LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 587 585: Suffocating attack, perfect rhythm!

After half a month's absence, YM fans were overjoyed to finally see their home team playing again. They kept banging the cheering sticks in their hands, making a dull and powerful noise.

Then there were cheers and cheers in the stadium, and it was obvious that YM supporters had the absolute upper hand.

Zeyuan waited for all the noise made by the audience to disappear before continuing his analysis.

"In the lineup of both sides, YM undoubtedly has the upper and lower wing advantages, while EDG only wins the confrontation in the middle and jungle..."

From the perspective of YM, the top laner is Jess playing the captain, while the bottom laner is Hanbing + Niutou facing Xayah + Thresh. The strength of the two sidelines of both sides is completely unequal.

Only in the midfield, Xin Zhao and Zoe selected by EDG can crush Ryze and Qinggang Shadow in the early and mid-term.

"There is another point," Zeyuan continued, "that is control. EDG's top captain has no ability to cooperate with jungle ganks before level 6."

"The same goes for the bottom lane. Although Meiko Thresh's lantern can pick up Xin Zhao, Liu Qingsong's bull head can also push the opponent away."

After careful calculation, EDG's mid-jungle linkage is the best choice in this game. The bottom lane can help but the success rate is not high. The top lane has no way to gank and can only counter-crouch to help relieve the pressure.

"Brother Ran also knows that the opponent's lineup is at a disadvantage, and it is very likely that he will open a breakthrough through himself. Therefore, he did not use teleportation in this round, but chose purification. This is obviously to prevent EDG's midfielder from catching him to start the rhythm!"

You know, in EDG's lineup, the only hard controls that Purification can solve are Xayah's barbs, Thresh's hooks, and Zoe's hypnotic bubbles.

The benefits of purification are definitely not as high as teleportation.

Lin Ran's move was to not give EDG a chance at all, making it difficult for the opponent to find opportunities in the middle.

Rita interjected from the side and said, "If you look at it this way, doesn't EDG have no advantage?"

Zeyuan added a few words, "So after watching BP at that time, I felt that EDG's lineup was a bit poor. If they wanted to win, they had to look to Scout. After all, the team gave the junior boy a counter position, and Zoe's The proficiency is also quite scary.”

There is nothing wrong with Zeyuan's analysis.

Haro and Scout thought so too.

With this lineup selected, the team will indeed be difficult to beat.

There is no way, not only is there a gap in the strength of the team's players, but even the coaches are several levels behind. In addition, the red side is at a natural disadvantage in BP, and it is unrealistic for Nofe to get an advantageous lineup.

"Let me see if I can get rid of Ryze's purification first," the junior said to the second prince Haro, "If I succeed, just come over and kill him."

Haro indicated that he understood, "I'm starting from the top half, Ray, you don't have to help me."

In his opinion, there is no way to catch him in the top lane, but in the bottom half there is at least the role of Thresh, so there is still a certain chance.

And once Meiko is released to roam and support, the pressure on the other two lanes and the jungle will be much less.

Ray responded, but his expression wasn't very good.

He knew that he would be put aside, and he was already prepared after spending more than half a year in EDG.

But Ray never expected that coach nofe would choose him as the captain.

Give me a hero who is easily jumped over the tower, and if you don't come to help me, how are you going to play?

You might as well choose a Lambo for me!

Haro was still switching the screen to search for information on the map. He knew that his top laner was wronged, so after thinking for a moment, he decided to make amends.

"In this way, you try to maintain a good state in the early stage, and I will go down one road. The time to start the road again is about 4 minutes. Just don't die before that."

"Don't worry, it's okay," the junior said at the same time, "I have a teleportation device with me, so I can support you on the road at any time."

In this game, Scout believed that regardless of whether he could cooperate with the jungler to kill Lin Ran, he would have an absolute lane advantage in the early stage.

With double insurance in hand, Ray felt a little relieved.

When the top laner Captain fights Jayce, unless he goes out with a flare, it will be very difficult to fight in the laning phase, mainly because after Piltover's second battalion commander turns on W [Super Charge], the attack speed increases very quickly.

Except for the fact that Gangplank can take advantage by using Q [Gunfire Negotiation] and Immortal Grip at level 1, he will basically be suppressed at other times. This situation will not be alleviated until the captain uses the three-phase power. .

Ray knew this thoroughly and wanted to take advantage of his level one advantage to trade blood with Jin Gong.

Reduce Jace's HP so that it will be difficult for the opponent to suppress him for a while.

What's more, Ray carries a reusable potion and a rogue talent called Biscuit. Together with the level-upgraded W [Scurvy Treatment], Ray's ability to recover in lane is very guaranteed.

