"Cough..." Luo Thirty coughed a few times and took out his fingers, "Then what do you say? Don't tell me you didn't expect things to turn out like this."

"Hey, sorry, I really didn't expect it." Mai Yisha blinked and smiled.


"Don't stare at me so terribly!" Mai Yisha pouted angrily.

If it wasn't for Mai Yisha's friendship with him, Luo Thirty would have punched him long ago. He suppressed the anger in his heart: "Is there really no way? My life is now under the control of the elders, they said , I will die immediately if I don't go to them every month to get the antidote."

"Actually, it's not an antidote, it's a feed." Mai Yisa said, "This piercer must be specially cultivated. It only eats the feed prepared by the Elder Council. If it doesn't eat the feed for a month, it will die. A dead piercer is highly poisonous, and even a giant beast will be poisoned to death."

"Can you use illusion to help me steal the recipe for that feed?"

"How can you steal the elders without writing down the recipe on the paper, and I don't know which elder is responsible for dispensing the medicine for you. They all wear the same robes, and they can't tell who is who..."

"Then what do you say?"

"Don't worry, you are my male slave, I will not let you have an accident." Mai Yisha comforted.

"You said it lightly, it's not you who has a centipede in your heart!"

"Actually, there is no other way."

"Say it!"

"Lord Naganeka." Maiisha said, "Lord Naganeka is the most proficient in poisoning among the ascendants. As long as she is willing to help, the piercer will definitely be able to easily touch it, but..."

"Just what?"

"Lord Naganeka will definitely not help you in vain. If it falls into her hands, it may be worse than falling into the hands of the Presbyterian Church." Maiisha smiled wryly.

"Can't you ask Varieva to beg her? After all, they are sisters too." Luo Thirty thought of the lizard female ascender.

"Maybe you can try it, but I advise you to use this method at the end." Maiisha said, "Lord Naganeka may use a new poison to make you completely loyal to Lord Varieva, Lord Varieva There should be no objection to this plan.”

"Hey..." Luo 3 clenched his heart, although he didn't have any physical feeling, but when he thought that there was a centipede in his heart that might kill him, he felt bad.

"In this world, there is only one person who can make Lord Naganeka help you for free." Maiisha said, "That is Her Majesty the Queen. If you can be outstanding at the celebration and become Her Majesty's husband, you should be able to ask for help. Her Majesty the Queen asks Lord Naganeka to help you deal with the piercing cockroach, this should be the best way."

"After walking around for a long time, I finally came back here." Luo Shi sighed, "It seems that this is the only way to do it."

"I can't help you any more, and Lord Tayanari should have already arrived in the imperial city, I have to go back." Mai Yisha patted Luo Shi's head, "The next thing is you can only rely on yourself. You can't change your destiny, it's all up to you."

Mai Yisha left after saying this, leaving Luo Thirty in a daze in the courtyard of Naganeka's palace.

He touched the stone in his pocket. It was late at night, and the stone radiated a comfortable temperature that warmed his whole body.

"Meisha is gone?" After a long time, Naganeka's voice suddenly sounded behind Luo Thirty.

"Lord Naganeka..." Luo Thirty saluted Naganeka.

"Aren't you my sister's lover? Why don't you accompany her at night?" Naganeka sneered.

"This..." Luo 30 didn't know how to explain it, all he thought about was the centipede in his heart.

"Okay, no need to explain, I know my sister, she values ​​you so much, and she even used the right to save you from death. There should be a reason, tell me honestly." Naganeka stared at Luo Xiu, "I like honest people, it won't hurt you to tell me the truth."

Luo 30 thought about it, and felt that it was not something that had to be concealed, so she explained the reasons why Varieva wanted to keep him.

"You're going to be angry." Naganeka looked at Luo Thirty unexpectedly, "No wonder..."

Naganeka started walking around Luo 30, staring at him closely, her gaze made Luo 3 uncomfortable, like a butcher looking at how much fat an animal has.

"Varieva's obsession with qi has been going on for a hundred years, and it's not surprising that she values ​​you so much." Naganeka finally stopped in front of Luo Thirty, "But you are also lucky, Varieva was so lucky before she ascended. She is a stunning beauty, I remember that even the city lords of the two cities almost went to war."

