LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 577 575: Tactical game, adapt to the situation! (1.2w big chapter!)

The ten players bought their equipment and quickly left the spring, while Su Cheng in the audience was still analyzing the lineup ideas of both sides.

"Our lineup here is quite complete. Barrels and Ornn can add plasma effects to Kai'Sa when starting a team, and Crocodile's mid-term combat effectiveness is also very strong. If he adds a blue-sucking knife, his strong mid-term energy will be It lasts until 30-35 minutes!”

The blue-absorbing knife is simply the gospel of Crocodile and Jax. Although it is expensive, it is better than easy to use. As long as they have a bloody hand as a base and a blue-absorbing knife, they can lead the lane in the mid-to-late stage or front-line. In team fights, their combat effectiveness is terrifying.

"Generally speaking, we are a relatively mid-to-late game lineup. In the early stage, our focus is on the three positions of wine barrel, Thresh and Crocodile. In the late stage, we also have Ornn's passive equipment smashing and Kai'Sa. To put it simply, If you look at it, there are no obvious shortcomings other than short hands..."

Su Cheng spoke quickly, "The Korean team on the other side is different. Their early and mid-term abilities are very strong. Once they reach the mid-to-late stage, it is very likely that Zoe and Ai Xi will not have an absolute advantage in equipment." I can’t beat Ornn and Crocodile, the two front-line players.”

"If KOR wants to win this game, it must speed up and snowball to end the game as soon as possible," Su Cheng concluded, "In short, we want to delay the late game, while the Korean team focuses on the early and mid-game. "

In the past, the LPL division was constantly fighting, trying to overwhelm its opponents in the early and mid-term, while South Korea operated peacefully and relied on military line management to delay the game until the later stages.

In the first set of the Asian Games, the lineups and styles chosen by both sides were completely different from those shown in the usual competition areas.

It can be said to be a polar reversal.

This is mainly because there is some controversy within the Korean coaching staff regarding the tactical handling of the finals.

kkoma believes that the team should play to its own strengths, or it would be safer and more secure to run the game. Several players are also more adaptable to this slower pace of the game.

Redmi firmly believes that embracing the version and playing in the early and mid-term is the most reasonable way, and those who go against the version will not end well.

Edgar was caught in a dilemma between the two.

According to the relationship, Hongmi is his apprentice. From 2013 to 2014, Edgar successfully helped Hongmi complete the transition from player to coach.

Emotionally, he naturally supports Homme.

But the officially designated head coach of the Korean team is KKoma. From the perspective of superior-subordinate relationship, they should obey each other.

And Edgar himself is also a staunch operator. Over the years, Samsung's team style has changed slightly, but the overall direction of Korean operations has not changed.

In the end, kkoma was the first to give in. Faced with the detailed early offensive plan submitted by Redmi, he chose to try the early and mid-term lineup and play style in the first game of the finals. If it didn't work, he gave up the idea as soon as possible.

"Faker's summoner's skill belt is purified this round, and the runes are unsealed secrets. This means that he will not be in any danger when facing Crocodile W [Cold Prey]!"

The two sides had a very regular start. Since it was a crucial final, both teams were more stable in the early stage. Although the South Korean team had many advantages in the first-level team lineup, they did not invade their opponents.

Ten people from both sides lined up in a long snake formation along the river to defend their own wild areas.

Lee Sang Hyuk adjusted his sitting posture and looked at his monitor with an extremely serious expression.

He respected the other party very much. He felt that he was facing Lin Ran as a challenger today.

He knew very well in his heart that this might be the last time the two of them met on the field.

With SKT's current results and performance, it is simply impossible to advance to the S8 World Finals.

If he waits another year, he will be 23 years old. After passing his peak period, the operation will only become more and more incompetent, and it will undoubtedly become more difficult to defeat Lin Ran.

At this moment, we have a top coaching staff and the strongest teammates in Korea.

Lee Sang Hyuk naturally would not waste this perfect opportunity for revenge. He had been waiting for countless days and nights for this.

During the Asian Games training camp, he maintained high-intensity training for 16 hours a day.

Apart from sleeping and recovering my hand skills, I also spent my meal time in front of my computer desk.

He's overdrafting his career.

Everything is to face Lin Ran in the best condition today.

Let me show you my strength!

He moved his fingers and manipulated Zoe to the middle.

Seeing that there was no danger, Lin Ran returned to the line and started to replenish his troops.

Faker put a lot of pressure on him from the beginning.

Zoe, controlled by Lee Sang Hyuk, threw the flying star backwards and walked toward his face with the pyrotechnic passive in her hand.

Although Lin Ran carried the Dolan Shield in this game, and the secondary rune also brought the Resolute Wind of Resurrection. When the two are superimposed together, the amount of recovery in the line is enough, but he does not want to be wasted by the opponent. Therefore, I decisively chose to retreat.

Li Sang Hyuk was not surprised. He waited until the fireworks in his hand were about to disappear before using his basic attack on the soldiers.

There is a reason why he chose Zoe in this round.

If you really want to pursue a matchup advantage, Trickster is actually better. Not only is she more proficient in LeBlanc, but she also has multiple displacement skills, plus the control of Phantom Chain, she can completely defeat Crocodile in the mid-term. Walking the dog.

But if you choose Enchantress, the difficulty lies in controlling the line power in the early stage.

