LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 585 Chapter 583: Returning with great honor

After Lin Ran stepped down, Su Cheng immediately came up to him and said with shining eyes:

"Can you touch your gold medal for me?"

This was not an excessive request. Lin Ran took off the gold medal and handed it to his girlfriend without much hesitation.

Su Cheng carefully took it with both hands. Although this gold medal was not made of pure gold, it was still heavy to hold.

It has to be said that Indonesia, the host of this Asian Games, also put a lot of effort into the design of the medals. Su Cheng rummaged through her phone for a while before she found the details contained in the gold medal.

The designer added the local traditional and unique "Badik" batik pattern, which is a world intangible cultural heritage owned by Indonesia. The production process is delicate and complex. This time it was integrated into the medal, which looks unique. .

The batik effect of the gold medal on the blue ribbon is very outstanding. Su Cheng stroked the pattern carefully and couldn't put it down, "The pattern is very beautiful!"

"I'm going to customize a display cabinet later," she raised her head and said to her boyfriend. "Let's put the gold medals in it so it looks clean and beautiful. Otherwise, it will be difficult to clean the dust on the gold medals."

"That's a good idea." Lin Ran nodded.

Uzi thought so too.

After all, it is an Asian Games gold medal, and it should be given the recognition it deserves.

He was about to ask Su Cheng where he was going to customize a display cabinet and if he could order one for himself, but he heard the girl say again:

"Let's make the cabinet bigger. Don't you still have a bunch of trophies at home? They were all placed on the shelf behind the live broadcast room. It looked too unseemly."

Su Cheng held her boyfriend's arm and continued talking: "It's okay to put a flower pot in that place, but where can I put the trophy?"

"Okay, okay," Lin Ran agreed happily, "Just do as you say."

At that time, the house in Suzhou was decorated according to the plan of Su Cheng's house next door. Generally speaking, there were no big problems, but some small details were different from Lin Ran's daily living habits.

If he hadn't lived in that villa for a long time, he would have wanted to tidy it up.

Uzi, who had been following the two of them, heard that Su Cheng said that he wanted to customize the display cabinet to be larger to hold Lin Ran's pile of precious trophies. He felt as if he had eaten the sword of Galen. Gotta be silent.

Lin Ran has won two world championships, two MSIs, a lot of league championships, and countless personal FMVPs. It is estimated that even a wall cannot fit the honorary trophies of his career.

What about himself?

So far, there is not even an LPL champion.

Uzi felt a bit like asking for trouble when he went up to customize the same cabinet as others.

The group of people crowded back to the backstage lounge.

"Where are we going to celebrate tonight?" Shiba Inu was thinking about eating, "You don't have to eat in the Asian Games Village today, right?"

Ms. Yang replied with a smile, “It’s true that we don’t have to go to the Asian Games Village…but a friendly reminder, Jakarta’s food is basically all seafood.”

She didn't get along with this group of players for long, but because she served as the temporary logistics support person for the CHN representative team, Ms. Yang also knew that Jack was allergic to seafood.

"Huh?" Shiba Inu was confused now.

After he came to Jakarta, he did two-point and one-line sports between the Asian Games Village and Mahaka Square. He had no contact with local Indonesians and had no idea what kind of food there was in Jakarta.

"It's okay," Xiaotian was very open-minded about this, "Let's just eat seafood, and then just make a bowl of instant noodles for Jack. When he was training last night, he even said that he was hungry for instant noodles."

After the Garlic Bastard said this, he patted the Shiba Inu on the shoulder and said, "How is it, brother, how are you treating me? I actually fulfilled your request."

"Go away!" the Shiba Inu said angrily, "How can you give instant noodles to the hero who won the championship? Are you still a human being?"

He wanted to eat instant noodles last night because he saw that the coaching staff ate too much. However, there were regulations in the games that prohibited athletes from eating food outside the Asian Games Village.

This feeling of not getting what you want is the most alluring.