"Zaimei was not like a lizard before she took off..." Luo 30 didn't say the words.

"My sister values ​​you so much, and I won't do anything to you, just help her." Naganeka said softly, "In this way, I can also guarantee that you will be safe for the rest of your life."

Luo Shi's heart moved: "The elder will be on me..."

"The elders will poison you just because you want to control you after you become Her Majesty's husband." Naganeka said, "But you will not become the Queen's husband. Her Majesty has no plans to have a husband at all. The Council of Elders thinks that they can persecute Her Majesty the Queen, but it is in vain."

Luo Shi was silent.

"You don't have to worry too much about the poison on your body. It's easy for me to solve. You just need to behave well in front of the council of elders." Naganeka laughed a few times, "If a year later, my sister still wants to keep you. If you die, I'll help you get rid of the piercing cockroach."

Naganeka left after saying this, not giving Luo Thirty any chance to refute.

"A year..." Luo Sa clenched her fists, "It sounds nice, but it's just to let me be a dog of the Presbyterian Church, and then be a dog of hers..."

Although they are both masters, Luo Thirty does not think that the Presbyterian Church and the Naganeka Sisters treat themselves like Maiisha.

After all, slaves are still slaves.

Luo 30 looked up at the sky, even in the dark, the huge sun disk was still dazzling and brilliant.

"The fate of the next... can only be controlled by me." Luo Shi softly read what Mai Yisha told him.

He clenched the stone in his pocket: "Tomorrow...the Queen's Celebration..."


Ascended Queen Setaka is the longest-reigning, most accomplished, and most beloved emperor in Shurima history.

——A Visit to the Ancient Shurima Empire, published by Piltover University School of History Press

Chapter 468 Opening of the Queen's Celebration

Queen's Celebration.

Luo Thirty has never participated in such a grand festival in her life.

Even though the long parade and flower caravan filled the streets of the entire imperial city, everyone was dressed up to attend, even Luo Shi was assigned a set of golden fleece, and in the morning he washed the first aromatherapy in his life. I took a bath and smeared some precious essential oils on my body, all of which were preparations for meeting the Queen.

He followed Naganeka and her many blind people to the imperial city. According to Naganeka, she would use illusions to cover up the slave mark on Luo 30's face to ensure that the elders would not see it.

But whether the Queen can see it, Luo Thirty doesn't know.

The huge square in front of the palace is also where the sun disc is facing. Tens of thousands of golden warriors stand in neat rows with spears. They are as motionless as sculptures, clearly and clearly dividing the imperial city and the enthusiastic people. out of a boundary.

Naganeka and Varieva also attended this time in full costumes. The two ascenders wore extremely complicated robes and crowns. When the crowd saw them approaching, they burst into enthusiastic cheers. Someone threw the petals of the immortal flower on them.

"This is too lively..." Luo 30 took a petal from his head. He observed the two ascenders in front of him. Naganeka was expressionless, and Varieva also looked solemn, the majesty of the ascenders. It was revealed in them that many people began to kneel down to worship them, shouting their names, but Luo Shi felt that more people feared them than worshiped them. Luo Shi saw that many people dared not be honest See them.

Luo 30 looked around, not a single slave was found in the crowd: "Sure enough, slaves are not allowed to participate in such celebrations... If I am found, I will be sent directly to the execution ground..."

Luo Thirty followed Naganeka and Varieva to the square, and the golden warriors took the initiative to separate a path for everyone to pass.

"Welcome [Evil Snake]! The great **** warrior Naganeka!"

"Welcome to [Dead Lizard]! The great **** warrior Varieva!"

A commanding officer with an extremely loud voice shouted, and the whole square could hear it clearly.

Stepping up the long, high steps of the main hall, Luo Shi came to the large platform on the first floor, and then stopped with the other people who carried the life, and only those with higher status could go up.

Naganeka and Varieva walked to the second large platform of the long staircase. Many ascenders have gathered here. Even the ascendants who can fly must walk up. The first platform where Luo Si is located and The second platform is not far away, Luo Thirty also saw a few familiar people, such as Varus, Renekton, and Tayanari.

