LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 648 646: Incheon, Incheon!

"Congratulations to YM, sweeping RNG 3-0!"

Miller's voice was full of passion, "This will be the third consecutive year that they have entered the finals of the League of Legends Global Finals!"

"The journey of creating a legend is not over yet. Every step YM takes is creating a new record in the league's e-sports history!"

The spotlight flashed on the stage, focusing on the YM player seats, and the LED strip screen behind them also displayed the word victory.

The audience shouted YM's team name loudly, and the deafening sound echoed in the gymnasium of Gwangju Women's University.

Remember to take a deep breath and try to calm down your inner emotions, "Now YM is only one final finals away from winning its third consecutive championship!"

Lin Ran picked up the paper cup out of habit and wanted to drink all the drink in it.

As a result, as soon as the paper cup was brought to his mouth, Jack beside him shook his chair vigorously.

Fortunately, Lin Ran had good balance, otherwise the drink would have been spilled on himself.

The Shiba Inu was so excited that the originally white and fat sourdough buns now seemed to have been roasted, and even the color had changed.

Xiaoyao scratched his Tian Ling Gai to make the piece of black hair that had been flattened by the headphones stiffen up again.

He looked at his battle-loss ratio of 11 kills, 0 deaths, and 5 assists, and grinned slightly proudly.

Jin Gong and Liu Qingsong hugged each other early on, and now they are still urging their teammates to join in.

Lin Ran also took off his headphones, letting the cheers of the audience reach his ears. He turned around and hugged his teammates who had been fighting with him so far.

Even though the YM team members have experienced many battles, they are still excited at this moment.

"Let's go, let's celebrate after we get off the stage!" Lin Ran pulled the Shiba Inu's paws off his body.

Several other people also reacted. While they were enjoying the cheers of the audience, the RNG players were still waiting on the other side of the stage.

Losing a game and having to watch your opponent celebrate selflessly is obviously not something worth being happy about.

The expressions of the five RNG players looked very unhappy.

Lin Ran had a pretty good relationship with them. He originally wanted to exchange a few words while shaking hands, but when he saw that the people closest to him had a straight face, he had to give up the idea.

The camera showed a close-up of Uzi. Uzi's eyes were blank and he seemed to be still immersed in the loss of the previous set.

I took out my favorite Vayne, but in the early stage, I was constantly taken care of by the card + blind monk, which restricted my development. In the middle and late stages, I finally made a combination of ruin + sheep knife. When I was about to show off my skills, I was forced by YM. The harm was unreasonable and forced to death.

He felt that he was playing very frustrated in this set.

"RNG can only stop here. Although they still have not reached the finals and regained the glory of the Royal Family, this year cannot be regarded as a failure for them..."

After all, they fell at the hands of double champion YM. Most fans were prepared before this semi-final. As long as the RNG brand is still there, there are still many viewers willing to follow them.

"If the team can maintain the original lineup next year, I think they will still be competitive to win the championship." Miller also did not forget to encourage RNG. "In this S8, letme worked hard to practice many versions of heroes. I think it is a very good the trend of."

"I also hope they can come to the World Championships stage again next year and strive for a further step!"

After the handshake session ended, Lin Ran and his teammates came to the center of the stage, linked arms and bowed to the audience.

In the event live broadcast room, barrages flew across the sky, and the news that YM entered the finals instantly swept across all major platforms, attracting more and more viewers.

[The familiar 12 wins and 0 losses will not lead to another complete victory, right? 】

[YM is really ruthless, and he maintains this state very well]

[The question is, why did my hips suddenly stretch in the last few regular season games of this summer split? 】

[Uzi is still not good, so I have to choose Vayne. No one can play this hero in this version! 】

[I wonder if it’s not his own problem? If the two sides switch sides in the last game, I think YM will give Syndra to Jack, and backhand Ran Ge with a hero that can counter cards like a murloc, so that both the middle and bottom lanes will be comfortable... but Wu Who can you blame if you don’t play the mage? 】

The barrage was debated endlessly.

