Long Live Summons

Chapter 1386: :[You are so sad for me! 】

The two confronted each other.

Standing still.

The look of the Temple of the Supreme Heavenly King is calm, but Yueyang’s sorrow is rising.

Yueyang fights need anger, the more anger, the more power can be exerted, and the violent state can hardly be imagined. Why did he say a long story before, that is, to stimulate his own war. The more arrogant the enemy is, the more arrogant, the more he can burn his will to fight, the more he can provoke his own strength.

"Oh..." Yue Yang shouted, the fire of Nirvana was degenerate in the body, and the fire wing continued to extend to both sides.

"Forbidden temple." Tian Yu's right hand slightly lifted.

A little golden light, born in his palm, turned into a temple, looming over the battlefield of the duel.

The temple has grown larger and larger, and finally, it has been turned into a solid on the ground of the world of the balance. At first glance, this is a ruin of a temple. I don’t know how many times it has been fought, but it’s broken, but its magical law is still there, and it’s not because of the fading of the shape, but its law is stronger. It is so powerful that even the dragons lying on the edge of the mountain and the descendants of Cangsheng are also deeply impressed. The snow innocent and the princess within the crystal wall quickly retire from its scope, fearing that if they are not careful, they will be given a chance by the enemy.

The goddess of the moon also rushed over to guard, and she watched three times in a vigilant manner, in the sky, in the heavens, and in the sky.

Under the gain of this temple rule, they have gained more strength.

Let her have to leave Yueyang.

Come back to guard.

"Hey?" Yue Yang spread his hands and looked at him with surprise. He found his anger, decayed bit by bit, and finally returned to reason. The anger in his heart seemed to be banned by some kind of law. Not up.

"I have heard of you, Yue Titan, especially the East has made the most correct judgment on you. He said that you are good at reversing. It is because your body has terrible power, one is that you are not good at it or even know it. The power of use, once you lose your senses and become violent, then that kind of power will automatically control your body, let you reverse life and death at the most dangerous moment." Temple Supreme Tian Yu calmly looked at Yue Yang: "Although you The power. Under me, but I don't want to have a little accident, and I don't want any change in this fateful matchup."

"..." Yueyang sweat, Niemei, this is not even angry for the opportunity to give it to yourself?

"You can start." The Temple of the Supreme Tianyu made a gesture of invitation.

Yue Yang has a hard scalp. Go to Tianyu and go.

When his fist slammed into the enemy's door.

At the same time, he found that there was a force, and he also returned to his face, and this is not the hand of the Temple of the Supreme Heavenly King... Yue Yang retired three steps and found the four gods that Tian Yu was wearing. It is now the **** of the gods. There is an unstoppable ‘reverse force’, and its power can make Yue Yang’s blow back 100%.

Tian Yu’s eyes didn’t blink. He touched his cheek and shook his head. “The speed is too slow and the strength is too weak! Losing the amount of violent violence, you can’t even play one-tenth of your own strength.”

His words just fell, Yue Yang has already flew a foot, hung upside down in the chest and abdomen of Tian Yu.

The last shot was kicked in the chin of Tian Yu.

Waiting for Tian Yu to respond.

Yue Yang has borrowed the power to fly. Far back.

The comet is sprayed out at the moment of retreat. Behind the shining cover, the sword of the Supreme Life, the 'Blood of Blood', is drawn to the limit in the bow of the Nirvana of Yueyang, and the nail is shot at the temple. The eyebrows of the supreme Tian Yu.

"Catch." Tian Yu extended his right hand, holding the comet of Yueyang firmly in the palm of his hand, and the arrow of blood immediately after the shot. He caught it with his left hand.

The powerful comet of the horror, let Tian Yu directly shattered, starburst.

The arrow of blood.

It was to let him take a look.

Tian Yu will throw away the arrow of blood and casually stretch out his feet. Repeatedly stepping on it, the above-mentioned extremely high-spirited enthusiasm is extinguished. In addition to the eternal fire of Nirvana, all the flames of Yueyang's life are enlightened, and Tian Yu is easily extinguished. Tian Yu passed the blood arrow of the power of Nirvana, but his eyes looked calm and calm, as if he was waiting for him to attack more.

"How can this be played!" The dragon did not dare to look at it, and the power was too different. Tian Yu and Yue Yang were playing, and there was a lot of food.

"Quickly think of a way..." Xiao Cangsheng and Chidanzi also felt that there was no drama.

Only rely on Yue Titan, one minute to play against Tian Yu, now the only hope is to come to an old ghost like the Guardian of the Light, it is best to be the old guy who can’t be out of the tower for more than ten thousand years. Can not personally suppress Tian Yu, to send Yue Taitan tens of thousands of meters of divine power!

Now the 10,000-meter **** of Yue Titan, under the pressure of the 50,000-meter-tall **** of Tian Yu, is even worse than just now.

The Guardian of the Light and the Supreme Court also let the unparalleled emperor die.

Tian Yu is all-out, but also has the light power to protect the supreme light of the lord... No external help, this time you don’t have to look at it, you know that you will lose.

"There should be someone behind Yue Taitan?" Xiao Cangsheng felt that this is not reasonable. There are so many big cows behind Tian Yu. How can Yue Titan only have a bachelor? There should also be a lot of people behind the scenes. Besides, is the Tongtian Tower not rich in cattle before? Now why not solve the aid? Don't use too much, don't use high, just come to a little higher than the light guardian supreme high point.

"The unparalleled emperor may count as one, he hangs; Fei Wenli, she is also one, she can't come, so I guess she is not much better now; the next count is my turn..." The dragon's tone is like The widow died of the only child, how desperate to be desperate.

