LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 660 658: Playing games with your brain

During the days after Lin Ran returned to Shanghai, apart from necessary communication with the outside world, he just lay in bed and slept.

In the past three years, he had rarely slept so soundly and peacefully.

Sometimes, he feels that sleeping is a luxury.

Because Lin Ran knew very well that there were countless professional players targeting him and desperately chasing after him.

If you train yourself for 15 hours, someone else will train for 17 hours.

The gap between top professional players is not as big as imagined. Personal abilities are almost reaching the ceiling. However, the understanding of the version and some details and calculations to control the overall situation can be slowly grown and improved through frequent training.

While all the players are working hard to advance, Lin Ran has to put in the same or even more efforts to ensure that his position is not threatened.

Now that he finally relaxed, he took a good two days to catch up on his sleep and went out to wander around in his free time. In the evening, when Su Cheng came back, the two of them would sit on the sofa and watch a movie, completely away from the Internet.

Until the morning of November 8, he received a call from Guo Hao.

"What's the matter?" Lin Ran held the phone to his ear with his shoulder, not forgetting to fiddle with the sausages in the pan.

Along with the sizzling sound, the smell of meat filled the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" Guo Hao heard the voice and asked curiously on the other end of the phone.

"Make breakfast," Lin Ran yawned, his hair messy, "If you have anything to say, please tell me quickly, I'm almost overwhelmed here."

Seeing that the milk was hot, he quickly turned off the gas.

"You don't read WeChat?" Guo Hao said, "The executives of Dousha Platform sent you a message last night, wanting you and other teammates to do a premiere show after winning the championship. Unexpectedly, I didn't receive a reply after a night. That’s when the phone call came to me.”

Lin Ran has been a top cashier these past two days and directly uninstalled WeChat, naturally unable to receive any messages.

"Just ask him to call me," Lin Ran was puzzled, "I remember leaving my number when I signed the contract."

"...He said your phone was shut down." Guo Hao said quietly.

Lin Ran was stunned for a moment.

He has two cell phone numbers, one of which is used exclusively to handle work relationships on the outer edge of his social circle.

During the days when he returned to Shanghai, he didn't care about the work number anymore. Guo Hao only remembered it when he mentioned it to Lin Ran. It seemed that he was in arrears.

"Okay, let me communicate with Dou Shark." Lin Ran thanked Guo Hao before hanging up the phone.

After all, his live broadcast contract is in his own hands, and Guo Hao usually doesn't bother him, but it does bother him early in the morning.

After charging up his phone bill, Lin Ran made a call to discuss the time and content of the live broadcast in the evening, then took out the toast that popped out of the toaster, put it on a plate and served it to the dinner table.

Su Cheng walked out of the room carrying her schoolbag.

"What's wrong?" She just heard her boyfriend talking on the phone in the bedroom and bathroom, thinking that something important had happened.

Lin Ran frowned and told the cause and effect, "I'm afraid I won't be able to have any free time in the past two months at the end of the year."

"It's time to eat, Sister Li, Sister Li." Su Cheng almost shouted to the sky when he heard this. He wanted to raise the corners of his mouth but didn't want to get carried away, so he had to keep pressing down, and even started to control it by biting his lips. Own.

She went to the library every day for the past two days for her studies. She looked at Lin Ran walking around like a retired old man, and she felt envious, jealous, and resentful. She was quite happy to see that he was finally busy with work.

Lin Ran couldn't understand his girlfriend's brain. Seeing her suppressing a smile, he couldn't help but ask, "Why are you laughing?"

"Nothing... By the way, did you watch the All-Star voting?" Su Cheng changed the subject, ran into the kitchen, poured milk from the pot into two glasses, and then brought it over carefully.

Lin Ran was very confused, "When did it happen?"

He hadn't heard of it.

"The voting is early this year, and I don't know why," Su Cheng pulled out a screenshot on her phone and showed it to her boyfriend, "The audience will be able to choose from October 17th to 23rd."

At that time, YM was still concentrating on preparing for the quarterfinals, and Guo Hao did not tell the players the results in order not to affect them.

"It's indeed quite early. I remember that I originally selected after the World Championship." Lin Ran also couldn't figure out why the All-Star voting window was opened so early.

As the last official world event at the end of each season, the audience basically makes a comprehensive selection based on the players' performance in the world competition. On October 17, all three LPL teams were in Busan, and Tengjing was at that time Choosing to turn on voting is really cool.

Lin Ran learned carefully that this year's All-Star voting was very different from the past. The audience no longer decided the five players to participate in the All-Stars through position voting.

There are a total of 14 teams in the LPL. Each team submits two players' All-Star applications, and a total of 28 professional players participate in the competition.

Regardless of position, the audience can vote for two mid laners or two junglers at the same time.

But in the end only two players will stand out.

The rest are the anchors and video producers selected by Riot Games from each region.

This year it seems that it will be a pure competition. Although last year's regional competition was very fierce, it lacked some entertainment. Everyone wanted to win the championship until the end. This time, Fist simply let the players have fun.

"94.36% of the votes... your popularity is really exaggerated." Su Cheng took a sip of hot milk and praised it.

