LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 630 628: Careful thinking, defense and counterattack!

Lin Ran's rune configuration caused an uproar in the Busan Convention and Exhibition Center!

Immediately came the rustling sound.

The audience in the stands were discussing in low voices, and after a brief surprise, Miller realized that Lin Ran had not brought it wrong, and began to think about the feasibility of this kind of rune.

"Aftershock... I think it's for dealing with Dao Mei and Yasuo. After all, these two heroes need to be aggressive in output. The improved double resistance can make Brother Ran very fleshy, and it is unlikely that Irelia will be defeated by a set of skills. "I'll kill him," he smoothed out his thoughts, "but his mobility will be a bit worse. Without phase dash, Ryze will be very cumbersome, and team battles may be a bit troublesome."

At this time, the director also reacted and gave the bonus data of aftershocks.

"In version 8.2, Aftershock has undergone large-scale changes. The increased armor and magic resistance when triggered is no longer linked to its own resistance, but directly increases the dual resistance by 70-120 points according to the level!" Watana hissed.

Only then did he know the specific value of the aftershocks.

After all, this rune is not that popular in the professional arena - tank top laners are basically extinct now, and those who use Aftershock are basically hard supports. Children only know that it is fleshy, but they don’t know how fleshy it is.

"This aftershock change in version 8.2 is very suitable for crispy skin to carry!"

The original increase was a percentage of double resistance, which was very unfriendly to crispy skins. After all, they would not choose too many resistance equipment, and the added double resistance of Aftershock was too low in cost performance.

But now that it has become a fixed value, the crispy skin has room for aftershocks.

However, Miller didn't dare to be too harsh. This was the first time he saw Aftershock Ryze in a professional arena, and he didn't know how effective it would be.

"Let's take a look at Brother Ran's performance in this game..."

The laning period has begun.

The mid laners of both sides followed the minions to the line. Caps huddled next to the long-range soldiers and remained motionless. He always maintained a safe distance from Lin Ran's Ryze to prevent the other party from reaching him.

Unlike top laner bwipo, Xiaomao has a very deep understanding of Irelia.

In the early stage, the mid laner Sword Girl has short hands and long hands, and she must not let Lin Ran's basic attack hit her.

Once he gets a draw, Ryze will definitely attract the hatred of FNC minions and suffer a wave of focused fire.

At that time, the FNC creeps will attack Lin Ran, and the YM creeps will continue to attack the FNC troops. This will widen the gap between the status of the two sides' troops.

More importantly, it will lead to uneven blood volume of melee soldiers.

Previously, the army line had just arrived in the middle. When there was no interference from outside heroes, the soldiers performed their duties. They did not focus on one of the enemy soldiers, but looked for the target nearby, causing damage evenly to the three soldiers. Melee soldiers will become disabled almost at the same time.

However, if Ryze attracts minions to attack, it will stretch the position of the soldier line. After he gets rid of the hatred, the FNC soldier line will look for YM minions nearby to attack.

This will destroy the damage-creating model where rain and dew are evenly distributed, causing a certain YM melee soldier to be the first to be concentrated and reduced to residual health.

In other words, three YM melee soldiers will not become disabled at the same time.

The reason why Irelia is so strong in the first level laning is because she can use Q [Blade Impact] to take away all three melee soldiers when they are all reduced to residual health, and then use Q to fight the opponent's hero in the face.

With four layers of passive [Ionian Zeal], the strength of Sword Girl is definitely one of the best among first-level heroes.

That's why Caps tried his best to avoid being hit by Lin Ran's basic attack at the beginning. Once the enemy's line of aggro was pulled, the time when YM's three melee soldiers became residual health was different, and the first wave of strong nodes in the laning phase of the sword girl was It's going to be worn away.

Lin Ran wanted to step forward and light the hat at first, but found that the other party was consciously avoiding it. When he took a step forward, he stepped back without giving him a chance.

As a last resort, Lin Ran could only give up.

If he moves forward, he will be inserted into the FNC army line. If Caps forces Q [Blade Impact] to attack, he will be replaced with too much health.

He steadily attacks melee soldiers in an effort to push the lane quickly.

It seems that there is no plan to hoard lines into the tower to create pushback lines.

Caps then put his troops in with peace of mind.

