LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 672 670: Lian Mai’s explanation

The food was served quickly and the round table was soon filled.

Most of the contestants did not drink, so they all ordered drinks and freshly squeezed juices.

Lin Ran picked up orange juice from the round turntable and filled it up for himself and his girlfriend next to him.

Guo Hao stood up first and raised the glass in his hand.

"Let me say a few words first..."

Everyone present laughed out loud.

Guo Hao also raised the corner of his mouth, and then continued, "If nothing else happens, this will be the last collective dinner for the former players and employees of our YM Club."

"After that, it will be difficult for everyone to get together again. They may be entangled in trivial matters in life, or they may go to places far away from the Shanghai market, and they may be far apart for various reasons."

This single sentence imposed group silence on those in the room.

Today, the former analyst who won multiple championships with the team in the 2016 season also came here from his hometown. After getting married and having children, he has become much richer and has a fatter belly.

He was quite touched by Guo Hao's words.

After returning to the small county town, he completely stayed away from the e-sports circle, and his friends and colleagues who were familiar with him are now a lot stranger.

"So, let's cherish the time we can get together now..." Guo Hao was very good at talking, and in a short time he was able to liven up the atmosphere at the table.

Everyone toasted to celebrate, and the crisp sound of glasses colliding with each other echoed endlessly in this confined space.

"From now on, YM will be left to you." Jack patted Shao Shao on the shoulder and stuffed a mouthful of beef tongue into his mouth.

Liu Qingsong nodded silently.

The excitement in the room seemed to have nothing to do with him.

Ever since Guo Hao spoke, he has been looking like this since he opened his wound.

Watching his teammates leave one after another, he felt very uncomfortable.

"Don't be unhappy," Lin Ran teased from the side, "You don't put pressure on your teammates with a straight face at the base, right?"

"You can tell from the first glance," Jack immediately joined in, singing along with Lin Ran, "After losing the training match, he started to shut himself up and show off to the newcomers in the team."

Xiaoyao also joined the chat, "Then the question is, why didn't Liu Qingsong behave like this when we were here?"

"It's very simple." Jin Gong leaned his head over, "What kind of qualifications do we have, and he, a newbie, dares to bully others?"

You said something to me, teasing Liu Qingsong.

Su Cheng, who was sitting next to Lin Ran, covered her mouth and laughed secretly. The prophet who usually had a paralyzed face also laughed out loud.

Master Tie finally couldn't help it anymore, "Can you be normal?"

Su Cheng grabbed a piece of crispy pork knuckle and changed the topic, "Jack, are you going back to Huanggang directly?"

The Shiba Inu nodded, his eyes showing his longing for his homeland, "I'll leave tomorrow. I haven't seen my parents in almost a year."

YM was fully present throughout 2018 and never missed any event. Jack was either training or competing, and he only had two days off each month to catch up on sleep.

Except for his cousin, he communicates with his relatives through chat video software, but communication across the screen is definitely not as good as face-to-face.

"What about from now on," Lin Ran filled two bowls of crab roe rice, "will we all stay in Huanggang?"

Jack is faced with a decision.

He obviously hasn't thought about his next choice yet.

Xiaoyao suddenly made a suggestion.

"How about we rent a house in Shanghai?"

Shiba Inu didn't react, "Huh?"

"I usually stay in Shanghai. Anyway, I have to broadcast live every day. I go back to my hometown during the holidays," Garlic Bastard thought, "We can live together, I think it's pretty good."

"If you have nothing to do, you can also have a linkage with the live broadcast, right?" Jack continued, "If you have nothing to do in the evening, you can go out for a supper and exchange feelings."

Lin Ran hesitated to speak, and thought for a moment before speaking, "Is this any different from what we did in the YM base?"

"That's definitely different," Lazy Dog Jack immediately retorted, "At least you don't have to worry about training anymore."

He felt that Xiaotian's suggestion was quite good.

The nightlife here is bustling and there are familiar friends.

