Long Live Summons

Chapter 1346: :[Dragon is a foodie? 】

The axe is heavy, and the dragon and Yueyang are in danger.

Just as the light guardian deity thought that this battle was over, but the next scene, but let him be lost.

The reason is that the dragon has returned, not only has it returned from a thousand miles away, but also plunged into the dead corner of the giant god's arms, a position that a **** axe could not attack after being emptied. Not only did the dragon return, but he also took six ‘龙’. Since the war, he has never exposed the true strength of the dragon. Now at the moment of life and death, there is a secret trick that has been unknown for 100,000 years.

Liulong looks back!

No one knows the reason why the dragon is secret. In addition to the forgetting of time, there is another reason: the enemy of the dragon is hanging under this trick.

The demon has no throne. It does not mean that he is the weak under the throne. He just cuts off the dragon **** supreme and cannot use it. His strength cannot be assessed by the military under the throne. If anyone does this, then the result will be very regrettable... just like the giant **** now!

There is no power to stop the six dragons from looking back, and not to mention the six dragons, even the dragons are unstoppable.

"Ah..." There was a burst of pain in the mouth of the giant god.

Under the guidance of the dragon's will, the six golden dragons penetrated from the limbs, head, and heart of the giant god, biting through the body of the giant god, and squeezing out from behind. The four elements of the gods are almost blasted, and they are shaped like ice beads to fall to the ground. Only the larger sun **** in the middle allows the two dragons to continue to emit the supreme light.

The transparent hole of the giant god's head was quickly restored under the light of the sun god.

However, in the heart, and the five blood holes above the limbs, it is not so simple. If you endure so hard, you will not miss the opportunity to further expand the victory.

Pursue by victory, not only through men.

He is once known as the first murderer of the heavens, and he is also good at it, even when his timing is overwhelmed!

"That was what Laozi gave back to you. If you think that you are sure to eat me, I will only be able to see you when I see you, then it is a big mistake! And now, this is the interest of Laozi!" Turned into a horrible claw, directly attacking the enemy's chest and abdomen, he is wild and bloody, and the giant ribs are opened. In the moment when the other body's body power shook back, I didn't know what to grab out, black and bloody.

"Oh..." The giant **** was furious. He threw away the axe and waved a meteor-like fist, ready to make the dragon a flower.

"Don't forget me!" Yue Yang has been waiting for a long time.

When the **** of the gods is powerful. When the dragon of the dragon was broken, he started to fight back.

A month of destiny, kneeling in the back of the giant god.

Under the eternal destiny power, Rao is the guardian of the light, and can not help but shake the body, the body shape is fixed for half a second. Half a second has little meaning for the average person, but for a man who is good at grasping the opportunity. That is enough to do a lot of things. For example, as it is now, a scepter is slammed and squatted over the head of the giant god.

The giant **** had a hard stick and had no expression on his face.

The power of the Emperor's Scepter is not enough for him, let alone this is an artifact that does not fully restore the initial power.

"Come on again!" In less than a thousandth of a second, Yue Yang launched a second wave of attacks. The statue of the imperial concubine who almost smashed the chestnut tool was heavily swayed and slammed on the forehead of the giant god.

The power of this embarrassment is not the same as a small contract. It is a complete contract and incorporates the imperial deity of the Yueyang will. It can not be called the imperial deity of the imperial concubine, but a new god's seal. It is only Yueyang to commemorate the imperial war. Still named as the Emperor of the Emperor. Its new power can be combined with fate. The achievement is eternal. It was not the same as that of the three giants who had been invaded by the three giants. The giant's forehead burst, but the mighty and tough giant is still not moving. He just gritted his teeth and hardened all the attacks.

In the one hundredth of a second of the attack, he reacted.

As soon as he reached out, he first held down the magic dragon that swept the claws, and then caught Yue Yang, who was trying to launch the third wave of attacks on his head.

The angry giant opened the mouth of the blood basin, ready to directly put the ‘small bug’ that caused him to hurt, and ate it in his mouth. Perhaps, in that way, he could barely ease his little bit of hatred.

"Breaken!" Yue Yang still did not struggle to escape after being slammed into his mouth. On the contrary, he also broke out with a third wave of attacks. The creation **** of the battle, which almost never took out, finally opened the scene. The creation of the gods from the hands of Yue Yang spurt out, directly to the throat of the giant god. As long as the giant **** eats this creation god, then the battle may be reversed, the creation of the gods, this Dongdong, who eats who knows, although it is rare to appear, but it is definitely the most powerful since the male cultivation Artifact, no one.

"Hey!" The giant **** also realized the danger.

He is certainly not a candy when he is sensitive. On the contrary, he would rather swallow a black hole directly, and he is not willing to get a little bit of it.

At the moment when the bite swallowed Yueyang, his movements were incredibly squirting out the 'small bugs' in his mouth, with the intention of simultaneously spraying the little bit between the throats with divine power, but unfortunately this wish fell through.