Lin Ran took advantage of Xiaomao's break to replenish troops under the tower, ran down to the FNC jungle area, and made an eye through the wall into the blue buff camp.

One of the reasons why he did not push the lane slowly at the beginning like most long-handed and short-handed games, and then wait in front of the tower for the Sword Girl to finish her damage, was that he had to rush to the FNC jungle to do this. jewelry eye.

According to the information provided by Jack using W [Thousands of Arrows] to detect changes in his red zone before going online, broxah started with the YM red BUFF.

In this way, Lin Ran gives the ward position to the blue BUFF below FNC. This ward can almost lock broxah's early route, which is very important for the team.

Another reason is that in the early stage, it is better for the sword girl not to wait and push the line slowly.

You can indeed use this method to defeat most melee heroes. Once you enter the tower and start to consume, you don't have to worry about the other party getting impatient and fighting hard. Anyway, you have a line of troops to help you, which is equivalent to two against one, and it is impossible to lose.

But Irelia is an exception.

She can use Q [Blade Impact] to quickly kill the remaining health minions, while refreshing the skill cooldown and stacking passive layers, and it also has a blood recovery effect.

Slowly push the lane into the tower, and the minions are just toys for Sword Girl, posing no threat at all.

Lin Ran didn't dare to blatantly go to the tower to consume Dao Mei until his level-up equipment was ready.

After Caps released the line into the tower, he also deliberately waited for the time to wait until the bombardment of the defense tower was about to fall on the remaining health soldiers, then he took action with Q [Blade Impact].

In this way, the speed at which the troops under the tower are cleared can be delayed to the greatest extent.

Because Lin Ran's Ryze level one push ability is very poor, he can only use basic attacks to push troops. As a result, when this wave of speed pushes the lane into the tower, there are only 7 seconds left before the second wave of minions arrives.

Caps delays the clearing speed of minions under the tower, although the soldier line will still be reset near the center of the canyon...

But when the second wave of minions connected again, the layers of his passive [Ionian Zeal] had not disappeared!

This is the key!

7 soldiers in the single line have been upgraded to the second level. As long as the passive of Sword Girl can be continued, there is a high probability that she can grab the second level!

Irelia grabs second, and the minion handover position is in the middle line. If done correctly, it can force the non-displacement hero to flash.

Lin Ran did a ward. Originally, the speed of returning to the lane was a little slower, but when he saw Dao Mei passively coming forward to fight, he, a level 1 Ryze, didn't dare to fight head-on, so he could only retreat.

Caps used his own details to successfully counter Lin Ran and took the initiative in this wave of troops.

After grabbing level 2, he continued to move forward, preventing Lin Ran from threatening the minions, and trying to slow down Ryze's level two.

Lin Ran accepted it calmly.

Anyway, before level 3, Ryze has little combat power, so it might be a good way to use it to develop.

When Caps saw this scene, he immediately had an idea and started looking for other opportunities.

"I'm going to do a ward and catch Olaf later," Xiaomao said quickly, communicating with his teammates, "Bwipo, don't let the sword demon leave the line, I can kill the opponent's jungler alone!"

Just like Lin Ran knew broxah's jungle route, Caps also learned through YM's first-level team design that Xiaoyao started to farm from the red BUFF in the upper half of FNC.

And since the location of broxah's wine barrel has been guessed, Xiaoyao's Olaf will theoretically not be at risk of being invaded.

Normally, in this situation, in order to improve the efficiency of clearing the jungle, Olaf will choose to control his blood volume, make full use of the passive [Wrath of War] mechanism to increase the attack speed, quickly clear the jungle, and win for himself. Time to do things.

Caps feels that since he has reached level 3, if he catches Olaf with low health in the jungle, he can easily complete the solo kill.

"No problem, feel free to go." Bwipo gave feedback to his teammates.

He planned to seduce Jin Gong by selling meat, giving his opponent the advantage of exchanging blood, and dragging the Sword Demon on the road.

Caps starts his own plan.

He starts by creating a slow push line.

He knew that Lin Ran held the teleport in his hand. If he wanted the other party to be unable to support him, he would have to gather a bunch of soldiers and push them under the tower. In this way, due to the influence of this wave of soldiers, the cost of teleport support would be very high.

Lin Ran was about to reach level 2 at this time. Seeing that Dao Mei was covered in passives, he did not step forward.

