Long Live Summons

Chapter 1315: :【奇门】

Long anger.

No one has ever insulted him so much, even if he is the most powerful temple of the Central Shrine, the Supreme Heavenly Royal, and he has never had such a humiliating blow to him.

Thundering and banging... Thousands of gods are shining from the body of the long scorpion, and each **** light forms a sharp and unparalleled sword, which automatically defends. The original golden body of the long scorpion was inflated, deformed, and deeply stored in the body. Because of extreme anger, the automatic unblocking broke out, and the second form that was rarely seen at a time was presented in front of everyone.

The huge corners are twisted and twisted, and the sensation of the teeth is like a dragonfly. The long canine teeth protrude from the lips.

In the green eyes, there is a tumultuous bloodthirsty like a tsunami.

The giant claws that tear everything away extend from the fingers and toes.

Body hair, shaped like a porcupine spike.

The roots are upside down.

Under the rule of the oriental chessboard world, the unblocking of the divine power to the second form, the complete beastly longevity, the unchanging mind, and the only change that is endlessly increased is the hatred of Yue Yang.

It swings between the heavens and the earth, as if sweeping at will.

The space under the claws is shattered, and it is followed by a strange door. The inscription above is simple and simple, and the pattern is profound and difficult to understand.

The heavy odd door slowly opens. There is an endless stream of light in it, all of which fall on the long beggars of the animalized form. The glory is better than the midday dynasty. The original smashing strength of the tenth squadron after the beasting of the beast is more than ten times higher. . Prior to the strike of Yue Yang, all the negative effects have disappeared. Even Yue Yang’s spine, which had just been cut off, had an spur-like spur. Outside the door, the power of the gods that emerged from it, and the perfection of the rules of the chessboard world, temporarily twisted the will of the two gods and the two kings of the East into an unshakable chain of gods.

“Hey?” Yue Yang suddenly found it wrong.

It turns out that the monsters that have become the slaves of the East in the 10,000 meters, such as Tu Yu, Chang Yu, and the burial tiger, have ignored the space and distance, and they have come out one by one.

After they passed through Qimen, their strength also increased.

Although it is less than ten times the blessing of Changchun, there are at least three to five times the gain bonus.

What is this door? Non-deity weapon is also not a treasure war beast. Non-natural skills are also in the field of the book, what is the existence of the model? The only thing that Yueyang can affirm is that Changchun’s so-called “Long Gate Giant God” is definitely related to this quaint and mysterious Qimen.

After the door opened, the first one to launch an attack was not a long one.

But Tu Yu.

A man who has no independent thoughts and monsters, and even his father has discarded the poor worms that make him a victim of others.

Tu Yu did not enter the ground, and when it climbed out again, it had already had two more avatars. Because the three are extremely similar, others can't see which one is the real body and which is the avatar. Only three identical clay monsters can be seen, which are disgustingly squirming in front of them. Tu Yu and the two avatars came to Yueyang at the same time. The speed was not fast, but in the chessboard world, they only took a few steps forward, and they passed the distance of 10,000 meters and rushed directly to Yueyang. The relative impact is Yue Yang. It is impossible for him to retreat, but he still keeps a step away from the enemy and cannot really get rid of it.


Yue Yang discovered that the rules of the chessboard world are working and they are no longer evading.

Gently, stick out your left hand.

Bend your index finger.

A careless bomb is lighter than flying a fly, and it is about to rush to the middle of the muddy couple in front of him. The bomb flew out of the kilometer.

The muddy silk is not damaged, and there is no head, but there is a kind of anti-phagic power, which seems to be extremely sharp acupuncture on the body. Yue Yang felt pain after the attack. The most terrifying thing is that his hindbrain seems to have been knocked on by a certain 10,000-ton hammer, squeaking, and his eyes are mad, and he almost didn't faint. Yue Yang couldn't help but reach out and touched it. After discovering the back of the brain, he found a small wound, as if he had been attacked by a powerful god. He gave birth to a heavy finger and hit the wound. The way is so incomprehensible.

Yan Yueyang was caught in a short dizziness. The other two clay dolls also waved their ugly arms, and they danced to the Yueyang in front of them.

"You are the real Tuyu!" Yueyang Tianmu Huiguang's eyes flashed, did not retreat, grabbed a broken fist, and beat the real body of the monster Tuyu.


Hit it.

However, when Yue Yang recovered his fist, he found that his body had been subjected to some kind of malicious curse that could not be expelled. When he was weak, if he had strong support for his waist and legs, he would probably cough twice and be unable to kneel on the ground. on. Between the heavens and the earth, the breeze that gently blew past, this is pleasant and refreshing, to solve the heat of the people, but at this time blowing on Yueyang body, Yueyang has a kind of pain like an invisible knife... the discomfort, just like a The sick sick man who was dozens of times in bed suddenly went out and was baptized by the cool breeze.

Not to mention the cursed Yue Yang, even the people watching the battle, they found something wrong.

The force supported the retreat and escaped Yue Yang, another attacking Yueyang.

I was shocked that Changchun was standing behind her.

After the unblocking form, after the Qimen blessing and the perfect integration with the chessboard world, there is no rush to launch an attack, but like a hunter watching the prey that falls into the trap, watching the incomparably weak and standing upright Also sweating Yueyang.

"Yue Taitan, you can't deny that you are a genius, but what I want to say is that you are too tender!" Chang Hao's giant claws swayed behind Yueyang, and at the same time he sighed from the mouth of the beast: "Only by companions and relatives Sacrifice only to raise you up, really know how to use the power of God's order? Really understand the true essence of divine power? These, you do not understand! Without thousands of years to enlighten, you are smart, but also a Only the ants, basically, you are not a **** step, let alone the anger of the Tongtian Tawu, the sorrow of the weak is just as good as you are now!"

