LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 589 587: Suffering and torture are waiting for you! (A big chapter with 10,000 words!)

The YM supporters in the Super Mall could no longer control their inner agitation and kept waving their aids. The cartoon character of Lin Ran on the banner was made into various expressions, looking very happy.

Amidst the cheers, barrages floated like snowflakes in the event live broadcast room.

[Is there still such an operation? 】

[It’s really a bummer, but I like it! 】

[The Garlic Bastard is too helpful. He saw the blind Li Qing spinning back and forth in the twisted space and was unable to leave, and he was very enthusiastic to help him point out a clear path]

[Xiaoyao is so gentle, I really cried to death...]

[Brothers who solved the case, the reasons behind it are heartwarming]

Zeyuan shouted loudly on the commentary desk, "YM's midfielder and jungler played a wonderful combination. They used Poppy's displacement skills to force Haro to suffer the dizzy effect of distorted space!"

Rita also raised her voice, "And this is a leapfrog kill!"

Poppy + Fabia, one of the weakest midfielder combinations in the professional arena, unexpectedly managed to get first blood from the powerful pair of Syndra and Lee Sin even though they were lagging behind in level!

The director gave a slow-motion replay at this time, so that all viewers could clearly watch YM Nakano's operations again.

"The main reason is because in the previous wave of eating Twin River Crabs, the blind monk gave up his punishment," Zeyuan shook his head, "If Haro had the punishment to restore health this time, he would not have died."

"Actually, YM's damage is already very low," Rita said with emotion from the side. "Bobby and Xiaofa's many skills can't kill the blind monk in seconds. It can be seen that their early combat capabilities are very poor."

"I have to say that this wave of cooperation between Xiaotian and Brother Ran is so smart. I have only seen this kind of wall-to-wall operation with Icebird and Poppy in the wild card competition. I didn't expect that this kind of cool routine can actually work. Appearing in the LPL league where we emphasize confrontation!" Zeyuan was amazed.

Haro looked at his black and white screen and just wanted to curse.

Can the opposite team still play like this?

He felt like he had opened the door to a new world.

"Be a little more steady, don't invade like this." The junior reminded.

Xiaofa's victory will undoubtedly speed up his formation time. If Veigar is really allowed to quickly replenish his equipment, not only the junior himself, but also the entire EDG team will be very uncomfortable.

Now Scout is already a little unable to suppress the opponent. The main thing is that Haro sends not only first blood, but also a red buff.

This means that Xiaofa's combat effectiveness is not weak now, and he even has a certain ability to rely on lanes.

Although at low levels, the blood volume recovery provided by the red buff is not as high as expected, it is quite good even if it has a small rune of resurrecting wind.

"I know..." Haro pondered for a moment, and then said, "I will help you catch a wave of small magicians later and give you a head."

Just now, in order to make up for the missing damage, Lin Ran handed over Flash to get first blood. Haro knew this.

He was going to take advantage of the moment when the opponent had no escape skills and kill Xiaofa once.

Haro wants Lin Ran to know that he came here deliberately to disgust people, and he will definitely not be as good as him!

Lin Ran didn't know the inner activities of the EDG jungler. After getting the first blood, he continued to clear the line in the middle.

For the next period of time, he squatted in front of the tower, constantly using W [Dark Matter] to deplete the minion's health, and then using Q [Dark Sacrifice] to increase his passive layers.

Anyway, he still had two layers of corruption potion on him and a biscuit handed out at three minutes, so he wasn't that lacking in blue.

Haro cleared three groups of wild monsters in the upper half of his area and successfully reached level 4. He did not go to the Sharpbeak camp in the upper half of YM to crouch.

Because Haro knew that Lin Ran had inserted an eye through the wall just now when he gave out the first blood.

Since the duration of the initial trinket eye has been extended, the eye position has not disappeared yet.

If he squatted there, Lin Ran would definitely see him.

Therefore, the second prince chose to go around in a circle, using the protection of his junior disciple in the middle lane, and headed straight to the second half.

In the end, he managed to huddle in the grass on the side and below, separated from the YM Central Tower by a wall.

"I'm ready, do you want to take action?" Haro couldn't wait.

"Wait, wait..." the junior murmured.

After all, he is also a top mid laner, and he can judge the opponent's intentions through Lin Ran's movements.

The little mage clearly used his skills to clean up the minions, and he obviously wanted to return to the city quickly.

Moreover, the young boy could tell by simply estimating the number of gold coins held by the other party. Lin Ran planned to finish the sixth wave of minions before returning to the city to make up for the mage's key equipment [Lost Chapter].