Although with the help of Aftershock's frankness, he was not afraid even if he had to exchange blood, the problem was that once he was attacked by Dao Mei, Lin Ran had no means of counterattack.

Ryze's output at this time is still too low.

He stood behind the army line and found that Caps was not in a hurry to push the line. Instead, he took his time and attacked the long-range soldiers first, letting the thick-skinned and fleshy YM melee soldiers with higher blood volume block the handover position of the army line.

This is obviously a slow push.

Lin Ran quickly realized how Caps' behavior would affect the trend of the army.

But this is just an appearance.

For a qualified mid laner, the line of troops is a tool.

During the laning phase, all actions are closely related to the line of troops.

He wanted to break through this facade and see clearly what Little Hat's true intentions were.

Sword Girl versus Ryze, what is the point of stocking up on a slow push lane?

Lin Ran didn't even think about it, and by default, he crossed out the item about consuming blood in exchange for blood under the tower.

In melee combat like Irelia, how can she fight for blood while Ryze is replenishing his tower knife?

Give me a break.

Returning to the city to replenish supplies was unrealistic. Sword Girl's blood volume was now close to full and her mana volume was abundant, so there was no need to return to the spring.

Of the remaining possibilities... there are two that are very likely.

One is to want to jump over the tower.

Because Xiaomao has accumulated a lot of minions, Lin Ran doesn't have many replenishing troops, and he has not yet reached level 3. If FNC's midfielder and jungler both reach level 3 and have to jump over the tower, it is not impossible to succeed.

The control of Sword Girl and Wine Barrel are connected. Even if Lin Ran uses EW to imprison one of them, it will only take 1.5 seconds. He can escape with two tower cross flashes and cannot replace the opponent at all.

So far, Lin Ran still hasn't seen the broxah barrel from his ward position in the FNC blue zone.

This made him feel a little panicked.

"Jack, can you help me take a look at our F6?" Lin Ran urged his Edisi while moving upwards, trying to avoid the wine barrels that might appear below.

Shiba Inu just finished eating the three melee soldiers in the second wave of the bottom lane, and happened to be promoted to level 2.

With a skill point left, he heard Lin Ran's words and immediately learned E [Eagle Strikes the Sky] and shot towards his Sharpbill camp.

Along the way, I managed to catch Broxah's traces and found that he was playing F6 and pulling a few birds down the river.

Lin Ran knew that the opponent's Beer Man was about to wipe out the lower half of YM, and Eagle Strike in the Sky could briefly provide him with vision for 5 seconds. During this time, he didn't have to worry about Broxah coming quietly to cooperate with Little Hat's tower attack. Kill yourself.

This time, he finally felt relieved and Lin Ran was no longer cautious about his position.

At the same time, another possibility was rejected in my heart.

Irelia gathers lanes and enters the tower. In addition to planning to jump over the tower to kill, the rest may be to travel to other areas on the map to provide support.

Lin Ran cut the screen to watch the two sidelines and found that his teammates were in very good condition.

That basically locks in Caps' idea.

"Xiaoyao, please pay attention, Sister Dao is probably going to look for you." He gave a reminder.

The Garlic Bastard indicated that he understood.

He was brushing FNC's Sharp Beak. Since he didn't have any teammates to help him, and he hadn't used punishment yet, his speed wasn't that fast.

Years of cooperation have made Xiaoyao extremely trust Lin Ran's judgment.

Although Big Bird only has less than 400 health left, which is a little lower than the punishment line.

But he still used it to restore a large amount of blood for himself.

Then he hid in the grass between the FNC red buff camp and the Dalong Pit, preparing to wait and see.

Xiaomao didn't think too much. He slowly pushed the third wave of troops into the tower, then turned and walked down.

When the view provided by the YM soldier's corpse disappeared, he turned back upwards.

"Caps is trying to deceive YM in this way," Wawa discovered Caps' movements through the footage provided by the director. "He made a move that claimed to be attacking in the east and west, but in fact the real purpose was to move to the upper half!"

Miller noticed something was wrong with Olaf's position and immediately raised his voice, "But Xiaoyao was already prepared. He was squatting there waiting for the knife girl to come over!"

In order not to alert others, Xiaomao deliberately did not have a wall to look into his own rhinoceros camp.

