Long Live Summons

Chapter 1376: :[Soul]

Mirror world.

Yueyang is close to the edge of the troubled, I do not know the death of the guardian of the Dead Sea, or the self-feeling of the guardian of the supreme, he gave up more than two hours of chase, summoned a 'sun'.

This ‘sun’ is the power of horror. In the mirror world, once hundreds of millions of mirrors are refracted, power is a million times.

Light and heat, under the law of light, almost swallowed Yue Yang's body.

There is nowhere to go now.

No way to drill.

Yue Yang burned up and turned into a fire, and the pain was extremely high.

However, this kind of failure, in the eyes of the outside world, the magic dragons are not all in their eyes. Yueyang is indeed burning, the body is indeed melting, but this is only the phantom created by the Gemini mask, and there is a real Yueyang, who is daringly turning into a comet by the sun shining through the mirror world, and will be himself Concealed under the overwhelming sunshine, it is intended to escape the light of the guardian of the Supreme God.

"..." The dragons did not dare to see through the atmosphere, and they were afraid of a slight change, that is, they were stunned to destroy the light of the ‘the sun’.

The comet is empty, when Yueyang’s head is drilled into the mirror world.

The 40,000-meter body that oppressed the opponent over there immediately discovered this embarrassing deception. It angrily rounded out the giant eyes, and the flames in the eruption erupted. Yueyang's 10,000-meter **** and the eternal throne immediately counterattacked with full force, suppressing the enemy with divine power and laws, and not bringing it close to one point.

However, the light of the mind is connected to the Supreme, or the same moment, then found Yue Yang's escape.

He is angry and thunderous.

There is a stigma of burning old cats.

Under his own pursuit. At the time of full bombardment, this kid even dared to deceive himself with avatars. Trying to escape from his encirclement... He screamed and shouted, all the space in the mirror world was shaking and swaying, and the mirror space of hundreds of millions was shattered. It took no more than half a second, and the eight meters of the true guardian of the light had appeared. Behind Yueyang, the giant fist is like a donkey, and he is going to Yueyang.


"Get out of the way!" Yue Yang slammed a heavy punch, even though he was beaten with a lick. It hurts into the heart and lungs, but he succeeded in popping his shoulders up.

"Happiness is good." Bright guardian Supreme is now anxious and angry, the giant hand grabs Yue Yang's legs and desperately pulls down. They didn't dare to look at the dragons, they were a little bit worse, but they still failed, Nima. This fate is playing tricks on us like this?

Yue Yang explored a right hand.

Crazy to grab the space outside, just like the drowning person wants to catch a life-saving straw, but nothing can be caught.

The light guards the supreme, but like a water ghost, desperately squatting down, in a blink of an eye. Put Yue Yang squatting, Yue Yang, who had bare shoulders, only had a little hair on his head.

If, no one else appears.

Then Yue Yang’s escape will be doomed to failure. This battle will also be delayed until the arrival of the Temple of Heaven.

But fate is so strange. Yueyang’s escape failed, but it was not the end of life, but the beginning of another battle. One hand, holding Yue Yang's hair, and holding him, together with the light that captured the legs, guarded the supreme, just like the fisherman took the fishing rod and tightened the fishing line, and sighed out from the mirror world.

this person.

I don’t know when I have returned to the battlefield.

Her appearance shocked all the enemies in the world of the balance, and even the light guarded the supreme, and unbelievably looked at the brilliant throne behind her.

"Mastering the throne, has become a great success. In the battlefield, all enemies, whether life or death, will be under my control." The supreme present is far better than the previous one. The light wheel behind her is more than others. There are thousands of kinds of changes in the gods, mutual transformation, mutual destruction, and mysterious and endless sources.

"How did you achieve it?" Yue Yang suddenly realized that this is definitely not the achievement of the Supreme Independent. It must be the Sword Spirit Royal Sister, secretly helping, otherwise she could not come out so quickly, it is even impossible to achieve this. It is also the awe-inspiring leader of the throne.

This dominance of the throne is different from the power of the enemy who can only absorb the enemy of war.

It really has the supreme power and the law.

Control the life of the entire battlefield.

As long as it is the supreme will, all life that is incapable of resisting will be judged in the hands of the Supreme, and will be ruled by them.

"Oh my hair!" Yue Yang stunned for a long time, the pain only reacted, feeling that his scalp was almost smashed, he did not dare to scatter the fire to the Supreme, so the Guardian of the Light fell to the mold: "Nie Ma, how old are you, multiple people, still holding my legs... my head, my hair!"

Through the incomparable resentment in the heart of the man, the Supreme is so embarrassed, although he came out, but I do not know how many hairs have to be lost.

The Guardian of the Light can not control these messy things.

For the first time, he broke his power.

Rush to the Supreme.

Be prepared to kill the Supreme before solving Yueyang.