"Wait a minute, when he plans to return to the city, let's take action!" the junior said decisively.

Since the jungler is here to help you, then try to earn more.

The moment he chose to take action was very subtle.

After the 6th wave of artillery vehicles is cleared, the 7th and 8th waves are short-term. Without the obstruction of the thick-skinned artillery vehicles, the defense tower will clear the soldiers very quickly.

If Lin Ran is killed at that time, he and the jungler Lee Sin can quickly push the short line into the middle tower of YM. Even if the opponent holds the teleport and waits for resurrection to rush to the line, a lot of minion experience will be lost. .

Haro also understood what his mid laner was thinking, so he squatted in the grass and remained motionless.

Naturally, this move did not escape the director's eye, and he quickly turned the camera to the blind monk.

"Haro is playing a big game of chess." Ze Yuan said.

This wasn't the first time he used this meme, but the venue still burst into laughter.

Haro, who was wearing sound-isolating headphones, could only hear the sudden noise at the scene, but he didn't know what exactly happened.

I don't even have the energy to think about it.

"Xiao Zhao, please help check the situation in the opposite jungle area." Seeing that the artillery line in the middle was almost cleared, he asked his teammates for help in the team voice.

When iboy, who was safely replenishing troops in the bottom lane, heard this, he quickly adjusted his angle and shot Eagle Strike into the sky towards the YM jungle area.

The drone cut through the thick fog of war, illuminating several wild areas in the opponent's camp along the way.

Since Jack and Liu Qingsong initially believed that their jungler was at a disadvantage, they did not dare to push the line for fear of being caught by Haro, so now iboy's Han Bing is in a state of pressing the line.

This Eagle Strike in the Sky not only illuminated the Three Wolf Camp, but also saw the Stone Beetle Camp in the upper half of the YM. There was nothing there and it had been completely wiped out.

"Bobby should have returned to the city after clearing the jungle." Haro judged.

Now is the time when the jungler has cleaned up all the wild monsters and returned to the city to supply supplies. Although Haro does not have much professional experience, he is still the perennial thousand-point king after all, so he is very sensitive to this.

Seeing Lin Ran eating all the YM soldiers and preparing to return to the city under the tower, the junior boy immediately shouted in the team voice, "Get ready to freeze your hands, prepare to freeze your hands!"

"I'll carry it first, and you just make up for the damage!" He knew that his jungler didn't flash, and if he let the blind monk carry the tower, he would probably be trapped in the little mage's circle and die suddenly.

After saying that, he used W [Driving Telekinesis] to grab a magic ball on the ground, and then threw it into YM's middle defense tower.

As he moved forward, he also knocked down a bottle of corruption potion.

"Syndra QE takes action, trying to stun the little mage!"

Lin Ran realized something was wrong when he saw the other party using w to throw the dark ball in.

He tried to move to dodge, but the little mage's movement speed was really slow. The little boy also deliberately saved two balls and pushed them in together, which gave him no room to dodge.

Fell into control with a stun duration of 1.5 seconds!

But there are also some shortcomings in this operation for junior students.

In order to ensure that he could stun Lin Ran, he used all three of his small skills. In fact, he only dealt the damage of a weak retreat.

"The blind monk's Tianyin wave on the wall successfully hit, and the second Q echo attack followed!"

Coupled with the damage from a basic attack and hitting the floor, Lin Ran's health was instantly reduced to less than 30%.

"And Brother Ran didn't have much mana in order to quickly clear the army line!" Rita noticed that Lin Ran's mana bars were almost drained.

Fortunately, Lin Ran left a piece of biscuit.

After all, selling this thing can replenish the upper limit of mana, and you can exchange it with the store owner for 30 yuan. He plans to use the money from this cookie to exchange for a real eye.

I didn't expect it to come in handy now.

More importantly, the time warp tonic.

He had considered astral insight in the last line before when carrying the rune.

This rune can also reduce the cooldown time of equipment, and when paired with a spiritual hunter, the effect will be even greater.

But at that time, Lin Ran felt that the movement speed and instant recovery effect provided by the Time Warp Tonic were also crucial. Sometimes, just a little bit of HP or movement speed would lead to tragedy in the end.

Previously, Lin Ran relied on this rune to obtain the blind monk's first blood. Now, EDG's midfielder's move proves that he brought this rune correctly.

Characters like the Little Mage, whose early combat capabilities are too weak, need Time Warp Tonic to help with the transition. It is very useful whether it is to support blood volume or increase movement speed.

When the biscuit hits, 7.5% of health and mana are instantly restored!

"The little mage threw Q [Dark Priest] and successfully hit Syndra!"

