LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 640 638: Wander freely, control the rhythm!

"These two hangers-on dug a hole for me to jump into!" Liu Shiyu uttered sweet words.

He knew that Lin Ran must be one of the masterminds behind the scenes.

At that time, Akali's attitude of refusing to welcome him was obviously deliberately trying to seduce him.

As long as he goes to the middle for anti-crouching protection, the wild monsters in the upper half will be lost.

The key is that RNG did not have any eye positions in the upper half at that time, and only a lone river crab altar provided vision.

After all, no normal person would have thought that a wine barrel from Xiaotian would invade the upper jungle area of ​​the Blind Sin without the mid-range right.

But Xiaotian just did this.

There is a blind spot in the River Crab Altar. The Garlic Bastard was pressed against the wall above, and he cut in without anyone noticing and successfully stole his wild monster.

After losing a group of semi-wild monster camps, Xiangguo's life became very uncomfortable.

When he was protecting Xiaohu in the middle and pushing the lane, he deliberately did not use the experience of the minions in order to keep Li Yuanhao's level from falling behind Lin Ran.

But now, Xiangguo's own wild monsters were stolen, and he could only eat four and a half groups of wild monsters plus a river crab.

One positive and one negative, Xiaotian is equivalent to the development of three more camps.

The garlic bastard is making money.

If this continues, Xiangguo will definitely lose a lot of experience.

Liu Shiyu wanted to take the initiative to save himself from the disadvantage, and by the way, he wanted to seek revenge on Xiaoyao for stealing the wild man!

He cut the screen in three ways and began to look for opportunities.

Letme's Sword Girl on the top road initially had lane rights when facing Jin Gong Crocodile. After all, the Crocodile was quite weak in the early stage, but after Renekton reached level three, the strong period officially arrived.

Irelia is no match for Crocodile from now on.

Fortunately, Yan Junze was also very smart. He had previously gathered the third wave of artillery troops and pushed them under the tower of the Xiba people. Then he slipped behind and stayed quietly to avoid a head-on conflict with the crocodiles.

In this way, when the building block tribute reaches level three, the crocodile is just eating the minions under the tower, and there is no way to exchange blood with the sword girl.

Letme kept itself safe.

But in this way, the line rights were completely lost.

The same goes for the middle lane.

With the help of Xiangguo, Xiaohu pushed the line of soldiers in and successfully consumed Akali's blood volume under the middle tower of YM.

But the consequences are also obvious - the next wave of troops in the middle is pushed back into the RNG tower.

If Ryze wants to keep his troops and not advance toward his tower, he must use a lot of skills to clear out the minions.

Rune Mage doesn't have much mana in the early stage, and the current version of Spell Surge does not come with a diffusion effect. You have to kill minions or use double E to stack it.

This made Ryze pay a huge price for pushing the lane in the early stage.

After all, without the spreading surge effect, Rune Mage's pushing speed will be very slow.

If Xiaohu uses skills to forcefully push the lane, he won't have enough mana to accompany Xiang Guo in the jungle invasion.

After careful calculation, RNG only has lane rights in the bottom lane.

Through the Garlic Bastard's wild brushing route, Mala Xiang Guo can calculate that there are still wild monsters in the opponent's lower half.

If you want to invade, it is the best choice to eat the remaining big wolf and immediately move to the lower half of the area. Under the cover of Uzi and Shi Senming, you can invade.

But Xiangguo did some research and decided not to go.

Because Xiaoyao's wine barrel is currently in the upper half of the area, and Jin Gong's crocodile is still clearing lanes in the upper tower of YM, there is a high probability that a large wave of minions will be hoarded under Yan Junze's tower later.

If he runs to invade the lower half of YM by himself, and Xiaoyao 'happens' to run to the top lane in time to jump over the tower, Letme will be dead.

By then, Spicy Hot Pot will be out of reach at the bottom of the map, and you can only watch your top laner die in battle.

Liu Shiyu played very smart.

After all, he has been competing with YM since S6, and he has also been deceived a lot during this period.