In distress, he reached out to his mouth regardless of his image, and plunged it into his throat.

The creation of the gods will be forcibly excavated from the depths of the throat.

Then rushed to abandon it.

This is the case, his throat, and the palm of his hand, also swallowed a large piece of creation beads... for a long time, can not recover.

"The real fortune, what is your baby?" The dragon came over and looked at the creation **** in Yueyang’s hand. He also said that there are many treasures, but he felt like he was alive. Years, this **** bastard, artifacts are a big basket, making people 100 million times envy and hate wood!

"Creation God Pearl, you don't have it?" Yue Yang classmates indulged in the palm of his hand, the pair of stunned expressions almost let the dragon kill him.

"Damn!" The dragon crammed a piece of dark **** stuff into his mouth, turning grief into appetite.

"You?" Yue Yang looked shocked.

"What am I?" The dragon eagerly swallowed the food in his mouth. He was very puzzled by Yue Yang’s expression, eating something, adding nutrition, and recovering a little bit of physical strength. You don’t have to make such a fuss?

"What was that?" Yue Yang had a feeling of dizziness: "I seem to see you in the guy's stomach..."

"Yes! Dongdong, like the heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney, although the taste is so-so, but it is very nourishing!" said the dragon. Yueyang students vomited quickly. It turned out that Li Dazui is real. What to eat is not good. It is too thunder to eat this. Besides, the **** throat swallows, big brother. Don't you nausea? This young master just saw the stomach cramps!

The magic dragon wiped the corners of his mouth, the expression of indifferent expression, so that the diaphragm that crossed the male feels the age really exists.

The generation gap of 100,000 years is really a far cry.

Maybe 100,000 years ago, it was fashionable to eat a piece of stuff in the enemy's stomach, but now it is not good, 100,000 years later today. But in a river crab era, big brother, you are too barbaric to do so, and it is not in line with the spiritual civilization construction of the new socialist countryside!

Even if you are a foodie, you can't eat anything, but you can eat it in a mess!

It took a lot of effort to cross the man, and I couldn’t help it.

The dragon used his sharp claws to pick up the teeth. He scorned the expression of the fuss when passing through the man: "You don't eat good things. Take the treasure!"

Yueyang students are speechless.


If you count the treasure, then you will recognize it!

"If there are any tricks, let them come out! If not, just go to hell!" The Guardian of the Light is very angry, but he has not lost control and roared, or madly attacked, but is extremely rational and extremely calm thinking, Reflecting on the success or failure of his own mistakes. Make up your mind and do your own initial will, and kill the two opponents in front of you!

"To be honest, there is really no card, but once again, seal your throne. I still have a way!" The dragon does not need to indicate, Yue Yang has tacitly stepped forward, one left and one right, against the giant god.

In front of the throne without sealing each other. No matter what attack is invalid.

Only by sealing the throne with the six dragons as before can it be effective in killing. Although the current Guardian of God, has been fully restored with the help of his sacred, but the fact of the successful attack just told Yue Yang, the sacred is not a panacea, or the sacred seat in front of it did not reach omnipotence, as long as it is sealed, then the master will Hurt.

There is even another possibility, that is death!

The giant **** did not care about this time.

He didn't want to take another look at the six dragons. Just being cheated has become the biggest shame in his life.

Now, he can't and will not bear the second six dragons to look back. He used the most rational reason to control the audience. He decided not to let the gods know that they will be out of control before killing the dragon.

"Shuanglong play beads!" The dragon's arms spurt two golden dragons, which is bigger than the previous six dragons, and the power can be more than 100 times.

When they come out, they are over the owner.


Easily escaped the lightning interception of the giant god, seemingly slow, one left and one right, naughty and incomparably rushed to bite the throne behind the giant god. If the gods turn sharply, they will emit thousands of gods in an instant. Every light is like a sword, and it is very sharp.

The magic dragon and Yueyang were affected, and the wounds on the body increased like rain.

But two golden dragons, but play like the past.

They shook their heads and escaped the attack of the Shining Sword. Instead of any damage, they further dragged the throne and slowly dragged it away from the back of the giant god. The giant **** turned back, his arms disappeared, and the hundreds of millions of meteors were intertwined into a horror boxing net, which was so airtight that the sea would flood the double dragons. The two golden dragons did not retreat, but continued, dragging the gods away from the body... Their bodies were clicked and broken by the giant god's boxing, but before that, they were restrained and dragged, but they are no longer Can not play the role of the auxiliary gain master as before.

Although this is not a seal, but a temporary restraint, it is enough to make Yue Yang feel surprised.

If so, you can't grasp the timing.

Then he is not called Yue Titan, but called idiot!

"Dead!" The other side of the dragon, also really spurt the greatest strength, launch an attack...


Spring ~ brother ~ tyrant ~ ye ~ wave!

A wave first arrives, then the chrysanthemum is brought!

*********(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m. Read.)

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