Lin Ran, who has been promoted to level 5, has level 3 Q. The skill damage is combined with the bombardment of the defense tower, which is a bit unbearable for the young boy.

"I'm going to leave if I carry it one more time!" Scout reminded his teammates in the team voice.

"Don't worry, I can take him in!" Haro was full of confidence.

In his opinion, even if Xiaofa had the instant recovery of biscuits, it would be useless. He brought the Conqueror, and as the layers were stacked, the damage would become higher and higher.

Lin Ran was very calm. After Syndra and Blind Sin finished using all their skills, EDG's damage in the middle and jungle could be roughly estimated, and there would be no sudden burst of output.

Therefore, he had a good idea of ​​when he would die in battle.

Just when his blood volume was only 100 points, he just set up a twisted space with himself as the center, and framed the blind monk around him in it!

"The blind monk's last basic attack killed Xiaofa, but Syndra didn't have much health left, and her journey against the tower ended..."

Haro felt proud, so what if you were in Shiyizhong? What's the use of using skills like this?

It’s not like you have to die!

When he was full of health, even if he stepped on the little mage's twisted space, he would only be stunned for 1.5 seconds.

Two cannons from the defense tower couldn't kill him at all.

I won't die this time!

But just when Haro was confident and ready to escape, the scarlet wolf head mark suddenly lit up on top of the blind monk he was operating!

"It's Poppy!" Zeyuan shouted, "Xiaoyao turned on the predator and ran over!"

Ruthless Hunter, Straw Shoes plus the acceleration effect of Predator.

The twin-tailed yordle moved very fast and rushed directly from the second tower of YM to the blind monk!

Haro's face darkened, and he almost wanted to imitate the ancestor of Seven and transform into An Kai.

The bottom line is that he is too unfamiliar with Poppy's jungle. He has never seen anyone play this hero, and naturally he doesn't have an accurate idea of ​​Poppy's jungle clearing speed.

He thought Xiaoyao had just come out of the high ground at this time, but he didn't expect the Garlic Bastard to be so fast.

Although the error is only three or four seconds, it is enough to affect the situation of the battle.

Haro was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

He didn't dare to step on the edge of the twisted space now. Once he fell into dizziness, Bobby would definitely adjust his angle and hit himself against a wall or defense tower.

But for him to stay inside the twisted space is no different from sitting there waiting for death.

Haro is desperate to find a new way to escape.

But before he could think of it, Bobby rushed over with a sledgehammer.

Wall bang!

"Poppy knocked the blind monk into the little mage's twisted space again!"

Although Haro has a lot of health, the defense tower has just bombarded Syndra several times, and now it is warming up and the damage is very high.

The stun effect for 1.5 seconds is enough for the tower to fire two cannons.

Combine Poppy's basic attack and Q [Holy Hammer Slam] to knock him down to residual health!

After Haro regained his freedom, he looked at the remaining health bar and felt that he still had a chance.

He immediately inserted an eye through the wall and prepared to use the W golden bell to touch it out.

But the moment the blind monk moved out, a golden barrier was erected around Bobby!

W [firm style]!

It was as if the blind monk had hit an iron wall with his head, and his whole body paused!

Dizzy and helpless!

"Nice operation!" Rita wanted to applaud the Garlic Bastard, "The blind monk cannot move away and the defense tower is still shelling!"

Haro was so disheartened that he gave up resistance. After the last shot came down, his head was harvested by Poppy.

"1 for 1, but to be honest, YM is not losing money," Zeyuan commented, "The blind monk has died twice in a row now, and the early rhythm has collapsed a bit!"

Although Lin Ran was also killed in battle, he received an assist after all. He returned to the city to make up for the missing chapter and a real eye, and then teleported back to the line. His equipment was not bad at all.

On the contrary, the younger brother lost too much health because he was carrying the tower just now, and after the blind monk lost his life, their previous plan of killing Lin Ran and quickly pushing the lane to make him lose troops could not be carried out. Now they can only go back to the city to resupply. .

But EDG stopped, but Lin Ran didn't give up.

"Push the line for me and let him lose a little more." He said to Xiaotian.

By letting jungler Bobby share a wave of troops with himself, Lin Ran will certainly lose some experience, but Scout without teleportation will suffer even more losses.

Lin Ran didn't want his opponent to develop prematurely. Syndra's threat in the early and mid-term was too outrageous. Once he established an advantage in the middle, he, a little mage, couldn't control him.

Naturally, the Garlic Bastard would not refuse such a request. Three strokes, five divisions and two strokes helped him solve the wave of soldiers. At the same time, he was still muttering in his mouth, "How about it, is it important for me to close this bowl?"