As the saying goes, one learns from one's mistakes. Xiangguo knows that YM is very good at giving a sweet date to others first, making it profitable for others. When the other party finishes eating the date, he will slap it with a big-eared scraper anyway.

To put it simply, it is to lure the enemy with the obvious profit somewhere, and take the opportunity to make the opponent step into a bigger pit.

Xiangguo felt that if he really invaded the lower half and ate the sweet date placed by YM, the price he would pay in the end would probably be something RNG couldn't afford.

that's the truth.

The Garlic Bastard is waiting for Xiangguo to go to the lower half of the area to counter the jungle, so that he can run to the top lane unscrupulously to kill over the tower.

Who would have thought that Liu Shiyu suddenly changed his temper.

The eye Liu Qingsong placed in advance between the blue buff and the Demon Swamp Frog camp in the lower half of YM never saw the movements of the RNG blind monk.

Xiaoyao was afraid that the opponent would counter-crouch on the top lane, so he did not dare to attack Yan Junze for the sake of stability.

This attack plan was forced to abort.

However, this does not mean that YM lost money. The group of semi-wild monster camps that Garlic Bastard countered earlier were real.

In order not to leak any flaws, Xiangguo made himself suffer a lot.

Lin Ran in the middle used the Dolan Shield and the Wind of Resurrection he carried to continuously restore his blood volume.

Moreover, the blood regeneration effect of Akali's Q Cold Shadow has not been weakened much. He only needs to ensure that his Q skill is released when his energy is 180 points and above.

After mixing two waves of lines, Lin Ran had already mixed his health to 70%.

Xiaohu found that he couldn't suppress Akali's state, so he had to put down his thoughts for the time being and finish the last hit safely.

He planned to return to the city to resupply equipment after he finished pushing 6 waves of minions.

In this way, you can just combine the blue crystal into the tears of the goddess, and buy a murder ring at the same time.

"There has been no conflict between the two sides for the time being. They are each eating lanes and developing." Wawa stared at the hero status bars on both sides of the God's perspective and found that the blood volume and mana volume of both sides were maintained very well. "But it is still what I said before the game. In a word, YM’s lineup has offensive pressure.”

The two partners nodded in agreement.

If we really want to talk about serious battles, the characters chosen by YM are not particularly powerful.

Therefore, they must take advantage of small-scale collisions in the early stage.

But now there is no fierce battle between the three roads, which makes the audience feel sleepy.

YM didn't keep them waiting long.

After the strategy of luring Xiang Guo to the lower half failed, Lin Ran immediately came up with another attack plan.

"Four minutes into the game, Brother Gongzi accumulated two short waves and pushed them under Letme's tower." Miller stared at the top lane intently, "Sword Girl wants to clear the troops quickly..."

Yan Junze plans to reset the military line transfer point to near the middle.

Otherwise, if time is delayed, the sixth wave of artillery soldiers will gather in his upper tower for handover, and then the troop line will advance to the YM upper tower.

After leveling up, Sword Girl is undoubtedly at a disadvantage against Crocodile. If the line of soldiers is still pushed out, Irelia will be very uncomfortable.

Letme wants to keep the position of his troops near the center or in front of his own tower, so that he can safely last hits.

But Jin Gong's crocodile didn't give him a chance at all. When Letme used Q [Blade Impact] to get close to the melee minion, the big crocodile, which had been pushing the lane to keep its anger at full value, raised its weapon and W [Cold Prey] bit him in place. land.

The basic attack followed the Q skill, and the E [Rampage] that came immediately scraped Dao Mei's body while leaving the range of the defense tower.

Yan Junze only had less than 60% of his health left, while Jin Gong was bombarded by two defense towers throughout the whole process, but with the blood recovery effect of Q [Tyrant Strike], his health was still quite healthy.

Letme dared not speak out in anger throughout the whole process, and did not fight back when being beaten. After all, if he dared to attack Crocodile, he would attract the hatred of piles of YM minions, and in turn lose more health.

