LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 579 577: A 1V1 men’s battle on the road... (a 10,000-word chapter!)

Amidst the cheers of countless spectators in the venue, Summoner's Rift descended on Mahaka Square!

Su Cheng looked at the rune equipment status of both players given by the director, and informed the audience in the live broadcast room of this information.

"Lin Ran brought Electrocution in this game, and his secondary system was Enlightened Biscuits and Time Warp Tonic; while Lee Sang Hyuk's runes didn't change much from the previous game, they were still unsealed secrets, and his secondary system was Taste of Blood from the Domination system. With Ghost Poro.”

Su Cheng said this and took another look at the Korean team's summoner skills.

"However, in this round, Li Sang Hyuk chose teleportation instead of purification as his native skill. It can be seen that he was very concerned about being involved in Lin Ran's teleportation in the middle of the last round."

Lee Sang Hyuk thought about it a lot.

In this game, the CHN representative team chose two single-line heroes, Enchantress and Crocodile. Once the game enters the mid-term, the opponent will definitely have to perform a single-line point push.

If he chooses the native skill to bring purification this game as in the previous game, the laning period will indeed be very nourishing. It is basically impossible for the middle and jungle combination of Enchantress and Spider Queen to catch him to death.

But he also has to face a similar shortcoming as in the previous game - he simply cannot cope with Enchantress's single-band split push in the bottom lane in the mid-term.

At that time, the pressure on the army line faced by the team will be extremely huge.

Moreover, the CHN representative team chose an absolute early and mid-game lineup in this game, and the overall rhythm will be very fast. He can also better support his teammates with a teleport.

Lee Sang Hyuk put the use of hero advantage to suppress Lin Ran in the lane and put it in a secondary position.

After all, the professional arena is not just about solo play, but more importantly, teamwork.

"Letme stood in her blue BUFF camp, wary of Thain coming to steal level 1 wild monsters, but Jin Gong showed no intention of invading, and the two sides got along well."

Seeing that there was still a short period of time before the entire army would attack, Su Cheng quickly glanced at the barrage to see what questions the audience had asked.

"In this version, if you choose spiders, how do you fight for level 2 river crabs?" She repeated it, and then pondered for two seconds to explain, "That's right, normally speaking, Elise is really weak in the current version because she fights at level 2. His ability is very weak and he cannot beat the current mainstream junglers. Once he loses the Twin River Crab, he will lose less than half of the game."

"But when we consider jungle matchups, we can't just compare junglers."

She cleared her mind and said, "In this game, we chose Crocodile in the top lane, and Ice + Bullhead in the bottom lane. They are both sideline characters with very strong early combat capabilities, and they both have lane rights, which means that the battle in the jungle will begin as soon as possible. , we can take the lead in providing support.”

"In comparison, the South Korean team has disadvantages on both sides, and the level 2 strength of the barrel itself is not very outstanding...Score will most likely not dare to risk the opening of the Double River Crab."

"As long as you can protect the first river crab in your home, the spider's rhythm will not be disrupted."

This is the tactic that the CHN team discussed yesterday.

Xiaoyao is definitely a spider with unique skills. Although he hasn't used it for a long time, if he practices it for a night and then uses it for competition, there is basically no problem.

The Korean team would not have thought that the Garlic Bastard would use this reverse version of the jungle role, which could catch them off guard.

Not to mention that in order to be able to select Spider, Abramovich also deliberately set up traps on BP, blocking several heroes of Score, so that the opponent could only get characters like Beer Man, which is not outstanding in level 2 strength, and tried his best to alleviate the small number of heroes.兲’s jungle pressure.

While Su Cheng was explaining the technique to the audience, Lin Ran controlled Enchantress and entered the grass separated by a wall from the Korean team's red buff camp in the first half.

After staying for a second, he dropped his ghost soul poro.

After going around in a circle, Lin Ran followed the soldiers and went online from behind a tower in his house instead of emerging directly from the grass above the middle road. This would make Li Sang Hyuk unclear about which half of the area he had placed the Poro.