When the level of the Enchantress is low and the equipment cannot keep up, the enemy line cannot be cleared at all. Her proud ability to consume blood in the line seems a bit weak under the multiple recovery of the Crocodile.

If Lin Ran forcibly uses blood volume to gain advantage in the line of troops, the right to the middle line will be firmly held by the crocodile before he reaches Luden.

In order to get absolute mid-lane rights in the early stage and serve the jungle score, Lee Sang Hyuk did the next best thing and chose to take out Zoe.

So far, it was going just as he imagined.

Lin Ran didn't even dare to step forward. He could only wait for the health of the soldiers to be reduced, and then use Q [Tyrant Strike] to clean up.

"I want the Double River Crab to start, can you guys take a look?" After Score took away the red buff in the lower half, he discussed with his teammates and moved to the upper half.

He felt that Xiaotian opened the jungle from the top half. After all, letme chose Ornn to play Shen, and it was impossible for Wine Barrel to help Sheep Blacksmith in the early stage.

It makes sense for Gragas to brush from top to bottom. Liu Qingsong's Thresh in the bottom lane may also create opportunities for action.

It was with this idea in mind that Score headed to the Upper River Road.

He is experienced and thinks that the other party will collect the crabs in the upper river first in about two minutes, and then move to the lower half, so as to ensure that the development of the wine barrel is not affected.

His guess was absolutely correct. Xiaotian finished the red buff in the first half of the area alone and was about to eat crabs when he unexpectedly bumped into Score.

"It's impossible for Xiaoyan's second-level wine barrel to beat Xin Zhao, and the upper and middle lanes have no lane rights at all. He can only give up this river crab and turn to his own wild monsters!"

When Score saw the opponent retreating, he did not continue to pursue him and gave up as soon as he was ready.

After eating the crabs on the upper river, I took advantage of Lee Sang Hyuk in the middle to successfully collect the crabs on the lower river.

At the beginning of the Shuanghe Crab Emperor, Xin Zhao initially grasped the early advantage.

Lin Ran was still eager to try out the crocodile in the middle lane at the third level. It already has initial combat effectiveness.

He wanted to use his personal ability to bring out the purification contained in Lee Sang Hyuk.

In this way, Xiaotian will have a chance to gank later, and with the flash, he can kill Zoe.

But Lee Sang Hyuk and Lin Ran have always maintained a certain distance.

Lin Ran just took a step forward. He immediately pulled back and used his Q skill to throw flying stars.

The distance is controlled very well.

If Lin Ran wanted to get close, he would have to cast two bursts of E, but this would not only make it difficult for him to retreat, but would also consume the anger he had finally accumulated.

If it were just an ordinary W [Cruel Hunting], not only would he not have the advantage by exchanging blood, but it would also be a fool's errand to force out Zoe's purification.

Therefore, Lin Ran pretended to retreat, hoping to wait for Faker to turn around, then immediately change direction and move forward.

But Faker has a very keen sense of smell and is not fooled at all.

He could obviously judge Lin Ran's intentions. In this case, he would certainly not give the crocodile a chance to easily stick to his face.

"Faker drank a bottle of corruption potion, used his own time warp tonic to increase his movement speed, and started pulling the crocodile!"

The pyrotechnic basic attack hit the opponent at the extreme position, and the flying stars and hypnotic bubbles were thrown towards Lin Ran one after another.

Zoe's basic attack range is 550, while Crocodile's E displacement range is 450 yards.

In other words, if Lin Ran turns around and charges back at this time, he can use W [Cold Prey] to bite Lee Sang Hyuk.

But the flying stars and bubbles gave up his idea.

The specific location information of Score Xin Zhao has not yet been obtained. If the opponent's jungler is crouching nearby, once he surrenders the displacement skill of E and falls into a comatose state, he is likely to be instantly eliminated by the Korean team's midfielder.

In order to maintain stability, and to avoid being consumed by his opponent without getting hurt, Lin Ran had no choice but to use Crocodile E [Rampage] to the side. While avoiding bubbles and flying stars, he also passed through a KOR minion, allowing him to cast The possibility of a second E [direct collision].

And Lee Sang Hyuk used the acceleration effect to retreat directly, once again widening the distance between the two.

Lin Ran clicked his tongue and returned angrily.

But after the E skill went into cooldown, Li Sang Hyuk wasn't done yet. While Lin Ran was replenishing his troops, he came up and clicked him twice more, including the output of releasing flying stars in one second.

It has to be said that Lee Sang Hyuk's handling was perfect, and he lost nearly 40% of his health for free.

In just this wave, Lin Ran regained the feeling of facing off against the peak demon king in the S6 Global Finals.

On South Korea's SBS TV station, Roaring Emperor, who served as a guest commentator, saw the scene of the two sides' mid laners tugging and screaming in excitement.

"This is Faker! Sang Hyuk is in very good condition today. He has a considerable health advantage in the middle!"

The Korean audience at the scene also waved and cheered.

They originally thought that if Faker could hold off Lin Ran and prevent his opponent from establishing an advantage prematurely, it would be considered a success. Unexpectedly, Lee Sang Hyuk gave everyone a big surprise today!

In the Mouse Tower, many Chinese people saw this scene and started talking about it in the chat channel.

