LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 650 648: Death is like the wind, always with me!

At this time, the LPL official live broadcast room was very lively.

Stunts such as ‘Can YM win three consecutive championships’ and ‘LPL Autumn Split’ have attracted many people.

In the eighth year of the League of Legends World Championship, for the first time there was a grand final civil war between two LPL clubs. Domestic netizens were also very enthusiastic about watching the game.

In addition, Tengjing spent a lot of money on the promotion of this final, which can be said to be the icing on the cake, and the popularity is completely aroused.

Many viewers who only watch two or three games a year also flocked to the live broadcast room today.

Today, the total number of live broadcast room viewers on several major platforms has surpassed the highest number of simultaneous viewers of the S6 Global Finals, and is close to that year's Bird's Nest showdown between China and South Korea.

The camera focused on the commentary box, with Ze Yuan in the middle and PDD and Rita sitting on both sides.

Both men were of the very big type, and Rita looked as if they had taken a mixture of toughness.

There is still half an hour before the opening ceremony, and they are already warming up for the final.

Zeyuan first read a long paragraph of the advertiser's oral broadcast, and then turned the topic to PDD, "What do you think of today's decisive battle?"

"To be honest, no matter who wins from the two teams, it is something worth celebrating for me," PDD said with a bright red face, "Needless to say, IG is my old club, and YM was also led by I founded it..."

After the club introduced investment from BMW China, PDD's shares were severely diluted and eventually lost control of the team.

There is nothing we can do about this.

After all, he is just a former professional player, and his eight-digit net worth can only be described as drizzle after big capital entered the market.

Today's LPL is completely different from the rich second-generation toys of the past. Even the legendary ADC with a 100% winning rate can still support IG, and the rest have basically left the game and been taken over by big companies.

Nowadays, if LPL e-sports clubs want to achieve results, the expenses are too high. The team must at least find a big brother to take charge. It is unrealistic to fully expect to draw cards from the youth training.

The YM League of Legends branch alone has an annual investment of more than 7kw. Counting other branches, the total investment is close to 9 figures.

Even if he sells PDD, he can't afford to burn so much money.

Others were also very smart. In the end, they only sold 1/3 of the shares, cashed out the money they had invested two or three times, and then went to help the club train youth training. They lived a very comfortable life.

"I remember YM won the trophy for the first time at the Staples Center in 2016, and PDD was also the commentator, right?" Rita interjected from the side.

"That's right, YM's banner of command that year destroyed SKT's dream of establishing a dynasty." PDD also began to recall the past, sighing.

Zeyuan was also quite emotional, "After the 2016 Global Finals, even if YM officially ascended the throne and has maintained its rule until now, as the saying goes, the dragon slayer will eventually become the evil dragon."

"The current YM is very much like SKT two years ago," he said in a high and steady voice, "Another Dragon Slayer IG has come in front of them. This final will depend on who of the two sides can have the last laugh!"

The director gave the data performance of the two teams in this world championship.

"YM had 12 wins and 0 losses before, maintaining a terrifying 100% winning rate, while IG had 12 wins and 1 loss, with a winning rate of 92.3%. During this period, they lost to KT in a small game..."

Rita followed the words and said, "IG is ahead in average kills per game and bloodshed, but the game duration is shorter..."

"YM ranks first in vision control rate, teamfight rate, and vanguard and baron control rate."

Zeyuan analyzed, "It can also be seen from these data that the two teams have very distinct styles."

"IG's play style is very fierce. They will constantly engage with the opponent in the early and mid-term, snowballing by gaining head economy, and finally win the game."

"Although YM's offense in the early and mid-term is also very sharp, it is relatively more focused on operations. They are extremely stable in handling transfer operations and pay great attention to the control of neutral resources."

Rita nodded repeatedly, "I also noticed something...the control rate of the first dragon on both sides is very low, not even more than 50%, ranking last in this world competition."

"This is normal," PDD explained. "The early level of the jungler is very critical now. In most cases, they will not sacrifice their precious jungle development time in the early and mid-term to go to Xiaolong Pit to get the first one. Little dragon.”