Immediately after going online, he clicked on Zoe's attribute panel and found that the opponent's spell strength was also not right. He could guess that Faker also used Poro.

Lee Sang Hyuk must have used the same method to make him uncertain about Poro's location.

A level one Ghost Poro can provide the hero with 5 points of spell power, which is already a big improvement.

"Faker played very aggressively when he came online. He used flying stars to start pushing the line!"

Li Sang Hyuk's unabashed behavior immediately aroused Lin Ran's vigilance.

He refused to give an inch, and the demon shadow stepped on it, hitting three ranged soldiers and Zoe at the same time.

However, Lin Ran turned around and took Zoe's basic attack.

Although he retreated very quickly by pressing the second stage of W, Zuoyiping's A had no trajectory at all when it was blessed with the passive [Fireworks] effect, and the speed of raising his hand was extremely fast.

This time the basic attack stunned Lee Sang-hyeok.

But overall, Lin Ran gained a little bit more HP.

He was not in a hurry to use electrocution to exchange for blood.

Mainly because Zoe had already retreated to a relatively back position at the time. If he forced the electrocution, he would have to perform two basic attacks, during which he would have to withstand the concentrated fire of a whole wave of minions.

Coupled with Zoe's flat A, he won't gain any health.

It's better to save electrocution for when you need it.

After being stepped on, Lee Sang Hyuk on the opposite side was still attacking the soldiers of the CHN representative team.

The intention of pushing the line is obvious.

Lin Ran showed no sign of weakness and raised his wand to drain the opponent's minion's health.

However, the gap between Zoe and Enchantress became apparent at this time.

The Twilight Protoss' early push ability is obviously stronger.

LeBlanc's core push skill W [Shadow's Trail] has a full cooldown of 18 seconds at level one, while the CD of Zoe's flying star is only 9 seconds.

In other words, every time Zoe releases two flying stars, Enchantress can only use her W skill once.

The frequency of skill release was set here, and Lin Ran had no choice.

Even if he poured all the damage into the minions, he still couldn't bear the Korean team's troops accumulating little by little and advancing towards his tower.

At the second level, Lin Ran took advantage of the gap between Zoe's flying star to push the lane, and QW stepped forward to add another basic attack, successfully achieving the electrocution effect.

However, he himself also received one of Zoe's hypnotic bubbles, and the two immediate basic attacks also replaced more than 30% of his health.

Until the third wave of artillery trains arrived in the middle, both sides drank their first bottle of corruption potion, and their blood volume was maintained at around 60%.

"Letme, take a look at me, I'll be on my way soon!"

Xiaotian opened the field from the lower half of the game, which was the traditional red + blue + river crab speed three route.

After the Spider Queen reached level 3, she now has full combat effectiveness.

And Letme also pushed the troops to the front of the Golden Gong Tower. He could use the artillery truck that was about to arrive on the road to push all the troops in the hoard under Thain's tower.

"Just come here and we'll beat him steadily!" Letme was very excited.

Aoun's wonderful performance in the last game gave him a lot of confidence, and he didn't feel that stage fright when he took out the crocodile in this game.

Su Cheng stared at the God's perspective, "The spider is on its way up, but so is the wine barrel!"

Score knew that the opponent had chosen Zoo Ueno and would definitely take action against Jin Gong.

Therefore, he also chose to open the field in the lower half of the field, and Su San came to the top and counter-crouched.

In order to reach level three as quickly as possible, he didn't even eat crabs in the river - because if he wanted to catch river crabs, he would have to go a long way.

If he was forced to eat river crabs, Xiaotian would take action as soon as he got on the road, and he would not have time to rush over to help Jin Gong.

Gragas ate the upper half of his own red BUFF, then ran up the road holding the wine barrel.

At this time, a drone suddenly flew over and successfully illuminated his field of vision.

"When Jack's Ice reached level two, he learned E [Eagle Strike] and successfully detected the enemy jungler's position for his teammates!"

Abu followed suit. In the last game, Chi Di Han Bing used the E skill's field of vision to search out, which had a very strong suppressive effect on the Garlic Bastard in the early stage, making all his moves invisible.

