versatile.”

Anyway, the camera is not focused on her, so she can just make any small movements.

The trend of BP was exactly as Su Cheng expected.

In the last choice, the Taipei team selected Verus for Betty.

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue side CHN: top laner Ornn, jungler Camille, mid laner Trickery, bottom lane Kai'Sa + Tauren Chieftain.

Red square TPE: top laner Shen, jungler Barrel, mid laner Zoe, bottom laner Verus + Thresh.

"Bai Jiao, if I want to add text to the screen in the live broadcast room, how should I do it?" Su Cheng asked Bai Yueya on the side. She really knew nothing about live broadcasts.

"How do I know this?" Bai Yueya took over the phone and fiddled with it. He couldn't play with the current live broadcast software, so he had to give up in frustration. He felt that he couldn't help and was losing face. He forcefully said: "I am a player. At that time, the live broadcast culture had not yet emerged, and at that time we were all doing videos.”

"What kind of jy Xiao Cang fist tyrant..."

He rambled on.

Su Cheng ignored White Crescent Moon at all.

"I can do this!" Uzi, who had been sitting next to him just now, came over to increase his presence. He is also an old anchor and is very familiar with this knowledge.

Three times five times two, he brought up the text box, and Su Cheng just entered the characters directly.

The live broadcast room has been open for nearly a quarter of an hour. As usual, Dou Shark has invested a lot of resources in Lin Ran's live broadcast room and even pushed it directly to the homepage, blatantly skirting around the edges.

Anyway, you can't catch me.

This resulted in an increasing number of viewers in the live broadcast room and the chat channel refreshing faster and faster.

Star players from the LPL region, headed by Lin Ran, disappeared for 10 days. Fans have also been holding back for a long time. They had been asking everywhere where they could watch the Asian Games video. Their excitement was no less than asking for the license plate number on the forum. .

Now it was discovered that Lin Ran was actually broadcasting the game in this novel way in the live broadcast room. Everyone spread the word, and netizens on major e-sports software also came to hear the news.

At this time, hearing Uzi's voice, the audience sent out barrages asking him to show his face.

Su Chenggang typed out the characters selected by both sides of the game in the form of text and placed them in the upper left corner of the live broadcast screen. He also specially marked them with red fonts so that viewers who had just come in could also know the lineup information, and it would also be convenient for them later. The children explain it so that netizens will not confuse the heroes on both sides.

She used her mobile phone to open the Dousha platform and successfully achieved the matryoshka achievement of "I use the live broadcast software to watch my own live broadcast."

Su Cheng nodded with satisfaction when he found that the lineup information of both sides in the upper left corner was displayed accurately.

Then she saw the barrage of people wanting to see the real Uzi appear on the screen.

"I can give you a look..."

Su Cheng responded to the requests of this group of viewers.

Uzi emphasized, "You can only take a look, you can't do anything else!"

He is the anchor of Huya and competes with Lin Ran's Dousha. It's okay to appear in the live broadcast room occasionally. As time goes by, he will probably be given a warning.

Su Cheng understood, pointed the phone camera at Uzi, and then focused on Bai Yueya again.

The audience was clearly not satisfied.

[Sister Chengzi, you move so fast, who can see clearly? 】

[If you didn’t say it was Uzi, I would have thought it was Brother Ran]

[Oh, it’s really awesome. Brother Ran can create a clone, right? The one who plays the game is his real body, and there’s a fake body sitting underneath? 】

[The case is solved, Brother Ran is a clown! 】

[Why has Uzi lost so much weight? How can he be C if his ADC is not fat? 】

When Su Cheng saw the barrage saying that Lin Ran was a clown, he almost lost his composure.

She calmed down and said quickly: "Watch the game and watch the game!"

The sound is full of energy.

"The CHN representative team's first-level team did not have an advantage, so they chose a long snake formation along the river, hoping to use it as a defense. However, TPE's invasion intention was very determined. They relied on Zoe and Shen, five people gathered together to invade the lower half of the area..."

"There is no problem here. The top laners on both sides are Ornn and Shen. Under normal circumstances, the jungler will not help this lane. TPE invaded through the jungle and forced Xiaoyao into the top half. In this way, the little bastard The initial rhythm will be at a disadvantage.”

In comparison, the bottom lane with control is undoubtedly easier to catch.

As soon as Su Cheng told the audience that Baybay might be caught in a hurry, the beer man took action.

Jack also knew that the opponent might come to gank him, so he placed his troops in front of the tower to give himself a safe development environment.

Who would have thought that baybay was a fool.

Just forcefully arrest people and set the pace.

He launched an offensive from the outer edge of the wall above the next tower. He flashed E to push up Jack, and combined with the flash of Snake Thresh to flash the Pendulum of Doom, Betty took down the head with two arrows.

But Liu Qingsong is not a vegetarian either.

After realizing that Baybay had used the two skills E [Meat, Egg, Onion, Chicken] and Flash, he seized the fleeting opportunity and immediately used the Minotaur Q Flash to lift the Beer Man up, and took advantage of the gap to hit him. Taking a step behind him, W [Savage Crash] knocked him into the defense tower!

