LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 662 Chapter 660: A big earthquake during the transfer period!

Compared with the LPL division, which requires registration and takes a long time to review, the LCK transfer period earthquake came first.

And it came up with a cannon.

The 26-year-old An announced his retirement.

This legendary figure who is almost a living fossil in the Korean League of Legends e-sports circle has left the professional arena forever with the shameful record of being eliminated in the top 16 while fighting locally.

This made many Korean netizens say it was unacceptable.

Anbixin, who started his career in 2011, has been to many wealthy teams such as CJ and SSG. He has changed positions and adapted very well, and finally reached the Bird's Nest.

The legendary journey also came to an end this year.

Lin Ran found this news on Weibo.

A bunch of netizens posted this retirement link at the bottom of his homepage, and also made some jokes about it.

[Look at people, if you can’t play mid lane, just go to the jungle. Brother Ran, why don’t you also switch to the jungle]

[Don’t be embarrassed, Leader An was beaten by a group of tough men in the middle and he could hardly stand. He had to change positions. Can he compete with Brother Ran? 】

[The evolution under the tower was defeated by Faker in seconds.jpg]

[So what exactly is Brother Ran taking a break for? I see that he is broadcasting live every day now, and he is quite tired]

[He is trying to repay the sins he has committed before. If he does not make up for the time, he will get less money]

[Why don’t you give us live broadcast commentary of the games in the new season]

Lin Ran sat in the driver's seat, saw the last comment, and felt that it was indeed a good choice.

He can find the Dousha platform to ask for the broadcast rights of LPL events.

At this time, Su Cheng opened the passenger door and got in with the bleak autumn wind outside the car.

There is also a fresh orange flavor in the cold breath.

"Let's go, let's go eat!" She said in a cheerful tone.

The two of them have been busy for half a month, and now they finally have a free day. They plan to go out to have a good meal and watch a movie by the way.

"Have you bought the movie tickets?" Lin Ran started the vehicle. The V12 engine made a low and restless sound, full of power.

Su Cheng fastened her seat belt and started flipping through her phone, "Not yet, it's still time to buy it now... Do you want to watch "Fantastic Beasts 2" or "The Unknown"?"

"Hmm... the one at the back." Lin Ran picked one at random, turned the steering wheel and left the parking lot.

My girlfriend chose two consecutive tickets and paid the money before browsing other news.

"How's it going? Is there any news about the transfer period?" Lin Ran couldn't look at his phone while driving, so he wanted Su Cheng to read it to him.

"Let me look for it," the girl switched to another interface and searched for information related to the transfer period. "Corejj went to North America. GEN should really be breaking up."

Lin Ran was not surprised by this.

GEN, who were eliminated in the Busan group stage, will definitely seek changes in the new season.

Their club is not short of money and attaches great importance to the LOL project. The top 16 in Busan is simply a shame for GEN.

Blood transfusion is imperative.

Cuvee's current strength has declined, but he is still barely usable, mainly because there are no particularly outstanding top laners in the LCK division.

Jungler An is too old, and Haru has given him a chance for two years but still hasn't grown. This is the point that needs the most reinforcement.

And Double C is definitely the core of their team building.

Ruler is not yet 20 years old, and Showmaker is only 18. There is still room for growth at such a young age, and his talent is quite good.

In comparison, Corejj, who is 24 years old, can be considered an older player. It would be a mistake to let him go without renewing his contract.

Besides, Corejj himself may also want to go to North America to make one last fortune before completing his military service.

"What else?" Lin Ran drove out of the community and came to Guoquan North Road.

"Let me see..." Su Cheng slid his finger across the screen, then suddenly raised the volume, "What is SKT doing?"

Before Lin Ran could speak, she spoke faster, "The news just broke, Bang, Wolf, Blank, and Thal have all left the team!"

"Where's Faker?" Lin Ran was more concerned about Li Sang Hyuk.

Su Cheng looked carefully and confirmed that Faker had renewed his contract.

"Good guy, this is going to be rebuilt." Lin Ran sighed, filled with emotion.

That decisive battle at Staples Center three years ago changed the fate of so many people.

SKT then tried to use Huni and Peanut to supplement the team's top and jungle strength in an attempt to avenge YM.

Unfortunately, the results of the S7 Global Finals caused the club to completely lose confidence in this lineup.

S8 hit rock bottom and failed to even enter the World Championship.

Reconstruction is also urgent.

But 96line, which had great glory back then, now has to split up its work, which made Lin Ran sigh.