In this round, he copied over and chose Ashe for the Shiba Inu.

Now, as expected, good results have been achieved.

Xiaoyao saw the position of the beer man on the opposite side, but he continued to rush up the road without stopping.

He knew Score knew he would come on the road.

But he is not afraid.

The garlic bastard dared to operate even the peak Peanut, so he was naturally not afraid of the 26-year-old Score.

When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins. If you have the ability, squat back and kill me.

Lin Ran, who was in the middle, noticed that Lee Sang Hyuk had once again accelerated the speed of pushing the line. To this end, he quickly dealt with the thick-skinned cannon truck. He even used hypnotic bubbles.

"Zoe is very likely to finish pushing the line and go up the road..." Lin Ran noticed the other party's plan.

In his opinion, the reason why Li Sang Hyuk used teleportation with his native skill in this game was probably partly to prevent Xiao Yao from attacking Jin Gong in the early stage. After all, he could not use the unsealed secret book to exchange for summoner skills 6 minutes ago.

Lin Ran quickly retaliated. Both Q and W skills hit the artillery cart, and at the same time trampled the health of three melee soldiers.

"Then can you come?" Garlic Bastard asked in the team's voice.

Lin Ran glanced at the small map, and then replied, "If you can wait for me for 5 seconds, then I can teleport."

"Five seconds?" Xiaotian thought for a moment, "Okay, I'll try my best."

When Li Sang Hyuk saw Lin Ran using his QW skills on the gun carriage, he knew that his opponent had guessed his intentions.

They knew each other well, and everyone knew that a big war was about to break out on the road.

"Xiao Yao took a detour through the triangular grass and successfully reached the grass behind the Korean team's upper tower. The wine barrel was huddled in the closed grass in front of the second tower. Both sides were waiting for the troops to enter the tower!"

Jin Gong was also ready.

In fact, Thain has certain advantages when facing the Crocodile in the first two levels.

But he did not choose to push out the line of troops.

It's because you have to be wary of Xiaotian Su 3's gank on the road.

If the troop line is located in front of the CHN representative team tower, they have no chance of winning whether it is 2v2 or 3V3.

For the Korean team, if they want to fight this anti-crouching battle, they must use the help of defensive towers.

"Zoe has cleared the artillery line and has left the center!"

Su Cheng's advantage of watching OB perspective videos all year round came to light. While observing the shots of the road given by the director, she also did not forget to multitask and glanced at the mini map.

At first, Lee Sang Hyuk felt that the opponent took action late, and he could save a teleport and rush to the battlefield on foot.

However, Lin Ran refused to let him do so.

After calculating the time and feeling that it was about the same, Lin Ran informed Letme that he could take action.

"The crocodile used a basic attack to eat the last ranged soldier, and successfully pushed the soldier line into the Korean team's defense tower. He then used E [Rampage] to step forward, ready to bite the opponent!"

The crocodile's forward lunge is a sign of a fight breaking out.

Gragas took a sip of beer, then carried the barrel and left the Autistic Grass.

Zoe even handed over the teleport directly, and the landing point was the Korean team's top defense tower!

The five seconds that Xiaotian and Letme delayed on the top lane also allowed Lin Ran to almost clear the middle lane that Li Sang Hyuk had previously accumulated.

Now there are only three long-range soldiers and one artillery vehicle left.

Just now when Zoe was rushing on foot to get on the road, Lin Ran also took two steps forward.

It is these two steps that transfer all the hatred targets of these four soldiers to himself.

Since the remaining soldiers all have long-range attack methods and can attack Lin Ran from a slightly longer distance, they did not enter the range of the CHN middle defense tower.

"Give me an eye!" Lin Ran reminded him as he drank the corruption potion and biscuits, and used the time warp tonic to boost his blood volume.

Xiaoyao cooperated with him tacitly and immediately dropped his jewelry eyes to the ground.

The next moment, the blue teleportation light lit up!

Lin Ran did not use his own soldiers under the Korean team's tower as a teleportation point.

Because TP will suppress the minion, the unit will not be able to move or attack during the guidance time.