Now that he has won the championship, after Jack received the dietary lifting order, he immediately no longer wanted to eat instant noodles.

After finally coming to Jakarta, he naturally wanted to taste the local food.

The Shiba Inu didn't want to leave the group, and he couldn't eat seafood, so he argued endlessly with the Garlic Bastard.

Ms. Yang came back after answering the phone and found that they were still arguing here.

"That's alright," she tried to persuade her. "I just asked CCTV reporters and they recommended a few restaurants. Although they also have seafood, there are also many other dishes."

Since the accompanying reporters cannot live in the Asian Games Village, they usually look for outside restaurants to solve their catering problems. Although they eat fast food most of the time, they also have some knowledge of local Indonesian specialties.

Lin Ran originally wanted to pack up and leave for the restaurant, but unfortunately he failed.

The players were stuck in Mahaka Square.

Many spectators and media people wanted to take photos with them.

Among them were the older generation of e-sports people including Miya Ruofeng. It was not convenient for Lin Ran and others to refuse. After all, they had come all the way to watch their games.

Lin Ran kept his thumbs up, with a slightly stiff smile on his lips, acting as Mo De's emotional photo op.

By the time all this was done, it was already more than half an hour later.

The hungry people had just taken a bus and rushed to a restaurant called Bunga Rampai in central Jakarta for dinner.

Accompanying us were not only the twelve members of the CHN team, but also CCTV reporters, cameramen and Ms. Yang.

The restaurant is a separate Western-style building, specializing in Indian cuisine.

Everyone had reserved private rooms in advance and ordered a lot of local specialties. When they arrived at the restaurant, they sat in a circle around the round table.

Since I had informed the restaurant manager in advance, the food was served very quickly.

Lin Ran found that the presentation of the dishes here was quite exquisite, and the durian and coconut portion was very well presented and looked unique.

After the dishes were served, there was a knock on the private room door.

Ms. Yang hurried to open the door with vigorous steps.

A middle-aged man with a majestic face came in, followed by a young man who looked like a secretary or something.

Ms. Yang first said hello to the middle-aged man, then turned around and said to the members of the CHN team: "Let me introduce to you, this is Deputy Leader Du of our Jakarta Asian Games sports delegation..."

As soon as the name was heard, it had a lot of significance, and everyone immediately stopped the smiles on their faces and tried to look serious.

Mr. Du has a kind face and a friendly smile.

However, no one dared to relax and stood still.

"Today's final was very exciting. I would like to first express my congratulations to everyone. Although it is the first time to participate in the competition, it has also shown the style of our country's athletes in a foreign country!"

As soon as Mr. Du opened his mouth, there was thunderous applause around the round table.

"Don't be so formal, everyone," he said, seeing that the members of the representative team were looking unnatural, "I came here today, firstly, to congratulate you, and secondly, to chat with our emerging e-sports players and learn more about this industry... …”

Lin Ran and others relaxed a little.

"Although we are a 40+1 performance event this time, it is not just a performance. It would be more appropriate to use the word 'paving the way'. The Asian Games is targeting the Hangzhou Asian Games four years later."

Mr. Du talked eloquently.

"Time is in a hurry. I heard that everyone will leave Jakarta the day after tomorrow, so there is no time to arrange a celebration banquet." He took the glass handed by Ms. Yang, "I am here to drink instead of wine. I also want to thank you for your sincerity in this Asian Games." of hard work!”

Everyone in the private room toasted to celebrate winning the championship.

Mr. Du obviously had the same impression of Lin Ran as Chairman Huo Qigang, so he grabbed him during the dinner and had a cordial conversation with him.

The main content of the conversation was to ask him whether after the rapid development of the e-sports industry, there have been any problems that need to be improved and solved.

"I have chatted with some people in charge of the organization and operation of e-sports events before," Mr. Du's voice was low and magnetic, "but they talked about big aspects and analyzed them as a whole, and their footing was also on At the level of event operations.”