"SKT hasn't announced their support list so far. Do you think it will be completely ruined?" Su Cheng was very interested in this topic.

After all, this was the number one League of Legends club before the rise of YM. It attracted a lot of attention and traffic, and was very influential on a global scale.

"I think..." Lin Ran turned on the turn signal and turned onto another main road, "It shouldn't be a mess."

"On the contrary, it is a great opportunity for SKT."

Su Cheng was very curious, "How do you say it?"

"Think about it, this year is undoubtedly the most fatal blow to the LCK region. The MSI, Intercontinental Championship, Asian Games and World Championship all failed." Lin Ran expressed his logic to his girlfriend while waiting for the traffic light. , "Especially in the World Championship, two teams were eliminated in the group, and the remaining KT still couldn't reach the finals."

Su Cheng hummed, indicating that she understood.

Starting from S2’s participation in the global finals, the Korean division’s guaranteed result is runner-up.

This year's local competition will inevitably lose face if it is beaten like this by the LPL.

"The overall strength of the LCK is not very strong now, so SKT can take the opportunity to make a fuss," Lin Ran took out two seaweed biscuits from the glove box and gave them to his girlfriend. "After all, they have a good reputation within the league."

Su Cheng was thoughtful, stretched out her fingers to tear open the outer packaging of the biscuits, and stuffed one into her boyfriend's mouth, "A bit like a martial arts leader?"

"Yes," Lin Ran nodded and swallowed the crispy biscuits before continuing, "SKT has a history, reputation, money, and a very powerful company that endorses it, and there is someone like Faker who will not engage in bullying within the team. Big Brother…”

Moreover, SKT basically has no contracts. Even if the contract period of the players has not expired, sometimes the team will take the initiative to terminate the contract, allowing the players to find a better way out.

Based on the comprehensive conditions, it is the well-deserved No. 1 club in LCK.

This is also the reason why SKT is currently favored by the majority of youth training players.

"SKT came out to cheer up at this time and said something like, 'It is our duty to restore the glory of LCK.' I guess a lot of people responded."

When Su Cheng said this, he also imitated his tone and movements. He stretched out his right arm upwards but accidentally hit the roof of the car, causing severe pain to himself.

Lin Ran couldn't help laughing for a moment, but when he saw his girlfriend giving him a sideways glance, he suppressed his lips.

"Yes, as long as the price offered by SKT is similar, they will probably be the first choice of many players," he said. "It is not difficult for SKT to form a Galaxy Battleship. If they can achieve good results in next year's World Championship, the club will They can continue to consolidate their dominance in the league."

The players also fell in love with SKT, which was a win-win situation.

The two went to Heshenghui next to Wujiaochang and watched a movie in the cinema upstairs before going to a restaurant for dinner.

It has to be said that the pace of the transfer period changes rapidly.

Just two hours into watching a movie, the LCK changed again.

KT announced that they are entering a rebuild.

When Lin Ran walked into the restaurant and saw the news, he was really shocked.

"real or fake?"

This was completely unexpected.

"Let's order first." Su Cheng handed over the tablet.

Lin Ran took it and glanced at it. His girlfriend had already selected his favorite dishes. He swiped up and down and ordered a plate of stir-fried meat and a drink.

"Why does KT need to rebuild?" He was puzzled.

"Yeah," Su Cheng couldn't figure it out, "I think the results of the semi-finals are pretty good. Ucal was beaten by Rookie. If he trains for another year, his strength should grow a lot."

Everyone is very tolerant of this first-year player.

It is simply unrealistic for him to defeat Song Yijin, who is still at his peak.

Judging from the strength of KT's other four players, if all members renew their contracts to play for another year, maybe the results will be even better.

"You said..." A possibility emerged in Lin Ran's mind, "Could someone from KT want to go to SKT?"

Su Cheng frowned, "It's really possible!"

"The mid laner will definitely not go. It is possible to go to the top lane. However, SKT did not reach a cooperation with smeb after the S6 transfer period. This time it is probably too difficult," she analyzed in detail, "I think the bottom lane duo will leave. It’s more likely.”

"Indeed, I heard that Deft and Faker went to the same high school and were alumni at that time," Lin Ran agreed with his girlfriend. "And he and Lee Sang Hyuk are seniors, which can make other newcomers more comfortable."

In South Korea, a country that attaches great importance to seniority and inferiority, the character of the seniors in the team is a factor that newcomers must consider.

It will definitely be uncomfortable if you meet someone who is strict. If you help serve tea and water and act like a little boy, you may even get scolded.

