Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 177: :high-tech products?

Lin Dong said that this high-tech ‘body armor’ is not a piece of clothing.

Including coats, shirts, pants, skirts, shoes, socks and hats, even bras and fat times. In addition to these, there is also a set of super stretchy one-piece tights. Everyone estimates that the others are probably second. The real bulletproof effect is this set of stretchy one-piece tights. Their guess is that Lin Dong deliberately misled. In fact, the truth is that any piece of clothing has a protective effect on the body, but in order to make everyone pay more attention to it, they will not forget to wear it, so they made an extra one-piece tights. The clothes come out, so that everyone remembers to change them at important moments. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

"Uncle, we are still developing, this bra will definitely not be used in the future!" Chu Linger just put on the one-piece tights and ran out without wearing anything inside. The buds on the small **** were clearly pointed out. It was sweating to make Lin Dong watch.

The most terrible thing is that she still has a bra in her hand, shaking it in front of everyone.

Lin Dong really wanted to strip this little girl naked.

Three hundred more ass.

"It's flexible! You are simply unreasonable! Get out immediately, get dressed and come out again!" Lin Dong was furious, and Cheng Mingge hurriedly carried the little girl back so that Lin Dong would not clean her up.

"Uncle, I'm all right!" It was still cute, changed clothes quickly and ran out, standing in front of everyone to make a correct demonstration.

"Yeah!" Lin Dong is fortunate that there is a cute stuff. If Chu Linger is allowed to make trouble again, it is estimated that he will even have a nickname like the wolf. He pointed to Menghuo's clothes and coughed slightly. Take out the style of'I am a high-tech product research expert', and introduce to everyone: "How do you say this clothing is a high-tech product? First of all, it is not afraid of fire. The cloth is also more resilient, and ordinary knives and daggers can’t handle it. If it gets dirty by accident. Just rinse it with water and save money on washing powder. It is very economical and high-tech products. It must have its own characteristics!"

"This high-tech is really high!" Yu Tongtong saw that everyone did not applaud, so he took the initiative to stand up and be a cheer.

"How tall is it?" Chu Linger ran out again.

"It's as high as three or four stories!" Yu Tongtong came to Duan Xiao to cooperate with this girl, and Lin Dong's face was black when I heard it, don't you believe it shouldn't be so black? Can't I just study a little high-tech stuff? Even if you go to a foreign university. Even if it's a turtle, you can't underestimate people, is it right?

"The elasticity is very Bùcuò!" Qianjun hurried to save the field. If he angered him, then everyone would not think about ‘high-tech products’ in the future.

"I didn't say the style!" Ye Qianru also slapped her ass.

She wasn't all flattering.

The style is indeed good, because the design of Lin Dong's ‘bullet armor’ not only has his own ideas, but also received multiple suggestions from Cheng Mingge and combined the inspiration of the three of them. It can be said to be perfect. The most satisfying part for everyone. It is the patterns of these clothes, very gorgeous, there is no mystery that can't be said, especially the crystal patterns on them. It has the effect of finishing touch.

The pattern of this pink crystal is almost the same as the real crystal inlaid.

Everyone has touched it several times, and there is still an illusion, always feeling that this crystal is real.

The commentary was not very successful. Lin Dong, who was a great inventor, was a little frustrated without even receiving warm applause. Waved his hand: "Everyone will take one set, please take it back by yourself. Remember to wear it often, I still Yǒushì, so I won't keep everyone!"

Wenhui has no share.

But she was still very happy.

Because her baby daughter and daughter made Lin Dong very valued, in his busy schedule, he still played with the little guy for a while, and put on this high-tech body armor for her personally. Wen Hui had a feeling that when he put on his hand, the clothes on her nun seemed to fit extraordinarily. At first, the sleeves seemed to be a little longer. Once he pulled it, it was completely suitable... it was very high-tech!

She did a little bit about Lin Dong, but she couldn't say it.

In fact, from the moment he appeared in front of her at the most dangerous moment and started to save the baby girl, she was Zhīdào, he was not an ordinary person!

"Little baby is going to grow up tall!" Lin Dong gently kissed her forehead, then handed her to Cheng Mingge, and asked her to take the little guy out to play.

"Uncle, people want it too!" Chu Ling'er put on her little cheek and motioned to Lin Dong to kiss her too.

"I haven't beaten you yet!" Lin Dong's fire started again.

Chu Ling'er saw that the uncle's anger hadn't come down yet, and quickly fled.