Su Cheng glanced at the barrage, took off his gloves, picked up the mobile phone on the dining table, and started to book a flight to South Korea.

She missed the group stage, quarterfinals and even the semifinals.

But for the final decisive battle, Su Cheng had a reason to go to Incheon.

She knew what to expect.

After Lin Ran packed up his peripherals, he was stopped by Vincent and asked to prepare for an interview on the main stage.

Today’s host is still Roaring Emperor. Facing the audience holding YM support items, he spoke slowly and calmly, “The person we are interviewing today is a legend in the League of Legends e-sports field, and he is also the mid laner of the winner of this game. …”

Before he could finish his words, a wave of screams surged from the audience, drowning him and Lin Ran beside him!

The Roaring Emperor smiled and allowed the fans to express their inner excitement. After the voices in the audience subsided, he continued: "Contestant Ran, please say hello to everyone first."

Lin Ran, who had just won the game, had a spring breeze on his face. He raised the microphone and responded in a brisk tone, "Hello everyone, I am YM's mid laner Ran."

The audience cheered an octave higher than before!

Lin Ran rubbed his ears and wore sound-isolating headphones for a long time. Now that there was no barrier, his body was indeed a little uncomfortable receiving such an exaggerated welcome ceremony in a closed venue.

"First of all, let us congratulate YM once again for reaching the finals. Player Ran, as the leader of the team, how do you feel now?"

Jiang Chenglu on the side translated the question, and Lin Ran answered honestly, "I am very happy, full of strength... I am one step closer to my third world championship."

"And RNG is also a very strong team. We are old rivals in the LPL league. Winning this semi-final can be considered as a hurdle."

This rhetoric was used by Lin Ran in an interview after defeating FNC.

When you brag about your opponents, you also appear to be strong enough to defeat them.

The audience is used to it.

Roaring Emperor then raised a second question, "On November 3, you will participate in the finals of this world championship at Munhak Stadium in Incheon. Player Ran, what do you expect from YM's opponents?"

This is equivalent to asking in disguise about the outcome between IG and KT.

"I think in terms of hard power, there is not much difference between the two teams," Lin Ran replied without hesitation, "but I personally hope that IG can win."

"Still, I want to see the LPL Autumn Split."

As soon as this statement came out, the roar of the audience in the stadium was endless!

The Roaring Emperor showed an awkward yet polite smile.

If Lin Ran's expected script is followed, LCK's face could be said to be in disgrace this year.

Although they did not win the championship in the first two years, they still entered the finals, and the number of top four teams was more than that of the LPL.

Many Korean viewers feel that the LPL only has one strong team, YM. Even though Lin Ran and others retired, the LCK is still the first division.

But this year, playing at home, three LPL teams surrounded KT in the semifinals, completely shattering their psychological defense.

If the final decisive battle is really between IG and YM, then I am afraid that the dark age of LCK will come.

Roaring Emperor asked Lin Ran again about hero selection and team cooperation, and the post-game interview came to an end.

After handing back the microphone, Lin Ran and Jiang Chenglu returned to the backstage lounge together.

The room has turned into a sea of ​​joy.

For YM, S8 is a season with a full schedule and intensity, and the process is extremely difficult.

Now, they finally see the light.

As long as they win one more game, the players can take a big breath.

Guo Hao waved his hand and granted them a day off for adjustment.

Anyway, the team couldn't find an opponent for the training match tomorrow - the other two remaining teams in the World Championship, IG and KT, were going to compete, so YM might as well take a rest and prepare to go to Incheon.

After celebrating in the lounge for a quarter of an hour, Guo Hao just received the notice of the team's group interview and rushed to the interview room with his teammates.

"Brother Ran, what do you think is the key to YM's victory in today's semi-finals?"

Faced with the question raised by e-sports media Sai Gao, Lin Ran said without hesitation, "BP and teammates, we have the best coaching staff in the world. We won half of the games just by selecting the lineup. At the same time, the hero pool of the players is also larger than RNG." It is deep and can be compatible with various systems. The two complement each other and are the secret to our victory."

