LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 676 674: The legend ends!

In the backstage lounge, Lin Ran did not wear a suit, but put on a new YM team uniform.

"These three stars are so beautiful..." Khan murmured in proficient Chinese beside him, his eyes fixed on Lin Ran's team uniform.

Khan also has a few pieces.

But there were so many stars, none of them belonged to him.

Lin Ran lightly brushed his fingers over his chest.

Through the embroidery of golden stars, a wonderful touch reaches the heart.

Having made it all the way to the end of the story, it’s time to say goodbye.

Su Cheng, who was wearing a suit and skirt, opened the door and walked in. There were several paper cups filled with drinks on the tray he held.

"I think it will take a while before we can start. Let's drink some water first."

She grabbed two glasses of warm water and walked over to her boyfriend, reminding him in a warm voice, "Don't be nervous later."

Lin Ran sniffed Su Cheng's faint perfume, responded, took the paper cup and drank it in one gulp.

"What's there to be nervous about?" Jack sat on the chair carelessly, "Why don't you just go up and say a few words."

Lin Ran put his arms around his girlfriend's shoulders and looked at Xiaolongbao, "How about it? Your mentality has not been broken by Prince Ning, right?"

The FMVP of the summer split was won by Gao Zhenning. This was the position with the largest matchup gap in the finals. Lin Ran was also worried that there would be some problems with the mentality of his new jungler.

"...It's okay." Xiaolongbao hesitated for a moment and replied.

Throughout the summer season, he had been coached by Lin Ran and Xiao Yao in turn. Now he felt like the two were like his homeroom teachers during school, and they answered the questions with trepidation.

Seeing his appearance, Lin Ran lost all intention of talking to him and turned around to chat with a few old teammates.

Half an hour later, a staff member finally came to inform them that they were ready to leave.

Everyone filed out and sat in the front row of the auditorium.

Surrounded by club staff, senior executives from Tengjing and Riot Games, and investor representatives, followed by family members.

Su Cheng's parents and Lin Mingdong finished their matters and rushed to Shanghai to attend Lin Ran's retirement ceremony.

Aftershock and newcomer Liu Hang, who replaced Ren Dong, stood in the center of the stage.

"It's an honor to host the player retirement and hall of fame establishment ceremony of YM E-Sports Club today..."

Liu Hang is tall and has a loud voice.

Yu Zhen answered from the side, "First of all, let us welcome Guo Hao, general manager of YM Club, to speak on stage!"

Wearing a dark blue suit, Guo Hao strode onto the stage.

"Today is a special day for the YM Club and myself." His voice was much lower than Liu Hang's.

"1360 days ago, the club was officially established. The first batch of YM members and I came to the professional arena. For me, this was a great opportunity to prove my worth, but for the new players, they were greeted with apprehension. , unknown and uneasy.”

"The gears began to slowly turn from that day until November 3, 2018."

Guo Hao held up the microphone and said, "The S8 Global Finals is their last game in the professional arena."

"It was very cold in Incheon that day, and the stars were shining brightly above my head. The moment I won the championship, the stars and the spotlight on the stage shone on the Summoner's Trophy. I breathed a sigh of relief."

"Three consecutive championships is the biggest dream of every team in the industry. From then on, YM has been the most successful club in League of Legends."

He is full of emotions.

"However, a few days later, I heard the news that Brother Ran, Xiaoyao, Jack and Jin Gong were all leaving the team," Guo Hao told the truth, "I was stunned at the time."

"Originally, what I thought was to leave one by one to give the team some buffer space, and slowly lead the new players with the old. When all the new players have grown up, the older players will choose to rest and retire."

"But I didn't persuade the old players to stay and continue playing, because I knew this idea was selfish..."

The audience was completely silent.

"They deserve to have their good lives."

Guo Hao continued without pausing for a moment, "This transfer period has been very hard, and I have encountered many unpleasant things. When I lie in bed at night, sometimes I think about how I might as well stop doing e-sports, because really tired."

"I first entered the e-sports circle because of my love, but during the transfer period, I felt that doing these things might not make me happy and satisfied."

"The investors who brought me into YM at first withdrew from the management, and the brothers who worked together also left one after another," Guo Hao paused for a moment, "There seems to be no reason to stay."

"But one day at three o'clock in the morning I went downstairs to relax, and I saw Zhuo Ding playing ranked in the training room. When I went upstairs at five o'clock in the morning, he was still there practicing hero."

"That's what touched me."

Lin Ran sat in the audience and listened quietly.

Guo Hao has never talked about these things. From his speech, he could hear the manager's thoughts after the World Championship last year.

"Looking at Zhuo Ding, I remembered three years ago, when the players' eyes were full of uneasiness and they could only divert their attention through endless practice. In my opinion, Knight was the same. At that time, , exactly at this moment.”

