LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 638 636: The semifinals where everything is on the line!

In the opening ceremony of this eight-to-four knockout round, G2 Korean aid Wadid also took out the Taegeuk flag and swung it over his shoulders with great force, making his posture look cool and handsome.

Hearing the cheers erupting from the Korean audience in the stands, he had a bright smile on his face.

For Wadid and G2, as the third seed in the European division, being able to break out of the group stage and enter the quarterfinals is considered a success.

Every step you take after that will be earned with blood.

He felt that losing to IG would be disheartening, so he felt confident.

When it was IG's turn to come on stage, TheShy stood on the stage with his eyes slightly closed and his expression serious.

This is his first trip to the World Series.

It is also a golden opportunity that Jiang Chenglu will never waste.

In the first game, he took out his highly skilled Jace, and Broiler chose a card for Chenglu Dangbodog.

When Wunder came online, I felt something was wrong.

He had never seen this kind of top laner. He played extremely fiercely at the beginning, stuck it in his face, and sincerely issued an invitation for a blood exchange.

Wunder felt that with his own soldiers around him, it was impossible to lose in a fight, so he controlled the Sword Demon to attack each other.

But Theshy's basic attack can be used to create the passive effect of breaking double resistance, and then followed by Q [Electric Energy Surge], the skill cancels the basic attack and then swings very skillfully.

Then he was not greedy for basic attacks, and immediately switched to hammer form, taking advantage of the acceleration effect to move sideways to avoid the sword demon Q [Darkborn Blade] and ran into the grass.

The soldier just raised his hand, but before he could attack Jace, he lost his target and could only continue to aim at the IG soldier line.

The moment the light bullet was fired, TheShy jumped out of the grass with Q [Leap of the Sky] and hit a hammer with extra magic damage in the form of a hammer.

The G2 minion once again shifted its hatred and aimed at Jace.

But since the minion has already attacked once before, there is no way to attack again immediately.

Wunder stabbed his sword to give him death sword energy, then predicted that Jace would retreat and used the second darkin blade, trying to hit Jiang Chenglu with the outer edge of the sword.

But Jace just stopped where he was and knocked him again, for which the soldiers focused a round of fire.

When the sword demon swung the third darkin blade, he stepped back again and successfully maneuvered Jace out of the center of the sword.

Hiding in the grass, the G2 minion lost its target.

In this wave of blood exchange, TheShy performed three basic attacks in total, including the passive effects of cannon form and hammer form, as well as two Q skills, which reduced the Sword Demon's health to half.

And he only suffered one round of short-term minion fire and the marginal damage of Sword Demon's third stage Q, and only lost 100 blood in total.

Wunder's scalp felt numb.

He felt that every step he took was planned by TheShy, and all his thoughts had nowhere to hide.

Where did this monster come from? !

Jiang Chenglu waited for his cooling down to improve and continued to approach.

This time, due to the low HP of the sword demon, he could only retreat and was even forced out of the experience area.

After TheShy completely controlled the line, he was not in a hurry to push the line. Instead, he slowly accumulated minions and prepared to push them under the G2 tower.

Since Wunder missed the minion experience, depending on the posture, when Jiang Chenglu reaches the third level when the artillery line arrives, the sword demon will only be at the first level.

At that time, there is no need to go jungle. Level 3 Jace can get over the tower to deal full damage and replace the Sword Demon. After all, Aatrox will lose a lot of minions under the tower.

Wunder had no choice but to shake people and call jankos up.

But Ning Wang Su San came to the top lane and squatted back, and the two sides collided.

Jankos guessed that Gao Zhenning might counter-crouch. He didn't even think about catching Jayce, but planned to cover his top laner to take the lane.

However, when Ning Wang came to the line, he would definitely not want to return empty-handed.

Now the communication between him and Jiang Chenglu basically relies on signals and simple Chinese phrases, with occasional help from translators.

This time Gao Zhenning marked a kill signal on Jankos' Olaf, and kicked him without saying a word. E [Hook Rope] hit the wall, and the second section of the wall flashed back, and the opponent was kicked unconscious before he could react. !

