Long Live Summons

Vol 2 Chapter 757: :[There is a man who depends on it, it feels so good]

Chapter VII: [With a man relying on, I feel so good]

Black hole seal space.

Queen Vivien Leigh was very angry. She felt that it was a face-lifting act for herself.

When the slaves of that year dared to be anti-customers? Especially in the days when the goddess was as respectful as the slaves, after recognizing Xiao Wenli, she dared to kill the killer and make her angry.

At that time, she did not have the opportunity to confirm the betrayal of the Jiuzu people. It was only a suspicious heart. The nine Yi people and the king who had secretly communicated with the central gods were removed. It was too late to kill the queen, and the superpower was sealed in this black hole space. Now listening to Yue Yangyi, she immediately realized that the Jiuyi people may not only be as simple as the Central Temple.

She does not know now that she will sue her own murderer, otherwise she will be even more angry.

"A despicable race has no roots. It has always been a vassal strongman. If it is not attached to our strong towers, it will be eliminated as early as heaven. Unexpectedly, they even slaved the bully and murdered the secrets of the gods of the tower. "Awkward!" Her Majesty Queen Vivien can't leave the black hole space. If she can get out of here, I am afraid that the whole heavens will have to be ***. Queen Vivien Lie presses her heart and anger, and comforts Yueyang: "With your speed of progress, Far beyond my expectations, it will not take long for you to help me accumulate enough power to break through the black hole seal. When we join forces, we will sweep the heavens again, and the soldiers will point to see who can resist us! The temple, the bones of the bones are gone, now, let them first enjoy it for a while!"

"After the day, the king of the nine kings hangs. As long as I look at the crack in the space of the bright continent, the Tongtian Tower is safe for the time being. The ruins of the gods, I don't worry." Yue Yang slightly sinks: "We have won now." It’s a pity that I don’t know how to contract the scriptures. Otherwise, there is a **** script that is clearly in front of me.”

"Can you go in now?" Queen Vivien Leigh was a little surprised.

"I haven't tried it yet, but it should work, because I have mastered some of the power of the law and entered the golden shield of the gods. It should be no problem." Yue Yang thought, really can't, and hail help.

"It is not equal to the outer shield of the gods. You can touch the body of the scripture. The power of the law you master is too slight. To continue to strengthen, in the field of creation you are good at, you must be in the field, you are God, you are everything, you can create the realm of the world!" Queen Vivien, told many of her sentiments, told Yue Yang, let him get enlightenment.

Although the perceptions of each person are different, the laws of the mastery are different.

However, the sentiment of advancement always has an unexpected guiding role for future generations.

In view of the limitations of the realm, the current Yueyang, can not understand the realm that Fei Wenli said, can only progress on his basis, can not penetrate the mystery of the realm of the Queen of Vivien Queen. Still, what he got here at Vivien Leigh is an indescribable gain.

If you let him go to enlightenment, it may take years, or even longer, to understand this.

With the guidance of Queen Vivien.

In just a few minutes, he has gone through the bottleneck state of cultivation in the next few years, and jumped to a new realm where he has not yet enlightened...

"God, I think this should be more thought, it is not something that can be forced. Of course, you are a bit special, can be recognized, and it is possible, but what we have to do is more pragmatic cultivation. As long as you have a sacred The supreme will has the power of divine supreme, then you don't need the gods, you don't need assistance, you don't need any tools, you can do whatever you want, just like the gods. The most powerful thing in the world is not the gods. It is not an artifact or a beast, but a god-like person, but your body..." Queen Vivien Lie patted Yue Yang’s shoulder, and she smiled at him: “Actually, you understand a lot of things, but, I Still more to say, I am afraid that you think too much, it is easy to take a detour! Smart people are not good at this point, easy to drill the corner!"

"After going out, do you have anything to do? Heaven, is there any old man?" Yue Yang is ready to leave, leave, remember one thing.

When Her Majesty Queen Vivien was sealed, her conquered army should not be completely broken.

After ten thousand years, even if there are not many people left, there is no one left.

Maybe there are still people.

The magical Yuan of the Tongtian Tower, the snake demon family and the many powerful devils have moved to the heavens.

In the early days, he also occasionally returned to the Tongtian Tower. From the imprisoned emperor and the Big Three, the Tongtian Tower and the Heavenly World were blocked, and gradually lost their records. Perhaps, in the heavens, there were also snake demon and the strongmen who followed the magic.

Yue Yang is not looking for these people as allies, but feels that he is in the sky, in case of encountering an opponent, it happens to be the old genius of Vivien Leigh, the two sides fought, because they did not know each other, and finally found out that the water was overwhelmed by the Dragon King. temple. That kind of anecdote, Yue Yang hopes to avoid it. Therefore, he mentioned to Queen Vivien Leigh and asked if she still had someone to look for.

Queen Vivien Leigh picked up her golden brow and thought about it.

"The former subordinates are too many. They are not clear at the moment. They have a combination of interests. They are well-known. They also like to be lively. Many of them are loyal and difficult to say. Some things cannot be proved without time. It is like Like the Jiuzu. In the future, it is mainly for you. Even if you kill the wrong one, it doesn’t matter. Who makes them enemies with you!” The attitude of Queen Vivien to Yue Yang is different from that of the subordinates of that year. Yue Yang is a little guy. Xiao Wenli's 'Daddy' is a kind of existence with the blood of his own soul.