In this wave of overcoming the tower, they needed to use the attack of the minions. In order not to set up an ambush, and the enemy hero still had a few drops of blood to survive, Lin Ran chose to teleport to the ward.

He handles every detail to the best of his ability.

"Zoe has no bubbles yet. Please pay attention, it will take about 10 seconds to turn around!" Before he arrived on the battlefield, he did not forget to explain his opponent's skills.

And Mahaka Square has been filled with noise.

"The mid laners on both sides are simply crazy!" The Roaring Emperor's eyes widened. "At level 3, just hand over the teleport and roam on the road. Don't we need the middle lane?"

The body of the scheming enchantress remained motionless on the spot, and the soldiers' concentrated fire had reduced her blood volume to about half.

The moment LeBlanc disappeared in the middle, the four minions stuck in front of the tower lost their attack target and had no choice but to continue advancing towards the CHN team's middle defense tower.

But just when the minion is about to enter the range of the defense tower.

CHN's fourth wave of troops rushed to the battlefield, firmly blocking the Korean long-range soldiers and artillery vehicles outside the turret!

In this way, when the fourth wave of soldiers from the South Korean team arrives, the position of the soldiers will be firmly stuck here, motionless!

Lee Sang Hyuk frowned.

He also noticed this. After all, he was an experienced screen cutter and was always observing the movements in the Summoner's Rift.

Lin Ran's behavior of getting stuck in his physical body was beyond his expectation.

But he quickly calmed down.

The handover position of the troops was stuck in front of the first tower of the CHN representative team. Although he didn't make any profit, he didn't lose either.

After all, neither of them will eat minions, which is equivalent to natural attrition.

The focus now is how to deal with the wave of battles on the road.

"It will take close to ten seconds for the demon girl's shadow to turn around. Let's leave her and the spider alone and kill the crocodile first." Lee Sang Hyuk said in the team voiceover.

When he landed, Thain's health was already crippled.

This is the strength of the desert spider pair.

When the control is maxed out, the output is extremely high, and the opponent's top laner has no countermeasures at all and can only be beaten passively.

And it's not difficult to get over the tower. Xiaoyao is now resisting the bombardment of the defense tower, and later he can deflect the hatred by flying up to the sky.

"Sion was not killed in the first place. He used the shield of W [Soul Furnace] to withstand the wave of damage. The slow roar of E killer hung on the crocodile, and at the same time he activated the charge of Q skill!"

In order to prevent himself from being knocked away, Letme handed over Flash first and left Thane's charging zone.

At the same time, Q [Tyrant Strike] + the second stage of E collided directly, causing Thain to leave the defense tower.

"Barrel E flashed forward, trying to knock CHN Ueno away at the same time... but was dodged by Xiaotian's flying!"

The Garlic Bastard reacted very quickly. The moment Score pushed his belly, he handed over E [Pansi] and flew into the sky to avoid the control.

Only the crocodile fell into a dazed state.

"Zoe Flying Star, combined with Beer Man's drunken and violent basic attacks and the output of rolling barrels, instantly suppressed the crocodile's health!"

However, Letme's life is not in danger at the moment. After all, it was all a stupid bastard who was fighting the tower before.

Lin Ran also landed on the ground at this time. At this time, the soldiers under the tower had beaten Jin Gong's Thain to blood. He raised his wand and killed him with a basic attack.

First blood is born!

The domestic audience in the audience was in high spirits and burst into deafening cheers!

Su Cheng's eyes lit up, "The Triumph trigger restored Letme's health!"

Lin Ran's tone was urgent, "Pull back first, don't be anxious!"

Thain also has a corpse, and his combat power is quite terrifying.

They dare not fight hard.

"Pull, pull, pull!" Xiaoyao also shouted loudly, fearing that something might happen to Letme, who had not cooperated with them very well.

Letme is now a tool that obeys orders. Lin Ran asked him to go east, but he would never dare to go west.

Now he keeps a distance obediently and doesn't let Jin Gong touch him.

Lin Ran glanced at everyone's positions.

