Long Live Summons

Vol 2 Chapter 763: :[Guests are coming, please]

Chapter 763: [Your guest is coming, please]

Sun Island, the city government.

Tuhai, who just woke up in a comfortable lunch break, felt a little noisy outside.

He picked up the maid and sent his favorite sweet date tea, and whispered a bite, and asked the butler's coke that was respectfully handed down: "Is there something?"

"Back to the lord, there are two small things today." The coke housekeeper opened the chair and waited for the seat of the sea city to sit down comfortably. While handing the plate to the tea cup that was placed by the sea, he reported that there was a strong step. They took the speeding car, passed by this place, and the generals of Weng, who had been out of the squad, let the guards drive away the strongmen who were at the top of the head, and they smashed a fight."

"Is it?" Tuhaicheng shook his head indifferently: "Aon, who only knows how to eat, drink, and play, if he doesn't make a violent beat, he doesn't know how tall it is. It's estimated that the other person still looks at my face. Otherwise, he will take him directly. The dog's head was screwed down."

"Another thing, the potential alliance, the clerk looked down on the foreign tourists, deliberately pitted each other to buy the treasure of the town shop gold dragon, who could not afford the money of the model version of the price, they made it easy, they could not get off the stage. Interference, because the potential alliance is the store of General Weng, the guard captains favored the potential alliance, and the result is that the tongue is stretched out and put into the sky, which turns into a 'humanoid kite', which provokes the half-city crowd to watch. So noisy."

"Can the elongated tongue be put into the sky and become a humanoid kite?" The figure is very strange.

Is this ok?

The humanoid kite, the figure sea city owner is not without letting go.

This glorious and special tradition is said to have begun when the war of the Tianta Tower was launched 6,000 years ago.

At that time, the Heavenly Legion was defeated in a fierce manner. In order to vent their anger, the prisoners of the Tongtian Tower were executed by various means.

The process of doing this 'humanoid kite' is generally like this, grab the enemy, find a particularly steep high cliff, the steeper the better, then cut the belly of the unlucky guy, pull out the intestines, throw the other person Down the cliff, pulling the intestines and moving them all the time, so that the guy who can't die yet, use all the power to suspend the body and catch the tractor, in order to alleviate the pain...

Some people with particularly good control can put the enemy flying in midair for more than an hour of the 'humanoid kite'.

Such a cruel humanoid kite is also one of the top ten tortures in the Western Heavens.

Perhaps the mercenaries are not afraid of death, but they are afraid of this kind of torture!

For the figure of the sea city, the humanoid kite that pulls the intestines, he has done many times, has been a bit tired. However, the humanoid kite with his tongue extended to the sky, he really did not try, suddenly came to curiosity.

"Back to the old man, the unlucky patrol guard is a chameleon. The tongue can be pulled very long and has several times the body. Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, the following people reported that the unlucky one first made people Stretching the tongue, pouring a lot of gas into the throat, letting his belly swell into a ball, and the whole ball is suspended. Finally, it is tied with a rope around the neck and becomes a spherical kite. Pulling the rope on the street..."

"Interesting." Tuhaicheng master clap big music.

Then, he made a slight meal and knocked the front table with his index finger: "When, we also try to find a prisoner of chameleons, use the same method to make a kite, and put it in the north of the city." Inside the prison, let those who look down and offend the end of my sea, how sad it is!"

The butler's coke was immediately ninety degrees, and politely replied: "If you wish, my beloved master of the city!"

The figure of the sea city thought, and asked: "Where is the heavenly powerhouse who has beaten Aon's meal here, can you ask him to come and talk to me?"

For the knots, Tianhai feels as much as possible.

Never too little.

The city of Tuhaicheng never succumbs to what can be achieved with a little bit of property.

He has the peak of the fourth level of heaven, and he has always let the heavenly world refuse him. He feels that he lacks not only strength but also the foundation... He not only sees the heavens under his own power, but also gets into the heavens. license. Not to mention the potential disciples in the famous schools, often not the heavens, or the quasi-days, let the predecessors of the family lead and enter the heavenly world that their dreams have never been able to enter.

The former Tuchengcheng master did not understand what the reason was and only felt unfair.

Later, after the spiritual cloud king of the country woke up, it was realized that it was suddenly realized.

Although the owner of Rizhao, who is the gatekeeper of the heavens, has the fourth-class peak strength far beyond that of the general city owner, however, the lack of a famous family and support, it is impossible to enter the heavenly world with individual strength!

Even the Lingyun lord could not lead his men to love the sea and enter the heavens... However, he brought a hope to Tuhai.

As long as the support of the 300-day powerhouse is available, Tuhai can be nominated for the nomination.

In order to obtain this qualification, Tuhaichengzhu, who has been working hard for two hundred years, has found one hundred and thirty-seven heavenly powers to support themselves. During this period, there are countless things to spend on property. All the nearby heavens, there is no map sea has never tried to win over, but not every step is willing to choose to support the Tuhai, as well as the Golden Wheel Lord, the Wishing City Lord and the Zhizhi City Lord who compete with Tuhai. It is also active.

The number of three hundred heavenly powerhouses has never been reached.

Now the map sea, even the passing of the heavenly powerhouse, would like to get to know if they can become friends and turn to support themselves into the heavens.

There have been no strange days in the past six months, passing by Rizhao City.

