Long Live Summons

Chapter 1321: : [Oriental Resentment]

At the horizon, there seems to be a flash of light.

The clouds gradually dispersed.

In the void, a super giant's image suddenly emerged, at least 10,000 meters high, bloody, madly waving his fist, bombarding the dome outside the world of the chessboard... This super giant is like a bombardment every time Thunder hammer in general, power can be unparalleled, when you see the sky and the ground is cracked, the collection is also the wind and cloud discoloration, each shot shocked the entire chessboard world is not only a few, want to burst.

People recognized it at a glance. This super giant is the bearded man who claimed to be the big brother of Yue Titan.

It is said to have sealed the magic dragon that has just been broken out for tens of thousands of years!

When I first looked at the surface, I still didn't realize his power.

Now look at the real body that the dragon has presented, and look at the image of this horrible **** of arrogance, which is arrogant and arrogant, even if it is an attitude of arrogance. And the debut of the unbeaten deity of the dog's eyes, and the feeling of humble.

Because this root is not a level of existence.

If you use a metaphor to describe this kind of **** power as a strong man, then all the gods in the audience will fall to the state of children.

No one's divine power can be compared with it. The central temple is the first to be deflated, and the oldest and the most savvy are not in the east. The unbeaten supreme in the whole life has never lost. Even the whole ranks of the audience. The power of the strong is added up, and it is difficult to have a back. The height of 10,000 meters is the same as that of the entity. I try to find the whole heaven and heaven, and how many people can match it? Perhaps only the legendary temple is supreme, and Tian Yu, who is the first person in the central shrine, has such a godhead!

The demon emperor swallowed hard.

He wants to speak.

But suddenly I found that the vocal cords did not know when they were dumb, oh. I can't make a sound.

It was also the Tuwan of the gods who were strong. At this time, he was scared and shivered. He had a small conflict with the dragon, and he was glad that he was lucky at the time and fear. At that time, he made a big statement and provoked the dragon, but the dragon didn't put him in his eyes. Otherwise, it was estimated that the dragon had a finger. It is enough to kill him a hundred times.

In retrospect, Tu Wanyi was afraid after a burst.

A burst of heart!

"It's too strong, and it really is the most admired idol in my heart!" The man was so excited at this time, dancing and incoherent.

"蝼 蚁. We are all ants!" The two-headed dragon ang down on the ground, no longer able to support the body, scared the glamorous queen of the fascinating body behind him, looks like a chick in the storm Poor, where is the smugness of the original tower.

The black bear demon and the wild boar demon are thrown into the ground and worshipped.

Use the most noble manners to express their fear of the demon dragon.

Different from them. What Yue Yang saw was not the prestige of the fake big brother. On the contrary, he saw the details that others ignored. Yue Yang could not imagine. In the end, what kind of horrible power will make such a powerful dragon, bloody, and bruised and bruised! and. The image of the dragon will disappear for a while after each bombardment for a dozen times...in Yueyang’s view. That root is not a power, but another guy who may be a lot stronger than the dragon, is attacking the dragon behind him, preventing him from destroying the chessboard world!

So, who is hiding behind the magic dragon, attacking the dragon in the endless void outside the chessboard world image?

Who made the dragon play blood?

Is the temple supreme heaven?

Or is the unparalleled emperor who has always been mysterious and has never appeared?

Are they the last two volts in the East? Do you still obey the command of the East with the gods of the Imperial Temple and the gods of the unparalleled emperor?

If it is really them, how will they reverse? Especially in this **** chessboard world, what should I do in the early traps laid out in the East to reverse the disadvantages of Qiankun?

Yue Yang once again fell into a deep wave of thought.

The East does not give him too much time to think. This is a wise man who has counted thousands. The opening is a relentless blow to Yue Yang: "Yue Taitan, as you can see, your big brother, the famous super dragon He is struggling to rescue. He is desperate to save you from this chess world, regardless of his own safety. I also believe that if you can escape smoothly and no longer be restricted by the rules of the chessboard world, then it is very likely that the dragon will return to the sea, the tiger. Returning to the mountain forest, it is very possible to reverse the war situation from now on... Yes, I believe that you are such a lucky one! Yue Titan, to be honest, you are a darling of heaven and earth, no luck, I have planned for so long. I never thought about it. In the end, there will be a strong person like Demon Dragon to stand up and become your strong support."

"If it wasn't for me to lay out early, I would have been preparing for it thousands of years ago. Maybe it was already under the joint efforts of the two great reinforcements of Queen Viking and the Dragon. You are defeated and become a stepping stone for your growth. ... Compared with the imprisoned emperor, you have more support than him. In the Tongtian Tower, there has never been such sacrifice and sacrifice as today. Everything, none of these, belongs to you. This is me and the ages. The successor of the Tongtian Tower is not thirsty for the hunger...but to say the shortcomings, or regret, the time left for you is too little or too little! If you have a few hundred years or a thousand years of growth, if You have the time like the imperial concubine, I believe, don't say that I am in the East, that is, the gods of the whole heavenly world join hands and will hate in front of you! Yue Titan, you are indeed a genius that has never been seen in a thousand years, and it is also the Tongtian Tower. The only person of the Holy Supreme who can't live out, it's a pity that you have made a mistake!"