"At the same time, TheShy ate the minions and reached level three, flashed the QE Crooked Cannon, turned on W [Super Charge], then switched to hammer form and struck!"

Ze Yuan yelled on the stage.

He works hard like an old scalper. After explaining RNG's five games yesterday, he came to explain IG again today. Now his voice is a little hoarse.

But this did not affect the excitement in Zeyuan's tone.

The output of Jace and Qinggang Shadow was all poured into the third-level Olaf. Jankos couldn't bear the damage at all, and his blood volume dropped rapidly!

The battle broke out without any warning. Wunder didn't even understand why IG wanted to fight. By the time he reacted, his jungler had already eaten Jace's enhanced cannon and was in an extremely weak state. With him, a first-level sword demon, There is no counterattack ability at all.

Jankos turned around and ran away, but in the end the flash failed to save his life. Jace took advantage of the opportunity when he was slowed down by the Green Steel Shadow Red BUFF, stepped forward and fired the last basic attack, clearing his health bar.

"Double BUFF changed hands, TheShy Jace is about to take off!"

Wunder never dreamed that he would swing a jungler to protect himself, and in the end he gave double BUFF to the opponent.

If it's a short-handed conventional warrior with double BUFFs, that's pretty easy to solve.

But TheShy is playing Jace!

Originally, even if he had long hands on the top lane, and he was quite mana-free in the early stage, the double BUFFs perfectly matched each other, and Wunder couldn't bear to steal Sword Demon from time to time.

And he is having a hard time on the road, and there are still people who want to step on him.

Broiler's card was upgraded to level six, and he activated R [Destiny] and flew directly onto the road, surpassing Wunder, causing him to lose a large number of minions, and the head was returned to Jiang Chenglu.

At 11 minutes, TheShy, with the help of the Ningwang Canyon Pioneer, successfully pushed down Wunder's top health tower.

The director gave the counterpoint economic lead, and TheShy's data has been exaggerated to the extreme.

Two of the heads were worth 700 gold coins, and the first blood tower was worth 600 gold coins. In addition, nearly 30 CS were suppressed, which brought the economic gap close to the 2K mark.

This is completely unplayable.

Wunder's eyes were blurred and he was confused.

Jiang Chenglu made a two-piece set of Youmu + Muyan in 15 minutes. G2's Jhin wanted to use his ultimate move to cooperate with his teammates to catch him. TheShy turned back decisively and knocked down half of his health with one shot, scaring Hjarnan to death.

In the end, TheShy flattened the G2 base with a record of 9 kills, 1 death and 7 assists.

In the 24-minute game, TheShy dealt 27,777 damage, with an average output of over 1,000 points.

And the Wunder output is only 4397.

When the damage panel was displayed, the LPL live broadcast room was filled with excitement.

【4396+1! 】

[The will of 7 is everywhere, I am really convinced]

[I can still accept hitting 4396 in the jungle position. After all, I spend most of my time fighting monsters. How can you deal this much damage as a top laner? 】

[Just asking if you don’t understand, is Black Factory Director 4396 simply because he does low damage? 】

The topic wandered further and further, and finally it turned around to the big piggy fairy.

At the game at the Busan Convention and Exhibition Center, Ah P laughed optimistically when he came off the stage, patting his top laner on the shoulder and mocking him.

Wunder showed a helpless smile.

He felt that this disastrous game was finally over, and he could play well and have a chance to clear his name.

But the torture has just begun.

In the second game, Jiang Chenglu took out the Sword Girl and used his skillful double-blade casting skills to successfully exchange blood during the laning phase. The more Wunder fought, the more timid he became. He tried many ways to move, but in most cases, he still couldn't dodge. The opponent's blade.

This jankos set focused on taking care of the top lane, but TheShy relied on Irelia's flexible attributes to escape unscathed every time.

"The main reason is that every time before the jungler comes, Wunder's health is crippled," Hao Kai said with a smile, "There is no way to cooperate with Jankos to gank!"

King Ning targeted the middle. Qinggangying cooperated with the broiler Galio and used continuous control to teach Ah P a good lesson.

