"Why, don't believe me"

"A bit."

"This is a fact."

"Why does Volibear say you have the scent of three sisters?"

"I want to ask him too..."

Udyr looked at Lothar with a sense of loss. He recalled the time when he was still leading his disciples a few years ago.

Among his apprentices, Lothar and Nazak have the best relationship. Lothar does not have the talent of a beast spirit walker, but he is very courageous. He often encourages Naza, the most powerful of his disciples, to accompany him to various dangerous places for hundreds of years. Old medicine or catching exotic animals, and Nazak never refuses. Every time Udyr scolded them, Nazak hid behind Lothar, snickering shyly.

"Times like this will never come back..." Udyr sighed in his heart, his disciples are now going their separate ways, and their fate will no longer be disturbed by him.

"Where have you been all these years?" Lothar put down the soup bowl and asked Udyr, "Do you know how long I've been looking for you?"



"A piece of land called Ionia, it takes two years to reach on foot." Udyr said, "It is very different from the Freljord. They speak different languages ​​and worship different gods. doing different things."

Udyr glanced at Lothar: "And I think you look more like the people over there."

Lothar was startled and pointed to himself: "I'm an Ionian"

Udyr took a closer look at Lothar: "In terms of characteristics... you are indeed more Ionian. Dark hair, dark eyes, yellow skin..."

Lothar is a little confused. He knows that he doesn't look like most Freljords. Other boys have a lot of chest hair since puberty, but he doesn't grow at all. The difference in appearance is also an important reason why he was often excluded when he was a child, but he never thought that he might actually come from other places.

"Ionia..." Lothar said the word lightly, putting aside her doubts about her background for a while, and continued to ask, "Why did you go so far?"

"To train myself."

"You still need to practice." Lothar always believed that Udyr was strong, at least he had never seen any beast spirit walker stronger than Udyr.

"Of course, each of us needs to be tempered." Udyr said, "You know, I am very sensitive to beast spirits..."

"Yeah, if a dog passes by you, you will drool like it. I once saw you drooling like a dog with your legs crossed..." Losar suddenly saw Udyr's face turning blue, and hurriedly fell silent.

Udyr gave Lothar an angry look: "I met a monk from Ionia."


Ionia, which means the land of birth.

— Ionian sayings

Chapter 111 The Story of Udyr

"Monk" Lothar heard the word for the first time.

"Just like the shaman we have here," Udyr explained. "He came to the Freljord to practice, and his understanding of soul and spiritual practice convinced me. I realized that this is what I needed, My beast spirit talent is too strong, but it has become my shackles and brought me a lot of trouble. The beast's mind is too easy to affect me, so I decided to follow him to Ionia to practice for a while."

"So you can control yourself not to bark now?"

"Not yet..." Udyr scratched his cheek in embarrassment.

"Then what did you go all the way to learn?" Lothar said suspiciously, "That monk wouldn't be a liar, did you give him money?"

"Of course he's not a liar." Udyr folded his arms and thought for a long time: "It's hard to explain to you... The cultivation method in Ionia is very different from ours, not just simply tempering the body and communicating with beast spirits... To be honest, it's hard for me to tell the truth, but I did initially control my power through the cultivation method there. You can go there and see for yourself if you have a chance."

"That's fine." Lothar said with a wry smile, "I don't have any talent, so it's no use going."

Udyr remembered that when he first met Lothar, the wolfishness of Lothar attracted his attention. When he learned that he was raised by wolves, Udyr mistakenly thought that the child would be a good beast spirit walker, because only those who were naturally compatible with beast spirits could survive in the beast's den as a baby.

The result was completely beyond Udyr's expectations. Lothar didn't have any talent as a beastwalker. Udyr remembered the frustration on Lothar's face when he couldn't get a wolf to communicate with him no matter how hard he tried. Udyr couldn't bear to drive Lothar away directly, and taught him some knowledge about herbs and wilderness, but in fact, Lothar didn't learn from Udyr for long, the attack that the bear man took Nazak away Let this teacher-disciple relationship come to an abrupt end.

Udyr knew that the boy worked harder than anyone, braver than anyone, and thirst for power more than anyone.

But the power just doesn't favor him.

"Don't talk about me, talk about you." Udyr changed the subject, he pointed to Lothar's severed arm, "What's the matter?"

Lothar looked at the swaying bonfire and spoke in a eloquent manner.

He fell in love with a girl he lost an arm to save the girl who became Avarosa's new warmother, and Lothar was looking for the strong men he knew to join Ava in the Freljord Rosa.

Udyr listened carefully, and finally couldn't help teasing: "You selfish brat would do so much for a girl"

"Why don't you believe it?"

"Letter." Udyr sighed, "It's not that I haven't experienced love before, and I know that feeling."