"When the predator comes, the blind monk will smash it to pieces with just one click!"

Lin Ran immediately replied, "Very good, what about me? Putting E is very important, right? Can you kill people without my control?"

The YM team's voice was in full swing, while EDG's side was like falling into an ice cave.

The junior boy had just returned to the city, and his heart was bleeding as he watched the seventh wave of troops enter his defense tower.

A short-term wave is worth about 100 gold coins, and also has a lot of experience points.

After this wave of fighting, he felt like it was over.

When Scout returned to the middle again, the two sides spent another period of stable development.

"In the top lane, Jin Gong relies on his own hard power and slightly beats Ray in terms of last-hitting damage and status... Shen has been forced to choose to return to the city!"

The moment Ray returned to the spring, the director suddenly switched the camera to the bottom lane.

"Meiko Niutou hid in the grass and flashed the second company, pushing Jack up!"

Since he had no vision of the grass, the Shiba Inu couldn't react. He was pushed up into the air, and only then did he suddenly realize that the bull's head was covered with a thick white shield!

"Shen rushed over and wanted to cooperate with his teammates in the bottom lane to get the kill!"

Jack knew he couldn't leave.

Liu Qingsong didn't hesitate. He didn't even ask Jack to speak. He shouted, "Bang, sell out, sell out." He gave himself a quick run and escaped from the scene of the crime early.

"EDG successfully found a rhythm in the bottom lane. They called the blind monk over and planned to knock down the first tower in the bottom lane!"

At this time, the Garlic Bastard has not yet reached level six, Lin Ran is still in jail under the tower, Jin Gong's Gnar is not angry, and everyone in YM is helpless against EDG's group advancement.

After two waves of soldiers, the opponent successfully demolished the first blood tower.

"However, YM was not idle during the period when the opponent teamed up to demolish the tower. They wanted to capture a wave of Syndra!"

Liu Qingsong's Lulu came to the middle and gave his single W [Wonderful Idea] acceleration effect in the distance.

Lin Ran ran up and unleashed E [Distorted Space], encircling Syndra.

Seeing Poppy rushing from the side, the junior no longer hesitated, stepped directly on the little mage E, and then handed over the purification escape.

"Ym Nakano and the other three did not continue the pursuit, but ran to the upper half to set up a field of vision near the Canyon Pioneer!"

Liu Qingsong and Xiaotian successfully inserted their own wards around the vanguard when EDG pushed down the botton tower.

"But the Rift Pioneer hasn't been born yet. Is there any way for them to take it into their pocket? Instead, EDG members returned to the city to replenish their supplies, updated their equipment and rushed over!" Rita stared at Summoner's Rift closely, watching. Check every move of both sides, "EDG has obviously been speeding up in the past two minutes. They are very ambitious for this vanguard!"

In the YM team's voiceover, the players are still discussing the next response strategy.

"What should I do? Do you want me to let him go?" Jin Gong asked, marking his anger.

Just now, his teammates were catching Syndra, and his opponent was pushing the tower in the bottom lane. He also pushed the top lane, reducing the HP of EDG's top tower by half.

However, the anger is not ideal. When EDG attacked Jack just now, he did not become bigger. Now that the opponent wants to fight in the vanguard team battle, he became bigger and then became smaller.

This is the shortcoming of Gnar. Whether he is angry or not, he is a completely different hero.

It's not like he's leading the line and split-pushing in the mid-to-late stages, so Jin Gong couldn't have started to deliberately store his anger half a minute in advance.

After all, he also needs to replenish his troops.

"Come on, let's go, we can't fight this wave." Lin Ran made a decision after thinking about it for a while.

His core equipment, the ice gun, has not yet been made. At this time, the five EDG players are much stronger than them in terms of combat capabilities.

Forcing a fight may bring many unnecessary risks.

Although the overall strategy is to get rid of Rift Herald, YM did not directly give it to the opponent, allowing EDG to accept neutral resources at no cost.

Except for Jin Gong who rushed to the lower road, the remaining four people kept pulling at the top of the Dalong Pit.

Their only mission is to use constant visual pressure to make the other party think that they still want to come over and fight for the vanguard, thus delaying time.

"Pull out and fight!" Haro kept saying in the team voiceover, "We can't let Poppy come down, he has a big move that can knock me away!"

If Xiaozhen uses R [Guardian's Judgment] to knock him away, there will be no punishment on the front of EDG, and it is very likely that the vanguard will be taken away.

This is a key neutral resource related to the team's early and mid-term advancement rhythm, and EDG does not dare to neglect it.

