Long Live Summons

Chapter 1301: :[No return]

Ww.x.om Ten Sky Tower.

Into the fanatic dragon knight and the dragon blood guard two legions, as well as a group of followers who support Yue Yang's army, warriors, mercenaries, etc., suddenly like an invisible big hand smoothed out of control emotions, all self-endless Out of the madness, they are waking up.

They didn't have time to understand what happened to themselves, and they let the next cruel reality shaken.

Was cheated!

I was deceived, and I was deceived very badly...

"Please note, my dear friends, no, fellow villagers, you have not misunderstood, yes, it is me, you hate it, you can't want to tear me into pieces, then drink my blood, my meat, my skin, hateful The traitor, the East, who is known as the Lord of the Central Temple in the heavens, borrows the name of the three families of the Yue family, deceives you idiots like ants, steals the power of your faith, and the power of your beast and beast. Maybe you are still confused, maybe you are in the middle of confusion, or you have already blown up your heart and lungs, but this has anything to do with it. The facts will not change a little because of your anger or dementia. On the contrary, the more you are In this way, the more you prove your humbleness and insignificance. Dear fellows, incompetence is synonymous with you. Stupidity is a true reflection of your intelligence. I don't want to attack you, but you really can't have any praise. The place, in addition to being very idiotic to send me a huge fanaticism, you have no value anymore... This is what I tell you the truth. Positive purpose ...... Suicide, very angry that you follow three little loyalty can not succeed, go to **** with it! "

"What?" Although it is hoped that this is not the case, the sound of the East is clearly and infiltrated into everyone's ear drums. Even if you cover your ears, the sound can easily penetrate the obstacles and go straight into your heart.

"Tongtian Tower has no hope. I vowed to ruin it by myself, and I will not forget to thank you. Because you are also a group of people who have contributed to it. Your stupidity has given me a lot of surprises and help, Yue Jiasan. Less, unfortunately, he does not have such good luck as me. With the existence of these idiots, he has been in a desperate struggle to fight hard and struggle, and he has to bear more and more blows, aha. Your stupid help, take the lead Just give him a stick... Is it me? No, it’s you, yes. It’s you, you personally ruined Yue Titan!”

"No!" The dragon knights and the dragons of the Dragon Blood Guards were holding their heads in pain. They never imagined that they would be used by the enemy, which in turn caused irreversible blows to the three families who believed in and followed.

"I don't want to live!" Many people raised their weapons, and they no longer lived, and they thought of suicide the first time.

"Good-bye, my clever fellows, I will not forget you. In the history of the world, fools like you are really rare! Go and die, you will waste every minute you live. And the pollution of the Tongtian Tower, a fresh air, I really don't know, there is such a presence like you. There are still some faces to live, ants, you are not worthy of my hands, hurry up and do it yourself, that is your only correct choice!" The sound of the East is sharper than the voice of the devil, and it is also poisonous. After listening to it, everyone has a heart pierced by a sharp edge. The pain of being dripping blood.

When the image of the East disappeared in the sky, almost all the soldiers were unable to fall down in the mud.

Cover each other one by one, crying in pain.

Originally, I wanted to follow the Yue family, and to resist the invasion of the celestial regiment for the home. Sprinkle all the blood, apply youth and vitality to the peak of your life, and add brilliance and color to the tomorrow of Tongtian Tower.

But now, there is no honor, and the rest is only the shame that is stupid and eternal.


Why is this happening?

Is it true that faith and follow-up are wrong?

Just when the whole army was crying in shame, countless people raised their weapons and prepared to wash the pain and shame of their hearts with the blood of the neck. Suddenly there was a man standing up, shaking his arms, shouting, his voice Big, the world is shaking: "You are stupid, dead, not a solution to the problem! You will only make the enemy laugh more happier! Listen, if you have a sense of reason, there is still a little thought Ability, don't let the blow in front of you overwhelm, you do it, just like the traitor's mind, he may be waiting to form some kind of sacrifice with our life, flesh and soul, and if so, It’s a real blow to Yuejia’s three young people. Do you still have to go to the middle school? Are you sure that you really want to be like that? You really have to go to the abyss with the three families who are still working hard. Stand up, we are dead, we must also be for us. The death of faith, for the goal we follow, sacrifice, that is the value!"

