Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 403: : Behemoth!

Griffon tried his best to behave in front of Lord Celestial God, regardless of whether he could stop it, he first took an attitude of seeing death as home.

He yelled.

Raise his fist and face the behemoth that rushes violently.

The fist was like a meteor, like a tiger, smashing fiercely on the terrifying face of the giant beast.

It's a pity that in the next second he was hit mercilessly, forming a perfect parabola like a cannonball, and smashing into the shed on the side of the road. Don Quixote and Pan Sha, who were desperately behind him, also became humanoid missiles under the collision of giant beasts. In the back, Jonathan and Remiga are not so stupid, they are not power-type genetic warriors, "Pig>Pig" Island" novel ww.m the two attacked the behemoth separately, they couldn't stop even kicking more than a dozen feet, hurry up Retracted in midair and rotated to avoid.

Fox looked at Kazama Keiko, and Kazama Keiko was also looking at Fox. Two women who were smarter than fairies stood motionless, even with a mysterious smile on their lips.

"It's really boring!" Lin Dong complained in his heart, but had to make a move.

As a man.

Sometimes even if you are not a gentleman, you have to pretend.

He stood a little bit forward, stretched out his hand, and gently pressed against the behemoth with hair rushing...All the natives in the camp thought that this little white face would be hit by the behemoth in an instant, and his arms and breast ribs would be broken, and he would vomit blood. More than three liters.

However, the time to witness the miracle has arrived!

The behemoth that ran wildly, rampantly, and was completely unstoppable unexpectedly stopped. Its face door was no more than ten centimeters away from Lin Dong's fingers, but its four claws firmly grasped the ground and forced its galloping body abruptly. Stop. Several shocking signs appeared on the ground. From a few meters away, it stretches to the bottom of the beast's claws.

Because of the sudden stop of the body shape. The back two claws of the giant beast could hardly stop, and they kept shoveling dirt to the position of the front claws.

"No, it's impossible!" The few strangers who were directly overturned to the ground when the giant beast broke free. They were all stupid, and no one could believe the facts before them.

This is the most violent fire-eyed rock beast!

Once the emotions get out of control.

It can't be stopped at all when it's crazy.

How could it be possible to just stretch out a hand in front of him and let it regain consciousness and calm down completely, absolutely impossible, it must be dreaming!

"The paparazzi!" Lin Dong stretched out his arm and stroked|touched the door of the giant beast with his hand. That ugly behemoth with a hideous face was like a gentle puppy at the moment. In order to make it easier for Lin Dong to stroke|feel it, it actually lowered its head on its own initiative. Relax your guard and welcome his closeness.

"I must be dreaming!" Big Ivan knew that Lin Dong would be able to subdue the behemoth, but he had never thought of such a method.

"Master Tianshen is mighty, damn, whose house, so much rubbish, bah!" Griffin, who just got up from the broken shack, was shocked in his heart, but he was a **** fan. He concealed his expression well. Anyway, Lord Celestial is omnipotent, if you can't subdue this behemoth with one hand, it would be strange!

"Some people will be disappointed..." Fox smiled, pointing out something in her words.

"It's hard to tell. Maybe this is just the beginning!" Kazama Branch snorted coldly, "Did you not hear a weird whistle?"

Fox listened carefully.

It really does.

In the noisy square, a strange whistle sounded at some location.

The voice is very low, it sounds like nothing.

Not harsh at all.

but. The behemoth whose expression has been soothed, hears this whistle that ordinary people hardly pay attention to. His face was immediately distorted, and his anger was like a raging fire. It reburned its sanity. At this moment, the giant beast had only anger and killing in his heart, and his repressed desire|hope that the whistle was triggered in an instant, and the bloodthirsty instinct in its heart was fully awakened.

"Howl..." The giant beast's terrifying face was murderous, and it roared angrily at the smiling Lin Dong in front of it. While opening its blood basin, it was ready to raise its sharp claws and touch the face in front of it. The delicious human fell to the ground, and then drank his blood.

"Paparazzi, I know it's not your fault!" Lin Dong didn't seem to see the change of the giant beast, the smile on his face remained unchanged.

"Roar, howl, howl!" There was a struggle deep in the pupil of the giant beast.

One is the bloodthirsty instinct dominating its desire|hope.

But there is also a kind of reason that is fighting against the bloodthirsty that almost annihilates the reason|Hope.

It raised its claws.

But instead of violently swaying at Lin Dong, he put it down again with a tremor. Its wide open mouth, and its long fangs exposing out of it, were also put away after struggling.

The whistle in a corner of the square became more urgent and louder, and the flames in the pupils of the giant beast could no longer be stopped, and it was burning.

It roared angrily at Lin Dong.

The whole person stands up.

The claws are the chest.

At this moment, even the most **** griffin, who is a fan of the brain, screamed: "Danger!"

But Lin Dong turned around slowly, as if he hadn't seen anything, and left calmly. The giant beast's claws rose high, but did not shred Lin Dong at all, but slammed the ground. It borrowed the power of hitting the ground and turned back quickly, facing away from Lin Dong. In the whistle, its entire huge body turned into a chariot that crushed all things on the earth, knocking everything along the way into flight... Amid the unquenchable roar, the giant beast leaped high and moved towards the edge of the square. The humble stone house rushed over.


