LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 598 596: The Art of Pulling

"My, my, my..." Mala Xiangguo looked at his black and white screen, blaming himself very much in his voice, "I shouldn't have gone there."

If Letme had been sold directly just now, this wave would only have resulted in a loss of one head.

He insisted on forcing the rescue, but instead got himself involved.

After two consecutive waves of deaths, Xin Zhao was basically rotten in the early stage.

With no level, no economy, and no rhythm, he is just a tool to start a group in the middle and late stages.

"I have a problem with this wave," Li Yuanhao scratched his head helplessly, "The opponent's ability to seize opportunities is too strong."

These two waves of rhythm trace their roots back to the time when the Spicy Hot Pot handed over and flashed Jin Gong around 3 minutes.

Without flash, he gave out first blood in the jungle in 4 minutes.

Then a chain reaction started, killing two people on the road.

The account holder also had to lament that the opponent's attack was too fierce. Once he caught a slight flaw, he would not give him a chance at all. He would definitely chase and fight until a piece of flesh was torn off.

Although RNG was on guard, it still failed to stop the opponent's wild offensive.

This is the difference between offense and defense.

YM has been on the offensive side during this period. The players led by Lin Ran planned and made a careful layout in advance, taking into account all the variables during the attack, and even made another plan.

As RNG is on the defensive side, it can only passively respond.

They have to unravel every move of YM in order to win, and all of this is unknown. RNG doesn't know YM's attack plan and can only adapt to the situation, which is naturally more difficult than imagined.

Mistakes are inevitable.

Seeing that his top, middle and jungle teams were showing signs of collapse, Uzi couldn't help it.

"If that doesn't work, you can just keep us in the bottom lane and fight!"

He took the initiative to suggest that Mala Xiang Guo come over and help him.

Xiangguo originally wanted to say that if he went to the lower half, he would have to give up Canyon Pioneer to his opponent.

But then I thought about it, now the heads of both sides are 0:3, and the combat effectiveness of YM's Enchantress, Troll and Lucian at this time is simply overwhelming.

They had no chance to compete for this canyon pioneer, so rushing into the battle would cause trouble, and might even accelerate the defeat of this game.

Thinking of the spicy hot pot, I felt relieved. After resurrecting, I quickly controlled Xin Zhao to go down the road, hoping to find a wave of opportunities to get Uzi's head to supplement his growth.

But Jack is actually a bit steady.

The main focus of YM in this round is the midfield and upper jungle. When Shiba Inu chose Jhin, he was already prepared to sacrifice in the bottom lane. After all, the Pike used by Liu Qingsong is not a typical lane hero. After returning to the city to replenish supplies in the early stage, he would frequently tear down the small number. Leave the line and go to the jungle to set up vision to support other teammates.

Shiba Inu is equivalent to a solo laner in the bottom lane. Naturally, he will not go to Uzi and Xiaoming. He is only responsible for clearing the army line throughout the whole process and does not compete with the RNG duo at all.

The dance grenade combined with the other two small skills can clear up the short-term lanes, and when the long-term lanes come to the bottom lane every 90 seconds, Liu Qingsong will return to the lane and use the Holy Object Shield to eat up the cannon truck. Drop it, and at the same time protect the Shiba Inu reinforcements from being jumped over the tower.

Mala Xiangguo calculated for a long time, and finally found an opportunity to take action with great effort.

RNG seized the roaming gap after Liu Qingsong completed the wave of artillery soldiers that reached the bottom lane at 7 minutes and 7 seconds, and used Shi Senming's W [Stand Up] to get close to his own minions, and then used the flash basic attack Q [Winter's Bite]. He moved 800 yards in an instant, successfully retained Jack, and completed the kill of Jhin.

The head was collected by Uzi's boomerang.

The RNG fans in the audience were depressed for a long time. At this moment, they finally saw their team members get killed. They couldn't restrain their inner excitement and shouted loudly. At the same time, they kept waving the support sticks in their hands, and various sounds were mixed in. Together, lingering in the home of RNG Arena!

After Uzi got the 300-yuan head, his expression relaxed a lot.

He is afraid that his finances will not be good. League of Legends is a very realistic game, and it is almost impossible to carry the entire team without equipment support.

Now that Letme's Crab is having a hard time on the road, Uzi feels that the burden on his shoulders has become a lot heavier. This time he received an extra 300 gold coins. He feels that he is still very likely to lead the team to victory.

On the commentary table, the doll was still shouting.

