Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 393: : People die for money

The mercenaries who can follow the brigade here will naturally not be scum with only 5 combat effectiveness.

What's more, there are super strong players in the lineup.

With the appearance of giant bats, the mercenaries dodge one after another. This kind of surprise attack only slightly affected the fetching of water, and did not cause any casualties.

"Go to hell, **** mouse, don't think you can fly!" When the bat attacked Leonard, who was standing still, threw a short metal spear. Because the distance between the two is too close, and the speed of the short spear is as fast as lightning, the giant bat has an ultrasonic wave to find the enemy, but it has no time to avoid it. Amid the screams, the metal short spear penetrated through the belly and passed through the back. Out.

The giant bat flapped its wings, desperately trying to fly upwards.

But it was hit hard, but it flew lower and lower.

Ups and downs.

Struggling to fly half a circle in mid-air, the last end landed on the ground.

The people of the Knights Templar saw the thunderous cheers, and they all applauded the mighty domineering of their commander.

"Cut!" Griffin is very disdainful. If you throw a spear to kill a flying dragon, it's okay to say, just kill a bat, this is a wool! You have to change yourself and promise to do better than Leonard!

"Does Leonard only have this level of combat power?" Don't even mention the Griffin, but Don Quixote and Pansha next to them are a little surprised.

"This is already very powerful, okay!" Mao Xiong Zhao Daniu was a little sweaty.

Isn't it enough that a spear can kill a giant bat?

What do you want?

Looking at the other side, the expressions on the faces of Jonathan and Remiga were also a little puzzled.

Philip knew what their minds were, and smiled: "Of course Leonard's strength is more than that. He didn't use blood energy at all just now, in fact. When he exploded all blood energy, his combat power could not break blood energy. The 15th “giant” of the Dark Temple is equal. Leonard is a strong man who relies heavily on blood energy. Although I don’t want to admit it, it is true. Between me and him, no one uses blood energy. I Maybe a little bit better, but with a full burst of blood energy, I am not his opponent, and he will win easily!"

Fox listened, and disagreed: "Mr. Philip. If you inject genetic medicine and complete the genetic modification operation, I promise you can beat him to the bottom, you just give the opportunity to others!"

Philip laughed more when he heard the words: "I'm already old, and my potential has reached the limit a long time ago. Why do I waste the potion?"

Jonathan listened to them.


Full of moving.

Of course, Philip can take genetic medicine or potentiation medicine, but the quantity is limited. He who cherishes talents gives all the medicine to the younger generation.

Griffin took advantage of the people of the Knights Templar to cheer and celebrate, and whispered: "Mr. Philip, you are too humble. I don't believe it is true! Although the commander of Leonard is quite bullish, if he comes with Fox In a battle of life and death, I still bet on Fox."

"Agree, I also think Fox has to be a little better!" The silent trumpeter Sergey Aliyev nodded in agreement.

"If it's a life-and-death battle..." Philip groaned a little. After a long time nodded: "Fox has made great progress, and, more importantly, you have taken the Qiangjintongmai pills that Leonard has not eaten. Both strength and physique have been greatly improved. From the combat experience, Fox suffers a little bit. But Gene Potion and Qiangjin Tongmai Pills have leveled the gap between the two, and I am more optimistic about Fox. Even if it is still close, it will not take long for Fox to fully surpass Lei. Nader!"

"If Mr. Wood is willing to inject me a silver-grade genetic medicine, let alone the head of Leonard, the old woman of Bloody Mary, or the chief judge Thomas, I will dare to challenge it!" Fox himself has a clear judgment and wants to Speaking of war, she estimates that she can only draw with Leonard at the moment.

"I don't find it difficult to kill Leonard, but the deputy commander Hugo is a bit difficult to chew!" Kazama Keiko added suddenly.

