LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 575 573: Decisive Day

"Congratulations to the CHN team," the moment the base crystal shattered, Su Cheng stood up and waved a small red flag in his hand, "6 wins and 0 losses without a single defeat, advancing to tomorrow's semi-finals!"

Her clear voice echoed in the live broadcast room, "Tomorrow our opponent will be the host Indonesian team!"

"The Taipei team can only swallow a bitter pill and end their group stage journey as the second place in Group A. They will face the South Korean team in the semi-finals!"

【Great! 】

[It is indeed fair. We played in Taipei in the group stage, so the Korean team is no exception.]

[Isn’t this a sure shot into the finals? 】

[I just hope that the Taipei team can play the Korean team's stuff and clear some obstacles for CHN. Of course, it would be better if they win. If they lose and CHN wins, then TPE will have one-third of the credit for this championship]

The unbeatable record in the group stage can definitely be described as inspiring.

The players of the Taipei team were inevitably a little negative, especially Betty, who originally wanted to shoulder the burden of the team's progress. In the last wave of team battles, he was instantly killed by the opponent's double C's exquisite cooperation. It was like encountering a ghost in a horror game, and his team was instantly destroyed. Self-confidence.

If they lose this game, it is almost certain that the Taipei team will only get a bronze medal.

Although many people in the team came from the Lightning Wolves, known as the pioneers in the fight against South Korea, the Lightning Wolves were all South Korean teams that they defeated in the BO1 stage of the group stage.

When it comes to the knockout rounds, they have no chance of winning.

Gou Ba in the lounge looked at the CHN coaching staff who were celebrating the first qualifying match and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

He has tried his best in this Asian Games.

It has to be said that compared to the hard power of the players, the Taipei team's coaching staff is quite capable.

Gou Ba, together with Steak, War Horse, and Barbecued Pork, who were connected remotely to help with suggestions, made detailed formulations and adjustments to the team's overall structure and tactical execution.

In the first match against the CHN representative team, they chose to let Fengtang suppress Lin Ran from the BP level. On the field, the Taipei team targeted Xiaotian, trying to suppress it through their lineup advantage and vision, so that the Garlic Bastard could not smoothly drive the early stage. Rhythm.

As a result, Lin Ran relied on the redesigned Blood Demon Aatrox to completely destroy the game.

In the second game, the team chose to let Fengtang mix in the middle, and asked Casa to help the bottom lane to gain advantage first, liberating Snake, and suppressing the mid-field linkage that CHN is very good at through the double play of wild assistant.

The initial implementation of the strategy was undoubtedly successful.

However, the Akali played by Lin Ran was too fierce, and she directly killed Fengtang in the lane, which was completely unreasonable.

In the face of absolute power, the strategy they formulated before the game was like a piece of tissue paper that could be broken at the first prick.

Gou Ba now misses his days in YM very much.

Those team members are full of talent, strength and hard work. It is much more comfortable to be their colleagues than to be their enemies.

The two commentators in the Wanwan commentary booth were speechless as they looked at the post-game data panel.

Akali, an AP assassin, actually raised her middle finger on the output panel!

22443 output in 24 minutes, with an average damage of over 900 points.

If he had covered up the ID, he would have thought it was Ezreal.

Qiu Z feels that his face hurts a little now.

In the chat channel of Mouse Station, messages passed by quickly.

[I heard that Akali can’t enter the team battle? 】

[The host also asked how fat Akali must be before she can spend 1,300 gold coins to buy mercury to release her control? In this game, Brother Ran will teach you what it means to buy mercury and you can kill people]

[But it’s so strong that you can tilt your head! 】

[Technology Gunblade plus two Qs and a passive basic attack, Lucian activated the healing spell, and the shield with the Thresh Lantern was reduced to residual health, and he still said that Akali is not good at cutting the back row in team battles. Woolen cloth】

[I won’t play any fancy tricks with you. If Lucian hadn’t dodged his ultimate move, Brother Ran could have killed him directly]

"Be good," Jack took off his earphones and grabbed Lin Ran's neck first, "Akali, you are too cruel!"

As an Addisi, he felt a chill in his crotch when he saw Akali kill Lucian in an unreasonable way in the last team battle.

Too cruel.

You can dodge E Falcon Dance, you can dodge R internal and external killing Dazzle, but can you dodge basic attacks and technological gun blades?