Lothar glanced at Udyr, who had no interest in the Beast Walker's romance.

"Do you think it's worth it? It cost an arm," Udyr asked.

Lothar said without hesitation: "What's worth it, do it, just do it, I don't regret it anyway."

Udyr nodded, but said nothing.

Lothar leaned forward and looked into Udyr's eyes: "I brought Olaf here, first to fulfill my promise to him, and second to see if there is a chance to save Nazak."

"I think the same way," Udyr sighed, "but you can see it, it's dead."

The two were silent for a while, and Udyr taught him a lesson: "But you are still too reckless. The Bearman Hunting Ground is not something you can enter if you want."

Lothar rubbed his head: "I had a plan originally, but as a result, I just happened to meet you, so I temporarily canceled the plan."

Udyr had mixed feelings in his heart, Nazak had become almost unknown to him, but Lothar was still as bold as ever.

"Don't talk about that." Lothar waved his hand and said sternly, "Since I can meet you by chance, maybe this is the guidance of fate. Udyr, come with me to Avarosa, Avarosa is A tribe that is determined to unify the Freljord and achieve equality for all. It will need a powerful beast spirit walker like you."

Lothar felt that Udyr had no reason to refuse. He and Udyr had a very good relationship, not to mention that Udyr had no tribe of his own, and was an orphan with no relatives and no reason.

To Lothar's surprise, Udyr refused very simply: "I can't go."


"I have to go somewhere else."


Udyr's answer surprised Lothar at all: "Winter's Claw."

"what are you doing there"

"My love and daughter are there."

"What?" Lothar was dumbfounded, "You already have a daughter."

Udyr nodded, his usual stern face showing a rare softness: "Her name is Sejuani."

Lothar's expression was quite wonderful.

Lothar never imagined that Udyr's lover was actually Sejuani's mother, Corgia.

After a detailed exchange with Udyr, Lothar also understood their relationship.

The Horde was slaughtered by the Frost Guard when Udyr was young, but Udyr's mighty spiritual power saved him. Later, he found Winter's Claw. Winter's Claw's mother was still Sejuani's grandmother, Sijan, and she didn't really want to take in this foreigner.

But there was only one person in Winter's Claw who had opened up to Udyr, and that was Kojiya.

Lothar remembered the story Ashe had told him, that Corgia had abandoned Sejuani when she was very young, and eloped with his lover, who was Udyr.

But their two-person world didn't last long. The news of Xijian's death reached Kuojiya's ears. Even if Kuojiya was reluctant, only she could inherit the position of the mother-in-law of Winter's Claw, so She had to go back, and Udyr respected her choice.

Later, Udyr began to travel and practice in the Freljord, learning under many people, and also accepting some apprentices, such as Lothar and Nazak.

"When I was in Ionia, I felt the news from the Freljord's beast spirits through the wind. The Freljord will usher in chaos, great danger is brewing, and the beast spirits are crying. And I have to protect Kojiya and Sejuani, and that's my responsibility as a partner and a father."

Udyr left only this sentence after exchanging some information with Lothar about his experience in Ionia, and said goodbye to Lothar.

Lothar did not hold back, he knew that no amount of benefits would be as heavy as family affection in Udyr's heart.

"I don't know if Sejuani is Udyr's biological daughter." Lothar knew that Corgia, who was a war mother, had many husbands, "but they are still a bit like father and daughter..."

Lothar remembered that young Iceborn girl who was resolute and ruthless, and suddenly felt that Udyr was not very similar to her.

"Forget it, I can't take care of other people's housework, but it's embarrassing now... Ashe and Sejuani are still sisters, and Udyr and I have this relationship again. In the future, Avarosa and Rin What should I do when the Claws of Winter meet..." Lothar had a headache, the Claws of Winter's looting style is completely opposite to the peaceful purpose of the Avarosa tribe, but neither of them is likely to easily change his life. If there is a conflict, it is bound to be quite troublesome.

"Forget it, don't think about it. Let's talk about it later. Besides, Avarossa, Braum and Gragas... I don't know if Ashe persuaded them to stay." Lothar began to feel a little anxious. Just because Udyr joined Winter's Claw, and because of his words - the Freljord will usher in troubled times.

Lothar did not think that Udyr was talking nonsense. His spiritual power was extremely powerful, and he could sense the calls and warnings of the beasts.

The Freljord is getting more and more chaotic, Lothar knows that. The Frost Guard, the trolls, the bearmen, and the conflict between the various tribes do not know when they will break out. After seeing the power of the gods, Lothar's heart is even more urgent.

Avarossa needs power, more power.

Lothar himself cannot provide Ashe with power, so he will find more powerful people to help her.

It is difficult for weak tribes to survive in the Freljord, let alone in troubled times.