"Tayanari is here, what about Mai Issa..." Luo Thirty looked around on the third platform, and found a barefoot girl with a purple veil and a headscarf on the opposite side, a pair of strange-colored eyes quietly Watching the crowd in the distance.

"Mai Yisha..." Luo Thirty wanted to say hello to Mai Yisha, but he saw the people around him, including Mai Yisha, standing silently on the spot, so he pressed the idea.

On the platform on the first floor, Luo Thirteen also saw two men with outstanding temperament and appearance. If nothing else, they were the other two candidates for the empress' husband run by the Council of Elders.

Looking left and right, Luo Thirty didn't find any more noteworthy people, and simply went to see the ascenders on the second floor platform.

The Ascenders also seem to form a good faction with each other, like Naganeka, Varus, and the Varieva brothers and sisters gathered in one place, Tayanari and several other Ascendants who did not know each other were chatting. What, Renekton took it by himself, closing his eyes and resting.

There are more than 100 ascenders gathered on the second floor platform. They have different shapes, but they all show strong coercion and self-confidence.

However, Luo Shi met the eyes of the two ascenders.

It was a pair of raven ascenders, it looked like a pair of twins, because the two people looked exactly the same, they were very withdrawn, they didn't gather with other ascenders, but stayed quietly in the corner until Luo Shi met their eyes .

Luo 30 quickly staggered his gaze, although he had Naganeka's illusion on his face, and although Naganeka said it was absolutely safe, there was no guarantee that there was an existence in the ascendant who could see the illusion.

Luo Shi had already looked away, but he still felt that the eyes of the raven ascenders were on him.

"Did I do something? Or did they see through the illusion?" Luo Thirty began to feel uneasy, but he saw that the pair of raven ascenders remained motionless from the corner of his eye, "Is it just a coincidence... Maybe they are In a daze"

Luo 30 didn't know, he looked at Mai Yisha opposite, the girl stood silently in the same place, her eyes of different colors were as calm as water.

"Hope is just an illusion, they may not be looking at me at all." Luo Thirty confirmed that there was nothing worthy of attention in himself, calmed down, and waited quietly.

There are more and more ascenders, and more and more life-carrying people are staying on the platform Luo Shi is on. Although the life-carrying people do not speak at all, the ascending people get together and communicate with each other very frequently. Different factions The ascenders between them also began to talk. For example, Luo Thirty saw that Varus and several other ascenders were talking to Renekton, and Naganeka was also saying something to Tayanari. It can be concluded that the relationship between the ascenders is not bad.

until someone opens it.

"Welcome! The Sun Presbyterian Church!" the commander shouted.

The people burst into cheers, but the Ascended Ones clearly showed all kinds of strange colors.

Disdain, disgust, contempt, indifference... Almost none of the ascendants showed kindness to the Sun Elders.

The elders of the sun would walk up the steps, and each of them hid their bodies tightly in their robes, and there was no trace of their appearance at all. Luo Xi watched them go to the second platform, and the ascenders automatically let them go. Halfway out, the Presbyterian Church stood, and even the ravens twins, who had been staring at Luo Thir in a daze, were dragged away by a vulture ascender.

The ascenders gathered in half, the elders gathered in half, the two sides were clearly separated, and it seemed that they had no intention of communicating with each other.

Luo 30 doesn't care about the conflict between the Ascended and the Presbyterian Church. Now he only cares about his own life-the Raven twins, even if they are dragged away, their eyes are locked on Luo 3.

"They definitely found something!" Luo Thirty roared inwardly, but he didn't dare to move, and showing the strangeness now is tantamount to courting death.

"Welcome! Eclipse King!" the commander shouted.

The Eclipse King did not walk up the steps from the bottom of the square. On the contrary, he walked directly from the main hall and stood on the third-floor platform of the highest floor.

The third floor platform was far away from the first floor, and Luo Shi only saw that the eclipse king was a mortal old man in Chinese clothes.

"Congratulations! Grand Scholar!" shouted the commander.

