Long Live Summons

Chapter 1366: :[This is a loan! Remember to return! 】

Time and space maze.

Hai Fatzi and Ye Kong and others, after some hard battles, and defeated the first guard of the central temple that appeared in front of him, and long shackles.

"While, finally got it down. How many avatars does this cargo have? Hit and fight, how can you always finish?" Hai Fatzi thinks it is not a human tactic, plus 饕餮, 星罗天蝎, They swallow the beasts and give them strength, but they really can’t take the long scorpion that is not scattered. Can God's powers be automatically resurrected? If that's the case, then I still have a hairy hair, and I am exhausted!

"You can stay." Ye Kong decided to continue to go, he knows that the only thing he can help Yueyang is to go forward.

The enemy must bury tens of thousands of traps.

Now maybe it's just the beginning.

If these people rely on Yueyang alone to go to the front to fight with the enemy, then how many teammates do you want? Compared with the Lord of the East, the first master of the conspiracy, compared to the old god, the immortal in the sturdy, compared to the heavenly king overlooking the unparalleled temple of the supreme god, like the long scorpion, is simply a The small role of the gatekeeper is good!

If you can’t even watch the long-haired squatter, who else can you fight?

Besides, this is a avatar.

The real body is still behind, not to play!

The wind and seabirds infinitely despised the fat man of the sea. After seeing the game, they came close and couldn’t help but turned a blind eye: "Be away from me, put away the sneer of color, this does not work for me. !"

The fat man in the sea is not discouraged, on the contrary. He has unlimited confidence: "I don't blame you, baby, one day you will think of it."

The wind seabird let him say 'baby' and the chicken skin fell off the ground and screamed wildly: "Leaf monkey, there are ice cubes, and quickly manage your pig's head, he is out again! I am going crazy. Off, you don't have to explain, don't say anything, just disappear in front of me. It disappears without a trace. It's best to disappear forever... I said it is impossible, I can't like such a pig's head, please. Do you let me maintain a little confidence in my intelligence and vision? I am a person. It is no longer a bird that was kept in a cage by him!"

"Okay. I don't think it's a good match. Yes, just yell at him and swear at him. Don't worry about our feelings." Ye Kong sighed with sorrow.

"It seems that the character is still awkward." Tianluo Prince thinks that the fat man is a bad thing and is doing more. Now it is retribution.

"My character is also good. Occasionally, I also want to do good things, but I have no chance to play!" Hai Fatzi thinks that everyone is jealous of themselves, who does not want to do good deeds, do good deeds who do not like it, just as Yue Jiasan The youngest boss, the name is too big, and the Tongtian Tower has already become famous in the world. When others look at it, they are scared away by their own prestige, and they have no chance to do good things.

He has forgotten how the two deafening big treasures of his own ‘very fat devil’ and ‘meat mountain devil’ have come.

Is this a good thing to do?

The snow greedy wolf gives affirmation: "The fat character is still there."

Hai Fatzi was moved by tears: "I still know the ice, I know you!"

For the fate of the sea fat man, the snow greedy wolf hastened a big step in the long jump: "Don't come close, I mean, you have the character, but when the contract was in the air, it was all consumed."

Ye Kongqiang held back his smile and reminisced in a serious way: "It seems that this is really the case. Since then, the fat man has never had a character, but he has done a lot of harms such as ruining flowers and plants..." I agree that Ye Kong’s ** about Hai Fat is a negative character. It’s just a clapping end. They nod their heads, and Hai Fatzi has three hundred mouths and can’t tell.

When he saw the expression of the seabirds and the bad guys, he couldn’t help but sorrow: "I want to commit suicide, no one will stop me!"

"Are you sure? The chick is going to someone else!" Ye Kong desperately hit him.

"No, I will not do the kind of cowardly behavior, I must overcome the rumors, I must persist in the end, for the baby, I will never give up!" Hai Fatzi listened, suddenly fighting for a hundred times, fake tears are not taking care of I erased it and immediately rushed to the seabird: "Those guys hate me, you know, lucky genius like me, they are swearing at me, since I had the bronze second-class tin rhinoceros." ... At that time, Yue Yang’s kid also had only one bronze third-level gray wolf. You said, can they not blame me?”

"Don't come over, ah, you go to hell!" The wind seabirds were so mad that they couldn't help but flew the goods to the clouds.

Waiting for the fat man from the sea to fall down from the sky.

He found a pair of feet in front of him.

Looks like, quite familiar, it seems to want to see when.

Looking up, I saw that someone who could not appear was standing in front of him. Suddenly, his mouth was so big that he could stuff two shackles.

Ye Kong and Xue Greed and other people were also shocked, because the coming is Yueyang. According to the information passed by the goddess of the moon, the Yue family should go to the Guangming Mountain in the heavens to find the scorpion. It should be with the Supreme Heavenly King of the Temple. How could it appear here?

Is it...