"Three years have been like a reincarnation. I looked at a group of young players who were still young and found the meaning of my stay."

"After that, I brought Xiaoyao and Range back as nominal assistant coaches, just to let these new players grow up as soon as possible so that they can take over the heavy responsibility."

Guo Hao talked eloquently and finally brought the topic back, "Including today's ceremony, we will establish the club's own hall of fame. While praising meritorious players, we will also inspire the younger generation of players. I hope they will And one day it can be a role model for another group of people.”

The audience burst into applause.

Khan, whose Chinese proficiency was close to passing the mark, also clapped his hands hard.

Subsequently, Tengjing CEO Bobby and Riot Games head of China Lin Song spoke successively, recalling the little things they had with YM players in the past, and at the same time praising their outstanding contributions to LPL and League of Legends e-sports.

Aftershock continued with the process, "Next, let's invite the members of the first YM Hall of Fame to come on stage!"

Lin Ran and the other three team members stood up and stood in a row on the stage.

The number of people in the Dousha live broadcast room continues to increase.

In addition to domestic netizens, there were also many foreign game enthusiasts who watched and could not understand Chinese, but this did not prevent them from witnessing the end of the legend.

"First of all, I want to ask Brother Ran, how do you feel after being away from the professional arena for more than half a year?" Liu Hang handed over a microphone.

"It can be said that I have experienced the word 'relaxation' for the first time in a long time." Lin Ran replied with a smile.

"So today is my official retirement. Is there anything you want to say to your teammates and fans?" Yuzhen asked the second question.

Lin Ran didn't hesitate. He glanced at the three friends beside him, as well as Liu Qingsong and Lin Weixiang in the audience. "Being able to be teammates with them is the luckiest thing in my career."

"The laughter and tears on the field will be sealed in time when we retire," he gushed. "I also want to thank the fans for their support over the past three years. Thank them for always giving me strength and confidence."

"I still remember my first LSPL game. There were only 35 spectators in the game," Lin Ran said sincerely. "Someone pointed their fingers at me and showed me one by one, telling me not to bloat or waste my talent. .”

"At this point, I can finally be proud to say that I have not wasted my talents, not even a single bit."

Su Cheng's eyes were filled with light. She was so radiant that she couldn't take her eyes away and applauded to celebrate her boyfriend.

Liu Hang and Yuzhen asked the other three teammates questions.

Jin Gong's emotions were particularly rich today. He repeatedly talked about emotional points, his eyes turned red and he burst into tears.

Xiaoyao handed him a pack of tissues and patted Xibaren's generous back to signal him to calm down.

At the end of the ceremony, Lin Ran looked up at the area where the spotlights met.

There, four flags slowly rose.

The team uniforms and IDs of the players are printed on each side.

He found his own flag.

Under the black and red YM team logo, three golden stars shine brightly.


YM Hall of Fame 001

Thank you for your outstanding contributions and the wonderful memories you have brought us

Lin Ran watched the flag rise to the dome, and the light reflected on his profile.

He felt empty inside.

It seemed like a part of his heart had been severely torn out.

His career was officially over at this point.

There were crying expressions in the barrage, and some people were crying.

At the same time, Riot Games posted a blog post on Lin Ran’s retirement on Twitter.

[Goodbye, THE GOAT, you will always be a legend in the history of League of Legends]

The YM official blog also posted a separate article of 3,000 words to commemorate Lin Ran’s three years at the club.

At the end of the article, there is a picture.

Lin Ran smiled happily at the camera and made the classic thumbs up gesture.

In front of him are three Summoner trophies and two MSI trophies.

The shelves behind him were filled with LPL FMVP, Global Finals FMVP and other trophies. They filled the entire screen.

Subsequently, the other three teammates who also retired in YM also received the same treatment.

Four consecutive Weibo posts.

It declares that an era that is unprecedented in the history of League of Legends e-sports and is likely to be unprecedented has come to an end.

After the ceremony, Lin Ran returned to the YM base accompanied by his girlfriend.

Dormitories, training rooms, restaurants...

Returning to these places that hold memories of his past career.

In the dormitory room, his bed cover has not been taken off.

The small bed was also covered with a dustproof object.

The luggage has all been emptied. The only difference is that Garlic Bastard left a small Bulbasaur doll, presumably for the next person who is destined to stay in the room.

The weather outside the window was gloomy, as if it was going to rain.

"I remember the day we moved to the base, the sky was just as dark."

Lin Ran ran his fingers across the small desk.

After taking a shower, he was sitting at this table, studying the video with Garlic Bastard on his tablet.

I have accumulated a lot of experience, waiting for the moment of dawn.

At this moment, the light outside the house suddenly broke through the clouds.

A dazzling light poured out on the earth.

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