"Today I want to hear your understanding and opinions on this aspect as a player," Mr. Du added, "You don't have to worry about anything, just speak freely."

Lin Ran pondered for a moment, "From a player's perspective, I feel that the current e-sports selection mechanism has some shortcomings."

"For example?" Mr. Du motioned for him to continue.

"I have been in the Shenzhen Sports Team for a while. There are batches of athletes there who come from all over the place for training. After a period of time, if they pass the assessment, they can stay in the Sports Team to continue training. salary."

During that time, he also came into contact with several fans in the sports team, from which he had a general understanding of the operating mechanism of this department.

"The youth training system of e-sports is somewhat similar to that of the sports team," Lin Ran roughly explained. "Our concept is also to gather a group of young talents together and select a group of talents suitable for the e-sports path through various training methods. The players will be paid by the youth training team..."

"But here's the rub."

"Until last year, the youth training of the League of Legends project was all done by the major clubs themselves. The coaches, players and team leaders were asked to go to the server to find the top passers-by with their QQ accounts for trial training. There was no formal Selection channels.”

Mr. Du frowned when he heard this, "It does sound a bit crude and disorderly."

Lin Ran continued: "In 2016, Tencent organized a trainee program, but it did not attract much attention among players at that time, and it soon came to nothing; in May and June this year, the first session was held in Taicang Formal youth training camp.”

"I went to the site at the time, and I could see that Tengjing wanted to change the integration and make the youth training system more formal, but the conditions were still limited, and many of the equipment, including the coaching reserves, could not keep up."

Mr. Du understood what he meant, "Do you want us to give you some help in this regard?"

"Yes," Lin Ran expressed his attitude, "I know it is unrealistic for e-sports to establish a complete selection mechanism like traditional sports, but we can also seek a certain degree of formalization."

"At least we don't have to let clubs often use that seemingly informal method to select youth training, so parents won't feel comfortable letting their children do this job."

Mr. Du indicated that he understood the significance of this, "I will go back and find someone to discuss it. I can't make any guarantees for you now...but I will provide resources within my ability."

He did not stay for a long time and left in a hurry after talking to several players and coaches.

Now everyone can finally eat to fill their stomachs.

Lin Ran was very interested in the satay kebabs and chicken wing curry, both of which had an exotic flavor, which made him feel more novel.

After an hour of drinking and drinking, everyone was almost full and started chatting in twos and threes.

Liu Qingsong was still bragging about the famous scene in the last game when he used Luo to predict and play Corejj Thresh under the tower. Next to him, Jack was also asking for credit. The two kept exchanging commercial bragging, which made the garlic bastard disgusted.

Lin Ran and Su Cheng were whispering there, but his girlfriend drank a little too much. As soon as she finished talking about her plans for next spring, she got up and went to the bathroom.

He could only look at his phone by himself.

WeChat has already become 99+. When I clicked on it, it turned out to be a lot of congratulatory text messages.

Lin Ran sent a group reply to those friends with whom he was not very close, while the rest typed and responded slowly by himself.

His father Lin Mingdong was also very excited. The moment he won the championship, he sent several messages of congratulations. Lin Ran took a photo of himself holding the gold medal in his mouth and smiling brightly.

As soon as the message was sent, I got a reply - [I am proud of you. 】

Lin Ran chatted with his father for a few words, and then heard Abu calling his name.

"How about letting Brother Ran tell you a few words?"

"Don't make trouble," Lin Ran waved his hand and refused, "What's there to say?"

"Tell me a few words!" Bai Yueya didn't want to let him go and started to boo, "You are the absolute core of our team. If there is an MVP award at this Asian Games, it will be you. Tell everyone about yourself. What are your thoughts?”

Su Cheng, who came back from the bathroom, immediately applauded when he heard this and looked at him expectantly.