"You are the most hated of this kind of counterfeit goods. It is not good to be a good one. It has to be the appearance of a younger brother who is covered by my big sea. Do you know that this big and small will be very angry? "The fat man of the sea disregards the three seven twenty-one, anyway, the world is more handsome than him, and he is not pleasing to the eye. Usually, Yue Yang does not dare to fight. Now it becomes a fake. That is just right, so he raises his fist and makes a stroke of the hippo. .

"Hey, wait!" Ye Kong was so dizzy, first ask and fight again, what are you worried about?

The wind and seabirds came by.

Flying feet.

Heavy squatting on the big **** of the sea fat man.

Hai Fatzi plunged at the foot of Yueyang’s classmates and almost didn’t have the whole dog’s mud.

Yueyang’s attitude was very friendly. He didn’t mind Hai Fat’s punching. He personally helped the fat man in the sea, and he casually arranged a messy collar. He smiled and said: “Is this not the boss? Is it so polite today? See me. Even if you are very happy, don't dare to do such a big gift! Don't dare, you are the boss. If you don't cover our younger brothers, then you have to..."

I heard a leaf.

Hurry away from the fat man in the sea.

As long as Yue Yang is called the boss of Hai Fat, it is certainly not a good thing.

If you can't get a black pot down, you have to hang yourself, or it's safer to get away from the fat man.

I feel the same with him, and there are snow greedy wolves and celestial princes. They are of course happy when Yue Yang comes back, but this is two different things from standing next to the unlucky sea fat man!

Don't say them, it's the ‘hazard’ that the memory of the seabirds is also inexplicable.

"Of course, I am the boss. I will always cover you. I don't have to worry about it. I am looking for my big sea. I don't have enough for the big things. The kind of people who can be against the sky in the legend means the big and the young. Let me know. I will know when you see it. You must have encountered some kind of difficulty. With your strength, you can’t solve it yourself. So come to my great and mighty boss rescue!” Hai Fatzi listens to Yue Yang. The classmates openly call him the boss. It doesn't matter whether it is true or not. This is a good opportunity to show off. Do you think anyone can be the boss?

"Yes, yes, it really is the boss, guess it." Yueyang students held a thumbs high.

"Haha, do you think that my boss is white? I am the world's first smart boss!" Hai Fatzi's mouth went to the ears.

"I used to know this idiot before?" The seabirds looked at them in confusion and puzzled. Isn't it right, even if you are an ostrich, you won't be wrong with this master? Ye Kong hurriedly comforted her: "Nothing, idiots will not be infected!"

The Lisi brothers nodded hard and gave him proof.

The snow greedy wolf and the Tianluo prince look at each other. What is the problem that Yue Yang can't solve? Need to take this gang?


Isn't this Yuejia San Shao really fake?

Look at the fat man who is almost dying of the sea, and it doesn't feel like it. This is obviously a **** pot. It is true that the Yue family is back to others. Is there really any task that needs to be shot by yourself? The two think so, curiosity can kill the cat!

"I am a boss with a sense of loyalty and justice. There is no reason not to take the lead for you!" Hai Fatzi did not say that the knife was under the knife.

"In fact, it is very simple!" Yueyang students smiled red lips and white, sunny.

"It seems that it is enough!" Ye Kong looked at the man's expression and knew that it was a small matter. The easier he laughed, the more difficult the task would be. If, on the other hand, a serious face, desperately swearing, and getting a dog's **** head, I can't wait to find a place to sneak in, it is better. The smile is so sunny, decisive is the rhythm of the pit to death.

"Say." Hai Fatzi patted his chest and provoked a burst of fat. Now don't say that he wants to help him, that is, let him commit suicide without hesitation. Can the boss say no? Just kidding, in front of the younger brother, the boss must have a role as a boss!

"It is like this. As your younger brother, I have been very busy and need to worry about a lot of things. As a boss, you are more leisurely. Whatever labor is me, the boss is enjoying happiness, and I have nothing." Opinion, but this time, I am too busy, can not be separated." Yueyang students let the boss help that there is a reason, can not be unreasonable, Hai Fatzi listened very moved, as a blessing boss, that should not be too Can't solve problems for the younger brother, is that still a good boss?

Hai Fatzi is about to speak, Yueyang students quickly stop: "I know what you mean, I know that you are a good boss, labor or something, I did it, it is my duty. The boss should be happy." I don’t have any opinions when I pick up a girl. It’s just that this thing is still going to be a big boss. My little brother wants to do it, and it’s not qualified enough!”

Ye Kong couldn’t hear his eyes black. The fat man in the sea might have been dying this time. It’s rare to call a boss. Now the three have called so many voices. Can the fat man finally survive?

The snow greedy wolf also feels that he can now make a tombstone for Hai Fatzi.

As for the epitaph, you don't have to think about it. Just the whole idiot will not be infected.

"What is the matter that must be greatly embarrassed?" Hai Fatzi was so excited that his face was red, and the life of the protagonist was the winner.