Although Letme has practiced Sword Girl and Sword Demon, her proficiency is really average.

At the same time, Uzi doesn’t have the ability to core, and neither Shuanghu nor Yan Junze knows Yasuo...

RNG's adaptation to this version is simply terrible.

Not to mention that the team is still struggling with the double jungle rotation and tactical focus. It was not until the knockout stage that they completely decided to use Xiang Guo as the starter and recreate the S7 starting lineup.

It is no exaggeration to say that RNG's reaching the semi-finals is all due to G2.

If G2 hadn't suddenly gotten sick in the second round of the group stage and lost the top spot, RNG would have been in second place in the group and would have been unable to win against YM, KT and IG.

After the group interview ended after the game, Lin Ran followed his teammates onto the bus with the Riot Games logo and headed towards the hotel.

Along the way, he responded to congratulatory messages from various people on his phone.

Some of the best players in the circle, such as Zhuo Ding and Prophet, and even Caps and Ah P, sent him fancy congratulatory text messages. They probably haven't given up on persuading Lin Ran to go to G2 next season.

Relatives and friends outside the circle, including Su Hongmin and Su Cheng’s mother, also joined in the fun.

Lin Ran took a screenshot of the message sent by his girlfriend's parents and sent it to Su Cheng, who had remained silent until now. He also added a question mark as if he was wondering why he didn't receive congratulations from her after the game.

It took my girlfriend two minutes to reply.

It’s an orange, not a tangerine: [I just bought the ticket, but I almost didn’t get it...]

She took advantage of the situation and sent two emoticons.

Su Cheng was already very fast. As soon as YM won the game, he booked a flight for five days later. However, a large number of YM fans were also waiting for news of the home team's victory.

The air ticket from Shanghai to Incheon costs about more than a thousand yuan. The flight only lasts an hour and a half. The finals fall on the weekend. The cost of time and money is not particularly large. This makes many domestic audiences want to take a look. thought.

Su Cheng didn't want to skip class, so she had to buy a flight ticket for Friday. She filled up her phone quickly, submitted the information and paid the money, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Ran made an appointment with her to meet in Incheon before going to chat with his father.

After returning to the hotel, the YM team members, who were forced to starve for a long time in order to maintain their reflexes, quickly went to eat.

During this period, Lin Ran was still browsing domestic e-sports forums.

There are a lot of posts discussing the semi-final between RNG and YM.

Lin Ran ignored these contents and looked for another preview post of the semi-finals.

After scanning about three or four pages, he found that the domestic audience was not optimistic about the outcome of tomorrow's game.

Although IG's previous World Championship matches were smooth sailing, they swept the group stage and quarterfinals to advance.

But the opponents they faced were ridiculously strong.

Galaxy Battleship KT, which was reorganized from S7, has a very strong lineup.

Now the fat general is sitting on the bench, and the young player Ucal who replaces him is very good.

Not to mention, there are four veterans with very good results, smeb, score, deft and mata. They have rich experience and strong tactical execution.

In contrast, IG seems to have no particular advantage.

Most viewers believe that IG can only go so far this year.

[Tomorrow’s BO5 will be considered a victory if it’s full! 】

[I still hope that IG can release KT’s stuff and clear some obstacles for YM...]

[The lower road must not be penetrated? How can old thief Sima + Bao Lan defeat Mr. Dai + Matachuan? 】

[Gouzi said that he would be satisfied if he could win the semi-finals this year. Ueno is not too old, and Broiler seems to be in his prime for a long time. At worst, he will come back next year.]

[I think so. IG has now achieved the best performance in team history, and it is not embarrassing to lose to KT]

The game started on time at 4pm on October 28th.

Lin Ran watched the semi-final live broadcast in the hotel room.

During the contestants' entrance ceremony, TheShy still had the expressionless and stern look on his face, his eyes were slightly closed, and he seemed to be murderous.

In the gymnasium of Gwangju Women's University, there were a large number of Korean spectators. They waved support banners for KT's star players Alpaca and Smeb, cheering for the only remaining team in the LCK.

The direction of Game 1 was beyond everyone's expectations.