Several people pulled the Canyon Pioneer to the other side of the river, closer to their own jungle area. This way, it would be difficult for the YM players to influence them by standing above the dragon pit.

Moreover, iboy's ice shooter fired an Eagle Strike into the sky, and after learning about Xiaotian's movements, he continued to move forward.

"Xiaotian is still moving down, does he want to go down and grab it?" The Garlic Bastard's movement even deceived Zeyuan and Rita.

The EDG players were really afraid that he would come over and perform his fancy dragon grabbing skills.

"I'll stop him!" the conductor Meiko suggested.

The bull head he operates has the W [Savage Crash] skill that can push Poppy away.

It's just that Xiaotian's position is still within YM's field of view, so Meiko doesn't have any eye position to protect her when she moves forward.

There was darkness ahead, but he still plunged in.

Lin Ran didn't expect that someone would actually be fooled.

"Just hit the bull's head, hit the bull's head!"

He took a step forward, and then used E [Distortion Space] to circle the Tauren Chief.

Meiko first pushes Poppy away, and then wants to step on the twisted space, triggering the stun effect, and then uses the ultimate move to release the control and escape.

But at the moment when his ultimate move [Strong Will] lifted the stun, Liu Qing Truffle's wand shot out the Sheep Transformation Technique.

The muscular bull-headed chief instantly turned into a pitiful little sheep.

"The small cannon is equipped with explosive sparks, activates Q [Rapid Fire] to increase the attack speed and then attacks the bull head crazily!"

Upon seeing this, Scout successfully immobilized Xiaofa and Lulu with the long-distance EQ 2nd Company.

He tried to help his teammates out, but obviously failed.

The YM player ignored him at all.

Syndra is alone, and now only has one set of output. In the face of Lulu's shield and Jack's treatment, he can't lose anyone at all.

"Give me the human head!" Jack transformed into a human-headed dog and shouted in the team voiceover.

Lin Ran recovered from the dizzy state caused by the retreat of the weak, and threw all QR out, instantly reducing Alistar's blood volume.

The damage reduction of the Tauren Chief's level 1 ultimate move is only 55%, so it is not very resistant.

"Jack's last basic attack successfully detonated the explosive sparks and took the life of the Tauren Chief!"

Everyone in YM retreated, and Xiaoyao didn't even look at the vanguard.

Only then did EDG realize that the other party was lying to them.

Xiaotian never thought about coming down to grab the dragon from the beginning!

Meiko pursed her lips, her chest rose and fell violently, and finally she stopped talking.

He was furious.

"Boxes, boxes, boxes!" Jack laughed happily after getting the head, "Why is the other person so stupid?"

The opponent's support simply gave him 300 gold coins for free and successfully helped him stop his loss.

In an instant, Shiba Inu felt that he would not lose much if he let go of a canyon pioneer.

"I'll go back to the city to replenish my equipment first. I have the money for the ice gun. You guys can help me guard the middle road." Lin Ran arranged.

His basic CS skills are quite solid. Even if battles break out frequently in the middle recently, Lin Ran's CS count in 8 minutes has exceeded the 70 mark.

For a weak mage in the early stage, this is completely acceptable.

Moreover, the Hex Technology GLP-800 is cheap, costing only 2,800 gold coins, which is 400 less than the price of most mages’ first completed equipment [Luden’s Echo].

"The Little Mage Ice Spear has been updated, let's see how it performs!" Zeyuan was gearing up, looking forward to Lin Ran's next performance.

YM was the first to usher in a wave of attacks from EDG.

Haro led the Canyon Herald and his teammates to advance into the middle, hoping to destroy the defense tower guarded by Lin Ran, and then slowly control the view of the center of the map and the wild camp, encroaching on YM's territory and gradually expanding its advantage.

At present, except for the top laners of both sides who are leading the lane development in the bottom lane, the other eight heroes have already assembled in the middle lane.

Swords were drawn and the atmosphere was extremely tense.

"If the opponent wants to rush over with the vanguard, I will take action," Lin Ran commanded his teammates, "We are not going to engage in a 5V5 team battle with the opponent. Master Tear, you can give me a boost later, and we will fight whoever I trap. who!"

"I can try to beat away the two people on the other side!" The Garlic Bastard also wanted to show off, so he turned on the scanner and stood by on the flank.

However, EDG's vision layout in the advancement round was quite good, with wards on both sides. They clearly observed Xiaotian's movements, so they deliberately moved in the opposite direction.

But the summoned Canyon Pioneer didn't listen to their orders and crashed into the YM middle tower.

The EDG players wanted to team up quickly and take the opportunity to grind down the health of the defense tower.

It was at this time that Lin Ran found the opportunity.