"Then you live in the base." Guo Hao was still communicating with Han Yi and Bai Yueya just now. After hearing their discussion, he immediately turned his head to win over people, "There are many empty rooms, and I can also waive the rent."

"No," Shiba Inu refused. "My hands and feet get cold as soon as I stay at the base. I always feel like someone is urging me to play ranked games and training matches."

He has been living at the base these days, and he always feels out of sorts, thinking about it all because of the environment.

"Brother Ran is renting a house in Tongji Beiyuan, and we are also looking for a three-bedroom apartment nearby." Yu Wenbo has already begun to look forward to the future. "Xiaoyao and I have a room each, and the other room has been converted into a live broadcast room with two TV stations. The computer is just fine!”

In Yangpu District near Tongji Beiyuan, you can rent a very nice house for more than 10,000 yuan, which is definitely affordable for Jack and Garlic Bastard.

"What about me?" Jin Gong interrupted, looking very dissatisfied, "You guys grouped together and pushed me out, right?"

Xiaoyao's eyes wandered over Jin Gong's strong body for a moment, and he immediately responded from the bottom of his heart, "I blame you for forgetting. Wouldn't it be nice to leave you an extra room?"

After hearing this, the Xiba people nodded with satisfaction.

At this time, Lin Ran was encouraged by everyone to stand up and speak.

"Everyone has worked with me for a while. It can be said that you all have contributed a lot to the rise of YM," Lin Ran said in a sincere tone, "Thank you all for your hard work."

Su Cheng held the glass low with one hand and placed the other arm on the table to support her chin, looking intently at her boyfriend's profile.

"Back then, a spacious room in the backstage of Jing'an Sports Center was the common room for all our LSPL teams..."

Lin Ran's words brought back all the memories of everyone present to three years ago.

"At that time, we were full of hope and wanted to step into the LPL arena. When we came to the Hongqiao Tiandi Performing Arts Center, we were not satisfied with this and wanted to go one step further and go to the global finals."

"It is this desire that drives YM to succeed step by step," Lin Ran said in a steady and powerful voice, "Everyone here, whether you are still working in the e-sports circle or have decided to take a break, I hope that everyone will Throughout the days, I can always maintain this desire for goals.”

Guo Hao took the lead in clapping, and the others followed suit, and thunderous applause erupted in the private room.

There was a lot of drinking and drinking during the dinner, and by the time everyone at the table was full and full, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

Before leaving, they planned to take a group photo as a souvenir.

The players are generally shorter in stature, and Lin Ran, Da Mei and Jin Gong are considered tall.

They squatted at the front, with a row of staff standing behind them.

Everyone faces the camera and smiles.

The shutter sounded, and everything seemed to be frozen at this moment.

"Let's go back to the base and stay one more night." Guo Hao came back after paying the bill. "Don't forget to put on your clothes. It's cold outside."

He drove the people from the YM Club to the suburbs, taking Hanyi, Bai Yueya, Prophet and Xiao Ming with him. The bases of several clubs were not too far apart and were all in the same direction.

The old analyst took a taxi back to the hotel.

Su Cheng was the only one left beside Lin Ran.

He let out a long sigh and exhaled a breath of white breath, which dissipated without a trace in the cold winter night.

"Let's go, let's go!" My girlfriend stamped her feet, her body still shivering, "I'm almost numb from the cold."

After getting in the car and turning on the heater, Su Cheng rubbed her palms and put them against her boyfriend's neck. There was an icy chill in the softness. Lin Ran hissed lightly and grabbed her wrist with his backhand.

"Don't make trouble."

"What are you afraid of," Su Cheng said cheerfully, "The car hasn't started yet, and I can't even touch you twice?"

"Okay, okay..." Lin Ran couldn't do anything to her and let his girlfriend do whatever he wanted.

The two of them sat there for a quarter of an hour, and when they saw that it was too late, they set off to rush home.

YM’s spring split journey continues.

It's been a very difficult journey.

They are not getting along very well, and their staffing is not as strong as before.

Even though Lin Ran and Xiaoyao are trying their best to help the players grow, and the players themselves are working very hard, the team's hard power has been hovering at the front line of the LPL.

