Long Live Summons

Chapter 1343: :[This chick is not good! 】

"Oriental?" Although the Supreme has not seen it, she asks herself that the induction will not go wrong.

Just why is the East inside the God Gate?

Isn't he laid out outside?

"Sure enough, it is the human supreme who is known as the first person in Tongtian Tower..." A middle-aged scribe who is as white as a Confucian, stood in front of the supreme, his face with a smile, graceful manners to congenital etiquette, as well as heaven. Congenital or sages meet in the tower.

"Sure enough, it is Mr. Dongfang, who is known as the first traitor of the Tongtian Tower..." The Supreme listened, and rudely raised his lips.

"Supreme, please don't be too strange for me to appear." The East is not angry at all, and the manner is still: "In fact, I can come here because of one person, of course, you may have an answer in your heart."

"The unparalleled emperor? I think it must be you, what I have done, let him be forced to bring you in." The Supreme does not know the reason, but can guess a few points.

"Although the peerless predecessors were very reluctant, but he promised me that year, he must fulfill this promise. So when I found him and asked him to take me into the gate, he could not refuse...you and Yue Titan, even lurking Vivien Leigh, who is ready to give Tian Yu a fatal blow, must be very strange. Why do I be so sure? I believe that I will eventually win. Now you should understand it. Yue Titan outside Shenmen, he will have the ability to go against the sky. It is also impossible to open the ancient gods into the world of the balance, and it is even more impossible to find me within a short ten-day period."

"It's so smart." Supremely snorted, although I don't want to admit it, this East can indeed be synonymous with nothing.

"Thank you. Once the rules of the chessboard world and the maze world can't be solved, the Tongtian Tower must collapse and persevere forever. Understand it? Why am I so confident, because I use the power of wisdom, which bans all the ancient gods, This world of balance that isolates everything is the source of confidence in my East!"

"Kill you. Everything is cracked." The Supreme is unmoving, his face is as cold as ever, and she has always used the most direct means.

Just kill the East.

The chessboard world will automatically collapse and disappear, and everything will not break.

As for whether Yue Yang shot, this point is not important at all, this thing is replaced by yourself, and there is nothing wrong with it!

"No." The East listened. Gently shaking his head, he smiled and turned gracefully, and slowly walked away: "Here, the unparalleled emperor can't kill me. Maybe, I can never leave this world of scales. I can never step beyond God." However, I can quietly watch the collapse of the Tongtian Tower here, which will be the greatest entertainment and meaning of the rest of my life."

"Goodbye, human supreme, I hope you are the first strongest tower. You can persist in the arrival of Yue Titan under the anger and violent attack of countless fallen gods in the Dead Sea. The premise is that he knows your disappearance, and insight. The secret of entering the door of God... Hahaha, although I am not the first strong in the East, my wisdom in the East can turn the whole world into a chessboard and turn everything into a black and white son! My destiny, It is up to me to control the fate of others. It is also dominated by my wisdom!"

The eastern Yangtian laughed and went.

A few black shadows, but silently, sneaked into the face of the supreme. In the dark, these murderous guys are like the leopard wolves who found the prey, only ready to find the right time to wield their claws. Choose someone to eat!

The supreme face is light, as if nothing is in the air.

When several black shadows were slowly approaching, her eyes were deep, and even a scorn of Muir was revealed.

Her hands rotated mysteriously. At the same time, she held it high on the top, so she made a movement so softly, like a dance-like beauty. Her mouth was full of ruthless mockery: "A few jump clowns in the district, dare to come out and let go?"

The words like ice beads have just fallen, and there is only a vast ocean of light between heaven and earth.

The vastness is like the sea.


That is, the entire world of the balance has been drowned.

The light of the hundreds of millions of light arrows, light darts, light, light swords, light spears, and light feathers swept through the whole world, and the violent consciousness of the life was also drowned together...

The unparalleled emperor and the flower fairy on the top of the mountain are changing their colors.

The two saw the cover of the law of the mountain, and they were also filled with this kind of light thorn. Many of the light shuttles penetrated deep and deep into the front door of the two. Fortunately, the unparalleled emperor was able to smash the shield of a city wall with the power of the gods in time to resist this light rain attack. Otherwise, the flower fairy of the fossil may not be so bad.

Between such a long distance, this kind of illumination still has the power of such horror.

Then what are the enemies in the battlefield?

The unparalleled emperor and the flower fairy look at each other, and both believe that under such a desperate horror of illumination, the enemy is not expected to be very good...

A black shadow.

Directly annihilated, even in the same way, did not have time to show it, that is, seconds.

There is another heavy blow to the ground. Although there is still no death, the blind man can see that the goods are not finished. The creation is so heavy that even if you change a baby to punch a punch, you may not be able to hold it. The remaining three, rolling on the ground, chaos and chaos, one by one, do not want to live and mourn, the miserable voice is creepy, the entire canyon is full of this terrible echo.

"It's weak! Ah, it's a failed work!" There was a lazy voice that sounded behind the Supreme. The master of this voice seemed to be very disappointed and dissatisfied with the shadow of the wailing.

"Soon you will join them." The supreme brow does not lift, the eyelashes do not move, she feels that the people behind are actually the same thing.

"This joke is really funny!" The lazy voice behind it played a few hahas together: "Isn't even the temptation of the beast and the real gods? This is the eyesight of the first strongman of the Tongtian Tower. Strength? Please, can you not be so indulgent in the Tongtian Tower, so you can also come to a few gods who have the throne, and there is no hairy hairy hairy hairy hair. What is this? Yes, Laozi is evil. Is being locked up, but it does not mean that you can insult Lao Tzu like this!"

