Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 405: : Please call me the actor!

"Who is this?" Griffon found that there seemed to be an awesome oss on the opposite side.

"Ninety-nine percent is the captain of the guard of City Lord Ozzi!" Don Quixote learned to answer because he stayed in the rabbit heaven for too long.

"I thought the captain of the guard would conspire with Tepesh to rebel and pull Ozzi off the horse together!" Griffin felt that it was only when the play was forced to act like this. In the movie, not all the superiors died like this. ? Why is it a little different today?

"Griffin, would you choose someone you can't trust to be the captain of the guard?" Jonathan was taken seriously.

"I will choose a beauty!" Griffin's answer was speechless.

"Of course there is nothing wrong with thinking like this, but you have to be a city lord first..." Fox suddenly stabbed, and Griffin felt kind of stuffed, covering his chest before he could argue, the branch next to Kazama made another knife: "In addition, you still There must be a beauty!"

Griffon petrified instantly.

The nearby Don Quixote, Pansa, Remiga and others laughed so much that they almost didn't fall off the wall.

At this time, Tepesh was talking to the middle-aged man slowly approaching under the high wall. They spoke in the local aboriginal language, and no one on the expedition team could hear clearly what they said. However, based on the anger on their faces, they know that each other is definitely more than just greeting each other's parents and even the eighteenth generation of their ancestors!

After a while, the alien Captain Bob raised his steel arm and angrily joined the scolding battle.

Then came the big-eyed skinny little Chuck.


More people does not mean winning.

The tall and burly middle-aged man opposite, stopped the momentum of the spray, his eagle-like eyes glanced at the crowd on the high wall. His eyes swept across the faces of Philip, Thomas, Leonard and others, as if they were memorizing each person's appearance.

And the person who was swept by his eyes. There was also a particularly weird feeling in my heart, as if he was being spotted by a terrible monster.

The tall and burly middle-aged man yelled out of nowhere.

Right hand.

He lifted it high towards the wall.

Behind him. There was a stranger who was extremely ugly and looked scarier than the bell-ringer Quasimodo. He rode a giant beast forward, and his big hand swung up the wall. Several black spots flew in in an instant.

The mercenaries of the expedition team and local natives rushed to avoid them.

Wait for the black spot to hit the wall.

As they rolled on the ground one by one, everyone immediately discovered that these were actually **** heads.

The big-eyed thin Chuck with eyesight screamed in an aboriginal language, as if he had seen the most terrifying thing in the world, besides fear, there was also a kind of grief and sadness. obviously. The heads of these people are all from Tepesh, maybe it was his internal response to the city lord of Oze, or even the camp lord who had gone to the meeting in the city before.

"Are they?" Leonard asked tentatively.

"They are all our people, and I don’t know why this happened. The Lord Ozie, who originally planned to send troops to conquer the wilderness, actually saw through our secret plan to build the city. I think his previous actions were a trap to lure us. Fooled...Next, our camp will be horribly attacked. Blood and fire will destroy our efforts! Once City Lord Ozzie breaks through the camp, the consequences will be very serious, whether it is our people or a completely innocent traveler hunter Or you explorers who come from far away will be horribly cleaned! I am very sorry, but if possible. Please leave the camp as soon as possible, while we can delay for a while. You quickly find a way to leave!" Pesh apologized very guiltily to the head of the expedition team, especially when facing the cardinal Nero. He asked for forgiveness in a repentant manner.

"It's not your fault, God is watching everything in the world!" Archbishop Nero lifted the golden cross and lightly stamped it on Tepes' forehead.

"We will do our part in defending the city." Leonard sorted out the words and asked: "Mr. Tepesh, isn't there a secret passage for safe escape in the camp?"

"Of course there is, but I'm not sure that City Lord Ozzie has the information of this secret passage. In addition, the exit of these secret passages is not far away. The other end of the exit is ten kilometers away from the camp. , It's not safe, and Van Lundin on the opposite side is very likely to notice! In the wilderness, no one can escape the combined hunting of the beasts and the black water dragon!" Tepesh's face was ugly.

"Even if there is a risk, we have to give it a try!" Hugo believes that sticking to the camp is a dead end.

"The secret passage can tell you, but I hope that the merchants and hunters in the camp will withdraw first. After all, they are the most innocent." Tepes made a request: "If you want, you can help us hold the camp until the night. ."

"Why? This is their war!" Reloaded knight Andre was dissatisfied. You are generous enough to let the merchant hunters go first, and want everyone to help you defend the city? Do you think a three-day banquet can really buy everyone off? However, Arius of the Legion of Eden touched him quietly. At first, Andre was puzzled and wanted to question, but he immediately reacted and hurriedly promised: "Let the merchant go first, no problem. Mr. Pesh, we will help you hold on till the evening!"