He caught Ah P three times in ten minutes, causing Ryze's development to be delayed indefinitely.

Perkz remained silent.

After the game, he laughed and teased Wunder.

As a result, he suffered a heavy blow in this game.

Ah P decided to come over as a jungler to help.

Jankos felt like a firefighter when he heard his mid laner's request.

The upper half of the area was almost pierced by three lunatics from IG.

But he had to help, otherwise the disadvantage in the middle would become greater and greater.

"Jankos came to the middle and successfully helped Ah P out of the siege," Zeyuan followed the director's camera and looked at the upper lane, "But TheShy took action again!"

Irelia uses Q to shuttle back and forth in the middle of the army line, and at the same time hides the double-winged blades, stuns Wunder on the spot, uses the sharp blade impact to top up, and then uses the ultimate move [Vanguard Blade], stacking the passive to slash wildly.

Wunder fled in panic, but the knife girl attacked with the sharp blade again and successfully took it away.

"TheShy completed a wave of solo kills!" Zeyuan was excited. Yesterday he was worried about whether RNG could advance smoothly. Today's game really made him happy. "This is the difference in personal strength!"

The second set was also short.

28 minutes and 15 seconds.

If the five members of IG hadn't gotten too reckless and lost a team fight, the game would probably have lasted less than 25 minutes.

The final head-to-head ratio was 22:6, which was a completely one-sided crushing defeat.

At this time Wadid stopped laughing.

Although you can accept defeat, you can't be beaten like a machine, right?

He felt something was wrong.

In the third set, TheShy took out the Sword Demon.

The first thing that came up was a 0/2, and Jankos desperately tried to catch him in this game, just to stop Jiang Chenglu's development rhythm.

But pressing down the gourd raised the gourd, and the top road was solved, but the broiler chicken and the old thief Sima on the bottom road opened up the situation again.

Although Bar Flower is not a particularly powerful ADC, he can play functional roles well, and he can also use spell cores such as Bomberman.

Moreover, the jungler of G2 did not take care of the bottom lane in this game, so King Ning's Xin Zhao began to help him build an advantage.

By the 15th minute, G2 was once again 3.5K behind in economy.

But Wadid breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I can lose decently.

He only has this humble request now.

But TheShy doesn't want to satisfy him.

Jiang Chenglu wanted to develop, but the opponent always blocked him, and even asked the jungler to come and catch him.

Every time he died, he would lose a lot of money, and he would lose a lot of money.

Since the lane couldn't get extra gold coins to make up for growth, Jiang Chenglu aimed at team battles.

The game lasted 21 minutes.

IG took the lead in attacking the Fire Dragon, and G2 came to encircle it. They first stopped King Ning's Xin Zhao in the dragon pit and killed it, and then started a team battle if they wanted to have more people and attack fewer people.

As long as you can win the team, you can win the Baron!

By then, the offense and defense will be reversed, and G2 may really be able to take another round from IG!

Not only the G2 players are full of hope, but the European commentators and audiences are also excited.

This is the perfect opportunity!

"IG is still taking over the group?" Zeyuan's surprised voice reached the ears of all netizens watching the official LPL live broadcast, "TheShy rushes forward!"

King Ning was stunned by this.

After being killed in battle, he got rid of his reckless physique and became extremely calm.

"Leave, retreat, don't fight," he tried his best to dissuade his teammates, "Go first, go first!"

But TheShy didn't understand.

In other words, he misunderstood "go first" as "go first" and kept pushing forward.

G2 didn’t expect that Jiang Chenglu would rush into his face when there were only a few people around.

"Just kill the sword demon, just kill the sword demon!"

Ah P shouted in the team voice.

Aatrox was not resurrected after the rework, so there is no need to worry about the Sword Demon standing up again after being killed.

G2 has strong execution ability. If they follow the command, they will throw their skills at Jiang Chenglu.

"TheShy is immobilized, and the situation is a bit dangerous..." Zeyuan stared at the God's perspective picture.

Jiang Chenglu had mercury shoes, and his toughness helped him reduce the control time. Q1 hit Ah P in front of him, and then retreated backwards.