It's a cute product. She still remembers her geese. She can't hold two geese alone, so she just took out her mobile phone and took a photo with Lin Dong. Lin Dong saw that the two geese refused to leave, so he had to give them a bit of aura, and only then did they dismiss the two white geese happily! The two white geese were so excited that they rushed out the door, spread out their wings that were white as snow, and rushed into the sky more lightly and gracefully than the swan, hovering in a large circle, screaming loudly, and rushing down the pond... This is not only a cute product, but the girls in the land of fish and rice saw this dynamic beauty, and they all took out their phones to take pictures.

Yun Youyou smiled.

She can draw these two changes, but she doesn't think it is a bad thing. Besides, cultivating these two spirit birds is much better than cultivating the little pincers during a trip to the underground palace.

After half an hour, Lin Dong refined and upgraded Cheng Mingge's necklace and the bracelets of the two little girls, and then slightly corrected them with the omnipotence technique.

Make them more comfortable to wear.

This is unique to them.

As for the deformation function, Lin Dong felt that he should not tell them for now.

The more they have Zhīdào, the more dangerous they are. When the surrounding environment is safer, then tell them that they can change, which is better. Moreover, they don't know how to use the knack of change, and they have to make a converted ring or bracelet for them. Lin Dong feels that they shouldn't do this for now.

It's better to practice and improve first, as long as you are strong enough, you can better protect them.

Lin Dong spent two days under Yun Youyou's protection.

All functions are grouped together.

Refined into a ‘Hundred Fantasy Eye’.

Remote viewing, perspective, eagle eye, etc., including the Ziyang True Eye, all the necessary functions of the Third Eye are all refined together, like a kaleidoscope. If you want to see something in the future, use this Hundred Magic Eye to see it. Some functions that are not needed for the time being are all compressed into it. The same goes for the functions of the Third Eye, which will be released in the future. However, there will be more functions of the Third Eye in the future, and the Hundred Magical Third Eye must be upgraded to become the Thousand Change Third Eye or the Ten Thousand Transformation Third Eye.

It was not necessary to work hard to train this Third Eye, because no matter how many functions it had, it would not affect Lin Dong's cultivation.

But Lin Dong's Zhidào's Third Eye has more functions, so there will be some changes in Falun Dafa, such as the Three Eyes. Some monks in the world of comprehension practice strange things. The face is full of eyes...This kind of function is very powerful, but it does not seem to be in line with the aesthetic point of view. Of course, this ordinary person can't see it. Kěnéng can only see Yun Youyou. After a long time, Cheng Mingge has more spiritual energy in her body, and she has learned to use Qi to sense, so she also'sees' by Kěnéng. Lin Dong didn't want sister Wu Xiu to be frightened by her own three eyes, so. Practice this Hundred Magical Eyes early.

Gather all the celestial eyes functions together and see through this hundred magical celestial eyes.

In this way, there will be no changes in the law.

Three eyes, three heads and six arms, I saw it in movies and TV. Maybe it feels acceptable. If Cheng Mingge closes her eyes, she will'see' Lin Dong's three-headed and six-armed majestic state, then it would be strange that she is not frightened!

and so. Lin Dong tried his best not to practice such a way, and tried to be like an ordinary person. Anyway, this does not affect skill and cultivation at all!

The fifteenth day of retreat.

Lin Dong has adjusted all aspects of himself to the best condition, and the next goal is to refine the wings of ice and fire. but. This refining will take longer. Lin Dong decided to get the genetic warriors requested by Yan Lao and Zhao Xin first, and give Yun Youyou a few days off. When she has rested, he will catch her back as a protector. Anyway, he will fight for more. When you get along with her, use your favorability.

"Fortunately, it's finally off!" Yun Youyou couldn't help but sigh. During this half-month retreat, not only did Lin Dong's skill leap forward, she actually also improved, and she also improved to a level that she could not have imagined before.

"You have worked hard, take a good rest!" Lin Dong is very grateful to this Wu Xiu girl. She is definitely the noble person he hits. If it weren't for her, don't think about lighting up the stars or anything. Bùcuò can practice the omnipresent chemistry technique. Up. Moreover, when she saw herself in a dilemma, she was resolutely giving up her life to save her, which was really beyond his expectation.

Such a good girl, naturally, can't make her tired.

Lin Dong left the customs.

Old man Yan, the great **** of wealth Zhao Xin, Fatty Yufeng, and Li Qingsong, and others hurried over.