"Quick, quick, quick, if I ask you to say it, just say it, what are the ink marks?" Xiaotian gave him an elbow.

Lin Ran was forced to stand up.

Now everyone put down their tableware, and the private room was very quiet.

"That..." Lin Ran cleared his throat. "I didn't prepare much in advance, and I didn't want to waste everyone's time, so I just said a few words."

Everyone was amused by the quantifier "speak two sentences". They probably all experienced the fear of being ruled by school leaders during their school days.

"I'm not kidding, I really just said a few words." Lin Ran quickly defended.

"I've already said it!" Jack shouted loudly.

Lin Ran stretched out his hand to suppress him, and then said seriously:

"First of all... from the training camp of the sports team on August 14 to now, for a full half month, everyone worked together to win this gold medal. Although there are only 6 gold medals in total, and our coaching staff does not share it, but in my In my heart, you are all the owners of gold medals.”

Like other sports, the coaching staff responsible for tactics and BP execution cannot go on stage to receive awards, so naturally there will be no gold medals.

Hearing this, Hanyi and Bai Yueya took the lead in applauding.

This time in the Asian Games, they want to bring glory to the country. I also have some thoughts on making a name for myself.

Lin Ran's words were very helpful to them.

Other players also echoed that the coaching staff really put in a lot of effort during this training camp.

Unlike the players, they have to face the three most powerful coaches in the global League of Legends field.

KKoma, Hongmi and Edgar, any one of these three people alone is an unavoidable character in the history of League of Legends e-sports.

With the coaching staffs of the two major factions, Samsung and SKT, coming together, you can imagine how much pressure the coaches of the CHN team will face.

They tried their best. Just to not hold back the players.

Now that I think about it, White Crescent is a little scared.

If they lose the final, what will he and Hanyi face?

According to e-sports tradition, the position of coach is held by fans, and is mainly used to take the blame for losses.

Head coach Abramovich has already moved to management, and fans scolding him will not have any impact. After all, he is no longer involved in coaching.

Analyst Su Cheng is even a student, and she doesn't care so much about the evaluation of herself in the e-sports circle.

But the white crescent moon is different from Han Yi.

They are the winning head coaches of YM Club in the S6 and S7 seasons.

After leaving YM, their results were not ideal. Many viewers questioned their coaching ability, suspecting that the two players were raised by YM's winning players at the time.

If they lose to the South Korean team in the Asian Games this time, they will definitely be criticized and criticized, and the dividends earned during the championship period will basically be spit out.

Fortunately, we succeeded in winning the championship in the end.

"The second sentence I want to give to ourselves," Lin Ran raised the cup with orange juice, "just like Mr. Du said before, our victory this time will not be counted in the medal list, it is a 40+1 performance project, but it is not just a performance project, e-sports has entered Asia’s first gold medal, and everyone has made history today.”

Among the games shortlisted for e-sports this time, League of Legends has received the most attention.

And the final finals can be said to be quite successful, both in terms of popularity and competitiveness.

Lin Ran and the others have made a good start for League of Legends to enter the official program of the Asian Games.

"That's it for these two sentences, I'm done," Lin Ran raised the glass in his hand, "Finally, let's cheer for our own victory this time."

The crisp clink of cups echoed in the private room.

Far away in Beijing, Vanke Star Park in Chaoyang District.

There is a strong smell of fireworks in a three-bedroom apartment.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Hurry up and open the door," Su Hongmin walked out of the kitchen, holding a kitchen knife with some red liquid on it, "Stop looking at your phone!"

"I know!" Su Cheng's mother was playing with snake when she heard someone knocking on the door. She quickly answered, put on her slippers and hurried to the entrance.

When he opened the security door, he saw Lin Mingdong standing outside the door holding a large plastic bag.

"Come in, come in, it's quite hot outside!" Su Cheng's mother quickly let people in.

"I just walked a short distance, and my back was a little sweaty." Lin Mingdong wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Su Hongmin came out of the kitchen with a plate of watermelon, "What did you buy?"

