Long Live Summons

Chapter 1372: :[Where is Tongtian Avenue? 】

Time square.


Standing with the hands up to the heavenly temple, the Supreme Heavenly King, has been standing quietly. Standing opposite him, the same is true of Her Majesty Queen. Both of these people have enough self-confidence, no matter how the current situation is carried out and developed into any situation, it will not affect their minds.

The long-term confrontation is to find out the flaws of the enemy, launch a fatal blow, and achieve the goal of ultimate victory.

Both people have extraordinary patience.

If necessary, perhaps this confrontation can last for a thousand years.

"I made a big mistake." The Temple of Heavenly Supreme suddenly sighed slightly: "If I personally shot, I will not have an enemy that is so painful, and once again stood in front of me, blocking me. Going on the road."

"I also made a mistake." Queen Vivien Leigh sneered: "A million years ago, if I was not victorious, everything would be the first. If you reach out to help the unparalleled emperor, you are standing here today." No. Tian Yu, don't say that I won't let you enter the time square, even if you let in, do you really think that you can stay inside? You don't even dare to try the mirage that challenges the night dream, but also want to get the recognition of the time square? ”

"I don't need to get the recognition of the time square, and I don't need the inheritance inside." The Supreme Court of the Temple is very light and not moving at all: "I only do the Holy Supreme in the Light of Tomorrow."

"In this case, why bother to come?" Queen Vivien said sarcastically.

"Only paying for the wishes of the year, climbing to the Holy Supreme. When the perfection is perfect, there is no regrets in the world."

"This excuse is sure that even a three-year-old will not believe it! Even if you go in, it will be a waste of effort, but it is an unforgivable embarrassment to let a despicable intruder break into the glory of the ancestors of Tongtian Tower." Queen Vivien Words are absolutely perfect: "Tian Yu, unless I die here today, otherwise, you can't step into the time square. I know, you are used to playing tricks, and definitely have a lot of backhands, so you don't have to cover them again. Let's go out. I never expected you to have an upright duel."

"You are indeed a good opponent." The Temple of Supreme Tian Yu sighed: "It’s wonderful, the person who knows me the most in the world is actually my enemy."

"The contradiction of the world is often the case."

This sentence.

It is not Queen Vivien Leigh. But there are others.

There is a man of mercy who has to be snowy and dragged to the ground. Holding an ancient book shaped like a book. Stepped in slowly.

When Queen Vivien Li looked at it, she looked at her anger and looked at it. She couldn’t help but scream in her mouth: "Old ghost. Roll back to your Star Temple, don't worry about it, this fateful battle is not something you can manage!"

The kind-hearted old man slowly shook his head: "Shantou, the old man really does not want to control, but there is no way, the evil comes from the mouth, who let the old man swear by the sins of the day, now wants to turn back, can not go back... ... Shantou, the old man has always wanted to do something for you to make up for the embarrassment of the year, but the fate is not in the hands, now can only follow the tide, what, no matter what!"

Queen Vivien Leigh smirked: "Isn't it good to follow the tide? It also fits the character of your tortoise."

The old man of Cixi listened, not angry, but sighed low.

The Temple of the Supreme Tian Yu and the Queen of Vivien Leigh are still confrontational.

The old man walked aside slowly.

Sitting on the plate.

Holding an ancient book and watching it quietly, it seems that I don’t know that there is an earth-shattering war at any time. Maybe he knows everything, but he doesn’t care about his life and death.

"Is there only one old man?" Queen Vivien said with disdain: "Tian Yu, do you expect his prophecy to bring you victory?"

"Of course not." Supremely holding the hands of the gods, the temple of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor, gently shook his head: "He is a predecessor of the **** machine, he just volunteered to come, not the Tianyu."

At the forefront of the entrance to the time square, there were suddenly three more shadows. The appearance of these three shadows has made the snake demon queen who has always been proud and confident, and she has changed her color. She tried to hold her anger and screamed and screamed: "Okay, it’s so good, congratulations to the gods of heaven, even put the prison Sitting at the bottom, now I’m going to save you to the country where we are in the Tongtian Tower to restore confidence. It’s really welcome!”

Three shadows heard the words and stopped a little.

Immediately, the shadow in the middle took a big step, and the footsteps were heavy: "I just want to be free."

The shadow on the right also keeps up: "We have really regretted it, but there is no time limit and no deadline. The endless jail and punishment is too unfair to us."

The shadow on the left seems to hesitate, and finally turned into a sigh: "This time, the deity will be here for a long time, to apologize. Fei Wenli, if you give up, the deity is willing to arbitrate, let you take the Tongtian tribe Do not pay attention to everything, to quell the disputes between the upper and lower bounds... You have no wisdom, knowing that the current situation is unfavorable, why not reluctantly, take away the three tribes, and find another place, re-energize, isn't it a brand new Tongtian Avenue?"

Queen Vivien Leigh laughed.

Proud to be unparalleled.

She raised the soldiers in her hand and pointed to the enemy. The mouth was extremely cold and declared: "My Heavenly Avenue will be laid on your body!"

The battles in the world of the balance are in full swing, especially the battle between the Guardian Supreme and the Yue Titan.

In this strange mirror world.