"That's right," Lin Ran opened the lid of the jam and boasted a few words, "I am often recognized by people when I walk on the street."

After YM won three consecutive championships, Lin Ran and his teammates once again appeared on CCTV Sports News and Shanghai Oriental News. Coupled with the continuous hot search bombardment on the platform, it is normal for their popularity to go out of the circle.

Fortunately, most of the people in Tongji Beiyuan were middle-aged and elderly people, and very few people knew Lin Ran. When they saw him, they just thought he looked familiar and had no other reaction.

Second in the vote was Jack, who defeated Uzi to get another direct All-Star spot.

Lin Ran noticed that Riot Games still had some quotas for direct invitations from competition regions, so it would not be difficult for all five YM starters to participate.

After breakfast, Su Cheng ran to morning class and prepared to spend another day in the library. He checked the microphone and camera of the computer in the study room. After making sure there were no problems, he lay on the bed and read idly.

It wasn't until nearly seven o'clock in the evening that Lin Ran turned on his computer and started live streaming.

"Hey, hey, hey?" He shouted into the headset microphone, "Can you hear me?"

"An audible squeak!"

Earlier today, Dousha promoted it on various major platforms, and also asked Lin Ran to cooperate with YM's official blog to increase the popularity of the premiere after winning the championship.

As soon as the broadcast started, a bunch of people flooded into the live broadcast room.

[You can hear me, stop yelling, my ears are about to explode! 】

[I said you can hear me, host, are you Erlong? 】

[Good guy, are you going home to live broadcast? 】

[I looked at the photos posted on YM’s official blog. The other team members are all at the club base. Brother Ran, you are getting special treatment, right? (The dog’s head saves his life)]

Lin Ran ignored the barrage chaos and first talked about his work schedule for tonight, "Two anchors will be 5V5, and then we can get off work after playing two more qualifying matches."

He also marked this sentence in bright red font in the upper left corner of the live broadcast room so that viewers who came in later could also see it.

【That's it? I thought the big one was coming. If you don’t complete the vigil program, Brother Ran, you won’t get my approval! 】

[Do these activities take four hours? This is planned in advance. You go to work in order to get off work, right? 】

[It’s broken. Look at this lazy dog. Even if he takes a break next year, he won’t be able to play the full show. It’s over.]

Lin Ran logged into the Canyon Top account and entered the custom room created by Super Management. Other YM team members also came in one after another, and everyone gathered together.

He mentioned it in the WeChat group of the YM training department and asked his teammates to join the YY voice chat.

"What's the way to play?" Liu Qingsong's voice sounded like he hadn't woken up.

Lin Ran confirmed the process, "In the first round, we will be a team of five and fight against the five anchors on the opposite side."

"Ah?" Jin Gong was confused, "Is it true or false?"

Even if they haven't trained for a few days and haven't even touched League of Legends, if they really want to play a game, there's no problem in beating a not-so-top professional team.

The five uncooperative anchors on the opposite side had little chance of winning no matter how hard they thought.

Lin Ran also communicated with Dousha, the person in charge of the League of Legends division, and confirmed that the flow chart was correct. "Really, the five of us will mess up our positions in the second round."

While several people were chatting, the other five anchors also gathered together.

Top laner JJking, jungler Kamikaze, mid laner Bzzb, bottom laner Smile and Curly Hair.

"On the opposite side of the field, there are three unique brothers," Jack muttered, "They are all old colleagues."

Except for a small group of professional players, most of the anchors in the Chinese server are players with unique skills who play a few heroes.

Anyone who can score a thousand points as a king with four or five heroes can be called almighty.

After all, there are so many people competing for jobs, and it’s hard to get ahead without something unique.

"With the customized matching mode, we don't need to ban heroes..." Lin Ran knew the opponent's mid laner Baozi Zhibin.

During a previous live broadcast event, he used Yasuo to hit the opponent's signature Zed, and even made a big fool of himself.

But to make everyone think that Yasuo is not good before this year's game, the original live broadcast event must also have 1/3 of the credit.

Thinking of this, Lin Ran immediately typed in the chat channel.

[Thank you, bzzb! 】

Just highlight the sincerity.

This sentence made Baozi confused.

"What do gods and demons mean?" He scratched his head in confusion.

Before he had time to ask, the supervisor watching the game pressed the button to start the game.

"What to choose, brothers?" Xiaotian couldn't make up his mind.

The key is that it's not easy to grasp this degree.

If you choose the lineup seriously, it would seem a bit too serious.

This is an activity after all.

But if you choose randomly, it will make people look down on the opponent.

Lin Ran proactively suggested, "We can use the same yodeling lineup we had in the LPL."

"Wonderful burning pot!" Jin Gong chuckled twice, "I really made you understand!"

That Yodel lineup defeated the LPL team, and it worked well.

Even if YM is selected, the audience will not think that it is just playing tricks.

But the intensity is not particularly high, and it is not comparable to the mainstream system in the arena, and a group of yordles can have a program effect just by looking at it.

It belongs to the type of "I have improved my life, but not completely".