Lin Ran didn't give any room for maneuver, he just relied on his equipment level to be ahead and poured heavy damage on Betty's face.

Which shooter can withstand such a life-threatening cutting method?

"I'm telling you, you are the best mid laner in the world!" Jack quickly gave Lin Ran a BUFF.

After saying this, he glanced to his side cautiously.

As expected, letme also wanted to come up to celebrate with his family, but he didn't expect that he got in first. At this moment, he could only reluctantly go to the Garlic Bastard to celebrate.

Shiba Inu smiled crookedly when he saw this scene.

10% off?

Brother, I'm on guard this time, and I won't let you succeed first!

According to the arrangement of seats in the contestants' seats, he was very close to Lin Ran. It could be said that he came first, first served.

Letme was still a little disappointed, but he still praised, "Brother Ran's operation of killing the grasshopper with hatred in the Boka defense tower was simply outrageous. I was stunned at the time!"

"Can you teach me?"

Xiaotian has become familiar with Letme recently, and his words started to sound weird again, "I think even if I teach you, you won't be able to learn it. You can't operate Brother Ran as smoothly as you use both hands and feet."

"Gao Tianliang, why are you talking to me?" letme deliberately said with a serious face, "Do you think brother is easy to bully?"

Everyone burst into laughter.

At the end of the training match last night, they just walked out of the room when they heard Score teaching Chidi that it didn't matter if he couldn't understand Korean. Next to him was Jin Gong's passionate explanation. Xibaren could even imitate his tone when translating. come out.

After Lin Ran shook hands with the Taipei team opposite him, he packed up his keyboard peripherals and prepared to leave the stage.

Su Cheng ran over excitedly with her cell phone in hand.

"You are so awesome. Akali's two tower jumps were so bold that they scared me..." She hooked her boyfriend's neck and said, "Hurry up and say hello to the audience in your live broadcast room!"

Although this game against Taipei has ended. But there are still many people in the live broadcast room.

Lin Ran took a glance and saw that the barrage was flying all over the sky.

"Hello everyone, I'm off work." He turned the camera on himself and waved to netizens.

[Male water friends, hurry up and get out, we want to watch the anchor! 】

[How does Akali operate? Can I teach outside the semester? 】

[Let’s vote in advance. How are we going to prepare for the semi-finals? 】

[Can I use Juggernaut again? I want to see Jewel Sword Master! 】

"Don't do it," Lin Ran saw the last barrage and immediately responded righteously, "The semi-finals are a BO3 format, and the error tolerance rate is not high, so it's not fun to mess around."

He had a casual chat with the audience in the live broadcast room, then turned off the live broadcast and went to meet with Abu to discuss and study the next opponent.

The players from the other four representative teams could only sadly accept the fact that they had been eliminated.

Their Asian Games journey ends here.

The news that the CHN team reached the semi-finals reached all the viewers who followed the event through the live broadcast of Lin Ran and Su Cheng.

This directly caused the number of viewers to watch the semi-final between CHN and Indonesia the next day to skyrocket, and the live broadcast room was overcrowded.

"In the first game, we got Qinggangying and Galio, Kai'Sa and Rakan in the bottom lane, and Shen in the top lane. The whole lineup looks very solid!"

While explaining, Su Cheng typed the lineups of both sides into text and placed it in the upper left corner of the live broadcast room.

[Good guy, as soon as this team battle started, didn’t the opponent die instantly? 】

【I don’t even know how we are going to lose! 】

[I suggest that this lineup be called the Feifei Fei Combination. During the team battle, all five of them will be in the sky]

[Is there something wrong with Indonesia’s brain? This kind of lineup can also be played]

"Don't be embarrassed," Su Cheng saw the last barrage, "Lin Ran took three bans in this round, Akali, Sword Demon and Zoe, which resulted in all these heroes being released."

The Indonesian team's BP didn't know what the disease was, and he didn't dismantle the system.

Abu never thought that such a good thing could happen.

Just pick three or four of these five heroes and combine them, and the strength will be outrageous.

As a result, all five packages were given to the CHN representative team.

Their strength was already superior to that of Indonesia, and they easily crushed their opponents in the early small-scale team battles.

In just 21 minutes, Lin Ran and his teammates expanded their financial lead to 20,000.

Xiaoyao's Qinggang Shadow has even achieved a super-godful achievement. He pulled up and sucked out most of the opponent's crispy skin. The two legs were like sharp scalpels, directly slicing the enemy's aorta.