"In order to kill Jack once, Xiang Guo was delayed for nearly two minutes in the bottom lane. Now the Rift Herald is about to be refreshed. RNG has not yet set up a field of view near the Dalong Pit. It seems that it is giving up the fight!"

There is no doubt about the importance of Rift Herald in the early stage. As long as you can get it, your team's probability of winning the first-blood tower will be greatly improved.

At exactly eight minutes, YM Ueno and Ye, who were guarding the Dalong Pit, directly activated the Canyon Pioneer, while Lin Ran was involved in the cancellation in the middle lane, preventing Li Yuanhao's Zoe from entering the upper river.

Xiaotian's final basic attack hit the vanguard's back eye, and he cooperated with punishment to pocket it.

"Should I put the vanguard on the top lane?" Garlic Bastard asked the Xiba people in the team's voice, "We can just push him to the first tower."

When RNG Xin Zhao and Urgot were killed just now, YM also lowered the health of the top tower a lot. Now if the vanguard is released directly, the defense tower can be knocked down to residual health.

This will allow Lucian to gain a huge amount of money from the first-blood tower and take the lead in the matchup.

"No, no, no, let me torture him for a while longer," Jin Gong said with a smile, "I haven't had enough fun yet!"

He was forcibly replaced by Mala Xiang Guo in the early stage of the game, and then he encountered no difficulties again, and his development went smoothly.

Especially after seeing Xiang Guo going to the lower half to help Uzi build an advantage, Jin Gong did whatever he wanted in the top lane. After all, no one could stop him. The West Eight people could enjoy a 1v1 man battle on the top lane with Letme.

It has to be said that long-hand tops have endless charm and are even enough to make people addicted to them.

Now Jin Gong is addicted.

He doesn't want to push the tower quickly now, but wants RNG to survive on the tower longer.

In this way, Letme will have to come to the line and continue to endure the pain of being bullied by herself.

Anyway, RNG has no chance of obtaining the first-blood tower in a short period of time. He has decided on the bounty, and it’s just a question of when to withdraw it.

In this case, it is better to torture Yan Junze more, and the talent of Stealing Omen can obviously have its greatest effect during the laning period. After considering all aspects, Jin Gong still rejected Xiaoyao's plan to immediately use Canyon Herald to advance to the tower.

"E dot dot W dot dot..." Jin Gong muttered to himself, stepped forward and hit the crab with four shots.

The omen of theft was triggered and a money bag was successfully stolen.

"Boxes, boxes, boxes!" Xiba people burst out laughing, "Lucian is so fun!"

Letme had been beaten until she was unconscious.

The Lucian opposite was simply the king of torture.

The line pressure is not at full level, and Jin Gong does not try to get a solo kill on the top lane. He just comes up and touches it twice when he has nothing to do, lowering his blood volume, while replenishing his own economy, and maximizing the role of the Thieving Omen rune. Extreme.

The other person, Lucian, stole hundreds of dollars from him one after another.

This does not include the invisibility effects of potions and eye positions.

On the other hand, Letme's own cornerstone rune [Unsealed Cheats] has not yet received any benefit.

It can only be said that there is no harm without comparison.

Jin Gong's behavior of not pushing the tower made Letme even more confused.

"Brother Gongzi returned to the city in 10 minutes and bought the Blade of the Ruined King. Now he can also produce good output against crabs!"

Although Letme has a small anti-armor, the economic gap between the two sides is too big. Once the equipment is pulled apart, the full-tank equipment cannot withstand Lucian's damage.

"Can we change lanes quickly?" Letme urged in a rare voice message from the team, wanting Uzi and his teammates to quickly push down the defensive tower in the bottom lane.

By pushing the tower, the bottom laner can take the lead in changing lanes, relieving his pressure.

"It's pushing!" Uzi promised, using the weapon in his hand to constantly wear down the HP of the YM bottom defense tower.

But the next tower currently guarded by Jack still has half of its health.

The main reason is that Jhin's line clearing ability is very stable, and the number of troops entering the tower each time is not very large.

Moreover, RNG's bottom lane combination - Sivir and Braum - both heroes have short hands. In addition, they do not have the wear and tear skills for defense towers, so the speed of pushing down towers is not outstanding.

This means that YM's defense tower on the bottom lane can still hold up for a while, and Letme will continue to endure torture on the top lane for a while.