"Speed ​​up, hurry up!" he shouted.

Liu Qingsong reacted quickly and immediately used W [Fantasy].

"The little mage took advantage of the acceleration effect given by Lulu and rushed forward two steps. The active effect of the ice gun spilled out and hit Nosuke, who was in the front of EDG!"

The frost bullets fired by the GLP800 will slow down the enemy hit by 65%. This slowing effect will continue to decay within two seconds.

But Lin Ran still has glacier growth.

Active equipment will also emit a beam of freezing light when slowing down enemy heroes, freezing the nearby ground and slowing down all enemies on it!

The slowing efficiency is 60% and lasts for 5 seconds!

This means that after EDG's Bullhead and Blind Sin were hit by frost bullets, they couldn't walk at all!

"The little mage then deployed E [Distorted Space] to circle the EDG jungler and support!"

Zeyuan hissed lightly, now he knew how Lin Ran's routine worked.

First, use frost bombs to slow down the person so that the opponent can't walk at all, then use the twisted space to cover the person, and then use all the skills of other teammates to smash into it!

However, Lin Ranming moved forward in pursuit and gave the opponent a chance.

"Little brother QE successfully knocked out the little mage!"

But he didn't dare to take another step forward.

Before the level of the ultimate energy pour is increased to the full level, the casting range of this skill is only 675 yards.

If the junior wants to infuse the ultimate move into the little mage's body, he has to go into the twisted space, which is very unrealistic.

The same goes for everyone else. iboy just shot a volley of ten thousand arrows. The slowing effect was far less powerful than the glacier increase cast by Lin Ran, and the damage was also average.

This resulted in Lin Ran only getting dizzy control, but not losing much blood volume!

Haro was anxious.

He can't get out now with Tianyin Wave and the second stage Q, and W [Golden Bell] can't escape the little mage's distorted space. Instead, he will be forcibly dazed at the edge of the space.

YM's firepower was so fierce that Jack even smiled. The blind monk and the bullhead were now subject to a 60% slowdown effect and were still trapped in the twisted space. Aren't they just two targets?

Tristana outputs without pressure!

The garlicky bastard Poppy is no longer hiding from the side. He activates the predator and rushes directly, trying to wall-dong the blind monk!

Haro understood Poppy's intention, quickly handed over the flash, and left the circle of distorted space.

But when he dodged, Meiko was the unlucky one.

"The Tauren Chief didn't flash or use his ultimate move. He was knocked into the little mage's twisted space by Poppy!"

Although Alistar is positioned as a tank, he is still an auxiliary. Due to his lack of level and equipment, his tankiness is not outstanding.

"Ym, if everyone uses a set of output, the bull head will be killed immediately!"

The support fell again, and the jungler also handed over the flash, and EDG had no choice but to retreat.

"This Xiaofa is too shameless!" Even Rita thought it was outrageous.

The power displayed by the distorted space is undoubtedly astonishing.

EDG didn't dare to go too far.

What's more, they can't cross it.

Lin Ran's Frost Bomb combined with Glacier Amplifier creates a 5-second slowdown zone that ordinary heroes cannot pass through.

"EDG has no solution!"

Abramovich slumped in his chair in the backstage lounge. He knew that the situation was currently very unfavorable for his team.

Ze Yuan said loudly, "The first problem now is that they can't kill this little mage at all!"

"Bobby and Xiaopao both have knockback skills, and Lulu has ultimate moves and shields. With multiple protections, no one in EDG can get close to Xiaofa!"

"It's useless even if Syndra pushes the weak one to retreat, the damage is simply not enough!"

Moreover, Lin Ran was a thief and bought a pair of mercury shoes. After his toughness and magic resistance were all improved, it would be even harder for him to die.

Barrages flew by in unison.

[I am a Buddha, this is really disgusting]

[You can’t run, you can’t get out, you can’t get out, so you can only stay inside and get beaten? 】

[Why does your brother have such a shameless thing? 】

[YM, you can always give me some new tricks! 】

"Put it off a little longer, let's wait for the dragon."

Meiko has nothing to do now. They can't break through the fortifications cast by the little mage.

Although the little mage is recognized as not suitable for the professional arena, E [Distorted Space] is an absolutely magical skill that disgusting people can master.

Unless it is a flickering skill like Ezreal's Arcane Leap or Blink, most normal movements will be intercepted midway.

Unfortunately, the displacement skills of everyone in EDG's lineup are of this type that will be interrupted.

In other words, unless they flash or purify, they will be trapped by the small method and unable to get out.

Meiko is at a loss. He now doubts that Jack really didn't lie to him before.