"Those who can get the first dragon are basically the disadvantaged side. When the opponent switches lanes to fight the vanguard, they give up the team battle in the first half and use the first dragon in exchange for Rin. Therefore, IG and YM are like The control rate of the first dragon of a strong team is low, which just proves how much the team attaches importance to the Rift Herald in the early stage."

PDD's statement was also agreed by Zeyuan.

The three of them chatted with each other, and after talking about these data, they moved to another topic.

Zeyuan was the first to speak, "In terms of physical strength in this final, I think YM still has the upper hand."

"The main thing is the mid laner," PDD continued, "Lin Ran is still too strong. It is very difficult for Broiler to gain an advantage over him."

He was beaming when he said this, "When I first met Lin Ran, I said, 'You are a genius', and now it has been proven that I am indeed very discerning!"

After YM became famous, many e-sports media interviewed them and exposed the journey of these top professional players when they joined the YM club.

PDD's deeds of traveling from south to north and meeting players in their hometowns to recruit people were praised by many YM fans.

Zeyuan smiled and echoed a few words, and then continued to preview the final, "We have mentioned before that the IG team is very hungry for the laning strength of their three lanes. If the lane rights are guaranteed, then the jungler King Ning will be very comfortable to play and can easily drive the gank rhythm and create advantages for the team."

"But facing YM, it will be difficult for their three lines to gain an advantage, and they may have to bear a lot of pressure."

The fact that YM's dominance can be maintained to this day is closely related to the personal strength of the five starting players.

Although Jin Gong's current strength has declined, he is still top-notch, and his sense of team battle is unmatched by other top laners.

Not to mention the comprehensive hero pool with almost no solution for Double C, as well as the powerful command and rhythm driving capabilities.

Coupled with Nosuke's linked roaming, all of these serve as the cornerstone, and combined with the coaching staff's quick understanding and analysis of the version, they form an extremely powerful YM team.

Before the game, the audience generally believed that it would be difficult for IG to take the lead online. TheShy on the top lane could suppress Jin Gong, but Lin Ran could still suppress Broiler in the middle lane. Jack + Liu Qingsong on the bottom lane could defeat Sima Lao Thief + Bao Lan. They definitely had an advantage.

Many netizens think that Shiba Inu and Sha Shao are not strong in laning, but it depends on who they are competing with.

Compared with the peak Uzi + Shi Summing, it is really impossible to beat.

However, the laning strength of Sima Lao Thief + Bao Lan is quite average, and it is impossible to take any advantage from the YM duo.

With only the top lane able to stably guarantee an advantage, it was time to test King Ning.

The three are still analyzing the hard power of both sides and the tilt of tactical resources in the final.

The director suddenly showed me a picture.

In the makeup photo, Lin Ran looks cold and serious, with YM's black and red team logo in the background.

On the right side of the photo, his career statistics and honors are listed.

Two-time world champion, 42 wins and 4 losses, winning rate 91.3%

Two-time MSI champion, 26 wins and 2 losses, winning rate 92.8%

Five LPL trophies, 200 wins and 15 losses, winning rate 93.0%

Two global finals FMVPs, two mid-season championship FMVPs...

The title is even more exaggerated.


"Wow..." When Zeyuan saw this picture, he felt a bit like a senior doll moving closer, and he opened his mouth with modal particles, "Brother Ran, is this officially certified by Riot Games?"

"Dear me," Rita couldn't help but admire her even though she had known about Lin Ran's career before, "This winning rate is simply outrageous!"

PDD was very envious, "It is no exaggeration to say that a professional player can be considered a superstar if he can achieve 1/3 of Brother Ran's achievements!"

In the event live broadcast room, barrage flew by like snowflakes.

[Fuck, Ran! 】

[This winning rate is really scary, all 90+]

[The most terrifying thing is that, except Ran Ge, the other four teammates also have very high career winning rates]

[Hahaha, I just searched and found that the winning rate of Jimu Gong has been increased to more than 80%]

[Ran: What is dominance? (International Backward)]

"And in terms of honors, only world-class events are listed. Brother Ran also has a lot of trophies in the league." Zeyuan has done a lot of homework and knows players of Lin Ran's level well. "Four times No. 1 in LPL Lineup, four-time regular season MVP, three-time playoff FMVP..."

