Long Live Summons

Chapter 1374: :[Yue Taitan is not a stone? 】

"Oh, who is this puppy, too poor!"

Just as the fire of the soul of the Gray Wolf, the last point will also be extinguished, suddenly there is a clear voice that sounds incomparable.

Anyone who listens to this voice, even the most vain, the most malicious and dirty person in the world, will feel comfortable and pleasing to the ear. An indescribable coolness and purity will come out of the soul and instantly wash away the soul. Contamination and uncleanness.

The Dead Sea Protoss was shocked.

I looked at people at a loss.

In front of them, I don’t know when, there is a strange woman wearing a white straight and broken flowers and large sleeves. Her face was covered with gauze and it was extremely transparent, but no one could see the face behind it completely accurately and clearly. At first glance, this son-in-law looks very young, but looking carefully, it seems to have a kind of mature kindness that parents feel life-like, so that the more they look at the mystery, the more they look more and more suspicious. The woman's eyes are the clear and pure spirits that the Dead Sea Protoss have never seen before. The special black and white is distinct, especially the naughty and moving, as if they can talk at any time. If she is glanced at it, even the most wicked guy, the bottom of my heart. There will also be a kind of ban on the emergence of joy, as if this life has been worth, you can die without regrets.

No one can refuse her arrival.

A group of Protoss, screaming at the sacred eyes of the Dead Sea guarding the supreme, desperately hardened their hearts, barely resisted, did not take the initiative to go up and say hello to her.

"You, who are you?" The Dead Sea guards the supreme and looks at the woman, the whole body is shocked. As the enemy is on the alert, his expression. Compared with the previous duel, the unparalleled emperor is more nervous, more serious, and more suspicious.

He is also the only person in the audience who is unaffected.

Because even the devil who fell to the ground could not help but yell: "No, no, I have to talk to her, this little sister is too popular!"

Mysterious woman. Jumping from the lotus platform of a brilliance, the jade finger is light, the huge lotus is turned into a lotus flower, turning around the body, and the other two beautiful flower groups that no one knows, the mysterious and mysterious, the wonderful and wonderful She turned. It exudes a burst of fragrant fragrance.

“Here?” The mysterious woman thought-up: “Did I get lost again?”

"..." The dead sea gods are very speechless.

If you get lost again, you won’t go to the world of this balance!

And there is a seal of the gods here, isolated inside and outside, even if you are lost, you can not come in, this excuse is too casual!

Somehow, the figure flashed, and the mysterious woman suddenly went inside the mask of the five-colored light. Stretching out the small hand of white jade, gently stroking the head of the gray wolf: "Too poor, who is your master? Being bullied into this way, how can you not see the tube... The puppy is not so discouraged. Every life, born to the world, has its meaning of existence, whether it is to enjoy sweet happiness or to experience hardships. If you can understand this, you will truly master your life and know what is true. Happy!"

The gray wolf is a little bit of an almost extinguished soul.

It flashed in an instant.

Shining, blazing, shaped like the sun.

It has never heard of such enlightenment, and never knows that the birth of each life has its own meaning of existence, even if it is like this to bring to all the unfortunate devils of life.

In retrospect, the first time I met the energetic and eccentric young boy, I have been living with each other. From then on, I traveled all over the world and walked around the Cape. No matter how laughter or sadness, I shared them one by one. exception. In life, in the battle, together with the realization of life, together with the promotion of the ranks, he gave and accomplished his own demon wolf, without his master, he may still be an ordinary beast, where is the janitor Dog, where is the devil? The encounter between oneself and the master, and countless countless creatures is not the arrangement of fate in the darkness?

Ming, understand, fully understand...

"Ah!" The gray wolf, from the encirclement of the five-colored light, stood up, looked up, and shouted.

In the howling, its beastly will and life energy fully recovered, even surpassed, and the refining soul grew millions of times. The wisdom of the sentiment gave it a complete evolution, explosion, and the light of life. Throughout the world of scales, under the pressure of power, everything is trembled with shock.

At this moment, it grew into a real demon wolf.

The law of extinction.

It was really announced that it was born and established.

However, the Gray Wolf has learned how to control and control this law, according to its own mind and will, to destroy the goals it needs, rather than the intimidation and misleading of others. Once upon a time, Yue Yang said a word: Do not believe the enemy's words at any time.

Recalling that there is a kind of cockroach in the heart of the Gray Wolf, in the battle, in the **** killing, at the moment when the owner is trapped, he is actually confused by the enemy’s words, almost waiting for it, really... Looking back, the master is still I have never quit in the mirror world, and I have never given up. Even if the situation is desperate to be desperate, he still sticks to the end.

"Ah, hey!" Gray Wolf found that his eyes had never been so wet, and there was a hot liquid source overflowing, pouring down from his cheeks.