"Beef pot stickers." Lin Mingdong put shoe covers on his feet.

Su Cheng's mother was very happy when she heard this, "We have something to eat tonight. I even ordered some local dishes from our place."

The three Suzhou people in Beijing can only miss the taste of their hometown in this way.

Su Hongmin took a tooth of watermelon and turned on the TV with the remote control. Maybe he didn't have time to change the channel while watching the football yesterday, so the channel was still on CCTV5.

The time has come to 6:15, and the daily sports news program is being broadcast.

After announcing the news about the Asian Games men's basketball semifinals, the male announcer glanced at his teleprompter.

"The Asian Games exhibition match ended today with the League of Legends performance competition. The final was between the Chinese team and the South Korean team. The Chinese team played against the South Korean team twice in the qualifying stage. One win and one loss did not have a clear advantage."

"In the finals, facing the South Korean team led by star player Lee Sang Hyuk, Chinese team player Lin Ran performed well and led the team to defeat South Korea 3:1 and win the gold medal in this event..."

Su Cheng's mother was very surprised, "Oh, so awesome!"

She only heard her daughter talk about Lin Ran winning the Asian Games, but she didn't expect to be featured on CCTV news.

"After all, it's the Asian Games gold medal..." Lin Mingdong puffed up his chest and was very proud.

"We just want to celebrate today," Su Hongmin brought out a bottle of red wine, "You didn't drive today, did you?"

"No, the hotel booked by the company is not far from your home." Lin Mingdong also took a tooth of watermelon, and when he took a bite, the juice overflowed.

"That's fine," Su Cheng's mother took out the wine glass, "We won't drink too much today, it's just a good idea, we have to go to work tomorrow."

It happened that the takeaway food was also delivered. The three of them unpacked the food and put several Subang dishes on the table.

Lin Mingdong and Su Cheng's parents took a sip of red wine from their glasses, then turned their heads to look at the room layout.

Su Hongmin mentioned it at the right moment, "Is this your first time coming to our newly rented house?"

"Yes," Lin Mingdong replied, "Isn't this the Fifth Ring Road? Why don't you rent one a little closer to the city center?"

"Isn't this very close to both workplaces?" Su Hongmin explained.

BMW China's office is in Chaoyang District, and the law firm where Su Cheng's mother works is located near Jianguomen in Dongcheng District. From this community, the distance to both parties' units is less than 20 kilometers, which is a pretty good choice.

The three middle-aged people chatted here and there, sharing interesting things and worries about their lives and work, and finally brought the topic to the children.

"How many years has Lin Ran paid Shanghai social security?" Su Hongmin took the lead in starting the topic.

"A little more than two years, what's wrong?" Lin Mingdong replied without thinking much.

Su Cheng's parents looked at each other and said, "...that's good. When they get married, they can buy a house."

"Where should I choose the corner of the land? No new houses have been built near Wujiaochang in the past two years. How about buying one in the city center?" Su Cheng's mother muttered.

"Thinking far enough." Lin Mingdong picked up a piece of fish skin and complained.

"That's not true," Su Hongmin snorted coldly, "Get ready to get married after graduation. Don't let that kid of yours run away."

Lin Mingdong stopped in Bengbu and burst out laughing. "Didn't you still want Chengzi to stay with you for two more years?"

"Let me ask you whether you are married or not." Su Hongmin said angrily.

"Then I say it's useless. You have to ask them both," Lin Mingdong kicked the ball, "Maybe they haven't planned this yet."

When Su Hongmin heard this, he felt it was necessary to talk to Lin Ran alone again.

After Lin Ran finished his dinner, he sneezed twice and felt like someone was paying attention to him.

"You won't catch a cold, right?" Su Cheng looked over with concern while carrying her bag.

