Long Live Summons

Chapter 1325: :[Amazing? 】

Unbeaten is very angry.

He, I really want to beat the kid in front of me, cut 18 pieces, and put them into thirty-six different positions to dry.

At this moment in the sky, suddenly there is a bright moon, slowly slipping out from the clouds, the big light, like a halo, the infinite soft glory, cast on Yue Yang's body. Unbeaten Supreme, there is an illusion in my heart. The young man in front of him became very strange in an instant, as if it was no longer the Yuejia three of the Tongtian Tower, but replaced by another person...

What happened in the end? Why is this happening?

Is this hidden power of Yue Taitan?

Still have Austrian aid to come to help?

Unbeaten Supreme is too late to find out the situation, it is found that Yue Taitan meteor rushed over, the speed is incredible.

"The tide rises." Unbeaten Supreme gracefully reaches out. Thousands of thousands of years ago, he has captured the other gods and his own independent cultivation of the power of endless power, simply vast, like a sea, once prompted, immediately turned into a tsunami The divine power frenzy, irresistible to sweep into the raging Yueyang.

Even a meteor has no effect in front of the sea. At most, it is arousing a thousand feet of high waves.

The frenzy turned into a whirlpool of terror.

Completely swallowed the power of Yueyang bombardment.

Around the duel field, a circle of ripples spread out, the farther and lighter, and finally turned into a circle of ripples.

"The tide is falling." Unbeaten Supreme slowly withdraws his hand, attacking the frustrated Yueyang, is trying to quickly detach, who does not want an incredible suction in the vast power, and easily pull him back. Pulled to the face of unbeaten supreme. Not waiting for Yueyang to throw a punch again, unbeaten to the left hand, Yue Yang madly in the whirlpool of horror.

In the rotation of the dizzy head, Yue Yang rushed out of a shadow.

Shaped like an entity.

It’s as fast as electricity.

Angry fists smashed the door to the undefeated Supreme.

It is a pity that the undefeated Supreme disappeared. He disappeared into the vastness of the sea. Just like no one could find a needle in the sea, Yue Yang’s re-attack was defeated.

The calm water surface was broken, stirring a thousand layers of waves, and the waves rolled. In the middle of the splash of water. Unbeaten and smugly explored the hand, throwing Yue Yang to the sky of the duel field, waiting for him to fall, and then covering the pressure of the kilometer magical frenzy... no accidents. This is a win! Unbeaten talent and unbeaten rules. Never wrong! As long as it is the result of the original induction. It will definitely be achieved. The only thing that is unclear is how long does it take to completely defeat and kill this Yue Titan? This is the only variable that exists!

Of course. In fact, this is not a problem.

Anyway, the results have been doomed to victory. If the enemy is abused for a long time, isn’t it better?

Now I only hope that the Yuejia San, the first genius of the Tongtian Tower, will not be too watery, so that you can play for a little longer!

"Yue Titan, you, maybe a genius, you can beat many people, but you can never defeat my undefeated supreme, because, I am undefeated in a sense, can be said to be a sea of ​​divine power, anyone It is impossible to defeat the sea!"

"Manpower, confrontation with the sea, that's ridiculous!"

"The sea can bury anything."

"Including life, kingdom, civilization and history, even the world... You can never see the depth of the sea, and you don't know its power and weight, even if it is a fraction of a billion, it is enough to completely devour your whole. Young No matter what method you use or what method you use, you can't escape the scope of it, because it is the boundless sea! Come on, don't struggle again, like those who were defeated and engulfed by me. Like the losers of absorption, all of them are buried under the power of my law and become part of me! Do you know why I can be the sea that accommodates all the things that can accommodate all things? It is because of your countless countless losers that selflessly contribute Your strength..."

When the undefeated Supreme grasps the shoulders of Yueyang, who is dizzy, and stretches his hand, he is about to take his power to his heart.

Yue Yang suddenly opened his eyes.

a punch.

Hit his face.

Straight to the unbeaten and supreme face of the face twisted and distorted.

In turn, Yue Yang grabbed the shoulder of the undefeated Supreme, lifted him up, and squatted on the ground. He would be undefeated. The whole body was like a green onion, and he was nailed to the rock floor of the duel field. Then he said sincerely: "Thank you very much. On your body, I also learned a trick. Thank you for telling me what is called the sea, but I want to remind you that if you are the sea, then I am the moon!"

Grab the undefeated Supreme feet, lift them hard, and pull out the radish to take the gods who have not lost the whole life from the ground of the duel field.

In the moment of unbeaten supreme rebellion.

Yue Yang's feet.

He stepped on his face that was so beautiful that the woman hated it.

Then, in a very good mood, smiled at the **** powerhouse: "When did you hear the sea can beat the moon? You defeated it, just in the water mirror, you think the sea can really engulf the moon. Is it ridiculous! On the contrary, the moon can play tricks on you, and you want to let the tide rise on the tide, and you want to let the tide ebb and ebb, completely control the wood!"

Undefeated Supreme wants to protest, you don’t have the talent of the moon at all, and there is a slight relationship between the body and the moon. How can it be transformed into Luna?

However, Yueyang students do not give him this opportunity.

