Long Live Summons

Vol 2 Chapter 767: :[金乌,Reproduction]

Chapter 769: [Jinwu, Reproduction]

Rizhao City.

When the Tuhai City Lord and the Lingyun Lord returned to the Sun Island, they found a sun-like heavenly powerhouse and were visiting Sun Island.

At the beginning, the figure sea city owner thought that the heavenly powerhouse was three little, greeted him and saw that it was not. It was another young man. The strongest person in the sky is the Oriental Yaozu. Because of the different growth speeds, the Eastern Yaozu is different from the human being. The young man is estimated to be not one thousand years old and eight hundred years old. However, his appearance is still two. Like a human man in his teens, he is still a young man... Tuhai is not surprised by this. He knows that the Oriental Yaozu is a slow-growing race, and there are many Oriental Yaozu’s growth, which is more than the ancient dragon. It will be much slower.

Humans can be fully adult in decades.

A cycle of one or two hundred years can be enough to give birth to a generation of strong.

Among all races, human beings are the fastest growing; such as the ancient dragons, the ancient Titans and the Oriental Yaozu, these races can't be done. If the ancient dragons are only children for a few decades, one or two hundred years, or children, Not even a teenager.

The Oriental Yaozu also has a very small growth, but in general, it belongs to a slow-growing race.

Many of the descendants of the Oriental Yaozu have almost no difference in the past 100 years. They are still babies. It takes more than a thousand years to become an adult. If you really want to reach full maturity, it will be close to the peak. This kind of growth rate is also the undisputed bottom for the ancient dragons and the ancient Titans, which are known for their slow growth in the heavens.

The Eastern Yaozu not only grows slowly, but also has a low fertility rate.

An ancient sage once used this to make a joke. He said that if the Eastern Yaozu had human fertility, he would have dominated the heavens.

In fact, not only the Eastern Yaozu, all the races with slow growth and high potential, fertility is a problem. The races of the Eastern Yaozu and the ancient dragons are trying to nurture future generations, not the most lazy human beings. .

"Premier guests, what do you want to come to Rizhao City?" Tuhai made this sun-stricken young man startle. He just came to an unreachable three, and now he is here again. The Eastern Yaozu, is there a ancient sacred object in Rizhao City? Look at this sun-like oriental demon, the strength is up to five levels of heaven, and it is scared that the heart beats three times faster.

"You are the city owner? I am the Eight Princes Wuhai of the Tangu three-legged Jinwu people. I am here to find my little sister."

The Eight Princes Wu Haiyi said that he could kill Tuhai.

Boss, Rizhao City, I don’t know how many billions of miles away from Tanggu, it’s a transmission array, and I have to go for a month. How can I go to Tanggu to abduct your little sister? Besides, even if you have that color, you don't have the ability to run to Tanggu. Because Tanggu is also known as the Sun Valley, is the settlement of the Jinwu people, the famous forbidden land in the heavens, how can a small city owner go to Tanggu and abduct the prince of the prince?

I have not yet entered the heavenly world, and I have no idea what is going on in the heavens.

Even Lingyun’s owner felt that Tuhai was a bit embarrassed.

In addition to occasionally running to the capital city and surrounding cities, Tuhai usually does not make a big step in Lingyun. Although there are many women in Tuhai, the Lingyun owners believe that even the entire Sun Island is given to Tuhai. To be courageous, he did not dare to bring the Princess of the Eastern Yaozu.

Lingyun, the owner, asked with some temptation: "His Royal Highness, this, is this a little misunderstanding?"

Wu Hai, the Eight Princes, swayed his hand: "No misunderstanding, my little sister is in Rizhao City."

As soon as the picture sea heard it, the tears almost came down.


Although he has occupied a lot of women, he has never occupied a beautiful woman of the Eastern Yaozu. He has no courage to provoke the Eastern Yaozu. Isn’t that looking for death?

"His Royal Highness of Hachioji, why is your little sister in Rizhao City?" Fortunately, the savior appeared in time. Yueyang students took the luxury car and came to the Sun Island City to see the three-legged sun shining in the sky. Jin Wu, with a little curious, asked.

"What kind of race are you, how do you feel like us?" The Eight Princes were more curious when they saw Yueyang.

"Human." Yue Yang shrugged.

"Impossible... forget it, although most human beings are weak, but there are also strong ones, maybe you are an exception." The words of the Eight Princes can actually resonate with Tuhai. He also thinks that the three are not like personal ones. But can't be denied. At this time, the Lingyun lord, secretly looking at Yue Yang, did not immediately stand up and introduce himself.

"A good young man who is unparalleled in the world!" After reading the soul of the Lingyun, the heart praised it.

For the evaluation before Tuhai, the Lingyun owners still have some doubts.

Are there really good young people?

Just put out ten games, can you call it the unparalleled in the world? Now that the Lingyun lord saw it with his own eyes, he knew that Tuhai’s words were true.

If you haven't compared it, it doesn't feel so strong... Now, there is an extremely outstanding Oriental Yaozu, the Eight Princes, standing in front of the Yue Sanshao. In contrast, the three young people, not only did not let the five-level strength of the heavenly ranks shine like the sun, the golden prince and the eight princes, but there is a kind of temperament that even the Jinwu octagonal prince is too far away, set off in the surrounding people. Underneath, more and more appear to stand out from the crowd, extraordinary and refined.

Even the Lingyun lord who has been the head of the country for thousands of years, can not help but feel the feeling of self-defeating.

What is the difference between clouds and mud?

This is!