In the end, CHN accepted Baron Nash and flattened the opponent's base with a wave of group destruction.

This was a victory without any suspense. The audience was not surprised. They even stopped using 666 and kept talking to themselves in the chat channel. They even argued endlessly on the topic of "Which Galio skin is better?"

But the lineup for Game 2 was selected. Just surprise them.

"Gem Sword Master!" Su Cheng couldn't help laughing when he saw this.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was full of question marks.

[Didn’t you say yesterday that you should not choose if you want to be safe? 】

[At that time, his tone sounded like he was deceiving people. Would anyone really believe him? 】

[I think so. With such a big advantage in the first round, wouldn’t the overall program effect be quite good? 】

This time, Lin Ran used Juggernaut to bring punishment, while Xiaotian used Gem Knight Tariq to bring flash and weakness.

This is also a relatively popular routine in solo qualifying at the moment.

Mainly because there is currently no punishment mechanism for taking troops with punishment.

In other words, even if the Sword Master brings punishment, he can still get the full line economy when he goes to the middle to mix lanes.

This will allow the Juggernaut's level and equipment to increase very quickly.

Moreover, in the passerby game, since there is no five-person mic communication, the command ideas are not unified, and mistakes are made frequently. Once the sword master gets two heads, it will start to snowball and it will be difficult to deal with it again.

However, in the professional arena, it is not very difficult to exercise restraint.

As long as the tempo is faster than that of Gem Sword Master, and has a certain 2V2 strength in the middle and jungle, and can control the first vanguard, and does not give Sword Master too many kills in the mid-term team battle, half of the Sword Master combination will be useless.

But the Indonesian team obviously does not have this ability.

Their personal strength is inherently weak, and they can't even reach the threshold of professional players.

They even felt guilty when they saw CHN choose the Gem Sword Master.

But in fact, this was the first time for Lin Ran and Xiaotian to use the sword combination.

After all, this routine is not easy to use in competitions. Players who mainly focus on the professional arena will naturally not practice too much.

They were selected in this round mainly to give everyone a whole life.

Entertain the public and relax yourself.

Starting from the training camp in Shenzhen, everyone in the CHN team has been competing at high intensity for half a month. During this period, they have to travel a lot and travel a lot, which inevitably makes them physically and mentally exhausted.

Before the finals, it would be good to rest and relax.

It was with this idea in mind that Abramovich decided to lock down the Gem Sword Master lineup in his midfielder and jungle, which is not common in professional arenas.

"What should I pay first?" The Garlic Bastard still asked in the team's voice, "Put out the salary and then make the incense burner or Kick's aggregation first?"

"Censer, censer!" Uzi, who started playing in the semifinals today, strongly recommended this piece of equipment.

The main reason is that if the gems come out of the incense burner, he might be able to gain some benefits as an adc by his side.

"彳亍." Seeing that Lin Ran had no objection, Xiao Yan followed Uzi's suggestion and determined the order of his outfits.

Lin Ran entered the game and started the game normally, starting with his own red buff and eating three groups of wild monsters in half of the area.

Then rush to the middle road and clear the wave of artillery troops under the tower from Xiaotian.

Gem used the Holy Shield to eat the cannon cart, and Lin Ran made an Alpha surprise attack, swallowing up all the soldiers.

The Wuji Juggernaut, who had eaten all the lines and fields, took the lead in economy at the beginning of three minutes.

The Indonesian team is also actively thinking about coping strategies.

Under normal circumstances, Gems and Juggernauts will now push the middle line of troops and then invade the enemy's wild area, or launch raids on the upper and lower sidelines to harvest kills.

This is a standard routine.

They obviously know it too.

Therefore, we chose to let jungler Xin Zhao come to the middle, hoping to cooperate with mid laner Zoe to prevent the opponent from continuing to push the lane.

As a result, Lin Ran took action directly when they met.

He made a double-sword Alpha rush forward, carrying the Gem Knight's E [Dazzle]. After stunning the opponent, Xiaoyao quickly became weak.

"The Sword Master Conqueror is stacking up very quickly, and Xin Zhao is running out of health!"

Although Zoe put the hypnotic bubble on the first time, it still took 1.5 seconds to trigger.

This made Lin Ran even more confident.