"Yes, that's it! We were deceived, the power and the power of the beasts were stolen, and there is no way to fight for Yue Titan. However, we can't die like this. Even if we die, we must help Yue. Titan is successful, he needs our help, even if it is playing a little bit, we should not give up! We have no strength, but we still have a living body, we have a sigh of relief, come, we continue to bear the fate for Yue Titan As long as we put on life, we can definitely help Yue Titan!" The violent family's children, also stood up, and supported the Cangwu Yulong who just woken everyone.

"Can we?" Countless dragon knights and dragon blood guards stood up and regained their radiance in their eyes.

"Of course, we still have a life. This is what the enemy wants to lie and deceive. We have to use it in exchange for the success of the Yue family." The person who stood up this time is the prince of the Eastern Yaozu.

He is the youngest son of the Dragon Emperor, the brother of the Southern Demon King, and one of the three leaders of the Dragon Knights.

Because the character is too free and sloppy, passionate about art, although quite talented, but he is not enough to the martial arts, until a year ago, by the dragons in the middle of the mainland, the fat man and the snow greedy wolf and other rising stars to join the dragon The ranks of the knights, from the ordinary small soldiers, all the way to the general commander, he is more influential than the other two leaders of the Ming Yuege's Falling Star and the Nether's fantasy.

When he stood up, he was sure that the dragons and dragons and the dragon's heart would slowly calm down.

"Let's renew. Stand up again and continue to bear the fate for Yue Taitan. He will definitely not give up. We will not give up. Even though we have nothing now, we still have life..."

"Our friends, we are the most united comrades of the Tongtian Tower..."

"This time, we will not be deceived by the enemy again. I feel the power of destiny, let my body become a powder, I don't care, as long as it can succeed. As long as my body has a little effect, even take it. Destiny, I won't bow to you, even if I can't fight you, but the man I support, he can, hold his head and stand upright. Take control of him in his palm! Melt it, My body, everything I do not want, success, as long as I can exchange the man's future, in exchange for his success! My existence is loyalty and firmness. Any force, including destiny, also wants to shake my real faith……"

One after another, the dragon knight stood up, and one dragon blood guard stood up again. They held hands and re-sensed the fate of destiny.

Different from previous ones.

Now they will not complain about the heavy weight of fate.

They no longer care about life and death, because, besides life. They have nothing.

The sky, one after another, is projected on the faces, hands, and bodies of the loyal men, so that they can look at this moment, especially the sacred solemnity!

More and more people are coming in, more and more light. From the cloud floor, it finally formed a large piece of huge light column, and even formed a spectacular waterfall of the gods. Under this kind of light, as if all the evils and filth in the world were purified, only one kind was left. Pure sacrifice, a loyalty that is close to eternity.

This is their silent answer to the deceiver.

It is also the best support for followers.

Another space.

The image of the Lord's main hall appeared in front of other people, and it also sent out a voice that was more stalking than the devil. However, this voice revealed not ridicule and blow, but temptation and conspiracy.

"The one that claims to be one of the three major killing stars, the Yan Bianjun, the wind seven kills, you used to be the same as the snow greedy wolf, but now, look at yourself, there is a strong look? You are in front of Yue Titan, even A dog is not as good! Yes, even if it is Yue Titan's watchdog Gray Wolf, it is stronger than you, and it is more comfortable than you! No, you are worse than a dog, you are even more than the garbage of Shanghai fat man, that The sea is rich in garbage. Once upon a time, it was your foot mud. Now? He stepped on your head with arrogance, so that you are not qualified to eat fart... Is this the life you want? This is Are you really strong and talented? Ah no, you are the most genius existence, but you have been stunned by Yue Titan. He has been hitting you all the time, not only with his dog, but also with the most garbage of the sea fat man. With the almost empty starved leaves, and the mercenary Lishi brothers who can't keep going, use these most common items to fight against the arrogant sons of the once high, haha, Yue Titan favorite This is the set! If you still want to continue, continue to be the fat of the fat feet of the sea, continue to live better than the dog, then I don’t say anything... but you know, you obviously have better The choice! Listen, Yue Titan is dying, Tongtian Tower is about to sink, and it will not be lost. You are the future of Tongtian Tower. Yes, you have not misunderstood, you are already the only talents in Tongtian Tower, if you Need, as long as you nod, then I can give you everything right away, including the entire Tongtian Tower. You can immediately get a hundred times or even ten thousand times stronger than now. You don’t have to pay anything, as long as you If you are willing to accept, then you can get everything. What are the fat people in the sea, what are the leaves, what are the snow greed, they are all **** than you, not to mention that they can no longer survive, even if they can, can not compare with you One finger! Nod, as long as you wish, I can give you the strongest power right away. The whole Tongtian Tower, no one is the opponent of both of you!"