Nasus also appeared directly on the third floor platform. His appearance caused the people to burst into unheard of huge cheers, which shocked Luo for a moment and thought it was an earthquake.

"It seems that Nasus is very popular..." Luo Thirty looked at the top, except for the elders who couldn't see the expression, both the ascender and the eclipse king showed a friendly smile to Nasus, and the eclipse king even Nasus bowed slightly.

Luo 30 saw Renekton's proud smile, this bold crocodile ascender must be proud of his brother now.

"Congratulations! Ascension Queen! Her Majesty Setaka!" the commander finally shouted.

Compared with the cheers before, the entire imperial city was almost silent at this time, and everyone stretched their necks to look at the third platform, hoping to see Her Majesty the Queen.

The same is true for Luo Shi. He really wants to see what this queen who has been sung about all the time is like.

The crisp sound of the boots stepping on the ground sounded, and a beautiful figure slowly walked out of the palace.

Luo Shi's eyes widened.

Long black and thick hair, green eyes like blue waves, wearing a battle armor that shines like the sun on her tall body, and golden wheat ear-colored skin that seems to be a gift from the sun, all of them describe her extraordinary, Even though Luo 30 couldn't see her face clearly from a distance, Luo 30 still felt that she must be a breathtakingly beautiful woman, and even Mai Yisha was slightly inferior.

But what surprised Luo the most was that this queen, the great queen known as the strongest ascendant, did not see any shadow of the ascendant on her body.

She does not have the head of a beast, nor a huge body, she is simply a very beautiful woman.

"The most perfect ascender that Mai Yisha said... Is this what he means..." Luo Shi suppressed his surprise, because he saw Setaka walking to the front of the platform, the ascender and the elders were together The Queen of Qi Dynasty knelt down, and the people on the floor of Luo 3 had to kneel, and it continued to the people. For a time, except for the Eclipse King and the great scholar Nasus, who stood behind Setaka, everyone was there. Worship Setaka, the Queen of Shurima, the world's most powerful empire.



Setaka: means "great warrior".

——The Dictionary of Ancient Shurima, School of Languages, Piltover University

Chapter four hundred and sixty-ninth national interview

"Welcome, my people, sons and daughters of the great Shurima!" Queen Sethaka began her speech.

She didn't shout, she just spoke normally, but her voice could reach far away, as if she felt like she was speaking in front of her.

"Arise, people of the sun, let us bathe in the glory of the sun!" Setaka said.

The people who were kneeling stood up one after another, Luo Shi suddenly felt a dazzling light at the moment when he looked up. Above the high-hanging sun disc, the dazzling sunlight was reflected on the square by the disc, and Luo Shi suddenly felt that his body was full of With strength, it seems to have endless energy.

The people seemed to sense such power, and they sang hymns praising the sun in unison.

"This is the power of the sun disc..." Luo Thirty remembered the ascension ceremony that Mai Yisha had told him, which was the ceremony in which the sun disc concentrated the power of the sun on the human body, "The power of the sun is distributed to so many people. It's so obvious on the body, if it's concentrated on one person... No wonder the ascenders are so powerful."

Setaka's speech was simple and clear, she didn't deliberately say her exploits or anything, she just succinctly said a few ceremonial words, and then let Nasus step forward.

"I thought she was going to talk for a long time..." Luo Xiu looked at the reactions of the ascendants, each of them looked at Setaka with a burning gaze, and even the Raven twins stopped staring at Luo Xiu, But looking at their queen made Luo Thirteen a lot more relaxed, and it was not a pleasant experience to be stared at by two ascenders with unknown intentions.

As the Grand Maester, Nasus first bowed to Setaka, holding a long staff and axe, which is a symbol of intelligence and strength, showing his honorable status as both Grand Maester and Ascended.

"Below! Follow the Queen's order! Please come to the stage to offer the messengers of the countries who are also blessed by the sun!" Nasus said.

Luo Thirty, who had already understood the celebration process in advance, knew that the next thing was the tribute from the vassal states of the Shurima Empire.

The first vassal mission took the lead to walk to the bottom first floor platform. They could only stop there and could not be on the same stage with the Ascended and the Presbyterians.

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