Lothar looked at the tundra in the distance and kicked Olaf, who was still sleeping.

"Um...um...what's the matter, is there a fight with Lao Tzu again?" Olaf mumbled while rubbing his eyes.

"I'm sorry, although you are still injured, we are going to leave soon." Lothar started to pack up.

"I'm so anxious, I want to sleep more."

"It's urgent." Rosa said, "We don't have much time. The weather is getting colder and colder. This year's winter may come early, we have to speed up."

"Okay..." Olaf got up reluctantly, "Who's the next guy we're looking for?"


The Freljord is the wilderness, where the weak eat the best, no matter what the method is, to survive is to win. All tribes live under this law, whether it's Winter's Claw or the Frost Guard, whether it's human or troll, whether it's two-legged or four-legged, there is no difference between us - take our own You have to bite your teeth into someone else's neck to fill your stomach.

— Udyr

Chapter 112 Tryndamere

Tryndamere led the warriors of his tribe, bathed in the cheers of the people, and triumphed in blood.

He was a tall man with a helmet, shoulder armor and battle skirt made of cold iron, and he was almost shirtless in the ice and snow. The muscles on his body are distinct and contain the power to destroy everything. His body was covered with wounds and bloodstains, and the heat spurted from the wounds, and the snowflakes could not even fall on him.

Tryndamere held his own cold iron sword in one hand. This weapon, which was forged by quenching ice, was covered with flesh and blood at the moment, but this was the reason why it was forged. Every totem groove on it was soaked with blood. The enemy's, but also Tryndamere's own.

His other hand held a head, the owner of the head belonged to a middle-aged man, and also wore a helmet, the style of the helmet showed that he was a soldier of high status.

"This year!" shouted Tryndamere, standing in the middle of the crowd. "This year the Noxians have invaded our lands again! They're more aggressive than ever! There are more! But we still drove them back. This is their head!"

Tryndamere threw his head on the ground, and with a turn of the sword, the head was chopped to pieces with the sharp wind of the blade.

The people burst into cheers, men and women, young and old, all hammered their chests, vying to attach their hands to the weapons of the warriors, and painted two curved red marks on their faces with the blood of the enemy. Draw on both sides of the cheeks, from under the nose to the base of the ears, in the shape of two long wild boar teeth.

"We also have warriors who will die with honor this year!" Tryndamere continued to shout, "May Kindred take them in! May the three sisters bless us! May the rams wish our weapons remain sharp and strong! May the giant bears wish us our battles. Invincible! May the phoenix wish our land to remain pure...Finally! May the boar wish us prosperity!"

Tryndamere's voice completely ignited the people, and people excitedly provoked earth dances, gathered around to see the spoils brought back by the warriors.

Tryndamere walked in front of the shaman, and the old shaman looked at him proudly and gratified: "You are indeed the strongest warrior of our tribe, Tryndamere, having you born in our tribe is really the best gift the boar has given us. "

Tryndamere put the cold iron sword on the ground, then knelt down on one knee, with respect and trust in his eyes: "No, shaman, it is my luck that I was born here."

The shaman nodded in satisfaction. He soaked his hands in snow water and wiped the blood and wounds for Tryndamere himself.

After wiping Tryndamere's body clean, the old shaman bit his finger and drew two arc marks on Tryndamere's face with blood: "Let's party with the warriors tonight, I will let the butchers prepare for you. Good wine and meat."

"Thank you for your gift." Tryndamere kissed the old shaman's forehead, stood up, and turned to leave.

"Tendamere!" a voice suddenly stopped him.

It was a young man wearing an animal skin hat. He ran to Tryndamere vigorously, gasping for breath: "There is... someone..."

"Speak slowly, child." Tryndamere patted the young man on the back. "Are there any enemies?"

"No...not..." the youth said, "it's two...foreigners, they said...want to see you..."

"Alien" Tryndamere frowned. It's almost autumn now. All tribes are stepping up their preparations for winter, and they seldom trade with each other. "There are still foreigners coming to me at this time."

Tryndamere turned to look at the old shaman, and the old shaman nodded: "Go, Tryndamere, I believe you can handle it well."

Tryndamere saluted the old shaman and said to the young man, "Let's go and see who our guest is."

Olaf looked at the gate totem of this tribe with great interest.

The bandages on Berserker's body have now been removed a lot. Although he has watched it many times, Lothar still has to sigh at Olaf's perverted resilience. After the battle with Ling Xiong, Olaf was burnt to the point where he recovered almost in a few months.

In Olaf's own words: "As long as there is meat to eat, drink, and fights, there is no injury that cannot be recovered."

Olaf folded his arms and watched the totem of the tribe, completely ignoring the vigilant gaze of the warriors guarding the gate, and asked carelessly, "Is the **** this tribe believes in the Iron Boar?"

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