"Brother Gongzi played very aggressively in the lane. He used the grass on the top lane to keep going in and out, taking away the hatred of the soldiers and attacking the captain!"

The fight on the top lane was fierce.

The middle lane seemed extremely peaceful.

When the junior boy came online, he threw flying stars behind him, and then with the passive effect of fireworks, he stepped forward to force Lin Ran to move.

If Lin Ran didn't retreat, he would take one of his enhanced basic attacks, and there would even be a flying star ready to follow.

Ryze's combat effectiveness at level one was indeed a bit weak, so Lin Ran directly chose to retreat behind the ranged soldiers and move his troops over.

Seeing this, the junior had no choice but to give up. He couldn't cross the line to suppress Ryze yet.

"The bottom lane is also fighting for blood," Rita followed the guide camera and looked over. "Meiko relied on Liu Qingsong's Tauren Chief Level 1 to be useless, and the Thresh hand he operated was longer. He wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to waste blood. .”

"But Jack was not weak at all. He stood behind the military line and fought against two!"

iboy's Kasumi doesn't have much combat power at level one. After the Shiba Inu put a slowdown on the opponent, he used the movement speed bonus provided by the rune approach rate to keep pulling the EDG duo.

There were constant small frictions between the two sides, and soon the difference in blood volume became apparent.

The blood volume of the torn wound dropped to half, and Jack's health bar was reduced by 20%. On the other hand, EDG's bottom lane dropped by 1/3.

But while Jack uses W [Thousands of Arrows] to consume, other arrows are also wearing down the minions.

Generally speaking, the position of the troops is advancing towards the lower tower of EDG.

After reaching level 2, in order to ensure the intensity of the fight, Jack didn't even bother to go to school for E [Eagle Strike in the Sky] and invested his skill points in Q [Archer's Concentration].

This information was passed to the ears of the second prince Haro by his teammates in the bottom lane.

He immediately realized this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Tian Tian, ​​please put the line down, I'll be there in a moment!" Haro said in a hurry.

Meiko learned that the jungler was about to arrive and started to show off her acting skills.

He pretended to continue fighting with the YM duo, keeping both sides' health levels low. When Xin Zhao arrived, he decisively launched an offensive.

"Thresh threw the lantern backward, flashed E [Pendulum of Doom], brushed the ice back, and forced the team battle to start!"

But at this moment, a gray-haired woman with a huge leg blade suddenly walked out from the shadow area behind Jack Hanbing!


"Xiao Yao's reverse squat was successful!" Amid the cheers from the audience, Rita was forced to increase her voice, "He also drove from top to bottom!"

The moment he saw Camille, Haro was shocked.

The gap in the lineup is clearly reflected at this time.

In the early stage, Garlic Bastard can go to either of the upper and lower lines. The duo of Ice + Niutou has both hard control of knocking up and soft control of slowing down, which is also quite strong.

Haro, on the other hand, didn't see Garlic Bastard's wild route at level 1, so he instinctively thought that the opponent would help Jace, but Garlic Bastard came to the bottom lane.

As a result, the two sides happened to bump into each other here.

This caught EDG off guard.

"The Bull Head Q Flash directly pushed up the opponent Nosuke and the two, and the Qinggang Shadow followed up with the control of the second section of the wall!"

Liu Qingsong could control iboy, but he did not choose to do so.

He knew that the boy reacted too quickly.

If the opponent dodges and dodges, it is likely to change the situation of the battle, so Shao Shao chose the most stable method.

that's enough.

For a time, EDG was in chaos.

"EDG is no match for YM in the jungle. Han Bing can output without pressure from behind!"

In the early stage, Xayah's barb level did not rise, and her output was not as high as expected.

And the most critical point is that her hands are relatively short, which is completely incomparable with Ashe. The range difference between the two is 75 yards. In the eyes of professional players, this is already a very exaggerated gap.

"Bingbing has activated 4 passive points, activate the Q skill, and shoot like a violent storm!"

At this time, a soldier in the bottom lane suddenly lit up with a red glare!

"Zoe handed over the teleport and wants to go to the bottom lane for support!"

The route down the field is very long, and YM also has ice, a weapon that slows down and retains people. Scout knows that if he doesn't hand over the teleport, the three people going down the field will definitely suffer heavy losses.

This TP is to threaten the opponent.

After all, the bottom lane dropped a bunch of summoner skills during the battle. If the junior is allowed to land, Zoe will have a lot of room to play.

At this time, the director suddenly designated a part of the shot to the middle.