"I signed up for the second game! Although it's younger, the power of the light is good!" Another voice came out of the sky: "Would you like to join the crowd?"

"No, the deity just have to look at the excitement." There is an old voice floating from the top of the sky.

"There is a madman who has lost the squad, this little sister is estimated that the last **** can not be left, I am too lazy to rob!" There is a seductive female voice emerging from the bottom of the abyss. It seems that it has been hidden in the bottom of people's hearts. Until this moment, it is secretly drilled out, ready to sneak into the hearts and souls of others when people are fascinated by her voice.

"Everyone is watching, I am so happy, first kill this yellow-haired little girl. Then put it into thirty-two postures for everyone to enjoy." The guy behind the sound lazy can not afford a trace of strength, It should be the 'decrease' in the mouth of the demon.

"Okay, okay!" Several old ghosts who didn't know where they were lurking, took the opportunity to clap their hands.

"Look at Laozi’s catastrophe!"

The lazy voice of Cangsheng is still the same, but the power of his outburst is comparable to the sun.

The divine storm caused the heavens and the earth to tremble under his will. Everything is in a state of destruction in an instant, let alone a person, a mountain, a sea, and will be flattened and steamed under this storm of power...

I don't know how long it has been.

The divine storm subsided.

The Tianping Gorge, which is avalanche, and the Skyscraper Bridge, which collapsed everywhere, slowly recovered under the ancient will and the law of the balance, and restored to the past. It is only the supreme center of the bridge. But human evaporation has generally disappeared. No one saw her, no one knew and determined whether she was alive now, and the people were shunned by the catastrophe of the dying, and they could not be able to sense the changes in the center of the battlefield.

However, almost everyone believes that the result is doomed.

She must have been annihilated by the power of the dying.

Under the throne.

No gods, no enemy.

"Oh. Too weak, Laozi has already kept hands, only to break the three-point power, who does not know the result is still so disappointing! Peerless, or you come to fight with Laozi, now the juniors of Tongtian Tower, really vulnerable. This is too much to lose your Tongtianta's face?" Lazy, the loss of life is like a deflated ball, full of boredom.

"You, are not qualified to play with me!" The words of the unparalleled emperor are more powerful than the most slap in the world. Sparklingly hit the face of the young.

"What do you say?" Xiao Cangsheng is like a cat who has been trampled on his tail and is full of hair.

"Behind..." The voice outside the sky had to be called for the second to participate in the game, but before he could explain it, a fist had been squatting on the face of the stalker.

"Ah, it’s really happy!" Xiao Cangsheng was beaten by heavy fists and went back two big steps. The nose and mouth, the blood was like a spring, but he was not angry and laughing, not retreating, throwing a punch like a madman, bombarding I do not know when to return to the battlefield supreme. The supreme hand lifted up, set up the other's heavy punches, and the other hand held the elbows of the younger ones. The strength was ingeniously and the whole body was lifted.

Reduce the sky in the air, fly out of the foot, and hit the supreme belly.

Extreme is faster.

Her long legs are painted with a curved arc, the waist is like a bow, and the moon and feet are like a meteor. The first step is to print on the left side of the ribs. The strength penetrates, and the heart of the heart is like a thunder hammer. A few want to burst.

The loss of the Cangsheng attack fell through, and the whole person volleyed and struggled to struggle. He still wanted to hit the top of the Supreme Head.

It is a pity that the supreme body shape disappeared instantly, and the flash disappeared above the sky.

Spin your body with a leg.

If the axe is heavy.

Chopping squats in the back of the spurs, so that the skin is thick and extremely resistant to the fight, and can not help but burst out of the throat and can not control the pain.

The cockroaches fell heavily and fell into the bridge until they had no arms. His eyes have not yet come to recover from the painful blows of the continuous, and there is a sigh of sighs and sighs, and it is turned into a stream of light, and it is heavily bombarded on the chin.


Xiao Cangsheng turned over dozens of laps in the sky, and finally the meteorite fell on the bridge deck of the balance snake bridge.

A **** face filled with wolverines.

When he coughed and staggered and stood up on the bridge with a faint stun, the seductive female voice couldn’t help but smile: "Hey, it’s beautiful to see the big man’s big tricks, but it doesn’t seem to be a catastrophe. But hungry dog ​​mud?"

"Haha, it's not bad. This should be the first of the thirty-two poses." The old-fashioned ‘hanging man’ also sneered.

"Okay, it’s a wonderful performance!" The second voice of the game was first stayed for a while, but it quickly reacted and laughed.

"You shut up!" Xiao Cangsheng twisted the neck bones, and then moved his wrists. He screamed with anger: "I didn't care for the little girl just now, but now I have to be serious!"

"It turned out to be a careless..." The seductive female voice could not laugh.

"Not bad!" There are still a few old ghosts who don't know where to hide, and they applaud and applaud, but they are so stunned that the face of the younger ones is dark. Nima, what are these teammates!

Of course, cheers are pleasing.

Now everyone has seen a fact: that is, this seemingly weak yellow-haired girl is not a good master!


Just one more today.

I still wanted to take a lot of time, but everyone’s reaction was too cold, so Xia Fei was really hit hard. Xia Fei said that I hope everyone can drum up, who doesn’t know that even a bubble is there, just drink it. Colors are also good, this kind of disregard, than the teammates who have lost the sky, it is better to have wood! Xia Fei is now carrying pressure code words, and bothering to plot the plot, even if there is no credit, there is hard work? After a few years, others are resting, Xiafei every day codeword, so sincere, but in exchange for a silent response, the small universe really can not burn! Tears...

*********(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m. Read.)

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