Before the game, most viewers believed that KT was more likely to win the game.

After experiencing severe beatings in the past few years, the old dog son has now become a man who makes a lot of money with a low voice. He will never come out and yell until he can really dance. Some of them have hope for IG, but generally I feel that even if the team can win, it will be a miserable defeat.

But King Ning showed his aggressiveness to the fullest in the first game.

He operated the Qinggang Shadow and cut into KT's heart with precision like a scalpel.

In the second level catch, a clean set of skills cooperated with Song Yijin's Enchantress to kill Ucal, and then went to the top lane to force out Smeb's flash.

After reaching level six, go to the middle again, rely on R [Hex Ultimatum] to kill the KT mid laner, and take down the Rift Herald.

After Song Yijin gained the advantage, he showed no mercy, hiding in the shadow vision, waiting for Ucal to come out with the line, and then took action, successfully completing a wave of solo kills.

When Lin Ran saw this, he knew that Ucal was in a hurry.

As the LCK's last hope, he is naturally under great pressure as KT's mid laner.

If he was caught to death by King Ning twice, it was helpless.

Then eating the sheets is definitely his own problem.

A small group of IG fans in the audience also got excited and cheered loudly for their home team.

Less than 10 minutes into the game, Ucal had already achieved four consecutive deaths.

The middle lane collapsed, and Broiler began to feed King Ning again. The two invaded KT's wild area together, making the old captain Score upset.

Smeb, who was on the road, was also suppressed by TheShy. Two fights broke out and he was almost killed.

This scared Smeb to death.

He has never seen such a ruthless top orderer. He comes up indiscriminately just to fuck you.

The most important thing is that if he really wants to operate it, he can't win!

This was an unprecedented new experience on a boat, and Smeb was sweating all over his back.

"The Broiler used his ultimate move to copy the Shadow Shadow and move forward. WQE added another basic attack and instantly killed Ucal's Syndra!"

Ucal under the camera has begun to shut down.

This year in South Korea, he basically encountered no decent opponents.

Although Lee Sang Hyuk was in good recovery condition before and after the Asian Games, because SKT jungler Xiao Hei was too stretched, Score could easily suppress him and provide Ucal with help.

As long as the midfielder and midfielder can join together, the opponent's mid laner will not be able to put much pressure on him. At that time, Ucal still felt that his ability could be regarded as a world-class mid laner.

But in the first round of today's semi-final, Song Yijin was completely riding on his head!

"KT only has the advantage of the duo in the bottom lane, but this version of ADC can't lead the top half at all!"

Mr. Dai is numb.

He was playing well in the bottom lane, and even jumped over the tower to hit a one-for-two. As a result, Song Yijin's Enchantress teleported down, and QRW emptied his health bar.

Looking at the results, LeBlanc had 6 kills and 0 kills in 12 minutes.

I'm still going to hit you with a hammer? !

In the end, the first game lasted only 23 minutes. Sapphire's Luo finally activated R [Jinghong Gap] to charm the three KT players, and the team battle started smoothly.

Then Song Yijin's Enchantress appeared on the flank and killed Mr. Dai instantly.

Without the most developed ADC, their mid laner Syndra is of little use. KT lacks output points on the front, so they can only face a defeat!

One to zero.

This poured cold water on the Korean audience at the scene and in the live broadcast room.

They felt a little thump in their hearts, feeling that something was not quite right.

In the second game, the old captain Score adjusted his strategy and wanted to focus on the middle field.

They did get a certain lead in the early stage, and Smeb's several seductions were effective. They seized on TheShy's reckless weakness and easily got the upper hand, and killed Jiang Chenglu's Sword Demon three times in a row with ganks.

Twenty minutes into the game, the financial gap between the two sides widened to 4,500 gold coins, and the Korean audience at the scene was no longer as anxious as it was half an hour ago.

The last set was nothing more than an accident.

If we play normally, KT will never lose!

KT felt that they had the advantage and were ready to force a team fight.

No one expected that the disadvantaged IG would dare to take the lead!