"Hugo is good at defense, it's really hard to handle!" Big Ivan knows Hugo's reputation. This deputy commander has the title of'Iron Wall', has a calm personality and is both offensive and defensive in combat. In his life, It is said that he has never failed in his life, and he is a very tricky character.

"Mr. Wood, what do you think?" Jonathan asked expectantly.

"You are crooked!" Lin Dong did not participate in the secret discussion between them. When it comes to the life and death battle, he buys Fox 100%, not to mention Fox, even Kazama Branch may kill the stronger on the surface. Reynard. If it continues to grow, Griffin will have no pressure on Leonard after a year or two. Jonathan and Remiga are also possible. As for Don Quixote, they are a bit choking.

But who is Leonard? There is a great commander of the Knights Templar, a super power in Europe, and the supreme leader of the Knights Templar.

The Griffin used to be the little leader of the Teutonic Knights, incomparable with the heavy knights Andre and Gerrard.

At most, it was the level of the light knight Pierre brothers.

Don Quixote is even more miserable.

Not even the leader, he is purely a miscellaneous soldier and cannot be compared at all.

Lin Dong believes that Philip’s blood can’t be used for Leonard’s reasons are mainly due to two reasons. One is that Philip’s blood is not well developed, and the other is that Philip is too gentleman and not murderous. He is not like a fighter, but rather like a soldier. A polite scholar.

Encouraged by the cheers of his subordinates, Leonard fired five flying spears in a row, four of which accurately hit the target, one was too far away, and the giant bat felt it and dodged it dangerously.

The big bat's raid ended in failure, and Bloody Mary successfully lured away the rock-skinned big toad at the same time.

A dozen buckets of water quickly poured onto a large toad.

The big toad made a weird cooing sound.

It seems to be joyful.

It is also warning the companion that the enemy has launched a water attack.

Ordinary river water was poured on the big toad's skin, and for a few seconds, there was no response at all.

Science madman Parsons and they wanted to deny this absurd watering behavior, but fortunately, they did not ridicule, otherwise they would definitely be slapped on the spot.

Zi Zi Zi...

Suddenly there was a burst of water vapor on the back of the big rock toad. Then there was a crackling sound, and pieces of rock fragments fell to the ground from time to time on the back of the big toad that was poured by the water. Within two minutes, the big toad seemed to have taken off his clothes. The whole look changed, and the appearance of the big toad was restored, which was very different from the previous rock formation.

"Cuckoo!" Take off the shell of the rock and restore the original big toad. The action is very agile, and the long tongue flew out, almost not throwing a mercenary.

"Get away!" Andre, the heavy-duty knight, flew out of the side and kicked the big toad to somersault.

The scientific madman Parsons once again raised his crossbow arrow.

Relaunch to the target.

At this time, the crossbow arrow plunged deeply into the big toad's forehead.

Take off the rock crust. The skin of the big toad is not enough to withstand the powerful crossbow arrows.

Arius, the standard bearer of the Legion of Eden, could not wait to fly over, and the sharp axe in his hand was raised high, and with one axe, the head of the giant toad that had lost its rock shell defense was split in half. The big toad did not die, but it had lost its mobility and fell to the ground with its legs twitching and waiting to die.

Arius moved so fast, he went down a few more times, and when he cut open the tough abdomen of the big toad, he dug a blood core about the size of an egg in the heart of the big toad.

The blood nucleus as large as the egg came out.

The morale of the expedition team boiled instantly. Everyone's fighting spirit has increased by hundreds of thousands of times.

"Continue to fetch water, we have to kill all these big toads!" Leonard also didn't care about the distribution of this blood core. There were so many big toads in the river beach, just let them kill them. The d-level is close to the c-level blood nucleus. I haven't seen it for many years, but I didn't expect that there are big toads on this river beach. In addition to the rock skin that needs to be poured with a lot of water to melt the trouble, this kind of big toad is not difficult to kill.

"Yes!" the mercenaries replied suddenly.

"Be careful. They may spray poison when under attack!" Lin Dong once again warned the mercenaries to be careful of distance.