I met one today, and despite the violent beating of my cousin Weng Cheng, the Tuhai City Lord did not care.

"Back to the lord, I am afraid it is a little difficult." The housekeeper Jiao Shi shook his head slightly and sighed: "When General Weng offended the other side, the patrol captain and the potential alliance store turned their faces and ruthlessly, the impression of that heavenly step, It should not be very good. In fact, the foreigners who were swindled by the clerk were the subordinates of the heavenly powerhouse, and the patrol captain was also put into a humanoid kite under the inspiration of the heavenly powerhouse. On the sky, it’s still hanging on the flagpole!”

"Hell!" Tuhaichengzhu, with a little annoyed on the tabletop, shook the favorite sweet date tea.

With his usual temper, he is going to be thunderous.

Do not kill a hundred or so people, the depression in the heart, can not fall down.

However, three months ago, the Lingyun Kingdom was called to see the sea city master, criticizing the Tuhai is too cool and bloodthirsty, killing people like numb, the reputation is very bad, this rumor is difficult to prepare to enter the heavens. After receiving the secret permission of the Lingyun Kingdom, the Tuhaicheng master changed his usual killing means and made a name for himself.

He resisted the anger: "I just want to reverse his impression because I have offended the other side. If he is willing to support me to enter the heavens, then if the potential alliance is dismantled and he is deflated, what is the point? Then, a day If you want the Thunder's anger to step on a store, he has already done that. Now he doesn't do that. He just plays a few people and proves that he is actually a measure, not the kind of person who must report. Go, bring a gift, Tell him my sincerity, if he is willing to come, I will welcome him at the city government!"

The butler Jiao Shi nodded.

On the occasion of his departure, he cautiously reminded: "Master, it is said that in the capital city of Lingyun State, there is still the lingering shackles of the Tongtian Tower. Although six thousand years have passed, those small ones have never given up, no I don’t want to open the door to heaven."

The figure of the sea city is swinging: "Reassured, those embers are no longer dare to come to our Rizhao City. This Sun Island has a large array of heavens that make them invisible. Besides, the big leader of the remnant party is The siege is dead, the loyalty is the next one, and the embers of the Tongtian Tower have no turning power. They are afraid that even the heavens are gone, and the generation is not as good as the generation...... thousands of years ago, the embers of that time were called Severely, it will continue to attack several cities without moving, but after thousands of years, the powerful Tianjie died early, and the rest are all ants, which is not enough!"

"Yes, the villain is more worried." The housekeeper Jiao Shi said.

"Your fears are correct. We really have to pay attention to the chaos of the party, but there are sun islands, let alone now, those powerful days of chaotic parties that were 6,000 years ago, and they can’t attack. You know, in us. At the foot of the ceremony, how many chaotic parties are closed? Nearly one hundred is the leader of the past generations, and there are also more than twenty or thirty people..." Tuhaicheng master laughed.

People outside think that Sun Island is the city government.

In fact, this is a prisoner of super-strong seal power. It has the enchantment of the seal of the heavenly giants. Even the strongest of the heavens, I would like to escape here. The Rizhao prison in the north of the city is nothing more than a jealous cell. If there is a strong heavenly order, it can only shut down the lazy labor in the mining and the rogue man who likes to steal the chicken and touch the dog in the city.

The butler's coke was so deep that even the figure of the sea city owner did not see it. When he bowed his head, his eyes exude a strange light.

However, the light will dissipate very quickly, without waiting for it to rise.

Become a respectful and admired worship.

After half an hour.

The coke housekeeper came back to report.

For the figure sea city owner who is bent into the heavens, this is good news, because the violently beaten General Weng’s general, and the street leader who turned the guard captain into a humanoid kite and put it on the sky, accepted the figure sea. The city owner’s apology and banquet invitation.

As a polite return, the heavenly powerhouse gave the coke housekeeper to Tuhai and brought back a superb ‘coral redstone’.

This is the best ‘coral redstone’.

Only the heavens are there.

It is a rare gemstone that Rizhao City can't buy with money here.

The owner of the city of Tuhai saw this ‘coral redstone’ and his heart jumped violently. Didn’t this heavenly step ever go to heaven and earth? At least, the birth of this Tianjie is not simple. His teachers, relatives or friends should have some people who have been to the heavens. Otherwise, there will be no such rare items as coral redstone, and they will not be handed over. .

"What is the strength of that heavenly step?" Tuhaicheng owner felt that he should draw a good look at each other. Of course, first understand the other party's intelligence.

"I can't see clearly, that noble heaven is not a villain to pry into..." Jiao Shi Guanjia shook his head and smiled bitterly: "The surface looks like a heavenly step, but it has the strength of the quasi-days. The villain, in front of him, has a feeling of inferiority like an ant. He wears a unique platinum mask that is unique in the world. It is comparable to a holy treasure. I have never seen it. A platinum-level treasure has such a spirituality. And Wei Neng... In the hands of the noble heavenly powerhouse, there is another one. How can I say it? It should be a **** soldier, a heavenly glove of a **** soldier. I think that is absolutely strong in the heavens. There are also rare treasures! The nobleness of the heavenly order, please let the little ones see, can't see clearly, and even dare not guess."

"Really?" Tuhai heard it, and he was too happy. If this day is really from heaven, then he will be lucky.

He was so excited that he shot the table: "Come on, no, you are coming, I have to go in person!"


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