Rita's face turned red, "You know, the LPL Best Team and Season MVP selections were only established in 2017, and so far it has only been four times!"

"It can be said that only Pinnacle Jin Gong has won the LPL FMVP from Brother Ran. Other than that, he has won all the honors he can get!"

PDD also admitted without hesitation, "Lin Ran is indeed unique in terms of personal ability and performance on the field. The main reason is that his strength is too stable, and as the rhythm engine of the YM team, he can often serve as the mainstay. The role of the team is to provide security for the team.”

"I also hope that in today's final, Brother Ran can perform as well as always and bring a successful conclusion to his S8 World Championship..."

After talking about YM, the three commentators also conducted some analysis on IG and studied their breaking points and tactics today.

Soon, the time was approaching four o'clock.

The camera showed the Munhak Stadium in Incheon.

The place is overcrowded.

Although there were no LCK teams participating, there were not many Korean spectators coming to watch the game.

But it doesn't matter. There are so many domestic spectators rushing to watch this LPL autumn game that they can completely fill all the seats.

They want to witness the birth of the legendary three consecutive championships today.

Wang Sicong, the boss of IG, was also sitting in the front row, wearing a military green down jacket to keep out the cold.

Our club now owns the Immortal Shield of Dota 2. If we get the Summoner's Trophy, IG will have the world championship of the two major MOBA games in the world.

No club has ever succeeded before.

This is also the reason why Wang Sicong came here to supervise the battle.

The surrounding noise disappeared in an instant.

The countdown numbers appeared on the big screen of Wenhe Stadium!

After a brief silence, excited cheers suddenly broke out!

Everyone was full of anticipation and even shouted the countdown along with the numbers on the big screen.

On the two numbers ‘10’ and ‘9’, you can also see elements of the Source Project skin on them.

Starting from '8', the style changed suddenly.

Kai'Sa, wearing a void suit, appeared in the center of the screen, and the countdown numbers behind her were filled with deep purple void energy.

She activated R [Hunter Instinct] and transformed into a phantom traveling through space.

The screen also moves forward.

The '7' logo appeared, and Kai'Sa appeared in front of everyone wearing the skin of the KDA girl group!

Her shawl purple hair was braided into two balls, making her look pretty and cute.

Next up with the countdown numbers is Akali and her KDA skin.

Wearing a mask and holding a ninja sickle in her hand, she has a strong figure.

The camera flashed by, and the seductive Evelin appeared with her iconic long nails. She twisted around and tore up the countdown numbers behind her.

As the audience cheered in unison, the countdown number reached '2'.

Ahri, the hero when the Korean server was opened, appeared in front of everyone.

When the last moment came, KDA Ari spread its nine tails behind her and at the same time sent a heart with pink bubbles to the audience in front of the screen.

The love gradually enlarged, and finally transformed into a human arm. The five fingers were clenched into a fist, and it hit the glass with a crisp cracking sound.

Grip it harder and it turns into the RiotGame logo.

The cheers from the audience can only be described as deafening.

The camera zooms out so that everyone can see a panoramic view of the entire stage.

The four members of KDA - Kai'Sa, Akali, Evelynn and Ahri - appeared in front of everyone through virtual imaging technology.

And the real singer stood beside them.

KDA's MV "POP/STARS" caused an uproar in the league circle as soon as it was released, and Riot Games also attaches great importance to this series of skins, even allowing them to perform at the opening ceremony.

Although in terms of the grandeur of the scene, KDA cannot keep up with the ancient dragon that took off from the Bird's Nest last year.

But the actual cost is even higher. After all, a song is much longer than the duration of "The Dragon Appears".

The vocal chorus of "POP/STARS" ended, but before the accompaniment disappeared, a circular teleportation array appeared behind KDA's lead singer Ahri.

Blue runic energy kept emerging from it.

Ah Li hesitated for a while, then walked in on high heels.

The screen flashed forward, and when Ahri reappeared, her gorgeous KDA suit had disappeared, leaving only the original skin.

