Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 186: : Strange Flowers, Liars and Beautiful Men

After deciding to donate to the poor or the patient, Cheng Mingge and Yu Tongtong couldn't even catch a breath. ,,

Fortunately, there are many girls in the Sky Knights.

Moreover, Yu Tongtong has also brought in many capable employees in several large companies such as the Fish King Group to help. At the same time, Dean Qu, Old Man Yan, Zhao Xin and Old Fox also quietly supported some people, otherwise Can't be too busy. Needless to say, Xu Donghai directly sent secretary Chen Xi over and opened more than one hundred hotlines. Even so, the phone still rang endlessly.

Not only in this city and province, but also people across the country who are in urgent need of money try to call to ask.

The family members of the patients are okay, and those who fail to do business also ask.

Some even asked about starting a business and buying a car for a house.

"Sir, we can't support you for the time being if you want to buy a car. We have too many people to help. Only now can we be the patients who need the most money, or the disabled who have difficulties in life." The sisters of the Sky Knights sometimes feel that the phone is on the other side. The person from is just a wonderful flower. You bought a car and came to ask, is the account of the real squad leader the treasury? Even the national treasury can't stand up to your method of asking for money! Besides, you don't have money to buy a car, and none of the other students in Mutsu have their own car!

"My girlfriend refuses to marry me without a car!" This guy is reasonable.

"We are not a marriage agency, we don't include marriage." The sister of the Sky Knights exhausted the utmost patience and ended the speechless call.

Of course, such a strange flower is definitely not one.

Someone who can't afford a car needs to reach out to Lin Dong.

Some can't afford a house to reach out.

I have the intention of failing to start a business and want to ask for funds from the squad leader again.

Some people fail to stock up and are ready to fight again and want funds, some fail to gamble and want to make a bet, and some are because Bao Xiao Sanyi accidentally spent all the money for fear that his wife will find out that he wants to borrow money to fill the small vault. There are those who are ready to study abroad but are worried about not having enough money and want to reach out for support, and there are also drug addictions. I hope to give him some money for the last time. There are also people who want money for breast enhancement, beauty, and **** change, and even people who decide not to study and decide to use money to buy 999 roses to see foreign idols... the most weird one. He said that he could send his elderly parents to the squad leader for free without any money, so that the squad leader could raise him for him!

"I don't need money!" This guy is very generous.

"This is not a question of whether or not to have money, this is a question of shamelessness!" It happened to be Fang Yu, Diaosi, who answered the phone. He just resigned as the head of the **** mad grass group because of the pressure of his roommate, and he was in a good mood. Well, as soon as I heard such words, I was immediately excited: "Why didn't your father shoot you on the wall? How the laws of the universe allow you to be born is simply the biggest loophole in the world! I understand. It must be Nuwa I didn't make up the sky, and accidentally leaked you as a bitch!"

"Aren't you doing charity? The two of them are old wood, pension insurance and medical insurance. How can I raise them? I have my own house and car and my wife and children. How much money I spend every year, and I have a little spare money. I can't go to Europe for a trip. Relax, relax! This matter should be managed by the country. They have been workers for the country for a lifetime and have served the people for a lifetime. Now I want to raise them? What kind of truth is this!" This strange flower quarreled with Fang Yu very angrily. Get up: "This is not a problem of my quality, it is a problem of the system of the country. Look at other people in Europe, there is no reason for sons to raise, this is all about the state! Do you love raising or not. Regardless of it, it’s none of my business anyway. thing!"

"..." Fang Yu heard this bunker's remarks. There is an urge to vomit blood.


Compared with such a bitch, he is as great as a saint!

It's not easy. Fang Yu came back to his senses and continued to argue with this strange flower: "The problem now is that you live in the Rabbit Dynasty, not Europe! Now the Rabbit Dynasty does not have this system, and in our case, it is the raising of children to protect against the old. This is a tradition! Do you see which one around you is not like this, but you are the exception?"

This strange flower ridiculed in a tone of contempt and ignorance: "Tradition? This kind of feudal superstition should have been spurned thousands of years ago. You should be a college student? Haven't you never been online? You haven't watched it. Do you think that we should not learn from advanced things, but should continue to deceive future generations against the old and decadent traditions? Classmates, you are also highly educated, but you are only high I'm low-powered, I haven't learned the real thing at all, and my thoughts are still stuck on Kong Lao Er's tattered ones!"

Student Fang Yu almost didn't burst his blood vessel.

But he held back it with a smile on his face, and answered the strange flower in a cheerful tone: "I have a good suggestion!"

"What's the suggestion?" The weird man asked happily, thinking that things had changed.

