Long Live Summons

Chapter 1351: :[I am a warrior! 】

"It turned out that before she reached the limit, she couldn't keep up!" Several old guys talked about it.

"Isn't that deadly stunned?" Some people are not worthy of being overpowered. If it is not a stroke, if it is not shot, then the victory is also appropriate.

"Who asked him to provoke his opponent." Some people sneered irony: "Live it!"

"I think the little girl is too weird. It is impossible for ordinary gods to do a trick to kill the opponents of the same level." More people agree with this point of view.

"I want to say, don't worry if she is weird or normal. She is fascinated and unprepared. Now is the best time to kill." The second battle against the supreme Supreme in the back of Cangsheng At this point, I said: "If you miss this best time, if she wakes up, maybe she will shoot an old ghost, but I don't know if the unlucky guy in you will be second."

"Why don't you say that you don't want to do it? How do you know that the next one is not you?" There was an old voice screaming.

"I have already played with her. Now, how can I not take my shot?" The gods who are called Chidanzi laughed.

"If you still want to kill us with dozens of garbage beasts and resentment, let us fight with her, then it is not necessary, at least the old man will not be shot by others, little clever or less Something is good." The old voice shouted disdainfully.

"What do you think about it." That little red bear is not much.

"Don't make a noise, isn't it a killing of a stunned little boy? How simple!" There was a gloomy, hoarse male voice rang, like a poisonous snake lurking in the darkness, humming : "You are all gods on the top, do not bother to do this despicable and shameless thing? It doesn't matter, I will do it nine times! Haha, what I like the most is to build happiness on the suffering of others, no matter where When and where, it doesn't matter, as long as you can vent it... Do you want me to kill her and kill it? I can swear in the name of the ancient zombie to ensure that her head is unscrewed. When I play for a day, she won’t die completely... If I don’t like it, how about the savory barbecue? A small steamed bun like this. I haven’t tasted it for a long time!”

"Baked meat?" The seductive female voice screamed: "Nine you are this metamorphosis!"

"There is no taste at all. You can imagine that if there is a long, pointed root, the chrysanthemum from the back pierces, penetrates the stomach, and then pierces the throat. Finally, the two rows of teeth and **** lips from the mouth. Wear it, that kind of picture, how wonderful it is... If there is still a bunch of fire, it’s raging underneath, watching the food ripen and zoom, and then the aroma is overflowing... must eat hot, At the fastest speed, cut a large piece and stuff it into your mouth, let the meat taste fill the whole mouth... Oh, that is the highest enjoyment in life!" The sullen and hoarse nine said, Many old ghosts who know him can't help but stay away from him.

For tens of thousands of years, I really don't know that he has this abnormal hobby.

How much better to hide this goods!

Of course, it may not be that he is well hidden, but that this world of balance does not have such an opportunity to play for him. The world of balances is all gods. For Jiuyi, whose strength is not high or low, it is not easy to eat which one wants to eat, and the ingredients are scarce, so this hobby has not been shown.

The seductive female voice heard a curse, and her relationship with Jiuyi was not bad.

Now I think that this guy might have played his own idea, and then think about the way he was put on the grill, it would be disgusting.

"In the future. Never talk to the old lady, and don't talk about knowing the old lady." The seductive female voice is extremely disgusting to clear the relationship: "Otherwise, the old lady will play with you!"

"Well, even if you used to go to bed with Laozi, I wouldn't say it!" Jiuyi laughed.

"You are looking for death?" The enchanting female voice was so hot.

"Okay, okay. Don't guilty, there is something going back and say, you are going to bed or killing the old man, but you must deal with it now, or wait for the peerless to let go of the scorpio, you regret it too late." The old voice is more qualified Old, hurry to stop this one-touch explosion.

"Dead snake, the old lady is not finished with you, you wait!" The seductive female voice pressed the idea of ​​killing, but resentment shouted.

"Where? In bed?" Jiuyi listened completely without fear, but turned proud.

"Can you stop it a little bit!" The old voice hurriedly shouted: "Nine, this time, it is your responsibility, you love steaming love to cook, want to burn, you just want, we don't care, but this sin If you are behind yourself, if you have someone behind the scene, you have to be clear about yourself, don’t want to pull us into the water."