She looked slightly confused, and the camera shifted its focus. There were two summoner statues standing not far away!

And the Summoner's Trophy is shining on the high platform in the middle!

At this time, the Roman numeral I appeared out of thin air in the middle of the two statues.

A virtual electronic screen slowly opened, and on the screen, five FNC players held up bonus medals marked with US$50,000!

The background music is "Numb" by Linkin Park, which is also the theme song of the S1 Internet Cafe Competition.

Immediately after the Roman numeral II flashed, the screen turned, and at the Galen Center in California, to the accompaniment of "Silver Scrapes", Assassin won the Summoner's Trophy for the first time!

Later, Lee Sang Hyuk and his teammates successfully became gods at the Staples Center and won their first World Championship. The young man kept smiling on his face and compared the SKT logo with the other four teammates toward the sky.

The moment Faker appeared, many spectators in the audience spontaneously applauded, full of respect for this legendary mid laner who is full of honors.

In the fourth year, Samsung White was born, streaking across the sky like a shooting star, and won OGN's second world championship at the Sangam World Cup Stadium in Seoul.

The background sound changed to "Worlds Collide". During S5's European tour, at the Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Berlin, Germany, SKT once again won the title and officially established its own rule.

It's just that at this time, the teammates around Lee Sang Hyuk have all changed, and only the stupid chicken is left by his side.

When the Roman numeral VI appeared, the audience cheered!

To the accompaniment of the theme song "Ignite", YM players wearing black and red uniforms appeared in the center of the screen.

Lin Ran, who was 17 and a half years old at the time, and his teammates were in high spirits, with everyone's palms stacked on the Summoner's Trophy.

Their faces are filled with youthful smiles and they are still looking forward to the future.

The camera turned again and came to the bird's nest.

This time it was still YM who won the cup, but the support was changed from Xiao Ming to Liu Qingsong.

Lin Ran seems to be much more mature than he was in 2016. He holds the FMVP trophy and the Summoner trophy in his hands and has made a lot of money.

The virtual electronic screen retracts.

The ground collapsed and the Summoner's Trophy emitted a bright light!

Without thinking, Ahri activated R [Soul Assault] and moved forward quickly, hugging the trophy at the last moment!

The next moment, she fell downwards together with the gravel.

The light emanating from the trophy is getting brighter and brighter.

After the camera zooms in, the characters who have appeared on the League of Legends stage since the S8 preseason stage appear one by one.

From Zoe, Snowman, Kai'Sa, Pike, to the rework of Akali, Sword Girl, and Sword Demon...

Set after set of new skins followed.

God King, Source Project, Odyssey...

Finally, there is a picture of each team from the 14 divisions under the Riot Esports plan winning the league trophy.

The light gradually died down, and Ahri, holding the trophy in his arms, was still missing.

The circular teleportation array appears again, and you can see through the screen that the other side of the teleportation array is Incheon Munhak Stadium!

At this moment, virtuality and reality blend together!

There were endless screams from the audience.

Ahri spun in the air and plunged into the teleportation array.

The circular formation did not close, but bloomed with a golden light!

A man wearing a black wristband on his right hand appears in the camera!

The screen zooms out, a battlefield appears, and all kinds of weapons are scattered on the ground...

The MV of the S8 World Championship!

The dense rhythm sound echoed through Wenhe Stadium.

The playing of "Rise" brought the atmosphere to another high point.

Three original singers and a Korean rapper performed the theme song live.

When the first Rise appeared, the camera suddenly zoomed out.

All the audience saw two high platforms standing on both sides of the stage.

On the high platform are the ten starting players from IG and YM!

The barrage in the live broadcast room exploded instantly!

The white-based IG and the black-red YM met for the first time in the World Championship!

The collision of black and white, although the color is monotonous, brings an extremely shocking visual impact.

As the passionate theme song played, the two high platforms slowly moved closer to the center from the edges.

Behind the players, the team flags of IG and YM were fluttering in the wind, and the autumn sunset in Incheon looked solemn and lonely.


In the roar of the lead singer, the last syllable fell.