Now he and Lee Sang Hyuk are standing in the tower above the Korean team, but he is on the side slightly closer to the CHN side. Thain's body under the tower passively separates him from the other two teammates - Xiaoyao and Letme are on the other side's top lane. Between the first and second towers, they are almost touching the score's wine barrels.

Although first blood has been obtained, how to run is still a problem.

"Both the output of the wine barrel and Zoe are focusing on the fire crocodile!"

Although Lee Sang Hyuk's hypnotic bubble still didn't turn around, he picked up the flash that Letme had handed over before.

The moment the release flashed, the output of the magic-stealing skill was supplemented.

"Let's kill the wine barrel first. This person didn't show up, so leave Zoe alone!" Lin Ran also quickly issued new instructions.

When he took blood just now, he attracted the hatred of the defense tower, and Jin Gong's Thane corpse also found him, and accelerated over to beat him.

For this reason, Lin Ran could only pull two steps back, out of the range of the defense tower, and then walk forward after Thain's body was also killed.

But this caused him to be three seconds slow.

"Zoe was the first to take the lead. Her pyrotechnic basic attacks and the missiles she cast with her magic-stealing skills were very damaging. She cooperated with Score's Beer Man and captured the crocodile's head!"

Xiaotian was also outputting beside him at this time.

He has a red buff on a spider, and to be honest, the basic attack damage is not low.

After the spider form's Q skill improved, Elise lunged forward again and nibbled on the beer man's butt.

"The wine barrel's blood volume dropped very quickly. Score wanted to evacuate quickly, but Lin Ran wouldn't let him go!"

After learning that the wine barrel did not flash, Lin Ran did not want to waste too many skills, so he threw E [Phantom Chain] while the opponent was slowed down by the red buff's burning effect.

Score felt desperate.

The angle at which Lin Ran released his skills was very tricky, leaving him no room to dodge.

But at this moment, a golden light flashed!

A cute little girl chewing bubble gum stood in front of him!

There was a scream in the venue!

"Zoe handed over the flash at this time and helped her teammates block the crucial life-threatening control!" The Roaring Emperor was excited, "This is Xiang He's strength!"

Hitting one less skill means that score's barrel can survive for a while longer.

"The defense tower has locked onto Lin Ran. The spider changed into a human form and the Q skill continued to hit the wine barrel's body!"

At first, Lin Ran wanted to directly attach Q [Malicious Seal] to Zoe, who was chained by him, and deal out the burst damage as quickly as possible.

But then I thought about it. It also felt inappropriate.

His Shadow Shadow is about to get better, so it's better to keep the skill just in case.

"Zoe used the Spell Stealing Hands passive she gained again after casting Flash to continue to wear down Elise's health!"

At this time, his hypnotic bubble and Lin Ran's W skill all improved.

"The hypnotic bubble was thrown at the spider, almost at a distance from the face, giving Xiaoyao no time to react at all!"

After Xiaotian ate the bubbles, he was still 1.5 seconds away from falling asleep.

He made a very bold decision.

"The spider flashed and hid in the grass behind the Korean team's upper tower!"

The moment he saw the wine barrel, he learned about score's jungle clearing route.

The opponent is obviously also a speed three, so the stone beetle has not been brushed away.

Although his health is now reduced, it doesn't matter. He still has a chance to recover and enter the field again.

A flash of thunder flashed in the sky.

The stone beetle's blood volume suddenly dropped, while the spider's health value increased significantly, and it instantly returned to a safe state!

"Flash punishment to restore blood, wonderful on-the-spot decision-making!"

Abu in the backstage lounge also applauded the Garlic Bastard's operation.

Since Xiaoyao used Punishment once when clearing the jungle in Susan, it took three minutes for the second heavy attack to get better, and it was 3 minutes and 04 seconds when Xiaoyao handed over Punishment.

It was just 4 seconds short, but it saved Xiaoyao's life.

Score also wanted to go to the stone beetle to recover blood, but Lin Ran was unconscious this time.

QW2 added a basic attack in a row, and the electrocution was triggered, successfully reducing the wine barrel's health to residual health, and the head was finally absorbed by the burning damage of the spider's red BUFF.

