Long Live Summons

Chapter 1318: : [Do you like gentleness? Then I am rude! 】

In the chess world, all the doors disappear, just the beginning. .

Yue Yang immediately discovered that there was a strange change in the position he was standing on. Just like falling into a well, surrounded by a transparent space barrier, Yue Yang can see that the enemy is approaching, but he can't make any effective evasion.

Because, in addition to the top of the head.

No more exits.

Yue Yang, who can't move freely, can only watch the enemy attack. Under the pressure of the oriental talent and the law of will, the chessboard world is even more terrible than a real chessboard. Now, Yueyang is limited to a deep rule. The constrained pieces, like the handsome in chess, can't leave the nine squares no matter how they go.

The enemy is not bound by this rule. Whether it is a long squat, a slut, or a sinister, it can easily walk through any obstacles, as if all obstacles do not exist. On the contrary, there is a kind of acceleration gain assistance.


The ghost who stood quietly behind the Yueyang, like a cat, was also trapped by her, angrily hitting the surroundings.

She hopes to break through the obstacles by her own strength and come to rescue the owner. But everything did not help, her attack, no matter how great the force, hit the transparent barrier, like a mud cow into the sea, no response. Even the more struggling, the space she can move, the narrower it is. In the end, there is no room for straightforward hands, just like a scorpion is wrapped in a space barrier.


Here, the three gods are strong, and the East is launched, and then join forces to make trouble.

Three different strengths are different from the surname of the gods, while penetrating the space, unreservedly bombarded on Yue Yang's body.

The beastly long scorpion and the sneak attack before and after the Supreme, but the sneak attack of the Tian Tu Shen Tu Shi, on the top of the head with a touch of stunning blood red top.

Yue Yang’s figure was shocked.

The whole person, like the beginning of the collapse of the collapsed mountain, was driven by the horrible destruction of the rumor, and the rumbling of the rumbling down, the unconscious who was under the heavy blow, did not even struggle, and fell directly into the black hole created by the East. . The chessboard world around him, the space of heaven and earth, let the joint attack of the three great powers give the shocking powder. Under the pull of the law, Yueyang’s body is getting faster and faster, and finally it’s like a meteor, sliding to the endless The deep black hole... And the ghosts at this time are still stuck in the ground, and the fingers can't move.

"Is it over?" Chang Hao couldn't believe it.

Did the Yue Titan, who had been so perverted and so troublesome, really defeated himself?

Originally, I had to go through some hard work before. I didn’t expect it to be a joint blow, and he would be fainted.

Of course, the biggest credit is not that the three people join forces, but the East, without his chess world. Without his usage, the power is trapped in this Yue Titan. It is estimated that even if the three people join hands, they will not succumb to victory.

Compared with Chang's optimism, Tian Tu Shen Tu Shi is much more cautious: "It's too smooth, Yue Taitan is pure defense, it seems that there is no counterattack, which is not in line with his surname."

Not to the top, but also shook his head: "We have not used 100% of the power, such a victory is a bit suspicious."

Watching the double-headed dragons and other people in the battle, they went to see the demon emperor.

They also don't think that Yue Titan is so easy to defeat, but with their current realm and strength, they can't see the truth at all.

Therefore, we can only resort to the demon emperor who is the super-powerful leader of the East and the East. Only the demon emperor who is the head of the nine-headed family can see the essence of things. The demon emperor’s lips showed a smile and gently waved: “In fact, you don’t have to look at me. The ghosts in the field will know that she has not died or suffered. In turn, can it prove that Yue Titan is safe at the moment? What? Although the chess world cannot use the book here, it can't summon the beast to fight, but since it exists, the beast law must be effective."

"Yeah, the ghost is fine, Yue Taitan is definitely fine. I was really worried about it."

"But the three super gods joined forces to fight, and Yue Titan was beaten without any help. How is he okay?"

"Is that black hole not made by the main hall of the East? If that is the **** gate that Yue Titan himself made, Yue Titan should be considered an opportunity to escape, and nothing is reasonable."

"Is the East not denying the existence of all the gods? It is impossible!"

"Well, there is no help from the gods, but let alone the miracle of the shape of the gods..."

"Then, what do you say about this?"

"You asked me who I asked?"

Everyone watching the war has been talking about it for a time. Anyone who says that they disagree with each other has their own opinions and ideas. But each one can't stand the scrutiny. Yueyang's performance looks ordinary, but the more people think, the more confused they are. The more I think, the more mysterious I feel. In the end, this kind of questioning extends to the long-term squatting of them. Even those who are besieged and killed are not feeling right.

What went wrong?

Just when everyone was thinking hard, the original want to cry without tears, can not find a ground drill, but suddenly and painfully screams.

His sternum and spine burst at the same time, and there was a deep blood hole in his head. The brain of the white flower spewed out. What is even more terrifying is that countless demonish **** red light raged on his body, if it was strong. The **** of the gods, Tu Wan almost did not let these blood red gods cut into shackles.