"I went to heaven to inquire." Yue Yang naturally knows the attitude of Vivien Leigh, but he feels that some fighting is not necessary, if you can avoid the best.

"You mention this, I remember a candidate."

Queen Vivien Leigh laughed.

She seems to remember something fun, her face is full of smiles.

After a while, it eased, and the jade hand tapped on Yueyang’s shoulder: “You can find someone to help him, that guy, is a coward, on the battlefield, always bullying and fearing, specifically looking for the weakest opponent, than you. The sea fat man said that there is still slag. However, he has a point, similar to Hai Fatzi, who is very loyal to you, that is very loyal to me. When I was in the tenth floor of Tongtian Tower, I spent the endless sea. After meeting him as a pirate, after I smashed him, he decided to give up the great career of the pirate, join my team, and go to heaven with me. I always took him and killed the heavens... he is a constant The old friend who is with me, the partner who started from Tongtian Tower, if he did not die, almost all stood on his own. Only he is willing to follow me."

Yue Yang asked the name of this guy, Queen Vivien's answer is small c.

Small c?

What are the broken names?

Queen Vivien Leigh, explained: "His original name is Cook? The Caribbean, because of the pirate knives that are good at it, always draw a c-shaped arc. Although the combat technique is effective, it looks very tricky, so everyone is called Small c, but forgot to call Cook this name."

"How is this Cook's appearance in the Caribbean?" Yueyang students certainly can't call an old guy who was a million years ago to be a small c.

"I like to wear pirate clothes, I wear an iron hook on my left hand, a captain's hat on my head, and I am wearing a colorful dress. Right, he has a strong eye for both eyes. He also likes to wear a blindfold and keep it. The eight-character Hu, looks like it, looks very ill." The Queen of Vivien, described as Yue Yang sweating.

Although there are not many days in the heavens, Yue Yang really does not know that there is such a strong person in the heavens.

I hope that this seemingly ruined Cook Caribbean will not make people hang up!

In the past ten thousand years, Fei Wenli and Yue Yang have not been very concerned about the search for the old man in the heavens. They feel that they are just trying their luck.

After all, time is too long, there are too many variables, and the chances of finding an old person are very small. Besides, the heavens are too big. In case those strong people who follow Fei Wenli have retired, where to find them?

Before leaving the black hole space, in order to promote the strength of Xiao Wenli, Queen Vivien Li, specially taught.

Her teaching style is very simple.

But effective.

Like Princess Si Niang, Queen Vivien Leigh directly inherited the knowledge of combat in Xiao Wenli’s mind.

Of course, the inheritance is only for Xiao Wenli’s combat skills. It’s like the massive knowledge that Si Niang’s sister passed to Yue Yang. Now the little Loli can’t bear the kind of inheritance, the war-based Queen Vivien, nor Good at that kind of knowledge inheritance... In terms of inheritance, she just used her finger to point on Xiao Wenli's forehead and shared it with her for a second. Xiaowen Li turned into a color light, returned to Yueyang's body to sleep, slowly digested and received.

Xiao Wenli's life guardian beast, petrochemical Medusa, storm mermaid, Thunder Naga and Frost Snake demon, because of long-term battles, and Fei Wenli feel that their strength is insufficient, directly affecting the growth of Xiao Wenli, and Yue Yang's Safety.

Therefore, they are given a special drop of blood.

Don't look at it is just a drop of blood.

This is also the Queen of Vivien, who spent a lot of effort to condense it. Compared with the blood, her blood is more suitable for Medusa's growth.

When Vivien Leigh broke the index finger and dripped blood in the mouths of petrochemical Medusa, Storm Mermaid, Thunder Naga and Frost Snake, the four life guardian beasts immediately burst into momentum, which was even more exaggerated than the red fusion of blood.

The scales on their bodies shattered and the skin kept peeling off.

After the fusion of this kind of 'God Blood', they quickly reborn, and each burst out of the supreme will and dazzling brilliance of the beast.

"Unfortunately, I am still in a period of weakness. The energy in the blood is not very full. Otherwise, the four of them will have greater progress." Queen Feiwenli sighed with a sigh, Yueyang students were very ashamed after listening, knowing that he used to Use all your heart and effort to train them. Now it seems that what he did is not even comparable to Vivien Leigh's blood!

"Come on for a while, I will definitely take you out!" Yue Yang does not want Fei Wenli to consume blood energy to enhance the beast. What he wants to do most is to take her away from this black hole space.

"Don't worry, I have waited for ten years, don't care for a few more years." Queen Vivien Lie happily grabbed Yueyang and kissed him loudly.

When petrified Medusa, they turned into colorful light and returned to the world of the book.

Yue Yang also left to leave.

Her Majesty Queen Vivien, while she was sleeping, suddenly had nothing to do but also said: "It’s good to have a man to rely on."


The two are more complete.

Thank you all the blessings of the book friends, thank you, with you, Xia Fei will continue to work hard, the code words will not stop!


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