The whole person in Yueyang flew out like a meteor.

In the chessboard world.

The heavens and the earth remain unchanged, but on the flight route, there are countless mountains and mountains waiting in front. The mountains and peaks all let Yueyang hit, until his castration is completely blocked.

"This is just the beginning!" The shackles of Changchun flashed infinite bloodthirsty and cruelty.

Beasted, he went in from the door.

Waiting for it.

The next second has been standing on the hill where Yueyang hits the stop.

Just as he was preparing to exert more violent power, destroying the entire mountain and destroying Yue Yang, which may have been fascinated, into a disability. Onlookers, the Supreme Supreme suddenly warned: "Be careful, that is not Yue Titan!"

Chang Yan heard a brow.

The claws that were originally intended to launch an attack were carefully retracted to form a defensive state.

The mountain that Yueyang hit suddenly turned into an erupting volcano. The trillions of tons of molten mud and mud ash erupted into the sky. The stone as big as a disc was flying in steam and smoke... The east detonated the corner of the chessboard world. But very sorry, Yue Yang is not in it. Looking at the volcanic volcano. All the gods and all the spectators are all confused.

Where did the Yue Titan, who had crashed into the last 18 heads and rushed in and never went out?

Is it a volcano?


If it is so easy to kill this kid. Then the East will not join hands with so many gods, and there is no need for such a move.

The long scorpion waved his hand and the ancient quaint door was behind him. As long as there was a door, no matter what means the enemy attacked, he would be in an invincible position.

The surrounding space fluctuated and the strange atmosphere became more and more concentrated. Changchun found that the brothers of the Tu Shi and the Supreme Supreme, all staring at them, could not help but sneer. Turning around, stepping forward to Qimen, decided to leave temporarily, so as not to be attacked by Yue Taitan who did not know where to hide. This fight is not a matter of your own, why should one person squat all over? The brothers of the world, do not fall to the supreme they want to be cheap? no way!

Just as the long-shoulder figure is half-into the door, it is about to disappear.

Suddenly, something even more strange happened.

An impossible shadow. Appeared in the door... Long eyes were round, and he found that the shadow that appeared in his door turned out to be the Yue Titan that had disappeared before. How can this be? Even the East, whose consciousness is nearly half-connected, cannot pass its own 'door'. Is Yue Titan an enemy? How did he do that?

It’s too late to react.

I don't even have time to think.

The sacred sword used by the scorpion for the body has been broken. Yueyang smashed the 18 peaks, and with the unstoppable and unshakable supremacy, the thunder slammed into the face of Changchun.

"Replacement." With a slap in the face, the monster Tu Yu, who has been a slave to the war, suddenly turned into a virtual shadow. The entity exchanged a position with the long scorpion that was hit by Yue Yang. Instead of falling to the Supreme, Tian Tu Shen Tu Shi finally grasped the best opportunity. In Yueyang’s full attack on the long scorpion, but after becoming a head 撼 replacement, Tu Yu was so weak that he both rushed out and rushed. Blood red **** front, a Huashan giant, while pinching the Yueyang rushed out of Qimen.

Yue Yang has no defense, all in the middle.


It’s not the Yue Titan that he was recruited in the game, but the one who was too late to watch the war.

Tu Wan is simply unpredictable, and he has not provoked this Yue Titan. He is even far away when he does not pour their supreme attack. This matter has nothing to do with himself. How can it become like this? This is the fact that the **** wounds and the broken spine of the body all tell him the truth of this flying disaster.

"Ah!" Tu Wan wanted to ask why, but his mouth opened and it was miserable.

"What happened?" The double faucet Gu Guan and others who watched the battle did not understand at all. In the previous second, Yue Titan was still at a disadvantage, and he was defeated by the massacre and the supreme, who did not know, only one second later. The fallen person is the butcher of the outsider. What happened in this second? Moreover, why can Yue Titan come out in the Qimen of Changchun?

Curiosity bites their hearts like a viper, but unfortunately, with their eyes, it is impossible to see the truth.

The audience.

In addition to the demon emperor who pretends to be a rookie who has been staring at everyone, there is no second person, you can see the changes in the whole process, let alone find the truth of the doubt. So, spontaneously, everyone looked up and looked at the demon emperor, including the long stunned scorpion in the field. As a 'long door giant', he did not see how things happened. .

The corner of the demon's lips.

There is a smile in the floating.

When the curiosity of everyone is about to explode.

He suddenly said a strange name that no one could have imagined, swearing!


Along the way, the thorns of the earth, such a difficult life, often have unknown fog, cover the eyes, when you climb up from the pit again and again, the muddy hands are clenched with sour and sorrow, the shadows flashing in the gray, always make people Fear, and the accident is like the spike of the wasp, which makes the soul hurt again and again. Compared with the snarl of the wolf and the tiger leopard, the poisonous snakes and fangs in the grass are even more difficult to prevent. I always hope to have a warm sunshine. It’s leaking, but the layers of dark clouds bring more rain and cold...

On the journey that others can abandon at any time, there is a fool who responds with scornful eyes that insist on others and responds with curses by others with a smile.

I dare not say that I am not lazy. When I was wounded in pain, I also found an excuse for myself to rest.

But this fool, never thought about giving up!

At last,

What I want to say is that this fool is still struggling, even if the front and the future are unpredictable.


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