It's a pity that the huge benefits made them completely red, and their ears couldn't listen to advice at all. In addition to the people of the Dark Temple and the Teutonic Knights, they also kept their senses. Even the subordinates of the Eastern European League also screamed and rushed to the river to draw water with buckets.

Kazama Keiko sneered: "The so-called'people die for money and birds die for food', this sentence is really true!"

Fox shrugged: "I think they need a lesson before they can learn to respect!"

Byrd in the Eye of God, because of the rich experience in adventure.

Have a sense of awe.

He kept yelling to warn his men not to get too close to the target.

It was only the stimulation of the blood core that the adrenaline of the mercenaries soared infinitely. They agreed on the surface, but flew to the blood core in their hearts.


Casualties soon appeared.

A mercenary who slashed a big toad with a sharp axe, even though he gave the big toad an axe immediately, causing effective damage, the angry big toad returned his saliva. The sour saliva sprayed on the mercenary’s face, instantly melting the greedy mercenary’s eyes, nose, and mouth into a puddle of yellow water. What’s more terrifying was that when the skin and flesh melted, the skull below continued to melt...

There are also large toads that do not spit saliva, but they will bulge their stomachs vigorously and spray a black foul-smelling smoke forward.

This foul smoke has a strong feeling of vomiting and dizziness.

Under panic.

People have been poisoned one after another.

Two mercenaries couldn't wait for their companions to rescue them, they were surrounded by large toad groups, struggling, and finally they were swallowed alive by the big toads.

"Kill, kill you **** group of toads!" If Da Yi saw that the two dead were his own subordinates, he was immediately annoyed. Fortunately, his own strength is insufficient and he did not go to the battle in person, otherwise he is very likely. Let the sea of ​​toads be submerged.

"Back, we can't melt too many big toads at once, their agility is too high, and there is not much room for maneuvering here!" There is also the trumpeter Sergey Aliyev who is very sensible and forcibly drags the big Ivan. Came back.

"Big Ivan, you are a silly brain!" Griffon scolded directly.

"Sorry, I did have a hot head just now!" Big Ivan is finally sober now, and he looks at Lin Dong apologetically: "The appearance of the blood core makes me jealous, well, I admit that I am a greedy layman. ! However, I have realized my strength and I will not let everyone die again!"

"The best thing for you to wake up is to get what we can do now!" Griffon punched Big Ivan in the chest: "After this punch, we are still friends!"

"Okay!" Hearing this, Big Ivan had to get a punch.

"Where are we?" Don Quixote raised his fist.

"You all get out of here!" In case of big anger, you did it on purpose, right? I am a person who has only been strengthened and never used genetic medicine, and you will be beaten in turn. Is there still a life?

The casualties, so that the heads of various forces quickly wake up from the temptation of the blood core.

And the group of large toads with even more serious casualties.

Seeing that they could not catch up with the cunning humans, their companions were slaughtered one after another. They were not stupid enough to allow humans to fly kites. Among them, the biggest toad roared lowly. All the toads turned around and moved slowly towards the river. go with. Regardless of the melting of the stone shell, or the unmelted ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ all are soaked in the river.

Leonard and the others were frightened. If the big toad swarms came ashore and besieged, there would be no other way but to escape.

Fortunately, the big toad did not continue to fight ashore after melting away the stone shell and regaining freedom.

Rather, it drifted to the other side of the river.

Choose to stay away from humans.

"It's a pity!" The monster Nice stomped with regret: "There are so many big toads, and only less than a hundred have been killed... In fact, we continue to lure|seduce, and we can kill another batch!"

"Still think about how to cross the river!" Fox laughed mockingly: "Don't tell me you never thought about this!"

"Here!" Kazama Zhizi silently got Lin Dong a blood core.

"This turned out to be..." Lin Dong took it, and after careful observation, his face suddenly became weird. (To be continued...)


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