The attack power provided by the new version of the Conqueror allows the Juggernaut's combat ability to reach a very strong level in an instant.

Before Zhao Xin of the Indonesian team could react to what was going on, he was killed by Lin Ran with a knife.

And it is difficult for Zoe to directly kill the Juggernaut with flying stars in the early stage.

Lin Ran took a hit, and immediately activated W [Meditation] to chant a spell, allowing himself to obtain high damage reduction attributes, and then retreated calmly.

After the Swords combination got its first head, its subsequent development can only be described as taking off.

Lin Ran took advantage of the characteristics of Alpha Strike and Gem Sacred Shield to quickly clear the middle line of troops, and immediately rushed to the wild area to eliminate the wild monsters.

"This development is invincible!" Su Cheng couldn't help but sigh when he saw Lin Ran taking out his attack speed jungle knife at 7 minutes.

Lin Ran gathered another wave of troops in the middle, rushed to the bottom lane, and took the gems with him to forcefully cross the tower. After activating his ultimate move, the Sword Master went in and killed like a mad dog.

He also used Alpha Strike to avoid Thresh's hook, and with the help of the gem, he easily collected both heads.

"Brother, leave me a head!" When Uzi heard Lin Ran coming to the bottom lane at first, he thought he was coming to benefit himself, and happily pushed his troops into the defense tower.

But Lin Ran obviously had no intention of letting the economy go. After finishing the killing, he smiled from ear to ear. When he heard Uzi's words, he shouted: "Next time, definitely next time!"

15 minutes into the game, Lin Ran successfully took out his sheep knife and led the Gem Knight all over the canyon to chase and chop people.

The defense tower could no longer stop him. The sword master carried the tower in, and then used Alpha Strike to transfer the hatred to Xiaotian. He could take the head with two or three swords.

After two or three waves of cheers, the audience became numb to it.

Defense towers at the Asian Games have never been treated with such contempt.

Akali has always made it impossible for the turret to fire, but the sword combination has made it ineffective even for shelling.

As soon as the shield provided by the gem was penetrated, R [Cosmic Glory] was released. Coupled with Taric's milk volume, the Juggernaut could even jump over the tower without any damage.

The hosts were completely beaten to the point of unconsciousness, and the bottom lane total had been killed 13 times in 15 minutes.

They basically die when they reach the tower, and then continue to rush to the line after being resurrected.

"What is Virus of the Indonesian team doing?" Su Cheng found out that the opponent's duo still wanted to return to the arms of the tower father, and was immediately stunned. "Don't he know that the defense tower can't protect him at all?"

"There is something wrong with this man's thinking!"

In this posture, Verus is completely acting as a cash machine for the Sword Master.

"Xiaotian, go and give one away!" Lin Ran killed Verus and found that this guy only earned more than a hundred gold coins. Suddenly it didn't smell good.

After all the hard work of climbing mountains and wading through rivers to get to the lower lane, the economy gained was about the same as that of two groups of wild monsters.

How is this appropriate?

"I won't give it away, I have to give it to you yourself!" Xiaotian was very unhappy.

He still wants to protect KDA in this game, how can he give up his life?

"I'll come, I'll come!" Liu Qingsong volunteered.

He was beaten by Verus A before, but now he takes the initiative to take on the defense tower hatred.

The turret was finally satisfied and took away the life of the CHN team hero for the first time.

But the Indonesian players who were protected by it before had a difficult time.

If you help me kill people, won’t I be valuable?

And then transfer the payment to Juggernaut?

What else is there to do?

Fortunately, the torture didn't last long.

Lin Ran felt that it was not interesting when his kills reached double digits.

Besides, this is at someone else's home court, so you still have to save some face for the other party.

So after waiting until 25 minutes, he led his teammates to bulldoze the enemy base.

The Indonesian team looked relaxed and felt relieved.

When shaking hands, they happily went to Lin Ran to take a photo.

"It's Stockholm Syndrome." Garlic Bastard muttered dissatisfiedly when he saw this scene.

"What kind of sentence structure are you talking about?" Lin Ran couldn't understand.

"I'm from Shandong, so it's very reasonable to say this, right?" Xiaoyao explained seriously, "I think there's nothing wrong with it?"

On the way backstage, there was someone waiting for them with a microphone.

"Excuse me, player Ran, how do you feel after defeating the Indonesian team and advancing to the finals today?"