YM did not deliberately choose 5 yordles to make a living, but actually practiced the lineup.

Are you kidding me, how can I come up with such a creative thing?

He can only direct his teammates to perform three-way split push, and each can develop safely.

Lin Ran was also rapidly plundering the economy at this time.

In addition to having a frost bullet passive, the ice gun also provides 80 points of ability power and 20% cooldown reduction.

Combined with the passivity of the little mage, Lin Ran's spell power has now exceeded 200 points.

The increase in spell intensity has a direct impact on increasing the efficiency of recruiting troops.

In the case of the secondary W [Dark Matter], his two Ws combined with two Qs can basically clear the line of troops.

Soon Lin Ran took out his second big item.

"Twin Shadows?" Zeyuan was shocked, "This equipment..."

"It seems really feasible!"

The director also deliberately gave a close-up of the equipment and also gave attribute values ​​on the side of the viewing system.

This is the equipment that returned to the alliance in version 8.4, and many players are not aware of it.

The only active ghost life calling method can summon two ghosts to search for nearby enemies within 4000 yards.

When the ghost comes into contact with the enemy, it will reveal the hero's position and slow it down by 40%.

"This active effect can also be paired with Glacial Amplification!" Zeyuan suddenly realized.

He finally understood the overall gameplay idea of ​​Lin Ran's glacier-increasing little mage.

Just disgusting.

Use the slowing effect and distorted space to firmly restrict the opponent.

Trapped opponents must either flash or purge.

If you don't have any skills, you can only let yourself be baptized by YM's artillery fire.

The functionality is exaggerated.

Moreover, after the little mage slows down the opponent, his own skills are also very easy to hit.

Coupled with the increasing spell intensity of his passive, it can be said that although Xiaofa is a functional item, his damage cannot be underestimated.

Hongmi stood in the lounge with her arms crossed and whispered, "This is simply the perfect combination of damage and control..."

He didn't even expect that Lin Ran and YM would actually develop a practical routine after just doing it casually!

He glanced at Gou Ba. The two of them had a clear understanding of each other, and were already thinking about whether there was room for improvement and extension of this glacier method.

"EDG has no idea. They have no idea what equipment Lin Ran purchased. They are still trying to make a fuss around Dalong!"

Everyone in EDG plans to rush out this Baron Nash quickly.

The little mage controlled by Lin Ran walked to his red buff camp and used the active effect of Twin Shadows.

The two ghosts slipped out from under the little mage like snakes.

They quickly entered the river and swam around, looking for traces of the enemy.

In the end, they all pointed to the Big Dragon Pit and successfully found the blind monk and Han Bing.

A slowing effect was applied to the two.

Then a freezing ray spread out, covering the entire Longkeng Pass!

All EDG members staying around suffered a 60% slowdown effect!


Twin Shadows has been very unpopular since its return in version 8.4.

Originally, Riot Games' intention was to give soft assistants a good way to search for pictures, but since soft assistants are basically unable to appear now, they rarely appear even in the Thousand Points King pub game. Riot Games even added 10 spells to it in version 8.9. Strong, but still no one cares about it.

As a result, Lin Ran, the mid laner, was used today.

This caused EDG to not react at first, but it took a moment to realize that the twin shadows were caused by Xiaofa.

"Get out, get out, don't fight!" Meiko shouted in the team voice.

This really can't be beaten.

5 seconds of slowing effect, if they insist on taking the dragon.

Later, ym will come over to make dumplings for them, and the little mage can cover them all with a twist of space.

"But this time it's ym's turn to counterattack!"

Lin Ran didn't lead his teammates to fight the baron, but took advantage of the situation and pushed back to the middle.

The EDG players who were slowed down in the dragon pit had no time to return to defense.

"EDG could only walk through the pass between the river and the middle road, but Xiaofa completely stopped them with a twist of space!"

Then there is a series of GLP800 frost bombs.

After hitting the Tauren Chieftain, another slow zone was left behind.

No one dared to go forward.

Although the little mage only has a two-piece set now, relying on his passive, his magic power is a full 300 points.

If Lin Ran steps on the twisted space, Lin Ran's set of skills will make them lose their combat effectiveness even if they can't kill them within seconds.

"EDG can only abandon the defense and hit one tower!"

Amidst the cheers of ym fans, EDG's middle tower collapsed!

"Now YM has overtaken the economy by 1,000 yuan. If it continues to drag on, the situation will only become more and more favorable to them!"

The blind monk is a complete waste in the later stage. Although it is possible to fight for his life and clear his name, under the restrictions of the little mage and Lulu, this possibility is almost 0.

"No, we have to start a wave!" Meiko felt that she couldn't stand it anymore.

