Long Live Summons

Chapter 1309: :[Strengthen hatred, don't OT]

The center of the **** altar.

The smoke is rolling.

The shadow of the debut, motionless, is holding a gentleman.

"This, this is too exaggerated!" Tu Wan almost did not sweat to die, and he appeared on the scene, do you need such a big battle? However, he likes to send the field, and his heart also secretly decided to wait for the next opportunity, he also has a similar appearance, because this debut, it is too shiny! In the past, the seemingly arrogant appearance, compared with the front, is just like the countryman out of the city, and can not get on the table.

A gust of wind blew, and the smoke that blocked the line of sight gradually dispersed with the wind.

The field is standing in the dark for a long time.

at last.

Show the true face.

Everyone has a look, no matter whether the Tianlong people's double dragons are ancient, the bones are crisp, or the black hordes' wild boar, the black bear two demon and the nine heads.

Even Tu Yuzi, who has always been smiling with a smile on his face, is also keen on the curiosity and shock of his heart. He is looking to the center of the field with his inquiring eyes. He wants to see the superpower who is debuting in the first time. Look at him, whether he is the war with the main hall of the East, still stubbornly resisting the end, trying to reverse the overall situation of the first day of the tower and the strong, Yue Jia San Shaoyue Titan!

After the dust settled, the dark shadow appeared in front of everyone, but it was not Yue Titan.

It is a dirt dog.

A person who looks very languid but has a more languid attitude. If you want to hit it at a glance, you will feel sorry for yourself, sorry for heaven and earth, and sorry for the general public!

It is like a human being, standing in the field, and the two front paws pull the wind to make a victory gesture. Half-a-half of the dog's eyes are arrogant, only one-fifth of the white eyes look at it. The attitude is like seeing the nobles of the aristocrats who boast of luxury goods in the country. How contempt is there, how contemptuous. When anyone looks at it, he wants to think of a dog’s face that has just been beaten by justice. Although he didn’t write it, it’s full of 'it’s a big fuss. You haven’t seen the handsome guy in your life’, the last one. A long tail that is proud of it. It stands like a stick, like the golden monkey of the legendary granddaughter, and it’s a word!

Fortunately, in addition to Yueyang, there is no second man to cross the world.

Otherwise, if you see this product, you will not be able to shout it out: Idiot, your **** is on the ground!

Of course, this hyena has a wooden exercise and has to say another. You must know that it is the first thing that the second cargo is the same as that of the Tongtian Tower. If you are not a dog, Yue Yang will doubt whether these two guys are brothers.

"Is it a dog? Dog?" The handsome smile of the second generation of the Tu Yu Gongzi was stagnant, and the general stiffness after cooling with the volcanic melt.


In the dark, I was so scared that the two-headed dragon, Guonang, and so on, felt blue.

I was so scared by the appearance of a dog?

No way?

If this is to say it. Losing your face is estimated to be thrown at least to the ends of the earth! Nima! If you do this, do you still have a face? Where does the dog come from, does it know that it is a dog or a **** earth dog, should you watch the door in a low-key manner? It is its duty to eat it. If you dare to look at the bones of the meat, its masters must be killed in alive. Such a garbage dog, dare to pull the wind like this? Also dare to scream and scare people?

"Ah, hahahaha, okay, good! This face is so cool, a group of heavenly strongmen, a group of heavenly gods! Even a terrible dog of the Tongtian Tower was frightened, hahaha, yes, what? The strongest in heaven, the dog is not as good as it is! No, it is not as good as shit!" The expression of the man was first stunned, then he reacted and laughed wildly.

He can't smile.

First laughed, but it was not enough to vent.

Tilted down, rubbed the ground of the **** altar with his fist, and finally, fell to the ground, his legs snarled, his tears splashed, but it was still difficult to understand the smile.

The most wonderful thing is the hyena standing in the middle of the field. It even put a fart in a very cooperative manner.

Very loud and very hard.

Turned around, buttocks directed at the gods of the gods.

Loud and long-lasting put a big fart, 噗 的 的 , , , , , , 噗 噗 噗 噗 噗 噗 噗 噗 噗 噗 噗 噗 噗 噗 噗 噗 噗 噗 噗 噗 噗 噗 。 。 Although it is far apart, but Tu Wan and others, there is still a kind of madness that has been sprayed a face. This, it is simply depressed to the family, was scared by a dog, but also was sprayed a shit, in this life, has Nima tried such a shame?

"Kill! Kill you!" The murderous tiger with a bad temper can no longer resist, and wants to rush to tear the **** hyena.

Just before the moment his body moved.

Maybe less than a tenth of a second.

Behind the dog, there was one more person.

As soon as he appeared, he flew on the dog's body, and the two goods that had been too windy and almost flashed the golden eyes of the audience, flew one foot and turned it into a sky flash. Bright stars.

When the dog fell from the sky and fell heavily on the **** altar, it shook the earth.

Still rushed to the wrath.

Stretch your legs.

It’s a madness to head the dog with no head and no brain.

"I want you to swear, I make you stink, I let you grab the limelight, I let you flash your dog's eyes, I let you play the wind, lightning, plus the sound of the drums! As a knowledgeable, morally noble, establish The new wind, the trend-leading, the social atmosphere and the world’s direct teachings, the thousands of beautiful girls in the world, screaming for the climax of the first idol of the tower, I did not have such a style, you are not so exaggerated, you Is it necessary to grab the camera with the owner? If all the beautiful women are watching you, then who is responsible for the loss of this heavenly? You are playing less, so it is itchy? Is it a watchdog? You don't want to try to use your humbleness to set off the greatness of my master, but also to grab my limelight. It's just looking for death!" Looking at this man who followed the show, there is no image, no more than a street gangster, no shame, no shame. In the move, everyone’s heart is really weak.

