LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 636 634: Witness immortality!

The game time is approaching 8 minutes.

As most viewers thought before the game, FNC is currently at a three-way disadvantage, and the jungler can really only play jungle.

However, this disadvantage is too great.

On the data panel from God's perspective, the current economic gap between the two sides is as high as 2.2K!

You know, the Canyon Pioneer has not yet been born, and the first-blood tower has not been pushed down. The gold coin gap between the two teams mainly comes from replenishing troops, clearing the jungle, and killing people.

"YM's economic lead is very exaggerated..." Wawa beamed with joy, "Brother Ran is getting closer and closer to his first big deal!"

However, Lin Ran was not in a hurry to have Youmeng first, and instead bought a pair of mercury shoes.

Although the toughness provided cannot reduce the knock-up control, FNC's lineup also has a lot of slowing, imprisoning, and stun skills, so it is always right to have mercury shoes.

The key is that his eight-minute Canyon Pioneer team can't make Youmeng. If you buy a sawed dagger, the combat effectiveness will not be improved as much as expected. Anyway, there is no shortage of damage in the YM team. Lin Ran can be a semi-tank in the front row.

"Jack, come here and join us together. Let's go straight to the vanguard." He directed his teammates to rush to the Dalong Pit.

FNC, on the other hand, had no intention of engaging in battle at all. They continued to develop on the third line, and Ou Cheng kept brushing troops in the bottom lane. He just asked Hailisang to defend in the middle lane to prevent YM from summoning Purple Garlic to advance to the middle tower.

Lin Ran responded immediately, "It's okay, just change the line. Brother Xiba, teleport to the bottom lane to eat ice. Don't die."

Jimu Gong responded.

Anyway, he is Ryze, and his short hands are relatively speaking. Compared with Soaz's Sion, he must be much longer.

The long range means that it is safer to replenish troops and develop. Jin Gong is confident that under the pressure from Xia and Leona, he can rely on the tower to replenish the damage.

If FNC doesn't change lanes, Soaz, who stays on the top lane, will suffer a lot.

"Switch, switch, I'll use my ultimate to go to the bottom lane." Soaz saw the YM duo playing the vanguard and ran directly to the top lane to suppress him. He had no choice but to ask his teammates to let him go to the bottom lane.

In fact, wherever he goes now, he resists pressure.

However, you can still draw troops against Ryze, but against the YM duo, it will be difficult to even gain experience.

"Hailisang, you go on the road first. I'll push this wave of soldiers and I'll be there soon!" Ou Cheng controlled Xia and used Q [double blade] and barbs to clean up the soldiers, hid in the grass and returned to the city, buying a pair of cloth armor. The shoes go up the road.

There is nothing wrong with his outfit. Except for Ryze's Rune Imprisonment, the rest of the YM controls are knocked up. The toughness outfit is useless, and most of them are physical output. Jin Gong cannot threaten Ou Cheng at all under normal circumstances. His Ninja Foot Gear provides armor while also mitigating normal attack damage, which is a pretty good choice.

When Hailisang came to the top, he could only ensure that Soaz would finish the damage under the tower. He did not dare to point up to start a team at will.

Currently, due to the disadvantages of the jungler and the three lanes, FNC has no vision at all, and the entire upper river is completely dark.

If you point your finger upward and Xiao Xin Zhao behind you is squatting backwards, then it's over.

Harisan also suppressed his true nature.

For FNC, as long as the economy is delayed by 5,000 or 6,000 for 30 minutes, it is completely acceptable. It is basically impossible for YM to beat them in the later team battles.

"Soaz waited for Ou Cheng to hit the road before reading the message back to the city. He was afraid that Xiaoyao would directly summon the Canyon Herald to push a tower while Xia was not on the road," Wawa said eloquently. "After all, Xiaoyao just got the Canyon Herald, so he would definitely not There’s nothing wrong with the idea of ​​rushing to the bottom lane in an instant to advance and defend the top lane.”

"But Brother Gongzi has been leading the lane and grinding towers in the bottom lane during this period. The health of FNC's next tower has been weakened to about half health!"