Seeing that everyone in G2 still wanted to pursue, they turned around and gave Q2 a signal to the other side to stop pursuing.

After wielding the second darkin blade, Jiang Chenglu continued to run back to join his teammates.

This made G2 more determined to kill him.

G2, who had lost two games in a row, was no longer clear-headed. Now that they had grasped a life-saving straw, they wanted to climb up quickly. Moreover, the opportunity for teamfights was fleeting, and they had no time to think too much.

The five people rushed forward at once!

As long as TheShy can be retained, the remaining three members of IG will never be able to stop them from capturing Baron Nash!

But at this moment, the sword demon used all his strength to smash out the third darkin blade!

Wadid's heart was ringing with alarm bells.

"Pull away!"

But it was too late.

Aatrox, who had already activated the Great Destruction, waved his wings, and E [Shadow Rush] rushed towards the G2 formation.

The Darkin blade fell heavily!

The four G2 people were at the center of the sword, and they were all knocked into the air!

"Oh my God!" Zeyuan broke his voice, "What kind of operation is this?!"

In just one moment, TheShy dealt over 2,000 points of damage!

His Youmeng's armor-breaking effect is here, specializing in destroying crispy skin. The four G2 people can't handle it at all, and their health is completely reduced.

Amid the waves of exclamations at the scene, the remaining members of IG, led by Sword Demon, began to pursue!

After killing one of his opponents, the Great Destruction was refreshed. The Tyrant Sword Demon fought with blood, and the blood volume increased more and more!

"Why is he so fierce?" Prince Ning couldn't understand.

G2 was also stunned.

They thought hard, but they didn't understand TheShy's brain circuit, why they dared to fight back when they were short of major generals.

The live broadcast room exploded instantly.

[Wairui, what is this? ! 】

【What a ruthless sword! 】

[Is this an operation that the 0/2 Sword Demon can perform? 】

[The famous scene is coming, G2 is really unlucky]

[I remember that it was G2 who was pushed N by Range Huangji in the mid-season last year. This team’s classic background board]

"In the last two days of the LPL's quarterfinals, Sword Demon performed well!" Zeyuan's voice was high-pitched, "In front of me, Brother Ran predicted Ou Cheng's flash, and Letme also performed well when he was selected. TheShy It even created a famous scene like a god descending to earth!”

This sword knocked away the last bit of G2's energy.

Wadid looked very bad. He just wanted to end this quarterfinal match as soon as possible.

TheShy can still agree to this request.

After IG finished the team battle in Xiaolong Pit, they went back to take in Baron Nash, and pushed the opponent to the high ground in one go.

TheShy turned on Dara again and deceived a lot of G2's control. Then Broiler and King Ning entered the field, and the old thief Sima harvested from behind, successfully destroying the group in a wave!

"Congratulations to IG!" Zeyuan shouted loudly, "Swept G2 3-0 and entered the semi-finals!"

He couldn't hide the joy in his voice.

Today's BO5 game lasted only about 80 minutes, which meant that Zeyuan could get off work early.

"They are like unsheathed swords, extremely sharp, and they stand out in the world championships!"

The atmosphere in the European commentary box was depressing.

Like wadid, they were prepared for G2's loss.

But it was hard to accept being beaten so unilaterally.

The chat channel of Mouse Station is overcrowded.

[Is this the level of EU? I want to howl! 】

[After the group stage, the EU audience also said that there are three European teams in the quarter-finals, while there is only one North American team. What now? 】

[TL is now Europe and America’s last hope! 】

[Three European teams were sent away by three LPL teams, which made the Brotherhood smile]

【I declare NA>EU! 】

North Americans were not happy for long either.

A quarter of an hour later, KT's match against Liquid officially kicked off.

Throughout the game, Galaxy Battleship KT flourished in three directions, beating TL so dizzy that they were unable to fight back.

It also took 80 minutes, including BP and breaks. In less than two hours, TL was defeated.

It feels the same as G2 playing IG.

It's just that we can't win on every road. The gap in hard power is too big and we can't win by relying on tricks.

After finally bulldozing Team Liquid's base, the five members of KT hugged each other and celebrated excitedly.