"Brother Ran also has a big advantage in the middle," Miller looked over at the director's camera. "He previously received a kill and an assist in the top lane, and when he returned to the city at the eight-minute mark, he made up for his magic shoes!"

Xiaohu only had the missing chapter. Although he still had some savings that he had not spent, it was of no use and would not increase his combat effectiveness much.

In terms of equipment, Li Yuanhao and Lin Ran were short of a pair of legal shoes worth 1,100 gold coins.

The equipment advantage directly affects the lane rights. Previously, Lin Ran used the equipment advantage in the middle lane to firmly limit the cancellation to the middle lane, helping his teammates successfully harvest the Canyon Pioneer.

Now I realize that my situation is not right - the top lane is being tortured by Jin Gong's Lucian. Although there are kills on the bottom lane, the number of kills is very dry and it does not drive any rhythm.

The situation cannot be opened up by two sidelines, and the canceled account feels that he should stand up, otherwise the team will slowly die.

But the equipment gap between him and Lin Ran was real. Under normal circumstances, it was impossible for Zoe to defeat the Enchantress.

However, the canceled accounts are still trying their best to look for opportunities.

"Brother Ran stepped forward with W to trample three ranged soldiers, and at the same time, he also used two small skills QE to consume Zoe!"

If the Enchantress hits two skills and another basic attack, Zoe's blood volume will drop by half in an instant.

With a flash in his eyes, he jumped to the side with R [Return Leap]. While avoiding the phantom chain, he used fireworks to hit the melee soldier with residual health between him and Lin Ran, and then waved it away. Hypnotic bubbles!

Lin Ran had already expected it. He took a look at the trajectory of the hypnotic bubble, and then without hesitation, triggered the second stage of the magic shadow to return to the original place.

And Zoe's bubble was aimed at his return to the original position!

Right on target!

The corners of the account's lips curled up.

He used his basic attack to kill the minions, making Lin Ran think that the position of his bubble was aimed at the front stepping position of W Shadow Shadow. Little did he know that he had struck east and west, and the bubble position was exactly where Shadow Shadow's original position was!

He drank the last bottle of corruption potion and at the same time pulled the flying stars behind him!

As long as the flying star hits, the double damage will directly make Lin Ran lose his combat effectiveness!

Then, RNG will usher in a turning point!

He can go to the top lane to carry out encirclement and suppression and kill Lucian once, or he can go to the bottom lane to help Uzi push down a tower...

Everything is possible!

At the other end of the contestants' bench, Lin Ran raised the corner of his mouth and showed a smile.

The person who canceled his account thought that he was on the second floor and Lin Ran was on the first floor.

But the fact is that he is on the third floor!

Lin Ran saw the trajectory of the hypnotic bubble clearly and decided to return to the original location of the shadow.

He just wants to eat this bubble.

But now, the closed account has been fooled.

The moment Zoe threw the second flying star, a striking sign appeared under her feet!

W [Deep Pool Stealth] from Pike!

And there was a loud shout from the earphones!

The King of Trolls appears within sight of the account!

"YM mobilized Nosuke to come to the middle to catch Zoe," Wawa's tone was full of regret, "Xiaohu was fooled!"

Xiao Yan was stuck at the extreme distance of 1,000 yards, and used E [Pillar of Ice] to get stuck behind Zoe.

He couldn't walk the moment he closed his account, and Liu Qingsong instantly handed over his E [Phantom Wave] to close the distance between them, while still charging the Q skill in his hand.

"Zoe handed over Flash and avoided Pike's bone-penetrating spikes!"

The next moment, Lin Ran handed over his own flash, R [repeat the same trick], copied the phantom chain used previously, and tied it tightly to Zoe who was being slowed down!

Lin Ran stepped forward and started with QE instead of EQ, just for now.

He can use his ultimate to copy another section of the chain to keep up with the control.

"There is no way to escape if you cancel your account, you can only be trapped in place!"

Pike jumped up high, R [Fountain of Hatred] struck down hard, and harvested Zoe's head!

"Brother Ran also received bounty dividends. YM is equivalent to two kills. Now RNG is at a comprehensive disadvantage, and the economic gap has been widened to 2,800!"

Miller was worried, "Then YM's top and middle teams are also very strong, while RNG has put all its bets on Uzi!"

"The key point in this game is that the puppy used a Sivir." Even the doll felt something was wrong. "If this hero doesn't have a three-piece set, he won't be able to play much of a role!"

Lanqi, artillery and infinity, with these three pieces of equipment, Sivir can truly dominate the battle.