Tepes gave Arius a thoughtful look.

Look at the mercenary leaders around.

Everyone had no intention of objecting, and there was a flash of joy in his eyes. He nodded and waved to Captain Babu: "Brave Captain Babu, I hope you will open the secret tunnel as soon as possible, so that merchants and hunters can use it the most. Retreat quickly! Tell them that we don’t have much time to buy. I hope that everyone will live first, throw away the light and heavy materials, and only pack the most valuable and necessary items and leave! You can tell them, if we The camp can still be kept, so I will definitely find a way to compensate them in the future to reduce their losses today. But now is the time to escape, you let them use the fastest speed, so don't delay a second!"

"Yes!" Captain Babu, who has a huge steel arm, led Chuck and quickly ran down the camp high wall, and raised his voice to summon the suspicious businessmen and hunters.

While explaining, move towards the square.

Chuck and a few other guards. The iron anchor buried deep in the ground was pulled up early.

Through clever mechanisms, these places are buried deep in the anchors. After being pulled up, it turned out to be four relatively narrow tunnel entrances.

Captain Babu shouted: "You can go now when you are ready. The tunnel is safe, the air is enough to breathe, the tunnel is big enough, don't be afraid, we will send people to **** you all the way away. At the tunnel exit, there is a slope, Van Lundin They will not find out. As long as everyone stays quiet, we can easily escape the hunt... Everyone. Take care of your belongings or valuables. Please keep them secretly if you can’t take them away. We have another day to return. Tepesh promised that he will give everyone a satisfactory compensation in the future. Now everyone will save their lives and find this guy to be accounted for in the future! Pay attention to the torch to light up, and also. Don't step on it in a panic, so as not to accidentally hurt the children..."

The thin little Chuck with big eyes, holding a long dagger in one hand, and a lighted torch in the other: "Come with me. Those who are ready, can go now, we have to buy time. Don't panic. These four All entrances go to the same secret passage, and the queues are the same everywhere! The tunnel is safe. There is no other than the big mouse, I will go ahead. Always protect everyone!"

Most travel merchants hurriedly packed up their burdens and set off on the road.

Some people close the door and secretly store the things they can't take.

Few local aborigines were willing to leave. Most of them with angry faces returned home to copy their weapons and rushed to the high wall to prepare to kill the invaders.

Everyone understands how to protect the homeland.

Some hunters who lived for a long time also picked up bows and arrows and took the initiative to help.

"I have a question here, Mr. Mu, how many secrets do you think there will be in the camp?" Jonathan spoke in Chinese this time. He didn't want his words to be understood by Tepesh or the local natives: "I don't know. Is there such a custom of escape here in Purgatory, but this kind of adaptation speed is too fast! If there is no accident, we will have another choice at night, of course, it is good or bad, but it is not my guess. of!"

"A bold guess, Jonathan, you have a lot of ideas." Lin Dong smiled slightly: "In fact, everyone can think of it, because building a city, even a small city, also requires a lot of money and materials. If you rely on saving, you need it. After a long time accumulation, if you can add a considerable amount of wealth for no reason like a pie in the sky, then building a city will become easier! The only difficulty in this process is to convince everyone. If everyone believes, Then everything will fall into the grasp of the caring people. Our wealth is not in the calculations, because our wealth is not much, but we have other things worthy of others to remember, such as certain things that must be us to enter Or it must be a place that we can open, and we need to take the initiative to complete it for them without knowing it."

"Master Tianshen, what should we do next?" The Griffon was amazed.

"Do you know how to act?" Lin Dong asked with a smile.

"Please call me the actor!" Griffon felt that if he ran to Hollywood, then the Oscar actor Golden Man could get his hands soft~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Old Shuai Tang and Xiao Li and so on, that acting skills will give her own shoeshine. Not worthy!

"Well, now there is a particularly heavy task to be handed over to you!" Lin Dong wanted this sentence. He took out the big leader to go to the countryside to inspect and encourage the gentle smile of the old farmer to use many kinds of Chinese cabbage, and patted the griffon on the shoulder: "Please show your acting skills so that those who we need them to know think that you are a smart person who cannot be deceived. You use your acting skills and a handsome, cool and cold fan to tell them, but you I've seen through it all! Listen, this task is very difficult, are you confident to complete it perfectly?"

"I will use acting skills to give them a lesson!" Griffon clenched his fists, fighting spirit high.

"Very good!" Lin Dong nodded, stretched out his hand, and patted the Griffin's shoulder gently: "The important task of maintaining the peace of the earth is up to you!"

"Yes!" Griffin snapped a serious salute.

One hundred and eighty degrees turned around.

Then he left without looking back, the figure of Zhu Gu's back was extremely heroic... (to be continued...)


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