People like Lee Sang Hyuk and Kim Hyuk Kyu are relatively rare in the LCK.

When Lin Ran and Su Cheng went back after dinner, they saw rumors spreading on the Internet. Many bloggers with revelations were claiming that deft+Mata was going to SKT. Some people also said that Mr. Dai was going to fight the fat general lol, and SKT You will definitely not need pawn when you have Faker.

There are different opinions, and SKT has not given a clear explanation.

Lin Ran was enjoying the melon, but when he didn't get a satisfactory result, he simply went to ask Jin Gong.

Coca-Cola Salty Spicy Tofu Brain Sweet Zongzi Sweet Mooncake: [Xibaren, what do SKT.Deft say? 】

Jimu Gong quickly replied to the message: [I have never played in SKT, where can I find a source for you? 】

Lin Ran felt worried.

Hongmi has never worked in SKT, so asking her own coach is obviously not feasible.

He didn't enjoy the meal, and he wasn't very happy during the live broadcast at night.

As a result, the mid laner lined up opposite him suffered a disaster.

Lin Ran's big score was too high and there was no one left in the queue, so he simply found a new account and started playing from scratch.

It's not a super account, most of the opponents ranked are silver and gold.

He killed more than twenty people in a row, and the only way the other party could stop Lin Ran from getting more kills was to surrender.

The audience was stunned.

Finally, the focus of netizens has shifted away from Lin Ran and focused on the cool moves of Korean server gold players.

Perhaps he was shocked by Lin Ran's suppressive power. Yasuo on the opposite side made a flash before his health bar disappeared. Although he moved 400 yards backward, there was still an ignition effect on the top of his head, and he could not escape death in the end!

"What are you doing?" Lin Ran snorted lightly, "You think the cemetery I chose for you is not good, and you have to move a grave in a flash?"

Everyone in the barrage was happy.

The broadcast lasted until eight or nine o'clock in the evening, and Lin Ran found that the chat channel was carrying news about the transfer period again.

"KZ also wants to reorganize?"

The LCK has been full of big news in the past two days, which made Lin Ran feel dizzy.

Xuan Ming and Xiao Huahua all left the team, and mid laner Kuro also officially announced his free agent status.

There is only one Khan left who has yet to break the news.

Before Lin Ran went to bed, he finally got inside information and learned the whereabouts of this player who had some bad luck in his career.

"The LPL Autumn Championship seems to have exploded because of the LCK's mentality," Su Cheng said, lying on the bed with a facial mask on, chuckling, "One by one, we all need to rebuild."

"Isn't there Griffin?" Lin Ran turned off the desk lamp, flipped through a psychology book, and leaned on the bedside to study. "I heard that they added a rotating top order named Dolan, and the rest No one has changed, S9 can continue to rush forward."

Griffin believes that they are very close to the World Championship this year. If they did not gain points in the spring split, they would have a good chance of making it.

Therefore, the management is very confident and announced the lineup for next season early.

"No matter so much, tomorrow the LPL transfer period starts, and there will probably be another bloody storm." Su Cheng ran to take off the mask, washed her hands, got into bed, and deliberately touched her boyfriend's face with her cold fingers, giving him I got goosebumps all over my body.

Just as Su Cheng said.

When I woke up the next morning, the situation in LPL had also changed.

WE, which took the lead in making the official announcement, released the copy of Xiye’s departure from the team and 957’s retirement.

Immediately afterwards, Mystic also announced his return to free agency.

The WE2.0 version is in pieces and has officially come to an end.

The poor performance in the S8 season made it difficult for the team to continue.

WE needs more fresh blood.

The members of 2.0 could only leave sadly.

RW officially announced the news of Doinb's departure. He is still working hard to go to the World Championship.

Although Rogue Warriors performed well last season, they are still far away from the World Championship.

Unlike Griffin who is full of talent.

The upper limit of RW is visible to the naked eye.

Doinb sees no hope. Since he has no ability, he will go his own way.

After a night of silence, SKT finally responded.

They showed a group photo of the team. Except for Lee Sang Hyuk, the bodies of the other five people were all pricked off, leaving only a black shadow.

This is to let the wise netizens guess for themselves who are the players who will join.

Lin Ran spent the whole morning just reading the comments.

He enjoyed the melon.

I originally thought that I was an outsider, and I just had to ask Guo Hao to help me post a Weibo announcement announcing my break.

But I suddenly received a phone call in the afternoon.

From Zhuoding.

"Brother Ran...can you come out for a moment? I have something to ask you."

The Group A match was really good to watch.

Big chapter tomorrow

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