Jin Gong was outrageous. Since Ou Cheng pushed a wave of troops into the YM defense tower before leaving, he simply hoarded a wave of artillery troops in front of the tower, and then activated R [Warp Path] to take this A large number of minions are teleported to the next FNC tower, saving time and starting to push the tower.

Anyway, he is the top laner Ryze, and he has not yet reached the team battle period, so he basically doesn't need his ultimate move, so he should use it early and have a CD early.

Three seconds after hearing the old driver's big move [Barbaric Crash], Jin Gong retreated and ran down the river to eat crabs.

"Thion's ultimate move has also been handed over. It seems that FNC plans to play the Iron Turtle style and not actively look for comeback opportunities. It will take 30 minutes." Miller was quite happy.

Thain's R is one of the few skills in FNC's lineup that can actively set the pace. Soaz handed over his ultimate skill in order to return to the lane, which is enough to prove the attitude of the European overlord.

To drag, just drag hard.

Lin Ran could also see what the other party was thinking.

He doesn't intend to let FNC continue to hang around.

YM's main offensive point in the early stage is still the Garlic Bastard, and the players in the other three lanes cannot often roam offline.

And it is about to enter the mid-term. After the hero equipment and level are improved, the speed of pushing the line is getting faster and faster, gradually getting rid of the shackles of the troop line. It may only take five or six seconds to clear a wave of lines, so that 25 seconds before the arrival of the next wave of troops , the character can travel offline.

As time goes by, the offline time and number of times that the minion will not lose money will become more and more.

At that time, the pressure on FNC will definitely increase geometrically.

"Xiaoyao, come to the bottom lane. Let's pull out the first-health tower first!" The Xiba people looked at the first-health tower in the bottom lane with only half health left, ready to move, and wanted to persuade their teammates to come over and help push the tower to share the money.

"Go away," the Garlic Bastard rejected the proposal without hesitation, "I will definitely help Jack and Brother Ran in this game. You can defeat Thain yourself and engage in your favorite 1v1 men's battle."

In itself, Ryze gets better at fighting Thane in the later stages. After the old driver's equipment is formed, he can't kill the Rune Mage at all. Ryze only needs to make a magic penetrating rod, and the damage against Thain will be considerable. When meeting Soaz head-on, he can only run away. share.

What's more, Jin Gong has already established a slight advantage with the help of Xiaoyao in the early stage and his own hard power.

At this time, the Garlic Bastard no longer wanted to help.

Because the profit is not that big, Soaz already picked Thain in this game, so why catch him?

It's obviously a comparison between Oucheng and Caps.

Huang Ji + Xia are FNC's capital to make a late comeback. As long as Double C can't make a three-piece suit, they can't even hope to beat YM head-on.

Being rejected, the Xiba people could only give up in frustration, ate a group of Xiaoyao's stone beetles in revenge, and returned to the line to continue suppressing Thain.

Lin Ran enjoyed the help of Xiaotian Canyon Pioneer.

"Broxah seems to be sure that YM will put the Rift Herald in the middle or top lane, so during this period he has been in the top half." Miller noticed something fishy in the opponent's jungler's course of action. "He has a very keen sense of smell!"

After all, he is also the double champion jungler of LCS.EU. Broxah is not a fool. He can naturally guess the general idea of ​​​​Xiao Yao casting Rift Herald.

Due to his correct judgment, FNC did not suffer much loss in this wave. The middle defense tower was only hit by the vanguard, with 1/3 of its health remaining, and could barely support the pillar.

But YM's mid-term rhythm has just begun.

"Broxah finished cleaning up the Canyon Pioneer and returned to the city to replenish his big jungle knife... What is Xiaoyao doing?" Wawa suddenly raised his voice, "He has plans for the yellow chicken in the middle!"

The garlic bastard knew that the opponent had returned to the city from the jungle, and he was still bathing in the spring water. He caught it at this time.