In the Summoner's Canyon, King Ning's Xin Zhao stabbed up, and then a beautiful R [Crescent Guard] flashed in conjunction with it, successfully disrupting the enemy's formation!

Not only that, Ucal was also knocked into the air in front of the rest of IG's teammates!

Gao Zhenning's entry into the group was so exciting that Lin Ran and Xiaoyao, who were watching the live broadcast in the hotel room, were amazed.

"Here I go, I have a strong sense of smell in this team battle..." The Garlic Bastard sighed with emotion.

TheShy turned on Dara and cooperated with his teammates' damage, killing Ucal with two swords! .

The Syndra used by Song Yijin in this game successfully launched a perfect weak retreat. R+E's Heavenly Lady's Scatter directly knocked out the three generals of KT!

The visual impact is full, and the team battle explodes instantly!

"Oh my God, can IG win this team fight even though IG is 4500 behind?"

The commentator of this scene, Ze Yuan, shouted loudly.

He never expected that the process of the game would be so magical.

"IG's top laner and support were killed, replacing KT's remaining four players except the support... The remaining midfielders and ADC will start the Baron!"

Amid Baron Nash's desperate roar, IG successfully narrowed the economic gap to two thousand.

The help provided by Baron BUFF goes far beyond that.

In the next three minutes, IG implemented its own split-push strategy.

They know that the current chance of a team fight is low, and the performance of their key C position has not improved yet, so they just push the defensive tower to encroach on the field of vision, and then invade the wild area to seize the economy.

After the Baron BUFF ends, the economies of both parties are equal.

"It seems like one big dragon can't end this game. The two sides have to wait until the second Baron Nash is refreshed before the decisive battle!"

Thirty minutes into the game, a fight broke out between the two teams.

"Prince Ning, it's him again!"

Xin Zhao rushed to the front and started the team battle directly!

Gao Zhenning's Zhao Xin responded to the line "the ambition to be trapped in the battle is to die or not to live".

He activated his ultimate move and took a lot of damage and control for his teammates.

Broiler huddled behind, waiting for everyone in KT to be attracted by Xin Zhao, and then took action decisively.

RE still pushed the ball and controlled it, and stunned Ucal at the extreme distance!

Sapphire's Luo is as strong as ever. After activating the ultimate move [Jinghong Gap], E [Qingwu Duo] comes to King Ning, and then joins Shanda to perform team control with Li Fei Charming!

"Ucal was killed again!"

He obviously had a mentality problem, and even his operation was a little deformed. Flash was not used to avoid Syndra's push, but Luo followed up and controlled him. Everyone at IG seized the opportunity to lower his health.

At this time, Ucal tried to escape by flashing, but the top of his head was already set on fire!

Flash of death!

He finally did a wave of grave relocation and found a geomantic treasure land as a grave for Zoe, who he operated.

"Is there something wrong with this person's thinking?" Xiaoyao thought it was outrageous.

Ucal's operation is easy for ordinary teams to accept, but now it is the S8 semi-finals.

Everyone entering here is currently the top team in the League of Legends field.

Ucal's operation is simply criminal!

"The mid laner was instantly killed, and the remaining Mr. Dai was left alone!"

In this wave of team battles, ADC's weakness has been infinitely magnified.

Deft's Xia was in front of TheShy, but after the Sword Demon activated Daria, he received an assist, triggering Triumph and immediately replenishing the lost blood volume!

Mr. Dai pursed his lips, looked at the black and white screen and began to doubt life.

"KT was destroyed by the team!"

Zeyuan roared with all his strength, "IG no longer needs to get the dragon, the middle and top two hand over the teleportation and go straight to the opponent's main crystal!"

With the resurrection time approaching 50 seconds, KT had no ability to resist and could only watch helplessly as IG bulldozed their own base!

"IG leads two to zero and has three match points in hand!"

The hallucinations partnered with Ze Yuan were extremely excited, and the originally calm voice became ups and downs.

“I don’t even know how IG can lose!”

Hao Kai on the side was even more exaggerated and almost out of breath when he saw it.