This time the tower was beaten unilaterally, which also delayed the efficiency of Yan Junze's troops. When the next wave of artillery troops arrived, the handover position of the troops was still within the upper tower of RNG.

For him, this is undoubtedly bad news.

The game lasted 4 minutes and 22 seconds.

Li Yuanhao quickly cleared the artillery line in the middle.

Lin Ran wanted to stop him, so he physically got close to Ryze and invited him to exchange blood.

"There is no mercy in canceling the account, QEW will freeze Akali in place, and the basic attack will be overloaded!"

A set of skills directly reduced Lin Ran's health to only 40%. When he turned around, the Q Cold Shadow hit Ryze like a scraper.

"The aftershocks are so good," I remember praising them repeatedly, "It's very effective in dealing with assassins like Akali who have extremely high burst damage!"

The exchange of blood could not bring any advantage, so the outrageous thorn took a few steps back and gave up his position.

Midhu curled his lips proudly.

10% off?

Watch me educate you with the Aftershock Ryze I stole from you!

He used up the remaining mana, connected with the basic attack and successfully pushed the line, and made a line in front of the tower in YM to detect Lin Ran's movements. After finishing all this, he returned to the city to buy equipment, and left the spring to go Take the middle road.

Now there is still a certain amount of time before the next wave of soldiers reaches the line. If you cancel your account and go online on foot, you will not miss many soldiers, and you can save a teleport.

Lin Ran put his troops into the tower and used the defense tower to cooperate with him to eat the thick-skinned artillery soldiers.

Li Yuanhao looked through the thread he had just placed and found that Lin Ran's figure had disappeared.

"Akali on the opposite side should have returned to the city..." Xiaohu thought so at first. After all, the outrageous thorn was consumed by him, and the remaining blood volume was not much. Since he had already gone back to replenish his supplies, Lin Burning Back to the City to keep equipment updated is also a good idea.

But when he thought about it, he felt something was wrong.

He and Lin Ran's last-ditch skills were similar, and he could easily calculate that Akali's economy was around 800 gold coins.

Even with this little economy, Akali can't make any equipment when she returns to the city. After all, the first core equipment of Outrageous Thorn is the Hextech Gunblade, which is composed of a revolver and a Bilgewater Scimitar.

800 gold coins cannot afford these two small items, so you can only buy basic equipment, which does not greatly improve Akali's combat effectiveness.


Midhu's mind was spinning a thousand times.

He remembered what happened when Lin Ran deliberately moved forward when pushing the sixth wave of artillery troops.

Now think about it carefully, Akali's behavior is no different from being sent up as a sandbag.

Could it be that Lin Ran did this on purpose?

Midhu thought about it and was very scared.

As soon as this thought occurred, he panicked.

Lin Ran made him think that he was returning to the city to supply equipment, but in fact it was very likely that he would provide roaming support!

"Be careful!" Li Yuanhao shouted out immediately, "Akali may go to the side lanes and jungle areas to catch people!"

At the same time, he cut the screen to observe the movements of his teammates.

A minute ago, Xiangguo squatted on the top lane for a long time. Seeing that the Garlic Bastard never appeared, he went to the lower half of the area to continue farming. Now he is still farming Stone Beetles.

The health of Uzi and Shi Senming in the bottom lane is quite good, and all four summoner skills are available. It is difficult for Akali, a Dolan Shield without a big move, to catch them to death.

Moreover, the RNG duo and the jungler can now protect each other. Xiangguo can guard the bottom lane, and the duo can also support the lower jungle area.

The three people in the field looked difficult to catch. Even if Lin Ran rushed over, they would probably return in vain.

Then the only goal left is to hit the road.

Xiaohu immediately sent a warning signal to Letme, "Junze, be careful!"

But the next second he cut the screen to the top lane and found that Letme had no way to defend against Gank.

Jin Gong had previously created a pushback line through fighting, forcing Dao Mei to follow the soldiers. Now she has left the range of the defense tower and is about to approach the river.

This position is likely to be taken advantage of by Akali.

Li Yuanhao could only change his course of action and walk up the road, hoping to help Letme counterattack.