[Damn it, Brother Li is pulling this! 】

[The state is outrageous. Can this give me an advantage over Brother Ran? 】

[Has the Great Demon King survived his third life? 】

The Korean team's early offensive was not over yet. King Chi used E [Eagle Strike in the Sky] to slide through the jungle and successfully find Xiaoyao's position.

This is not difficult - after all, the Garlic Bastard has appeared in the upper river before, and there are not many wild monsters left to kill.

They found that the wine barrel was in the lower half, and Gragas, who had already cleared the Three Wolves camp, had 12 last hits.

This means three groups of monsters.

Score glanced at the time in the upper right corner and quickly determined that the opponent did not brush the stone beetles in the upper half of the area, but the three camps of red BUFF-F6-Three Wolves.

In his heart, he also felt that the other party had done a great job in adapting to the situation.

After Xiaoyao tried to clear the river crab but failed and was forced to leave, if he continued to the upper half of the area to eat the stone beetle, the detour would be very long, which would delay the time of clearing the jungle.

Moreover, the wine barrel chose to eat the stone beetle. Once it is illuminated by the ice, Score can take advantage of the situation to invade the opponent's lower half after eating the river crab.

By then, Wine Barrel will not only lose Shuanghe Crab, but also the blue BUFF, which is crucial for clearing the jungle in the early stage, will fall into his pocket.

Ignoring the stone beetles, although the wine barrel was unable to successfully upgrade to level 4 after clearing the blue buff and the magic swamp frog, it did its best to preserve its own development.

In short, Jiugong achieved a perfect stop loss when his teammates were at a disadvantage in the line.

Score couldn't help but praise that there is indeed a reason why the opponent has been able to maintain its form and win consecutive championships in the past two years.

"After the bottom lane Niutou leveled up, he cooperated with Han Bing's laning and became a bit stronger. He gradually took back the initiative from the CHN representative team!"

Ice Assistant's laning ability is indeed a bit outrageous.

One is that the hand has W [Thousands of Arrows] which can be used for consumption, and the other is that the slow speed matches the rune's approaching speed, and with the advantage of range, the pulling ability is also quite strong.

Su Cheng looked at the disadvantaged CHN team in Summoner's Rift, and her tone was quite calm.

The main disadvantage is caused by the lineup, which is acceptable for now.

The viewers who watched her live broadcast thought it was no big deal at the moment and were still chatting in the room.

"Score quickly found an opportunity. He waited for the CHN Group 2 sharp-beaked bird to spawn and rushed to the nearby grass in advance. When he saw Xiaotian coming, he immediately stabbed it!"

He estimated the approximate refresh time of this group of sharp-beaked birds based on the two previous traces of wine barrels.

Score is very sure that Xiaoyao will definitely come to play the Sharp Beak Bird.

For wine barrels, there is nothing more fragrant than F6, an ordinary wild monster that can be farmed quickly without any damage.

Sure enough, he successfully squatted down to the Garlic Bastard.

While stabbing it up, Score was still moving forward with the help of the slowing effect he had exerted, blocking the position where the wine barrel had left, preventing him from returning to the shelter of the defense tower.

"Xiaotian threw the retarder bucket and then tried to escape in the opposite direction!"

Garlic Bastard successfully opened a position, and then wanted to use E [Meat, Egg, Onion, Chicken] to escape early.

But Score handed over the flash as soon as the wine barrel pushed out his belly!

There was a flash of golden light.

Xin Zhao was knocked unconscious, but the wine barrel was also forced to stop!

"He is trying to force Xiaotian to hand over Flash!"

Su Cheng could tell the other party's plan at a glance.

The flash of wine barrel is much more valuable than Xin Zhao. This is almost the most important rhythm point for the CHN team to open up the situation in the early stage.

The Garlic Bastard didn't want to fight at first, but when he saw Xin Zhao triggering Phase Rush, he moved very fast, and Zoe was also rushing here.

He could only hand over the flash to protect himself.

"Wairui..." Xiaotian was a little unhappy.

After this flash, if Score continues to invade the jungle later, his life will be very difficult.

"Let's wait and see." Lin Ran was not in such a hurry.

Anyway, they got the late lineup and have the initiative in time.

At present, although the Korean team has a field advantage, it has not been translated into economics.

If it keeps dragging on like this, it will be quite acceptable.

But Score is obviously not satisfied with this.

The game came to 6 minutes.

He came to the bottom lane and used corejj Niutou's flash WQ to hit Jack with two consecutive hits, successfully finding a rhythm.

Although Liu Qingsong's Thresh Lantern was very timely, he couldn't bear the enemy's too many control skills.

Coupled with Xin Zhao's knock-up, the Shiba Inu had very little health left when it landed.

"Jane Lantern!" Uzi shouted in the lounge, seemingly immersed in the scene.

But at the critical moment, Score inserted a prosthetic eye into the lantern!

"Kasha lit the lamp but accidentally lit it on the prosthetic eye!"

The Daughter of the Void fired a projectile, lowering the health of the jewelry eye by one bar.

"I*!" Shiba Inu breathed out fragrance.

Although the ornamental eye was exposed to Jack's field of vision for only a moment. But it was enough for the Korean team.

"Jian is not here!" Uzi sighed in a long tone, holding his head with both hands, his tone was quite regretful.

First blood was born and accepted by Xin Zhao.

Sitting on the right side of Su Cheng was a group of Koreans, including an elderly woman.