The image of the East is in front of the smashing army and the seven kills of the wind.

The sound is like a snake.

Drill into their ear drums.

No, this sound can be directly drilled into their hearts, even if they both turn off their hearing, it is useless.

"As long as you can get the strongest strength with a little bit?" Yan Bingjun's eyes flashed a trace of confusion. He didn't want to deny what kind of desire he was. What kind of hard work these years have been, for what? Still not for strength! Unfortunately. The more you practice, the farther you will let the fat people pull! If it is the peerless genius of Yue Yang and Xue Huo wolf, then it is all right, but Hai Fatzi used to be a big waste wood. Now it is easy to surpass himself. Is such an effort really useful? If it is useless, is it necessary to work hard?

"Break the army. No, can you believe in the East? He is a traitor!" The wind seven killed his eyes, and he felt that the will of the broken army was shaken.

"I am a traitor to the Tongtian Tower. I used to be the most passionate and most supportive of the Heavenly Tower. I dare say that my followers were no less than Yue Taitan. But what did I get? In front of the relationship, I Lost to a guy who is worse than me, just because of the relationship behind him, just because of his origins, I am the biggest obstacle to the rule of others, and finally became the traitor of the Tongtian Tower! This is I am also a true portrayal of you today! You used to be high-spirited, but you have nothing to do with it, so you let Yue Taitan step on his feet, on the contrary, the fat man who has a relationship with Yue Titan. The sea is so arrogant... You still don’t understand it now? How important is the relationship, no one behind, what is the use of cultivation? Listen to me, Yan Bingjun, if you like, I can accept You are a disciple, give you everything in the tower, do you never think about it, do you have the entire Tongtian Tower?" The eastern lips have a smile He did so with a smile watching, suffered the temptation in front of Yan breaking the military.

"I..." Yan Bingjun did not want to deny, he was tempted.

"Don't do this. The East must be lying to lie to you, breaking the army, not your own ability, just like a bubble, you will break it at a glance, don't you still understand? If you want to do this, I will not stop you, However, I will not walk with you again. I don't want to deny it. I admire the greedy wolf and Ye Kong, but you also saw it. Even if it is a fat man, he also put in enough effort to get it today. We should Correcting the mindset is not a jealousy, but an envy and hard work. The relationship is not the most important thing in life. Only the ability that you have and the faith of loyalty are the most important... break the army, please let me finally call Once you, I decided, abandon everything, follow Yue Titan, make a contribution to his destiny, for the fate of Tongtian Tower!" Wind Seven Kills no longer feels fear because of death, he is under the temptation of the East, Instead, it strengthened the belief.

A divine light is projected from the sky.

Shrouded over his head.

He held the summoning book in his hands, his face and his eyes were shining, and he seemed to be more shining than the light in the sky.

Yan Bingjun saw it, burst into tears, and his face was struggling, but in the end the conviction defeated the temptation to get something for nothing. He also lifted the summoning book in his hand and murmured: "My old friend, my old man." Opponent, my brother, I am wrong, but I will not let you alone on the road, the future of Tongtian Tower is not mine, I am greedy, please forgive me, let me walk with you, I am really I want to be the best in the world, but compared to the world, I want to have a group of smiling friends..."

Shenguang, shrouded the Yan and the army and the wind, and blinked away.

The East failed for temptation.

It seems to be a little bit more unexpected.

In his view, the wind seven kills not to say, at least the broken army has been tempted, but later unclear, the belief broke open the temptation, return to the soul, and even voluntarily follow the wind seven kills, surpass death, in exchange for carrying The fate is really a bit unexpected.

Is it not enough to temptation? This is obviously the temptation of God's thoughts!

Unsuccessful, he turned to Yue Tian, ​​Yue Yan and Yue Feng.