"The Witch of Trickery also took the opportunity to use this method to leave the attack range of the defense tower, while Lee Sang Hyuk himself was restrained by the phantom chain."

"Zoe shattered the hypnotic bubble with a basic attack, but failed to kill the Spider Queen. She watched helplessly as Xiaotian left her range, and then focused her fire on LeBlanc again!"

Lin Ran immediately triggered the magic shadow trace again and returned to the original place, planning to escape directly.

But in the triangular grass on the road, a scarlet light suddenly lit up!

"It's Thain. Jin Gong decisively came to the battlefield after his resurrection!"

Letme died relatively late and now has 4 seconds to resurrect.

He could only watch Jin Gong join the battlefield again.

"The eye position is very tricky, and it just blocks the path of the enchantress!"

Zoe, who regained her freedom, picked up the flash that Xiaotian had just handed over.

Move forward and continue output!

"Zoe's fighting power is quite amazing. She is going to dominate the game!"

When Lin Ran noticed Thain's figure appearing behind him, he knew it would be difficult for him to escape.

He resisted the tower twice, but even with the potion to restore it, his blood volume was still reduced.

But Lin Ran wanted to give his teammates another advantage.

"The Enchantress is still retreating, and Letme also handed over the teleportation after being resurrected!"

The TP position of the crocodile is exactly in the fourth wave of troops under Lin Ran.

Jin Gong was afraid that if he had long nights and many dreams, he would let Lin Ran run away.

Therefore, he resolutely handed over Flash, E Killer Roar slowed down to Lin Ran, and then connected Q [Cruel Slam] to charge up, preparing to smash him up.

Lin Ran saw the flash of Xi Baren handing over, and suddenly felt satisfied.

The purpose is achieved.

Thank you, Jimu Gong!

He sincerely thanked the Xiba people in his heart and allowed the three of them to knock him away.

And Zoe threw out the flying star and took her own life.

"A wave of 2 for 2, the South Korean team performed almost perfectly when dealing with the enemy's early offensive!"

The Roaring Emperor let out a roar, cheering for the Korean team members who were fighting in Jakarta.

"Sang Hyuk handled this wave really well," Madlife gushed in the commentary box. "He used flash to help Score players block key skills, and also added the effect of stealing skills and skillful hands, which improved himself. Output!"

"And there's another key point!"

The Roaring Emperor has outstanding business abilities and is very good at complimenting him. When his partner said this, he immediately said, "How do you say that?"

Madlife followed his own train of thought and said, "Defense towers have a protective range, and this range is 1,400 yards."

“Simply put, when an enemy hero causes damage to a friendly hero within a circular area with the turret as the center and a radius of 1,400 yards, the turret will lock it as its own attack target.

"But if the friendly hero is 1,400 yards away, it is not within the protection range of the defense tower. Even if it is damaged and the enemy hero is within the range of the defense tower, the turret will not attack the opponent."

Madlife spoke at a fast pace, "You dared to release the phantom chain so boldly in the defense tower just now because the wine barrel is outside the 1,400-yard protection range of the defense tower."

"But when Xiang He's Zoe used flash to help block the chains, he himself was within the protection range!"

"His injury caused the defense tower to divert its hatred and fire another shot at Enchantress, which directly caused Ran to be unable to escape when faced with Thain's pursuit!"

If Lin Ran was still full of health at that time, he could easily use Flash to escape.

Even if Zoe continued to pursue with Pick Up Flash, the damage would not be enough to kill him.

All I can say is that Lee Sang Hyuk handled this situation extremely well.

In the Korean live broadcast room of Mouse Channel, after thinking that their team had resolved CHN’s fatal offensive, the content in the chat channel was quickly refreshed.

【So strong Zoe! This is Sang Hyuk! 】

【Isn’t it too awesome? It seems that the last set was not a flash in the pan, Sang Hyuk's strength has really regressed back to two years ago! 】

[Both sides are great, Spider’s flash punishment and blood regeneration are also exaggerated, and the details are full]

[The handling of both sides in this wave is truly textbook level, and they have been playing games from the beginning, which is pleasing to the eye]

Although the Korean audience is celebrating.