Halfway through the schedule, the team is still ranked second in the Western Conference, under pressure by RNG.

The east is still ruled by IG.

After Gala joined, the team's strength was once again improved.

This previously unknown ADC had a good chemical reaction with IG.

He is alone in the bottom lane, freeing Baolan to roam around to support, helping King Ning or the solo lanes in the middle and top lanes.

The defeat of S8 made the entire IG team hold their breath. They wanted to prove themselves on the stage of the global finals.

TheShy has trained Ornn well through hard training in the offseason.

Although he is not the best player with his ultimate move, his super laning ability has also frustrated many people.

At present, online public opinion is very optimistic about this IG, believing that they have no obvious weaknesses and are very hopeful to represent the LPL in MSI.

After the YM quartet left, the original team fans were divided into several groups.

One type is the audience who follow YM because of the team's good performance.

Now that they see that YM's results are mediocre, they switch to RNG and IG.

This is also human nature.

The second category is team fans.

They have feelings for the YM team, just like IG's dog son, no matter who the team members are, they still support them.

The third largest remaining category is also the one with the largest number of people.

A personal fan of the player.

Now that they don't have a home team, they just sit in the live broadcast room of a few rested players every day.

Lin Ran and others don’t have to fight for their historical status in the League of Legends world, so fans are very Buddhist.

"Good evening everyone, I'm off work."

The top-ranked live broadcast room on the homepage of the Dousha platform.

Lin Ran's face appeared in the center of the camera.

"Can you hear me, Wai Wai Wai Wai?"

The audience that had just poured into the live broadcast room let out a barrage.

[Please keep the host’s mouth away from the microphone, so I’m not deaf]

[The broadcast is so late today, what are you doing? 】

[What's going on? Why did Brother Ran suddenly change the live broadcast environment?]

Eagle-eyed viewers discovered that Lin Ran's background was completely different from before.

Lin Ran also caught a glimpse of this barrage.

"Yes, I moved to Singapore and rented a new house here." He answered truthfully.

The barrage filled the screen with question marks.

"Chengzi came here to communicate, so I followed him," Lin Ran explained a few words, and then returned to the topic again, "There is a wheat-linking event today, and it will start later."

As soon as these words came out, the barrage instantly became excited.

A month ago, Xiaotian and Jack returned to Shanghai after visiting relatives. They rented a large house in Tongji Beiyuan and purchased live broadcast equipment.

From then on, Lin Ran often connected with them to live broadcast the competition, and the show was very effective.

Lin Ran then gave another surprise, "Brother Gongzi is here too. There are four of us today."

Jin Gong bought a lot of real estate after returning to South Korea.

With the share of the champion skin for two years, plus salary and bonus income, he has no worries at all in his life.

Lin Ran glanced at the time.

There is no time difference between Singapore and China, and it is still a quarter of an hour before seven o'clock in the evening.

The door was gently kicked open, and Su Cheng, wearing home clothes, walked in quickly with a plate in both hands.

Her black hair has grown a lot longer and now covers her shoulders. Her soft facial features look much gentler than before.

"Quick, quick, get a newspaper to cushion it!"

Lin Ran quickly pulled out two pieces of paper from the side and placed them in front of the external keyboard.

Su Cheng quickly put the tray on it.

There was a steaming lobster on each plate, along with some chunky potatoes, salad and fish fingers.

"Just tell me..." Lin Ran felt a little distressed when he saw his girlfriend rubbing her red fingertips.

"It's a small thing." Su Cheng waved his hand.

The habit she had retained after dating for more than two years made her unwilling to let her boyfriend do things that might cause harm to her palms.

She took out two pairs of plastic gloves from the drawer and opened the round sauce lid.

Lin Ran saw that Su Cheng's palm was fine, so he logged into YY Voice and connected with his teammates.

And the focus game is about to begin.

RNG vs. YM.

The outcome of this game will directly determine the ranking in the playoffs, which is of extraordinary significance.

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