Long Live Summons

Chapter 1382: :[Guangmingshan Lord, Tianming Yushou]

The entrance to the time square is a **** light.

Blood, like dyes, fills the space around the entrance to the square.

The Queen of Vivien, who once swept across the heavens and overlooked the sentient beings who had never fallen on the battlefield, must hold the ground with the sword in her hand to barely support the extremely heavy body. Only her eyes were still cold, and when Tian Yu looked at her, a kind of ridicule was revealed without any cover.

Her enemies, the three shadows, the three super-predecessors who were trapped in the prison of Guangming Mountain, in different positions, blocked in front of Tian Yu.

In order to stop the ruthless killing of the conquering queen, they all paid a heavy price.

But she also managed to knock her down to the ground.

the first time.

The celestial warrior, after the Queen Ferguson grew up and was promoted to the Queen of Conquest, successfully knocked her down to the ground for the first time. For the first time, the reluctant female **** of war was unable to wield the weapon of the gods...

The shadow on the right is the most severely injured. He is dying, and there is no dying weakness. Instead, there is a kind of fascinating light flashing, as if the rising sun is shining like a sun. For the anger of Tian Yu, his face is the most calm, without any regrets or resentment. On the contrary, he shook his head slightly, and smiled as if the elders saw the wrong child: "The war has always been In this way, no matter whether it wins or loses, it must pay a huge price. Our sacrifice is taken for granted, and this is the ending that I long for. For many years, I thought of death, but that is impossible, until now I really got this. Right. For me, this is the best reward, and the long-awaited relief in life."

"Do you have to be like this?" Tian Yu’s eyes lingered: "This is the price for the summit?"

"This level of sacrifice may just be just beginning." The shadow on the right shook his head.

"But, another person has nothing to pay at all, and he is also qualified to climb to the top. This is unfair." Tian Yukou refers to Yue Yang. He feels that Yue Yang is not worthy of his opponent. At least, he did not pay one of his own. s hard work.

"Since it is an opponent. It is a destiny. The pay is definitely equal." The shadow on the right sighed softly: "There are many forms of paying, there is a man who built many palaces under the mountains and the mountains. It is very magnificent. He paid. Another person. He just built a tower on the ground, he also paid, you can't say that the beautiful palace on the mountain must be higher than the underground tower. It can't be said that a large number of palaces will win. That unique tower."

"Don't you work hard for so many years?" Tian Yu clenched his fist unconsciously.

"The road to the top of the mountain, some people only walked once, they saw the most beautiful scenery. Some people need to walk a hundred times a thousand times to determine what the most beautiful scenery is, the result of the two is the same. People who walk a hundred times don't need to walk only once. As long as the final result is correct, there is no problem. Perhaps, the person who only walks once will envy the people who have gone a hundred times, just Others don't know." The shadow on the right is a good word to say.

"..." Tian Yu understands these reasons, but still has a hard time.

Yue Titan is a maddening opponent. No matter talent, understanding or luck, this kid can let the competitors in the sky and the earth vomit blood.

Strong as Tian Yu, is no exception.

As the supreme temple of the Guangming Mountain, Tian Yu asks himself to control and possess the most best things in the world, and he is born with the strongest and most talented talent in the world. He is beyond others in terms of understanding, will, or hard work. Thousands of times.

However, even so.

He also had to watch such a junior, with the abnormal growth rate and the luck of the sky, standing in a competitive position with himself, standing on his own opposite side, and carrying out a fateful confrontation together. This incredible thing, if it was a few years ago, was a sneer joke, even the Yue Titan himself, I am afraid I can not imagine this honor belongs to him, this fateful confrontation is another starting point of his life.

The fate is arranged in this way, and fate is chosen in this way.

Too unfair!

Tens of thousands of years of hard work, like a day of hard work, not only the merits of others.

Tian Yu really can't figure out why? Why is my effort not recognized, but it is the opponent, so easily qualified.

I have the wisdom and talents that are no less than anyone else, and have the power behind anyone, plus unparalleled hard work. Such conditions and contributions are not as good as a small human being in the lower bound...


The shadow of the middle sits on the ground, his body is the most serious, and the transparent holes are everywhere. The internal organs almost smashed the squad of Vivien.

But he is much better than the shadow on the right, at least for the time being.

His attitude is very different from his companion, very strict, even if it is facing the future of the Holy Supreme Tianyu: "I can't figure it out? It's just because of your own reasons! As long as there are places that can't figure out, you still have enough! Your enemy, your competitors, why don't you feel unfair? The enemy he needs to face is you, the Supreme of the Temple, the Lord of the Bright Mountain, an enemy with overwhelming strength in any way, why he doesn't think Why is he not guilty? Why does he not complain about his heart? Why should he work hard in this decisive battle that knows the outcome is doomed? This is where you are not as good as him! You are stronger than him, pay more than him, but not equal You are perfect to the realm of sacred supremacy... Your greatest enemy is actually yourself! Your opponent is a person who can overcome yourself, and you, the eternal merits, have not yet reached this level. You should be jealous, this is the biggest difference between you and him!"