"Understood, if you want to enjoy food, then you have to pay for it." Jiu Xiao laughed: "What if you are guilty? Then I will keep Laozi for tens of thousands of years? Anyway, Laozi will never go out here, shut it down, How long does it take for a long time! There are beautiful people to eat, Lao Tzu does not care what sin, even if the future is falling apart, now enjoy it again... Hahaha, if you are interested, you can come and share with me, but I am happy to find a similar interest. Confidante to enjoy the food of life!"

"I am interested, but this little girl may not be a simple character. This time, even if I enjoy the food, I will say it next time!" There is an old ghost who expressed interest, but he is equally cautious. After all, he still does not know the supreme. Is there anyone behind it?

"Hurry to get her away, the peerless will soon arrive." The old voice, quickly reminded Jiuyi.

"Well, then I have to enjoy this rich meal alone." The voice is sullen and hoarse, and the figure is emerging from the darkness. He is a snake-like horror snake. Eyes, thin lips, from time to time, flashed a long split snake letter, creaking. He twisted his body and snaked forward. Although his face was arrogant, he was actually vigilant and feared that he would wake up.

The Supreme just slammed the man in a second, and shocked the audience.

If it is not fainting, completely lost consciousness, and no threat, even if it is a hundred courage, Jiuyi does not dare to take her food.

Although Jiuyi’s move was disgusting, even the most resentful and charming female voices had no objection. Even her, she was afraid of the supreme awakening, because no one knew that the supreme waking up would not be a second. ......

However, when Jiuyi swam near the Supreme, suddenly an unexpected person stood up.

Blocked in front of the nine.

this person.

It is not the unparalleled emperor, but the previous struggle with the Supreme.

The battle between Cangsheng and Supreme is not good on both sides. The two opponents in the game are caught in a long-lasting hard battle. They can’t fight down the Supreme by all means, and the Supreme is also rushing to send the hair, but why not reduce it, or not In the second Chidanzi eager to join the battle group, then the battle may still continue until now!

"What is the meaning of your loss?" Jiuyi felt incomprehensible.

"It doesn't mean anything." The voice of Cangsheng screamed lazily: "I just can't understand it!"

"Turn off your ass! Roll!" Nine-fired, what side are you on? Do you think that you are the peerless king of the world? You are a fallen protoss, a criminal who bans the Dead Sea, so what is the sense of justice? Besides, the hero’s rescue of the United States is not something that you have to do with the sinister bad guys!

"If you want to kill her, then I don't care, but if you want to eat her, then you can't!" It is very principled to reduce the life.

"I just want to take her as food, just to insult her, how are you going?" Jiuyi thinks this guy is deliberately against himself. What everyone agrees with, what do you disagree with?

"You have to insult her, it is to insult me. She is a strong enemy that I will not lose my life. It is definitely not a food!" Xiao Cangsheng sneered: "If you can cross over my body, then I have nothing to say." Anyway, before that, you would like to move her a finger. Come on, if you want to persist, then we will fight high!"

"If there was a bit of scruples before, I still have people who have been disabled. Now, is Laozi white?" Jiuyi suddenly felt that this was a good opportunity to rank on top of himself. Dry up, you can go further.

"Don't say that it's just a small injury. Even if I lose the last breath, I don't want to challenge my position!"

"Are you sure?" Jiuyin yin and laugh again and again, tone: "Are you sure that your current stupidity will not anger the gang?

"Nine 蚺 is right, now destroying the enemy is the first priority." The old voice also quickly dissuaded: "Reducing your respect for the strong enemy, we can understand. But, after all, it is the enemy! It is possible to let go of Scorpio and sneak up on us. Now, we can't guilty! Reduce the sorrow, we mean, first deal with this little girl, her will and the law are too dangerous! Jiuyi, you must also respect the loss of life. Will, after all, his position is above you, you'd better shoot as soon as possible, kill the target, instead of making a humiliating body or something extra. We just have the result, it's that simple, and the degree you master!"

"Understand." Jiuyi listened to laughter: "Have you heard it? Reduced, I won, let it open, I can promise you, kill this chick and cook again!"

"Go to hell!" Xiao Cangsheng was the most stunned moment in Jiuyi’s smile, and he shot this abominable guy.

He pulled the frame open to the darkness.

The eyes are as bright.

Standing in front of the stunned supreme, the will is infinitely firm: "This enemy is a respectable enemy. If you want to marry her, then step on my body! If she is awake, I will reduce it." After trying to fight with her, she did not regret it, but she fainted to the ground, you guys who have lived for tens of thousands of years, want to kill her and marry her body, I think! I am a bad guy, but I am even more It is a warrior!"

*********(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m. Read.)

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