Did you learn to cry? Is it like tears in people?

Is this weak?

Do not!

This is not weak but strong!

This is a wonderful form of life. Only people can truly understand and understand the power of this life!

The gray wolf jumped out of the mask of the five-colored **** light, turned into a huge and unparalleled demon wolf, glared at the opposite side of the Dead Sea guardian supreme, stunned war, raging, such as the fire rose. Although it is no longer spoken, it is full of meaning. Come on, come on, no more confusion, no more frustration, as long as you still have a good rest, even if you want to pass.

Protect the master, guard the warm courtyard, and guard the beautiful home that makes everyone happy. It is this self-destructive wolf to do, and he must be extinct. Not your own home, but the enemy's country, the enemy's world!

The destruction that the demon wolf is to do is not an unfortunate destruction, but a happy and happy creation, but an eternal guardian of true life meaning!


The Dead Sea guardian Supreme found that this hyena was not dead, but it was upgraded thousands of times, and his face was very ugly. but. What made him most angry was not the provocation of the Gray Wolf, but the mysterious woman’s disregard for him. She is free to enter and exit the five-colored light, the powerful mask, which could have wiped out everything in the world, but could not shake her points.

This mysterious woman will attack if she comes in. Or put a defensive posture to fight.

That's all.

However, she ignores everything around her, just like coming to a ruin of civilization that is unmanned, and enjoying the world of peace with joy and joy. This kind of disregard is even more uncomfortable than killing the Supreme of the Dead Sea.

"Is the seal of the ancient will? Well, very strict and accurate. Admirable!"

"This is the **** mountain that the legendary predecessors have made?"

"Please accept my worship. I have already understood the wishes of my predecessors. Your sacrifice will not be in vain. Your inheritance will be passed down from generation to generation. Our younger generation will never forget. Oh, there is a big Have you sacrificed here? Just sacrificed? Well, your wish I understand, it’s a gentle big man, someone will fulfill your wish, and the tree and stone may be the perfect combination in the world... Is it the Dead Sea? Yes, it’s very evil. If you don’t see it with your own eyes, it’s impossible to imagine that there is such a dirty place in the world. Maliciousness and resentment have turned into the ocean. It’s terrible!”

"It’s weird. Someone left a revelation on this, but it’s not clear, is it unintentional to survive? Or is it another deep meaning?”

"Okay, okay, I have to go down and see, maybe I can figure it out!"

The mysterious woman talks to herself while watching.

The face of the Dead Sea guardian Supreme is dark.

As for the fallen gods, she looked at her inexplicably, and seemed to understand her words indiscreetly. Even the most eccentric guy, she did not dare to refute her. All the protoss had the same expression. Looking at her in a sluggish way, she flew in the world of this balance and talked to herself.

They are completely stupid, and for a long time, the dragon is laughing and laughing: "Fun, interesting, really interesting!"

The Dead Sea guards the supreme anger and screams: "Who are you?"

If it is not the scruples in my heart.

He has already shot.

In front of this mysterious woman, the realm is especially above the unparalleled emperor, perhaps God can be a little worse because of the accumulation of years, but it is not a good opponent. Playing the unparalleled emperor, the Dead Sea guards the supreme and has confidence. The two tigers fight each other. As the tiger with bigger body and stronger strength, of course, he has the upper hand, but now the mysterious woman is not a tiger, but a flying bird. How can this be compared? ?

"Ah, are you talking to me?" The mysterious woman returned to the gods and floated in front of the Dead Sea guardian Supreme. Alum smiled with a smile: "I forgot my introduction, I am really sorry, in fact, I am not a An outsider, you are bullying the child who played him miserablely, I am his mother!"

Her jade finger, Yueyang, who is trying to break away in the mirror world.

This finger, everyone is stupid.


Does Yue Titan have a mother?

"Yue Taitan also has a mother? Isn't he out of the cracks in the stone?" Xiao Cangsheng feels like a person who is so perverted like Yue Titan, it should be the one that is smashed out of the stone. Now suddenly there is a more mother, this, this It’s just not scientific!

"You are an idiot, you are out of the stone!" The dragon also felt incredible, but was very dissatisfied with the stupid words of Cangsheng.

He has never heard of Yue Yang's mother, and at most he has only heard of the gentle four mothers who have been taking care of Yue Yang.

However, there is one more mother.

The dragon does not object.

It’s always good to have a mother, and this mother looks very good. Didn’t you see the Dead Sea guardian Supreme all scared a white sweat? The only thing that made the Dragon Dragon a little bit annoyed was that he was the eldest brother of Yue Yang’s kid, but she was his mother. Isn’t it short for her generation now? How old is she? It’s too bad to be a short person in her place! No, I have to think of a way back...


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