The stone house was shattered.

Thousands of fragments splashed in half the sky.

The mud was filled with dust, and the angry out of control beast suddenly bit a black shadow with a white bone whistle in its mouth. It pressed the black shadow with its sharp claws, then savagely tore the opponent in half, and then Swallowing the part in the mouth.

"Roar! Howl!" The sound of the giant beast at this time was more like a groan.

It did not tear away the remnants of the shadow.

It spreads four claws.

He charged frantically in the direction of the entrance of the camp, as if he wanted to escape from the camp before the guards could react.

Dozens of nooses and iron chains were thrown from all directions. Wrap it around its neck accurately. At some point, the guard came. They were surrounded by giant beasts on all sides. The angry behemoth is still struggling, desperately moving forward. Want to escape the camp. But the lasso and iron chain on the neck stubbornly held it in its footsteps, no matter how hard it tried, it couldn't move a single cent.

One end of those nooses and iron chains was an anchor buried deep on the ground.

Not to mention the behemoth that looks like an elephant.

Even a Tyrannosaurus rex, or even an earthquake dragon, would never want to shake the iron anchors that were buried in the ground as a beast-pull pile.

"Wonderful!" Fox clapped her hands, she seemed to be very happy: "It's much more exciting than going to the opera house to see the show, and it's free!"

"It's a pity that Ryuta's acting skills are too bad. The expressions of each one are slightly stubborn!" Kazama nodded commentingly, saying that the play is almost too late, and it's not so late to get an Oscar.

"Just a box lunch can be passed away, why are you asking for such a high level!" Fox thinks to be content.

"That won't work, you can't just do things with rice!" Kazama Keiko still shook his head.

"It may be that there are not many opportunities to perform in normal times. If you perform more, your acting skills will be better." Fox thinks that these tricks actually have potential and there is still a lot of room for improvement, which is worthy of understanding.

"What are you talking about?" Griffon heard Zhang Er Jingang puzzled.

"If you can understand us. It proves that your IQ is above your knee." As soon as Fox said, Griffin felt an arrow in his knee. He dare to swear that this has nothing to do with his knees!

Can you forget about the knee?

Of course, such remarks can only be made psychologically. If he dared to bring it up in person, the toe might be the one that hits the arrow next time.

A few strangers came over and apologized very sincerely to the expedition members. One of them wanted to say sorry to Lin Dong, but Jonathan stopped him. The two sides negotiated with a spirit of seeking differences. The communication with each other was very successful, and both sides were smiling. As if the behemoth had never appeared before. Griffon's eyes twitched, Nima, this is too hypocritical!

Griffin looked at Jonathan, who was in charge of external communication, and suddenly realized that it was a very happy thing to be a mercenary who beat and scolded as he wanted.

It's okay to have a slightly lower IQ.

Let's live comfortably!

At least you don’t have to wear a mask to be so painful... Griffon patted Remiga’s shoulder sympathetically: "You are from the Dark Temple, this is an opportunity to exercise, you must seize it!" Then he was unscrupulous. After Lin Dong left, what did China say? What is loyalty? Tasty? After all, loyal qi is better than stomach qi!

ten minutes later.

Tepes, who had arranged the Eye of God, Legion of Eden, Knights Templar, and Gorse Dynasty, heard the guard's report.

However, his expression was a bit wrong: "What are you talking about? You said a move to control the enemy, not with the big sword behind him and killing the Fireeye Giant Rock Beast with one sword, but blocking it with one hand? "

The captain of the foreign guard named Babu shook his head and waved his hand: "No, he didn't use a weapon at all!"

The other big-eyed skinny stranger named Little Chuck also nodded in agreement: "He did block the Fire-Eye Giant Rock Beast with one hand!"

"It's impossible!" Tepes didn't believe it at all.

The crazy Fire-Eyed Giant Rock Beast is simply unstoppable~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is the change of Lord Ozzi, and he does not dare to speak such big words.

The captain of the foreign guard named Babu was sympathetic and puzzled. He shrugged his shoulders: "We don’t understand, but this is what the subordinates saw. Maybe it’s some kind of power, maybe it’s hypnosis, anyway, he used it. We didn’t know the method to block the crazy Fire-Eyed Rock Beast! The most frightening thing is that the Fire-Eyed Rock Beast had eaten its master. It went crazy in the whistle, but instead of attacking the little white face in front of it, it turned back. , The master who tamed it was torn apart and eaten alive... God knows why, anyway, I think that little white face is full of weirdness!"

The big-eyed thin man hesitated and asked: "What shall we do next?"

A terrible light flashed in Tepesh's eyes, and he stared at him ferociously: "Little Chuck, do you have a better way? If not, just shut up! Do your part well! At that time, you will have a share of the credit! Tell other people, do it hard, this is a golden opportunity, I am very sure, the only thing that may change is that young man, you will give me all of them from now on Twelve cents of strength to do things beautifully!"

"Yes!" Captain Bab and Chuck under the terrifying gaze of Tepesh, their faces were full of horror, and they quickly nodded and said yes. (To be continued...)

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