"It's nothing," Lin Ran waved his hand, "It's almost too hot in Jakarta. I turn on the air conditioner at a high temperature at night. How could I catch a cold?"

Ms. Yang handed over her mobile phone, and Lin Ran learned that she was on CCTV through the news on it.

"Did you see that, Brother Ran?" Jack was very envious, "The CCTV even named you!"

"..." Lin Ran paused for a moment, "What you said makes me feel like I have committed something."

"According to the popular saying now, what should this be called?" Xiaotian started again, he said with a smile, "The anchor of Station C, right?"

"You're serious, you haven't had your bed for three days, right?" Lin Ran laughed angrily at him and grabbed the Garlic Bastard by the back of his neck.

When they returned to the Asian Games Village, the atmosphere within the team was extremely lively, completely opposite to when they left.

Jack took Uzi to play Landlords; Laitemi was still very excited and returned to his room to report the good news to his family and relatives.

The two Nosuke brothers were so sleepy that they ran to their rooms to catch up on their sleep.

Lin Ran ran to his girlfriend's room.

Su Cheng took out all the things in his backpack and put them into the suitcase.

"After you return to Shanghai, will you go to school immediately?"

Upon hearing this question, Su Cheng's shoulders immediately slumped.

"That's right," she said with great resentment, "my three roommates are not in school this semester."

Su Cheng has been renting a house outside since her freshman year and also worked part-time as a YM analyst for a period of time, so she is usually quite busy.

Therefore, she doesn't have many friends in school, and Si Jiayan is the closest to her.

My good friend has now gone to far away Toronto. When she comes back, she will go to Singapore for exchanges.

This meant that the two could not see each other for a year, which Su Cheng found quite boring.

"It's okay," Lin Ran comforted her, "Am I here?"

"You?" Su Cheng asked confused, "Aren't you going to compete in the World Championship?"

"I said after the World Championships are over," Lin Ran put his hands behind his head and lay on his girlfriend's bed, "For example, if you go to Singapore next spring, I can go with you."

"Really?" Su Cheng was very surprised. She was happy at first, and then realized something.

"Have you decided?"

"Well," Lin Ran responded softly, "It's decided."

Lee Sang Hyuk's performance in the Asian Games finals only made Lin Ran's inner thoughts stronger and stronger.

"Then what are your plans next?"

"I haven't thought about it yet," Lin Ran hadn't thought that far yet, "How about a live broadcast?"

"If it doesn't work out, I'll support you!" Su Cheng started to laugh silly, "How about you just become a househusband?"

"Then it's okay if I don't do it right," Lin Ran said subconsciously to her, "Is it possible for you to cook?"

"You're going to die!" Su Cheng immediately punched him.

"Don't move, don't move," Lin Ran grabbed her wrists with one hand, "I'll take a rest first."

After the exciting finals, he relaxed suddenly. After that, he felt exhausted and weak, and now he wanted to have a good sleep.

"Go back to your room." Su Cheng said angrily.

Lin Ran said nothing, pulled up the quilt and rolled it up on himself.

Su Cheng patted him twice and said, "Go take a shower, your clothes are so dirty!"

Lin Ran also felt uncomfortable all over. It was extremely hot in Jakarta at the end of August. It was unrealistic to walk around outside without sweating on his back.

After hearing what his girlfriend said, he quickly ran to the bathroom and took a shower before returning.

As a result, after taking a shower, he no longer felt sleepy.

As soon as I closed my eyes, all I saw in front of me was the scene when I won the championship, with the red flag waving and the national anthem magnificent.

In the end, he and Su Cheng wrapped themselves in bath towels and sat at the table to have a big brawl.

Since there was only one computer, the two chose...

One person holds the mouse and one person holds the keyboard.

Su Cheng had only seen this kind of gameplay where two people control one character in All-Stars. She was eager to get started and was looking forward to it.

In the end, it was no longer the case when it came to fighting.