When the hundred and eight feet stepped on the undefeated Supreme Bird's Nest, it seemed that the sound of the bird's egg was broken.

Yue Yang, who didn’t quite understand it, carefully rolled his feet on it for a while. Finally, it’s hard to be sure: “If you are the sea, now you should be high | tide!”

"Hey!" Unbeaten Supreme suddenly covered his face and burst into tears like a woman.

"..." Yue Yang never imagined that he still had this trick.

"You beat people badly, it hurts. You not only step on the faces of others, but also step on the key points of others, you are a pervert!" Unbeaten Supreme, crying, not sad, tears flowing, seeing Yueyang students stunned, Your sister, isn't it going to be a cry, a mess, and a three-handed hang? Sure enough, the sissy is right, I haven’t started to cry seriously. Has this guy ever won 99,999,999?

Suddenly, unbeaten, the tears of the supreme tears.

The injury on his body is getting better.

Dim light. The moment is completely restored as ever. And exudes a more dazzling brilliance.

Yue Yang discovered that this is not the divine replacement of the East, but the unsuccessful character of the Supreme Self, with such powerful power.

Unbeaten Supreme with hands to support the ground. Stand up slowly. Standing in front of Yueyang. There is no pain or distortion in the face of Junmei. The smile is like the spring breeze. It makes people feel good and happy: "The mood is much better after crying, the pressure is completely vented! It is the Yue Titan. The deity is very happy, can have a strong enemy like you." Became the victim of my 100,000-win honour. Well, please allow the deity to introduce yourself once again, and say that he is unbeaten and respected. As one of the three elders of the Central Temple, I have had it before in the heavens. A name, that is 'variety'."

"Amazing?" Yue Yang frowned.

"I failed in the sea, and the deity acknowledged that Yue Titan's moon power is indeed the nemesis of the sea's tidal power. However, do you know why the deity can be called unbeaten supreme? Because the deity not only has unbeaten talent, but also owns Variety of divine power! The tide of divine power is restrained, it doesn't matter, now I am standing in front of you, no longer the sea, but the clouds!" Unbeaten supreme hand, pointing to the sky.

Yue Yang heads.

It was discovered that the bright moon rising in the sky was gradually obscured by the clouds that did not know when it was produced. It was dull and dull, and finally disappeared almost completely, leaving only a little bit of Yuehua in the deep clouds.

Unbeaten to the face, to the Yueyang side, the smile is very incomparable: "Come on, you don't want to hit my face? Give me a slap in the face!"

Want to fight?

This is not easy!

Yue Yang waved his hand without thinking, and fiercely fanned the unbeaten supreme slap in the face.

However, Yue Yang’s palms passed by, just like the unsettled Supreme face of different time and space, and nothing was hit.

"The Princess of Starlight was also like you. The talents and attributes completely restrained my sea. She also played me like you did just now. But she is just like you now, and in turn is restrained by my clouds. Under my cloud, her starlight is eclipsed, and she can no longer exert her power. Even one percent of her power can't play her, hahahahaha... You guess your ending, will you put it? She is even more miserable?" Unbeaten, looking at Yueyang with a smile.

"The truth of the year is like this." Yue Yang finally understood.

"Yue Titan, do you think that this unbeaten supreme is a idiot for a hundred thousand wins? Is it an incompetent generation? Is it an acclaimed fame who relies on the unconquerable name? If so, why can I sit? In the central shrine, in addition to the martial arts of the Supreme Heavenly Temple of the Central Temple, in addition to the old guy who does not move to the Supreme, ask who else is my opponent? Long 尉? Not fall? Oriental Let me tell you a fact, if you don't count, it's just a divine power, even if they add up, it's not half of me! Otherwise, I am undefeated, how can I be undefeated?" Unbeaten Looking at Yue Yang, I seem to want to see a trace of fear and despair on his face.

Unfortunately, Yue Yang’s face has no expression on his face.

Not at all.

Unbeaten Supreme, in order to finally completely destroy the confidence of the Yue family three, and sneer, said: "Let me guess, you must be thinking of ways, do not use the moon power, but to convert other attributes, such as using you most The fire that is good at it. In the information that the East gave me, what you are best at is the fire. In the end, it is very likely that you will realize the flame power! However, no matter what you change, the wind and the earth, everything is good, it is impossible to reverse."

"Because, if you are a fire, I am the sea! You are the fire, I am the storm; you are the wind, I am the mountain; you are the soil, I am the meteor that destroys the earth... No matter what your power is, I am There are corresponding attributes to restrain you!"

"Yue Titan, do you still think that the perception of my unbeaten talent is wrong?"

Unbeaten and smiled.

I smiled very comfortably and was very proud.

He really likes to see the strong calming expression of the enemy in this desperate situation.

Not only the Yue Titan in front of him, but almost all the losers, even if there are no 90,000, there are 70,800,000, will pretend to respond calmly, but everyone, in the end, are ridiculously in their own magical power The next failed!

Struggling useless.

Hard work will only waste your energy!

"Come on, Yue Titan, just say something, just as your last words!" Unbeaten Supreme decided to give Yueyang a chance.

"Thank you very much, I just want to ask, if my divine power is destiny, what kind of attributes can you respond to?" Yueyang students raised this question like a good student.

*********(To be continued...)

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