When Lin Ran saw that among the media there was the CCTV reporter he saw when he landed in Jakarta that day, he did not dare to neglect and started to answer seriously.

"Earlier today, the Korean team also defeated the Chinese Taipei team 2-0. During the interview, player Faker made it clear that he was looking forward to playing you in the final. What do you think?"

Lin Ran held the microphone and thought for a moment, "I'm also looking forward to this showdown. I hope he can show his peak form this time and compete with me."

"Then what do you think you have a chance of winning?" the reporter from Tuwan continued to ask.

"I don't think I will lose, and I believe he thinks the same way... Let's see the truth on the field. The facts will tell us the answer." After Lin Ran said this, he handed the microphone back.

Across the ocean in Santa Monica, Los Angeles, Riot Games' hero design and numerical adjustment teams gathered together and requested a room for a temporary meeting.

"Guys, here comes a new mission!"

Meddler, the chief designer who replaced Ghost Crab, attracted the attention of his colleagues by banging the table.

"Please, can you please stop assigning tasks when we are about to get off work?" Someone expressed their dissatisfaction, "This is really not good. I still have to travel to Azeroth, and it is already very late."

It's currently nine o'clock in the evening on Monday, Western Pacific Time, and it's already dark outside.

If it hadn't been a weekend and they had to sort out and analyze the hero usage data of the two days of qualifying on major servers today, the designers would have already gotten off work.

"It won't take long. I'm just going to mention it in the meeting and give you an overview. You can finish this work before Friday." Meddler shrugged, "Back to the topic, have you watched the Asian Games? ?”

"What?" Everyone was still a little confused, this sounded a bit strange to them.

"Asian Games," Meddler explained, "there is an e-sports performance event, and the country is represented in the competition..."

"Oh, I have an impression!" Someone raised his hand to indicate that he remembered, "The AEC also asked the company for permission to the competition server client and account."

The hosting of the Asian Games this time has nothing to do with their designer department. It is mainly handled by several branches of Riot Games East Asia. They have only heard about it.

"Is there something wrong?" A young designer who just joined the job asked.

Meddler glanced at him and didn't know what had damaged this man. His hairline went straight to his head. His resume stated that he was only 28 years old and he looked like he could be his father.

However, this idea only passed through his mind, and he replied with a normal expression: "In the semi-finals just held, Ran and Tian used the combination of gems and sword masters."

"Ah... Is it just like this?" Everyone didn't care, "Originally, we were going to weaken the two-line and wild game."

This style of play has been listed as one of the objects of observation by the designer team since RW used Death Song Retribution in the Asian competition.

The double-collecting lane and field play is indeed unscientific and affects the ecological environment of the rankings and even the game.

Weakening is also inevitable.

"This is just the first point..." Meddler looked at the man on his right who looked elegant and easy-going.

Akali’s reworked skill designer, CertainlyT.

These are the meritorious veterans of Riot, Thresh, Yasuo, Zoe, and the redesigned male gun Akali...

Countless heroes with very successful fists were created by him.

Meddler also respected him very much.

"Ran played Akali in a group match on Sunday."

"Oh? There is actually a team released?" Hearing Meddler's words, the Akali designer was very excited, "You are very brave."

Several colleagues were speechless.

"His performance in operating Akali is very good? Then wouldn't it be nice to change the values?" Blaustoise, the numerical supervisor, felt dissatisfied. "Isn't this all the work we originally planned to do?"

Major servers now show that Akali's selection rate remains high, and her winning rate is close to 55%.

For an AP assassin, this is already a pretty scary statistic.

The team had already decided on Akali's weakening plan during last Friday's meeting.

Other designers thought so, too.

"It's not a matter of numerical values!" Meddler emphasized, "The key lies in the shading formation mechanism!"

"Must be deleted!"

"No, no, no," CertainlyT said anxiously, "This is an exclusive mechanism I designed for her, and it must not be deleted!"

"You can't even lock the defense tower. How cool does it feel?" He looked at his colleagues, "Don't you feel the same way?"

"That's right!" The 28-year-old hairline expert agreed, "She should have a unique mark, such as Kennen's team battle outbreak, Zed's assassination attribute, Shen's support ability, Aka Rei must also have her own characteristics!”

"The Xia array with the shielding mechanism is the loudest!"