Everyone could see clearly that Zoe was pushing the lane in the middle lane before, so her position was in front of the YM middle tower.

After a battle broke out in the bottom lane, the junior boy had no time to run to a safe position under his tower and hand over the teleport. He could only take a few steps back and quickly hand over the TP.

"But Brother Ran didn't let him go at all. He chased him all the way forward. At the last moment when the teleportation guidance ended, W [Rune Confinement] locked Zoe in place!" Ze Yuan said loudly.

In the current version, Ryze's W skill also has a 0.75 second confinement effect. Although the control time is not long, it can still interrupt teleportation.

At the same time, the three men from YM Shimo continued to pursue.

Obviously, they had communicated with Lin Ran in advance and knew that their mid laner would do everything possible to prevent the junior from going to the bottom lane.

"Iboy handed over the treatment and wanted to protect his teammates, but the effect was not great. Meiko, who did not flash, was the first to die!"

Finding that their mid laner failed to land successfully, Haro and iboy had no choice but to hand over flashes and escape from the tower.

"Jack suddenly flashed forward, used basic attacks and W [Thousands of Arrows], and successfully retained his opponent!"

Under the acceleration of the healing spell given by Han Bing, Xiaotian also flashed + tactical sweep and brushed towards Xin Zhao's face.

"Qinggangying is already resisting the tower. She is determined to kill Haro!" Rita did not expect that YM was chasing after him. She was not satisfied with killing Thresh and getting first blood, so she insisted on killing him. A bite of flesh was torn off EDG's body.

"Replace the Qinggang Shadow!" Meiko, who was already dead, commanded iboy in the team's voice, "This man must die!"

Iboy also judged that he could kill the Garlic Bastard based on his blood volume, so he chose to turn around and create output.

Xiaoyao smoothly pulled up A and used real damage to successfully take away Xin Zhao, but he himself was beaten to residual health by the defense tower and Xia's feathers.

Seeing that the last shelling from the defense tower was about to take Qinggang Ying's life, Xiaotian used punishment to kill a long-range soldier in seconds.

There is no way to trigger the blood regeneration mechanism of punishment, but the upgraded spinning light appears on Qinggangying's body!

"Camille successfully reached level 4, and her health increased by nearly 100 points, so the defense tower failed to kill her!" Zeyuan became excited.

YM's reverse squat this time was an understatement, which stunned EDG.

"And in the middle, the junior boy found out that his teleportation was interrupted and refused to let go. He handed over the hypnotic bubble to keep Ryze!"

Lin Ran handed over the purification without hesitation.

Even if he eats bubbles, he won't be killed instantly by Zoe, but he will definitely be beaten to residual health.

Now the first wave of artillery soldiers in the middle has been eaten up, and the next wave of soldiers will be short-term.

If Lin Ran was beaten to a low level and returned to the city for supplies, he would lose a lot of experience and gold coins.

If he persists and does not return to the city, he is very likely to be killed by Zoe as he has a large amount of health.

To be on the safe side, Lin Ran handed over the purification on his body and tried hard to preserve his condition.

Not only did Haro fail to gain from his first attack, but he also brought a wave of rhythm to his bottom lane. For a while, the atmosphere in the team was a bit dull.

The junior student hurriedly said, "You can come directly here later, I will flash and pick up the hypnotic bubbles, and we can kill Ryze once!"

This is indeed a good choice.

Haro responded, holding the spear and rushing towards the middle.

Lin Ran, who was no longer purified, stood on the side of the melee soldier, pressing forward from time to time, trying to use spell surge and overload to consume Zoe.

The movement is very arrogant.

"Brother Ran, isn't this a little too arrogant?" Rita felt something was wrong.

Normally, Ryze focuses on development in the early stage.

Lin Ran's movement was extremely outrageous, as if he was urging Haro to catch him quickly.

"I think so," Ze Yuan said worriedly, "If he eats Zoe's hypnotic bubbles in this position, he will be very dangerous!"

Haro saw Ryze's movement and felt something was fishy.

But I couldn't tell what was wrong.

However, he remembered his painful experience in the bottom lane a minute ago, and couldn't help but ask: "The opponent shouldn't be counter-crouching, right?"

"I'm not sure about this," Scout glanced at the small map, "But even if Qinggangying squats around here, it will be of no use. Our 2V2 fight is not in vain!"

This is quite true.

Ryze, who has already been purified, and a Qinggang Shadow who has not flashed, how can he compete with them in the middle and jungle?

Haro calmed down and squatted on the side, ready for Gank.

During this period, the little boy used the minion deplastizer to eat a melee soldier with a spell fragment, and successfully picked up a flash.