When they saw Score successfully collect a blood, they were so excited that they kept waving the national flags in their hands.

"My, my, there was a mistake." Jack scratched his head in distress.

He was actually able to light the lantern.

The moment Liu Qingsong dropped W [Soul Lamp], he right-clicked on it.

If he remained still, even if Xin Zhao inserted an eye into it, he wouldn't be able to stop him from making the lantern.

But the Shiba Inu got a little flustered after being caught, and clicked the mouse around a few times, causing the instruction to pick up the lantern to be cancelled.

When he lit the lantern again, the eye socket was already inserted.

"Hold on, brothers!" Liu Qingsong couldn't help but say.

Lin Ran was in the middle and was severely restricted by Faker.

Zoe's flexibility was fully utilized by Lee Sang Hyuk. In comparison, the hero Crocodile seemed too bulky in front of her.

She kept using the movement speed bonus to kite the crocodile, leaving Lin Ran with no way to move forward and could only be beaten passively.

In addition, Xiaoyao's barrel did not flash, and the middle and jungle of the CHN representative team could not find a starting point for the rhythm.

Moreover, after Jack died, the bottom lane was also in trouble, and he could not smoothly get out and roam to support.

Hongmi looked at it in the lounge and nodded.

He looked at the members of the coaching staff beside him, "How about it? Let me just say that if we implement the early ideas to the extreme, there will be absolutely no problem, right?"

"Isn't that where the advantage comes from? As long as we keep fighting steadily, the opponent will have no chance to fight back!"

After seeing this, kkoma has to admit that Redmi does have something in terms of tactical guidance.

Hongmi suddenly said again: "How is it? Am I a good person?"

Leehom was stunned for a moment, not understanding his brain circuit, but still subconsciously echoed and praised, "Niu Niu Niu!"

"The economic advantage between the two parties is less than 1K gold coins, so there is no need to panic." Su Cheng was still trying to reassure the audience in the live broadcast room, "With this economic disadvantage of 7 minutes, we are not at a loss at all."

Although the Korean team is working hard to change, what cannot be erased is its overly stable style.

This resulted in their attacking frequency not being high.

Especially score.

There is a reason why he is called the director of the Korean factory. His playing style is extremely stable. When the success rate is not high, he will not easily choose to take action.

The jungler, who is the engine of early rhythm, is not aggressive, which directly causes the team's economic snowball to roll a bit slowly.

But the advantage is that it is very stable and will not make any mistakes.

The game quickly came to 7 minutes and 30 seconds.

Lin Ran finally found a chance, pretending to replenish the artillery and chariots, and when he launched his basic attack, Faker stepped forward to consume him.

But he raised his weapons and forcibly canceled the basic attack. E rushed forward and used Red Fury W to immobilize the opponent, and combined with the second stage E and AQ combo to cripple Lee Sang Hyuk.

But that's all.

Zoe used the minion killer to destroy a minion marked with W [Spell Stealing Skill].

Successfully picked up the fallen healing spell, and then used the acceleration effect to successfully distance himself.

He turned around and hit the crocodile with the hypnotic bubble, jumped back and pulled out the flying star, and smashed the flying star out when he returned to the original position.

The double damage was too much for the crocodile, which did not have any defensive equipment. In addition, it had been consumed in two waves before, and its health was reduced to only 1/3.

"The mid laners of both sides have to return to the city to replenish their supplies," Su Cheng murmured, "But Lin Ran has a teleport in his hand. This time he forced the fight to regain his position."

"After all, the artillery line has been dealt with now. As long as the crocodile hands over the short line behind the teleportation, it can be pushed into Zoe's defense tower very quickly."

Su Cheng just wanted to say that the solution was to ask Li Sang Hyuk to exchange the unsealed secret book for a teleportation, so that the level and economy would not be separated.

But before she could say anything, she saw Xin Zhao rushing towards the bottom lane with a spear.

"What's going on on the other side?"

A white shield appeared on Xin Zhao's body when he broke into the CHN wild area!

The secret! Mercy saves the soul!

"Jin Gong's Shen also activated his ultimate move, and the opponent wants to do a four-for-two!"

The Xiba people, who had returned to the city, stood in the spring, forming seals with their hands and preparing to attack the bottom lane.

It is now 7 minutes and 47 seconds.

"Where are your teammates? Where are your teammates? Save me!"

Jack sends a signal for help.

"Coming!" Lin Ran agreed and directed his teammates, "Yan Junze, come too!"

At present, the opponent seems to have only four people, but he knows that Lee Sang Hyuk's Zoe is likely to exchange the unsealed secret book for a TP.

Once Faker really does this, they will face a five-for-two situation.

There is absolutely no way that Jack and Liu Qingsong could survive such a frenzied attack, and if the five members of the Korean team advanced, they would definitely be able to level the bottom tower with only two short waves.

Being pushed out of the first blood tower so early, the 0/2 Shiba Inu will have no place to develop.

You must know that Kai'Sa is the backbone of the team in the later stage. Once the development is poor, it is likely to affect the team's output in the mid-to-late stage team battles.

So it must be saved.

Letme agreed. Since Jin Gong had just returned to the city, he also had a certain advantage in handling the top lane troops and could now teleport down.

"CHN representative team handed over the two teleports at the same time!" Su Cheng said in a hurry, thinking that the first team battle of this game was about to come.