"Is that the case?" In the sky, there was a glimmer of Huiguang: "Is the biggest enemy, always my own?"

"You have actually defeated yourself, but you still need to surpass yourself." The old man of God also gently nodded.

“Beyond?” Tian Yu feels that he is fully sublimating.

"Abandon all self-deprecating things. Those are obstacles to the promotion of the Holy Supreme." The shadow in the middle is as majestic: "If you can put yourself in the same position as your opponent, or even treat yourself as his own and defeat yourself, you will It will be the ultimate winner of this fateful confrontation. The fateful confrontation is not a play or a farce. This is the most serious, rigorous and cruel duel. You must pay all the price and sacrifice everything to win. Otherwise, you What is standing with the sacred Supreme of the above-mentioned Weide? Why do you shun the rules of the heavenly space? Why do you get the recognition of the ancient will and the higher life? Time is meaningless, the true meaning of the effort is also The change of the heart, the change of the realm. Is the size of power the condition that determines the divine supreme? If so, the old guys of us are the Holy Supreme!"

"Yes." Lying on the ground, lazy and unwilling to get up. The leftmost shadow of the body blood stained but not many scars also agreed: "We don't break your dreams, just hope, you can come out by yourself. We old guys. You can give everything for you, but it is impossible to push As you move forward, it is impossible to push you to the Holy Supreme. This requires you to change yourself. The one you walk on is the most correct and the most successful."

"Understood, I began to understand." The Huiguang in Tianyu is constantly flashing, and he feels that he has benefited a lot from the enlightenment of his predecessors.

"You are the only one who is eligible to participate in a fateful matchup. You don't have to be discouraged or angry. You can only win the final level. If you defeat yourself completely, you can win." The shadow on the right gently comforts: "Your strength is enough, your mood is close to perfection, and now how to use it to prove your problem."

"Yes." The Supreme Court of the Temple descended its head and calmed down like a mountain. Everything responded inexplicably.

Regardless of mood or divine power.

The rules, the talents, and everything in the body are all qualitatively changed in this patient inspiration.

His anger and resentment, the injustice in his heart, I do not know when it has been wiped out without a trace, and for a moment I feel that the sky is clear, the whole world seems to have undergone a comprehensive change, the mood of Tian Yu, return to calm, attributed to Calm and more successful, when the successor of the temple was succeeded to inherit the Lord of the Bright Mountain, the 'Guangming Mountain Lord, Heavenly Defence' is supreme.

The light that came out of him was more restrained and more solid.

At first glance.

Just like an ordinary human sage, there is no such predecessor that the prestige is like a king.

Although it is too late to verify, Tian Yu feels that she is truly perfect, and she truly deserves the talent of excellence and superb, and is truly worthy of the careful teaching of the tens of thousands of years.

Like the sleeping person suddenly awakened, Tian Yu was deeply impressed by the older generation.

I am sitting alone in the corner of the entrance to the square.

Nod to pay tribute.

Then, stride forward.

No dreams or other distractions can slap him forward. At this moment, he is equal to the eternal Guangming Mountain. He is the only one who can dominate his destiny. He only has one person... After a few steps, he suddenly turned back. Come, I also gave a tribute to Queen Vivien Leigh: "Although it is an opponent, but I can meet you, this is the honor of Tian Yu. Regardless of my position, I feel that my life is wonderful because of your appearance, and because of you. The existence of these rivals, not lonely and lonely."

"Goodbye." Queen Vivien Leigh had nothing to say to him, and she was able to show this sentence very much.

"Goodbye." Tian Yu nodded and continued to make strides, disappearing in the depths of the time corridor.

When Tian Yu went far, the Queen Wenfei Li, who used to hold the sword, stood up straight.

The killings once again filled the entire battlefield.

The fire of life, which was almost extinguished, once again swelled and turned into a raging flame.

The three shadows looked at each other and shook their heads and smiled at each other. What about the enemy who could never conquer this eternal war?

Although this is the ending of their own choice, the fate of the conquering queen is really not what they can imagine. It was not until after the fight, they realized that after the departure from Guangmingshan, the death penalty was not the anti-phagic and trial of the ancient law, but the killing of the dragon goddess of the Tongtian Tower.

The power to conquer the queen's killing force came earlier than the judgment of the ancient law, and before the punishment, the fate was swept under her blade.

The shadow on the right sighs softly: "Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, I could help the future of the Holy Supreme summit, and the old man has no regrets."

Vivien Leigh is sneer: "You say Tian Yu? Jokes, he will never win!"

All three shadows looked at her strangely.

Tian Yu just saw the improvement of her mood and the qualitative change of her power. She saw it. How can she talk like this?

"The truth, I will tell you in the second before you die." Queen Vivien Leigh raised her hand in the hands of the soldiers. "I said, my Tongtian Avenue will be laid on your body." Only me, Fei Wenli, is qualified to say that the auxiliary sacred supreme summit. Old ghosts, your age has passed, and the only thing you can do now and the only thing you can do is to stay awake!"

*********(To be continued..)

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