Snake only has two levels, and there is no way to let its own jungler Jian Lantern. The Taipei team can only watch as the defense tower shoots down three cannons and sends the barrel back to the spring!

"Nice!" Bai Yueya clenched her fists excitedly, "Well done, Liu Qingsong!"

The audience suddenly burst into cheers, and the coaching staff of the CHN representative team was even more excited.

"TPE is a huge loss after beating this!" Su Cheng's commentary voice became louder, "The red BUFF on Baybay's body is for the torn wound, and Jack can also get an assist of 150 gold coins!"

"He's too impatient!"

Han Yi, who was sitting behind everyone, also agreed with her, "Baybay can definitely wait for Snake to strike first. After all, Thresh has aftershocks, and the basic attacker is also very long. He can resist two defensive towers without losing his life."

The bottom lane kill shot has finished playing, and the pilot shot cuts to the middle lane as usual.

Uzi suddenly groaned, and the two coaches were thoughtful.

Su Cheng also realized something was wrong, "Baybay launched a gank so quickly, it turned out that he was afraid of Enchantress..."

The audience couldn't see what was going on in Summoner's Rift, and they could only raise a row of question marks after hearing Su Cheng's words.

"The TPE was agreed upon. When we started on the bottom lane, Fengtang just happened to push the third wave of artillery troops under Lin Ran Tower!"

Su Cheng saw the handover position of the soldiers who were about to push back to the Taipei team, and could roughly guess the situation of the soldiers in the middle 10 seconds ago.

Zoe is naturally stronger than Enchantress in the first few levels, and she naturally controls the lane. Fengtang took advantage of this to cooperate with her family in the jungle.

"If Baybay takes action a little later, Lin Ran can clear out the minions under the tower, and then he can use the teleport he carries to go to the bottom lane to support!"

The Level 3 Trickery Enchantress already possesses basic combat effectiveness. If the TP passes and she links up with the Minotaur, she will pose a very big threat to the TPE.

In other words, baybay had to take action.

[This live broadcast without game footage is also possible, it sounds like there are quite a lot of details]

[See, this is called professional.jgp]

[Not pgj? 】

[It is indeed detailed, but the picture quality is not very strong. The LPL commentators are much better in this regard. If you don’t watch the game live, just listen to their voices, you will have pictures in your head]

Uzi also echoed, "So this time the bottom lane is changed, Brother Ran must take 1/3 of the credit!"

"Ah?!" Su Cheng was amused and said to the audience in the live broadcast room: "Did you hear it? This is not what I said, Uzi's certification!"

There were cheers and laughter in the live broadcast room, but there was blood and blood in the Summoner's Rift.

Xiaoyao helped push the middle line of troops away and pulled Lin Ran away from the line, intending to take advantage of the enemy's beer man's death to counterattack and gain an advantage.

"Baybay doesn't want to give up on his wild monsters. Although he doesn't have double buffs, after Fengtang hits the flying star and takes care of the short-term under the tower, he can immediately rush to support. Moreover, at this time, Shen also has an advantage in TPE and can go to the jungle. District help!”

The early game is so aggressive that he can take advantage of most armored warriors in a one-on-one fight, let alone Ornn.

In theory, the Taipei team has a short three-on-two opportunity, and Letme needs to wait a while to get to the scene.

baybay thinks he can win.

Then he stepped on a trap.

In terms of personal ability, Xiaoyao's current partner Lin Ran is worthy of being the midfielder combination of any team in the world.

What they chose was Camille + Enchantress, and the upper limit of operation was extremely high.

Lin Ran wanted his opponent to fight him in the jungle, and Baybay stepped in with one kick.

He and Fengtang are at best second-rate midfielders in the world, and it may be difficult for them to even enter the playoffs in the LPL.

In this wave of competition in the first half, TPE was poorly manipulated.

"Camille was caught off guard. EE jumped over the wall with her leg blade and kicked Zoe who came to support her!"

Analyst Doom was so passionate that he even started explaining instead of Su Cheng.

"Brother Ran steps forward to close the distance with W, and QE makes another basic attack to trigger electrocution!"

When Fengtang Zoe goes out, she carries the standard corruption potion.

This results in level 4 Zoe having only 768 health points.

Attacking Qinggangying and electrocuting the enchantress, this set of output reduced her to ashes in an instant!

"Maple handed over Flash and wanted to break away from Enchantress's phantom chain...but Brother Ran flashed and followed quickly, and the chains tied Zoe!"

After another basic attack, Fengtang was killed first!

"Shen E flashed to control the Enchantress, but the wine barrel was stopped by Xiaotian. The middle and jungle teamwork worked together very well!"

The beer man who had flashed when he was catching people in the bottom lane had nothing to do this time.

Baybay is completely unable to overcome the obstruction of Qinggang Ying and threaten the enchantress's life!

In the end, I had to make do with compromises and lay my belly full of meat, eggs, onions, and chicken on Camille's body.

However, Shan Shen's damage from the TPE alone was not enough to kill Lin Ran. It only triggered Enchantress's passive Mirror Flower, Water Moon!

"Letme rushed to the battlefield, Ornn QE 2nd Company knocked the barrel into the sky, Brother Ran was on the side to supplement the output!"