Lin Ran's suggestion was unanimously praised by the other four teammates.

In the end, they got the five yordles of Gnar, Poppy, Xiaofa, Xiaopao and Lulu.

The opponents are Sword Queen, Blind Monk, Zed, Vayne and Thresh.

Three unique talents and two former professional players all got their respective special roles.

Lin Ran looked relaxed and leaned on the backrest to drink water. He waited for Summoner's Rift to appear, bought the corruption potion and rushed to the line.

Generally speaking, Xiaofa's robbery is a big disadvantage.

The opponent can easily escape from the distorted space of the little mage by using W, and R can also swallow the big move of the little mage.

A mage like Wei Jia is very afraid of being exposed. Once he is attacked, he may be killed alone.

Just as he was about to start laning, Su Cheng opened the door and came in, bringing a plate of sliced ​​apples.

"Do you want to eat fruit?" she asked.

"You want what you want!"

Lin Ran was still moving around to hide his skills, unable to free his hands.

Su Cheng simply poked a piece with a plastic fork and fed it to him.

"Open your mouth..."

Lin Ran chewed the apple and commented, "It's quite sweet."

"Really?" Su Cheng said with a smile, "It turns out that I have a good eye for picking apples."

Seeing that her boyfriend was still broadcasting, she didn't bother her much, and ran to the bedroom to study on her own with her books in her arms.

Lin Ran ignored the barrage of questions and started teaching himself.

"In this game, we are at a disadvantage in the lane. The core idea of ​​​​the robbery is to release the line of troops..."

While talking, Lin Ran was still attacking the minions.

[The anchor is delirious. Isn’t this pushing the line? 】

[I didn’t move the army line even though I was thinking about it. Are you pushing it forward like this? 】

[This must have been seduced away by Sister Chengzi, bad woman! 】

This time Lin Ran responded, "I said the core idea is to put the line in, but it doesn't mean to put the line in all the time... In the first two levels, a normal mid laner can suppress Zed."

He thought about it and realized that he had missed a hero.

"Oh, except Kassadin."

Lin Ran paused and continued:

"Before the third level, Jie has incomplete skills and no combat effectiveness. Now you push Binxuan in and create a wave to push back."

"When Jie enters a strong period, the army line will return to its own tower."

He also looked like he hated the iron, "Think more, use your brain more if you want to get higher scores."

Baozi really had no intention of pushing forward and just used his Q shuriken to make up for his tail sword.

Lin Ran successfully amassed a large wave of troops and pushed them into the opponent's defense tower.

"What should we do now?" Lin Ran's live broadcast was not delayed and he kept interacting with the barrage. "Does anyone know?"

"While the opponent is finishing the attack, the tower will consume the calamity?" Lin Ran grabbed one of them, "Brother, think about it more carefully!"

"When Tribulation Long Sword Three Reds go out, the medicine bottle alone can restore 450 blood. I'm not counting the rune recovery for bleeding gums. How much damage do you have to do to lower the blood volume of this calamity?"

He gushed, "Besides, you managed to lower the opponent's HP, and the robbery has reached a strong stage. If Xiaofa attacks the robbery, you won't be able to win even if you are a higher rank, let alone a solo kill."

"Then what's the point of consuming each other under the tower?"

Lin Ran spoke very quickly, "It's obvious here, there must be no consumption..."

"The correct approach is to directly take your jungler to find the opposite blind monk."

He spoke and manipulated Xiaofa to leave the line.

Xiaotian's Poppy had reached level three at this time, and he followed Lin Ran into the opposite jungle area.

If you think about it, you will know that if Sword Girl hits Gnar on the top lane, it will be difficult to gank in the early stage.

The tribulation in the middle lane is also under stable control. The blind monk's unique skill is to kill the kamikaze and can only look for opportunities in the bottom lane.

The jungle route is basically determined to be brushed from top to bottom.

YM's mid-jungle classic linkage successfully captured Li Qing in the opponent's Three Wolf camp.

"Go, go, go!"

As soon as Lin Ran finished speaking, Xiaotian handed over the flash, and knocked the blind monk unconscious against the wall with a wall bang.

Q followed the basic attack, with the red buff's burning damage, lowering the blind monk's health.

Lin Ran took a potion of corruption, framed his opponent with the edge of E [Distorted Space], and simultaneously used WQ skills.

After the blind monk recovered from the wall bang, he fell into the dizzy effect of distorted space.

The control connection is very poor.

Sha Shenfeng did not expect that the other party would dare to take action now, and was quite flustered.

He is now at an awkward point where the first punishment has been used and the second punishment is cooling down.

Without punishment to help him recover, the blind monk couldn't bear the damage at all!

In the end, Lin Ran's basic attack took away the blind monk's first-blood head!

The All-Stars and Awards Ceremony will begin immediately, and this plot won't last long.

Ps: After discussing with the editor, the new book will be postponed to January 1st.

The main reason is that there are too many official year-end activities and there is no time to recommend the new book. If it is released on January 1st, there will be more recommendation spots.

It just so happens that the author is also more prepared.

Before that, I just released the main text of the book + extra chapters.

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