"You poor, you have never gotten the ones that Yue Titan really looked at, but also sacrificed yourself and bear the fate for him? What good is it for you to do this? Do you think that he will be grateful to you? Yes, do you think that this will succeed, will he succeed? Do you think that I will get the final success from watching Yue Titan? Why do I still have the leisure to talk to you like this? That is because he is doomed to failure! In the case, you are still so hard to bear the fate, want to laugh at me? Think about your past, Yue Tian, ​​you are the eldest son and grandson, who let you take away all the rights of the Yue family? And Yue Yan You become a waste person because of who? There is Yue Feng, you have a good talent and the future. But do you think that your third brother will let you have a day beyond him? Ye Kong is dead, Hai Fatzi also Dead, the snow greedy wolf is dead, everyone is dead, just the wind seven kills and the Yan broke the army also embarked on the road, now who is left in the tower? Only you guys... as long as you gently nod So you can have everything right away. Yue days, you can not only regain the loyalty of all, you can have the whole Babel. Yue Yan, you'll be a basket case can be made into a God of order, and the mountain winds children, your future will be unlimited ...... "

The words of the East, the arrow-like hole through Yue Tian their heart, and will.

Yue Feng is still small, and the resistance to the will is weak.

He couldn't help but scream.

I don’t want to betray my brother and hope to get him in the future. There is no appeasement of the adults in the family. No one is awake. No one tells him what to do. He can't see it later, but he is also in despair and overwhelmed.

In addition to crying loudly, he did not know what else he could do.

And Yue Tian and Yue Yan are their two brothers. Obviously already caught in the quagmire of faith.

Maybe, in the next second, they will nod and promise the superior conditions of the East that are more terrible than the devil, and gently nod...

Just when Yue Feng’s heart was most afraid of the most fearful and most overwhelmed, suddenly, Yue Tian’s big hand gently stroked his head. A voice that makes Yue Feng unbelievable, rang: "Xiaojiu, in your mind, I have always been the best brother, isn't it? I am afraid that Xiaosan has risen and gave you a lot of things. But Not as good as me, right! I am the most painful to you, not only before, but also later! How can you give this little kid a role model for this big brother, isn't it?"

Yue Yan flew on the **** of Yue Feng, his voice was angry and sharp, and said: "Small nine, the fourth brother has always been a waste, do you think so? I am even a waste person, it is a dregs, nor I will betray the family. I am the son of Yuejia. I am a man of the top. Do you think that I will nod and be a dog of others? I can’t compare your luckless third brother, but my Yue Yan is also self-respecting, temptation, me. How many times have you been, will you be fooled? Hahaha, I can also be a **** of waste wood like this? Forget it, even if I can't lie, at most I can only lie to children... I am still dead. Well, save the waste people like me, always make people feel that they can take advantage of it, I am, my Yue Yan is a waste, but I don’t need the pity of others! My Yue Yan, I will never go to others because of strength. Ass!"

"Big brother, four brothers, hey!" Xiao Yuefeng heard, crying even more powerful, but he is now crying, he was scared to cry, now for the two brothers, proudly crying.

"Then all go to hell..." The smile of the East is full and the look is serious.

"Do not work with you, we will waste again, and it is better than your traitor! Unexpectedly, we also have a day to be a hero, cool!" Yue Tian laughed, he raised the summoning treasure, three lights from the sky Projected and shrouded him and Yue Yan and Yue Feng respectively. Next, without waiting for the opening of the East, more light, from the sky, the children of Yuejia, Xuejia, Fengjia and Yanjia all have the opportunity to die and not give the opportunity to the East. Maybe they can’t stand the East. The temptation, however, they stick to it and never do traitors, forever.

The East saw it in the air.

For a long time.

Do not make any words.

The shadow of the **** of the gods, the sound of the world, silently sighed: "Oriental, your hometown, more stubborn than my hometown, maybe, because of this The Central Shrine, you have to stop it here at any cost! I can understand your mood. If there is a choice, who will be a traitor, but if you embark on a path like ours, you must go to the end. Because, we can never turn back... The choice of life is the choice of destiny. Sometimes, we decide our own destiny inadvertently! This is our own choice, right or wrong, These are not important. What is important is that this is a no return, only advancement, no possibility of retreat!"



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