Although TL is not a very strong team, the significance of KT winning the game is different.

The first is... Mr. Dai once again entered the semi-finals of the World Championship after four years.

Secondly, and most importantly, KT is currently the only representative team in the LCK. As the host, if the top four don't even have a Korean team, it will be a slap in the LCK's face.

After reaching the semi-finals, as long as they defeat IG, they can reach the Incheon finals.

This is undoubtedly exciting news for the Korean audience who have been almost desperate since the beginning of the group stage.

Lin Ran watched the two elimination matches in the hotel.

YM has a day off today.

There is really no way.

Now it is impossible for them to play a training match with RNG in the same region. After all, this is their opponent in the next semi-finals, and no one wants to leak their tactics and ideas.

Both IG and KT in the lower half compete at the Busan Convention and Exhibition Center.

Hongmi can only let them take a break and recuperate to prepare for the next game.

The garlic bastards in the same room are still packing their suitcases. Tomorrow they will leave for Gwangju, where the semi-finals will be held.

"How about we order fried chicken tonight?" Xiaoyao folded the short-sleeved team uniform and threw it into the suitcase, asking without looking back.

Lin Ran wanted to eat seafood at first, but after thinking about it, he felt that eating raw and cold food might cause stomach upset and affect the upcoming schedule, so he agreed to Xiaoyao's suggestion.

I went to Hongmi for help, and after ordering a lot of fried chicken, instant noodles and sweet and sour pork, I just returned to the room and planned to take a nap when I heard a knock on the door.

"Who?" Lin Ran looked out the door through the peephole.

I found out they were two old acquaintances.

Caps and Perkz.

When he opened the door, Cap immediately smiled like Mr. Bean.

"Ranguo, we are here to say goodbye to you."

The four teams that advance to the semi-finals tomorrow will all rush to Gwangju, while the eliminated teams will have to go back to their respective homes.

"I can finally go back to Croatia, I feel so comfortable..." Ah P is worthy of being the optimistic leader of Europe. He seems to have come out of the shadow of defeat, chatting with Lin Ran and Xiaomao while laughing.

"Then what should I say to wish you a safe journey?" Lin Ran laughed.

Ah P poked him and signaled Lin Ran to come out with him.

Lin Ran felt confused, but he followed him out obediently.

The three of them went to the cafe downstairs and found a quiet, remote location.

Ah P looked around to make sure no one was paying attention to him, then he came close to Lin Ran and whispered:

"If you win this year, it will be the Triple Crown..."

Lin Ran waved his hands repeatedly, "Don't lend me a loan. It's only the semi-finals, and it's still too early to win the championship."

"If, I mean if..." Ah P said in a low voice, secretly, "Then after you become famous, are you interested in coming to G2?"

The smile on Lin Ran's lips gradually disappeared, "You are violating the rules."

According to Riot's rules, players cannot discuss this kind of content before the contract period expires, which involves illegal recruitment.

"Hey, don't be nervous, don't be nervous, just chat casually, don't take it seriously." Ah P grinned and didn't look panicked at all. This was probably not the first time he had done this kind of thing.

Lin Ran's eyes wandered between the silly Xiao Mao and the calm Ah P.

If Caps hadn't smiled so stupidly, he would have suspected that this was a big hole dug by the two mid laners, waiting for him to jump into it.

However, he did not speak, wary of possible traps.

Ah P knew what Lin Ran was worried about, so he spoke first, "Caps wants to come to G2 next year. It would be great if you could come too. With the three of us together, we might even be able to win the championship."

"And the work pressure in Europe is very low. I know that in LPL, you train 14 hours a day..." He became proud when talking about this, "And we in G2 basically don't work overtime, except for training matches and some qualifying requirements. You can do whatever you want the rest of the time!"

"Wunder, you know, he just likes to play World of Warcraft, we don't care."

Lin Ran's head was full of black lines, and he watched Ah P continue to talk, "Although our training intensity is not high at ordinary times, when it comes to the World Championship, our ability to adapt to the version is still very strong."

"Our European coaches and analysts are not bad at all in terms of quality!"