Although Yan Junze peered through the wall into the grass at the junction of the river and the upper road, it was still not safe.

At this time, I realized that my appearance was somewhat flawed.

Tear of the Goddess + Dark Seal, although it has magic power and mana, its shortcomings are also obvious.

The movement speed is too slow.

Miller stood from God's perspective and got more information. He shouted loudly, "Brother Ran circled around his wild area and walked up the road. Xiaohu predicted this!"

"The mid laners of both sides are running up," Wawa said in a hurried tone, "But at the moment, it's obvious that Brother Ran is faster!"

After all, Lin Ran rushed straight up from the middle route, and he returned to the city to replenish a wave of equipment. There was a support time difference between the two.

Finally, when Mid Tiger walked into the grass of the RNG blue BUFF camp, Akali was exposed within the detection range of Letme's wards placed in the grass.

"Help me, help me!" Yan Junze immediately asked his teammates for help, while he operated the knife girl to retreat back.

I remember seeing that Ryze's position was still some distance from the battlefield, he immediately said, "Xiaohu can't reach the road on foot in a short time. If he wants to save people, he must hand over the teleportation!"

Midhu couldn't help it. He still had to pay TP when he got here, which was really a bit of a loss.

In the end, he decided to save the life of his top laner, and the teleport fell on his own line.

In this way, Dao Mei retreats backwards, and if YM's top and middle two pursue, he can just go around and double-team.

The blue rotating light lit up, and the audience immediately burst into cheers!

In their opinion, the first head-to-head confrontation of this game is about to begin!

When Lin Ran saw that the account was closed and the teleportation was handed over, his tone was not panic and he was still directing Jin Gong.

"Let's ignore Ryze behind us and just kill this knife girl!"

Jin Gong listened to every word of Lin Ran's words.

He went forward through the minions with E [Rampage], and then cut the knife girl's face with his second E.

"Letme quickly handed over the flash and ran back, but Brother Gongzi followed decisively and used W [Cold Hunting] to bite the opponent!"

Although it was not Red Fury W, Cold Hunting still controlled the sword girl for 0.75 seconds.

When Yan Junze saw Jin Gong flashing forward, he predicted that the opponent would stun him, so he immediately cast W [Dance of Distance Breaking], trying his best to resist part of the damage.

Lin Ran also entered the scene.

The cloud formation enveloped his figure and provided explosive movement speed.

Then she reversed E Falcon Dance, and the shuriken hit the Xia formation behind her, while Akali turned forward to close the distance between herself and the sword girl.

Q Hanying stabbed Dao Mei's body hard!

Because Lin Ran used it frequently during the days when Dao Mei was just reworked, and the gameplay was too disgusting, so the fist was weakened several times, turning Irelia's Dance of Distance into a weapon that can only resist physical damage.

This caused Akali's Q to deal full damage.

Dao Mei's blood volume instantly dropped to only 1/3.

"Letme pulled out the twin blades and wanted to struggle..." Baby immediately changed his words before he finished speaking, "Wow, Brother Ran's move is too exaggerated, isn't it?"

There was even a cry of exclamation in the stands!

Lin Ran took a step forward the moment Dao Mei got out of her daze, giving Letme the illusion that Akali would continue moving forward.

In a panic, he didn't have time to think about it, and directly swung his twin blades.

The two blades converged very quickly.

But the moment he raised the blade, Lin Ran took a step back with the help of the movement speed bonus of the passive Hidden Dragon Seal!

At the critical moment, he narrowly avoided the twin blades!

Jin Gong also wanted to avoid the skill by moving around at first, but after he bit the opponent with W [Cold Prey], he connected with a basic attack.

The lag effect of Ping A's shot made him stay in place for a moment. If he tried to move around at this time, he would have no room to dodge the skill, and he would eventually be knocked unconscious.

"Brother Ran dodges the twin blades, turns around, takes a step forward and strikes the sword girl with a basic attack, and then uses the Q skill!"