The players from the two teams were no more than ten meters apart, and they looked at each other through the air.

Lin Ran remained calm, as if he had a chance to win.

"Let us welcome the team to the stage!" Roaring Emperor appeared in the center of the stage, "First, the second seed from the LPL region and the runner-up in the summer season, Invictus Gaming!"

"Top laner TheShy, jungler Ning, mid laner Rookie, bottom laner SMLZ and support Baolan!"

He waved his hand, and the camera passed over the IG players one by one. The players' eyes were burning with endless desire for victory.

"Next..." The Roaring Emperor took a deep breath, "It's the No. 1 seed from the LPL region and two-time global finals champion, Young Miracles!"

The noise in Boonhak Stadium is enough to prove YM's current popularity.

The team flag was flying and YM’s support banners occupied the entire venue!

"Top laner GimGoon, jungler Tian, ​​mid laner Ran..."

Having said this, the Roaring Emperor paused consciously and let the cheers from the scene fill the stadium wantonly!

Lin Ran waved to the audience in front of him.

Seeing this scene, the Roaring Emperor nodded with satisfaction and continued to shout louder, "Jackeylove in the bottom lane and Crisp in the assist!"

The cheers and applause lasted for nearly a minute before fading away.

“From Seoul to Busan, then to Gwangju, and finally to Incheon!”

"Whether today is a new king taking the throne or establishing a dynasty of three consecutive championships, let us hand over the picture to the two final teams!"

The ten team members exited the stage and entered the stage players' seats to make final preparations before the game.

Because the venue was too empty and there were too many spectators, Riot Games arranged soundproof rooms for the two teams to prevent accidents.

"Come on, brothers," Lin Ran picked up the paper cup and poured a sip of ice water into his mouth, "This is the last show."

After adjusting his emotions before the game, Jin Gong is now full of murderous intent, "I must make clear arrangements for the opponent today!"

Like IG, the YM players also came here with the confidence to win.

Nothing can stop them.

Lin Ran looked at his ID in the customized room, took two deep breaths, and his chest rose and fell.

"let's start."

The referee got his confirmation and turned to ask other players.

In the LPL official live broadcast room, the baby's voice was as high and loud as ever,

"Welcome to the finals of the 2018 League of Legends Global Finals. This is Munhak Stadium in Incheon, South Korea!"

"After a month-and-a-half long journey to the World Championship, only two teams have made it here," Miller's voice joined in, "They are all from the LPL!"

"Today's final between IG and YM can also be said to be a repeat of this year's summer finals!"

I remember adding, "In the last head-to-head confrontation between the two sides, YM swept IG 3-0 with a sword in hand, but this time in the World Championship, IG passed five levels and defeated six generals, and also gained a lot of growth..."

"Let's see who wins today!"

Without too much nonsense, with a crisp sound, the Bp panel appeared in front of everyone!

"In the pre-game coin toss, YM won the final victory, so they had priority to choose the side and got the blue side in the first game!"

In the soundproof room, Hongmi didn't even look at the notebook in her hand and directly arranged for Jin Gong to block Qinggang Ying first.

This is a strategy that has been formulated before the game.

Jin Jingzhu's face remained expressionless as always.

Tall and strong, he looks fierce.

"Let's disable the ice first." He instructed.

"YM's second move was to ban Xin Zhao..." Miller noticed something was wrong, "Are they targeting the jungler today?"

In the first game of the finals, the BPs of both sides had gone through hundreds of deductions before the game. Without huge changes, they all followed the decisions prepared in advance.

Therefore BP is very fast.

"IG banned Sword Demon..." I remember thinking for a moment and trying to analyze their thinking, "This ban is very interesting!"

"Originally, Sword Demon restrained Yasuo, Yasuo restrained Sword Girl, and Sword Demon restrained Sword Demon. These three versions of T1 warriors formed a stable triangle and restricted each other." I remember saying this and couldn't help but turn up the volume. "Now they have After Aatrox was banned, the balance of this triangle was broken!"

Now the only T1 warriors in the version are Dao Mei and Yasuo.