He started scanning and eliminated the FNC's eye position between the Sharpbill camp and the upper river. Taking advantage of the gap where the eye position could still provide residual vision, he moved towards the river, pretending to go back and continue clearing the jungle.

In fact, wait until the FNC's vision disappears completely, then walk back with the spear and hide in the F6 camp.

Although Caps was alert enough and knew that the Garlic Bastard was in the upper half, and deliberately moved downwards, he was unable to prevent the gank.


The sword demon roared angrily and spread his wings behind him. The white mecha with Ba Tian's skin turned blood red, and he accelerated forward!

Darkin Blade + Shadow Rush!

Aatrox's Q1E successfully hit, followed by W [Evil Fire Chain]!

The yellow chicken, which has been forced close to the first tower in the red square, is now pressed against the corner of the wall below. There is no room to continue moving downward, so there are only two ways left: backward and upward.

Caps originally wanted to move up, so that he could escape from the evil fire chain just by walking, and save skills for counterattacks.

But then he thought about it and recalled the wave where he was caught dead in the middle 6 minutes ago. Lin Ran deliberately drove him towards Xiaoyao so that Xin Zhao could kill people when he rushed out.

Xiaomao learns from every experience and doesn't want to make the same mistake.

He knew that the Garlic Bastard was in the upper half, and since Lin Ran had activated his ultimate move, it proved that Xin Zhao was very likely to come to catch him.

Therefore, Caps chose W to set up a sand soldier, and then E [Quicksand Displacement] combined with Q Crazy Sand Attack to drift backwards, and also drew a figure 7.

But it's too late.

"Xiao Yao emerged from the Sharp Beak Camp and appeared between the first and second towers of FNC!"

At this moment, there was still a distance of two to three hundred yards between him and the yellow chicken. Caps threw R [Wall of the Forbidden Army], trying to knock Xin Zhao away.

But the Garlic Bastard swung R [Crescent Guard], and the next moment the golden light flashed, and the chrysanthemum letter appeared in front of the little hat. While avoiding the wall of the Forbidden Army, he swung the spear in his hand in a circle, and smashed Caps back into the first tower!

"Beautiful R flash," Wawa clenched his fists and shouted, "Brother Ran released Q2 empty, and then flashed Q3!"

The moment the yellow chicken hit the ground, Lin Ran struck down with a powerful Darkin blade with the force of splitting Huashan, and Caps in the center was knocked into the air.

"Xin Zhao stabbed him up, Wind Slash and Electric Sting crippled him, and Sword Demon's last basic attack took away the head!"

The dull triggering sound of great destruction sounded, and the sword demon used his triumph to regain a large amount of blood, and used the acceleration effect to leave the range of the defense tower.

Caps scratched his head helplessly.

He had realized that the opponent's jungler was coming, but he still wanted to save a flash, otherwise the next five minutes would be very uncomfortable, and Xiaoyao would die if he dared to catch him.

That’s why I used R [Forbidden Wall].

I just didn't expect the opponent's jungler to be so decisive, and directly handed R to dodge to kill him.

The commentary box in the European division fell into dead silence.

Vedius was silent for a long time, and then he forcibly regained his respect, "It's okay, this wave is not a loss, Caps used his own life to force out the double flash of YM's midfielder, and the yellow chicken can grow stably for 5 minutes after resurrecting."

Deficio glanced sideways at his partner.

Isn’t this a loss, brother?

Yellow Chicken has used his ultimate move, and the resurrection time after death is 20 seconds. Currently, no one in FNC can help guard the first tower in the middle, so that Sword Demon can get this part of the money, and the time when the equipment will be formed will be Two or three minutes ahead of time.

It’s already deadly!

Accompanied by Garlic Bastard, Lin Ran dismantled the defense tower until he had 300 health points left. He pondered for a moment and said, "Xiaoyao, can you go farther away? Don't give me the money for the first health tower."

Tian: "???"

He glanced sideways at Lin Ran, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Xibaren, who was finishing his kills in the bottom lane, gloated, "You've been punished!"

He was still thinking about Xiaoyao's refusal to come to the bottom lane to release the vanguard, and now he laughed mercilessly.