"Both players have all landed in the bottom lane, and Xin Zhao wants to take action... eh?"

Su Cheng's tone was suspicious.

After Crocodile and Ornn teleported to the bottom lane, Xin Zhao and Shen suddenly turned around and left!

They gave up the raid and quickly disappeared from CHN's sight!

"What is the Korean team doing?"

The aftershock sitting on Su Cheng's left side was also very confusing.

In full view of everyone, Shen suddenly handed over the teleportation!

The TP placement point turned out to be the jewelry eye that Lee Sang Hyuk previously placed on the upper river!

"Zoe changed the teleportation and TPed there..." Su Cheng suddenly realized, "They are going to switch the target to the Canyon Pioneer!"

"This is a plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain!" Yutong, the commentator next to him, blurted out.

"The Korean team pretended to be a 4-pack of 2, tricking us into teleporting two single lanes in the top and middle, and then immediately moved to the top half, trying to capture this vanguard first!"

Now all five of CHN's players are in the lower half, and the Rift Pioneer will refresh in 7 seconds.

It would take more than twenty seconds for the hero to catch up from the bottom lane, which was too late.

"The Vanguard is coming!"

On SBS TV station, Roaring Emperor spread his exciting voice to every corner of the country: "The Republic of Korea has mastered the most important neutral resources in the early stage!"

The domestic audience, who originally thought that their team had little early disadvantage, suddenly became worried.

Rift Herald means more than just one hit in the early game.

Many teams will use it to cooperate with tower-crossing kills in order to obtain higher benefits.

The CHN team could only use the time when the Korean team went to the upper half of the field to replace the first earth dragon.

Comparing the two, this resource exchange is definitely a loss.

"Don't go, let's go directly to the opposite lane!"

Lin Ran also wanted to stop his losses. After he accompanied his teammates to take down Xiaolong, he also wanted to abandon the wave of troops in the middle and forcefully double-team the bottom lane to kill Chidi and corejj.

But the advantages of Ice Assistant came into play again.

E [Eagle Strikes the Sky] illuminates the figure of the crocodile heading to the triangular grass on the bottom lane!

"The Korean team quickly retreated from the bottom lane and gave up the defense tower!"

Lin Ran had no choice but to let Jack and Liu Qingsong deplete the opposing defense tower as much as possible, which also prevented the enemy duo from taking advantage of the troops.

But this advantage is simply a drop in the bucket.

In order to protect the tower in the middle from being demolished by the enemy, he hurried back on foot and quickly cleared the line of troops.

In the backstage lounge, the Korean team's coaching staff high-fived each other, and the cheers continued in the room!

"Nice work, Hongmi!" Edgar patted his proud disciple on the shoulder.

Since he and KKoma are both typical Korean coaches, they are better at mid-term operational line changes and team battle formation formations.

In terms of early design, it cannot keep up with Redmi, which has worked in LPL for nearly four years.

They also know that there are specialties in the art industry, so they handed over all the early tactical arrangements to this excellent coach who came back from China.

This time, using Shen's ultimate move, pretending to be a four-pack and then going to the top half to collect the Rift Herald, this was Redmi's masterpiece.

Hongmi smiled quite proudly when she heard the senior's praise.

But he was not so proud that he lost his mind.

"We also need a Rift Herald to help the team gain greater advantage."

If a historically strong early offensive team like YM gets the first vanguard after getting the early lineup, then half of the game is basically won, and they can even quickly turn it into a victory.

But the Korean team is not very good.

Score is still too stable, and the overall rhythm is still slow.

This requires them to get the second vanguard.

But Hongmi is not very worried.

The vanguard now taken in can help take down the first defense tower as long as it is used properly.

The Korean team's lineup is already strong in the early and mid-term, and with a certain economic gap, the CHN team will compete with them for the second vanguard around 14 and a half minutes, and the chance of winning must be very low.

Did Score rush to summon the vanguard to advance as a group?

Instead, he was waiting for the cooldown of Chi Di's next Eagle Strike to improve.

Summoner's Rift had a quiet 90 seconds.

Ten minutes into the game, Hanbing's skills finally improved. Dressed in the Source Project, she shot a drone and flew all the way up the jungle!

The ruler also has a strong ability to control ice, and the drone lit up as much of the fog of war as possible for the CHN team.

Finally, we caught the movements of Xiao Yan’s wine barrel near the Sharpbill camp!

"Score hurry up and head to the lower half to release the vanguard!"

The lower road is the line farthest from the wine barrel, and it will take a long time for Xiaoyao to get there.

Score stood behind the wall, successfully summoned the Canyon Herald from the void, and then jumped directly over the tower with a spear.

He knew that CHN had two single-player lanes, but neither of them had teleported at the moment.

This means that no one can protect the bottom duo.

"Han Bing targeted Liu Qingsong's Thresh from a distance with his ultimate move!"

The wound was torn, and he was forced to hand over the flash.

But Xin Zhao immediately activated E [Fearless Charge] to attack.

"The effect of W Wind Slash Electric Sting slows down Thresh!"

Although Liu Qingsong used R [Netherworld Prison] to retain Xin Zhao, the distance between him and Niutou is gradually getting closer.

"Corejj used the Bull Head WQ 2nd Company to push up the Thresh, and the Chi Emperor's Ice took the opportunity to continuously output from the rear!"