"Cracking time and space puzzles." Through the man very patiently explained, one hand clasped the shoulders of the sea fat man, showing very intimate: "This time and space maze is not difficult to crack, but my younger brother has to do it. Because the identity is not enough The reason, that **** Tianyu will know, so I can't move, I have to rely on your boss."

"Haha, now I know that this boss is so powerful!" Hai Fatzi blinked their eyes to the far-away leaves, but these guys refused to cooperate, and my heart was really unhappy. Looking back at the man, the more you look at the more pleasing to the eye, it is really your own younger brother, and you have to hand over to yourself this boss. The pride in the heart is like a volcanic eruption. The temperament in the chest does not vent, and finally rushes out: "Yes, give me this boss!"

"Good!" Yue Yang did not lick his thumb.

“How much time is there now?” Hai Fatzi vaguely remembered that the East had a **** countdown in the maze of time and space.

"There are a lot, there is a full day." Yue Yang said that time is not a problem at all. How many things can you do in one day? To change a super **** step shot. It is easy to destroy a world.

"That line." Hai Fatzi also feels that he can do many things in one day.

"The time and space will be handed over to you. I have to rush to another battlefield, where I am playing." Yueyang and the fat man waved goodbye.

"Go, go here, hand it over to me. There is my boss here, you can rest assured!" Hai Fatzi now forgot his ancestors' surnames, and there is reason, excitement and crossing men. Waving and playing a big ticket.

"Wait a minute..." Ye Kong quickly stopped: "Breaking the time and space, what do we need to do?"

"Very simple, I have already sent out the road signs of the maze. There is no more confusion here, and there will be no more illusions. As long as you rush all the way and smash the wave of ss, the task can be easily completed." Yue Yang Classmates speak more easily than eating beans.

"Can you ask, how many levels does the entire labyrinth have?" Prince Tian Luo asked cautiously.

"Ah, not much, only one hundred!" One hundred through the man is a small number.

"One hundred off?" Snow greedy wolf feels blue.

"Will the guards not be the gods of the heavens or the central shrine?" Ye Kong has the worst premonition.

"Not all gods, but some very weak chickens. Besides, I have already helped you to kill a few of them. The most fierce one is the dream world that has been trapped in your majesty. You can play some mobs, it is very easy. "Yue Yang's breath is careless, it sounds easier than catching a few small shrimps on the river bank."

"Where, how can we win?" Ye Kong listened to the opponent's level of immovable supreme, could not help but swear, although he still does not know the true strength of the immobile, but does not hinder him for this Fear, like that super-existence, you can kill the whole game with just one finger. This is not a mission, but a death!

"Nothing is ok, you are going to be busy with you, we will fix it." Hai Fatzi's mind is only the prestige of the boss in the mind, and there is no other.

"Get your sister! Fat man, have the ability to do it, we can't do it!" Ye Kong is going to faint.

"..." Snow greed is also very speechless.

It’s enough pain to have a long squat, and it’s going to be repeated. It’s endless. If you want to fight the three most supremes of the Central Temple, how can you fight? If the task is not under the brother-in-law, then he will definitely think that the other party is crazy.

The three great supremes of the Central Temple are also the ones that these juniors can shake?

Even if the strongest immovable Supreme is trapped in dreams, it will not work, and there will be two who are not supreme and unbeaten! Even if they are not there, there are others!

For the situation except the fat man in the sea, the rest of the people are going to riot. It is more sympathetic to cross the man. If someone else lets him play, he will also slap him a face, but he really has no time to do this, then say Isn’t the fat man in the sea? Of course, the boss has to be heavily hired. In order to let everyone's emotions calm down a little bit, then Yueyang students who are 'resolving people' and 'good-hearted' are very 'great' to make a proposal: "Without the gods, you have to do so many waves of ss, it is a bit difficult. Or, this way, I personally lend you some power, lend it to you based on the height of your previous fate..."

"Is it okay?" Ye Kong, they heard a stupid stupidity.

"I will give you a **** emblem for each person. It is the foundation of the future gods. Of course, you still have no gods. This is what I borrowed from you. You can use the gods to use the power of the destiny you have ever carried. This is a battle." Yue Yang fingers forward.

Countless gods.

Flying to everyone's eyebrows.

For a time, the body of the near-owner's image rose up on the heads of Hai Fatzi, Ye Kong, Snow Wolf and Tianluo Prince.

Yue Yang waited for everyone to cheer and jump, and hurriedly turned away, leaving, not forgetting everyone: "This is my private loan to you, remember to pay back, plus interest, nine out of thirteen!"

If there is no such sentence, crossing the male image, it is very tall and very powerful.

But out of this sentence.

Even the most icy snow-scarred wolf can't help but question him: "If this guy goes to do business, and he does business with him, I am afraid that even the bones will not be left. My sister is married to such a person. It is really no problem. ?"

*********(To be continued..)

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