His time is very stuck. Generally speaking, Olaf, who is playing alone, should have just finished killing the Razorbill at this time without punishing him - the Berserker without blue BUFF lacks cooldown and mana recovery, and it is difficult to clear the jungle. The speed is not extreme.

In this way, there are no wild monsters that can restore Xiaoyao's blood. Olaf, who is in poor condition, will definitely not be able to defeat him!

As the Irelia controlled by himself got closer to the Sharpbill camp, Little Hat became more and more delighted.

In his opinion, the first blood is already his own!

But from God's perspective, Caps' actions can only be described as being smart!

When he came to the pass between F6 and the river, Caps finally found that the Sharpbill camp was empty. Not only was the bird missing, but even Olaf had disappeared without a trace!

what's the situation?

Caps felt confused.

The next moment, a sharp ax flew from the grass in front of me!

Olaf got out of it!

Xiaomao was startled, cursed in Danish, and subconsciously wanted to move away to avoid it.

But the pass he was in was very narrow, and there wasn't much room to dodge.

"The ax hit!"

Amid the cry of the doll, Caps handed over his flash without hesitation!

Quickly create space with the Garlic Bastard, not giving Olaf a chance to stick to himself for output.

"Wow..." Miller said with regret in his tone, "Isn't this knife girl playing too steady?"

"If Flash is pinched harder and Xiaoyao catches up and slashes all the way, it's possible to get first blood directly!"

Seeing that the two sides were on the verge of breaking up and there was no further conflict, Wawa calmed down, "But here's the did Xiaoyao know that Caps was coming to arrest him?"

"Olav hit F6 and used Punishment to restore his health, and then ran into the grass and crouched deliberately," Miller recalled the details exposed in the director's perspective. "Someone in the team must have reminded him."

"Awesome..." he sighed.

Caps's move is very good, and it is very confusing. After all, the jungler's barrel is in the lower half, and the sword girl looks like she is going to cooperate with the beer man to carry out a four-pack and two-two.

But Lin Ran was not fooled.

At that time, the bottom line of troops was still in front of the YM tower, and Liu Qingsong still held a holy shield in his hand to attack the cannon truck. There was basically no possibility of FNC jumping over the tower.

Moreover, it would take at least 13 seconds for the knife girl without shoes to rush to the bottom lane.

By then, Lin Ran had already cleared the minions under the tower. If the opponent dared to cross the tower, he would just hand over a teleport and he wouldn't lose anything.

"Now that there is no flash, Dao Sister's life will be more difficult!"

Lin Ran didn't miss this opportunity and began to use his skills to quickly push the line and pin the sword girl under the tower.

Caps was angry, but he didn't dare to move forward, not showing up for fear of being caught by Xiaoyao.

If Lin Ran's EW immobilizes him and cooperates with Olaf's output, Irelia will die suddenly without being able to resist.

"On the road, Jin Gong's Q [Darkborn Blade] has now reached a higher level. Yasuo is no match for him!"

From now on, until Yasuo makes his bloody hand, Aatrox will be in his strong period. Bwipo must reach level 6 before he can cooperate with the jungle barrel to complete the kill.

After Lin Ran pushed the sixth wave of soldiers, he rose to level 5 and returned to the city to synthesize the blue crystal into the tears of the goddess. He then bought straw sandals and real eyes, and walked back to the line.

After Caps finished eating the tower sword, he returned to the city to replenish the supplies. He couldn't afford to make a light, so he could only buy a long sword, straw sandals and real eyes. He also walked to catch up with the line, hoping to save this teleportation.

He couldn't guarantee that he could take the lead in setting the pace for Lin Ran.

But we must not fall behind.

When Ryze went to support, Caps thought that he must have teleportation in his hand, otherwise his teammates would not be able to withstand the heavy pressure.

"Brother Ran pushed the lane back to the city first, so he had to rush back to the middle one step earlier. His two E's spread the surge effect, and then his Q [Overload] instantly reduced the minion's health!"

With the support of mana, Ryze cleared the short-term line very quickly, pushing all the lines of troops under the Daomei tower without any effort.

Including the time to return to the city, the supply line took about 35 seconds. When Lin Ran finished pushing the line, the eighth wave of minions was about to arrive, and Caps, who was about to rush to the tower, was very anxious.