However, Lin Ran felt that his side had not lost anything in this wave of 2 for 2.

Because Thane's flash is gone.

He was greeted next. It will be an endless disaster.

Jin Gong was still unaware and still asked for credit from his teammates in the team voice chat.

"How about it, am I strong?"

"Niu Niu Niu, that's awesome!" The other teammates didn't say anything, but Chichidi started licking it first.

Jin Gong, who received praise from his teammates, felt comfortable and continued to face off honestly.

Anyway, letme didn't get any kills in the small-scale team battle just now.

He's not under a lot of pressure.

But a minute later, he screamed.

"Xiba bastard!" he said angrily, "Gao Tianliang and Li Zai Gan are gods and demons?"

The screen has turned to black and white.

Since the CHN soldiers were under his tower during the team battle just now, when the fourth wave of soldiers arrived, they pushed out the transfer position bit by bit.

Jin Gong was also forced out of the range of the defense tower.

Xiaotian seized this opportunity and took a detour through the triangular grass.

The crocodile was stunned first, and he formed a cocoon to keep up with the control. The two of them used a set of skills to send Jin Gong away without blinking.

Score was still farming in the lower half at this time, and he was helpless when he saw his teammates died.

"I didn't know the opponent would fight like this. The spider didn't even fight the wild monsters and went straight to find you!"

Since he and the Garlic Bastard both spawned from bottom to top at first, the spawning time of wild monsters in the second round was similar.

In this case, Score believes that Xiaotian is in the lower half.

Who would have thought, this spider is like a madman, just staring at the road to kill.

"But I can counter him with a set of F6." Score said.

When Jin Gong heard this at first, he thought he could accept it.

But he couldn't bear to think about it and became more and more angry.

I feel unhappy, but I can't find any way to vent it.

After all, he couldn't bang the table on the field.

He took two deep breaths and continued online after resurrecting.

Su Cheng was still explaining conscientiously, "Jack from the bottom lane shot another Eagle Strike into the sky, and this time he successfully found the wine barrel that was brushing our sharp-beaked bird!"

It’s not unusual to catch Score’s movements this time.

After Xiaotian took action on the road, he didn't see the wine barrel counter-crouching, so he felt that the opponent was in the lower half, and there was a high probability that he would take the opportunity to counter his own wild monster to stop the loss.

So he asked Jack to shoot an arrow to check the situation.

The Garlic Bastard was originally just unsure of the other party's movements, but now that he saw the exact location of the score, he became more and more fearful!

If you don't do one thing, you won't stop.

Today I have to give Jin Gong a break from Internet addiction!

"The Spider Queen hid in the grass at the side and rear of the previous tower... Here she is again!" Su Cheng could already predict what was going to happen next.

Xibaren was very cautious. He even ran to the grass wall and made an eyeful at the partition wall.

The main function of this eye is to allow Jin Gong to sentence himself to death two seconds in advance.

After finishing his field of view, he was hit with a cocoon.

Thick milky white liquid covered his face.

"Sain doesn't have much toughness right now. After being trapped, he fell into a dizzy effect that lasted for 1.6 seconds!"

Letme, who just pretended to be cleaning up the troops under the tower, also handed over two pieces of E.

Although there was no red rage, it was enough to keep Thain standing still for a while.

"The spider pounces and bites him with all his skills. Without any resistance equipment, Thain is as brittle as a piece of paper!"

The undead warrior became undead this time.

Now it is the turn of the supporters of the CHN representative team to wave the flag and cheer.

They were making noise in the audience, and Jin Gong was furious on the stage.

Almost pissed off.

It's a 1v1 men's battle on the road, what are you doing here?

He just thought about this in his mind and did not say it out loud. Xibaren stayed rational and did not want to put a psychological burden on his teammates.

After hearing the news from Su Cheng that Jin Gong had reached 0/3, the audience in Lin Ran's live broadcast room was stunned.