Taipei team Ueno didn't show up at all and became a plaything of the three CHN players.

In the end, Lin Ran scored a double kill, declaring his opponent's complete collapse.

At 6 minutes, Letme successfully reached level six and used the R magma element to create multiple fragile effects on the opponent.

Shen, who was operating the PK, had a full set of skills without flashing, and was killed alone in such a confused way.

He looked confused.

What's going on?

Are you playing Ornn?

"Wow..." Su Cheng, who was watching the battle in the audience, praised repeatedly, "Is this the Orn Jinchuuriki?"

"This proficiency is too ridiculous!"

Level 6 is Ornn's strongest level point in the early stage. The damage is ridiculously high when it is fully broken.

But what's even more impressive is Letme's control over the damage of the hero Ornn.

So accurate.

It is no exaggeration to say that this blacksmith has played to the point of perfection.

"It's such a shame that you can't see the live game!"

"The smoothness of this combo and the enjoyment of the game are simply amazing!"

The audience was extremely curious. Through the explanations by Su Cheng and others, they only had a vague sense of what happened at the scene.

The game is still going on with high intensity.

After Lin Ran's Enchantress got the kill, she successfully crouched and killed Fengtang once, continuing to expand her lead in the matchup.

Not to mention Baybay. The Beer Man who died twice in a row without flashing back would have to be peeled off if he encountered the Green Steel Shadow in the jungle.

With Lin Ran returning to the city and writing the murder note, the suspense of this game has been shattered.

The audience's focus has also evolved from who is the winner of the competition to whether the enchantress's murder book can be fully stacked.

Lin Ran did not disappoint them.

At 26 minutes into the game, Lin Ran waited in the wild area until Snake came to arrange his vision position.

After ERQW dropped Thresh in two seconds in the grass, Mejia's Soul Stealing Scroll successfully reached the 25th floor!

After returning to the city to make up for Zhonya's hourglass, Enchantress's combat effectiveness has become invincible.

After the team won the baron, the five CHN people gathered in front of the Taipei team's high ground.

Aoun's sheep cry announced the official start of the tower escape operation.

The second stage of magma element knocked away three opponents. Lin Ran flashed WR and dealt huge area damage to the crowd!

The Taipei team was unable to resist, Liu Qingsong's Bull Head kept up the control, and Jack harvested the battlefield without any suspense!

"Get it!" Su Cheng breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the TPE base exploded, "Two consecutive wins!"

Although the audience in the live broadcast room did not witness the defeat of the Taipei team, they still sent 666 and various words of encouragement and celebration in the chat channel.

Abramovich chose to change his formation in the third game, and Uzi replaced Jack to face the Macau, China team.

Originally, this game was for the players to practice their hot touch, but Jack the Lazy Dog just didn't want to play, so he simply asked Uzi to go up and find his condition.

There was also no suspense in the game. The team established a huge advantage in the early stage. Lin Ran's Zoe killed Dao Mei three times in 10 minutes, playing with the opponent's mid laner.

During the mid-term advancement, Nuclear Bomb Zoe killed the Macau team's shooter Big Mouth who still had more than half of his health with one shot from a long distance!

In just 21 minutes, CHN didn't even get the Baron, and directly flattened the Macau team's base!

So far, Lin Ran has used three different heroes in three games, and all the killing books he purchased have been stacked up.

More importantly, there were no deaths in three games, and the KDA was as high as 77!

It was like a miraculous performance, causing the audience to burst into waves of carnival applause!

"I'll go, Brother Ran, why are you so fierce?" Uzi's face turned red when he stepped off the stage.

"That's what you said," Jack took a sip of Coke and lay down on the chair happily, "You should know better than the Macau team whether Brother Ran is strong or not..."

"Can't that big mouth in Macau who was killed instantly remind you of the tragic moments in the past?"

"Gan!" Uzi's body couldn't help but shuddered when the Shiba Inu said this.

He has played against YM many times, and the one who left the deepest impression on him was not his opponent Jack.

It's Lin Ran who can find a way to kill him no matter how well developed he is.

Titans, vampires, sword demons...

The various methods are extremely cruel and unbearable to watch.

Lin Ran didn't know Uzi's psychological activities. He looked at his girlfriend who was holding the phone:

"How does it feel to live broadcast?"

"I think it's okay," Su Cheng pointed the camera at Lin Ran, "Hurry up and say hello to everyone!"

Lin Ran planned to take over the live broadcast room and let Su Cheng take a break, but the barrage started causing trouble again.

【Who are you? Return the anchor to me quickly! 】

[It’s enough to show off your face once and say hello to everyone. Don’t disturb Sister Chengzi’s live broadcast]

[I advise you to understand your position clearly and don’t be ignorant of good and evil! 】

Lin Ran didn't expect that one day an accident would happen in his live broadcast room, causing him to laugh and cry and could only hand the phone to Su Cheng again.

At this moment, a big hand put on his shoulder, and a familiar voice came into his ears.

"Xiba bastard, didn't you say hello to me when you saw me before?"

Big chapter tomorrow, entering Jakarta

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