He didn't want the line handover position to be stuck under his own tower.

That will form Lin Ran's pushback line.

If the pushback line is formed, the minion handover position will slowly advance towards the YM middle tower.

If Xiaoyao's Olaf takes the opportunity to catch him, the sword girl who doesn't flash will be in great danger.

But if Caps doesn't have line rights, he has to pay a certain price if he wants to save this transmission.

Even if he uses all his skills and quickly eats up the minions under the tower, it still won't change the fact that YM's eighth wave of troops is marching straight in.

The minion handover position is just under the tower, and the pushback line is about to be formed.

Caps had to push the wave through.

But when he was about to enter the YM defense tower, Lin Ran suddenly took two steps forward and stepped about 200 yards away from the turret's firing range. He blocked the soldiers with his body, allowing only the melee soldiers to enter the defense tower's range, and the long-range soldiers. They were all stopped outside the tower.

"This line can be controlled," Miller's eyes lit up, "Brother Ran's timing is perfect!"

It is currently the eighth wave of soldiers, and Dao Mei has missed two Bin's experience. If she wants to reach level six, she must eat the first three melee soldiers of the ninth wave of artillery lines.

In other words, Irelia is currently only at level 5.

Without the ultimate move and flash, the Sword Girl would have a very low success rate in obtaining benefits even if she wanders to other places during the period when Lin Ran is stuck in the lane.

Caps frowned slightly irritably.

Lin Ran's card line was not only perfectly timed, but also controlled the distance very well.

Step within 200 yards of the edge of the tower's range.

This happens to be Irelia's basic attack range.

Of course, Caps can take advantage of the defensive tower to attack the minions, step forward and perform a basic attack before turning around and leaving, blocking the turret's attack interval and losing health.

But you must know that when the attack speed of the sword girl is not fast, the movement of raising her hand to swing the sword is quite obvious.

If Lin Ran gets stuck on his raised hand and EW controls him, it will be a big deal. He will be hit by two defensive tower bombardments, and he will also be dealt a set of damage by Ryze. The exchange of blood is simply a blood loss.

Caps is a rat-proof device and dare not move around.

Ever since he went to catch Xiaoyao but was forced out of the way, Xiaomao was filled with anger.

Now there is nowhere to cast it.

Now he could only stand at the back, watching Lin Ran's physical body get stuck and slowly replenish his troops.

Fortunately, Ryze can only block three ranged soldiers. In this short middle lane, it is impossible for the minion handover position to be fixed here for a long time.

In less than a minute, the large number of troops accumulated by Ryze had already pushed over.

This includes the artillery vehicles of the ninth wave of troops.

The slow push line entered Caps' defense tower, and Ryze, controlled by Lin Ran, also disappeared from his sight.

"Be careful, Ryze is offline!" Xiaomao quickly sent a message to his teammates.

But YM's offensive came so fiercely that FNC had no time to defend.

"Xiao Yao rushed to the bottom lane and was ready to attack the FNC duo!"

The Garlic Bastard appeared from the side and rear of the next FNC tower and inserted a prosthetic eye into the tower.

Immediately afterwards, the teleportation light suddenly lit up!

"Teleport from Brother Ran!" Miller shouted, "Jiugong is currently brushing his second round of wild monsters in the upper half of the area, and he has no time to return to defense!"

Broxah saw that his top laner was not having a good time, and bwipo Yasuo happened to have reached level six, so he wanted to help put some pressure on Jin Gong.

After all, he is a person with flash. He starts with Predator, E flashes Meat, Egg, Onion, Chicken to control the Sword Demon, and Yasuo can kill it steadily if he uses it.

With such a high kill success rate on the top lane, broxah will naturally not stay in the bottom half.

This gave Lin Ran and his teammates the opportunity to sneak in.

"Caps can't come over yet, he's only level five!" The doll was overjoyed when he saw Irelia's level on the character status bar.

Xiaomao had tried his best to replenish his troops, but YM's speed was too fast. When Lin Ran's teleportation was about to land, he was able to reach level six and immediately handed over his teleportation.

"Brother Ran landed, EW controlled Ou Cheng's Jin, but he himself was also pointed out by Hailisang's Leona..."

The FNC defense tower dutifully fired artillery fire at Lin Ran.