Liu Qingsong pushed the enemy away from the pendulum of doom and threw out the hook. He wanted to control Xin Zhao under the tower before he died, and cooperated with the shelling of the defense tower to take him away.

However, Score's reaction was very quick. The moment Liu Qingsong took the hook, he successfully flashed behind Thresh and in front of Kai'Sa, forcing Kai'Sa to flash out.

"Threstone's head was taken by the Ice Archer!"

Jack was the only one left, and he didn't dare to defend the tower, so he had to give up.

"Tian and Lin Ran were not idle during this period. They chose to target a wave of Faker!"

Just as Score thought, the last two single lanes of the CHN representative team did not teleport.

But so does the Korean team.

The jungler and the duo are all demolishing towers in the bottom lane, and Jin Gong's Shen currently has no ultimate move.

Therefore, Lin Ran and Xiao Tian decisively decided to give Li Sang Hyuk a set meal.

"The crocodile activated his ultimate move to gain anger. With two e's and a flash, he successfully arrived in front of Zoe across a distance of more than a thousand yards. W [Cold Prey] stunned Zoe!"

Lee Sang Hyuk immediately handed over Purification and Flash, but Xiao Tian had already rushed over from the side.

"The wine barrel that turned on the predator flashed and fell on Zoe, and the next moment the big move blew her back!"

The two of them killed Crispy Zoe with hard damage, allowing Lin Ran to successfully harvest a head.

But then came the news that the bottom defense tower was destroyed by the vanguard.

"No, no matter how much we continue to be beaten, our snowball will be rolled to death in the mid-term!" Jack felt that he was at a great loss.

"I know," Lin Ran said calmly. He had an insight into the Korean team's rhythm and knew that the enemy's target to slow down the rhythm was the second canyon pioneer.

He will never let the other party succeed.

"Let's change lanes. You two, Jack and Master Tie, go directly to the middle lane. I'll go to Junze and you will go to the bottom lane."

Lin Ran gave the command.

Jack helped to block a wave of troops for Letme, and returned to the city in the closed grass in front of the second tower on the bottom road.

Because he was killed once, he lost a lot of soldiers, resulting in poor development.

In this game, he also wanted to be an AP-oriented Kai'Sa to supplement some spell damage for the team.

AP Kai'Sa's requirements for equipment are more demanding than those of the AD genre. Currently, he is still a little far away from the Sheep Knife.

Moving to the middle can prevent him from being quickly snowballed by the South Korean team's duo. After all, the line in the middle is relatively short, which also makes it easier for him to stay alive and develop steadily.

"Lin Ran returned to the city and made a black cut. Now it seems that his combat effectiveness is very strong. No matter who the Korean team is, he will not be his opponent in a one-on-one challenge..."

After Crocodile reaches the level of Q [Tyrant Strike], the way to clear soldiers now is to hit three melee soldiers in sequence with normal attack, E enters the army line pile, Q turns around and then E comes back.

The whole process is very quick.

The autistic style of play is here, and Lee Sang Hyuk can't suppress him. He can only use flying stars to deal with the line of troops as quickly as possible, and follow the crocodile to leave the line and swim in the river to prevent the crocodile from putting pressure on his teammates.

"The crocodile removed one of faker's real eyes... now Lee Sang Hyuk doesn't have an eye slot in his backpack."

The river was dark, but Score quickly came over to put pressure on Lin Ran. In addition, Han Bing came up with E [Eagle Strikes the Sky] midway, lighting up the upper half of the area. This gave Lin Ran and Xiaotian no chance to make a move.

Jin Gong was having fun in the bottom lane.

Now he plays a much greater role in the game than Laitemi.

As long as he delays for a while, he can make the giant hydra, and he will not be too weak to lead the lane in the mid-term with Ornn.

"Crocodile and Zoe are fighting again on the top lane!"

A real eye placed by Xiaoyao in the opponent's lower jungle area spotted Score going to the red zone to get his third red buff, and Lin Ran took action decisively.

He crouched in the grass at the edge of the top road, put his E on Zoe's face, stacked his anger to red with his basic attack, and bit his opponent with W [Cold Prey]!

In an instant, Kurogiri had 4 stacks, and Conqueror's stacks also gradually increased.

This makes Crispy Zoe a little bit overwhelmed.

"Lee Sang Hyuk threw the hypnotic bubble and then walked backwards!"

Lin Ran finally used a basic attack to connect with Q, directly reducing Zoe's health to less than 40%.

And he himself fell into a comatose state.

As usual, Lee Sang Hyuk filled up the flying stars and blasted the crocodile, which already had little health, to nothing with one shot.

"The health of the mid laners on both sides has been reduced again," Su Cheng stared at the screen, "We have to return to the city to replenish supplies!"

Lin Ran took advantage of the fact that the ultimate move he had used to kill Zoe in the middle had improved, and his movements were more aggressive, and he stayed to clean up a wave of short-term attacks.

And Li Sang Hyuk directly read the message in the previous tower to return to the city.

At this time, the director suddenly changed the perspective and moved the camera to the Korean team.

The remaining vision provided by the corpses of the soldiers faded away.

The moment the KOR team completely lost sight of the crocodile, Lin Ran canceled his return to the city!

