Long Live Summons

Chapter 1380: :[Wake up and wake up]

"Tian Yu!" Yue Yang is only angry now. If this **** fate can come earlier, then the supreme will not...

Nearly out of control of anger and murder, Yueyang warfare burned to the top.

He forgot everything.

Now, there is only one thought, that is to kill the enemy.

There is a shadow from the depths of the ancient passage, step by step, until Yue Yang. This is a middle-aged man full of charm. His looks and temperament are impeccable. Even the most critical person in the world can't find a point in him. In this middle-aged person, everything is in perfect condition. Without comparison, Yue Yang could not reveal many deficiencies, but when he stood in front of him, many shortcomings suddenly emerged.

For example, the appearance is too handsome, there is no king who is the king of the world.

For example, the character is too strong and not mature enough.

For example, the emotions are not calm and rational.

A lot of deficiencies.

In front of the man who wants the **** to sigh, Yue Yang is still a young man with impulsive impulses to burn himself.

The middle-aged man who is perfect and has no shortcomings, lifts the aura of wisdom and wisdom like the sea, looks at Yue Yang, and gives a friendly smile to the lips. "You are Yue Titan? Nice young people, you let me I remembered my former self. In the years when the youth is full of vitality, I am like you now. I believe that with both hands, I can create the future. With unremitting efforts, I can get everything. With the will to never give up, I can protect the whole heaven. In fact, life is like this, from young to mature."

"Mature Nima!" Yue Yang was angry and his hair was upside down. He stared at the enemy with a grin: "I only know, I want to make you a cake!"

"Your reaction is within my expectations." The perfect middle-aged man smiled.

"Tian Yu, defeat him." Don't kill him. Behind him, there must be a higher level of guardianship." Guangming guards the supreme and raises the hand, showing the fire of Nirvana burning without extinguishing.

The perfect middle-aged man who rushed to the battlefield in time was the most mysterious powerhouse in the entire heaven.

The temple is supreme.

He possesses the qualities of all the strong and the wise, not only the best genius in heaven for tens of thousands of years. He is still a madman who has been practicing madly for tens of thousands of years. He is forbearing. Can endure all the impetuousness of the world, not for fame and fortune; he is ruthless, only practice in life, never distracted. Not being embarrassed by emotions; he can see countless temptations. Discard countless pleasures. From the most difficult loneliness, enlightenment and improvement, lack of reflection in the position of the strongest, spurs yourself day and night. Its mind is determined to be comparable to Guangming Mountain. Only after completing the final fateful duel, can the goal be promoted to the Holy Supreme, and since then, the extraordinary sanctification, and look forward to another new realm of life.

Such an enemy is standing opposite Yueyang, the opponent of his upcoming life confrontation.

If Yue Yang is still in reason, then he must be afraid of heart.

However, he is now angry.

Almost out of control.

Yue Yang did not think about his own deficiencies, nor did he associate the horror of the enemy. There was only one thought in his heart, that is, to smash the enemy into **** and beat the enemy out!

"I envy you very much." The Temple of Supreme Heavenly eyes looked at Yue Yang friendlyly: "You don't have to do anything, you have everything. Names, interests, feelings, etc. are infinite supply in your life, God, give you The best savvy and ability in the world does not require diligent practice, no hard work, or even a little sacrifice. You can have countless things that other people dream of and hope for. Maybe you don't care about these things, such as You have no intention of saving the Tongtian Tower. You don't have the consciousness to become the savior of the Tongtian Tower, but God still gives you this important task. Yes, you are the darling of heaven, your luck, even the gods of heaven are also embarrassed, so I am envious. You, if you can, I really want to exchange with you."

"..." Yue Yang did not speak, his eyes were blood red, and the power and the killing power were raised in a million times, only to the moment when the last explosion broke out.

He didn't even listen to what the enemy was saying.


Accumulate, ready to launch the most devastating blow.

The Temple of the Supreme Tianyu is smiling: "Because you have not suffered any setbacks, you will lose yourself. The Yue Titan who cares for heaven, you may not know, not your own efforts to exchange, it is the mirror and the moon. I am very Happy, the other half of the fateful confrontation is you, not the unparalleled emperor, nor the conquering Queen Vivien."

Yue Yang lowered his head and held his fists in front.

Because of anger, countless Nirvana fires, burning in his body, and finally sprayed into the sky, forming a spectacular Nirvana flame column.

"Is it completely irrational? This mind is too weak!" The Temple of the Supreme God shook his head: "Young people, that's it."