The Garlic Bastard pursed his lips, but swallowed his anger and left the defense tower honestly, leaving the first-blood tower economy to the Sword Demon alone.

He knew that the sword demon indeed needed the economy more than he did.

"Brother Ran has to wait for the defense tower to swallow up all the YM soldiers before pushing the tower down," Miller said loudly, "He is trying his best to prevent the yellow chicken from eating as many soldiers as possible!"

Although Caps has been resurrected, Lin Ran is not afraid of the opponent teleporting him. With the defense tower's current HP, he will definitely be able to take out the tower before the 3.5-second TP guidance time ends. By then, Caps will lose his wife and troops.

Caps knew this very well, took out Nash's Fang and simply walked back to the line.

He felt that his flash was still there and he could develop steadily for a while.

that's the truth.

But it was his teammates who were unlucky.

"Xiao Yao and Ran Ge ran to the top lane and directly forced the FNC duo into the grass, while they themselves started to team up and demolish the tower!"

At 13 minutes into the game, FNC's previous tower was destroyed.

At 15 minutes, Jin Gong in the bottom lane disabled Thain with several sets of skills, and led his troops in to level the next tower.

"FNC's three lanes and one tower have all been destroyed, and now their jungle area has also been severely eroded!"

YM's snowballing style is simply textbook level. It takes advantage of the vision and protection lost after the opponent's defense tower is pushed, quickly seizes the ward position on the outer edge of the jungle, and then pushes inward little by little.

Their third line and jungler all have advantages, and it is easy to steal the field of vision.

As long as Xiaoyao and Liu Qingsong follow Lin Ran, they can drive straight in and lay out their sights unscrupulously.

"Brother Ran's equipment is too scary, isn't it?" The doll looked at Aatrox's equipment column and couldn't help but hissed, "In less than 16 minutes, I made two little ones of Youmu + Mercury Shoes + Black Cut. This combat power can only be described as outrageous!"

FNC didn't even dare to look at Lin Ran. As long as the sword demon was within 1,000 yards of them, they would quickly disperse.

The kills, assists and defense tower economy gained from participating in several previous kills made Lin Ran's gold coins rapidly expand. He also quickly gave back to his teammates, creating a greater economic advantage for YM.

The jungle fell, and Broxah was the first to bear the brunt.

He has no place to look for development.

Double C stands on two lines. A jungle troll will definitely not be able to seize Xia and Huangji's lines, let alone Soaz, who is left. Thain can't protect himself now, and there is no way to transfer the economy to him.

"Broxah now has no choice but to hang online to gain experience!"

He cannot let his level lag too far behind Xiaoyao, otherwise after 20 minutes when the dragon is born, the punishment damage will be completely stretched, and FNC will be at a disadvantage in this regard and unable to compete for key neutral resources.

"YM accepted the second Canyon Pioneer. They were not in a hurry to release it. Instead, they continued to push all three lines to suppress the jungle and quickly expand their economic advantage!"

Since the wild area is a typical zero-sum game, Xiaoyao eats FNC's wild monsters, and YM and others wipe out their own wild areas, while FNC cannot capture any wild monsters. The difference in gold coins opened up by one positive and one negative is quite considerable.

As 20 minutes approached, the two teams already had an economic gap of 7.7K.

"I'm equipped, let's open the dragon." Jack now has Lanqi + Sheep Knife + Attack Speed ​​Shoes. The two QE skills have all evolved, and the combat power has climbed to a new peak. "Put the vanguard in the dragon pit. Let it see how its father died."

Xiaoyao ignored him. When he returned to the spring to replenish equipment and real eyes, he summoned the vanguard and let it follow the army line to the FNC spring. He ran to the vicinity of the Dalong Pit to lay out his vision and prepare for the possible outbreak of Baron Nash. Battle.

As a result, everyone in YM used their vision positions to light up the entire upper river and FNC upper and jungle areas, but found that their opponents were still developing on the third line and looked very stable.