Otherwise he is just a push tool.

A normally developed ADC can make a three-piece set around 30 minutes into the game. Uzi's development is slightly ahead in this game, and it will take 27-28 minutes.

The question is, will YM really give RNG such a long development period?

Many RNG supporters still feel very optimistic. After Zoe died, Xiang Guo's Xin Zhao quickly returned to defend the middle, which made YM give up the plan of directly casting Rift Herald. Now their home team has not lost the first blood tower.

But in fact the initiative is completely in the hands of YM.

The First Blood Tower just depends on whether they want it or not.

At exactly 12 minutes, all 5 YM people purchased their first piece of molded equipment.

Only then did they decisively advance as a team.

The goal is to hit the first tower on the road with reduced health.

"The Canyon Pioneer is summoned, YM advances one after another, and RNG can only avoid the battle!"

This was YM's most rapid offensive in the early stage, and RNG was unable to resist.

Now only Xin Zhao and Sivir in the team have separate formed equipment, and the rest of the team's economy is very average, making this kind of team battle impossible.

"YM worked hard and pushed two defensive towers on the road, then scavenged all the resources in the wild area and returned to the city to fight the dragon!"

And Uzi also bulldozed YM's next tower alone, allowing himself to gain some growth again.

Letme finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw this scene.

Once the defensive tower is gone, it will be time to switch lanes later, and he can finally develop in peace for a while.

But he soon realized that he was still too young and too simple.

The person facing him in the bottom lane turned out to be Lin Ran!

"YM is starting to work again," Wawa raised his voice with a very excited expression, "Brother Ran went to face Letme, but Jin Gong did not change the line after returning to the city to resupply, but continued to take the lead on the roadside. That’s right, Xiaohu!”

Letme's Urgot had a lot of armor and equipment because he was facing Lu Xian before, and he didn't even have any magic resistance equipment on his body. He already had 50% of the Enchantress with Echo + Magic Wear Shoes + Dark Seal. The output hitting him is almost real damage.

There's no way this line is right!

The director suddenly gave a replay at this time.

Just after YM used Rift Herald to push down the second tower of RNG on the road, Lin Ran inserted a jewelry eye next to the ruins!

After RNG changed lanes, no one came to clear the field of view. As a result, Zoe, who had lost her account, changed lanes and rushed to the road, and was caught by this jewelry!

When YM's top and middle players got this information, they decisively chose to change lanes, letting Lin Ran go to the bottom lane to deal with the crabs.

"Hiss..." Miller took a breath of cold air, "YM's line switching operation has completely confused RNG!"

Seeing this, Heart in the background slapped his forehead with his palm.

RNG obviously made a mistake. If it were a training match or the first game of the finals, the details of this kind of lane change could not be so rough.

But now there has been a subtle change in the players' mentality. Heart can feel the anxiety of the players on the field through the team's voice, and many processing problems have arisen.

"Change the thread back, otherwise I won't be able to fight!" Letme was almost desperate.

In the first 12 minutes of the game, he was tortured by Lu Xian. Now that he has switched lanes to the bottom lane, he will be disgusted by Enchantress again.

Why am I so unlucky!

The canceled account also agreed to this plan.

He also has no advantage against Lu Xian. The hypnotic bubble is very difficult to hit, and once he hands over R [Return Jump], Lu Xianqi will be faced with a set of holy spear baptism.

"RNG has to choose a hard lane change. They don't want to hand over the teleportation, so they have to go back to the city and change lanes... This will waste a lot of time!"

Including the return guide, it takes at least 35 seconds.

That is the time for a whole wave of troops.

Although RNG Yesuke helped defend the line during this period, after all, the two heroes Xin Zhao and Braum are not particularly useful in earning money at the moment, so the economy is still wasted.

The two sides now have the mid laner in the bottom lane, while the duo clears the lane in the middle.

The Summoner's Rift was really quiet for a while. Finally, the second vanguard was refreshed and YM gathered again.

"Give it, give it, I'll go home and replenish my equipment!" Letme signaled to his teammates not to compete.

The gold coins he now has are enough to make justice and glory.

Fortunately, this equipment only costs 2,500 gold coins. If it were more expensive, he really couldn't afford it.

Yan Junze knew that his development was very poor in this round, so he simply used a functional equipment to start the team and support Uzi as soon as possible.

"Later, let's push together as a group and pull out the middle tower on the opposite side. Don't drag it on like this!" Uzi controlled Sivir to continue clearing the line in the middle, and at the same time commanded his teammates.