"Lord." I arrived in the sky.

He and the other two golden gods, respectfully bowed behind Tian Yu.

The Supreme God of the Temple does not look back at them. It just waved: "I will kill all the women of Yue Titan. I want to give this young man the most sincere advice. It is the biggest obstacle to cultivation and improvement. Later, wait for him. Growing up, I believe he will be grateful for this setback!"

In the days of the day, with two companions, he quickly bowed his head and said: "Yes."

Behind Yue Yang, Snow Innocent and Princess Sissi have already arrived.

They looked at each other and tacitly nodded. From the innocent snow, they stood out to Yueyang's side. They looked calmly at the enemy opposite: "Do you need me to say welcome? Install a few uncles!"

"The little girl is very good." The temple is supreme, and the anger of the heavens is stopped. He does not feel that the majesty is damaged. Instead, he looks at the snow innocently and gently nods. "I understand human beings very well." Emotions, emotions, sorrows and sorrows, people are living for this. If they lose a little bit, they will feel painful, but, to be honest, this is actually a very ridiculous and very fragile thing. For example, human love, mountain pledge, emotional volatility When you take the whole world, you don’t change it. Love is higher than life and death, and freedom is higher than everything. But in a blink of an eye, this kind of strong emotion that can be paid for or even died for the other party without hesitation will decline to ruthless face. The point of hatefulness. It is okay without manipulation. Some people can persist for a long time, several years and ten years, maybe longer, but if a strong person uses force or ability to manipulate, then it will happen. what?"

“A second will make love a hate?” Snow smiled.

"If you need it, you can get faster." The Temple of Supreme Heaven nodded. "This is human feelings. If you interfere with it, it will become a joke farce. Of course, it is a joke not to interfere with it."

"Emotions are indeed a very boring thing from a certain angle." Snow agreed, but she shook her head again: "People are a very boring life. If you don't do something boring, then you can't It’s a human being. I understand that you are a high-ranking god, ridiculing and ridiculing the reasons for human fragile emotions, and fully sensing your superiority, but what can this explain? You can only say that you don’t understand, Children play with diapers at home and have fun with their innocence. Human beings love to eat and hate and have fun. You don’t understand. You are not qualified to make any insults here. This is what I think you are self-righteous. Said."

"Hey!" Princess Sissi was excited to applaud.

It’s not easy to let this stupid temple go to the supreme, and now it’s out of breath, and how happy they are in their hearts.

The temple was supreme, but it quickly reacted. The look on his face did not change. He still nodded in a conservation place: "Maybe you are right, a clever little girl. Next, how do you use your emotions to resist the coming? The attack? Sisters are united? Ning died unyielding?"

Snow innocent made a thought of meditation: "Maybe I need to be an idiot to be a daydream."

As soon as she said, they were laughing at the back of the city.

This atmosphere is not like a duel.

It’s like a debate!

“Dream?” The temple’s supreme Tianyu heard, and the brow wrinkled. The word he most unwilling to hear was ‘dream’.

"There are many kinds of dreams." Snow innocently stretched out the delicate hand, gently pressed in the heart of Yueyang, with his purest power and thoughts, calmly calming down the unstoppable violent anger and anger of Yueyang: "There is a dream of going the wrong way. The person who dreams thinks that he is right. When he arrives, whoever wakes up and finds himself still in the same place. You said, is this dream ridiculous?"

"What?" The face of the Supreme Court of the Temple has finally changed. His anger is spurred out in the eyes like the electric light. The power of the body inadvertently radiates enough to level the mountains.

"When you wake up, I will tell you the truth." Snow's innocent smile is also full of friendliness, but in the eyes of the enemy, it becomes an intolerable ridicule: "Maybe you look down on him, think he is a Fortunately, the fool who cares for God has not paid a bit of effort, everything is at hand, but the truth is that he does not pay less than you, and he does not have the hard work of pursuing all means. And you are self-satisfied, 'Have you ever heard of it? So, do you think that God’s eyes will be so beautiful to him...”

The Temple of Supreme Tianyu may have heard it. Maybe he did not hear the last words of Snow Innocent, and he has already woken up.

He is still at the entrance to the time square.

Just took a step forward.

Looking back, it was the cold eyes of Queen Vivien Leigh.

"Night dream!" The Temple of the Supreme Heavenly Royal can no longer suppress the anger of the heart, he licked his teeth and squeezed a vicious curse in his teeth: "You are a blind man!"


Today is the first.

*********(To be continued..)

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