Yasuo's Wind Wall is very restrained against Sword Girl. Now with the blessing of the version, Irelia has been weakened again. It can be said that this is an iron counter relationship.

Jin Jingzhu is obviously forcing YM.

I know your laner can't play Yasuo.

Then don't even think about choosing the two remaining T1 fighters.

If you play Sword Girl, I will give Yasuo to the broiler, and I will suppress you in the lane.

If you're playing a mage, I'll use Sword Girl for the broiler. As long as she can stick to her face, Irelia can still restrain ordinary mage.

Both roads are blocked for you, why don't you straighten them out?

Seeing this, everyone in the YM contestants' seats burst into laughter.

The old red rice god remained unmoved and continued his BP.

Only the slightly raised corners of his mouth betrayed his emotions.

"YM has banned the blind monk. This means that there are no rhythmic characters left for King Ning!"

Jin Jingzhu frowned. He could predict before the game that YM would target the jungler, but he did not expect that the opponent would be so crazy.

In the first round, all three positions were given to junglers. Currently, the remaining three junglers in the version are nothing more than barrels, trolls and Olaf.

Although Nightmare is also very popular in the current version, it is of little use before level 6, and is mainly used to restrain characters such as Galio cards, and is paired with Ornn to turn off the lights and let the sheep go.

If selected individually, the priority is not high.

Jin Jingzhu pondered for two seconds, and finally decided to follow the thinking before the game.

"IG has banned Crocodile!" Miller's eyes lit up. "This is to prevent Brother Ran and Jin Gong from using Renekton to face Yasuo or Sword Girl..."

Crocodile is very popular with counterman and Irelia, but since the hero itself is not very strong in the World Championship version, there are not that many people choosing it.

Jin Jingzhu decided to ban the crocodile just in case.

Eliminate all possible variables.

"YM is still thinking about which role to take first," Wawa said loudly, "Their BP has been set up, and it's not easy to deal with it now!"

"I'm going to grab the sword girl myself, and IG will use Yasuo to grab the opponent. TheShy and the cocky guy are both pretty good..."

He explained eloquently, "If I don't grab the sword girl, IG may lock Irelia and Yasuo down and directly determine their solo lane choice!"

Miller added next to him, "Although this will lack AP damage, the old thief Sima can supplement characters like Bomberman's Death Song!"

The fact that IG has reached this point is naturally partly due to the old thief Sima.

Although he is invisible in the team most of the time.

But the team can’t all be filled with big brothers.

There is always someone who wants to be the green leaf.

In the IG team, the veteran Sima is already considered senior.

He knew he had to make the necessary sacrifices.

There is no need to play too brightly, as long as you can provide the team with the necessary help, you have completed the mission.

The hero pool is the change brought to IG by the old thief Sima.

He can use magic core characters, and he can also use tool men like Jhin.

Make room and let IG's midfielder and jungler play as they please.

In the current version, he fits the team perfectly.

"Now all the characters that can counter Yasuo have been blocked," I remember anxiously, "IG just catches YM and won't beat him up with Yasuo!"

Lin Ran doesn't need it, and Jin Gong can't practice it either.

IG made a good plan!

After listening to the commentator's analysis, the hearts of YM supporters became cold.

The dog son cheered for joy, applauding and cheering for the excellent BP made by the team he supported!

They think Jin Jingzhu is a good person and can handle it!

Everyone felt that YM had stepped into the trap set by the opponent, and BP had fallen into an absolute disadvantage.

But the information gap is extremely fatal at this time.

Under the camera, Lin Ran was smiling and still discussing with his coach and teammates.

Jack almost smiled.

"Did you come up with any solution?" Wawa's eyes were sharp and he noticed that the mood of everyone in the YM contestants' booth was not quite right.

The next moment.

The ronin holding a long sword appeared in YM's hero selection box in an extremely ecstatic posture!

Death is like the wind, always with me!

Yasuo, lock on!


The three commentators said in unison, "What's going on?"

Tens of thousands of spectators at the scene let out unbelievable exclamations, and the scene was continuous in the Wenhe Stadium!

TES.Tian! Wuhu!

The big chapter will continue tomorrow!

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