"That's over!" The loss of Cangsheng and Chidanzi felt full of bitterness.

The center of the temple is imprisoned.

Yue Yang, who is sensible and sober, clenches his teeth, swells his maximum strength, and slams his fists toward the enemy.

Tian Yu did not stand still this time. As soon as he reached out, he grabbed Yue Yang’s fist and his body was slightly tilted. Yue Yang was extracted and he couldn’t help but throw it out, followed by a heavy blow. On the ground of the imprisoned temple. The cornerstone of the strong temple burst under this impact, and Yue Yang bounced off. However, the lower abdomen had a heavy kick in Tianyu.

Faster than the meteor, Yueyang high-speed reversal into the sky.

Yue anode force controls the body shape.

It’s too late to stop.

Tian Yu’s 50,000-meter-high **** is as flexible as his own punch, lightning-like punch, hitting Yue Yang in midair, and Yue Yang’s body is 100 times faster than before. Falling ground.

"Drink!" Yue Yangqiang resisted the pain of the bones bursting. The two limbs support the ground, and the mountain is destroyed by the 50,000-meter-high god.

"Too slow." Tian Yu's toes just kicked in Yueyang's chin, kicked him all the way, and Yue Yang fell in the air, Tian Yu reached out and caught his ankle. After a semi-circle, he fell back to himself.

Yue Yang has a long gliding on the ground, slippery than mud.

The body was shot at half a foot on the ground until it was 10,000 meters away, and then slowly straightened up the waist and returned to a fighting position.

The shadow of Tian Yu flashed in front of him, disappearing in the pupil of Yueyang. The enemies that were originally locked by the gods are inexplicably disappeared. Yueyang’s heart flashed through the aura, and he looked back and found Tian Yu standing behind him. The Temple of the Supreme Tian Yu reached out and held down Yue Yang's back neck, directly pressing him against the ground, just like the wild cattle arable land, from the hard as steel temple floor. Forcibly plowed a deep crater and returned to the original attack position of Yueyang.

He let go of his hand.

Standing in front of Yue Yang, looking down at him with a blank expression.

Because of the pain and shame, Yue Yang once again burned a raging anger, and his power grew wildly. His blood was red, and his power exploded like a volcanic jet.

"Forbidden." The temple of the Supreme Tian Yu waved. The power of the law once again deprived this almost crazy anger. The fire of the body of Yueyang disappeared, and the red-eyed eyes quickly receded, restoring the clear and rational, the original boiling power. In the ebb tide of anger, I gradually became silent and continued to lurk.

"What do you want to do?" Yue Yang was very annoyed, but he couldn't get angry.

"Just make a small test." The Temple of Supreme Tianyu calmly nodded. "He is right in the East. As long as the usage suppresses your angry power, you will be destined to fail in this fateful matchup. Yue Titan Do you know why I don't shoot your loved ones or loved ones? It's very simple, I only need a downright loser, and I don't want to see a normal and sensible opponent. Because my loved ones are tragic or loved by others, they are crazy and out of control. Explosive power that he could not use!"

"Do you mean, do you want to suggest that we want to commit suicide in front of him?" Snow suddenly laughed: "I didn't understand it just now, but now I understand a little bit about you. You shouldn't have it." Everything, intend to use strategy to destroy everything he has before a complete victory?"

"If you understand the true meaning of sacrifice, there may be a most reasonable choice." Tian Yu does not admit it, but does not deny it.

"We will not commit suicide and sacrifice ourselves to inspire his anger." Princess Sui refused.

“Why?” Tian Yu asked: “Can you sacrifice everything for him?”

"We are not stupid, we will not sacrifice in order to satisfy the enemy's wishes." Snow innocently shook his head slowly: "Tian Yu, I understand your psychology, you are destined for fate, voluntarily or forced, lost what you once owned. Everything, to break the world's embarrassment. You have done this, but your opponent does not, so you feel that you have to pull him to the same tragic level. You can knock him down if you raise your hand, but you don't, You just set up a war situation like the Shrine of the Temple, limiting his anger, deliberately letting us see it all, through various hints, indicating that these women should commit suicide for love, one by one for the sacrifice of selflessness, one by one with death and blood. Love someone... right?"

"Although not all, but it is similar." Tian Yu calms: "If all of you die in front of him, I think it may be helpful for this fateful confrontation. Later, I will defeat Yue Titan to promote the Holy Supreme, at least recall It’s a strong person, not a rookie.”

"I am coming!" The dragon suddenly sighed with exuberance: "If you need blood and death to wake up anger, let me be the boss to sacrifice!"

The meaning of the dragon is that, as a boss, he couldn’t help the younger brother in the battle.

Now blood and death are needed to wake up.

As a boss, he naturally has to stand up.

Xiao Cangsheng and Chidanzi looked at the demon dragon boss with horror, no, suicide, are you so active? This is not a treat for dinner!

Yue Yang is also very sweaty, and advised the dragon to say: "You don't add chaos, don't say that you can't commit suicide, it's hanging for 10,000 times. I don't feel a bit sad in my heart. I only feel that there is one more harm in the world."

As soon as I heard the words of passing through the man, the dragon was angry, and the lungs almost blew up on the spot: "You are a jerk, even if it is really like this, don't just say it out? This is very hurtful! It is very painful to think about it. Do a good thing, but you don’t appreciate it at all, this is too much to give face!"

Yue Yang is completely speechless: "You mean I shouldn't stop you to die?"

The dragon screamed angrily: "It’s late, now I don’t want to die for you, a good heart is a dog lung, you make me sad!"


Second today.

After waiting for more students, Xiafei finally fulfilled his promise and continued to work hard tomorrow.


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