At this time, Irelia only had a layer of blood skin left, and Lin Ran was too lazy to pull back to deal damage from passive attacks. He launched a random basic attack, taking away the life of the sword girl. At the same time, he was stuck at the moment when the effect of Falcon Dance was about to disappear, triggering Got the second level E skill.

Akali A in the picture made a knife, and then jumped back, leaving the range of the RNG defense tower, and hid in the Xia formation in the distance!

"Nice operation!" The doll couldn't help but clenched his fists, "Little Tiger arrived late. After he landed, he wanted to kill Akali, who was still alive, but he couldn't find the target at all!"

The first-level cloud formation's shielding effect lasts for 5 seconds, and the Falcon Dance lasts for 3 seconds. This means that Lin Ran can still hide in the smoke bomb for two seconds.

"Jin Gong has rushed back, trying to protect his teammates!"

At this time, Akali and Crocodile are almost full of conquerors.

Xiaohu analyzed the situation and found that if he left the control skills to Crocodile, Akali, who still had less than 30% of her health left, could escape.

If there is no need for rune imprisonment, the crocodile can step forward and add the Conqueror, and it is no match for Renekton in a one-on-one fight with Ryze.

No matter how much he thought about it, Xiaohu felt that he could not kill Akali, so he could only accept his fate and retreat to a safe position.

Lin Ran then calmly left the Xia Formation and returned to the city safely under the defense tower guarded by Jin Gong.

"Brother Ran, the way you acted just now didn't treat me as a human being." Xibaren said with a smile.

There is no harm without comparison. In the same position, Lin Ran avoided Biyi Double Blade, but Xibaren failed to avoid it. He felt like a clown.

"Hey, it's okay, it's okay..." Jack was steadily finishing in the bottom lane. When he saw his teammates gaining an advantage in the top half, he was overjoyed and began to show off his skills.

"Brother Xiba, this is not called a position difference. The crocodile is a bit big, so it makes sense that it can't dodge the skills, Sister Li!"

Liu Qingsong couldn't bear it when he heard this, "I really vomited, Shiba Inu, can you lick it?"

The effect of the atmosphere modifier in the Shiba Inu team is outstanding. The voices in the YM team are filled with laughter and the atmosphere is extremely lively.

After Lin Ran got the 400 first-blood economy and returned to the city, he directly made a Hextech revolver and added a real eye.

After returning to the line again, he established his own lead.

Ryze's actual equipment only has a Dark Seal. The combat effectiveness provided by Goddess Tears is not very high without the mana stacking up.

After Lin Ran's Q skill reaches level three, the speed of pushing the line is relatively fast, and the energy consumption is not particularly high.

He seized the line rights and placed his real eyes in the grass on the upper river.

But the problem came immediately.

The artillery and carriage line in the 9th wave was difficult for him to handle.

Akali's character is very slow at clearing artillery, vehicles and soldiers. Even if she has all her skills, she still has to make up a lot of basic attacks.

He seems to have the power, but in fact he can't move troops.

Xiaohu seized this opportunity and used Overload and Spell Surge to quickly clean up the artillery soldiers and immediately turned around and rushed up the road.

However, since he didn't teleport and didn't have straw sandals on him, his walking speed was a little slower.

Jin Gong discovered Ryze's movements through the real eyes that Lin Ran had just placed in the grass on the upper river, and used two E skills to successfully escape.

Xiaohu had no choice but to dismantle the real eye and return in frustration. At this time, Lin Ran finally ate the cannon cart and successfully rose to level 6.

In the next two short waves, it was Lin Ran's turn to take the initiative in the middle.

Mala Xiangguo, who had just returned to the city to replenish a wave of equipment, became his target.

The blind monk suffered a loss from a wave of semi-wild monsters in the early stage, and so far has not made up for it.

So he just barely reached level four.

Lin Ran knew this very well.

After all, pick the persimmons softly.

Since the Garlic Bastard stole RNG's first group of Demonic Swamp Frogs, the current version of the jungle camp reset time is 150 seconds, which is two and a half minutes.

Therefore, Lin Ran knew that the approximate refresh time of this group of wild monsters in the second round was around 5 minutes and 40 seconds.