Now even if the two sidelines are swapped, RNG doesn't have the slightest advantage. Lucian can still suppress Urgot, and Enchantress can also hit Zoe, but she won't be hit on her head.

They must stand up to ease the situation, otherwise they will be kept under control by YM, and RNG will have no chance to make a comeback.

"Okay, okay, be more proactive later!" Mala Xiangguo agreed with this view very much.

"RNG is preparing to make a group push..."

Miller looked serious. He felt that the two sides were about to have a head-to-head confrontation.

Hongmi, who was still leaning back in the backstage lounge, also sat up straight.

The first part is just an appetizer, and the next step is to truly verify the method of dealing with Urgot.

"The players on YM's two single lanes haven't retreated yet, they are still leading the lane from the wing!" The baby thought it was outrageous, "That means there are only three YM players to defend from the front!"

"Go, go, go!" Uzi shouted in the team voice, turning on R [Hunting] to provide teammates with a movement speed bonus!

Crab activates the glory of justice and gains a second acceleration!

The eight-legged Urgot proved with his actions what it means to walk as fast as flying.

Letme planned to jump directly over the tower, and he would die if he died, or let his teammates collect all the heads.

But just as he was about to step forward, a pillar suddenly got stuck in his face!

Urgot's movement slowed down instantly.

Then Pike, who was squatting on the side, directly hooked and successfully hit Urgot, exerting a short knock-up and slowing effect.

Then Jhin, who was squatting behind, gave W [Fatal Glory], freezing him in place.

"After Crab recovers, he will continue to rush forward. He plans to take advantage of the last moments of Glory of Justice to get close to everyone in YM!"

Letme wanted to use E-dodge to start the group directly, but everyone in YM had already retreated to a quite safe position. He had no choice but to take another step forward, but the sound of a trap sounded under his feet!

"It's Jhin's E [Overwhelming]!" The doll yelled, "Before the crab could control anyone, he was slowed down and detained first!"

The effect of Glory of Justice has ended, and the shock wave released did not hit any YM members!

"Other RNG teammates in the rear also followed up. Xiangguo flashed his E [Fearless Charge] and stabbed him directly!"

But without any other control, everyone in YM also handed over their flashes to distance themselves!

Shi Senming's W stepped forward to the front, and R [Glacial Fissure] smashed over, but Jack handed over the healing spell and used the acceleration effect to directly distance himself.

"This team battle can't start!" Miller finally saw YM's plan. "They let three members drag them from the front, and the two single lines kept pushing from the side, pushing 131 points to the extreme. !”

The director showed the footage. Now Jin Gong's Lucian has brought his troops to the RNG highland tower on the top road, and Lin Ran on the bottom road has also successfully pushed down the RNG first tower.

"Although the Canyon Pioneer is in Xiaoyao's hands, the advancement speed of the sideline is not slow at all!"

The audience applauded and cheered non-stop. YM supporters were proud of themselves, and their faces showed the truth.

"How to fight?" Letme was dumbfounded.

The cooldown time of Sivir's ultimate move and Glory of Justice is quite long. After using it this time, it will not be so easy to start a group again.

"Return to defense first, wait for the rest!" Uzi scratched the back of his head irritably.

The bottom lane was okay, Lin Ran didn't advance to the second tower, but the top lane Lucian had already begun to threaten the high ground.

"RNG wanted to return to the city, but Jhin directly activated his ultimate move!"

The background music sounded, and Jhin, who was staying in the second tower in the middle, covered all RNG members within his range.

"Jack didn't intend to let the RNG players return to the city to defend. Bron raised the security door and tried to block the shots for his teammates..."

But at this time, a tower in the middle of YM lit up the teleportation light!

"The Enchantress has chosen to teleport here. She wants to carry out an encirclement and suppression campaign against RNG!" The doll's voice was loud.

Now RNG faces a dilemma.

If they choose to retreat, it will become a naked pursuit. Enchantress and Pike are incredibly powerful in this situation.

If they choose to turn around and fight back, then Lucian on the road will be completely unattended, and now that Sivir has no R and Crab has no Justice and Glory, it is really difficult for the team to recruit YM players.

The heroes chosen by this group are too flexible.

"Withdraw, withdraw, sell me!" Shi Senming knew that the team could not hesitate now and decisively chose to sacrifice himself.

The other four people could only retreat quickly.