Ou Cheng immediately handed over his purification and released the control on his body.

"Liu Qingsong flashed W [Stand Up] and came to Brother Ran. Q Winter Bite hit Leona, and then raised the security door to block Jhin's fatal brilliance!"

The baby's surprised voice echoed in the live event room.

"Brother Ran, isn't this too meaty?!"

After the aftershock was triggered, Lin Ran's double resistance increased by more than 80 points. Coupled with the resistance provided by Braun's step forward, his current double resistance exceeded 130 points.

At 6 minutes, a double resistance of 130 means invincibility.

"Except the defense tower can impress him, the rest of the damage is the same as being tickled!"

Jack was outputting from behind, while Xiaotian broke into the defense tower, wielding an ax and hacking at his opponents.

"Sword Girl hasn't come down yet, Ou Cheng can't hold on any longer!"

In order to ensure that he is not connected to YM's too long control chain, rekkles specially brought purification.

But without healing skills, he simply couldn't withstand the damage from YM's group of people.

"Brother Ran recovered from the stun effect exerted by Leona's Q [Shield of Dawn], and overloaded the two layers of runes!"

Ryze instantly gains movement speed and a shield.

This layer of shield is extremely thick with the blessing of up to 130 points of double resistance.

"Brother Ran resisted the tower twice, and with half of his health left, he successfully left the range of the defense tower!"

Ou Chengjia flashed and tried to run away, but Garlic Bastard flashed to catch up and killed Jin with an axe.

The YM fans in the stands let out deafening cheers!

"Sword Girl canceled the transmission!"

No matter if you don’t cancel.

Leona has let go of all control skills and has now lost her retention skills.

YM's group of people have maintained a good health volume, and he can't harvest them when he comes down. Once Braum gets passive, he may even lose his life.

Haili Sangjiao dodged an ax from Xiao Tian and successfully escaped to the second tower.

At this time, the director switched the camera to the top road.

"The wine barrel opens and the predator wants to capture someone... Gongzi Geda flashes out one after another and instantly distances himself!"

Jin Gong proved with facts that the Sword Demon can also flash R.

He successfully maintained a distance of more than 1,000 yards from the barrel, preventing the opponent's E from getting to him.

FNC Ueno didn't expect Xibaren to be so stable and show off all their escape skills when they met.

Broxah had no choice but to give up.

"Brother Ran, come back and accompany your other teammates to demolish the tower!"

The FNC duo was dying and running away, but they didn't have the ability to defend the tower.

Lin Ran took advantage of his illness to kill him and planned to demolish the next tower for him in one go.

When the battle broke out just now, the artillery soldiers on the bottom lane had not yet been dealt with, and they still had more than half of their health.

Just right for fighting towers.

Lin Ran and his teammates started demolition directly.

"This tower demolition speed is very fast, Olaf and Ice are very efficient!"

The defense attribute of the next tower itself was also low. After the wave of artillery trains were completely swallowed up, they spent a wave of soldiers and successfully demolished the next tower.

"After Ou Cheng was resurrected, he decisively ran towards the middle lane, trying to help his mid laner threaten YM's first tower!"

But it took him half a minute to get to the line. When Lin Ran walked back to the line, the first tower in the middle still had half of its health remaining.

"Xiaotian's Olaf also took advantage of the opportunity to take down a fire dragon... This means he has full control of resources!"

The time is close to eight minutes, and FNC has not yet found a suitable opportunity.

Top laner Jin Gong is extremely stable now. He won't leave the tower at all unless he dodges or attacks.

If Broxah forcibly jumps over the tower, a set of damage will not kill him, and the Sword Demon can counterattack with his ultimate move.

Besides, he didn't know Xiaotian's specific location and didn't dare to take action.

Canyon Pioneer refreshed on time, YM directly gathered together and gathered at Dalong Pit!

"This wave must be fought, let's not let it go!" Caps felt that he could do it. After all, in his calculations, Jin Gong's ultimate move and flash still did not improve.

Xiaotian flashes also on the CD.

As for Xiaomao's own performance, it didn't take long for him to get better.

With the addition of R [Vanguard Blade], the combat effectiveness is still there.

The Caps don't want to give up vanguard to their opponents.

Under his control, FNC set up their formation and decided to push forward.

The war is about to break out.

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