Their hearts have been hanging in the air for the past half month, and now they are completely relieved by seeing that he has nothing to do and is refreshed.

The great fortune **** Zhao Xin was interested in the high-tech body armor designed by Lin Dong. As soon as he walked in, he asked him impatiently: "Can you make some for us? It's the kind of'bullet armor' worn by Major Qianjun and the others. Open whatever you want and we will place the order directly!"

"Don't think about it!" Lin Dong immediately refused, joking, who would refine this kind of clothing for you, how many symbiotic crystals and spiritual energy do you need to refine one piece? I won't talk about gold and platinum. If it weren't for Vientiane Art, I used to practice such a set, I guess the whole person would have to die of exhaustion! Fortunately, their entire set of symbiosis series suits are all the same treasure. If you are like this, your clothes are armors, your shoes are feather-falling boots, and your watches are, then you will not change it when you move to a golden mountain as high as Mount Everest! Money is a kind of wool, I have money, and all I don’t need is gold!

"..." Zhao Xin and Old Man Yan looked at each other. Lin Dong was not easy to impress, but he didn't expect him to refuse so resolutely. It seems that this is really a kind of'high-tech' bulletproof vest.

"When will the genetic experiment be done?" Old man Yan asked with a smile.

"Do it now!" Lin Dong doesn't waste time with him. Anyway, this is simple. It is a hundred times easier to do this than to make clothes. Moreover, the blood of the slug demon has some, let alone a hundred people, or 10,000 people. There is no Wèntí, so there is no preparation for Wèntí.

"Okay!" Old man Yan thought that Lin Dong was ready in this half month, so he nodded happily.

"Where are we?" Zhao Xin asked urgently.

"Your people can also do it at the same time, but you have to give money!" Lin Dong only promised to do genetic experiments for people on Cheng Mingge's mother's side. It has nothing to do with Zhao Xin and the others. They must give money, and Dividing money cannot be cheap. In the future, if you spend money everywhere to do good deeds to absorb the power of faith, you will count on this money, otherwise, how can you just rely on Yufeng Fatty and their money to be enough? Besides, Fat Yufeng doesn't owe himself to himself, so why should he try his best to help himself? Even if he is willing to do this, he can't accept it!

Old man Yan and the people they found had already been waiting outside the land of fish and rice.

Just wait for a command.

As for Zhao Xin, after many selections, they finally determined the ten first batch of quotas, and the candidates also went outside.

"My request is to completely obey the order. If you have other ideas, you can leave." Lin Dong's condition is completely satisfied. It is estimated that even if it is cut with a knife, those experimenters will not frown. Lin Dong also has a second condition: "Clean up the site, don’t let outsiders come in, and don’t let irrelevant personnel enter the site for at least one day. Military doctors and nurses can be present, but they must cooperate. Don’t raise questions in the middle of the experiment. I don’t want to follow suit. Some completely laymen are asking for the Wèntí in the technique!"

"No Wèntí!" Zhao Xin and Old Man Yan were very excited. These conditions are not Wèntí, as long as they can produce results, then any conditions can be agreed.

"Let's start then!" Lin Dong asked Cheng Mingge to lead the two little girls away, and the people around him were Qian Jun and Ye Qianru, even those who wanted to see the lively Yu Tongtong and wanted to record the process. Dean Xia drove out. Dean Qu and a few old men cheeky stayed, Lin Dong couldn't tell them, so they had to let these old guys stay, look, anyway, you can't see any way out anyway!

Hundreds of special elites surrounded the surrounding area, and the full-scale martial law was carried out in the open post and secret post~www.wuxiaspot.com~ medical staff entered the field.

Just in the courtyard, a huge tent was erected and used as an isolation room. They are slightly dissatisfied with the sanitary conditions, and feel that they should be tested in a sterile room, which is safer. It's a pity that they have to listen to the authority of Lin Dong, so they had to swallow the suggestions back.

They were busy preparing, while Lin Dong went out to meet the subjects in the outer courtyard.

Two elite soldiers standing upright like guns.

Arrange two rows.

Seeing Lin Dong walking out accompanied by Dean Qu, Old Man Yan and Zhao Xin, he immediately raised his hands in salute at the same time, yelling: "Hello Chief!"

Lin Dong almost reflexively shouted out comrades hello, but fortunately he remembered that he was not a leader.

He took a look.

Suddenly he pointed out a soldier and asked: "Why do I want you to go out?" (to be continued...)

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