Seeing the Wuwu octagonal Wuhai, the Lingyun lord thinks this is a young man with great potential and unlimited future. He will entertain each other very politely, but he will not be afraid. For Yue San, who claims to be a human being, the Lingyun lord can't look at the eyes of the younger generation. He has a feeling of faintness. The three young are not as simple as ordinary heaven, but one who realizes God. The order of knowledge.

In ancient times, all heavens that realized the will of the gods were called innate supreme.

In the knowledge of God, I realized the supreme will, and realized the power of the law, forming a unique deity, called the Holy Supreme, that is, the god.

Just a battle of 6,000 years ago, Tianjie and Tongtian Tower completely turned against each other and gave up the title that Tongtian Tower has always used. It changed the congenital supreme to the heavenly order... in the heavens and the lower bounds, especially the unconscious The heavenly order of God's knowledge cannot be recognized. Must be above the fifth level of the heavens, have a collection, or learn the knowledge of God, in order to be recognized.

Tuhai has been unable to enter the heavens and the world, and he is not related to his inability to understand God.

The Wuwu prince Wuhai, the Lingyun king can see that the young man of the Eastern Yaozu has already realized a little sense of God, but he has not yet awakened. In time, the future of the Eight Princes is limitless.

Look at Yue San Shao.

The Lingyun lord can be absolutely certain that the other party has already realized the knowledge of the gods, and has begun to have supreme will, and can not see the power of the law.

With the human body, it has only been cultivated for more than 20 years, and it has grown to such a degree... The Lingyun lord who once had the prodigy has also sighed, if this Yue San less cultivated for two hundred years, to this extent. It is already very scary and incredible. It is said that the most outstanding prisoner of the world in the history of Tongtian Tower has also spent more than three hundred years before he cultivated to the congenital supreme. When he grew up to reach the imperial concubine where no one can resist the giant, even in the third With the aid of artifacts, it took more than six hundred years, and this speed is unprecedentedly amazing.

However, before the cultivation speed, there was no ancient imprisoned emperor. It took only three hundred years to reach the congenital emperor.

In front of this Yue Sanshao, he seems so worthless.

Congenital supreme, the Yue Sanshao who didn't know where he came from, reached it in only 20 years... Fortunately, he is not from Tongtian Tower, otherwise, the heavens will explode in the heavens!

The first thought of the Lingyun lord is fortunate.

The second thought is doubt.

According to the Wuwu Eight princes Wuhai, the 80% of the Lingyun kings can be sure that this noble three is definitely the oriental fairy who has not seen the tail from the dragon... except for the mysterious and powerful race, there is no possibility The second race is capable of giving birth to such a perverted life. The practice of the imprisoned king, not to mention in the Tongtian Tower, is in the heavens, but also ranks in the top five.

At that time, the only thing in the world that can stabilize and regulate the speed of imprisonment is the bright moonlight among the Big Three.

As for the three young, the Lingyun king did not dare to think too much, for fear that he would scare himself.

"Seeing you, there is a very kind feeling. I think you should have a relative, it is the same as us. I am the eighth son of King Jinwu, called Wuhai, what about you?" The Eight Princes saw Yueyang, which seems special. Investing in, take the initiative to come to see the ceremony.

"Surname is Yue, the name is Titan." Yue Yang introduced himself, and then introduced the side of Ye Kong, Hai Fatzi, Snow Greed and Tianluo Prince, and so on.

Talking about Yueyang and Wuwang Wuhai, the Lingyun lord quickly negotiated with Tuhaicheng.

First of all, Lingyun Kingdom wants to be 100% sure that Tuhai really does not move people's nephews.

For this, the figure Haicheng Lord swears with a swearing rotten swearing swearing, he is sincere! Even if it is lascivious, I dare not move the woman of the Golden Uighur Eight Princes!

Lingyun Lord nodded, since it is a misunderstanding, it is easy to handle.

And there is a little bit of the three, the Eight Princes Wuhai attention shift, there seems to be no signs of worry, it is a good time to explain the elimination of misunderstanding.

The two quickly rushed forward, saw the ceremony, joined the circle of the other party... After careful inquiry, the soul of the Lingyun and Tuhaina hanged the heart of the air, only to put it down a little. It turns out that Wuhai, the prince of the Eight Princes, does not mean that Tuhai has robbed his nephew, but his beloved Xiaoyan, because the Wangfu of Yuan match is arrogant, and after doing a wrong thing, he was driven out of the house by Yuan, waiting for Wuhai. When I came back outside, the little sister had already repatriated to her hometown, the Sun Canyon near Rizhao City.

"My bird is pregnant, this way, there is a case, I don't want to live." Wuwang Wuhai seems to be a sentimental seed. If it is replaced by another prince, I am afraid it will not be matched by a yuan. Looking for tens of millions of miles, I’ve been looking for a hometown.

"Rizhao City, there is no woman you describe." Xiang Wen, the chief aide, has an unforgettable ability, and he weakly said that there is no such person.

"There is no such a pregnant woman." Jiao Shi Guanjia also quickly denied.

"She is not in her hometown. Isn't it going to be a half-way accident? In order to protect her safety, Redfire said that she gave the two guards all the way to repatriate. How could there be no one? My bird My unborn son... I blame me, if I didn't go out, I wouldn't have this kind of thing!" The face of the Eight Princes Wuhai changed dramatically, and he didn't want to live.

"Don't be pessimistic. There are two guards who will follow each other. Certainly there will be nothing. Maybe you are driving too fast. When you arrive early, she walks slowly and has not returned to Rizhao City." Yueyang secretly laughed and had the guards of Jinwu. Who dares to move?

Besides, can you become a prince in Tanggu, is it an ordinary person?

He casually comforted: "I have a friend who is proficient in predictions. Later, I ask her to help me predict and see if I can find a clue!"


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