Everyone's mind. All of them have flashed such a slang slang: If there is a lord, there must be a servant.

the same.

Have their servants. There must also be its Lord.

There is such a deliberate pull of the wind to force the audience to overwhelm the horrible yelling dog, of course, even their pets will be embarrassed and shamelessly face the wall of the owner.

Is this guy who can kill himself with a single mouth, that is, the legendary Tongtian Tower is also the first strong Yue Titan?

As a **** of the ranks of Tu Wan, as well as the second generation of the gods Tu Yuzi and so on, Qi Qi took the eyes to see the Tianlong people who had seen Yue Titan before, the two dragons, the ancient dragons, the 10,000 bones, they...the answer they got , yes. In other words, this young man who started to play and violently sneaked on his pets, that is, the Yuejia Sanyue Titans, where the people could not find them, even the East could not find their whereabouts!

Tu Wan crazy sweat.

This is the Yue Titan that the East can't deal with?

How does it look like a weak chicken? The strength of this kid is much worse than the legendary one?

"I promise to be obedient!" Gray Wolf quickly changed the brand from the storage space. Holding up the top of his head and shaking his tail, he said that he must make a new dog with ideals, morality, knowledge and discipline.

"Hey, you just play less!" Yue Yang can not stop looking for mercy, and it took a full ten minutes to get a hand to stop.

"Master v5." Gray Wolf looked at it and hurryed. Changed the brand again.

"Rolling the dice!" Yueyang students can not eat this set.

"It turns out that you are what Yue Titan, just relying on your strength, you are not qualified in the heavens and rubbish. I really don't understand, Mr. Dongfang and the great **** of the world, such as the great gods, why you will have another look. "Standing behind the second generation of the **** Tu Yu. The body is dark green, and even the clothes and hats are green and oily, and they can’t help but sneer.

"Long, perhaps Yue Taitan Yuezi has its own unique talents, and can only be based on the strength. In the heavens and the heavens, there are many scholars. Their status is lofty, far beyond the same strength of the non-teachers, It is the **** and other gods of power, and they are also highly respected. Perhaps, the talent of Yue Taitan’s son is expanding in such a direction.” Tu Yu, who is the second generation of God, is now returning, he smiles. It turned out that the cool volcanic rock was so stiff on the cheeks, such as the spring breeze, smiled and filled, so sweet.

"I am afraid that he is really a garbage, there is nothing in the belly, it is a straw bag." The green cap male snorted and snorted.

"Hello!" Yue Yang listened, and sneezed out loud.

He is happy.

The face showed the color of 'Which beauty is thinking about me', but I didn't wait for yy, the second sneeze came in, suddenly, my face changed the 'what **** cursed me behind me', the nose, Yueyang classmates are very unhappy. Playing a sneeze and playing two sneezes is the opposite result. The former is Kyrgyzstan, the beauty is worried, the latter is fierce, the villain is cursing... Just as Yueyang is turning around with the pool, ready to use doubt When the eyes swept to the Tu Yu Gongzi and the Green Cap male, the third sneeze rang loudly.


What do the three sneezes represent? Have a cold!

Yueyang students hurriedly apologized to Tu Yugong and Changchun Arch: "I just thought that you two cursed me behind me. I didn't expect that I just caught a cold! I am very sorry, in fact, your argument can be a little louder. If you don’t hinder it, what do you say about grass bags and garbage? Don’t be afraid to say it out loud. You are just, what is good to hide, and to be honest, I have always been an honest and good boy. To be honest, there are flaws. Say, I’m never going to have nothing to do with rumors and smashing the fact that these farts are not the stuff. Of course, maybe you like it, hobbies are this, and I’m not surprised, there are people in this world, like brains like you. Existence is also very reasonable. Without your mental retardation, where do I come from the superiority of IQ!"

As the second generation of God's Tu Yugong, the smile is as stiff as the cooled volcanic rock.

The man was dumbfounded.

The chin slammed into the instep.

The five people of the nine heads also laughed at each other, and sure enough, even the Yue family, who had headaches in the East, did not say anything else. This knife is enough to make people feel uncomfortable!

The green hat of the Yi nationality, shivering, and his emotions are out of control, ready to fly up, throwing at Yueyang Thousands of knives, broken space to kill down.

In the field, Yueyang students were almost moved by the cows.

I can finally start playing!

At the beginning.

I’m afraid that when I’m on the scene, I’ll scare the enemy away, and I’m so scared that I’m going to run away. Now I’m finally angered the enemy... Come on, the young master can’t wait to abuse, you’re ready. Yet? If you want to have a sense of pleasure, you should shout, don't be polite with this young master! On the top, let's go around together, I don't mind, I want to be single-handed for a long time, there is wood!

If the guy with the impulsiveness on his head is willing, Yue Yang would like to give him a ‘Callest Enemy Award’.

Or the ‘Best Hate Award’!

The people in the audience were hesitating, and when they were sitting on the sidelines, he jumped out.

What is this spirit?

This is simply the legendary dedication.

And still the great sacrifice that I don't go to **** who goes to hell!

Yue Yang almost didn't shout out with excitement: "Man, this hate you have to stabilize, don't ot!"


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