"This is going to cause trouble!" Su Cheng's heart, which had been suppressed for nearly 14 minutes since the beginning of the game, finally became excited.

Lin Ran invaded the Korean team's wild area along the river, and then successfully got into the grass next to the opponent's blue buff.

"Xiaotian also came to the top half of the Korean team...the opponent's vision has a big problem!"

Mainly because Lee Sang Hyuk didn't have much advantage on the road against Lin Ran, the crocodile who was the first to make a black cut. The accessory eyes and real eyes he provided were not enough, and it was difficult to insert them to provide effective vision.

Corejj's Bullhead Chief placed his eye position along the middle road, and the farthest he could reach was the upper river grass.

This resulted in the Korean team not noticing the movements of the CHN representative team’s midfielder at all.

"Xin Zhao is walking up after eating the red buff and getting closer to the blue zone camp!"

Score believes that the opponent's most powerful crocodile has returned to the city with residual health.

Therefore, I want to take the opportunity to seize the view and prepare for the Canyon Pioneer, which will come again in half a minute.

But he didn't know that Lin Ran and Xiaotian were waiting for him not far away!

"Don't go into the grass!"

Seeing that Xin Zhao was about to step into a trap, Hongmi in the backstage lounge jumped anxiously.

The Korean audience at the scene also made a lot of noise and confusion, and they were very worried about the difficulties that Score players will face next!

"The crocodile has activated his ultimate move. While boosting his health, he is also building up his anger!"

The unsuspecting Xin Zhao passed by, Lin Ran walked out on foot, and the red angry W bit his opponent directly!

"The Beer Man also drank W [Drunk Fury] and bumped into him! The two of them wanted to kill Xin Zhao instantly before he could react!"

Su Cheng was extremely excited.

"If it can kill the opponent's jungler, the Korean team of Canyon Pioneer will have no chance to fight for it!"

But at the critical moment, a thick white shield suddenly appeared on Xin Zhao's health bar!

The Korean audience in the audience screamed with excitement as if they were desperate.

It's Shen's ultimate move!

"Do you want me to interrupt him?" Letme asked in the team voice.

Because Lin Ran and Xiaoyao's surprise attack was unexpected, Jin Gong didn't bother to adjust the position of activating the ultimate move, so he handed over the R skill in front of Yan Junze's eyes.

With Ornn possessing Q [Volcanic Chasm], he can easily interrupt the opponent.

"No, just TP down and we'll fight in a group!" Lin Ran reacted quickly and responded directly, "Xiaotian, let's continue killing him, this Xin Zhao is a BOSS!"

The crocodile and the wine barrel were connected and controlled for a long time.

When Juhua Xin was free to move and activated his ultimate move R [Crescent Guard], his own blood volume had dropped to the extreme.

Xin Zhao, who only has a jungle knife and ninja shoes on his body, is definitely not considered meaty. Xiaotian's set of skills can suppress a lot of his health, let alone the prehistoric giant crocodile with black cut.

Lin Ranjiao's E skill was close to his face and he was not in a hurry to take action.

“Wait until Shen lands!” he shouted, “Let’s kill together, Zoe can’t catch up!”

He mentally calculated the time it would take for Lee Sang Hyuk to arrive on foot after returning to the city. Without the Home Guards, it would take Zoe at least 10 seconds to reach the battlefield. Even if the unsealed secret book was used in exchange for sprinting, it would still take 7 seconds.

This period of time is enough for them to kill and sell goods.

When Jin Gong saw this scene, his heart fell into the ice cave.

Now that Xin Zhao's health is extremely low, he can't get any benefits even if he goes down. After Ju Hua Xin died in battle, he was one against two.

But he can't cancel his ultimate move.

All skills are hidden. If Xin Zhao doesn't die and Ornn doesn't interrupt him, Jin Gong can only watch himself fall to the ground!

"Xin Zhao couldn't survive without flash. The moment Shen landed and gave a taunt, the crocodile basic attack followed his Q and took him away!"

Su Cheng spoke faster and faster.

"If Jin Gong falls, he is seeking death!"

Xiba people have always felt that they have no pressure against Letme. After finishing Tiamat, they are not done yet. The first thing is to go straight to Jujiu.

However, the amount of HP provided by this equipment is really not that much, and it does not have any resistance, and its tankiness is completely unsustainable.

"I put a slow barrel on the wine barrel, I want to keep Shen!"

At this time, a magic crystal arrow filled with extremely cold air was shot from a distance.

Ice’s R skill!

However, this ultimate move gave people plenty of room for reaction. Xiaotian followed the trend and moved down, and Lin Ran also handed over the second E [Direct Crash], easily avoiding the magic crystal arrow.

"Ornn landed. The Korean duo was still rushing here, but the wine barrel threw a big move!"

Exploding barrels tumbled past the onslaught of hops.

This ultimate move is mainly used to force the opponent back.

"Niutou doesn't dodge or dodge, and uses the acceleration effect of the five-speed shoes to continue moving forward, hoping to use the barrel's ultimate move to blast himself next to his teammate Shen!"

His plan worked.

After landing, WQ2 Company directly lifted Crocodile and Wine Barrel!

Successfully rescued Jin Gong who was in crisis.

But Corejj ignored one point.

After being knocked away by the barrel's ultimate move, he was covered with a layer of plasma.

"Ka'Sa activated R [Hunter Instinct] and flew directly over from the river!"