"You go to the rooftop right now, the higher the better, and then quietly find a place where no one is there, don't hesitate!" Fang Yu said affirmatively: "Foreign slaves like you, you will definitely be reborn in the United States in your next life! Come, you can enjoy the system and benefits over there. By the way, when you fully enjoy that kind of benefits, don't forget to give us a happy message and let us be happy for you too!"

"Ah? Do you dare to talk to me like this? I want to complain to you!" The strange man jumped into thunder upon hearing this.

"Complain to Nima! Ah wrong, this has nothing to do with Nima, I was wrong... Wait, it is still related to Nima, she must have had the wrong posture, or she had the wrong placenta!" Fang Yu shot Roaring over the table: "Remember your uncle's name, your uncle's name is Fang Yu, the future savior and the leader of the newly established **** crazy grass regiment! I now have every reason to suspect that the world will have the end of the world, all because of you. There are too many **** to make the law of the world break down! Remember to complain to me, you **** who has sores on the head and pus on the soles of the feet and wears a big hole!"

Student Fang Yu immediately hung up after cursing, not giving the **** a chance to fight back.

The girls around who answered the phone looked at him dumbfounded.

I saw a dinosaur-level prehistoric creature.

No, girls have to misunderstand.

As the future savior of the world, Fang Yu quickly put out the most kind and simple smile on his face: "Everyone must have misunderstood. Actually, I just scolded that bitch! I was so angry just now that I was so gaffe. In fact, I He is usually a gentle and polite handsome man!"

The girls looked at Fang Yu’s visitor-like face, nodded tacitly, and said in unison: "Beautiful man? You can see it!"

"I can explain!" Fang Yu felt that there might be a little misunderstanding.

"No need to explain." The girls hurriedly waved to express that they don't have to be so troublesome.

And persuaded him to continue to be a quiet beautiful man.

Donation matters.

Lin Dong doesn't care.

The girls of the Sky Knights are inexperienced, but it doesn't matter. Doing a good deed is not afraid of making mistakes. Besides, those who receive donations don't mind paying patience. As long as they have the money, no matter how many mistakes the girls make, it is worthy of forgiveness!

In order to prevent scammers, Cheng Mingge is still more cautious. If it is not a very special situation, the recipient is generally required to come to Dongshan, carefully review the incident, and make sure that there is no problem before giving the money. There are Brother Nongmei and Old Man Yan with the cooperation of the military and police, and many things can be figured out by checking, so Cheng Mingge is not worried about the liar problem.

There are also scammers. The worst is some greedy people who collude with some unscrupulous doctors to forge medical records.

Or they could break the hands and legs of the elderly in the family to cheat money.

Cheng Mingge knows.

If you should call the police immediately, you are not at all polite to these scammers.

Among them, in Longwen City, there is also a scam jointly by a bad household police, doctors, and a scammer group. The medical records of some deceased people were re-exposed to defraud money. At the same time, it was mixed with certificates of disability of some homeless people and hospital inspections, which is difficult to distinguish between true and false. , Very hidden. The girls of the Sky Knights let them cheat. Cheng Mingge sent a few girls over. They looked at the operation scene and related patients. With the proof of the police|surveillance, the girls who were not deeply involved in the world reported to Cheng Mingge on the spot, and finally paid two. With millions of life-saving money, I came back with tears moved by the cry of the other party and the voice of the benefactor.

It's a pity that the liar's play can't hide from Lin Dong, no matter how powerful it is.

Because Lin Dong didn't have any gratitude when he saw the badges of these girls, he knew there was a ghost in them!

Let people look back and check it carefully.

The problem was found.

After Xu Donghai caught the chicken feet of Mayor Xia, the old enemy, he immediately complained to the boss of the province, saying that there was a liar in Longwen City to defraud Lin Dong and Cheng Mingge for money. The boss was floating in the praise of the national media. They laughed at the meeting, but when they heard the news of Xu Donghai, they suddenly felt more disgusting than eating a fly.

"What did you do in Longwen City? Shameless? People all over the country are staring at ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You poke such a big Louzi!" The boss of the province is of course unhappy.

"Yes, we must pay attention to rectification!" Mayor Xia thought it was a health and public security issue.

"Limited to you within two days, please settle the matter with me, otherwise you mayor don't do it!" The boss of the province found that this guy was still at a loss and didn't know what was going on. His chest burned uncomfortably. It's even bigger.

Mayor Xia asked about the situation everywhere.

It was hard to find out the truth of the cheating.

This is a bolt from the blue! When the whole country praised that all places were full of positive energy, there was such a big scandal in Longwen City, such a negative example, it is like death to death!

Mayor Xia was so scared that he was sweating, and rushed to find the secretary. Now he can't bear such a big scapegoat alone.

There are two bosses in Longwen City. They have to carry them together. Why should I carry them alone? (To be continued...)

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