The live broadcast room of the LPL match was abuzz with excitement, while the Korean live broadcast room of the Mouse Channel was lifeless.

The three Korean commentators were silent.

They looked at the score predictions they made before the game and felt their faces hurt.

Without exception, everyone believed that KT could win.

This is not just because I am sitting on the LCK commentary desk.

It's a fact that they believe in their hearts.

But the first two games surprised them.

"KT, please hold on!"

Korean viewers in the chat channel were also expressing their dissatisfaction.

[I was really laughing to death. Before the game, I thought KT was sure to win. After two games, I didn’t even dare to fart.]

【Why are we like this? 】

[Admit it, even without YM, we are no longer LPL’s opponents]

[Sang Hyuk, my Sang Hyuk, can you come to KT? Ucal is like a kid! 】

Seeing that this semi-final is coming to a critical moment.

Everyone in YM who was in the hotel also gathered together.

"No way?" Xiaotian was very surprised, "Is it possible that IG really wants to enter the finals?"

"Hot knowledge, there has never been a second-placed team chasing a third-placed team in the S game," Jack said from the side, "From this point of view, IG will definitely win today."

"But I feel that IG is not that..." Xiaotian hesitated and did not continue.

"Not that strong?" Liu Qingsong answered.

"That's right," Xiaotian nodded and said. "During the Summer Games, I felt that IG's strength was quite average."

Hongmi heard Jiang Chenglu’s translation and expressed her own opinion.

"But starting from the third game of the Summer Finals, IG has begun to transform."

"In the second set that just ended today, IG's ability to find opportunities in disadvantageous situations is obvious to all..."

Xiaotian recognizes this. Former teammate Gao Zhenning’s current sense of team-fighting is indeed outrageous.

"Furthermore, after winning the Baron, IG's troop line operations, eye positioning, and lane transfer ideas were also very clear and clear," Hongmi explained. "These were all flaws and loopholes in the summer battle with us. Now, But it has been made up for.”

IG is obviously evolving.

It is difficult to see operational capabilities in advantageous draw games.

In the game just now, it can be seen that IG has made rapid progress in the past month and a half.

The players on this team are amazing and their talent is visible to the naked eye.

To describe it as raw jade is not an exaggeration at all.

Once they are polished, the upper limit to which they can be improved is immeasurable.

"We have to take this final seriously," Hongmi said solemnly, "IG seems to be very strong."

YM players nodded in agreement.

Game 3 begins immediately.

In this game, KT finally showed the level of their Galaxy Battleship.

Score was the first to capture, and after gaining the first blood advantage, he freed the auxiliary Mata.

The Korean factory director increased the quail combination and began to wander around, putting pressure on King Ning.

They deployed a large number of wards in the jungle to detect Gao Zhenning's movements.

Facts have proved that once King Ning is targeted, IG will lose its engine.

KT Nosuke quickly expanded its advantage to the middle to help Ucal solve the problem.

Broiler was about to crush the opposing mid laner, but KT Nosuke arrived too quickly.

He could only let Matagawa and Score go to the middle to handle the troops and relieve the pressure on Ucal.

This time, the rhythm points of IG's midfielder and jungler were all suppressed.

Although smeb on the road can't beat TheShy, he still has no problem holding him back.

KT regained control of the game.

Seeing this, Hongmi couldn't help but said, "You can also try to do this..."

He deduced it for the team members, "The jungler will first go to the bottom lane to assist and free up, and then control the field of vision in the jungle to put pressure on King Ning."

"The main purpose is to hold down the opponent's jungler," Hongmi explained his strategy. "One of the ways is to help the bottom lane and release the support first."

There are only two people in the bottom lane among the three lanes, and the support basically does not require development. As long as it is level 6 and can use the ultimate move.

Therefore, they do not need to stay online for a long time, which is the easiest way to liberate themselves.

The jungler and the auxiliary work together to fight against the enemy jungler. If you don't pay attention to martial ethics in two versus one, the opponent will naturally not be your opponent.

KT's strategy execution in this game was very successful.