"What does this mean?" Jack's hands were itchy, and he wanted to fight quickly. The other party's actions undoubtedly made him very dissatisfied, "Can the dragon be given away for free?"

In the FNC team voiceover, Soaz was still directing his teammates, "This big dragon gives way!"

There is nothing we can do if we don’t let him.

The equipment gap is here, and the field of view in the jungle is still dark. If they really want to fight, their chances of winning are almost zero.

Although everyone in FNC felt aggrieved, they had no better way to deal with it and could only let the opponent get the baron.

"This is really tolerable... In exchange for Baron Nash, FNC successfully dealt with the Rift Herald before it hit the tower," Miller laughed dumbly, "But how will YM deal with the advancement of YM with the Baron BUFF later? "

Under Lin Ran's command, YM still executed the advancement strategy calmly and steadily.

They pushed along the upper and middle roads to the high ground. Huang Ji set up his sand soldiers and wanted to defend, but it was useless no matter how long his hands were.

"The few people in front of YM didn't move towards the highland tower. Instead, they guarded the two artillery vehicles with increased range, watching the soldiers wear down the defense tower's HP bit by bit!"

On FNC's side, only Huangji Q [Crazy Sand Attack] and Xia's QE can threaten the health of the artillery car, and the rest can only stand under the highland tower.

Good news comes frequently from the bottom lane.

Ryze, who had already made two and a half pieces, now had an economic lead of more than 3,000 gold coins. Soaz stayed under the tower and shivered. Just when he wanted to resist, he was beaten to half health by a set of skills from Xiba.

"The high ground in the lower lane was destroyed first. Brother Gongzi used his ultimate move [Twisted Path Jump] to go to the middle lane and continue to advance!"

Also brought to the middle was a cannon cart and three minions. After being buffed by the Baron BUFF, the minions were thick-skinned and very resistant to beatings, enough for Ryze to knock down a tower.

"FNC is now completely unable to restrain YM's single belt. They have shrunk their defense line to the incisor tower and have no choice but to release the three-way high ground!"

After pushing all the highland crystals, just as the dragon buff was about to end, Lin Ran took his teammates back to replenish a wave of equipment.

He had the best equipment in the whole game. After Youmeng's black cut, he added a piece of resurrection armor. Lin Ran didn't even want his bloody hand, so he planned to end the game with the next wave.

"Brother Ran has now reached the highest level in the game, level 16, while FNC's Double C is only level 14..." Watanaru exclaimed, "This lead is too big!"

Pushing forward again, YM stood on the FNC high ground and waited for all three super soldiers to push up.

"Young Master Tear, you can just start a group. I can follow." Lin Ran reminded him first.

Liu Qingsong responded with a focused expression, looking for a good opportunity to start a group.

Under the heavy pressure of the three-way super soldiers, FNC was almost unable to bear it. Because the position was blocked by the main fortress crystal, the position was clearly divided.

The double Cs of Xia Xia and Huang Ji each stand behind an incisor tower, with the other three meat tanks at the front.

Jack's Kai'Sa was stealing damage from the side, AQ hit Leona, and even if Hailisang opened W [Eclipse], his health still dropped by nearly 30%.

Jin Gong moved forward, and Sunshine Girl was afraid that Ryze would control her and kill her instantly, so she could only take two steps back.

Opening the wound is the opportunity found in this situation.

Hailisang, who was closest to Ou Cheng, retreated, so Liu Qingsong could justifiably rush forward and close the distance between himself and Xia.

The moment he brought Ni Yu under his control, he shouted in the team voice, "Look at me, look at me!"

While speaking, he activated his ultimate move to create an intoxicating breeze, flashed W [Grand Appearance] and rushed towards Ou Cheng who was huddled behind the front tooth tower.

But at the moment when Luo was about to reach Xia, Ni Yu jumped up high and released the Storm Feather Blade to make himself unable to select!

"Xayah has reacted!" European commentator Vedius breathed a sigh of relief, "Rekkles was not controlled, Leona's solar flares immobilized YM's Ryze... Hailisang pointed at Xiaotian!"

He wanted to use the increased resistance from Aftershock to help his teammates take damage.