The Demon Swamp Frog is considered to be in a relatively remote location in the wild area, so it is impossible for a normal jungler to just attack this group of wild monsters.

The correct route is to finish eating the Demon Swamp Frog and then attack the three wolves below.

It takes about 6 minutes and 15 seconds to finish eating Three Wolves.

Lin Ran focused on this moment.

He used three Q Hanying to successfully clear the short line that reached the middle in 5 minutes and 57 seconds, and immediately walked up.

Mala Xiangguo was already very cautious. The moment he noticed Lin Ran's disappearance, he sent a signal on the way up to remind Yan Junze, who had not appeared, to retreat quickly.

At the same time, he himself was pulling the three wolves to the place between his first and second towers to ensure his own safety.

But he still underestimated Lin Ran's determination to kill him.

"As soon as Incense Pot finished beating the three wolves and was about to go down, Akali appeared within the sight of the blind monk!"

The two met in a narrow wild area. Since the view was previously blocked by a wall, the distance between the two parties was not too far.

Xiang Guo hangs up first to challenge punishment.

When Lin Ran met, he used his ultimate move to kill Dazzling Luan both inside and outside!

Fly behind the blind monk and knock him out, while keeping up with Falcon Dance!

RE is a sure hit!

Follow Q Hanying again!

"Come closer to me, I can save you!" Guanhu signaled Xiang Guo to retreat to the Zhongyi Tower closest to him.

Liu Shiyu recovered from the dizziness and immediately ran to the first tower.

But when Lin Ran handed over RE just now, the position of his back jump was right close to the first tower of RNG.

The retreating incense pot looked like it was being thrust into Lin Ran's face.

This position was obviously not a coincidence, but a choice made by Lin Ran after careful consideration.

He wants to use this method to separate the direct linkage between RNG's midfielder and jungler.

Lin Ran also didn't expect that his opponent would actually dare to risk his face.

Without hesitation, he activated the Hidden Dragon Seal passively and spread smoke bombs underneath him at the same time!

"Akali has regained her energy again and is no longer passive. Let's fire Q again!"

The level 4 blind monk's frankness is not very good to begin with. Xiang Guo has no magic resistance equipment, so when he was hit by Lin Ran's REAQ, even if he was challenged and punished, it was useless, and his health instantly dropped to 1/3.

"Pick me up!"

Xiangguo shouted. In the desperate situation, he estimated the distance between himself and Xiaohu, and chose to flash W and stick it to Ryze, creating a shield for himself!

But Akali triggered the second stage of the Falcon Dance, flipping in the air and rushing towards the blind monk next to her!

Midhu was ready, intending to use EW to imprison Lin Ran in place and torture him once he hit the ground.

Just when Akali entered the shooting range of the cancellation, Lin Ran threw Q Hanying in the air, then immediately changed direction and stabbed towards the outside of the tower!

It's chaotic inside and outside!

In full view of everyone, Akali seemed to be dancing in the air and completed the three steps of EQR in an instant!

The blind monk, who had very little health left, was instantly killed and taken away!

Amidst the cheers that instantly exploded from the audience, Guhu raised his hand to restrain Lin Ran. However, Akali, who was full of health, was already on the edge of the defense tower. She had suffered double damage from the bombardment and Ryze and was still alive. , hand over the flash and escape successfully!

"My old swan!" I remember shouting selflessly, "Brother Ran forced the incense pot back to the spring in front of Xiaohu!"

"This is incredible!"

The doll also shouted excitedly, "Akali's operation is really outrageous, Brother Ran is so smooth!"

The director did not forget to whip the corpse and replayed Lin Ran's solo kill.

In slow motion, the moment the blind monk flashed W [Golden Bell] and ran towards Ryze, Lin Ran had already triggered the second stage of the Falcon Dance.

Akali rolled forward, and the moment Q Cold Shadow's damage was triggered, the stabbing effect of the internal and external killing chaos changed Akali's direction of advancement.

"The outrageous thorn drew a 7 in the air!"

Miller found a blind spot.

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