Yueyang, who has the eternal throne and is the other side of the fateful confrontation, is not easy to kill. His little life is to be solved by the Supreme Heavenly Emperor. What he has to do now is to kill the biggest help around him, such as the enlightenment in front of him. And have the enemy who dominates the throne.

"It's ridiculous!" Supreme one-handedly caught the giant punch of the Guardian Supreme, and dragged his hands, dragging the enemy's body, and then fluffing on the side.

Rumble and rumbling...

The Bright Guardian Supreme flew out in the eyes of the Dead Sea Protoss, and plowed a deep and deep crater on the ground of the world of the balance, reaching 100,000 meters away, and then barely stopped.

Yueyang classmates and magic dragons can see that their chins have fallen to the ground. The combat power before and after this has changed too much, too fast, right? Are you sure you are the former supreme?

In the gaze of the fear of the Dead Sea Protoss, stand proudly: "Do you think that I am the one who needs a child to protect?"

Ah, is it that the child she said in her mouth is me?

Yueyang students are very sad.

but. He did not dare to refute.

Supreme adults are terrible!

Especially when someone who secretly did bad things on her is particularly guilty, she thinks so.

"What are you waiting for? Don't kill his mirror world!" The Supreme turned around. Ming Hao to Yue Yang, the original Tiger-like Yue Yang students suddenly reduced to a kitten-like shape.

"Mirror world, let's break." Snow innocent and Princess Sissi also came out, the Dead Sea Protos strangely looked at this group of women. They don't even have a throne, but the fighting power they possess is not to be underestimated, especially for a few leaders. It is even timid for a group of old ghosts. The most incredible thing is that they all match a sacred ‘神印’.

This imprint of God.

It is also different from the general emblem of the seed.

It is the sacred supreme of the super high and super strong realm. In accordance with their potential and savvy, in this form of gods, they will lend their power to them.

If there is such a strong sacred supreme to do this thing, the old ghosts of the Dead Sea Protoss do not doubt this possibility, but where is the sacred supreme of the Tongtian Tower? Where is the Austrian aid? The most important thing is these women. How can it be possible to do this with all the signatures that are exactly the same as their own potential? This, this is simply not possible!

The old ghosts of the Dead Sea and the Protoss did not know that they had carried their fate together.

The fate has long been connected with Yue Yang.

Perfect match, fusion.

That is very normal.

As for the 'God of India'. This mysterious and mysterious imprint of God is not the emblem of Yue Yang that was previously loaned to them. Yue Yang does not know or even know that there is such a form of existence... The creators of these gods, Yue Yang can only doubt Like the ruler of the supreme achievement. It is a super-sister who is silently behind to support himself.

Yue Yang asked himself that he did not have the ability to achieve this imprint of God. It even has many mysteries to be subtle. Also power.

The only difference is that it is a temporary creation.

It does not affect the growth of the owner at all.

"Brother, let me help you!" Yue Bing is the most arrogant, and she clenched her fists and helped her brother to help her.

"The people haven't woken up yet, so sleepy." The yawning pandora is Pandora.

"Hurry up, blossoming, she can't hold it anymore! Stupid, go here!" Princess Sissi slammed on the top of the confused Boa, and did not know what the only thing that could only be dragged down. Yueyang's lips were open and Zhang. In the end, they did not discourage them. The mirror world is very dangerous. Even the blossoming, it is still deep in it. Like Boa, they went in to participate in the war. Is there really no problem?

But forget it, Boa combat power does not have to be considered.

However, her lucky value is very high. It is estimated that she can be as high as the enemy can't look up. It is more appropriate to worry about her, don't worry if her enemy will cry.

The light guardian supreme did not look at this side at all. He felt that the most important enemy was the Supreme and Yue Titan.

As for other help, he is not worried at all.

As long as Tian Yu arrived in time.

Victory must belong to one side of the game. If you want to play with Yue Taitan, you can't change this ending.

In the mirror world, because the light guards the supreme indulgence, after the innocent snow and the princess brought them into the team, there have been new changes.

The first is that the 'sun' is a bit stunned, because the moon above the head of the moon goddess is rising, its brilliance is not as violent as the 'sun', but it is as clean as a heart, and the eternal destiny The moon can swallow all the light, gain itself, and can emit thousands of brilliance, assisting companions. This is not a 'sun' that can be blocked.

The sun and the moon occupy the two ends of the mirror world, forming the wonderful trend of the sun and the moon.

Gradually, the violent radiance of the sun is absorbed by the moon.


The extremely terrifying 'sun' tilted westward irreversibly, and gradually seemed to be in danger of falling. This kind of change made the outside light guard the supreme and surprised, but at this time, he has no time to take care of the beast, because the supreme And Yue Yang, has been close to the right, tacitly joined forces to attack, fists like rain.

"When is this waiting, it's too much trouble!" Pandora was very patient, and she was dissatisfied with the slow repression of the Moon Goddess.

Grab the front.

She screamed in the sky.

There was a terrible glow in the eyes.

A curse that has never appeared in the world, born under her will, snarls and swallows the ‘the sun’.


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