"If you were a few hundred years old..."

"Yue Titan, you are born in the most unfortunate era, this is the last moment of the towering of the tower! No one can stop, even if you are, it is impossible to change its fate, because, as early as tens of thousands of years ago, Tongtian The tower is destined to sink, its fate, not a person, can be changed in a day and night!"

"I saw the ending of it early. In that year, I also decided to reverse my destiny like you. Use your wisdom to revitalize the Tongtian Tower!"

"But it didn't recognize me, and didn't choose me. I kept this responsibility for saving. I stayed for thousands of years and stayed until the day you were born... Do you know what is the most hated in my heart? It is not you, nor the imperial concubine, but the choice of Tongtian Tower! It ignores my efforts and ignores my efforts. I stubbornly hand over my destiny to a future that is far from being born! I thought it was going to bring fate. I gave it to the imprisoned emperor, but I was wrong. Until now I realized that the son of the heavenly election is your Yue Titan. It is not someone else, not a prisoner, not me! Funny, we all paid for us, we have all In order to get its approval, I have done my wisdom and my efforts. Even life!"

"This is not fair!"

"For thousands of years, do you know how much preparation work I have done? If it chooses me, how many losses can I recover in these thousands of years? Life is the most ridiculous. It is not trying to be useless, but has no chance to work hard! My life, how successful, my wisdom. How shine, but why? I don’t even have the qualifications for hard work? Why? Why is this? Unfair! This is unfair! Well, since it does not require my salvation, Then, I am stepping on it in this constantly sinking body!"

"In order to prove that its choice is wrong, in order to prove how absurd it is to miss me, I decided, I will bury it in the boring waiting and choice, I want to let it know that the choice of fate must be Right and wrong, and never be late!"

After listening to the East, Yue Yang was silent.

He is not at all surprised that there is such an idea and hatred in the East.

If you are a person who wants to get a return, then he has such an idea, it is not surprising. If you are a person who believes that you belong to yourself and must firmly grasp the palm of your hand, then there will be such hatred after losing, and it is very normal!

Because the East is such a person.

He once thought that he was the successor of the Tower of Heaven, a savior who overlooked the beings, the son of the heavenly election... but one day he discovered that he was not.

The cruel facts made him unable to accept the reality. Especially the ultra-high-minded people like the East, it is easier to get rid of the horns, and it is even more difficult to get out of paranoia! Once you can't get it, you will have a negative psychology, you have to destroy it yourself! This is the East, this is the ultimate revenge of a high-spirited person who can't stand the blow!

"Oriental, to be honest, if you are replaced by you, maybe you will do better than me!" Yue Yang nodded very sincerely.

"And I don't want to do what I want to do, I don't want to stand up to save the world, I don't want to revive the Tongtian Tower as my responsibility. I hate these stuff. What I want most is to spend the month with my beloved beauty, Qingqing, me, a little bit. It’s my own little day. I’m very reluctant to put anything heavy on my shoulder, but no one has ever given me a choice. Do I have a choice? No! Everything is boosted by others. Even, it can be said that you forced me to go this way!"

"Without external force, I am a lazy person who eats and eats."

"It's you, let me step by step to death, let me stand up and resist, have to grit my teeth, fight with you! Even now, you still invade the tower, destroy our homeland, and It is not that we invade the heavenly heavens and destroy your central temple. Now, what choice of fate you have with me, in my opinion, that is a joke! In my opinion, this choice of destiny is not the choice of the tower, but You are imposed on my head, without your pressure, without your threats, how happy I am, and I have never thought of reviving the tower! If you complain about the unfairness of heaven, I think, first of all, you must reflect on it. Why are you not qualified? Why do you seem to be qualified for someone who is worse than you? Is it because of your reasons, fate will not choose you? Is it because you, fate will choose others? Who is wrong? Is it someone else's fault? Or are you responsible for it?"

"I respect you once was a predecessor, so I answered your innermost doubts. However, in the East, you are an intruder who has destroyed our homeland, an enemy that has killed countless creatures and has no evil. Don’t say anything about that year. I have nothing to say to your enemies like you!"

"Oriental, what I want to tell you most is that between you and me, there will be an endless battle. No matter what means you want to play, if you don't die, you will continue. And, you think you Can you win? Do you think that you can shake and deny my supreme will with a little trick? When do I admit defeat? You think that you can get a few of the talents of the gods, and you can beat me with a few talents. ?"

Yue Yang’s face was calm. He spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders. Finally, “You have been testing, dragging time, letting Fuzi appear, I am not learning in battle! I am constantly adjusting in battle. Strategy, do you think that I am trapped in your chess world and accept it? Do you think that I am doing nothing to be stupid and waiting to die? There is a saying like this: You are smart, but others are not stupid. !"

The East is strange, and slammed: "Do you have a fuss?"

You don't need Yue Yang to answer.


A very sloppy dog ​​called, the answer has been fully explained.

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