"You're pointing the mouse forward, why are you moving back?" Lin Ran educated her, "You still want to pull the mouse when playing Jace in Brawl?"

"Don't be a coward. Once you fire, change your form and push forward!"

Su Cheng refused, "What do you know? What I'm playing in this round is harvest and poke!"

"Poke a hammer," Lin Ran said with disdain, "Can you play Brawl?"

"Oh, you know how to play?" Su Cheng glanced at him, "The QE cannon clicks so slowly, I think you have problems with the operation."

The two of them successfully knelt down three times in a row.

"...Set a flag," Su Cheng vowed, "As long as I win one game, I will sleep!"

Facts have proved that it is best not to set this kind of Flag.

After playing for two hours, it was not until 10 o'clock in the evening that the opponent's hand dropped and the game was won.

Lin Ran was so exhausted now that he returned to the dormitory and fell asleep.

The team met again the next morning.

This was their last day in Jakarta, and everyone wanted to take advantage of their free time to visit nearby attractions.

Originally they planned to go to the nearby Thousand Islands to see sea turtles.

However, due to the rush of time, this journey was canceled.

Finally, they ran to Sea World, where they found many marine creatures unique to the tropics, which was an eye-opener for them.

"Look, deep-sea fish!" Jack pointed to the fish on the undersea tunnel, looking very excited.

After walking around and eating in Sea World, Ms. Yang came over to pick them up and leave together in the evening.

After spending their last night in Jakarta, on the morning of August 31, 12 members of the team gathered at the entrance of the Asian Games Village.

They carried their suitcases and tasted the breakfast in the Asian Games Village for the last time.

Look towards Mahaka Square in the distance for the last time.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the team arrived at the airport smoothly.

"I can only send you here," Ms. Yang said cheerfully, "let's just say goodbye."

"Although it is a little early to say this, I still hope that we can meet again at the Hangzhou Asian Games four years later."

4 years is an extremely long time for e-sports.

Status and version will affect their performance, not to mention unhealthy training methods that will overdraw their careers.

It can be said that of the six players present, only a few will be able to participate in the Hangzhou Asian Games.

Lin Ran didn't say anything to dampen the mood, "Let's take a photo together."

Ms. Yang did not refuse the offer.

They used Su Cheng's selfie stick to take an informal-looking group photo.


Ms. Yang shook hands with everyone in turn.

She herself will have to wait until the Asian Games are over before returning to her motherland with other employees of the General Administration of Sport.

As soon as the group entered the airport waiting room, Lin Ran heard a loud shout.

"Xiaotian, do you dare to agree if I call you?!"

The garlic bastard shrank his neck and wanted to run forward.

But unfortunately it didn't work out.

Jin Gong pulled him up and began to ravage him crazily.

"Military training, right? Kill me, right? You don't take me seriously!"

Xiba people want to bring the anger in the online world to real life to solve it.

The little celestial being was rounded up by him, and he just broke free from the suppressed state.

"Where are your teammates?" Lin Ran asked him.

"I left early. I took a flight back to Seoul an hour ago," Jin Gong said bitterly, "I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

He was accompanied by Hongmi, and not long after, Gou Ba and the players from the Chinese Taipei team also arrived at the airport.

Then there were farewells again and again.

Casa, Uzi, Letemi, and analyst CH are going to the RNG base in Beijing.

Doom and White Crescent are going to Xi'an.

The rest flew directly to Shanghai.

The plane to Beijing took off first.

Several people from RNG waved goodbye to them, "Let's go, brothers!"

"Let's go quickly and cleanse our neck in the playoffs!" Jack said wildly.

Uzi almost gave him a set of military punches.

It was not until noon that Lin Ran got on the flight to Shanghai.

Estimated flight time is 6 hours.

He took one last look at Jakarta.

The city on the ground became farther and farther away from him, until it turned into a small dot the size of a sesame seed, and was finally shrouded and cut off by the clouds, making it invisible.

The game starts tomorrow!

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