Just when Lin Ran raised his hand to cover the remaining health of the artillery truck in the sixth wave of troops, the junior boy burst into action!

Flashing forward, taking advantage of Ryze's immobility before his basic attack ended, he launched the hypnotic bubble!

The snapping sound was so pleasant to the ears of EDG Nakano.

"The bubble is trapped!" Zeyuan felt very regretful, "Brother Ran is going to die!"

Lin Ran quickly retreated, and then used a basic attack to hit the junior boy with his Q.

Then he fell into a slumber.

Zoe threw out the flying star, and when the sleeping effect was about to disappear, she smashed it down, which could bring Xin Zhao closer to Ryze.

At the same time as the double damage hit, Haro also rushed over, put on the Challenge Punishment, and fearlessly charged directly into Lin Ran's body.

Fortunately, during the laning phase, Lin Ran only took a set of damage when he stepped forward to interrupt the teleportation of his junior disciple. The rest of the time, he was very stable and his health was saved quite well.

Otherwise, he will be instantly killed by EDG's midfielder.

Even so, Ryze only has 1/3 of his health left.

"Ryze turned around and hit Zoe with a basic attack, triggering Phase Rush!"

For the phase rush rune at this time, the maximum time interval for calculating normal attack or independent skill hits is 3 seconds.

Lin Ran recovered from his drowsiness and was almost stuck at the last effective time of the phase. He added two layers of AQ that he had previously played on Zoe, successfully triggering the acceleration effect.

"Brother Ran runs very fast, even matching the speed of Xin Zhao who also uses phase!"

Now the acceleration efficiency obtained after triggering Phase Rush is only linked to the level, and has nothing to do with whether the hero has melee or long-range attributes.

Although Xin Zhao gave W [Wind Slash Electric Sting] a slowdown, you must know that Phase Rush has 75% slowdown resistance, which allows Lin Ran to still walk as fast as flying.

Haro can keep up with him now, but dealing damage is unlikely.

Because once he attacks, he has to stop, and Lin Ran will take the opportunity to escape.

So when Haro saw Lin Ran running into the defense tower, he shouted loudly in the team voice, "I will help you carry the tower, you go up and kill!"

The elementary school boy ignored the response and ran forward, handed over his native flash, used the movement speed and damage given by the skill of stealing, and continued to pursue!

Taking advantage of the high movement speed of Phase Rush, Xin Zhao successfully arrived before Zoe and entered the range of the defense tower, holding back the aggro.

Lin Ran looked like he just wanted to run away and ran towards the second tower.

Now he only has less than 150 health points left. He hasn't died yet mainly because Zoe doesn't have the pyrotechnics passive, so the damage is still a little short.

But the moment Zoe caught up with Lin Ran, another golden light flashed in the middle!

Ryze, controlled by Lin Ran, performed a reverse operation, turned around and flashed around, successfully passing Zoe who was close behind him, and instead shortened the distance between himself and Xin Zhao!

"Brother Ran actually turned around and fought back?" Zeyuan was very surprised, "E [Spell Surge] plus W Rune Confinement successfully locked Xin Zhao in place!"

"Immediately afterwards, his basic attack and Q skill successfully detonated two layers of runes on himself... While Ryze successfully obtained a layer of shield, there was also a corresponding movement speed bonus!"

Although the shield is not as thick as expected, you must know that the junior Zoe has already released all her skills, and Xin Zhao is locked under the tower, unable to catch up with him or cause harm to him.

This layer of shield is enough for him to hold on for a while longer.

"The defense tower is still shelling, and Xin Zhao is going to die!"

If Lin Ran had turned around and fought back when Haro was resisting the tower from the beginning, his life would not have been in danger at all. He could leave after resisting the tower twice.

But Lin Ran was very scheming. When the defense tower was warmed up and the damage was getting higher and higher, he turned around and dealt Haro a trick.

At this time, the following two super high-damage bombardments, plus the damage caused by Lin Ran himself, made it impossible for Xin Zhao to survive!

"Brother Ran, who triggered the acceleration effect again, did not go out of the tower. Instead, he shrank to the innermost side of the Zhongyi Tower!"

The junior boy didn't expect Lin Ran to do this, but now he is also in the tower. When Xin Zhao is killed, he will be the next one to be bombarded.

Even if he gritted his teeth, he had to kill Lin Ran.

"Scout took two steps back and picked up the flash that Brother Ran handed over just now!"

Zeyuan’s voice became louder and louder.

"Zoe triggered Magic Stealing Skill twice, and the output was enough to kill Brother Ran!"