Bron was held back in place by Jhin's bullets, and Enchantress hit him with both chains, leaving him behind.

"Pike gave his ultimate move and gained another kill!"

And Xiaoyao also gave the Canyon Herald, crashing the first tower of RNG in the middle.

The economic gap between the two sides has further widened.

RNG is anxious.

They waited for Sivir and Urgot to improve their key pursuit skills, and wanted to start another team fight.

"Crab E stepped forward... and was blocked by the troll pillar!" The doll said sadly, "Letme has no way to enter the arena!"

The Pillar of Ice counts as an obstacle. Crab E cannot pass through it, so Yan Junze can only take a detour.

Taking another step forward, he stepped on Jhin's trap again, and then Pike's hook hit him, and the fatal brilliance locked him in place.

The group then fled.

The control skills of Pike, Jhin and Troll can all be used from a distance. As soon as Letme saw the figure, she was controlled and couldn't rush forward at all!


[Is this going to cause cerebral hemorrhage? 】

[I can’t rush forward at all, a bunch of small skills can control me]

[As I said before, Crab is just a stupid hero, just pull it and hit it! 】

Yan Junze's lips parted, not knowing what to say.

"I***!" Mala Xiang Guo said it for him.

"Sivir's ultimate move and justice and glory can't make it up?" He began to doubt his life.

"This distance is too long!" Yan Junze frowned, "It is simply unrealistic to charge head-on!"

The two acceleration effects of the crab are fully activated, and it can move at a speed of 600 yards. It takes two seconds to rush to the YM team member.

Once it is under control, this time will be extended again.

Another key to the problem is vision.

YM had gained a large enough economic advantage before and successfully lit up most areas with its ward position.

They even inserted a bunch of thread holes.

This allows YM to be prepared every time Crab and Sivir start up.

Once the battle line is stretched, RNG will have no advantage in charging.

Moreover, Xiaotian also specially upgraded the level of E [Pillar of Ice] in order to increase the ability to slow down and retain people.

"RNG can't keep people on the front, and it's very uncomfortable to be pulled by YM on the wing..." Miller looked serious, "They don't have any position that can compete with Lucian and Enchantress!"

In 23 minutes, RNG broke through the high ground on the road.

YM moved to Dalongkeng.

Letme used the unsealing secret book to sprint out, and also wanted to use three speeds to fight to the death.

As a result, Lin Ran was on the front this time.

After the troll pillar got stuck, he repeated the same trick with the Phantom Chain. The two stages of imprisonment effect delayed the crab's acceleration time, and then handed it over to W to leave!

Justice and Glory blew up again!

"Oh my god, this is such a rogue thing!" Wawa inserted himself into RNG's formation and couldn't help but screamed. If he were a crab, he would have smashed the table and started swearing.

Hongmi looked behind and nodded.

Although crabs are strong, their shortcomings are also obvious.

Too bulky.

YM specially came up with a pulling lineup, just to see if they could limit crabs in team battles in this way.

So far, the effect is pretty good.

Multiple acceleration effects cannot allow Crab to break into the YM formation, and other RNG heroes do not have strong team-starting capabilities.

In the end, the opponent could only sit back and let Jin Gong and Lin Ran pull at each other on the sideline.

At 28 minutes, a team battle broke out again near the baron.

Lin Ran stepped forward and threw out the QR code to trick Bron out of the security door.

Then the troll erected a pillar, disgusting the opponent with a hand.

"Brother Gongzi is still playing solo, but he has already pushed down the bottom lane!"

RNG was forced to start a group fight.

Then Jhin activated his ultimate slow move, coupled with Pike's detour on the flank, and Lin Ran's phantom chain.

Dragging RNG throughout the whole fight!

Letme's scalp feels numb.

He has never touched the person on the opposite side, and it is useless to just use a big move. YM's Enchantress and Pike are blocking the front. After taking the big move, he immediately moves away, not giving others a chance to touch him.

It’s so frustrating! It’s so frustrating!

"RNG is already too late to return to the city at this time!"

The director cut out the camera and showed a picture of the RNG base.

Jin Gong has already begun to dismantle the incisor tower.

The location of RNG's return to the city was found by Lin Ran.

"YM fights tooth and nail to retain its opponent and let Jin Gong steal his home!"

This wave of Letme finally touched the opponent's body.

But before he could harvest the heads, the picture on his monitor turned to the base uncontrollably!

Amidst the audience's shouts reaching into the sky, the main crystal exploded!

Really disgusting

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