IG didn't even have the ability to fight back after the jungler was pinned to death.

KT's offense was flowing smoothly, and 25 minutes into the game, the economic difference between the two sides exceeded 8,000 gold coins.

"After Mata cleared the field of vision near the Baron Pit, he and his teammates directly activated the Baron, trying to force IG to come over and pick up the team!"

For this kind of team battle, IG has no reason not to take it.

Although the economic gap on the data panel is as high as 8,000, they feel that they are only at a small disadvantage.

And this team has the same style, with a reckless and violent style.

The IG players' ideas are very simple.

If this wave of Baron team battles can be won, there is still the possibility of dragging on and making a comeback.

If you can't win, just die suddenly. Don't waste any time.

Their style of play is never dilatory.

Just do it and it's done.

"IG's team battle is really a bit reckless!" Zeyuan, who was looking at God's perspective, felt it was inappropriate.

He knew that there was currently a gap in vision and equipment between the two sides.

The probability of IG winning is very low.

And indeed it is.

KT is not the kind of team that blindly gives opportunities. After they set up their formation head-on, they easily won the team battle.

Won the baron, flattened IG's base in 27 minutes, and struggled to regain the game.

Lin Ran's heart skipped a beat.

He felt that there would be a hard fight ahead.

But the speed of Ucal’s collapse was beyond imagination.

"The broiler's Zoe attacks with A to kill the remaining health minion between herself and Syndra, and then throws out the sleeping bubble!"

Ucal couldn't dodge and ate the bubbles and was stunned in place.

"Pull the cock back to fill up the flying star, and blast the remaining ball girl's health with one shot!"

The next moment, King Ning's blind monk came out from the side, touched his eyes and took away the head!

Score is still grabbing the bottom lane.

But King Ning lived in the middle this game, withdrawing Ucal again and again.

"Before the opponent frees up the support, first suppress the opponent's middle lane?" Lin Ran guessed King Ning's strategy.

"In this way, IG suppresses the opponent's mid laner and can roam the middle and jungle. The efficiency and success rate are much better than the opponent's jungle assistant."

Listening carefully, this is indeed a good plan.

Song Yijin's Zoe is already very proficient, and with the help of the jungler in this game, it is even more powerful.

"Ucal was slept on again..."

Zoe used R [Return Leap] in conjunction with the cannon to instantly push Ucal's health bar to the extreme.

After a little more damage, Song Yijin completed another solo kill!

Ucal, whose mentality collapsed, covered his head and remained silent.

The teammates next to him were still calming his emotions.

But this couldn't save the game.

"TheShy activated the Vanguard Blade and easily tore apart KT's formation!"

The knife girl shuttled through the crowd, Zoe hit her with a long-distance shot, and KT's health bar disappeared instantly!

"IG killed the three KT guys...are they going to win this game?!"

Zeyuan couldn't even think about it.

And everything that happened in Summoner's Rift told him that this was extremely real!

"IG takes down the big dragon and advances in three directions to plunder resources!"

The economic gap between the two sides is getting wider and wider.

The LCK commentary stage was filled with howling ghosts and wolves.

"Ning, Ning rushes forward again!"

IG's violent team battle started again.

Ucal's first death deprived KT of the possibility of a comeback in the last minute.

"Is it really going to meet in the finals?" Zewon couldn't believe it, "IG is going to step over KT's body and continue to move forward towards Incheon!"

"This has never happened in history!" Hao Kai's voice was hoarse, "Two LPL teams will meet in the finals!"

KT's base was reduced to pieces, Ucal held his head in his hands and was upset.

He was the one responsible for today's semifinal defeat.

"Brother Ran guessed it right, the LPL Autumn Season is about to kick off!"

The handful of IG fans in the audience shouted passionately!

"We can announce in advance the region to which this year's Summoner's Trophy will belong!" Zeyuan increased his voice, "LPL has won the global finals for the third consecutive year. This is hard power!"

"We are the well-deserved first division!"

"Everyone, see you in Incheon!"

The finals will start tomorrow.

The updates in the past few days are enough, right?

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