Caps also found an opportunity, using the sand soldiers placed under the incisor tower to move, and stabbed forward with Q [Crazy Sand Attack], which also brought him into the YM formation.

The Forbidden Wall!

Azir launched a wall of soldiers made of yellow sand, trying to push everyone in YM over!

This is FNC’s hard-fought effort in the World Championship!

Normally speaking, during a head-on battle, the Yellow Chicken should huddle back and stab with sand soldiers, inflicting damage little by little, and use the ultimate move to restrain the attack or pursue with residual health.

But the disadvantage faced by FNC in this round is really too great.

If the yellow chicken doesn't fight like this once, it will be impossible for FNC to win in a regular team battle, even if the incisor tower is added, it will be useless.

Caps has a stopwatch, and Flash is still in his hand, so he can escape smoothly even if something goes wrong.

The moment the Forbidden Wall was pushed out, there was a series of golden light flashes!

Jack and Jin Gong in the YM team, who were about to be pushed by the yellow chicken, all handed over the flash. Only Xiaotian, who was controlled by Leona, ate the forbidden wall!

"Ran activate your ultimate move and run straight forward!"

After the Tyrant Sword Demon turned on Youmeng, cherry blossoms spread all over his body. With his outstretched wings and expanded body, he looked very intimidating!

Lin Ran knew that Caps had two life-saving skills: golden body and flash, and was unable to kill him immediately, so he set his target on Ou Cheng.

Although Xia used her ultimate move to avoid Luo's R and W, Liu Qingsong was still behind Rekkles, blocking Xia's way of retreat.

The moment Niyu landed, Luo E [Light Dance in Pairs] returned to Lin Ran and charmed his opponent with his unfinished R [Shocking Gap].

"Xayah handed over Purification, but Ran used the darkin blade to slash forward and successfully knocked her away. Broxah also used E [Ice Pillar] to stop the sword demon... but Xia's health dropped quickly!"

Lin Ran was sucked in by the troll, and his current resistance and health were not particularly high.

But this didn't stop him from taking action.

On the way to use Q2, Lin Ran also used E Shadow Rush to avoid Soaz's ultimate move and drive!

The garlic bastard stalled, leaving Leona with no time to take care of the back row.

Jin Gong, who had just dodged the Forbidden Wall, also moved in front of Xia, and the EW Rune Confinement locked Ou Cheng in place!

There was an exclamation in the stands.

Ou Chengjia couldn't flash, and after the sword demon briefly cooled down, he swung the third darkin blade!

That extremely violent power is there, and no one will doubt his power.

If she is hit by this third sharp blade, Xia will be disabled even if she is not dead!

Ou Cheng used the resilience provided by purification to free himself from the confinement, and immediately wanted to hand over the flash behind him, and also planned to distance himself.

But just before he dodged, another golden light flashed across the screen. The sword demon moved behind Ou Cheng and struck the ground with his sword in front of him!

Rekkles wanted to stop his fingers now, but it was too late.

He flashed to the center of the third section of the Darkin Blade!

From a God's perspective, Kasumi looks like she's about to get hacked!

The audience couldn't believe their eyes.

Deafening screams filled the Busan Convention and Exhibition Center!

"Ran predicted that Rekkles would flash... Oh my god!!"

The European commentators started shouting crazily, "Xia took one Death Sword Qi, and her blood volume was cleared to zero!"

The wings spread again!

"The Great Destruction has been refreshed!"

Without the core AD output, FNC is like a mess!

"Caps doesn't have any chance, YM's group of people are suppressing him!"

Even if the yellow chicken is handed over and flashed, it will not escape death.

"Brother Ran is chasing and slashing all the way. This is completely the devil coming to the world. The sword demon shark is crazy!"

Lin Ran's final annihilation sound was triggered 6 times, resulting in an extremely violent quadruple kill!

Aatrox's deep, hoarse voice echoed through the canyon.

"Witness immortality..."

FNC was wiped out, and YM survived with three people, leveling the enemy's main crystal at 25 minutes!

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