[What a ruthless Xiaotian, so treasonous! 】

[Don’t be embarrassed, who is the top laner on the opposite side? I’m not familiar with Gao Tianliang]

[Good guy, the number of times Xiaotian went on the road in YM, added up in a month, is not as many as in today’s game]

[After the Asian Games, YM will not be allowed to go to the wild to sever ties of friendship? 】

[Rem, oh, oh, oh, Xiaotian won glory for the country, even at the expense of his own neck, and resisted all this alone, he is so gentle, I really cried to death...]

[So that’s the case, the reason behind it is heartwarming! 】

"Now all the heads have been taken by Pintian. The Spider Queen cleans out the opponent's second wave of sharp-beaked birds, and returns to the city to make up for the Magic Shoes and Dark Seal."

"Xiaotian is no longer a human being!"

Hongmi, who was watching the game in the background, was also quite helpless.

This is the disadvantage of Score.

There is a reason why others gave him the nickname Korean Factory Director. He has a typical operational jungle style and is relatively stable.

Basically, the character follows the position where the wild monsters are refreshed.

This way you won’t go wrong and can ensure your own development to the maximum extent.

But the disadvantage is that it is easy for the other party to seize the loophole and do the opposite. Based on this characteristic, you can find out his course of action, thereby achieving the effect of arresting people in the opposite direction.

This is what Xiaotian is like in this game.

He felt that Score would definitely go to the lower half to collect wild monsters, so he rushed directly to the top lane and killed Jin Gong indiscriminately.

"Be steady."

Lee Sang Hyuk stood in the middle feeling helpless.

His teleportation has not improved, and now he has no way to help his teammates.

"I know, I know." Jin Gong said hurriedly.

He never expected that Garlic Bastard would be like this. He would not kill wild monsters, but wanted to kill himself.

Now that Xiba people have learned well, Jin Gong has regained the familiar feeling.

He stood in the closed grass in front of the second tower, not even having any military experience.

"The level difference between the two top laners is about to be two levels..."

Score Beerman rebelled against many wild monsters in Xiaotian, and finally came to the top lane to protect his teammates.

Jin Gong died twice in battle, and he was hiding in the autistic grass just now, so a total of 4 waves of soldiers were lost.

Now that the jungler is here, he finally dares to step forward to hear the experience of the army line.

"Kill, kill, kill, they both must die!"

Xiaotian is very crazy now.

He felt that the two guys on the opposite side who didn't flash were not worthy of standing under the tower.

"No problem, I'll move up to level six right away!" Letme replied happily.

Basic attack A drops a minion, and the crocodile's whole body lights up!

See the number on the level bar in front of Renekton's health bar.

Jin Gong and Jiugongren, who had just returned to the tower, were numb.

Both of them are level 4.

As for the Crocodile at level 6, combined with the Spider, how can they compete with this strength in the jungle?

“The crocodile grabbed the wine barrel with its ruthless hunt, and the spider’s cocoon soon followed!”

The control time of the two people lasted for three seconds, and the normal crispy skin could not withstand it at all.

Although Thane charged up and knocked both the crocodile and the Spider Queen into the air, it could not change Score's fate of being killed.

"After the crocodile activated its ultimate move, its tankiness was quite high. It was able to withstand three shellings from the defense tower!"

After Letme came out of the tower, he opened up the hatred.

Then he came back again.

This time it was the spider's turn to carry the tower. After a set of skills bit off Thain's health, Feitian was hoisted up, leaving the rest for the crocodile to finish.

A level 4 Thane has no ability to resist at all.

"CHN got another double play in the jungle. The Korean team has collapsed!" Su Cheng was excited.

Now the only one left in the Korean team who can stand out is Lee Sang Hyuk.

Zoe, who got two heads, might be able to play a role in reversing the situation in the mid-term.

All Koreans have high hopes for Lee Sang Hyuk.

It can be clearly seen today that Faker is in great shape.

But the next moment when the battle between Ueno and Jungle broke out, a kill message suddenly appeared.

CHN Ran killed KOR Faker!

Unbelievable screams could be heard at the scene!

"There was a wave of single kills in the middle! What's going on?"

9,500 words, okay these days? Should I hang on or not?

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