"Besides, this mechanism doesn't affect the game balance very much," someone next to him expressed his opinion, "I think the energy loss released by Akali's Q skill and the cooldown of her ultimate move should be modified."

"Doesn't it affect the game balance very much?" Director Meddler laughed angrily, "You can see for yourselves."

He opened a video and placed it on the screen using a projector.

"This is……"

"That's right, Ran used the video clip of Akali facing Maple. After watching these two clips, let's talk about whether the shadowing mechanism has any impact on the balance of the game."

In the video, Lin Ran used the Xia Formation for the first time, avoiding damage and forcibly killing the grasshopper in front of Qinggang Ying and the defense tower.

Some people felt vaguely uneasy.

The second time, Lin Ran was stunned in and out of smoke bombs, blocked four defensive tower bombardments, and jumped over the tower to kill a full-health Malzahar with ignition and ultimate moves.

This incredible operation caused a burst of exclamation in the conference room!

"What the fxxk!"

The designers had the same expression, and their forehead lines were scarred.

"How did he do that?"

"What operation is this?"

"Akali can still play like this?" Designer CertainlyT himself was confused, "I didn't even know when I redid it!"

Meddler sounded helpless, "Now you understand why I said that the shielding mechanism must be reduced?"

The subordinates nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

They were still immersed in Lin Ran's outrageous tower jump.

"There is one last thing..."

"What else?" Some people have already begun to curse, "How many evils will this person do?"


"What the hell?" Someone frowned.

If the strength of the Gem Sword Master combination and Akali is here, the designers are prepared for it.

As soon as the sword demon's name appeared, they doubted their ears.

"Are you kidding? We just redid the Sword Demon, making sure it's not too strong!"

The designer supervisor didn't bother them and just released the video as usual.

Let these people see how Lin Ran changes blood types among the enemy crowd.

The room fell silent again.

"...I think there is no need to make major changes," Blaustoise, the numerical adjustment supervisor, said, "The Sword Demon has not yet shown the ability to affect balance."

He is cautious.

The last time he reworked Sword Demon, he sent away his old boss Ghost Crab. Since then, his behavior has become much more stable.

There are those who support his view.

"That's right, didn't you see how Ran was suppressed in the early stage? We originally planned to make Aatrox into a team battle vampire warrior. Isn't this what we imagined?"

"It's just that the blood-sucking ability in the later stage is a bit beyond the standard, but I think it's acceptable."

Everyone was talking about it, and the hairline expert put forward new suggestions for modifications, "Let's just improve the effect of serious injuries, and change it in a roundabout way!"

This is indeed a quite innovative idea.

Enhancing serious injuries is equivalent to weakening the sword demon's blood-sucking ability in disguise.

"It's a good idea," Meddler nodded approvingly, "Since you proposed it, I'll leave this work to you."

"No problem!" the new designer said energetically, "I can finish it tonight!"

"No, no, no, no, no," Meddler glanced at the time, "Hurry up and take a rest. You are not allowed to take your work home to finish it today. If I find out, I will definitely not have the juice to eat like you!"

"Look at the camera, three, two, one!"


On a long table, 12 members of the CHN representative team held glasses with drinks in their hands and gestured to the camera.

Ms. Yang put away the camera and said, "When the finals are over, I will send you all the photos I took in the past few days."

"Everyone go to bed early today."

She emphasized, "We have a lot to do tomorrow morning."

"I just want to finish the game as soon as possible." Xiaotian felt that he was almost exhausted. "We will finish the finals tomorrow. Can we stay here for a while?"

"...I have about one day of free time," Ms. Yang replied, "I have booked a flight ticket for you on the 31st."

Everyone sighed.

This time is really too late.

Mainly a matter of schedule.

Several teams of players participating in the Asian Games on September 1st will all play in the LPL regular season.

They have no extra time to rest and adjust.

"One day..." Xiaotian curled his lips, "It's not bad."

"Don't worry about what happens next," Lin Ran swallowed the burger in his mouth, "Let's win the finals first."

"Let's go, let's play ranked tonight!"

Jack stretched.

Now the only remaining teams in the Asian Games are them and the South Korean team.

In order to preserve tactics, there will naturally be no training matches between the two teams.

On the eve of the finals, they could only play solo queue to maintain their feel.

When the sun rises from the ground again, a new day begins in Jakarta.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018.

The decisive day.

Tomorrow I will finish the first round of a 10,000-word chapter.

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