The golden fist prints through the sternum of Tu Wan, and the numerous ribs spread out from the inside out like the broken straw rod.

The internal organs are flying all over the sky.

At the same time, there is also a gold-colored punch in the back of the spine.

It didn't break the bones and joints, and it didn't tremble. But the horrible punches have not dissipated. If there is it, even if Tu Wan has a body, it can't recover normally.

"Why is it me?" Tu Wan used all his strength to suffocate this sentence weakly.

He is speechless.

Even if you are the best bully in a few gods, don’t you have to worry about yourself every time? This is simply no reason! Is it wrong to hide from the distance and not participate in the battle? How are you injured yourself? Besides, you are playing Yue Titan. Why do you want me to take damage for him? Is it his own enemy, is it so good that such a huge goal will be mistaken?

Are you deliberately making me?

Tu Wan would like to ask the allies like this.

It is a pity that he couldn't come out of the throat full of blood and guilty debris, and shouted this grief, and his eyes turned white and fainted to the ground.

"See clearly." The man clap his hands and praised: "The original role of the ghost is to take damage for the owner, and to blame it with others! It's wonderful, with this help, Yue Titan It’s not awkward, you know that the heavier and the more painful he is, the heavier the devil will bear, and the more pain he will pass on to others!”

"Ordinary miser can not be passed on to the damage of the power of the gods. Only the devil who surpassed the self-promoting beast has this ability!" The demon pointed out the difference between the two.

For the singer who is in front of this ‘beautification’, her peculiarity really amazed the audience.

Unfortunately, everyone saw the result.

No one has ever seen how she used her means to be the one who has been blamed for others.

"Contrast." The East snorted, and there was a flash of light in the chessboard world, which destroyed the hard-to-recovery Tuwan and the devils who were still trapped and unable to move. Both were isolated from the chessboard world. Unlike the spectators, the two were separated from each other by the left and right. Although they are outside the chessboard world, they still do not have all the chess games from the chessboard world. They just can no longer play their own combat power, just like two have already That's the kind of chess piece.

The ghost is being exchanged.

Yue Yang, who was swallowed up by the black hole, has never appeared.

Has he been thrown into the endless crevices of time and space, and he will not find a way to return?

If that's the case, then it's fine...but, Changchun is too late to be happy, and I saw the country bun that hates the teeth, yawning and stretching, a big dream Fang Xiaoxiao's hateful appearance, standing still Behind the Supreme.

This kid, when did he go there?

I can’t understand it.

Not only him, but even the fastest and most responsive Tian Tu Shen Tu, did not understand.

If you have a giant body, you will not find that the enemy is standing behind you. You are still searching for suspicious points seriously. You don’t feel the biggest threat, just stand behind your right foot.

Compared with the 20-meter-high man who has strong talents, Yue Yang does need to look up to this giant who is taller than a building.

If you only have a body weight, it is estimated that another hundred Yueyang will have to lose.


The combat power has nothing to do with these.

Yue Yang seems to be careless, punching out, looks soft, not half-powerful, and slow as a snail. It is lighter than cotton, and it has almost no sound. It is estimated to be slightly larger than the sound of feathers. Don't say that you can't beat the supreme, you just hit a mosquito, and you can't kill a small ant.

The next second, what Changyu saw was that he had the strongest talent to have the most savage body in the world, and the whole crashed down.

It is easy to step on the right foot of a mammoth giant elephant, from inside to outside, bursting.


How disgusting it looks, how disgusting it is.

Compared with the chest of Tu Wan who just smashed the visceral fly, the right foot of the Supreme is not even more fierce at this time... Under the incredible gaze of Changchun, Yueyang is as incredible as the ants move the boulder, and the hand will not fall to the top. The whole engine is lifted up, just like the barbarian grabbed a broken sack and smashed it, even more crazy and more violent than this.

Booming and banging!

I don’t know how many hundred pieces of smashing, the mountain peaked into a flat ground in a beating beat, and the ground smashed out a deep pit, and the deep pit shook in a crazy sniper, forming a hill.

The entire chessboard world has become a ruined ruin.

In everyone’s silly eyes, Yue Yang’s classmates throw away a dirty and broken doll, and then throw away the stun of the moment, still stunned, and patted the hand. The existence of the dust, and then to the first sacred temple of the long sacred sacred name of the "long door giant" gods, revealing a sunny smile: "You can rest assured, if you do not like so gentle, I can be slightly rude a little!"

It’s also gentle to find a strong, talented person who doesn’t want to go to the top.

you sure?

As long as you think about it, this kid will have to treat himself rudely, and he will feel a kind of chill. At the bottom of the footboard, along the back, along the spine, rise to the top of the head, and then emerge from the sky.

Finished, the East is right, this **** Yue Titan, really very abnormal!

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