After the jungler Xin Zhao was taken away by the defense tower, the junior also took two shots.

Fortunately, the movement speed of the magic-stealing hand allowed him to run very fast, and the time-warp tonic also provided instant recovery, saving him from death.

The YM fans in the audience were still very excited. In their opinion, it would be great if Lin Ran could trade one for one with his opponent without purification.

"The middle and jungle are swapped for one. Generally speaking, EDG can only make a small profit..."

Before Zeyuan finished speaking, the director's camera suddenly switched to the road ahead!

Xiaotian was not idle during this period.

He took advantage of the gap between Lin Ran being captured in the middle and successfully ran to the upper half, preparing to jump over the tower and capture Ray's captain by force!

The hook rope was placed on the wall behind the upper tower, and the second section of the wall was kicked back.

"The captain handed over the control of dodge and avoid, but YM Ueno refused to let go and wanted to kill him forcefully!"

After Jin Gong QE's second company's cannon hits, turn on W super charge to provide attack speed, then switch forms and hammer up.

It's just killing hard with damage, which doesn't make sense at all.

Qinggangying's passive adaptive shield is fully capable of withstanding the damage caused by defense towers.

The captain was originally not considered a human being, but he was successfully taken away by the red punishment damage from the double-form Jace and Camille!

Zeyuan finally realized something.

"Brother Ran was walking around in the middle with such an arrogant attitude, just to trick the other jungler into catching him!"

He finally figured it out and spoke faster, "As long as Haro's Xin Zhao appears in the middle, Xiaotian can go up and jump the tower unscrupulously!"

Rita nodded in agreement, "In this case, it is equivalent to 1 for 2..."

"I have to say, Brother Ran is really confident!" Zeyuan was not shy about his praise.

"If he dies without changing anything in the middle this wave, YM will send a wave of rhythm back!"

Two consecutive losses put edg into a passive situation.

Moreover, after the top lane captain handed over Flash, his treatment was no different from Rambo.

Haro was forced to perform counter-crouching frequently in the upper half.

Although EDG traditionally doesn't like guarantees. But that doesn’t mean they like having their homes on the road turned into cash machines.

"But in this case, the disadvantage of the bottom lane is real!"

Jack and Liu Qingsong stand out in the bottom lane and do whatever they want.

Han Bing's advantage in hand length has been taken to the extreme by the Shiba Inu.

The EDG duo cannot take care of themselves after being picked on under the tower.

"Meiko still wanted to resist, and took the opportunity to hook Han Bing, trying to force a fight with him!"

It turned out that this was another flaw deliberately exposed by Jack.

Xiaotian is right behind.

"Meiko died in battle again, and his head was taken by Qinggangying!" Rita looked at it and shook her head repeatedly, "Xiaotian's early rhythm in this game is completely full!"

After getting the Qinggang Shadow, the Garlic Bastard completely transformed into a rhythm engine and could kill people wherever he went.

Abu frowned as he watched in the background.

He has not yet woken up from the dream of winning streak in the Asian Games. Now he sees EDG being completely suppressed from draft to the game, and he is still a little uncomfortable.

"Ryze made the Tear of the Goddess, and he can develop smoothly in the middle lane. Although he has been suppressed by some CS, overall it is still acceptable!"

Seeing that the upper and lower fields were at a disadvantage, the junior boy couldn't help himself. After pushing the army line, he wanted to go to support.

But before she could move, Liu Qingsong ran over first and used Hex Flash from the shadows to move over the wall. The WQ Second Company pushed her up!

"Ritz keeps up the pace, ew freezes Zoe in place and adds output!"

The little boy who didn't flash struggled hard, and all the hypnotic bubbles and flying stars hit.

In conjunction with the captain's ultimate move, Liu Qingsong was only beaten to the lowest level of health.

But he himself fell into Lin Ran's hands.

"Zoe's rhythm is broken again!" Ze Yuan felt aggrieved for Edg.

Every early death of Zoe hurts.

This hero is very demanding on levels and equipment. Once he loses the advantage in a matchup, it will be very uncomfortable to wander around.

"The first Canyon Pioneer was also taken into the bag by YM!"

Zeyuan couldn't help but sigh, "YM's pace in this game is too exaggerated, and they don't give their opponents any time to breathe!"

Wave after wave of offensives came like a tide, drowning EDG!

YM then expanded the formation and focused on pushing 131 points. Jess and Ryze easily tore apart the opponent's defense.

In the end, they used split push and pull to eat Baron Nash, and leveled the opponent's base in only 22 minutes!

During the regular season, less important games will be skipped.

We will enter the playoffs in about two days.

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