YM, led by the little mage, is simply a bulldozer.

As soon as the twisted space is released, the small cannon will push the tower crazily next to it.

EDG could only watch from the side as its defense tower slowly collapsed.

Continue to delay, and when Xiaofa can kill people with two small skills, they will not be far from death.

"Open, open, open!" Ray also said in half-baked Chinese.

He was also very frustrated in this game.

After Jin Gong's equipment, he couldn't beat his opponents on the sidelines.

If you don’t open it, you’re waiting to die!

"The Tauren Chief started scanning and wore a real eye on his body to ensure that he would not be discovered. He hid in the Beak Bird camp on the side. He wanted to flash WQ to the YM player who drove to the middle!"

But just two seconds after Meiko was in position.

Two more wandering spirits suddenly appeared under the little mage.

They were floating, and one of them rushed towards where Meiko was!

"Why does it cool down so fast?" Zeyuan was stunned for a moment, and then realized the problem.

"Spiritual Hunter!"

This rune will provide cooldown reduction on active equipment.

The percentage provided is 15+5*bounty hunter layers. Each time the hero participates in a kill for the first time, he will obtain a layer of bounty hunter.

Lin Ran had only participated in the killing of blind monk and bull head before, and the cooldown was only 25%.

But that's enough.

The cooldown of Twin Shadows itself is only 90 seconds, and after reduction, it only has 67.5 seconds left.

Just one minute.

It's just getting better now.

"Meiko's location has been discovered!"

In order to find a position to start the group, Tian Ye was a little out of touch with the others.

This time YM found an opportunity.

"With a 60% slowing effect, the Tauren Chief cannot move even an inch!"

The Garlic Bastard turned on the predator and rushed forward, slamming it against the wall!

"Niutou activated his ultimate move without control, but then Xiaofa used E [Distorted Space]!"

Meiko can only hand over flash escape.

"This is EDG's most effective way to start a team. The bull's head doesn't flash, and YM can do whatever they want!"

Amid Zeyuan's shouts, YM took advantage of the victory and pursued it, flattening the enemy's second tower in the middle!

"YM returned to the city to replenish a wave of equipment, now it's their turn to move the dragon!"

EDG wanted to fight to the death.

They know that once YM gets the Baron BUFF, Xiaofa's invincible nausea slowing array will become even more unscrupulous.

"EDG spread out their formation to avoid being collectively slowed down by Xiaofa..."

The two wandering spirits appeared again, slowing down Shen and Niutou who were blocking the front.

The EDG player behind stepped on it, but was also dragged down by the slowing down zone of the glacier's increase.

"This is slowing down EDG's speed, and YM is about to finish!"

After all, Gnar has a percentage damage, and coupled with the output of the small cannon, the YM Baron is not slow.

Finally, when EDG was about to step into the dragon pit, Baron Nash's screams echoed through the canyon!

"After getting the baron, YM counterattacked on the spot!"

Lin Ran suddenly flashed forward, using GLP800 frost bullets and E [distorted space], trapping the three EDG people!

Amid the wave of cheers from the audience, Zeyuan shouted:

"Sindra's weak ones retreated and tried to stun the little mage... but they were dodged by Ran Ge's golden body!"

Lin Ran had perfect timing in his rune before, but the stopwatch never came in handy.

Now is the time for it to make a contribution.

The stopwatch eluded the key control!

"Everyone in EDG flashed and left the twisted space, but Jin Gunnar was so angry that he jumped up!"

Golden light flashed, and the Xiba people adjusted their angle.

While getting bigger in the air, he slapped everyone in EDG back with all his strength!

Although the opponent is already careful to stay away from the wall.

But the direction of Jin Gong's slap was the little mage's twisted space!

"Ah this..." Rita was confused.

"Nar's ultimate move shot three EDG players into the twisted space, allowing them to take control!"

"This is disgusting!"

The higher the little mage's E level, the longer the control time.

Lin Ran was still stunned for two seconds before he was fully lit.

The little mage who recovered from the golden body let out an evil and crazy laugh, which was transmitted to the ears of every audience through the venue's sound effects: "Misery and torture are waiting for you!"

Rita's voice became shrill, "Little Cannon Shark is crazy!"

Jack's output has never been so good.

The opposite side is simply a wooden stake, and he is being beaten on the spot!

"Lulu's big move knocked three people away, EDG is going to be defeated!"

Amid Ze Yuan's loud commentary, only EDG jungler Haro escaped in the end.

"YM rallied the team, made a great advance, and flattened the opponent's main crystal!"

The time is fixed at 28 minutes and 22 seconds!

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