Jack's first target is the lone ruler.

Although his equipment is not as good as the ruler's, Ice Archer has no ultimate move, and his Q [Archer's Concentration] is currently at level 0.

This was simply the period of time when Ashe was at her weakest.

Jack didn't hesitate to seize this opportunity. He was the sharpest spear in the attack, and now he pierced the enemy's heart hard!

Kai'Sa flew over and also activated W [Void Search for Enemies].

RW's combo hit the opponent first, and then, all the heavy rain from Icacia fell on Han Bing alone!

Ruler's blood volume was instantly reduced by a large margin!

"Look at me!" Chi Di was still calling his teammates in the team voice.

But it was too late.

The Tauren Chief has surrendered all of his abilities, and Shen's Taunt has already surrendered when his ultimate move lands.

No one can protect this ice at present.

Not only that, Letme's Ornn was also staring at him from a distance.

A sheep's cry echoed through Summoner's Rift!

The magma element passed through Han Bing's body, causing a slowing effect!

"Faker started sprinting and rushed over, but the outcome of the battle has been decided!"

The crocodiles full of conquerors roam freely in the battlefield.

Although the Minotaur saved Shen, neither of them posed a fatal threat to him.

The Ice Archer on the other side used the second stage of his ultimate move to dodge Ornn, but Jack's E [Extreme Overload] accelerated to pursue him.

"Purification removes the slowing effect of being hit by thousands of arrows, and takes away the ruler with two basic attacks!"

There is no way. Kai'Sa's one-on-one ability is definitely in the first echelon among ADCs. With the shield of her ultimate move and the high explosive single target damage, the ruler without advance preparation is naturally no match for her.

Xin Zhao and Han Bing, who were extremely powerful in combat, were killed one after another, but Li Sang Hyuk was not ready to give up.

He wanted to seize the opportunity to lower the health of the CHN jungler so that the opponent would not dare to use the vanguard.

But this plan obviously failed.

"The crocodile took a small step forward and ate the sleeping bubble for the wild wine barrel!"

Lin Ran reacted very quickly. Ever since he was suppressed by Lee Sang Hyuk during the laning phase, he showed absolute concentration.

Although the bubbles came from the blind field of vision, Lin Ran still took the lead and ate the bubbles.

Because he has teleportation, even if he is beaten to a pulp or killed in battle, he can still quickly rush from the spring to the canyon pioneer.

And once the Garlic Bastard's Jungle Barrel loses his life, it will be troublesome.

After eating the bubbles, Lin Ran's blood volume instantly dropped to the dangerous level.

Taking advantage of the 1.5 seconds before he fell into a comatose state, Lin Ran bit the tauren with W and made another basic attack.

Corejj activated his ultimate move [Strong Will] to release the control, but his health bar was still lowered a lot.

"Lantern lantern!" At the same time, Lin Ran was still looking for help.

"Look at your feet!" Liu Qingsong expressed his meaning in simple language.

The Thresh he operated had no means of displacement, so he could only walk over it honestly.

It was long overdue.

"The soul-inducing lamp was thrown at the feet of the crocodile, and Lin Ran quickly became agitated!"

The moment before he fell into a comatose state, Lin Ran returned to Thresh at the rear and regained safety.

“Lin Ran handled it perfectly!”

"Thresh's hook forced the Tauren Chief's flash...but the meat, egg, onion, and chicken in the wine barrel turned around again!"

With one belly, the bull's head was stunned, Thresh's Pendulum of Doom brushed it back, and with the help of Kai'Sa who came over, he successfully killed it!

"Nice!" Lin Ran yelled, venting the anger he had suppressed in the first half of the game.

Lee Sang Hyuk uses Zoe's strong laning to suppress himself, then he will use his decision-making in the mid-term to fight back!

"There were only two people left in KOR, Shen and Zoe. Orn hit him with an E and forced Shen to flash... The CHN representative team won a great victory!"

Su Cheng's pretty face turned red, and the surrounding audience seats were already boiling like scalding hot water. She could only keep raising her voice so that the netizens in the live broadcast room could hear her.

"The Canyon Pioneer has been refreshed, and CHN turned around and accepted the Pioneer. Now that they have smoothed the economic gap, they still have another chance to summon the Pioneer!"

"There's a comeback!"

【666, can this be called back? 】

[Brother Ran’s fake return to the city is really disgusting, hahahaha]

[The South Korean team operated seriously for a long time, and finally a wave of team battles returned to before liberation! 】

[I think the Korean team is just like Calabash Boy saving grandpa. They insist on taking on this wave of team battles. They don’t really think they can beat us in a team fight, right? 】

[I’m afraid I’ve lost my mind, I’m smiling! 】

The Roaring Emperor on SBS TV could not hide his disappointment.

"You really shouldn't take on this wave of team battles. If you sell Score players, it's acceptable even if you lose the vanguard."

"But Ashe and the Tauren Chief were killed in battle, which fattened up Kaisha..."

Hongmi in the background put her hand on her forehead and looked at the screen in disbelief.

The originally lively atmosphere in the lounge suddenly cooled down.

He knew what it meant to lose this vanguard.

There is not much time left for the Korean team.

It seems like I can't finish it all, mainly because I want to give Faker a decent departure, so the length will be a little longer.

12000, how do I do, huh?

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