He was very proud, and Caps beside him nodded in agreement.

Lin Ran didn't even know what kind of friendship the two had, so much so that he decided to hook up next season the day after they were eliminated.

"Don't worry about lane splitting. You come to G2 and continue to play mid lane. Caps and I will go down the lane. There will be no problem!"

Ah P patted his chest muscles and said, "We can still swing on the spot. All three of us can play mid lane, and the opponent doesn't know who they are going to face."

He was already thinking about the future, "wunder, jankos, Ran, Caps and Perkz, bro, we have a galactic battleship!"

Through this World Championship, Ah P clearly realized that the bottom lane was not strong enough, so he decided to give G2 a round of blood changes.

If the lineup envisioned by Ah P can be formed, it will indeed be quite competitive on a global scale.

Seeing that Lin Ran was still expressionless and unmoved, he quickly added, "The salary level can definitely be given to the highest level. I just discussed with the boss and I can probably give this amount..."

He stretched out his hands and counted a number.

The contract is really big.

It is higher than Lin Ran's total salary in the previous three years.

"Let's talk about it then." Lin Ran did not respond.

Ah P’s painting of pie is really good.

According to what he said, going to G2 will give him enough rest time, a good salary, and four good teammates.

Moreover, Jankos and others have pretty good personalities, so there won’t be any conflicts if they are on the same team.

But this is not the first priority for Lin Ran.

He won the championship softly.

Money is indeed important to him, but his priority is not too high - these three years of work have saved him a lot of wealth, and at least he will not have to worry about his livelihood for the rest of his life.

As for the team atmosphere and so on...

Wouldn't it be the same if he stayed in YM?

Familiar working environment and training team members, without having to travel to a foreign country.

Ah P's proposal sounds tempting, but if you think about it carefully, it's not attractive at all.

After Lin Ran finishes playing this year, he will either do something he likes, or simply go out to study with his girlfriend.

After my father retires, he will return to his hometown in Suzhou, take care of the elderly, and live a peaceful and leisurely life.

No matter how much I think about it, I won’t go to Europe.

Ah P felt a little disappointed when he heard that Lin Ran did not respond directly to his recruitment.

"Okay, okay, you need to win this year's World Championship first. If you think about it from my perspective, I really am not in the mood to decide where to go next season. I was a little too hasty..."

There was a hint of apology in Perkz's tone, "It's just that you will definitely be in demand after you become a free agent. I told you in advance that I wanted you to think more about G2."

Even if Lin Ran does not become the Triple Crown champion, it will not affect his worth too much. His existing honors have already firmly established him as the number one player in the league.

It can be imagined what kind of bloody storm this offseason will be.

Lin Ran drank a glass of lemonade, and when he got up, he found that Ah P had settled the bill in advance, so he had no choice but to agree to treat him to a meal when he returned to the All-Star Game.

"You will definitely make it to the finals, I can guarantee that," Perkz vowed before leaving. "RNG's level is really bad. If we hadn't made some mistakes in the group stage, the top spot in Group B might be ours..."

He gave a rare sigh, looking a little melancholy.

If the top eight had met someone other than IG, they might have advanced to the top four.

Everything will be different then.

It can only be said that the butterfly effect has great influence.

The next day, Lin Ran followed other YM teammates and took a bus to Gwangju, more than 200 kilometers away.

Lin Ran put aside all thoughts and devoted himself to daily training and fist shooting.

Time flies, and October 27th comes in the blink of an eye.

Gwangju Women's University Gymnasium.

This was one of the venues for the 2015 University Games, and the venue is definitely not small.

Nowadays it is overcrowded.

Although there are many Korean viewers, what is more conspicuous are the domestic viewers holding various support items from YM and RNG.

Some were local international students, and some flew from China just to watch this semifinal.

The gimmick of this game is also very simple.

Four years after the LPL division, a civil war showdown once again occurred in the World Championship!

YM is now famous and can attract many foreign netizens.

For Lin Ran and other YM members, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

There is only one opportunity to achieve three consecutive championships, and there is no room for mistakes.

The semi-finals with everything on the line are about to begin!

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