The blossoming of the goddess of destiny can still follow the side of Yueyang, but soon I don’t know where to go. With her disappearing, there is the **** of confusion holding the quirks. The mirror world is the home of the **** of confusion, and it is the killer of the guardian of the light. Yue Yang is in the pursuit of his eight-meter body, and even innocent for the blossoming distraction, can only rely on intuition, has been moving forward.

There are thousands of space channels here, and even Yueyang, who has the eyes of the eye, can't tell which one is the real exit.

Or, there is no exit at all.

The only way.

It is to defeat the light and guard the supreme.

"Come on, come on. Come to the decisive battle! Yue Titan, what do you look like? It's a poor coward!" Guangming guards his eight-meter true body and has been chasing Yueyang behind him, trying to force him and himself. The decisive battle, but Yue Yang has been running away, not willing to fight in this 'mirror world' where the enemy has an absolute advantage and is in a comprehensive disadvantage. This is the home of the enemy. It is not the place of its own advantage. Is it necessary to fight the enemy here? It’s not like looking for abuse!

Yueyang does not speak a word.

The world of mirrors in front of us is endless, with thousands of changes in a second.

Numerous spatial channels are produced, and countless spatial channels disappear, and more are closed or split. No one can figure out the mystery.

The most terrible. It is a space-time passage inside, full of mirrors, big and small, and round and square. There is still movement. When Yue Yang got involved. There are thousands of ‘Yueyang’ reflected in it. Some are as static as the stone, some are running like horses, and some are not just one person. Pairs in pairs, even in groups, waving to Yue Yang himself, or laughing and smiling.

It’s strange and unpredictable. For some mirrors, Yue Yang can’t tell whether it’s a real reflection or a real existence.

However, even if it is real, it can definitely be the enemy's avatar or the beast.

It is dangerous to ignore it for a while.

"Welcome, come, let's shake hands!" Many of the ‘Yue Yang’ in the mirror will reach out directly from the mirror and hand it to the real Yueyang. It seems very friendly. But more is that ‘Yueyang’ is armed with various artifacts, and it’s violently murdered, killing and stopping Yueyang.

"Give me a break!" Yueyang, who has passed through the palace of his hands and the palace of the Virgin, and has experienced the test of life and death, will certainly not be fascinated by illusions.

He completely ignored the light behind him and guarded the supreme.

Always open the way with divine power.

See things immediately.

Break everything.

The eight-meter-tall light guards the supreme body, and chasing after Yue Yang, every opportunity, punching like a rain, shrouded.

In the mouth, I still screamed without hesitation: "Yue Titan, you are a poor little bug, do you think you can escape? In the mirror world, under the deity and will of the deity, there are hundreds of millions of changes. You can break it one by one? Don't you understand? You are already trapped in the world of the deity. You are now in the belly of the deity. Even if you escape another 10,000 years, you will be in vain! Come back to the decisive battle. This is Your only chance!"

In the perspective of Demon and others, Yue Yang has become infinitely small at the moment.

Small as a bean, as fine as millet.

Trapped in a giant space field with a diameter of more than 10,000 meters, constantly rushing forward.

However, no matter how hard, no way to go straight, but the influence of the passages and mirrors in the field, the circle of the circle, the only thing that makes the dragons feel comforted is that the circle is getting closer to the periphery, even if it is still in the field. The core area, but has escaped a big circle compared to the original.

In the space field, the mirror can't rotate, the channel is destroyed when it is born, and the image is ever-changing. Don't say that it is reduced, so the dragon is also dizzy.

"To drill out, it is estimated that it will take at least two hours." The dragon made the most daring and most optimistic estimate.

If Yueyang persists, he will not make mistakes.

Then two hours later.

He will get out of trouble.

The problem is that after two less than three hours, the Temple of the Supreme Heavenly King will hurry here. If Yue Yang is out of trouble, can he still be an enemy?

"Quickly think of a way!" The dragon looks at both the Cangsheng and the Chidanzi.

"Ah, do you want us to think of two ways?" Xiao Cangsheng was shocked, you said that please eat is almost the same, let the tricks find a way? Do you think that our heads are so good in the East? Besides, now this kind of dilemma, even if the East comes, I am afraid I can't go back to the sky... The magic dragon looks at the two people's expressions, hates the iron and does not become a steel snarl: "What is the head of Dou Dao? What are you really? No use!"

"..." It is very speechless to reduce the life.

Even if you are the first murderer of the heavens, are you not helpless? Don't ask too much to do, please, we are just a small role, you have to count on us!

The heart is so arrogant, can not dare to say it, after all, the treasure of the first murderer of the demon dragon boss is not white!

On the other hand, the unparalleled emperor who bears the mountain is still making steady progress.

It's just his every step.

Both are overdrafting his life and divine power.

Tongtian Avenue seems to be in front of him, but everyone knows that he can't reach the end...


Return to Earth and the update continues.

Thanks to the Dragon of the Heart, I am grateful to many book-like friends who are waiting for the update every day. Everyone has been constantly giving up, there is no way to prevent Xia Fei from being moved. In the past time, Xia Fei thought about it, simply did not code words, and left everything to forget. This dangerous idea has plagued Xiafei for a long time, but many book friends insisted on it and frustrated Xiafei. Pulled back from the edge of the cliff.

Well, at least summon and cohabitation will be completed. As for whether or not to continue the codeword, I will say it later.

Xia Fei doesn't know how far it can go through the Tongtian Avenue of his own code... (to be continued.)

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